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ISSN (Online): 2455-3662

EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal

Volume: 9| Issue: 2| February 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2023: 8.224 || ISI Value: 1.188



M.Pradeep1, Karpaga Siva K.M2, Ayyappa Srinivasan M G3

1, 2,3St.Mother Theresa engineering College, Vagaikulam

The creation of Smart houses worldwide is a recent trend. Numerous individuals and businesses have begun automating
regular tasks like turning on lights and fans and adjusting the thermostat. The main goal of the project is to construct a gas
leakage detector using an LPG gas sensor. This device will continuously track the amount of LPG gas in the air and, for added
safety and security, link to the Internet of Things using an ESP module. This device can be implemented in LPG gas storage
spaces in hotels and residences. The primary controller is an Arduino. The project's end product is utilised to alert the user
and identify gas leaks from cylinders. Accidental explosions can occur in the home frequently and may be brought on by gas
leaks or the storage of explosives like propane. People have adapted to using the LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) delivery system
for cooking in the modern world. Numerous events will occur nearby while the LPG system is in use that could result in
human fatalities. Gas leakage hazards are hazardous and may become unmanageable if prompt action is not taken. This
document provides the detection of LPG cylinder leaking in certain places, such as the kitchen, and alerts the user regarding
leakage in an effort to stop this from happening, whether intentionally or accidentally.
KEYWORDS-arduino, Gasleakage Detection, Gas sensor

Due to its high temperature, low smoke, soot, and unpleasant incident. If there is a gas leak, an Arduino-based
environmental impact, liquefied oil gas (LPG) is a flammable LPG gas detection alert can be constructed. The LPG detector
hydrocarbon mixture that is utilised for a wide range of MQ 6 is an accurate LPG sensing tool that measures signal
purposes, including as fuel for homes, dormitories, industries, strength. The non-inheritable electrical signal is successfully
cars, and other vehicles. Even if it is far from the source of the quantized using a cost-effective Arduino-based signal
leak, LPG might catch fire due to its high flame retardancy. processing technique. Based on square measure, the severity
Chemical molecules of propane and butane, which burn of the LPG leakage is divided into three categories: LOW,
extremely efficiently, make up the majority of the energy MEDIUM, and HIGH.
source. The gases have a high flammability. LPG is primarily The main goal of the work by A.Munnaza et al.,[4] is
used in homes for cooking. to use gas sensors and the Spartan 6 FPGA process to detect
LPG leaks today are a problem for both gas leakage in any industry. To lower the cost of maintaining
manufacturing and residential use. If you do not recognise and servers, prevent data loss, and facilitate access from various
make changes soon away, it is quite dangerous to your life. internet-connected devices (computer, tablet, and mobile
Our project's goal is to provide a solution by shutting off the phone) simultaneously and anywhere in the world, it is crucial
gas supply as soon as a leak is noticed in addition to sounding to set up a cloud-based monitoring system. Any electronic
the alarm. Additionally, a notification informing the device in a home can be controlled via the Internet of Things
authorised person of the leakage will be sent to him[1]. The (IOT). The design of an industrial monitoring system using the
work by Sanjay dos et al.,[2] primarily deals with the Internet of Things is presented in this study (IoT). Information
development of a basic gas spill locator at the initial stage and from the gas sensor (MQ-5) is uploaded to a data cloud. Under
then transforming this easy device into a cutting-edge gas the majority of atmospheric circumstances, the sensor can
identification system. Propane (C3H8) and butane gas sensors identify gas leaks. An Arduino (UNO-1) that serves as the
have been specifically used because of their great affectivity setup's main processor controls all of the components. The
(C4H10). The GSM (Worldwide System for Versatile alert is triggered in the form of a buzzer as soon as the sensor
Communication) module of the gas leak detection system detects a gas leak. An LCD that supports this alert shows the
sends an SMS as soon as a leak is discovered. Keywords: leak's location.[5].
Arduino, LCD, LPG, MQ-6 Gas Sensor, Stepper. C.tukkoji et The goal of the work[6] is to offer a design for an
al.,[3] offered a novel method for discovering Arduino-based automatic warning system that can locate and stop liquefied
microcontrollers that allow LPG discharge. We must exercise petroleum gas leaks in a variety of locations. As soon as the
some caution in order to find the discharge in order to warn on gas leak exceeds setpoint1, this system calls the user and
Liquefied Rock Oil Gas (LPG) leakage and avert any sounds a buzzer alarm to notify the neighbours. The gas pipe

2023 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013-------------------------------------------------------------------202

ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 9| Issue: 2| February 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2023: 8.224 || ISI Value: 1.188

valves are closed by the servo motor. This gadget guarantees allows an application to read the data stored in a channel.
safety and guards against explosions and suffocation brought ThingSpeak provides instant visualizations of data posted by
on by gas leaks. Arduino Uno is used to implement this your devices to ThingSpeak. ThingSpeak is often used for
project, and Arduino IDE and proteus software are used to prototyping and proof of concept IoT systems that require
simulate it. analytics.
Massive explosions are being caused by gas leaks all
across the world. The only user who can be alerted by c. BLYNK Framework: With the help of the new platform
conventional gas leakage detectors is the one who is BLYNK, you can easily create user interfaces for managing
physically present at the scene. In order to get over this and controlling your hardware projects from iOS and Android
restriction, this project creates a model that notifies the user mobile devices. You can design a project dashboard after
via email if there is a leak. This model can identify benzene downloading the BLYNK app and placing buttons, sliders,
and liquid petroleum gas leaks. The IFTTT web service is graphs, and other widgets on the screen.
used by the prototype of this approach to send an email to the
concerned party. At the location of a leak, an LED is also d. Node MCU: The open-source Node MCU development
utilised as a visual alarm[7]. board and firmware are designed specifically for Internet of
The sensor is frequently used to find gas leaks for a Things applications. The ESP8266 Wi-Fi module is a gadget
variety of nearby applications. On an LCD display, the device that connects to the Arduino board and adds Wi-Fi
also continuously shows the leaking amount. The gas sensor functionality that functions similarly to a Wi-Fi shield. With
detects the concentration of gas in ppm and outputs analog AT command set, it functions. This module can be coupled
value which can be converted to a digital signal using inbuilt with the sensor and other applications through its GPIOs
Analog to Digital Convertor of Node MCU. thanks to its powerful on-board processing and storage
capabilities. ESP8266 Wi-Fi module for cloud data archiving.
II.PROPOSED SYSTEM The Micro USB port and VIN pin can be used to power the
The suggested project is an Android application for LPG leak Node MCU (External Supply Pin). It supports the UART, SPI,
detection and alert, giving users a simple way to keep track of and I2C interfaces. After processing it, the output signal is
the gas's level in cylinders. to find gas leaks in houses, hotels, then provided. It has a Wi-Fi module built right into it.Fig2..,
schools, and other household settings while sending out an shows node MCU
alert to those around. Globally, gas sensors are now used in
industries like instrumentation, safety, and health. This paper
uses a gas sensor to do the same. Fig.1, shows block diagram
of proposed system

Fig.3., NODE MCU

e. MQ 5 Gas Sensor: The Gas Sensor (MQ5) module is

Fig.1.Block Diagram
helpful for detecting gas leaks (in home and industry). It
works well for finding H2, LPG, CH4, CO, and alcohol.
III.SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Measurements may be made as soon as feasible thanks to its
a. Arduino IDE: Open source software called Arduino IDE is
high sensitivity and quick reaction time. The potentiometer
mostly used for authoring and compiling code into Arduino
can be used to modify the sensor's sensitivity. The following
Modules. Because it is an official Arduino programme, code
describes how the MQ-5 gas sensor functions: The sensor has
compilation is so simple that even the average individual with
a SnO2 sensitive filament. In the presence of clean air, this
no prior technical expertise may get started learning. It is
filament tends to have lower electrical conductivity. When a
conveniently accessible for operating systems like MAC,
combustible gas such as LPG is introduced, the filament’s
Windows, and Linux and operates on the Java Platform, which
conductivity rises, and the amount of change in its
has built-in functions and commands that are essential for
conductance/resistance can be used to indicate the equivalent
debugging, modifying, and compiling the code in the
gas concentration. Higher temperatures, if there is also a
resistive heating element, tend to make this effect more
noticeable. SnO2 is sensitive to other flammable gases as well,
b. Thing Speak: An IOT analytics platform is called
but it is particularly susceptible to methane, butane, and
ThingSpeak. It allowed us to watch realtime cloud data. Data
propane. One of the most crucial tools for detecting poisonous
can be sent to Thingspeak from our gadget. There are two
gases, the gas sensor offers a crucial way to track the
different kinds of API keys. API Read and API Write. Write
concentration and environmental data of gas in order to ensure
API Key –It is 16 digit code that allows an application to write
the safety of production.
data to a channel. Read API Key – It is 16-digit code that
2023 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013-------------------------------------------------------------------203
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 9| Issue: 2| February 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2023: 8.224 || ISI Value: 1.188

Fig.4.Gas Sensor
f. LCD: Liquid crystal display is referred to as LCD. It is a The hardware prototype of the proposed system has
particular type of electronic display module used in a wide been shown in Fig.7.
array of circuits and devices, including mobile phones,
calculators, computers, TVs, and other electronics. These
displays are mostly preferred for seven segments and multi-
segment light-emitting diodes. The main advantages of
adopting this module are its low cost, ease of programming,
animations, and unlimited ability to display bespoke
characters, unique animations, etc.

