PSAD Practice Quiz (Flexural Stress)
PSAD Practice Quiz (Flexural Stress)
PSAD Practice Quiz (Flexural Stress)
Flexural Stress
Instruction: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for
Situation #1
A beam with cross section as shown in Figure 1. carries a uniformly distributed load
of 16 kN/m over its entire length. The maximum flexural stress that the beam can
withstand is 40 MPa.
Situation #2.
A 3-meter long simply supported beam, with cross section as shown in Figure 2. Carries
a uniformly distributed load.
Engr. Matt
PSAD Practice Quiz
Flexural Stress
Situation #3
A tubular shaft as shown in Figure 3 has a cross section with dinner = 0.7douter. The
allowable bending stress is 200 MPa. The 4-m cantilever beam supports a uniform
distributed load of 10 kN/m.
Engr. Matt
PSAD Practice Quiz
Flexural Stress
Situation #4
8. Determine the moment inertia about centroidal axis of the cross section
assuming the aluminum is transformed in mm4.
A. 126 x 106 C. 142 x 106
B. 216 x 106 D. 241 x 106
10. Determine the maximum moment in N-mm the composite beam can carry.
A. 291 x 106 C. 142 x 106
B. 203 x 106 D. 66 x 106
Engr. Matt