PSAD Practice Quiz (Flexural Stress)

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PSAD Practice Quiz

Flexural Stress

Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for

Situation #1

A beam with cross section as shown in Figure 1. carries a uniformly distributed load
of 16 kN/m over its entire length. The maximum flexural stress that the beam can
withstand is 40 MPa.

1. Determine the length of the beam in meters.

A. 3.004 C. 1.965
B. 1.766 D. 1.314

2. Determine the maximum shearing force in kN.

A. 15.720 C. 24.030
B. 12.168 D. 10.512

Situation #2.

A 3-meter long simply supported beam, with cross section as shown in Figure 2. Carries
a uniformly distributed load.

3. Determine the centroid of the cross-section (units in mm) as

measured from the lowest fiber.
A. 100.00 C. 138.58
B. 153.88 D. 183.58

4. Determine the moment of inertia about centroidal axis of the cross-

section in mm4.
A. 13.42 x 106 C. 12.43 x 106
B. 14.32 x 106 D. 21.43 x 106

Engr. Matt
PSAD Practice Quiz
Flexural Stress

5. Determine the maximum magnitude of the uniformly distributed load (unit

in N/m) that the beam can carry given that the maximum stress is 2.5
A. 251.91 C. 295.11
B. 215.19 D. 195.21

Situation #3

A tubular shaft as shown in Figure 3 has a cross section with dinner = 0.7douter. The
allowable bending stress is 200 MPa. The 4-m cantilever beam supports a uniform
distributed load of 10 kN/m.

6. Determine the outer diameter in meters.

A. 0.1570 C. 0.1750
B. 0.1075 D. 0.0751

7. Determine the inner diameter in meters.

C. 0.1225 C. 0.0752
D. 0.1099 D. 0.0525

Engr. Matt
PSAD Practice Quiz
Flexural Stress

Situation #4

As shown in Figure 4 a composite beam is made up of two different materials. The

allowable stresses for aluminum and brass are 128 MPa and 35 MPa, respectively. The
modulus of elasticity is 70 GPa for aluminum and 100 GPa for brass.

8. Determine the moment inertia about centroidal axis of the cross section
assuming the aluminum is transformed in mm4.
A. 126 x 106 C. 142 x 106
B. 216 x 106 D. 241 x 106

9. Determine the maximum moment N-mm assuming failure of

aluminum controls.
A. 291 x 106 C. 142 x 106
B. 203 x 106 D. 66 x 106

10. Determine the maximum moment in N-mm the composite beam can carry.
A. 291 x 106 C. 142 x 106
B. 203 x 106 D. 66 x 106

Engr. Matt

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