2-2 Sem With Project Details

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R20 Regulations

S.No Course Code Course Name Category Hours per week Credits
1. 20A54304 Discrete Mathematics & Graph Theory BS 3 0 0 3
2. 20A04304T Digital Electronics& Microprocessors ES 3 0 0 3
3. 20A05301T Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms PC 3 0 0 3
4. 20A05302T Object Oriented Programming Through Java PC 3 0 0 3

5. 20A05303 Computer Organization PC 3 0 0 3

6. 20A04304P Digital Electronics& Microprocessors Lab ES 0 0 3 1.5
7. 20A05301P Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms Lab PC 0 0 3 1.5

8. 20A05302P Object Oriented Programming Through Java PC 0 0 3 1.5

9. 20A52201 Universal Human Values MC 3 0 0 3
10. 20A05304 Skill Oriented Course – I SC 1 0 2 2
Web application Development
Total 24.5

S.No Course Code Course Name Category Hours per week Credits
1. 20A54404 Deterministic & Stochastic Statistical BS 3 0 0 3
2. 20A05401T Database Management Systems PC 3 0 0 3
3. 20A05402T Operating Systems PC 3 0 0 3
4. 20A05403T Software Engineering PC 3 0 0 3
5. 20A05502T Humanities Elective– I HS 3 0 0 3
20A52301 Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis
Organizational Behaviour
20A52302 Business Environment
6. 20A05401P Database Management Systems Lab PC 0 0 3 1.5
7. 20A05402P Operating Systems Lab PC 0 0 3 1.5
8. 20A05403P Software Engineering Lab PC 0 0 3 1.5
9. 20A05502P Skill Oriented Course– II SC 1 0 2 2
20A05404 Exploratory Data Analysis with R
10. Mandatory non credit course MC 2 1 0 0
20A99401 Design Thinking for Innovation
11. 20A99301 NSS/NCC/NSO Activities MC 0 0 2 0
Total 21.5
Community Service Internship/Project(Mandatory) for 6 weeks duration during summer vacation
Honors/Minor courses (The hours distribution can be 3-0-2 or 3-1-0 also) 4 0 0 4

1. Eligible and interested students can register either for Honors or for a Minor in IV Semester as per the
guidelines issued by the University
2. Students shall register for NCC/NSS/NSO activities and will be required to participate in an activity for
two hours in a week during fourth semester.
3. Lateral entry students shall undergo a bridge course in Mathematics during third semester
B.Tech. R20 Regulations


B.Tech-CSE – II-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3

20A54404 Deterministic & Stochastic Statistical Methods

(Common to CSE, IT,CSE (AI), CSE (AI & ML) and AI & DS)

Pre-requisite Basic Mathematics

Course Objectives:
This course provides a study of various Mathematical Methods and Statistical Methods which is needed for
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science and also for Computer Science and engineering
Course Outcomes (CO):

After completion of the course, students will be able to

 Apply logical thinking to problem-solving in context.
 Employ methods related to these concepts in a variety of data science applications.
 Use appropriate technology to aid problem-solving and data analysis.
 The Bayesian process of inference in probabilistic reasoning system.
 Demonstrate skills in unconstrained optimization.

UNIT - I Data Representation 9 Hrs

Distance measures, Projections, Notion of hyper planes, half-planes. Principal Component Analysis-
Population Principal Components, sample principal coefficients, covariance, matrix of data set, Dimensionality
reduction, Singular value decomposition, Gram Schmidt process.
UNIT - II Single Variable Distribution 9 Hrs
Random variables (discrete and continuous), probability density functions, properties, mathematical
expectation- Probability distribution - Binomial, Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution and normal
distribution-their properties-Uniform distribution-exponential distribution.
UNIT - III Stochastic Processes And Markov Chains: 9 Hrs
Introduction to Stochastic processes- Markov process. Transition Probability, Transition Probability Matrix,
First order and Higher order Markov process, step transition probabilities, Markov chain, Steady state
condition, Markov analysis.

UNIT - IV Multivariate Distribution Theory 10 Hrs

Multivariate Normal distribution – Properties, Distributions of linear combinations, independence, marginal
distributions, conditional distributions, Partial and Multiple correlation coefficient. Moment generating
BAYESIAN INFERENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS: Statistical tests and Bayesian model comparison,
Bit, Surprisal,Entropy, Source coding theorem, Joint entropy, Conditional entropy, Kullback-Leibler

UNIT - V Optimization 9 Hrs

Unconstrained optimization, Necessary and sufficiency conditions for optima, Gradient descent methods,
Constrained optimization, KKT conditions, Introduction to non-gradient techniques, Introduction to least
squares optimization, Optimization view of machine learning. Data Science Methods: Linear regression as an
exemplar function approximation problem, linear classification problems.
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

1. Mathematics for Machine Learning by A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong, and Marc Peter Deisenroth
2. Dr.B.S Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 45th Edition, Khanna Publishers.
3. Operations Research, S.D. Sharma
Reference Books:
1. Operations Research, An Introduction, Hamdy A. Taha, Pearson publishers.
2. A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition by Luc Devroye,. Laszlo Gyorfi, Gabor Lugosi.

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B.Tech-CSE – II-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3


(Common to CSE, IT, CSE( DS), CSE (IoT), CSE (AI), CSE (AI & ML) and AI & DS)

Course Objectives:
This course is designed to:

 Train in the fundamental concepts of database management systems, database modeling and design,
SQL, PL/SQL and system implementation techniques.

 Enable students to model ER diagrams for any customized application

 Inducting appropriate strategies for optimization of queries.

 Provide knowledge on concurrency techniques

 Demonstrate the organization of Databases
Course Outcomes (CO):

After completion of the course, students will be able to

 Design a database for a real-world information system

 Define transactions that preserve the integrity of the database
 Generate tables for a database

 Organize the data to prevent redundancy

 Pose queries to retrieve the information from the database.
UNIT - I Introduction, Introduction to Relational Model 9Hrs
Introduction: Database systems applications, Purpose of Database Systems, view of Data, Database
Languages, Relational Databases, Database Design, Data Storage and Querying, Transaction Management,
Database Architecture, Data Mining and Information Retrieval, Specialty Databases, Database users and
Introduction to Relational Model: Structure of Relational Databases, Database Schema, Keys, Schema
Diagrams, Relational Query Languages, Relational Operations

UNIT - II Introduction to SQL, Advanced SQL 9 Hrs

Introduction to SQL: Overview of the SQL Query Language, SQL Data Definition, Basic Structure of SQL
Queries, Additional Basic Operations, Set Operations, Null Values, Aggregate Functions, Nested Sub-queries,
Modification of the Database. Intermediate SQL: Joint Expressions, Views, Transactions, Integrity Constraints,
SQL Data types and schemas, Authorization.
Advanced SQL: Accessing SQL from a Programming Language, Functions and Procedures, Triggers,
Recursive Queries, OLAP, Formal relational query languages.

UNIT - III Database Design and the E-R Model, Relational Database 8Hrs
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

Database Design and the E-R Model: Overview of the Design Process, The Entity-Relationship Model,
Constraints, Removing Redundant Attributes in Entity Sets, Entity-Relationship Diagrams, Reduction to
Relational Schemas, Entity-Relationship Design Issues.

Relational Database Design:

Features of Good Relational Designs, Atomic Domains and First Normal Form, Decomposition Using
Functional Dependencies, Functional-Dependency Theory, Algorithms for Decomposition, Decomposition
Using Multivalued Dependencies, More Normal Forms.
UNIT - IV Query Processing, Query optimization 8 Hrs

Query Processing: Overview, Measures of Query cost, Selection operation, sorting, Join Operation, other
operations, Evaluation of Expressions.
Query optimization: Overview, Transformation of Relational Expressions, Estimating statistics of Expression
results, Choice of Evaluation Plans, Materialized views, Advanced Topics in Query Optimization.
UNIT - V Transaction Management, Concurrency Control, Recovery 10Hrs

Transaction Management:
Transactions: Concept, A Simple Transactional Model, Storage Structures, Transaction Atomicity and
Durability, Transaction Isolation, Serializability, Isolation and Atomicity, Transaction Isolation Levels,
Implementation of Isolation Levels, Transactions as SQL Statements.

