Chap5 New
Chap5 New
Chap5 New
1. Definition:
H(e ) ≡
(c) The output narrowband signal becomes
Y (ejω ) = H(ejω ) · X(ejω ), if |H(ejω0 )| = 1
1 1
= S(ej(ω−ω0)) · e−jωnd · e−jφ0 + S(ej(ω+ω0)) · e−jωnd · e+jφ0
2 2
1 1
y[n] = δ[n − nd] ∗ DT F T −1 S(ej(ω−ω0)) · e−jφ0 + S(ej(ω+ω0)) · e+jφ0
2 2
1 1
= δ[n − nd] ∗ s[n] · ejω0n · e−jφ0 + s[n] · e−jω0n · e+jφ0
2 2
= δ[n − nd] ∗ {s[n] · cos(ω0n − φ0)}
= s[n − nd] · cos[ω0(n − nd) − φ0]
5. (Ex 5.1) when “Mi Do Re” becomes “(silence) Re Do”
6. early(≤ 0) and late(≥ 0) group delays
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
7. Images are phase-sensitive!
[2] Practical System functions and linear difference equations
The system (transfer) function of an LTI system is the Z-transform of its impulse
response H(z) = Z{h[n]}. For an arbitrary input sequence x[n], its output is
y[n] = h[n] ∗ x[n], Y (z) = H(z)X(z).
1. ROC: must be a ring bounded by, but not including, poles.
2. Causality: ROC must be outside the outermost pole
3. Stability: ROC must include the unit circle, since |h[n]z −n| < ∞ at |z| = 1
implies h[n] is absolutely summable.
4. If an LTI system is stable and causal, then all poles of H(z) must lie inside unit
circle in the Z-plane.
For an LTI system which can be described by a linear constant coefficient difference
ak y[n − k] = br x[n − r],
k=0 r=0
Take Z-transform,
(a0 + a1z −1 + · · · + aN z −N )Y (z) = (b0 + b1z −1 + · · · + bM z −M )X(z),
then the system function is
M −r M −1
Y (z) r=0 br z b0 i=1 (1 − ciz )
H(z) = = N
=( ) N
j=1 (1 − dj z )
X(z) a0 −1
k=0 ak z
where ci’s and dj ’s are zeros and poles, respectively, of H(z).
[Ex 5.3]
1. difference eqns:
(a) causal: y[n] :=(assign) 52 y[n − 1] − y[n − 2] + x[n]
(b) stable: y[n − 1] := 25 y[n] + 25 y[n − 2] − 25 x[n]
(c) neither: y[n − 2] := −y[n] + 52 y[n − 1] + x[n]
2. system function: two repeated zeros at z = 0 and two poles at 1/2 and 2,
1 1 −3 4/3
H(z) = = = +
1 − 52 z −1 + z −2 (1 − 12 z −1)(1 − 2z −1) 1 − 12 z −1 1 − 2z −1
3. ROC’s:
(a) causal(outside the outermost pole): |z| > 2
(b) stable(including the unit circle): 1 < |z| < 2
(c) neither: |z| < 1
4. impulse responses:
(a) causal: h[n] = −3( 12 )nu[n] + 43 (2)nu[n], but unstable
(b) stable: h[n] = −3( 12 )nu[n] − 43 (2)nu[−n − 1], but noncausal
(c) neither: h[n] = +3( 12 )nu[−n − 1] − 43 (2)nu[−n − 1], anticausal, unstable
4. poles/zeros become zeros/poles: If H(z) is rational with poles dk and zeros ck ,
k=1 (1 − ck z )
b0 ΠM
H(z) =
k=1 (1 − dk z )
a0 ΠN −1
H(z) = Br z + , partial fraction expansion
1 − dk z −1
V - 11
h[n] = Br δ[n − r] + Ak dnku[n]
r=0 k=1
• Finite impulse response (FIR) system: if h[n] is finite in length.
• Infinite impulse response (IIR) system: if h[n] is of infinite length.
