LPG Gas Leakage Monitoring and Alert System Using Arduino: Ayesha Siddika, Imam Hossain

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426

LPG Gas Leakage Monitoring and Alert System using

Ayesha Siddika1, Imam Hossain2
Faculty, Dept. of CSE, World University of Bangladesh (WUB), Bangladesh
MSc. in CSE, Daffodil International University (DIU), Bangladesh

Abstract: The explosion due to gas leakage has become a serious problem in our country's daily activities. Now the world is evolving with
technology, so it is necessary to use technology if possible in every case. LPG gas to resolve the accident occurred we can prevent it through
technology. The system is based on a microcontroller, which uses gas sensors as well as GSM, display and buzzer. It is designed for LPG Gas
Leakage Monitoring and Alert System using Arduino Mega with MQ135 sensor. This circuit contains MQ135 gas sensor, microcontroller,
buzzer, display and GSM. The sensor will detect the gas leakage and transmit the information to the microcontroller. On the basis of those
information, the microcontroller makes a decision and then displays a warning message on the display and the message will be sent to the
user via GSM. The uses of the Arduino microcontroller with Arduino, provide a suitable platform for implementing an embedded control
system and it is possible to modify it to meet our future requirements easily and quickly.

Keyword: LPG Gas Leakage, Monitoring, Security, Gas sensor, GSM module, Microcontroller

1. Introduction system award people to prevent accidents and safe from

LPG Gas leaks have been increased from 0.72% of all kitchen
accidents to 10.74% of all the kitchen accidents The small Scope of Study
LPG cylinder of weight 5kg in which the burner is located Due to the increase in fuel costs, we use LPG gas in most
immediately over the cylinder without using a rubber tube is petrol/diesel vehicles. The use of LPG gas in car and home is
seen to be safer than the one which uses a rubber pipe as this very risky. The LPG gas cylinders used at home and elsewhere
subway has the hazards of getting cracked which in turn can are the same condition, which is mainly due to LPG gas
make way to leakage. A computer program to run online to leakage accidents. For the protection and security of LPG gas
detect the leakage locations has been originated and it explosion problem, we design the IoT based system to prevent
functions as the automatic supervisor of the pipelines in home and vehicle accidents.
remote areas Simple Gas leak detector is a simple device
which is used to detect the leakage of gas and if the gas leak 2. Literature Review
occurs, an equivalent message is conveyed by the means of an
LCD screen and a buzzer and with the help of the GSM Microcontroller Based LPG Gas Leakage Detector Using
module it is capable to broadcast messages to the stakeholders GSM Module, in this system where used gas sensor, GSM
about the LPG leak. module, microcontroller, if the gas concentration is increases
the gas sensors will sense the leakage of the gas and then send
This device is at its initial level of development and with to the microcontroller. Then the GSM module is connected to
modification in future this device will also trip off the mains the microcontroller which will gives the command to stop the
supply to ensure better safety and surety. The gas leak detector main supply. The system is highly reliable, tamper-proof and
device can find application not only at residential homes but secure. In the long run the maintenance cost is efficient. It is
also it is applicable to hotels, restaurants and even in industries highly accurate.(A.sood, B.Sonkar, A.Ranjan, Mr. A.Faisal,
where LPG gas is used for some or the other purposes. June-2015)

Objectives Liquefied Petroleum Gas commonly known as LPG consists

 To design and develop a LPG Gas leakage monitoring & of a mixture of Commercial Propane and Commercial Butane
alert system using Arduino. having saturated as well as unsaturated hydrocarbons. It is an
 To display the leakage alarm on a display board and send an odorless gas due to which Ethyl Herceptin is added as
alarm notification on SMS to any predefine mobile number. powerful odorant so that leakage can easily be detected. LPG
is commonly used in homes for heating and cooking. This
Justification of Study energy source is primarily composed of propane and butane
LPG gas leakage problem increasing day by day for the which are highly flammable chemical compounds. LPG was
reason, designed and develop a system of LPG Gas leakage first produced in 1910 by Walter Snelling (Didpaye1, 2015)
monitoring and alert system using Arduino. So this IOT based and is classified as a hazardous material because of its
flammable properties and explosive potential when stored
Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20204396 DOI: 10.21275/ART20204396 1734
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
under pressure. Before the development of electronic be detected using MQ5 Sensor. Setup an SMS based Alert
household gas detectors in the 1980s and 90s, gas presence Mechanism and send 3 SMS (3 alert messages) to 2 specified
was detected with a chemically infused paper that changed its mobile numbers (input inside the Arduino program). Produce
color when exposed to the gas (Didpaye1, 2015). Since then, a sound alarm upon gas leak and stop the alarm once gas leak
many technologies and devices have been developed to detect, is under control (gas presence in atmosphere is under normal
monitor, and alert the leakage of a wide array of gases. Hence range). Displays status in an LCD using a (16×2) LCD
the requirement of an efficient system to detect leakage of module. (A. Beliraya, December 2018.)
LPG is inevitable, which may be used for domestic and
commercial purposes. 3. Methodology
A system, that provided security issues against thieves, Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the
leakage and fire accidents. In those cases, this system sends methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the
SMS to the emergency number provided to it. In the proposed theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles
system we have designed “LPG gas monitoring and automatic associated with a branch of knowledge. Typically, it
cylinder booking with alert system”. These report focus on encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model,
detection of economic fuels like petroleum, liquid petroleum phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques. A
gas, in the proposed system we have designed “LPG gas methodology does not set out to provide solutions—it is
monitoring and automatic cylinder booking with alert system”. therefore, not the same as a method. Instead, a methodology
These report focus on detectionof economic fuels offers the theoretical underpinning for understanding which
likepetroleum, liquid petroleum gas, and alert system”. These method, set of methods, or best practices can be applied to a
report focus on detection of economic fuels like petroleum, specific case. Through a methodology, we are achieving the
liquid petroleum gas,alcohol etc. (H.Rawat, A.Kushwah, knowledge about planning, design, and implementation and
K.Asthana, AShivhare,2014) testing.

