Chap 1 Turbomachines PDF 29oct2016

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1.1 Introduction
Turbomachines are machines that transfer energy between a rotor and a fluid. A
working fluid contains potential energy (pressure head) and kinetic energy (velocity
head). Hence various physics principles are used to extract this energy. Thus
turbomachines constitute a large class of machines which are found virtually
everywhere in the civilized world. They are energy conversion machines due to
momentum change of fluid flowing through them. They are those types of machine
producing head or pressure, such as pumps and compressors, and those types
producing power, such as turbines, whose primary elements are rotatory, as opposed to
primarily reciprocating elements of the steam engine, petrol or diesel engines which
are positive displacement machines. Turbomachines sometimes called ‘dynamic’
machines include centrifugal pumps, turbines, and fans. Each of these has certain
essential elements, the most important of which is the rotor, or rotating member.
Attached to this spinning component is a shaft through which power flows to and from
the rotor. The shaft usually passes through a metallic envelope known as the casing. The
casing is also pierced by fluid-carrying pipes which allow fluid to be admitted to and
carried away from the enclosure bounded by the casing. The essential features of the
turbomachine include (1) Rotor, (2) shaft, (3) Casing and (4) fluid carrying pipes.
Thus a turbomachine always involves an energy transfer between a flowing fluid and a rotor. If
the transfer of energy is from rotor to fluid, the machine is a pump, fan, or compressor.
If the flow of energy is from the fluid to the rotor, the machine is a turbine.

The purpose of the process described above is either to pressurize or move and
supply fluid or to produce power. Useful work done by the fluid on the turbine rotor
appears outside the casing as work done in turning; for example, it can turn the rotor
of a generator. A pump, on the other hand, receives energy from an external electric
motor and imparts the energy to the fluid in contact with the rotor, or impeller, of
the pump.

The effect on the fluid of such devices is that its temperature and pressure are
increased by a pumping type turbomachine, and the same properties (temperature and
pressure) are reduced in passage through a work producing turbormachine or turbine. A
water pump might be used to raise the pressure of water, causing it to flow up into a
reservoir through a pipe against the resistance of frictional and gravitational forces. On
the other hand, the pressure at the bottom of a reservoir could be used to produce a flow
through a hydraulic turbine, which would then produce a turning moment in the rotor
against the resistance to turning offered by the connected electric generator.

1.2 Geometries
A typical turbomachine rotor, a centrifugal pump impeller, is shown schematically in
Figure 1.1. Liquid enters the eye E of the impeller moving in an axial direction, and then
turns to a radial direction to finally emerge at the discharge, D having both a radial and
a tangential component of velocity. The vanes, V impart a curvilinear motion to the fluid
particles, thus setting up a radial centrifugal force which is responsible for the outward
flow of fluid against the resistance of wall friction and pressure forces.
The vanes of the rotor impart energy to the fluid by virtue of pressure forces on
their surfaces, which are undergoing a displacement as rotation takes place. Energy from
an electric motor is thus supplied at a constant rate through the shaft, S which is
assumed to be turning at a constant angular speed.
If the direction of fluid flow in Figure 1.1 is reversed, the rotor becomes part of a
turbine, and power is delivered through the shaft S to an electric generator or other load.
Typically, hydraulic turbines have such a configuration (see Figure 1.4) and are used to
generate large amounts of electric power by admitting high-pressure water stored in dams
to the periphery of such a rotor.

Figure 1 .1 Pump impeller

A pressure drop occurs between the inlet and the outlet of the turbine, the water exits
axially and is conducted away and discharged at atmospheric pressure.

If the substance flowing through the impeller of Figure 1.1 were a gas, then the
device would be a centrifugal compressor, blower, or fan, depending on the
magnitude of the pressure rise occurring during transit from inlet to outlet. For
the reversed flow case, i.e. a radially inward flow, the machine would be called a
radial-flow gas turbine or turbo-expander.

A differed type of turbomachine is shown is Figure 1.2. Here the flow direction is
generally axial, i.e., parallel to the axis of rotation. The machine shown in this
figure represents an axial-flow compressor or blower, or with a different blade
shapes an axial-flow gas or steam turbine, depending on the direction of energy
flow and the kind of fluid present.