Concurrency Control: Lock-based Protocols, Deadlock Handling, Multiple granularity, Timestamp-based

Protocols, and Validation-based Protocols.
Recovery System: Failure Classification, Storage, Recovery and Atomicity, Recovery Algorithm, Buffer
Management, Failure with Loss of Nonvolatile Storage, Early Lock Release and Logical Undo Operations.

1. A.Silberschatz, H.F.Korth, S.Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”,6/e, TMH 2019

Reference Books:

1. Database Management System, 6/e RamezElmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, PEA

2. Database Principles Fundamentals of Design Implementation and Management, Carlos Coronel, Steven
Morris, Peter Robb, Cengage Learning.
3.Database Management Systems, 3/e, Raghurama Krishnan, Johannes Gehrke,TMH

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B.Tech-CSE – II-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3


(Common to CSE, IT, CSE( DS), CSE (IoT), CSE (AI), CSE (AI & ML) and AI & DS)

Pre-requisite Basics of CO and DBMS Semester

Course Objectives:

The course is designed to

 Understand basic concepts and functions of operating systems

 Understand the processes, threads and scheduling algorithms.

 Provide good insight on various memory management techniques
 Expose the students with different techniques of handling deadlocks
 Explore the concept of file-system and its implementation issues

 Familiarize with the basics of the Linux operating system

 Implement various schemes for achieving system protection and security
Course Outcomes (CO):

After completion of the course, students will be able to

 Realize how applications interact with the operating system

 Analyze the functioning of a kernel in an Operating system.
 Summarize resource management in operating systems
 Analyze various scheduling algorithms
 Examine concurrency mechanism in Operating Systems
 Apply memory management techniques in the design of operating systems
 Understand the functionality of the file system
 Compare and contrast memory management techniques.
 Understand deadlock prevention and avoidance.
 Perform administrative tasks on Linux based systems.

UNIT - I Operating Systems Overview, System Structures 8Hrs

Operating Systems Overview: Introduction, Operating system functions, Operating systems

operations, Computing environments, Open-Source Operating Systems

System Structures: Operating System Services, User and Operating-System Interface, systems calls,
Types of System Calls, system programs, Operating system Design and Implementation, Operating
system structure, Operating system debugging, System Boot.

UNIT - II Process Concept, Multithreaded Programming,Process 10Hrs

Scheduling, Inter-process Communication
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Process Concept: Process scheduling, Operations on processes, Inter-process communication,

Communication in client server systems.

Multithreaded Programming: Multithreading models, Thread libraries, Threading issues,


Process Scheduling: Basic concepts, Scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms, Multiple processor
scheduling, Thread scheduling, Examples.

Inter-process Communication: Race conditions, Critical Regions, Mutual exclusion with busy
waiting, Sleep and wakeup, Semaphores, Mutexes, Monitors, Message passing, Barriers, Classical
IPC Problems - Dining philosophers problem, Readers and writers problem.

UNIT - III Memory-Management Strategies, Virtual Memory Lecture 8Hrs


Memory-Management Strategies: Introduction, Swapping, Contiguous memory allocation, Paging,

Segmentation, Examples.

Virtual Memory Management: Introduction, Demand paging, Copy on-write, Page replacement,
Frame allocation, Thrashing, Memory-mapped files, Kernel memory allocation, Examples.

UNIT - IV Deadlocks, File Systems Lecture 9Hrs

Deadlocks: Resources, Conditions for resource deadlocks, Ostrich algorithm, Deadlock detection
And recovery, Deadlock avoidance, Deadlock prevention.

File Systems: Files, Directories, File system implementation, management and optimization.

Secondary-Storage Structure: Overview of disk structure, and attachment, Disk scheduling, RAID
structure, Stable storage implementation.

UNIT - V System Protection, System Security Lecture 8Hrs

System Protection: Goals of protection, Principles and domain of protection, Access matrix, Access
control, Revocation of access rights.

System Security: Introduction, Program threats, System and network threats, Cryptography as a
security, User authentication, implementing security defenses, firewalling to protect systems and
networks, Computer security classification.

Case Studies: Linux, Microsoft Windows.

1. Silberschatz A, Galvin P B, and Gagne G, Operating System Concepts, 9th edition, Wiley,

2. Tanenbaum A S, Modern Operating Systems, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, 2008.

(Topics: Inter-process Communication and File systems.)

Reference Books:
1. Tanenbaum A S, Woodhull A S, Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 3rd edition,
PHI, 2006.

2. Dhamdhere D M, Operating Systems A Concept Based Approach, 3rd edition, Tata

B.Tech. R20 Regulations

McGraw-Hill, 2012.
3. Stallings W, Operating Systems -Internals and Design Principles, 6th edition, Pearson
Education, 2009
4. Nutt G, Operating Systems, 3rd edition, Pearson Education, 2004
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B.Tech-CSE – II-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3

20A05403T Software Engineering

(Common to CSE, IT, CSE( DS), CSE (IoT))

Course Objectives:

 To learn the basic concepts of software engineering and life cycle models
 To explore the issues in software requirements specification and enable to write SRS
documents for software development problems
 To elucidate the basic concepts of software design and enable to carry out procedural and
object oriented design of software development problems
 To understand the basic concepts of black box and white box software testing and enable to
design test cases for unit, integration, and system testing
 To reveal the basic concepts in software project management
Course Outcomes (CO):
After completion of the course, students will be able to
 Obtain basic software life cycle activity skills.
 Design software requirements specifications for given problems.
 Implement structure, object oriented analysis and design for given problems.
 Design test cases for given problems.
 Apply quality management concepts at the application level.
UNIT - I Basic concepts in software engineering and software Lecture 8Hrs
project management

Basic concepts: abstraction versus decomposition, evolution of software engineering techniques,

Software development life cycle (SDLC) models: Iterative waterfall model, Prototype model,
Evolutionary model, Spiral model, RAD model, Agile models, software project management: project
planning, project estimation, COCOMO, Halstead’s Software Science, project scheduling, staffing,
Organization and team structure, risk management, configuration management.
UNIT - II Requirements analysis and specification Lecture 8Hrs
The nature of software, The Unique nature of Webapps, Software Myths, Requirements gathering
and analysis, software requirements specification, Traceability, Characteristics of a Good SRS
Document, IEEE 830 guidelines, representing complex requirements using decision tables and
decision trees, overview of formal system development techniques, axiomatic specification, algebraic

UNIT - III Software Design Lecture 9Hrs

Good Software Design, Cohesion and coupling, Control Hierarchy: Layering, Control
Abstraction, Depth and width, Fan-out, Fan-in, Software design approaches, object
oriented vs. function oriented design. Overview of SA/SD methodology, structured
analysis, Data flow diagram, Extending DFD technique to real life systems, Basic Object
oriented concepts, UML Diagrams, Structured design, Detailed design, Design review,
Characteristics of a good user interface, User Guidance and Online Help, Mode-based vs
Mode-less Interface, Types of user interfaces, Component-based GUI development, User
interface design methodology: GUI design methodology.
UNIT - IV Coding and Testing Lecture 9Hrs

Coding standards and guidelines, code review, software documentation, Testing, Black Box
Testing, White Box Testing, debugging, integration testing, Program Analysis Tools,
system testing, performance testing, regression testing, Testing Object Oriented
UNIT - V Software quality, reliability, and other issues Lecture 9Hrs
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

Software reliability, Statistical testing, Software quality and management, ISO 9000, SEI
capability maturity model (CMM), Personal software process (PSP), Six sigma, Software
quality metrics, CASE and its scope, CASE environment, CASE support in software life
cycle, Characteristics of software maintenance, Software reverse engineering, Software
maintenance processes model, Estimation maintenance cost. Basic issues in any reuse
program, Reuse approach, Reuse at organization level.