Suppose H(z) = 1−a1 z −1
1. Complex sinusoidal input(eigenfunction):
If x[n] = ejω0n, then y[n] = H(ejω0 )ejω0n
2. Causal(truncated) complex sinusoidal input:
If x[n] = ejω0n · u[n],
X(z) =
1 − ejω0 z −1
V - 14
b0 a1 b0
a1 −ejω0 1−a1e−jω0
Y (z) = H(z)X(z) = partial fraction expansion = +
1 − a1z −1 1 − ejω0 z −1
b0 a1 b0
y[n] = · a n
1 u[n] + ejω0 n
a1 − e jω 0 1 − a1 e−jω 0
N |pk | < 1
y[n] = Ak · pnk u[n] + H(ejω0 ) · ejω0n u[n] =⇒ H(ejω0 ) · ejω0n
k=1 n→∞
V - 15
[3] Frequency response of LTI systems with rational system functions
M −1
r=1 (1 − zr z )
H(z) = K N
k=1 (1 − pk z )
20 log10 |H(ejω )| = 20 log10 |K| + 20 log10 |1 − zr e−jω | − 20 log10 |1 − pk e−jω |(dB)
r=1 k=1
In general, zeros close to unit circle cause dips in magnitude response, and poles near
the unit circle cause peaks in magnitude response.
V - 17
Ᏽm z-plane
v2 v1
v3 v1
v1 3
v3 3
v2 e
Unit circle
3 =–⑀
v3 3 ⑀
v2 e
v3 ⑀
0 3 2
2 2
Radian frequency ()
From Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 2e by Oppenheim, Schafer, and Buck ©1999-2000 Prentice Hall, Inc.
0 3 2
2 2
Radian frequency ()
r = 0.5 –6
r = 0.7
r = 0.9
r=1 –10
0 3 2
2 2
Radian frequency ()
Figure 5.11 Frequency response for a single zero, with θ = π , r = 1, 0.9, 0.7,
and 0.5. (a) Log magnitude. (b) Phase. (c) Group delay for r = 0.9, 0.7, and 0.5.
Ᏽm z-plane
Unit circle
3 v3 v1 =–⑀
v2 ⑀
⑀ e
v3 v1
0 3 2
2 2
Radian frequency ()
From Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 2e by Oppenheim, Schafer, and Buck ©1999-2000 Prentice Hall, Inc.
0 3 2
2 2
Radian frequency ()
r = 1/0.9
r = 1.25
r = 2.0 0
0 3 2
2 2
Radian frequency ()
Figure 5.13 Frequency response for a single real zero outside the unit circle,
with θ = π, r = 1/0.9, 1.25, 2. (a) Log magnitude. (b) Phase (principal value).
(c) Group delay.
• fixed r = 0.9, θ = 0, π/2, π(Text Fig 5.8, pp 259), mag. response dips and sharp
phase change at ω = θ.
• fixed θ = π, r = 1, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5(Text Fig 5.11, pp 262), more attenuation and
sharper phase change as zero approaches unit circle.
• fixed θ = π, r = 1/0.9, 1.25, 2 outside the unit circle (Text Fig 5.13, pp 264),
more attenuation as zero approaches unit circle; negative phase slope and positive
group delay.
As to the contribution of a single pole, reverse the signs both in the log-dB magnitude
response and the phase response.
z −1 1+0.8z −1 1
[Ex] H1(z) = 1+0.9z −1 is a HPF, H 2 (z) = −1
(1−0.9z ) 2 a LPF, H 3 (z) = 1+0.81z −2
a BPF.
V - 18
[3.2] Multiple poles and zeros
V - 19
[4] Relationship between magnitude and phase
∗ ∗ ∗
r=1(1 − zr∗z)
H (1/z ) = K N
k=1 (1 − p∗k z)
produces conjugate reciprocal poles and zeros(1/p∗k , 1/zr∗ ).
M −1 ∗
2 r=1 (1−zr z )(1−zr z)
• C(z) = |K| N −1 ∗ has conjugate reciprocal pairs of poles and zeros,
k=1 (1−pk z )(1−pk z)
• z = rejθ −→ reflection about the unit circle −→ conjugate reciprocal 1/z ∗ =
(1/r)ejθ .
• Different H(z)’s can have the same magnitude response (within a scale factor),
so long as their conjugate reciprocal pairs of poles and zeros in C(z) are identical.
V - 20
1. (Ex 5.11, Fig 5.19)
V - 21
2. (Ex 5.12, Fig 5.20) There are 3 pairs of poles and zeros, respectively, for C(z).
(a) Knowing H(z) is causal and stable, we must restrict the poles p1, p2, p3
within the unit circle.
(b) Knowing h[n] is real-valued, there are 4 possible choices of zeros for H(z),
which are (z1, z2, z3), (z1, z2, z5), (z4, z5, z3) and (z4, z5, z6).
(c) If the no. of poles/zeros are not restricted, choices for H(z) would be
unlimited, if we cascading H(z) with any no. of all-pass systems of the form:
z −1 −a∗
1−az −1
, whose pole/zero are conjugate-reciprocal and magnitude response
is unity.
