Physical Pharmaceutics-II

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Physical Pharmaceutics - II

B. Pharm IVth Semester


Sl. no Name of Experiments Page No

1 Determination of particle size, particle size distribution using sieving 3-5

2 Determination of particle size, particle size distribution using 6-8
Microscopic method.
3 Determination of bulk density, true density and porosity. 9-11

4 Determination of the angle of repose and influence of lubricant on angle 12-14

of repose
5 Determination of viscosity of liquid using Ostwald’s viscometer 15-18

6 Determination of effect of different suspending agent on sedimentation 19-21

7 Determination of effect of different concentration of single suspending 22-24
agent on sedimentation volume.

8 Determination of viscosity of semisolid by using Brookfield viscometer 25-27

9 Determination of reaction rate constant first order. 28-30

10 Determination of reaction rate constant second order 31-33

11 Accelerated stability study. 34-35


AIM: To determine the average particle size and find out their distribution pattern for thr given sample
granules by sieve analysis method
PRINCIPLE: Sieve method gives sieve diameter which is defined as the diameter of the sphere that
passess through the sieve aperture. The asymmetric particle sieve method directly give weight
distribution. Particles having size range from 50 and 1500µm are estimated by sieving method.
In this method, the size is expressed as dsieve. The sieving method finds application in dosage
and development of tablets and capsules. Normally 15 percent of fine powder (passed through
mesh 100) should be present in granulated material to get a proper flow of material and achieve
good compaction in tableting. Therefore, percent of coarse and fine can be quickly estimated.
Sieves for pharmaceutical testing are constructed from wire cloth with square meshes, woven
from wire of brass, bronze, stainless steel or any other suitable material.
Designations and Dimensions of I.P specification sieves

Aperture Size Aperture Size

Sieve Number Micrometer Sieve Number Micrometer
10 1700 44 325
12 1400 60 250
16 1000 85 35
22 710 100 36
25 600 120 34
30 500 150 36
36 425 170 35

Advantages of sieving method

2. It is in expensive, sample and rapid with reproducible results.
3. Sieving method is useful when particles are having size range between 50 and 1500µ
Disadvantage of sieving method
1. Lower limit of the particle size is 50 µm.
2. If the powder is not dry, apertures become clogged with particles leading to impropersieving.
3. During shaking, attrition occurs causing size reduction of particles. This leads to errors in
Factors influencing the sieving method:
Factors influencing sieving are weight of sample, duration of shaking and type of motion. The types of
motion influencing sieving are vibratory motion, (most efficient), side tap motion, bottom pat
motion, rotary motion with tap and rotary motion. The type of motion standardized. Care should
be taken in order to get reproducible results.
1. Standard sieves set is selected (sieve no: 10, 22, 36, 44, 65, 80, 100,120) and arranged in such
manner that the coarsest remains at the top and finest at the bottom.
2. Weigh approximately 50g of sample place the sample on the coarsest sieve no.10.
3. Fix the above sieves set on hand sieve shaker and shaken for 20 minutes.
4. Collect the Sample retained on each sieve into a paper, weigh all the ample.
5. Report the weights retained on each sieve in the table against corresponding sieve number.

Observation Table:

Sieve Aperture Arithmetic Weight % Wt of Cumulative Weight % %

No Size as Mean Size of % Size (n×d) Under Over
Per I.P of opening Granules Retained Granules Size Size
(μm) (d) (μm) Retained (Under retained (100-
on Sieve Size) (Under %
over Size “n” Size) Under
(gm) Size



Σn= Σ(n×d)=

The average diameter of the given granules was found to be ............. µm.

AIM: To determine the average particle size of the given powder sample and study their size distribution using
compound microscope.
Principle: Micromeritics involve the study of small particles and of the order of a few micron sizes. This
study involves the characterization of individual particles, particle size distribution shape angle of
repose, porosity, true volume, bulk volume, true density and bulk density of powder. Theunit of particle
size is micrometer or simply micron, which is equal to 10-6 meter or 10-3millimeter. The millimicron is
referred as nanometer (nm). Calibration of the eye piece microemeter is the first step for determining
the particle size distribution of powder.

Requirements: Microscopic, stage micrometer, MgO powder (water insoluble powder).