1. Rajib Mall, “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”, 5th Edition, PHI, 2018.

2. Pressman R, “Software Engineering- Practioner Approach”, McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Somerville, “Software Engineering”, Pearson 2.
2. Richard Fairley, “Software Engineering Concepts”, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. JalotePankaj, “An integrated approach to Software Engineering”, Narosa
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B.Tech-CSE – II-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3


(Common to All branches of Engineering)

Course Objectives:
 To inculcate the basic knowledge of micro economics and financial accounting
 To make the students learn how demand is estimated for different products, input-output
relationship for optimizing production and cost
 To Know the Various types of market structure and pricing methods and strategy
 To give an overview on investment appraisal methods to promote the students to learn how
to plan long-term investment decisions.
 To provide fundamental skills on accounting and to explain the process of preparing
financial statements
Course Outcomes (CO):
 Define the concepts related to Managerial Economics, financial accounting and management.
 Understand the fundamentals of Economics viz., Demand, Production, cost, revenue and
 Apply the Concept of Production cost and revenues for effective Business decision
 Analyze how to invest their capital and maximize returns
 Evaluate the capital budgeting techniques
 Develop the accounting statements and evaluate the financial performance of business entity.
UNIT - I Managerial Economics

Introduction – Nature, meaning, significance, functions, and advantages. Demand-Concept, Function,

Law of Demand - Demand Elasticity- Types – Measurement. Demand Forecasting- Factors
governing Forecasting, Methods. Managerial Economics and Financial Accounting and

UNIT - II Production and Cost Analysis

Introduction – Nature, meaning, significance, functions and advantages. Production Function– Least-
cost combination– Short run and Long run Production Function- Isoquants and Isocosts, MRTS -
Cobb-Douglas Production Function - Laws of Returns - Internal and External Economies of scale.
Cost & Break-Even Analysis - Cost concepts and Cost behavior- Break-Even Analysis (BEA) -
Determination of Break-Even Point (Simple Problems)-Managerial significance and limitations of
Break-Even Analysis.

UNIT - III Business Organizations and Markets

Introduction – Nature, meaning, significance, functions and advantages. Forms of Business

Organizations- Sole Proprietary - Partnership - Joint Stock Companies - Public Sector Enterprises.
Types of Markets - Perfect and Imperfect Competition - Features of Perfect Competition Monopoly-
Monopolistic Competition–Oligopoly-Price-Output Determination - Pricing Methods and Strategies
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

UNIT - IV Capital Budgeting

Introduction – Nature, meaning, significance, functions and advantages. Types of Working Capital,
Components, Sources of Short-term and Long-term Capital, Estimating Working capital
requirements. Capital Budgeting– Features, Proposals, Methods and Evaluation. Projects – Pay Back
Method, Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) Net Present Value (NPV) Internal Rate Return (IRR)
Method (sample problems)
UNIT - V Financial Accounting and Analysis

Introduction – Nature, meaning, significance, functions and advantages. Concepts and Conventions-
Double-Entry Book Keeping, Journal, Ledger, Trial Balance- Final Accounts (Trading Account,
Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet with simple adjustments). Financial Analysis - Analysis
and Interpretation of Liquidity Ratios, Activity Ratios, and Capital structure Ratios and Profitability.


1. Varshney&Maheswari: Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand, 2013.

2. Aryasri: Business Economics and Financial Analysis, 4/e, MGH, 2019

Reference Books:

1. Ahuja Hl Managerial economics Schand,3/e,2013

2. S.A. Siddiqui and A.S. Siddiqui: Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis, New Age
International, 2013.
3. Joseph G. Nellis and David Parker: Principles of Business Economics, Pearson, 2/e, New
4. Domnick Salvatore: Managerial Economics in a Global Economy, Cengage,

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B.Tech-CSE – II-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3


(Common to All branches of Engineering)

Course Objectives:
 To enable student’s comprehension of organizational behavior

 To offer knowledge to students on self-motivation, leadership and management

 To facilitate them to become powerful leaders

 To Impart knowledge about group dynamics

 To make them understand the importance of change and development

Course Outcomes (CO):

 Define the Organizational Behaviour, its nature and scope.
 Understand the nature and concept of Organizational behaviour
 Apply theories of motivation to analyse the performance problems
 Analyse the different theories of leadership
 Evaluate group dynamics
 Develop as powerful leader

UNIT - I Introduction to Organizational Behavior

Meaning, definition, nature, scope and functions - Organizing Process – Making organizing effective
-Understanding Individual Behaviour –Attitude -Perception - Learning – Personality.

UNIT - II Motivation and Leading

Theories of Motivation- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs - Hertzberg’s Two Factor Theory - Vroom’s
theory of expectancy – Mc Cleland’s theory of needs–Mc Gregor’s theory X and theory Y– Adam’s
equity theory – Locke’s goal setting theory– Alderfer’s ERG theory .

UNIT - III Organizational Culture

Introduction – Meaning, scope, definition, Nature - Organizational Climate - Leadership - Traits

Theory–Managerial Grid - Transactional Vs Transformational Leadership - Qualities of good Leader
- Conflict Management -Evaluating Leader- Women and Corporate leadership.

UNIT - IV Group Dynamics

Introduction – Meaning, scope, definition, Nature- Types of groups - Determinants of group behavior
- Group process – Group Development - Group norms - Group cohesiveness - Small Groups - Group
decision making - Team building - Conflict in the organization– Conflict resolution

UNIT - V Organizational Change and Development

B.Tech. R20 Regulations

Introduction –Nature, Meaning, scope, definition and functions- Organizational Culture - Changing
the Culture – Change Management – Work Stress Management - Organizational management –
Managerial implications of organization’s change and development

1. Luthans, Fred, Organisational Behaviour, McGraw-Hill, 12 Th edition 2011

2. P Subba Ran, Organisational Behaviour, Himalya Publishing House 2017

Reference Books:
 McShane, Organizational Behaviour, TMH 2009
 Nelson, Organisational Behaviour, Thomson, 2009.
 Robbins, P. Stephen, Timothy A. Judge, Organisational Behaviour, Pearson 2009.

 Aswathappa, Organisational Behaviour, Himalaya, 2009

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B.Tech-CSE – II-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3

20A52303 Business Environment

(Common to All branches of Engineering)

Course Objectives:
 To make the student to understand about the business environment
 To enable them in knowing the importance of fiscal and monitory policy
 To facilitate them in understanding the export policy of the country
 To Impart knowledge about the functioning and role of WTO
 To Encourage the student in knowing the structure of stock markets

Course Outcomes (CO):

 Define Business Environment and its Importance.
 Understand various types of business environment.
 Apply the knowledge of Money markets in future investment
 Analyse India’s Trade Policy
 Evaluate fiscal and monitory policy
 Develop a personal synthesis and approach for identifying business opportunities

UNIT - I Overview of Business Environment

Introduction – meaning Nature, Scope, significance, functions and advantages. Types-Internal
&External, Micro and Macro. Competitive structure of industries -Environmental analysis-
advantages & limitations of environmental analysis& Characteristics of business.

UNIT - II Fiscal & Monetary Policy

Introduction – Nature, meaning, significance, functions and advantages. Public Revenues - Public
Expenditure - Evaluation of recent fiscal policy of GOI. Highlights of Budget- Monetary Policy -
Demand and Supply of Money –RBI -Objectives of monetary and credit policy - Recent trends- Role
of Finance Commission.