V - 22
[5] Allpass filters: compensate for phase distortion
A stable system function with one conjugate reciprocal pair of (pole, zero)=(a, 1/a∗),
z −1 − a∗
Hap(z) = ,
1 − az −1
o xx o
V - 23
3. For causal and stable allpass systems, both real and complex conjugate poles
must be within the unit circle: |dk | < 1 and |ek | < 1.
4. In all, there are M = N = 2Mc + Mr poles and zeros, respectively.
5. (Continuous)Phase: always nonpositive for 0 < ω < π.
Denote the pole as a = rjθ , then the phase response is
−jω −jθ
e − re −1 r sin(ω − θ)
∠)H(ejω ) = ∠) = · · · = −ω − 2 tan
1 − rejθ e−jω 1 − r cos(ω − θ)
We can show that the phase response of a causal allpass system is always nonpositive
for 0 < ω < π.
6. Group delay: always positive for stable causal allpass systems(Eq 5.95).
d 1 − r2
grd H(e ) ≡ − ∠)H(e ) = · · · =
jω jω
dω |1 − rejθ e−jω |2
Because r < 1(causal stable pole), the group delay due to a single pair of
pole/zero allpass system is always positive. With the property of positive group
delay, we can also prove that ∠)H(ejω ) < 0 for ω ∈ (0, π).
7. Allpass systems are useful in phase compensators, min-phase system theory, LPF
→ other filters design.
V - 24
Figure 5.18 Typical pole–zero plot for an all-pass system.
Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Third Edition Copyright ©2010, ©1999, ©1989 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Alan V. Oppenheim • Ronald W. Schafer All rights reserved.
Figure 5.19 Frequency response for all-pass filters with real poles at z = 0.9
(solid line) and z = −0.9 (dashed line).
(a) Log magnitude. (b) Phase (principal value). (c) Group delay.
Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Third Edition Copyright ©2010, ©1999, ©1989 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Alan V. Oppenheim • Ronald W. Schafer All rights reserved.
Figure 5.20 Frequency response of 2nd-order all-pass system with
poles at z = 0.9e±jπ/4. (a) Log magnitude. (b) Phase (principal value).
(c) Group delay.
Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Third Edition Copyright ©2010, ©1999, ©1989 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Alan V. Oppenheim • Ronald W. Schafer All rights reserved.
Figure 5.21 Frequency response for an all-pass system with the pole–
zero plot in Figure 5.18. (a) Log magnitude. (b) Phase (principal value).
(c) Group delay.
Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Third Edition Copyright ©2010, ©1999, ©1989 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Alan V. Oppenheim • Ronald W. Schafer All rights reserved.
[6] Minimum-phase systems
For a minimum-phase system with known magnitude response |H(e )| = C(z)|z=ejω ,
then its system function H(z) is uniquely determined from the poles/zeros of C(z)
inside the unit circle.
Any rational system function can be written as
H(z) = Hmin(z)Hap(z),
• Hmin(z) is the minimum-phase system containing
1. poles: all poles of H(z) inside the unit circle: p̂,
2. zeros: all zeros of H(z) inside the unit circle: ẑ, and all the conjugate-
reciprocal of zeros of H(z) outside the unit circle: z̃ = 1/z̆ ∗,
• Hap is an allpass system containing
1. zeros: all zeros of H(z) outside the unit circle: z̆,
2. poles: the reflected conjugate-reciprocal poles: p̃ = 1/z̆ ∗.
V - 25
H(z) Hmin(z) Hap(z)
◦ ◦
'$ ◦
'$ ◦ '$
×(4) ◦ ×(4) ×
◦&% ×&%
◦ ◦
◦ ◦
[Ex 5.14]
1 + 3z −1
H(z) =
1 + 12 z −1
?2 1 + 3z −1
= 1 −1 ·
1 + 2z ?1 ap
1 −1 −1 1
3(1 + 3 z ) z +3
= ·
1 + 12 z −1 1 + 13 z −1
min ap
V - 26
[Ex 5.15] Magnitude-response compensation of a nonminimum phase system. Con-
sider a nonminimum-phase FIR channel with zeros at 0.9e±j0.6π and 1.25e±j0.8π . We
1 ±j0.8π
can build an equalizer with poles at 0.9e±j0.6π (from the inside zeros) and 1.25 e
(conjugate-reciprocal of the outside zeros) to equalize its magnitude response. The
overall response(channel + equalizer) is simply the all-pass part of the channel, which
1 ±j0.8π
has poles at 1.25 e and zeros at 1.25e±j0.8π .