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a highly flammable 3.1 Description of Methodology

chemical. The mixture of hydrocarbon gas (LPG) is used as
fuel for burning, at home and in the industry. LPG is used as a In the project we follow workflow for whole project work.
domestic fuel, industrial, heating and so on. A heater and gas This workflow is divided into 6 steps. These are following
sensitive resistor are some of the internal components of the
sensor used to avoid failure leading to a false alarm indication.
The alarm gets triggered when a certain concentration of gas is
exceeded by steam. This device is used to indicate early
warning of a problem to ensure public safety. LPG and gas
sensors are used in the field of safety, health and materials.
This embedded system is used to detect hazardous gas and to
alert uses by sending an SMS.(A.Shiyana,Mrs.R Deepa,

The Microcontroller that is utilized for the project is Arduino

Uno R3. R3 is the 3rd and latest revision of Arduino Uno. The
Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board that is based on
ATmega328. The ATmega328 is a single microchip controller
that has 32 Kbytes (with 0.5 Kbyte which is occupied through
the boot loader). Moreover, it comprises of SRAM and Figure 1: Workflow for this project
EEPROM that can be written and read with the EEPROM
library, I/O pins, AVR microcontroller chip, a power jack, a Requirement Analysis, Design & Development
USB connection, ICSP (In-Circuit System Programming The main objective of our project is to ensure the LPG gas
header), and the reset button. Simply, it is connected to a leakage and provide a signal at that time, as well as through
computer via USB cable. The Clock speed of the Arduino is SMS and signal to the specified mobile number. Once we are
16 MHz; thus it performs a specific task quicker than other integrated with the various functions of architecture and GPS
processors or controllers. AVR chip is continuously clocking system, it is time to design the hardware and develop our
on 16 MHz regardless to what a code is performing, it never concept.
halts; thus its current‟s consumption is essentially independent
from the code that is executed. (Dr. Bayan M. Sabbar, A I. Ali System Requirements
June-2016). The system we want to make is consisting of Arduino, GSM
module, Buzzer, LCD. GSM module send the SMS to mobile
This paper discusses about the design of gas leakage detector. number, The Arduino will control the signal as well as process
To detect Gas Leakage (like LPG leak, Butane leak, Methane the information received from the GSM. These are the
leak) or any such petroleum based gaseous substance that can
Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20204396 DOI: 10.21275/ART20204396 1735
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
following hardware and software requirements, which are Figure 2: Block Diagram of LPG Gas Leakage Monitoring
needed to run this project successfully. and Alert System using Arduino

Hardware Requirements Initially, the microcontroller send signal to the GSM module
1) Arduino UNO Microcontroller and if the GSM module is connected properly with the
2) 16x2 LCD Display microcontroller it sends an acknowledgement signal back to
3) 12v dc power supply the microcontroller. Then if there is any gas leakage in the MO
4) 5v Regulated CKT sphere it is detected by the gas sensor unit using MQ-6sensor.
5) Buzzer After the sensor unit detects the gas leakage, a signal is sent to
6) LPG Gas sensor the ADC unit of the microcontroller which then sends
7) GSM Module activation signal to other external devices connected to it such
8) GSM Sim as buzzer, GSM module and LCD display.
9) Connecting wires
10) Project base. 3.3 Circuit Diagram

Software Requirements
1) Arduino IDE
2) Language C++

Flowchart in a logical sequence, or structure is a graphical
representation of a production process. The purpose of a flow
chart of the process of working with a project or a common
language or reference point is provided.

3.2 Block Diagram

LPG gas sensor module's DO pin is directly connected to pin

12 of Arduino and Vcc and GND are connected to Vcc and
GND of Arduino. LPG gas sensor module consist a MQ3
sensor which detects LPG gas. A comparator circuit is used
for converting Analog output of MQ3 in digital. A 16x2 LCD
is connected with Arduino in 4-bit mode. Control pin RS, RW
and directly connected to Arduino pin 2, GND and 3. And data
pin D0-D7 are connected to 4, 5, 6, 7 of Arduino. A buzzer is
connected with Arduino pin number 8 through a NPN BC547
transistor having a 4.7 kilo ohm resistor at its base.

3.4 Project Description

LPG Gas leakage monitoring and alert system .

Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20204396 DOI: 10.21275/ART20204396 1736
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426

Figure 3: LPG Gas leakage monitoring and alert system using Arduino

The Complete Connection Diagram consists of the 6. Future Work

Microcontroller Circuit, GSM Module, Power Supply, GAS
Sensor Module and Buzzer. The Power Supply is fed to the A mobile gas sensing robot can be constructed to sense the
GSM Module. The output of the sensor goes low as soon as leakage of gas through pipelines as the robot can move on a
the MQ-5 Gas Sensor senses any gas leakage from the storage. track which is situated along the length of pipeline.
This is detected by the microcontroller and the LED & buzzer
are turned ON. The microcontroller continues sending References
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5. Limitation
Gas may be leaked at various levels in various factories or
homes, requiring additional gas sensors to detect it.

Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20204396 DOI: 10.21275/ART20204396 1737

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