UNIT - III India’s Trade Policy

Introduction – Nature, meaning, significance, functions and advantages. Magnitude and direction of
Indian International Trade - Bilateral and Multilateral Trade Agreements - EXIM policy and role of
EXIM bank -Balance of Payments– Structure & Major components - Causes for Disequilibrium in
Balance of Payments - Correction measures.

UNIT - IV World Trade Organization

Introduction – Nature, significance, functions and advantages. Organization and Structure - Role and
functions of WTO in promoting world trade - GATT -Agreements in the Uruguay Round –TRIPS,
TRIMS - Disputes Settlement Mechanism - Dumping and Anti-dumping Measures.
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

UNIT - V Money Markets and Capital Markets

Introduction – Nature, meaning, significance, functions and advantages. Features and components of
Indian financial systems - Objectives, features and structure of money markets and capital markets -
Reforms and recent development – SEBI – Stock Exchanges - Investor protection and role of SEBI,
Introduction to international finance.


1. Francis Cherunilam (2009), International Business: Text and Cases, Prentice Hall of India.
2. K. Aswathappa, Essentials of Business Environment: Texts and Cases & Exercises 13th Revised
Reference Books:
1.K. V. Sivayya, V. B. M Das (2009), Indian Industrial Economy, Sultan Chand Publishers,
New Delhi, India.
2. Sundaram, Black (2009), International Business Environment Text and Cases, Prentice Hall of
India, New Delhi, India.
3. Chari. S. N (2009), International Business, Wiley India.

4.E. Bhattacharya (2009), International Business, Excel Publications, New Delhi.

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B.Tech. R20 Regulations


B.Tech-CSE – II-II Sem L T P C
0 0 3 1.5

20A05401P Database Management Systems Laboratory

(Common to CSE, IT, CSE( DS), CSE (IoT), CSE (AI), CSE (AI & ML) and AI & DS)

Course Objectives:
 To implement the basic knowledge of SQL queries and relational algebra.
 To construct database models for different database applications.
 To apply normalization techniques for refining of databases.
 To practice various triggers, procedures, and cursors usingPL/SQL.
 To design and implementation of a database for an organization
Course Outcomes (CO):

After completion of the course, students will be able to

 Design database for any real world problem

 Implement PL/SQL programs
 Define SQL queries
 Decide the constraints
 Investigate for data inconsistency
List of Experiments:


1. Create a table called Employee with the following structure.

Name Type
Empno Number
Ename Varchar2(20)
Job Varchar2(20)
Mgr Number
Sal Number

a. Add a column commission with domain to the Employee table.

b. Insert any five records into the table.
c. Update the column details of job
d. Rename the column of Employ table using alter command.
e. Delete the employee whose empno is19.

2. Create department table with the following structure.

Name Type
Deptno Number
Deptname Varchar2(20)
location Varchar2(20)

a. Add column designation to the department table.

b. Insert values into thetable.
c. List the records of emp table grouped bydeptno.
d. Update the record where deptno is9.
e. Delete any column data from thetable

3. Create a table called Customertable

B.Tech. R20 Regulations

Name Type
Cust name Varchar2(20)
Cust street Varchar2(20)
Cust city Varchar2(20)

a. Insert records into thetable.

b. Add salary column to thetable.

c. Alter the table columndomain.

d. Drop salary column of the customertable.
e. Delete the rows of customer table whose ust_city is ‘hyd’.

f. Create a table called branchtable.

Name Type
Branch name Varchar2(20)
Branch city Varchar2(20)
asserts Number

4. Increase the size of data type for asserts to the branch.

a. Add and drop a column to the branch table.
b. Insert values to the table.

c. Update the branch name column

d. Delete any two columns from the table

5. Create a table called sailor table

Name Type
Sid Number
Sname Varchar2(20)
rating Varchar2(20)
a. Add column age to the sailor table.
b. Insert values into the sailor table.
c. Delete the row with rating>8.
d. Update the column details of sailor.

e. Insert null values into the table.

6. Create a table called reserves table

Name Type
Boat id Integer
sid Integer
day Integer

a. Insert values into the reservestable.

B.Tech. R20 Regulations

b. Add column time to the reservestable.

c. Alter the column day data type todate.
d. Drop the column time in thetable.
e. Delete the row of the table with somecondition.


1. a. Create a user and grant all permissions to theuser.

b. Insert the any three records in the employee table and use rollback. Check theresult.
c. Add primary key constraint and not null constraint to the employeetable.
d. Insert null values to the employee table and verify theresult.
2. a. Create a user and grant all permissions to theuser.
b. Insert values in the department table and usecommit.
c. Add constraints like unique and not null to the departmenttable.
d. Insert repeated values and null values into thetable.
3. a. Create a user and grant all permissions to theuser.
b. Insert values into the table and use commit.
c. Delete any three records in the department table and use rollback.
d. Add constraint primary key and foreign key to thetable.
4. a. Create a user and grant all permissions to theuser.
b. Insert records in the sailor table and usecommit.
c. Add save point after insertion of records and verify save point.
d. Add constraints not null and primary key to the sailortable.
5. a. Create a user and grant all permissions to theuser.
b. Use revoke command to remove userpermissions.
c. Change password of the usercreated.
d. Add constraint foreign key and notnull.
6. a. Create a user and grant all permissions to theuser.
b. Update the table reserves and use savepointandrollback.
c. Add constraint primary key , foreign key and not null to the reserves table
d. Delete constraint not null to the tablecolumn


1. a. By using the group by clause, display the enames who belongs to deptno 10
b. Display lowest paid employee details under eachdepartment.
c. Display number of employees working in each department and their departmentnumber.
d. Using built in functions, display number of employees working in each department and their
department name from dept table. Insert deptname to dept table and insert deptname for each
row, do the required thing specified above.
e. List all employees which start with either B or C.
f. Display only these ename of employees where the maximum salary is greater than or
equalto 5000.
2. a. Calculate the average salary for each differentjob.
b. Show the average salary of each job excludingmanager.
c. Show the average salary for all departments employing more than threepeople.
d. Display employees who earn more than thelowest salary in department 30
e. Show that value returned by sign (n)function.
f. How many days between day of birth to currentdate
3. a. Show that two substring as singlestring.
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

b. List all employee names, salary and 15% rise insalary.

c. Display lowest paid emp details under eachmanager
d. Display the average monthly salary bill for eachdeptno.
e. Show the average salary for all departments employing more than twopeople.
f. By using the group by clause, display the eid who belongs to deptno 05 along
withaverage salary.
4. a. Count the number of employees in department20
b. Find the minimum salary earned byclerk.
c. Find minimum, maximum, average salary of allemployees.
d. List the minimum and maximum salaries for each jobtype.
e. List the employee names in descendingorder.
f. List the employee id, names in ascending order byempid.
5. a. Find the sids ,names of sailors who have reserved all boats called“INTERLAKE
Find the age of youngest sailor who is eligible to vote for each rating level with at least two
such sailors.
b. Find the sname , bid and reservation date for eachreservation.
c. Find the ages of sailors whose name begin and end with B and has at least 3characters.
d. List in alphabetic order all sailors who have reserved redboat.
e. Find the age of youngest sailor for each ratinglevel.
6. a. List the Vendors who have delivered products within 6 months from orderdate.
b. Display the Vendor details who have supplied both Assembled and Subparts.
c. Display the Sub parts by grouping the Vendor type (Local or NonLocal).
d. Display the Vendor details in ascendingorder.
e. Display the Sub part which costs more than any of the Assembledparts.
f. Display the second maximum cost Assembledpart


1. a. Write a PL/SQL program to swaptwonumbers.

b. Write a PL/SQL program to find the largest of threenumbers.
2. a. Write a PL/SQL program to find the total and average of 6 subjects and display thegrade.
b. Write a PL/SQL program to find the sum of digits in a givennumber.
3. a. Write a PL/SQL program to display the number in reverseorder.
b. Writea PL/SQLprogramtocheckwhetherthegivennumberisprimeornot.
4. a. Write a PL/SQL program to find the factorial of a givennumber.
b. Write a PL/SQL code block to calculate the area of a circle for a value of radius varying from
3 to 7. Store the radius and the corresponding values of calculated area in an empty table
named areas, consisting of two columns radius andarea.
5. a. Write a PL/SQL program to accept a string and remove the vowels from the string. (When
‘hello’ passed to the program it should display ‘Hll’ removing e and o from the worldHello).
b. Write a PL/SQL program to accept a number and a divisor. Make sure the divisor is less than
or equal to 10. Else display an error message. Otherwise Display the remainderin words.