 Standard stage micrometer is used to calibrate of eye piece micrometer. Eye piece
micrometer is a glass slide (7.5cm into 2.5cm) which has the scales engraved in the scale usefully
0.1mm is length. 1mm divided into 100 divisions. Thus smallest division least count of the stage
micrometer represents 0.01mm or 10μm length.
 In this experiment in the optical combination of 10x eye piece and 45x objective is used
 The stage micrometer is least on the stage of the microscope. The objective is position to the
center of objective
 Initially disc focus low power the scale of stage micrometer observed (100 divisions)
 Now the objective is focus to high power (45x)
 Two points were selected one point on the left side where divisions both scales coincide and
another point on the right side
 The number of small division that is eye piece were counted and big division stage
micrometer were counted and recorded.

Number of divisions of eyepiece micrometer (X)= Number of division of stage micrometer (Y)

One division of eyepiece micrometer= Y/X number of division of stage micrometer.

As 1 division of stage micrometer is equal to 10µm, the one division of eyepiece micrometer =
10 x Y/X. 6
1. Note down the least count "L" of the stage micrometer. Determine the number of
divisions n1 of stage micrometer that coincide with the eyepiece micrometer divisions n2.
Then 1 division of the eyepiece micrometer = [n1*l]/n2

2. Prepare a dilute suspension of the given sample powder is distilled water. Place a drop of
the suspension on a glass slide and observe the particles under the microscope with
calibrated eyepiece micrometer. Determine the average size of the particle by taking mean
of the length and breadth of the particle (since most the particles are not spherical).
3. Measure size of 100 particles as in (2) above.

Note: Usually 1 division of stage micrometer = 0.01 mm i.e. L = 0.01 mm

Each division of eyepiece micrometer= µm.

Observation and calculation:

Number of divisions of eye piece micrometer (A)=Number of divisions of stage micrometer (B).

One division of eye piece micrometer=B/A number of divisions of stage micrometer.

As one division of stage micrometer is equal to 10 µm, one division of eye piece µm= 10XB/A µm.
∑n= Total number of particles

1 micron =10-4cm = 10-6 m

Average particle size : ∑NX /∑N =

1. Plot the graph of % frequency (i.e. wt. %) vs diameter
2. Plot the graph of cumulative % frequency vs d.


Number of Size(lengt Numb Size Averag Size Me No of NX

division(lengt h in erof ((Breadth) esize Range an particl
h)) micromete divisio inµm in µm siz es
r) n e in each
(Breadt ra class
h) ng


∑N= ∑NX

Report: One division of eye piece micrometer .


Aim: To determine bulk density, true density and percentage porosity of the given granules


Solid bodies retain their volume and shape under atmospheric pressure. An important factor in
choosing a suitable sample for density determination is the question of whether the density is
required as a characteristic of a material or whether density determination is performed to check
for defects in a material. The choice of procedure for density determination will depend on this
factor as well. The density of particles, powders, and compacts is an important property
affecting the performance and function of many pharmaceutical materials. By definition, all
density measurements involve the measurement of mass and volume. Mass is determined with
an analytical balance and the key to obtaining reliable density values is in the accuracy and
precision of measuring volume.
Bulk density is a characteristic of a volume of divided material such as powders, grains, and
granules. It includes the volume of the solid material, open and closed pores, and the
interparticle voids. The total volume of interparticle voids can change with packing, thus
leading to the concept of tap density, which measures the volume of a mass of sample after
inducing a closer packing of particles by tapping the container. Taking this method to the
extreme leads to the determination of void volume and compressed density after compressing
the sample under extreme forces and measuring the volume change as a function of applied
True density is the density of the solid material excluding the volume of any open and closed
pores. Depending on the molecular arrangement of the material, the true density can equal the
theoretical density of the material. True density measurements can be performed on APIs,
excipients, blends, and monolithic samples such as tablets. In micrometrics studies high-
precision gas pycnometer which gives accurate to 0.02% of the sample volume are used to
determine true density.
Porosity consists of volume of the pores relative to the envelope volume used to calculate
envelope density. The porosity of pharmaceutical materials and medical devices can impact
production, material movement, and pharmacokinetic behaviour. Tablet porosity determines
the tensile strength (hardness) of tablets for a given composition. Tablet porosity may be
regarded as a measure of the tableting process. Variations in tablet porosity reflect various

aspects of tablet press performance. Tablet porosity may relate to tablet disintegration and
dissolution. In the case of coated tablets, coating quality may be affected by tablets porosity.
The angle of repose is given by

(θ) = tan-1 h/r

Where, h = height of pile
r = radius of the base of the pile

Bulk density is defined as the ratio of weight of powder to the bulk volume is the volume
occupied by certain weight of powder when gently poured into the measuring cylinder.

