Wazeer Miya
Wazeer Miya
Wazeer Miya
TECHNIQUE: Axial unenhanced and enhanced scans of the abdomen & pelvis were obtained in a helical mode following oral and
intravenous administration of nonionic contrast, as per requisition.
Small subcentimetric cyst in segment VIII of liver. Small caicified nodule of size 8 mm in segment VI. Liver is otherwise
normal in size, shape and shows normal attenuation and enhancement pattern. No diffuse area of altered density is noted in the liver.
There is no dilatation of biliary tree.
Portal vein and its branches are normal. Hepatic artery & veins, hepatic IVC are normal.
Gall bladder is normal in size & shape and shows normal wall thickness. No radio-dense calculus seen.
Pancreas appears normal in size, shape, attenuation and enhancement pattern. Main pancreatic duct is not dilated. Spleen is normal in
size and shape and shows normal attenuation and enhancement pattern.
Both kidneys are normal in size, shape and position with normal enhancement. No renal calculus. No hydronephrosis. Bilateral ureters
are unremarkable.
Both supra renal glands are normal. Psoas muscles on both sides appear normal.
Gastro-esophageal junction, stomach, duodenum, jejunal and ileal loops are normal. Ileo-cecal junction, colon, rectum and anal canal
reveal no abnormality. Appendix is not seen.
Focal fat stranding / fat inflammation is seen in left iliac fossa region.
Prostate is mildly enlarged and measures 32 cc in volume. It is otherwise normal in shape, attenuation and enhancement. No
significant median lobe projection. Scrotum is partially visualized. Suggested USG Correlation.
Mild atherosclerotic changes involving abdominal aorta and origins of its main branches with otherwise normal
opacifications. IVC appears unremarkable. No evidence of any filling defect or aneurysms seen. No e/o obvious abdominal
lymphadenopathy. There is no free fluid in abdomen.
Visualized part of skeleton is normal. No fracture seen.
Few small fibrotic nodules and linear parenchymal fibro-atelectatic bands in left lower lobe. Rest of the visualized lower lung
fields are normal. No pleural effusion. Visualized cardia reveal no abnormality.