1. Write a function to accept employee number as parameter and return Basic +HRA together as
single column.
2. Accept year as parameter and write a Function to return the total net salary spent for a givenyear.
3. Create a function to find the factorial of a given number and hence findNCR.
4. Write a PL/SQL block o pint prime Fibonacci series using localfunctions.
5. Create a procedure to find the lucky number of a given birthdate.
6. Create function to the reverse of givennumber


1. Create a row level trigger for the customers table that would fire for INSERT or UPDATE or
DELETE operations performed on the CUSTOMERS table. This trigger will display the salary
difference between the old values and newvalues:

B.Tech. R20 Regulations


1 Alive 24 Khammam 2000
2 Bob 27 Kadappa 3000
3 Catri 25 Guntur 4000
4 Dena 28 Hyderabad 5000
5 Eeshwar 27 Kurnool 6000
6 Farooq 28 Nellore 7000

2. Creation of insert trigger, delete trigger, update trigger practice triggers using the passenger
Passenger( Passport_ id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR (50)
NotNULL, Age Integer Not NULL, Sex Char, Address VARCHAR (50)
a. Write a Insert Trigger to check the Passport_id is exactly six digits ornot.
b. Write a trigger on passenger to display messages ‘1 Record is inserted’, ‘1 record is
deleted’, ‘1 record is updated’ when insertion, deletion and updation are done on
3. Insert row in employee table using Triggers. Every trigger is created with name any trigger
have same name must be replaced by new name. These triggers can raised before insert, update
or delete rows on data base. The main difference between a trigger and a stored procedure is
that the former is attached to a table and is only fired when an INSERT, UPDATE or
4. Convert employee name into uppercase whenever an employee record is inserted or updated.
Trigger to fire before the insert orupdate.
5. Trigger before deleting a record from emp table. Trigger will insert the row to be deleted into
table called delete _emp and also record user who has deleted the record and date and time
6. Create a transparent audit system for a table CUST_MSTR. The system must keep track of the
records that are being deleted orupdated


1. Create the procedure for palindrome of givennumber.

2. Create the procedure for GCD: Program should load two registers with two Numbers and then
apply the logic for GCD of two numbers. GCD of two numbers is performed by dividing the
greater number by the smaller number till the remainder is zero. If it is zero, the divisor is the
GCD if not the remainder and the divisors of the previous division are the new set of two
numbers. The process is repeated by dividing greater of the two numbers by the smaller
number till the remainder is zero and GCD isfound.
3. Write the PL/SQL programs to create the procedure for factorial of givennumber.
4. Write the PL/SQL programs to create the procedure to find sum of N naturalnumber.
5. Write the PL/SQL programs to create the procedure to find Fibonacciseries.
6. Write the PL/SQL programs to create the procedure to check the given number is perfect ornot


1. Write a PL/SQL block that will display the name, dept no, salary of fist highest paidemployees.
2. Update the balance stock in the item master table each time a transaction takes place in the item
transaction table. The change in item master table depends on the item id is already present in
the item master then update operation is performed to decrease the balance stock by the
quantity specified in the item transaction in case the item id is not present in the item master
table then the record is inserted in the item mastertable.
3. Write a PL/SQL block that will display the employee details along with salary usingcursors.
4. To write a Cursor to display the list of employees who are working as a ManagersorAnalyst.
5. To write a Cursor to find employee with given job anddeptno.
6. Write a PL/SQL block using implicit cursor that will display message, the salaries of all the
employees in the ‘employee’ table are updated. If none of the employee’s salary are updated we
getamessage 'None of the salaries were updated'. Else we get a message like for example,
'Salaries for 1000 employees are updated' if there are 1000 rows in ‘employee’ table
B.Tech. R20 Regulations


A publishing company produces scientific books on various subjects. The books are written by
authors who specialize in one particular subject. The company employs editors who, not
necessarily being specialists in a particular area, each take sole responsibility for editing one or
more publications.
A publication covers essentially one of the specialist subjects and is normally written by a single
author. When writing a particular book, each author works with on editor, but may submit another
work for publication to be supervised by other editors. To improve their competitiveness, the
company tries to employ a variety of authors, more than one author being a specialist in a
particular subject for the above case study, do thefollowing:
1. Analyze the datarequired.
2. Normalize theattributes.
Create the logical data model using E-R diagrams


etc.). Each ward hosts a number of patients, who were admitted on the recommendation of their
ownGP and confirmed by a consultant employed by the Hospital. On admission, the personal
details of every patient are recorded. A separate register is to be held to store the information of the
tests undertaken and the results of a prescribed treatment. A number of tests may be conducted for
each patient. Each patient is assigned to one leading consultant but may be examined by another
doctor, if required. Doctors are specialists in some branch of medicine and may be leading
consultants for a number of patients, not necessarily from the same ward. For the above case study,
do the following.
1. Analyze the datarequired.
2. Normalize theattributes.
Create the logical data model using E-R diagrams


A database is to be designed for a car rental company. The information required includes a
description of cars, subcontractors (i.e. garages), company expenditures, company revenues and
customers. Cars are to be described by such data as: make, model, year of production, engine size,
fuel type, number of passengers, registration number, purchase price, purchase date, rent price and
insurance details. It is the company policy not to keep any car for a period exceeding one year. All
major repairs and maintenance are done by subcontractors (i.e. franchised garages), with whom
CRC has long-term agreements. Therefore the data about garages to be kept in the database
includes garage names, addresses, range of services and the like. Some garages require payments
immediately after a repair has been made; with others CRC has made arrangements for credit
facilities. Company expenditures are to be registered for all outgoings connected with purchases,
repairs, maintenance, insurance etc. Similarly the cash inflow coming from all sources: Car hire,
car sales, insurance claims must be kept of file. CRC maintains a reasonably stable client base. For
this privileged category of customers special creditcard facilities are provided. These customers
may also book in advance a particular car. These reservations can be made for any period of time
up to one month. Casual customers must pay a deposit for an estimated time of rental, unless they
wish to pay by credit card. All major credit cards are accepted. Personal details such as name,
address, telephone number, driving license, number about each customer are kept in the database.
For the above case study, do thefollowing:
1. Analyze the datarequired.
2. Normalize theattributes.
Create the logical data model using E-R diagrams


A database is to be designed for a college to monitor students' progress throughout their course of
study. The students are reading for a degree (such as BA, BA (Hons.) M.Sc., etc) within the
framework of the modular system. The college provides a number of modules, each being
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

characterized by its code, title, credit value, module leader, teaching staff and the department they
come from. A module is coordinated by a module leader who shares teaching duties with one or
more lecturers. A lecturer may teach (and be a module leader for) more than one module. Students
are free to choose any module they wish but the following rules must be observed: Some modules
require pre- requisites modules and some degree programs have compulsory modules. The
database is also to contain some information about
i.e. modules taken and examination results. For the above case study, do the following:
1. Analyze the datarequired.
2. Normalize theattributes.
3. Create the logical data model i.e., ERdiagrams.
4. Comprehend the data given in the case study by creating respective tables with primary
keys and foreign keys whereverrequired.
5. Insert values into the tables created (Be vigilant about Master- Slavetables).
6. Display the Students who have taken M.Sccourse
7. Display the Module code and Number of Modules taught by eachLecturer.
8. Retrieve the Lecturer names who are not Module Leaders.
9. Display the Department name which offers ‘English ‘module.
10. Retrieve the Prerequisite Courses offered by every Department (with Departmentnames).
11. Present the Lecturer ID and Name who teaches‘Mathematics’.
12. Discover the number of years a Module istaught.
13. List out all the Faculties who work for ‘Statistics’Department.
14. List out the number of Modules taught by each ModuleLeader.
15. List out the number of Modules taught by a particularLecturer.
16. Create a view which contains the fields of both Department and Module tables. (Hint-
The fields like Module code, title, credit, Department code and itsname).
17. Update the credits of all the prerequisite courses to 5. Delete the Module ‘History’ from the
1. RamezElmasri, Shamkant, B. Navathe, “Database Systems”, Pearson Education, 6th Edition,
2. Peter Rob, Carles Coronel, “Database System Concepts”, Cengage Learning, 7th Edition, 2008.
Online Learning Resources/Virtual Labs:
B.Tech. R20 Regulations