Bulk density = weight I bulk volume

Tapped density is the ratio of weight of powder to the tapped volume. Tapped volume
is the volume occupied by certain weight of powder after standard no. of tapping.

Tapped density = weight Itapped

volumeCarr's index may be

defined as
Carr's index = (Tapped density -bulk density Itapped density) x 100

Hausner's ratio is the no. i.e. co-related to flowability of the

powder.Hausner's ratio=Tapped density Ibulk density

Chemical Requirements: Lactose, calcium carbonate, talc, zinc oxide
Apparatus: Measuring cylinder, weighing balance, funnel, burette stand

1. Determination of bulk density and tap density

2. 10gm of powder sample was weight accurately. Then it was transferred in to a 100ml
measuring cylinder. The volume was noted as bulk volume V 1. Then the measuring cylinder
was tapped 100 times. The volume noted as tapped volume.
Bulk Density=Weight/Bulk Volume

Tapped Density=Weight/Tapped Volume

1.Determination of carr 's index and hausner’s ratio: -

Carr's Index= {(Tapped Density -Bulk Density) /Tapped Density}

x 100Hausner's Ratio=Tapped Density/Bulk Density.

2. Determination of angle of repose: -

A clean and dry funnel was taken and attached to a burette stand. A white paper site
was placed 5cm below the tip of the funnel in a dry plat form. Gently this sample was
pore into the funnel. Using a pencil circle was drawn around the tip of powder. T h e
height of the hip also measured.The same procedure was followed 3 times to obtain
average reading.
Angle of repose (Ɵ)=tan-1h/r , Where h = Average height of heap

r = Average radius of heap

3. Determination of flow rate

Flow Rate=Weight of Powder/Time Required to Flow



25-30 GOOD



1. Calculation of bulk density:

Bulk density (pB) = Mass/Bulk Volume
2. Calculation of true density
True density (pi) =
3. Calculation of Porosity:
Total porosity =
1. Weight of powder (w1) =25.grams
2. Volume of measuring cylinder occupied by powder (V1) =….mL
3. Volume of measuring cylinder occupied by powder after tapping (V2) = ......... mL
4. Volume of density bottle (V3) = ........ mL
5. Weight of powder in density bottle = 10 grams
6. Volume of solvent added to density bottle (V4)=.......... mL.
7. True volume of powder (VT) = V3 — V4 mL


 The bulk density of the given sample of granules was found to be = g/cm3
 The true density of a given powder was found to be = g/cm3
 The percentage porosity of the a given powder is =%


AIM: To determine the effect of glidants on lubricants of angle of repose


 Lactose powder
 Starch paste
 Talc
 Mortar and pestle
 Funnel, stand

When a powder material passes through an orifice, they are called free flowing, while those do
not pass even through the particle are very much smaller than orifice, are called cohesive. Angle
of repose is one of the simplest technique used to determine the flowability of powder materials.

The angle of repose (θ) is defined as the angle of elevation to the horizontal at which the powder
commences to slide upon itself. The angle of conical heap can be determined from the diameter or
radius of the base and height of the cone.

tan θ = height / radius; thus θ = tan-1 (height/ radius)

The high value of θ is the indication of cohesive nature of powder and low value for free flowing.
When the angle is at minimum i.e., 25°, the powder will flow easily.

Lubricants are glidants that reduces friction during tablet ejection, happen between the surface of
the tablet and the walls of the die cavity. The most widely used lubricants are steric acid and steric
acid derivatives such as calcium and magnesium stearate and talc. Glidants are intended to
increase flow of powder from hopper to die cavity during tableting. It increases flow of the
granulation of powder materials by reducing friction between the particles. The most widely used
glidants have been derivation of talc and corn starch.