In all of the machines mentioned so far, the working fluid undergoes a change in
pressure in flowing from inlet to outlet, or vice versa. Generally, pressure change
takes place in a diffuser or nozzle and in the rotor as well.
However there is a class of turbines in which pressure change does not occur in the rotor.
These are called impulse, or zero-reaction, turbines, as distinguished from the so-called
reaction turbine, which allows a pressure decrease in both nozzle and rotor.
A hydraulic turbine with zero reaction is shown in Figure 1.3, and a reaction-type
hydraulic turbine appears in Figure 1.4.

Figure 1.2 Axial-flow blower.

Common Turbomachines
Centrifugal machines are depicted in Figure 1.5 through 1.7, and axial-flow turbomachines
are indicated in Figures 1.8 through 1.10. A mixed-flow pump is shown in Figure 1.11.
This class of machine lies part way between the centrifugal, or radial-flow, types and the
axial-flow types.
Rotor vanes

Stationary guide

Tail race

Figure 1.4 Francis turbine.

Figure l.5 Centrifugal pump.

Figure 1.7 Centrifugal blower.

Guide vanes


Rotor vanes

Figure 1.8 Kaplan turbine

Figure 1.9 Steam turbine.

Rotor blades

Figure 1.10 Axial-flow compressor

Stator vanes

Rotor axis

Figure 1.11 Mixed flow pump

Sizes of turbomachines vary from a few centimeters to meters in diameter. Fluid states vary
widely as well. Steam at near-critical conditions may enter one turbine, while cool river
water enters another. Room air may enter one compressor, while cold refrigerant is drawn
into a second. The materials encountered in the machines are selected to suit the
temperatures, pressures, and chemical natures of the fluids handled, and manufacturing
methods include welding, casting, and machining.
Our consideration here of the subject of turbomachines includes a wide variety of forms
and shapes, made of a variety of materials using a number of techniques. This book does
not attempt to deal with all the problems encountered by the designer or user of
turbomachines, but only with the most general aspects of the total problem. The present
treatment is concerned with specification of principal dimensions and forms of those
turbomachines encountered frequently in industry.
Thus the approach of this text is first, to give the most general characteristics and basic
design elements of all turbomachines to include pumps, fans, compressors and steam, gas

and hydraulic turbines as well as wind turbine. This is done by a general treatment
covering energy transfer, dimensional analysis, thermodynamics of compressible flow of
fluids in passages and over blades of turbomachines. Secondly, apply these principles to
the individual types in sufficient detail to allow the major design performance factors to
be appreciated, with the different major types grouped into those of similar flow pattern
rather than by specific application.
The generalized method of treatment enables achievement of the four-point objective: (a)
of allowing the intelligent selection of the proper type of machine for a given duty, (b) of
appreciating the correct use and operation of such a machine, (c) of evaluating its
performance, and (d) of an introduction to the detailed design of turbomachinery.

1.3 Practical Uses

The importance of the turbomachine to our way of l i f e cannot be overemphasized.

The steam power plat, which is responsible for the generation of most electrical power
in the world, can be used to illust rat e this basic fact. The steam power plant consists of a
prime mover driving a large electric generator. A steam turbine is usually used as the
prime mover. Steam for the turbine is supplied from a boiler at high pressure and
temperature. Water for making the steam is forced into the boiler by means of a
multiple-stage centrifugal pump. Fuel for creating the heat in the boiler is supplied by a
pump, compressor, or blower, depending on the nature of the fuel. Air for
combustion of the fuel enters the boiler through a large centrifugal fan. After the
steam has been generated in the boiler and has expanded in the turbine, it is exhausted
i n t o a condenser where it is condensed and collected as condensate. Pumps are used to
remove the condensate from the condenser and deliver it to feed-water heaters, from
which it is drawn into the boiler by feed pumps to repeat the cycle. The
condensation process requires that large amounts of cooling water be forced through
the tubes of the condenser by large centrifugal pumps. In many cases the cooling water
is itself cooled in cooling towers, which are effective because large volumes of outside
air are forced through the towers by axial-flow fans.
Thus we see that many turbomachines are required to operate the simplest form of
modern steam-electric generating station. It is clear that modern i n dustry and the entire
economy depend upon such generating stations, and hence we are all dependent upon
turbomachines in this and in many other applications.

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