B.Tech-CSE – II-II Sem L T P C
0 0 3 1.5


(Common to CSE, IT, CSE( DS), CSE (IoT), CSE (AI), CSE (AI & ML) and AI & DS)

Pre-requisite Basics of CO and DBMS

Course Objectives:

 To familiarize students with the architecture of OS.

 To provide necessary skills for developing and debugging CPU Scheduling algorithms.

 To elucidate the process management and scheduling and memory management.

 To explain the working of an OS as a resource manager, file system manager, process
manager, memory manager, and page replacement tool.
 To provide insights into system calls, file systems and deadlock handling.

Course Outcomes (CO):

After completion of the course, students will be able to

 Trace different CPU Scheduling algorithms (L2).
 Implement Bankers Algorithms to Avoid and prevent the Dead Lock (L3).

 Evaluate Page replacement algorithms (L5).

 Illustrate the file organization techniques (L4).
 Illustrate shared memory process (L4).
 Design new scheduling algorithms (L6)

List of Experiments:

1. Practicing of Basic UNIX Commands.

2. Write programs using the following UNIX operating system calls

Fork, exec, getpid, exit, wait, close, stat, opendir and readdir

3. Simulate UNIX commands like cp, ls, grep, etc.,

4. Simulate the following CPU scheduling algorithms

a) Round Robin b) SJF c) FCFS d) Priority

5. Implement a dynamic priority scheduling algorithm.

6. Assume that there are five jobs with different weights ranging from 1 to 5. Implement round
robin algorithm with time slice equivalent to weight.
7. Implement priority scheduling algorithm. While executing, no process should wait for more
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

than 10 seconds. If the waiting time is more than 10 seconds that process has to be executed
for at least 1 second before waiting again.
8. Control the number of ports opened by the operating system with
a) Semaphore b) Monitors.
9. Simulate how parent and child processes use shared memory and address space.

10. Simulate sleeping barber problem.

11. Simulate dining philosopher’s problem.

12. Simulate producer-consumer problem using threads.

13. Implement the following memory allocation methods for fixed partition
a) First fit b) Worst fit c) Best fit
14. Simulate the following page replacement algorithms

a) FIFO b) LRU c) LFU etc.,

15. Simulate Paging Technique of memory management

16. Simulate Bankers Algorithm for Dead Lock avoidance and prevention

17. Simulate the following file allocation strategies

a) Sequential b) Indexed c) Linked
18. Simulate all File Organization Techniques
a) Single level directory b) Two level c) Hierarchical d) DAG
1. “Operating System Concepts”, Abraham Silberchatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne, Eighth
Edition, John Wiley.
2. “Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles”, Stallings, Sixth Edition–2009,

Pearson Education
3. “Modern Operating Systems”, Andrew S Tanenbaum, Second Edition, PHI.
4. “Operating Systems”, S.Haldar, A.A.Aravind, Pearson Education.

5. “Principles of Operating Systems”, B.L.Stuart, Cengage learning, India Edition.2013-2014

6. “Operating Systems”, A.S.Godbole, Second Edition, TMH.

7. “An Introduction to Operating Systems”, P.C.P. Bhatt, PHI.

Online Learning Resources/Virtual Labs:

B.Tech. R20 Regulations


B.Tech-CSE – II-II Sem L T P C
0 0 3 1.5


(Common to CSE, IT, CSE( DS), CSE (IoT))

Course Objectives:

 To learn and implement the fundamental concepts of Software Engineering.

 To explore functional and non-functional requirements through SRS.
 To practice the various design diagrams through the appropriate tool.
 To learn to implement various software testing strategies.

Course Outcomes (CO):

After completion of the course, students will be able to
 Acquaint with historical and modern software methodologies

 Understand the phases of software projects and practice the activities of each phase
 Practice clean coding
 Take part in project management

 Adopt skills such as distributed version control, unit testing, integration testing, build
management, and deployment
List of Experiments:

1 Draw the Work Breakdown Structure for the system to be automated

2 Schedule all the activities and sub-activities Using the PERT/CPM charts
3 Define use cases and represent them in use-case document for all the stakeholders of the
system to be automated

4 Identify and analyze all the possible risks and its risk mitigation plan for the system to be

5 Diagnose any risk using Ishikawa Diagram (Can be called as Fish Bone Diagram or
Cause& Effect Diagram)
6 Define Complete Project plan for the system to be automated using Microsoft Project Tool

7 Define the Features, Vision, Business objectives, Business rules and stakeholders in the
vision document

8 Define the functional and non-functional requirements of the system to be automated by

using Use cases and document in SRS document
9 Define the following traceability matrices :

1. Use case Vs. Features

2. Functional requirements Vs. Usecases

10 Estimate the effort using the following methods for the system to be automated:
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

1. Function point metric

2. Usecase point metric
11 Develop a tool which can be used for quantification of all the non-functional requirements
12 Write C/C++/Java/Python program for classifying the various types of coupling.
13 Write a C/C++/Java/Python program for classifying the various types of cohesion.

14 Write a C/C++/Java/Python program for object oriented metrics for design proposed by
Chidamber and Kremer. (Popularly called CK metrics)
15 Convert the DFD into appropriate architecture styles.
16 Draw a complete class diagram and object diagrams using Rational tools
17 Define the design activities along with necessary artifacts using Design Document.
18 Reverse Engineer any object-oriented code to an appropriate class and object diagrams.

19 Test a piece of code that executes a specific functionality in the code to be tested and asserts
a certain behavior or state using Junit.
20 Test the percentage of code to be tested by unit test using any code coverage tools
21 Define appropriate metrics for at least 3 quality attributes for any software application of
your interest.
22 Define a complete call graph for any C/C++ code. (Note: The student may use any tool that
generates call graph for source code)
1. Software Engineering? A Practitioner‟ s Approach, Roger S. Pressman, 1996, MGH.
2. Software Engineering by Ian Sommerville, Pearson Edu, 5th edition, 1999

3. An Integrated Approach to software engineering by Pankaj Jalote , 1991 Narosa

Online Learning Resources/Virtual Labs:
B.Tech. R20 Regulations


B.Tech-CSE – II-II Sem L T P C
0 0 3 1.5

20A05404 Exploratory Data Analytics with R

(Common to CSE, CSE (AI), CSE (AI & ML) and AI& DS)

Pre-requisite Fundamental Programming

Course Objectives:

The students will be able to learn:

 How to manipulate data within R and to create simple graphs and charts used in introductory
 The given data using different distribution functions in R.
 The hypothesis testing and calculate confidence intervals; perform linear regression models
for data analysis.
 The relevance and importance of the theory in solving practical problems in the real world.

Course Outcomes (CO):

After completion of the course, students will be able to

 Install and use R for simple programming tasks.