 Select a glass funnel which has a round shape of 15-30mm of diameter with flat edge
 Fix the funnel with a clamp (on the ring)

 Place the glass plate on the ring and arrange it below the glass funnel
 Keep on graph paper on the glass funnel
 Weigh approximately 100gm of granules
 Pour the granules while blocking the orifice of the funnel be thumb
 Remove the thumb the granules load at flow down into the graph paper and form a cone shaped

 Adjust the thumb the funnel clamp so that the gap between the bottom of the funnel peak

of the powder pile is about 3mm

 Repeat the 5-7 steps.
 Finally pour the granules back into funnel and allow to flow
 Mark four points which are opposite to each other on the circular base on the graph paper
 Record the readings in table, this value is the diameter calculate the radius in ®
 Measure the height of the pile using two rulers
 Keep one ruler vertically and another horizontally to touch the peak of the pile, then
read thevalue for the vertical scale.
 Substitutes the value in equation to obtained the angle of repose, generally the (h/r)
measure isthe angle of repose data were plotted semi-long paper and copies of curves made
available for the purpose of calculating angle
 Repeat the procedure 2 more time and take on average

Angle of Repose θ= tan-1 h/r

The angle of repose of the given granules (without glidant) =
The concentration is
The effect of glidants of lubricants of angle of repose is =
Inference is that the flow of granules

TRIAL HEIGHT RADIUS (r) h/r Angle of Reposeθ=
(cm) (cm) tan-1 h/r
Average angle of Repose =


Aim: To determine the viscosity of the unknown liquid by using Ostwald’s viscometer
 Ostwald’s viscometer,Stop clock,Specific gravity bottle,Sample,Distilled water

The viscosity of liquid is a resistance to flow of a liquid. All liquids appear resistance to
flow change from liquid to another, the water faster flow than glycerin, subsequently the
viscosity of water less than glycerin at same temperature. Viscosity occurs as a result of
contact liquid layers with each other. The viscosity is measured by Ostwald viscometer.
Relative Viscosity is the ratio of the absolute viscosity of the fluid on the viscosity of water
at a certain temperature. The viscosity coefficient is force (dyne) necessary to move the
layer of liquid 1 cm2 in speed 1 cm/sec on another layer of liquid and the distance between
them is 1cm. The SI unit of viscosity is the Pascal-second (Pa·s), or equivalently kilogram
per meter per second (kg·m−1·s−1). The CGS unit (g·cm−1·s−1 = 0.1 Pa·s) is called the
poise (P) named after Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille. When fluid is forced through a tube,
the fluid generally moves faster near the axis and very slowly near the walls therefore some
stress (such as a pressure difference between the two ends of the tube) is needed to
overcome the friction between layers and keep the fluid moving. For the same velocity
pattern, the stress required is proportional to the fluid’s viscosity. A liquid’s viscosity
depends on the size and shape of its particles and the attractions between the particles. A
liquid whose viscosity is less than that of water is sometimes known as a mobile liquid,
while a substance with a viscosity substantially greater than water is called a viscous liquid.
For two different liquids viscosity of unknown liquid can be determined using the following

n2/n1=t2ρ2/t1 ρ1
n2= Viscosity of sample liquid (glycerin)

t2= time taken by sample liquid

ρ2= density of sample liquid (1.26 gm/ml)
n1=Viscosity of reference liquid (water = 0.91centi poise at 25 °C)
t1 =time taken by reference liquid
ρ1=density of reference liquid (1.0 gm/ml)



 Wash the relative density bottle with distilled water and dried.
 Take the weight of empty bottle and filled given liquid
 Clean and rinse the viscometer properly with distilled water
 Fix the viscometer vertically in the stand and filled the specific amount of given unknown
liquid in viscometer
 Time of flow recorded when the liquid starts to flow from the mark c and d above and below
the bulb a. the experiment repeated 3-4 times to get viscosity of the given unknown liquid.

Room temperature = 25°C
Time of flow of water (t1) = .......................... sec
Time of flow of Sample liquid (t2) = ..................... sec

1 2 3 (SEC)

distilled water
given sample

The viscosity of the unknown liquid is = …centipoise


AIM: To determine the sedimentation volume with effect of different suspending agent.

Chemicals: Zinc oxide powder (ZnO), Acacia, Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), tragacanth,
distilled water etc.
Glassware and apparatus: Mortar, pestle, measuring cylinder etc.

SUSPENSION: Pharmaceutical suspension may be defined as a coarse dispersion in which insoluble
solids are suspended in liquid medium. It is also known as heterogeneous system (or) more precisely
biphasic system. The insoluble solids may have size range from 10- 10000µm and liquid medium is
normally water or a water based vehicle.

