Gce As - New: Investigating The Media

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B680U10-1 S18-B680U10-1

MEDIA STUDIES – AS component 1

Investigating the Media


1 hour 45 minutes

In addition to this question paper, you will need:
• to view an audio-visual resource for use with Question 0 1
• print-based Resource A for use with Question 0 2
• a WJEC pink 16-page answer booklet.

Answer all questions in Section A and Section B.
Use black ink or black ball-point pen.
Answers to all the questions must be written on the separate answer booklet provided. If you need
additional paper, please ask your invigilator and attach the sheets securely to this answer booklet.
Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the spaces at the top of all answer
booklets. At the end of the examination, the answer booklet must be handed to the invigilator.


The allocation of marks is given at the end of each question or part-question. The number of marks
indicates the length of the response required.
You are advised to spend approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes on Section A, including studying the
unseen resources, and approximately 30 minutes on Section B.
You should use relevant theories and relevant subject-specific terminology where appropriate.
Question 2 requires an extended response. You will be assessed on the quality of your written
response, including the ability to construct and develop a sustained line of reasoning which is
coherent, relevant, substantiated and logically structured.
Question 3(d) provides an opportunity to draw together knowledge and understanding from across
the full course of study. You will be rewarded for drawing together knowledge and understanding of
different areas of the theoretical framework and media contexts.

© WJEC CBAC Ltd. VP*(S18-B680U10-1)


Answer all questions in both sections.

SECTION A: Investigating Media Language and Representation

Question 1 is based on the unseen audio-visual resource. It consists of an extract from the music
video Shape of You (Ed Sheeran, 2017).

You will be allowed one minute to read Question 1.

The music video will be shown twice.
First viewing: watch the music video and make notes.
You will then have five minutes to make further notes.
Second viewing: watch the music video and make final notes.
Once the second viewing has finished, you should answer Question 1.

Media Language

0 1 How do visual elements create meaning in this music video extract? [10]


Question 2 is based on both of the following:

• Resource A, an unseen film poster for Wonder Woman (2017)

• the set print advertisement you have studied: Tide (1950s)

Study Resource A carefully and use this film poster and the set print advertisement you have studied
when answering the question.

0 2 Compare how stereotypes are used in the film poster for Wonder Woman and the
advertisement for Tide.

In your answer, you must consider:

• the similarities and differences in how stereotypes are used in the products
• how the representations convey values and attitudes
• how far the representations reflect historical and cultural contexts. [25]

© WJEC CBAC Ltd. (B680U10-1)


Section B: Investigating Media Industries and Audiences

0 3 (a) Name the media organisation that owns the Daily Mirror. [1]

(b) Identify two ways in which newspapers are distributed. [2]

(c) Briefly explain an advantage of one of these ways. [2]

In Question 3(d), you will be rewarded for drawing together knowledge and understanding
from across your full course of study, including different areas of the theoretical framework
and media contexts.

(d) Explain how political contexts affect the newspaper industry. Refer to the Daily
Mirror to support your points. [10]

0 4 (a) Using demographics and/or psychographics, identify two possible audiences for
Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation. [2]

(b) Explain how audiences interact with video games. Refer to Assassin’s Creed III:
Liberation to support your points. [8]


© WJEC CBAC Ltd. (B680U10-1)

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