 Extend the functionality of R by using add-on packages
 Extract data from files and other sources and perform various data manipulation tasks on
 Explore statistical functions in R.
 Use R Graphics and Tables to visualize results of various statistical operations on data.
 Apply the knowledge of R gained to data Analytics for real-life applications.
List of Experiments:
a. Installation of R
b. The basics of R syntax, workspace
c. Matrices and lists
d. Subsetting
e. System-defined functions; the help system
f. Errors and warnings; coherence of the workspace


a. Viewing and manipulating Data
b. Plotting data
c. Reading the data from console, file (.csv) local disk and web
d. Working with larger datasets


a. Tables, charts and plots.
b. Univariate data, measures of central tendency, frequency distributions, variation, and Shape.
c. Multivariate data, relationships between a categorical and a continuous variable,
d. Relationship between two continuous variables – covariance, correlation coefficients, comparing
multiple correlations.
e. Visualization methods – categorical and continuous variables, two categorical variables, two
continuous variables.
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

a. Sampling from distributions – Binomial distribution, normal distribution
b. tTest, zTest, Chi Square test
c. Density functions
d. Data Visualization using ggplot – Box plot, histograms, scatter plotter, line chart, bar chart, heat
5: EXPLORATORY DATA ANALYSIS Demonstrate the range, summary, mean, variance, median,
standard deviation, histogram, box plot, scatter plot using population dataset.

a. Null hypothesis significance testing
b. Testing the mean of one sample
c. Testing two means

a. Linear models

b. Simple linear regression

c. Multiple regression

d. Bias-variance trade-off – cross-validation

a. How to calculate the correlation between two variables.
b. How to make scatter plots.
c. Use the scatter plot to investigate the relationship between two variables
a. Perform tests of hypotheses about the mean when the variance is known.
b. Compute the p-value.
c. Explore the connection between the critical region, the test statistic, and the p-value

10: ESTIMATING A LINEAR RELATIONSHIP Demonstration on a Statistical Model for a

Linear Relationship
a. Least Squares Estimates
b. The R Function lm

c. Scrutinizing the Residuals

a. Defining user defined classes and operations, Models and methods in R
b. Customizing the user's environment

c. Conditional statements
d. Loops and iterations
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

a. Write Demonstrate Statistical functions in R

b. Statistical inference, contingency tables, chi-square goodness of fit, regression, generalized linear
models, advanced modeling methods.

1. SandipRakshit, “Statistics with R Programming”, McGraw Hill Education, 2018.

2. Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, “AN Introduction to Statistical
Learning: with Applications in R”, Springer Texts in Statistics, 2017.

3. Joseph Schmuller, “Statistical Analysis with R for Dummies”, Wiley, 2017.

4. K G Srinivasa, G M Siddesh, ChetanShetty, Sowmya B J, “Statistical Programming in R”, Oxford
Higher Education, 2017.

Online Learning Resources/Virtual Labs:

1. www.oikostat.ch
2. https://learningstatisticswithr.com/
3. https://www.coursera.org/learn/probability-intro#syllabus

4. https://www.isibang.ac.in/~athreya/psweur/
B.Tech. R20 Regulations


B.Tech-CSE – II-II Sem L T P C
2 1 0 0

20A99401 Design Thinking for Innovation

(Common to All branches of Engineering)
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to familiarize students with design thinking process as a tool for
breakthrough innovation. It aims to equip students with design thinking skills and ignite the minds to
create innovative ideas, develop solutions for real-time problems.

Course Outcomes (CO):

 Define the concepts related to design thinking.
 Explain the fundamentals of Design Thinking and innovation
 Apply the design thinking techniques for solving problems in various sectors.
 Analyse to work in a multidisciplinary environment
 Evaluate the value of creativity
 Formulate specific problem statements of real time issues
UNIT - I Introduction to Design Thinking 10 Hrs
Introduction to elements and principles of Design, basics of design-dot, line, shape, form as fundamental
design components. Principles of design. Introduction to design thinking, history of Design Thinking,
New materials in Industry.

UNIT - II Design Thinking Process 10 Hrs

Design thinking process (empathize, analyze, idea & prototype), implementing the process in driving
inventions, design thinking in social innovations. Tools of design thinking - person, costumer, journey
map, brain storming, product development

Activity: Every student presents their idea in three minutes, Every student can present design process in
the form of flow diagram or flow chart etc. Every student should explain about product development.

UNIT - III Innovation 8 Hrs

Art of innovation, Difference between innovation and creativity, role of creativity and innovation in
organizations. Creativity to Innovation. Teams for innovation, Measuring the impact and value of

Activity: Debate on innovation and creativity, Flow and planning from idea to innovation, Debate on
value-based innovation.
UNIT - IV Product Design 8 Hrs
Problem formation, introduction to product design, Product strategies, Product value, Product planning,
product specifications. Innovation towards product design Case studies.

Activity: Importance of modelling, how to set specifications, Explaining their own product design.

UNIT - V Design Thinking in Business Processes 10 Hrs

Design Thinking applied in Business & Strategic Innovation, Design Thinking principles that redefine
business – Business challenges: Growth, Predictability, Change, Maintaining Relevance, Extreme
competition, Standardization. Design thinking to meet corporate needs. Design thinking for Startups.
Defining and testing Business Models and Business Cases. Developing & testing prototypes.

Activity: How to market our own product, About maintenance, Reliability and plan for startup.

1. Change by design, Tim Brown, Harper Bollins (2009)
2. Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation, Idris Mootee, 2013, John Wiley & Sons.
Reference Books:
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

1. Design Thinking in the Classroom by David Lee, Ulysses press

2. Design the Future, by Shrrutin N Shetty, Norton Press
3. Universal principles of design- William lidwell, kritinaholden, Jill butter.
4. The era of open innovation – chesbrough.H
Online Learning Resources:
B.Tech. R20 Regulations


……Experiential learning through community engagement
 Community Service Project is an experiential learning strategy that integrates meaningful community
service with instruction, participation, learning and community development
 Community Service Project involves students in community development and service activities and
applies the experience to personal and academic development.
 Community Service Project is meant to link the community with the college for mutual benefit. The
community will be benefited with the focused contribution of the college students for the village/ local
development. The college finds an opportunity to develop social sensibility and responsibility among
students and also emerge as a socially responsible institution.

Community Service Project should be an integral part of the curriculum, as an alternative to the 2 months of
Summer Internships / Apprenticeships / On the Job Training, whenever there is an exigency when students
cannot pursue their summer internships. The specific objectives are;
 To sensitize the students to the living conditions of the people who are around them,
 To help students to realize the stark realities of the society.
 To bring about an attitudinal change in the students and help them to develop societal consciousness,
sensibility, responsibility and accountability
 To make students aware of their inner strength and help them to find new /out of box solutions to the
social problems.
 To make students socially responsible citizens who are sensitive to the needs of the disadvantaged
 To help students to initiate developmental activities in the community in coordination with public and
government authorities.
 To develop a holistic life perspective among the students by making them study culture, traditions,
habits, lifestyles, resource utilization, wastages and its management, social problems, public
administration system and the roles and responsibilities of different persons across different social

Implementation of Community Service Project

 Every student should put in a 6 weeksfor the Community Service Project during the summer vacation.
 Each class/section should be assigned with a mentor.
 Specific Departments could concentrate on their major areas of concern. For example, Dept. of
Computer Science can take up activities related to Computer Literacy to different sections of people
like - youth, women, house-wives, etc
 A log book has to be maintained by each of the student, where the activities undertaken/involved to be
 The logbook has to be countersigned by the concerned mentor/faculty incharge.
 Evaluation to be done based on the active participation of the student and grade could be awarded by
the mentor/faculty member.
 The final evaluation to be reflected in the grade memo of the student.
 The Community Service Project should be different from the regular programmes of NSS/NCC/Green
Corps/Red Ribbon Club, etc.
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