SUSPENDING AGENT: Suspending agent is defined as physiologically inert substance which

increases the viscosity when added to suspensions. It helps in the keeping the dispersed particles.
Suspended thus there enhanced the physical stability and re-dispersion of the sediment or shaking.
PHYSICAL STABILITY: Physical stability may be defined as a condition in which particles remain
uniformly distributed throughout the dispersion with any signs of sedimentation. In practice
Physical stability may be defined as a condition in which particles should be easily re-suspended
by a moderate shaking. If they settle suspensions when kept aside. The solids tends to settle at the
bottom of the container due to gravitational pull on the particles of higher size. It is not possible to
prevent the sedimentation volume and its case of re-dispersion are the common evaluation procedure
for assessing the physical stability. The two sedimentation parameters are
employed such as
1. Sedimentation volume
2. Degree of flocculation


 Sedimentation volume is defined as F

 When a suspension is taken in a measuring cylinder volume and height is proportional and
height can be conveniently measured through the term volume isincluded in the terminology
Page 14
sedimentation volume “F” is a dimension less number. Most pharmaceutical suspension has
an “F” value less than one. If f=1 the product has no sediment and no clear supernatant on
standing which is an ideal condition. Normally “F” value lies between 0 and 1. Sometimes the
network of flow is loose and fluffy and ultimate volume of sediment increase. In this
situation. “F” value will be greater than one.


1. Weigh 5gm of calcium carbonate and place in a mortar and add small quantity of water and
triturate the sample. After suspending the powder uniformly transfer the suspension into a
100ml measuring cylinder makeup the volume to 100ml with distilled water.
2. Separately prepare 5% w/v of calcium carbonate suspension with 1% of different suspending
agent such as bentonite, methyl cellulose, respectively in different vessel add small quantity of
water and triturate well. After powder is uniformly suspended transfer the suspension into
separate 100ml measuring cylinder.
3. Makeup the volume to 100ml with distilled water
4. Shake the suspension simultaneously and kept aside
5. Note the volume of sediment at time periods 0, 10, 20, 30, 60 minutes. Calculate the
sedimentation volume.
6. Draw the plot by taking “F” values on “Y” axis and the time on “X” axis.

Volume of Sediment and sedimentation volume of suspensions :

Time(min) ZnO ZnO + CMC ZnO+Tragacanth ZnO + Acacia

Vu F Vu F Vu F Vu F



Page 15




Where, Vu is volume of sediment at time (t) minutes and F is sedimentation volume in ml.

Sedimentation volume :
Sedimentation volume of all suspensions at different concentrations is
calculated using following equation

Plot the graph of sedimentation volume (F) vs. Time (min) for each suspending agent.

A plot of sedimentation Volume vs. Time


1. Note sediment volumes accurately at different time intervals.

2. Allow suspensions to stand undisturbed.
3. Use good quality suspending agents.
4. Use calibrated measuring cylinders to measure volumes.

Page 16

5% calcium carbonate suspension 1% carboxy methyl cellulose as suspending was found to be

morephysically stable compared with other suspending agent

Page 17

AIM: Determination of Sedimentation volume With Effect of Different Concentration of Single

Suspending Agent

Chemicals: Zinc oxide powder (ZnO), Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), distilled water etc.
Glassware and apparatus: Mortar, pestle, measuring cylinder etc.


Pharmaceutical suspension may be defined as a coarse dispersion in which insoluble solids

are suspended in liquid medium. It is also known as heterogeneous system (or) more
precisely biphasic system. The insoluble solids may have size range from 10-10000μm and
liquid medium is normally water or a water based vehicle.The concentration of suspending
agent decreases the sedimentation volume of dispersion. This increase in the concentration
of the suspending agents may be explained by the increase in the viscosities of the
dispersion. Higher dispersion viscosity tends to slow down the rate of particle
sedimentation in accordance to Stokes Law but may not prevent the incidence of caking
when the particles eventually sediment. Sedimentation volume is potentiated by increase in
concentration of the suspending agents. The effect of concentration of the suspending
agents on sedimentation volume may be attributed to linear relationship between their
concentration and viscosity of their aqueous dispersions in conjunction with Stokes law,
which reveals an inverse relationship between sedimentation rate and the viscosity of the
dispersion medium.