Fig.7.Hardware Prototype

The project's ultimate goal is to create a finished gas leakage
detection system. With the development of internet usage in
homes, the inclusion of the internet of things can further
Fig.5.LCD Display improve security. The Node MCU continuously monitors the
g. Buzzer: Buzzers are electric sound-producing instruments. gas leakage using the sensor utilised in this project. The
They fall under the categories of Piezo buzzer and magnetic mobile application sends the user a notification if there are any
buzzer, and are often driven by DC voltage. They have various changes to the sensor values. The mobile application's data are
designs and functions, and as a result, they may produce a updated from the Blynk server. Thingspeak, an IoT software
variety of sounds. A buzzer or beeper is a mechanical, platform, is interfaced with the node MCU. The software's
electromechanical, or piezoelectric audio signalling device primary function is to send consumers an online alert
(piezo for short). Buzzers and beepers are frequently used as message. LPG gas in the atmosphere is measured using a
alarm clocks, timers, and to validate human input such a MQ5 gas sensor.
mouse click or keyboard. When a leak is discovered, the apps' gas indicator
level rises to a specific value. The system verifies the MQ5
sensor value if the value is higher than the threshold value.
The alarm is ON if there is a gas leak. The Node MCU also
interfaced with a buzzer and LCD. If there is a gas leak, the
alarm system turns on and an LCD screen shows how much
gas is leaking. So that everyone in the area is informed of any
problems and may take rapid action when they arise,

2023 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013-------------------------------------------------------------------204

ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 9| Issue: 2| February 2023|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2023: 8.224 || ISI Value: 1.188

numerous users, including the neighbourhood, can be proposed technology is more affordable than the market's
interfaced. currently available detectors. It can assist us in preventing
mishaps from all angles. In order to avoid accidents and
preserve lives, it is crucial to identify LPG leaks. We talked
about the techniques for finding leaks, which can help save
many lives. With the help of this technology, the user has
access to real-time data at all times.

1. Gas Leakage Detection Based on Arduino And Alarm Sound,
Rhonnel S. Paculanan, Israel Carino, International Journal of
Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
Vol 8, April 2019.
2. Sanjoy Das, Sahana S, Soujanya K Swathi M C, "Gas leakage
detection and prevention using IoT": International Journal of
Scientific Research % Engineering Trends. Vol 6, Issue 3,
May-June 2020, ISSN (online): 2395-566X.
3. Dr. Chetana Tukkoji, Mr. Sanjeev Kumar, “Review paper on-
LPG Gas leakage detection using IOT”: IJEAST –
International Journal of Engineering Applied Science &
Technology, Vol 4, Issue 12, April 2020 IJEAST (online):
4. Amatul Munnaza, Rupa Tejaswi, Tarun Kumar Reddy,
Saranga Moahan “IoT Based Gas Leakage Monitoring
System”: Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture &
Technology (JXUAT), Vol 12 ISSN No: 1006-7930, Issue 5,
5. B. F. Alshammari, M. T. Chughtai, “IoT Gas leakage detector
and warning generator”. Engineering and Technology and
Applied Science Research Volume 10, Issue August 2020, pp
no. 6142-6146.
6. Gas Leakage Detection and Prevention System, Shreyas
Thorat, Neha Tonape, International Journal of Trendy
Research, Vol 4, Issue 7, Dec 2020, ISSN NO: 2582-0958.
7. Rohan KH1, Navanika Reddy, Pranamya Maddy, Sachit
Girish, Dr. Badari Nath K-“IOT based gas leakage detection
Fig.8.,Gas Leakage Indicator and Alerting system”: JRP Publications,Vol. 1(1), pp no. 002-
006, February 2021.

Fig.9.Gas Leakage detected by sensor

Gas leaks cause serious mishaps that cause property damage
and human injuries. Poor equipment maintenance and a lack
of public awareness are the main causes of gas leaks. It is a
cost-effective device that may be put in LPG gas storage
rooms in hotels and apartments, among other places. The
2023 EPRA IJMR | http://eprajournals.com/ | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2013-------------------------------------------------------------------205

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