• Hmin(z) is causal and stable, its inverse 1/Hmin(z) is causal and stable, too.
• Hmin(z) has the least phase lag among all causal filters with the same magnitude
response: ∠)H(ejω ) = ∠)Hmin (ejω ) + ∠)Hap(ejω ), where ∠)Hap (ejω ) < 0 increase
the phase-lag (−∠)H(ejω )).
• Minimum group delay: − dω d
∠)H(ejω ) = − dωd
∠)Hmin (ejω ) − dω
∠)Hap(ejω ), where
the group for allpass system − dω
∠)Hap(ejω ) is always positive.
n 2 n 2
• Minimum energy delay: m=0 |h[m]| ≤ m=0 |hmin [m]| , for all n.
V - 27
1. Pole-zero plots and impulse responses
V - 28
2. Energy delay:
V - 29
[7] FIR linear phase systems
For a causal FIR system of impulse response: h[n], 0 ≤ n ≤ M , there are 4 types
of such filter to achieve linear phase, i.e., H(ejω ) = A(ejω )e−jωτ +jβ , where the
amplitude response A(ejω ) is nonnegative real, τ is the constant time delay.
1. 4 types of linear phase FIR filters:
(a) Type I: symmetric, M : even, delay = M/2
h[n] = h[M − n], 0 ≤ n ≤ M.
−jω −j2ω −j( M
2 −1)ω M −j M
H(e ) = h[0] + h[1]e + h[2]e + ··· + − 1]e
h[ M2 + h[ 2 ]e 2 ω
+h[M ]e−jωM + h[M − 1]e−jω(M−1) + h[M − 2]e −jω(M−2)
+ ···
+h[ M2 + 1]e−j( 2 +1)ω
= e−jω 2 h[ M2 ] + h[0] ejω 2 + e−jω 2 + h[1] ejω( 2 −1) + e−jω( 2 −1) + · · ·
jω −jω
+h[ 2 − 1] e + e
⎧ ⎫
M/2 ⎬
= e−jω 2 h[ M2 ] + 2 h[ M2 − k] cos ωk .
⎩ ⎭
V - 30
(b) Type II: symmetric, M : odd, delay= M/2
h[n] = h[M − n], 0 ≤ n ≤ M.
⎧ ⎫
H(ejω ) = e−jω 2 2 h[ M+1
2 − k] cos ω(k − 1
2 )⎪ .
⎩ k=1 ⎭
V - 31
2. Impulse responses of FIR linear phase systems:
V - 32
3. Zeros plot of FIR linear phase systems
V - 33
4. Properties of FIR linear phase systems:
(a) Symmetric: Type I & II: h[n] = h[M − n].
M 0
H(z) = h[n]z −n = h[M − n]z −n = h[k]z k z −M = z −M H(z −1)
n=0 n=0 k=M
implies zeros of symmetric FIR linear phase systems H(z) occur in reciprocal
pairs, H(z) = H(1/z) = 0.
[Pf] If z0 is a zero, H(z0) = 0 ⇒ z0−M H(z0−1) = 0 ⇒ H(z0−1) = 0, thus z0−1
is a zero, too.
If, in addition, h[n] is real-valued, then zeros must occur in conjugate pairs,
(b) antisymmetric: Type III & IV: h[n] = −h[M − n].
H(z) = −z −M H(z −1)
implies zeros of antisymmetric FIR linear phase systems H(z) occur in reciprocal
pairs, too.
(c) Zeros of a real-valued linear-phase FIR, symmetric or antisymmetric, must
occur in a quadruple of conjugate/reciprocal pairs. If z0 is a zero of H(z), so
are its conjugate, its inverse, and its conjugate inverse, i.e., {z0, z0∗, 1/z0 , 1/z0∗}
are all zeros of H(z). [Pf] H(1/z) = z M H(z).
V - 34
(d) Notes:
• For Type II, with M being odd, −1 is always a zero.
note that H(−1) = (−1)−M H(−1/1), if M is odd, H(−1) = −H(−1);
thus H(−1) = 0.
• For Type III, ±1 are always zeros.
note that H(±1) = −(±1)−M H(±1) = −H(±1), if M is even; thus
H(±1) = 0.
• For Type IV, 1 are always a zero.
note that H(1) = −(1)−M H(1) = −H(1) implies H(1) = 0.
(e) To implement different kinds of filters,
i. LPF(no zero at z = 1): Use type I or II.
ii. HPF(no zero at z = −1): Use type I or IV.
iii. BPF: Use any type.
iv. BSF(bandstop, no zero at z = ±1): use type I.
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