Fig : Effect of concentration of suspending agent on sedimentation volume of dispersion

Page 18

1. Prepare 500 ml each of 5% w/v Zinc oxide suspension in distilled water .

Accurately weigh 25 g of Zinc oxide and transfer to mortar and triturate with small
volume of distilled water (approximately 50-100 ml) to make a paste. Make up total volume
to 500 ml with remaining water.

2. Transfer 100 ml each to different measuring cylinders and add 2,4,6 and 8 % w/v
CMC assuspending agent.
3. Use fifth suspension as a control that contains no suspending agent.
4. Shake well all suspensions and leave them for sedimentation . Note down the
volume ofsediment in each of measuring cylinder at definite time period.
5. Determine the sedimentation volume (F).
6. Plot the graph of sedimentation volume Vs time in minute.


1. Original volume of sediment (Vo) =100 ml

2. Final volume of sediment (Vt) = _________ ml
3. Time of Sedimentation = ___________min.

Conc. of Vt Time(in F= Vu/Vo %F=

suspending (ml minutes) Vu/Vo×100
agent(%) )

0 0
2 10

4 20
6 30

8 40
10 50

Observation Table:
Volume of Sediment and sedimentation volume of suspensions :

Where, Vu is volume of sediment at time (t) mins and F is sedimentation volume in ml.

Page 19
1. Sedimentation volume : Sedimentation volume of all suspensions at
differentconcentrations is calculated using following equation:
F=Vu/Vo and F% = (Vu/Vo)*100
Plot the graph of sedimentation volume (F’) vs. Concentration of suspending agent (%w/v).


1. Carefully make-up final volume of suspension to 100 ml.

2. Note sediment volumes accurately.
3. Allow suspensions to stand undisturbed.
4. Use calibrated measuring cylinders to measure volumes.


 Increase the concentration of suspending agent and also increase the viscosity so lower the
sedimentation volume
 The concentration of single suspending agent bentonite has more physical stable

Page 20

AIM: To determine the viscosity of semisolid by using Brooke field viscometer


Chemicals : Any semisolid material.

Glassware and apparatus: Brookfield viscometer

PRINCIPLE: Newton was the first to study the flow properties of liquids in quantitative terms liquids
that obey newton’s law of flow are called as Newtonian fluids.

F= ɳG, Shear stress- shear rate

Relationship is normally in the form of a curve rheogram or consistency curve. When data are
plotted by taking “F” on x-axis and “G” on y-axis, a flow curve is obtained. The rheogram passes
through the origin and the slope given the coefficient of viscosity system that follow this linear
relationship are called as Newtonian fluids. This class includes liquids such as water, glycerine,
chloroform, solutions of syrups, very dilute colloidal solution. Simple liquids exhibit Newtonian
flow. Rheological properties of heterogeneous dispersions such as emulsions, suspensions and
semisolid are more complex and do not obey newton’s equation of flow based on the pattern of
consistency curve, Non-Newtonian fluids are categorized as
 Plastic flow
 Pseudo plastic flow

 Dilatant flow


 Prepare bentonite magma (5%w/v), methyl cellulose (2%w/v) and mineral oil. They
show Non-Newtonian rheological profile
 Measure the viscosity of these liquids using a Brookfield viscometer and observe the
thixotrophy phenomenon

 Place the spindle with the correct number listed in the data sheet in each liquid and rotate the
spindle at the speeds indicated. Once the dial reading has stabilized, record the values of

Page 21
viscosity in (cps).


Viscosity in cps= dial reading x factor

S. No Spindle Speed Factors Dial Reading
(F × Dial reading)
1. 6 1000
2. 12 500
3. 30 200
4. 60 100
5. 30 200
6. 12 500
7. 6 1000


The viscosity of the given sample was found to be= ……centipoise (cps)

Page 22

AIM: To determine the reaction rate constant and half life of ester (methyl acetate or number of globules)
at 0.5M HCL at room temperature
 Conical flask (250 ml)
 10 ml volumetric pipette
 Burette
 Ethyl acetate or methyl acetate
 Test tube
 0.5 N HCL solution
 0.25 N NAOH solution
 Phenolphthalein indicator
 Ice cold water


Preparation of hydrochloric acid solution (0.5N) IP

Solutions of any normality XN may be prepared by diluting 85 x ml of HCL to 1000ml with water.
Measure 850 ml of distilled water into a 1000ml volumetric flask. Add 42.5 ml of conc. HCL and
slowly added. Finally make up the water in 1000ml.
Preparation of NAOH solution (0.25 N) IP:
Solutions of any normally XN may be prepared by dissolving 40 x gm of NAOH in water and diluting
to 1000ml. weigh 10gm of NAOH and transferred into 1000ml volumetric flask. Add water slowly
with stirring finally makeup the water into 1000ml.