 Minor project report should be submitted by each student. An internal Viva shall also be conducted by a
committee constituted by the principal of the college.
 Award of marks shall be made as per the guidelines of Internship/apprentice/ on the job training

 A group of students or even a single student could be assigned for a particular habitation or village or
municipal ward, as far as possible, in the near vicinity of their place of stay, so as to enable them to
commute from their residence and return back by evening or so.
 The Community Service Project is a twofold one –
o First, the student/s could conduct a survey of the habitation, if necessary, in terms of their own
domain or subject area. Or it can even be a general survey, incorporating all the different areas.
A common survey format could be designed. This should not be viewed as a duplication of
work by the Village or Ward volunteers, rather, it could be another primary source of data.
o Secondly, the student/s could take up a social activity, concerning their domain or subject area.
The different areas, could be like –
 Agriculture
 Health
 Marketing and Cooperation
 Animal Husbandry
 Horticulture
 Fisheries
 Sericulture
 Revenue and Survey
 Natural Disaster Management
 Irrigation
 Law & Order
 Excise and Prohibition
 Mines and Geology
 Energy
 Internet
 Free Electricity
 Drinking Water

Learning Outcomes
 Positive impact on students’ academic learning
 Improves students’ ability to apply what they have learned in “the real world”
 Positive impact on academic outcomes such as demonstrated complexity of understanding, problem
analysis, problem-solving, critical thinking, and cognitive development
 Improved ability to understand complexity and ambiguity
Personal Outcomes
 Greater sense of personal efficacy, personal identity, spiritual growth, and moral development
 Greater interpersonal development, particularly the ability to work well with others, and build
leadership and communication skills
Social Outcomes
 Reduced stereotypes and greater inter-cultural understanding
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

 Improved social responsibility and citizenship skills

 Greater involvement in community service after graduation
Career Development
 Connections with professionals and community members for learning and career opportunities
 Greater academic learning, leadership skills, and personal efficacy can lead to greater opportunity
Relationship with the Institution
 Stronger relationships with faculty
 Greater satisfaction with college
 Improved graduation rates


 Satisfaction with the quality of student learning
 New avenues for research and publication via new relationships between faculty and community
 Providing networking opportunities with engaged faculty in other disciplines or institutions
 A stronger commitment to one’s research


 Improved institutional commitment
 Improved student retention
 Enhanced community relations


 Satisfaction with student participation
 Valuable human resources needed to achieve community goals
 New energy, enthusiasm and perspectives applied to community work
 Enhanced community-university relations.


The following the recommended list of projects for Engineering students. The lists are not exhaustive and open
for additions, deletions and modifications. Colleges are expected to focus on specific local issues for this kind
of projects. The students are expected to carry out these projects with involvement, commitment, responsibility
and accountability. The mentors of a group of students should take the responsibility of motivating, facilitating,
and guiding the students. They have to interact with local leadership and people and appraise the objectives and
benefits of this kind of projects. The project reports shall be placed in the college website for reference.
Systematic, Factual, methodical and honest reporting shall be ensured.

For Engineering Students

1. Water facilities and drinking water availability
2. Health and hygiene
3. Stress levels and coping mechanisms
4. Health intervention programmes
5. Horticulture
6. Herbal plants
7. Botanical survey
8. Zoological survey
9. Marine products
10. Aqua culture
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11. Inland fisheries

12. Animals and species
13. Nutrition
14. Traditional health care methods
15. Food habits
16. Air pollution
17. Water pollution
18. Plantation
19. Soil protection
20. Renewable energy
21. Plant diseases
22. Yoga awareness and practice
23. Health care awareness programmes and their impact
24. Use of chemicals on fruits and vegetables
25. Organic farming
26. Crop rotation
27. Floury culture
28. Access to safe drinking water
29. Geographical survey
30. Geological survey
31. Sericulture
32. Study of species
33. Food adulteration
34. Incidence of Diabetes and other chronic diseases
35. Human genetics
36. Blood groups and blood levels
37. Internet Usage in Villages
38. Android Phone usage by different people
39. Utilisation of free electricity to farmers and related issues
40. Gender ration in schooling lvel- observation.

Complimenting the community service project the students may be involved to take up some awareness
campaigns on social issues/special groups. The suggested list of programmes are;

Programmes for School Children

1. Reading Skill Programme (Reading Competition)
2. Preparation of Study Materials for the next class.
3. Personality / Leadership Development
4. Career Guidance for X class students
5. Screening Documentary and other educational films
6. Awareness Programme on Good Touch and Bad Touch (Sexual abuse)
7. Awareness Programme on Socially relevant themes.
Programmes for Women Empowerment
1. Government Guidelines and Policy Guidelines
2. Womens’ Rights
3. Domestic Violence
4. Prevention and Control of Cancer
5. Promotion of Social Entrepreneurship
General Camps
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

1. General Medical camps

2. Eye Camps
3. Dental Camps
4. Importance of protected drinking water
5. ODF awareness camp
6. Swatch Bharath
7. AIDS awareness camp
8. Anti Plastic Awareness
9. Programmes on Environment
10. Health and Hygiene
11. Hand wash programmes
12. Commemoration and Celebration of important days
Programmes for Youth Empowerment
1. Leadership
2. Anti-alcoholism and Drug addiction
3. Anti-tobacco
4. Awareness on Competitive Examinations
5. Personality Development
Common Programmes
1. Awareness on RTI
2. Health intervention programmes
3. Yoga
4. Tree plantation
5. Programmes in consonance with the Govt. Departments like –
i. Agriculture
ii. Health
iii. Marketing and Cooperation
iv. Animal Husbandry
v. Horticulture
vi. Fisheries
vii. Sericulture
viii. Revenue and Survey
ix. Natural Disaster Management
x. Irrigation
xi. Law & Order
xii. Excise and Prohibition
xiii. Mines and Geology
xiv. Energy
Role of Students:
 Students may not have the expertise to conduct all the programmes on their own. The students then can
play a facilitator role.
 For conducting special camps like Health related, they will be coordinating with the Governmental
 As and when required the College faculty themselves act as Resource Persons.
 Students can work in close association with Non-Governmental Organizations like Lions Club, Rotary
Club, etc or with any NGO actively working in that habitation.
 And also with the Governmental Departments. If the programme is rolled out, the District
Administration could be roped in for the successful deployment of the programme.
B.Tech. R20 Regulations

 An in-house training and induction programme could be arranged for the faculty and participating
students, to expose them to the methodology of Service Learning.

Timeline for the Community Service Project Activity

Duration: 8 weeks
1. Preliminary Survey (One Week)
 A preliminary survey including the socio-economic conditions of the allotted habitation to be
 A survey form based on the type of habitation to be prepared before visiting the habitation with the help
of social sciences faculty. (However, a template could be designed for different habitations,
 The Governmental agencies, like revenue administration, corporation and municipal authorities and
village secreteriats could be aligned for the survey.

2. Community Awareness Campaigns (One Week)

 Based on the survey and the specific requirements of the habitation, different awareness campaigns and
programmes to be conducted, spread over two weeks of time. The list of activities suggested could be
taken into consideration.

3. Community Immersion Programme (Three Weeks)

Along with the Community Awareness Programmes, the student batch can also work with any one
of the below listed governmental agencies and work in tandem with them. This community
involvement programme will involve the students in exposing themselves to the experiential learning
about the community and its dynamics. Programmes could be in consonance with the Govt.

4. Community Exit Report (One Week)

 During the last week of the Community Service Project, a detailed report of the outcome of the 8 weeks
work to be drafted and a copy shall be submitted to the local administration. This report will be a basis
for the next batch of students visiting that particular habitation. The same report submitted to the
teacher-mentor will be evaluated by the mentor and suitable marks are awarded for onward submission
to the University.
Throughout the Community Service Project, a daily log-book need to be maintained by the students
batch, which should be countersigned by the governmental agency representative and the teacher-
mentor, who is required to periodically visit the students and guide them.

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