 100ml of 0.5N HCL solution is measured and transferred into a 250ml conical flask
 It should be kept in the water bath for equilibrium (do not heat)
 10ml of the given ester it transfer into the test tube and kept in the water bath for
equilibrium.Normally it takes 10minutes
 The acid solution its mix ester sample thoroughly and kept in water bath
 Immediately after mixing 5ml of the mixer is withdrawn using the pipette and
transferred in to a conical flask containing 10ml ice water
Page 23
 The few drops of phenolphthalein indicator is added to the mixture
 The reaction mixer is titrated against 0.25N NAOH solution. This value of alkaliconsumed
represents V0.
 5ml samples by periodically at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75minutes. the volumeconsumed
at each time interval represent Vt
 The reaction mixture is heated at water bath at the 600c at 20 minutes
 The mixture cooled to room temperature
 5ml of sample by withdrawn at transfer into the conical flask containing 10 ml ice cold
water.The titration is repeated and this value represents Vα.

1. Water bath temperature = ℃

2. Titre reading at t=0, (Vo)= ml 0.1 N NaOH
3. Infinity reading (Vα)= ml 0.1 N NaOH.
4. Initial Concentration of ester= a =Vo-Vα = ml 0.1 N NaOH.

Time (t) (min) Vt (ml) X= (Vt-V0) (a-x) = Log (a-x) K=2.303/t.
(ml) (Vα- Vo) (ml) log10a/a-x

0 0






Vt = Volume (ml) of 0.1 N NaOH required at

time t.k= Reaction rate constant

x= Change in concentration of methyl acetate

Page 24
a-x = Concentration of methyl acetate remaining at time (t).

1. Determination of k by substitution: Calculate values of k by substituting titre readings at

differenttime interval in equation of reaction rate constant for first order reaction.
k=2.303/t log10a/a-x

2. Determination of k from graph: Find values of ‘k’ from slope of the graph as given
below. Inlogarithmic form, the rate constant equation for first order is written as

Log(a-x) = -k/2.303t + log a

Plot the graph of log (a-x) vs. time for first order reaction.


1. Maintain temperature of reaction mixture constant during reaction.

2. Shake reaction mixture after every withdrawal.
3. Use dry pipette to withdraw reaction mixture samples.
4. Withdraw samples at right time interval and use ice or cold water to arrest reaction.
5. Judge the end point accurately.


The reaction rate constant (k) of the given data (methyl acetate or ethyl acetate) in 0.5NHCL acid
is: From graphical method= ______minutes and From substitution method=
The half -life (t1/2) of the given ester (methyl acetate or ethyl acetate) in 0.5N HCL acid is
From graphical method=
From substitution method=

Page 25

AIM: To determine the reaction rate constant and half-life period of ethyl acetate in 0.025N
sodium hydroxide solution at room temperature.

The alkaline hydrolysis of an ester (ethyl acetate) is irreversible and follows the secondorder
Ethyl acetate sodium Sodium acetate ethyl alcohol

The molecularity of the reaction is two and the order is also two. Second order reaction isdefined as
the reaction in which the rate of reaction depends upon the concentration of two reactants with each
term raised to the first power.

Apparatus and chemicals:

 Conical flask (250 ml)

 Water bath
 Pipette
 Burette (50 ml)
 Ethyl acetate solution (0.05N)
 Hydrochloric acid solution
 Ice cold water
 Phenolphthalein indicator


Preparation of ethyl acetate solution (0.05N)

The molecularity weight of ethyl acetate is 88.10 density is 0.90g/ml. percentage purity is 99%.
Measure 50 ml of Ethyl acetate and transfer into 1000ml volumetric flask dilute to 1000ml with
distilled water.

Preparation of hydrochloric acid solution (0.02N)

Solutions of any normality XN may be prepared by diluting 85 xml of hydrochloric acid to

Page 26
1000ml with water. Measure 850 ml of distilled water into 1000ml volumetric flask. Add 1.7ml
of concentrated hydrochloric acid slowly and shake. Finally make up the volume to the mark.

Preparation of sodium hydroxide solution (0.05N)

Weigh 2.0gm of sodium hydroxide in water and transfer into 1000ml volumetric flask. Add
water slowly with continuous stirring, while cooling the flask under running tap water. Add
sufficient water to make 1000ml. allow it to stand overnight and pour off the clear liquid into a
bottle. This clear solution is used.

Kinetic method:

 Measure 50ml of 0.05N sodium hydroxide solution and transfer into a conical flask. Keep
it in a water bath for equilibrium at room temperature.
 Measure 50ml of 0.05N of the given ester and transfer into a conical flask. Keep it in
above water bath for equilibrium. Normally it takes about 10 minutes.
 Mix the alkali and ester solution thoroughly and keep in same water bath.
 Immediately after mixing, withdrawn a 10ml sample of the mixture with pipette and
transfer into a conical flask containing 10ml ice cold water
 Add few drops of Phenolphthalein indicator
 Titrate against 0.02N hydrochloric acid. This titter value times t=0 corresponds to the
original concentration “a” report the results.

 Periodically withdrawn samples at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 minutes time periods. Repeat the
steps 4 to 6. These titter values denote the amount of sodium hydroxide or ethyl acetate
remain unreacted ie, (a-x) at time. Record the results
 Substitute the values in integral equation and calculate the reaction rate constant (K2).
These values will more or less constant
 Calculate the average of the reaction rate constant (K2)
 Draw a plot by taking x/a (a-x) on y-axis and time on x-axis
 Estimate the slope. This slope same as K2 value.
time volume of concentration x= a(a-x) x/a(a-x) K2= x/at
(min) volume of HCL (ml) in mol/liter (a-x)
HCL a or (a-x) liter/mol
initial final
(ml) (ml)


The reaction rate constant (K2) of the given ester (methyl acetate or ethyl acetate) in 0.025N
NAOH at room temperature

From graphical method= minutes

From substitution method= minutes

The half -life (t1/2) of the given ester (methyl acetate or ethyl acetate) in 0.025N NAOH at room

From graphical method=

From substitution method=



To determine the shelf-life of the product. If stored at 250C from the given data.

 A pharmaceutical product needs to be physically, chemically, therapeutically, toxicologically

and microbiologically stable throughout its shelf-life. The pharmaceutical companies do
stability testing for estimating the shelf-life and based on this the expiry date is given for the
 The real time studies at recommended condition are ideal method for predicting shelf- life
often the studies are designed to increase the rate of chemical degradation or physical change
of pharmaceutical products by using exaggerated storage conditions. This is known as
accelerated stability testing. The pharmaceutical products are subjected to higher temperature
and humidity conditions for accelerating the degradation. However the results of accelerated
testing are not always predictive of physical changes and potency.
 The pharmacopoeia specifies certain storage conditions. The following table gives the details
as specified in Indian pharmacopoeia.

Storage Condition Meaning

Cold any temperature not exceeding 80C (2-80C)

Cool any temperature between 8-250C

Warm any temperature between 30-400C

Excessive Heat any temperature above 400C


Though the medicinal products needs to be physically, chemically, therapeutically, toxicologically

and microbiologically stable. The chemical instability is most often the main consideration for
determining the shelf-life or expiry date. The medicinal products are stored at higher
teperature conditions to accelerate the degradation rate. This is known as accelerated stability
taesting. The rate of chemical reaction increases by 2-3 folds for every rises in 100C at room
temperature.The Arrhenius equation plot (log k vs 1/t) from the equation.

Logk= logA –K/2.303 RT


K= rate constant, R= gas constant, T= absolute temperature

E= energy of activation is used to find out the reaction rate constant at 250C.


 The order of drug decomposition reaction is determined first by plotting curve. Percent
potency retained versus time. Here it is first order
 The k value is determined for each temperature curve.
 The Arrhenius plot is drawn log k vs 1/t
 The value at desired temperature is determined by extrapolating Arrhenius equation
 The value of k is placed in the first order rate equation and is calculated.
Three drug products were kept at 40C ± 20C/ 75% RH ± 5% RH

Storage Potency Retained Potency Retained Potency Retained

Period In Product-I Product-II Product-III


The shelf-life of the medicinal product is

Product-I K=

Product-II K= Product –


The best product is=


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