Solar Dryer Project Report
Solar Dryer Project Report
Solar Dryer Project Report
4 Methodology (Theory}
4.1 Materials
6 Experimental Investigation
8 Conclusions
9 Future scope
10 References
11 Appendix
Drying is one of the methods used to preserve food products for longer periods. The heat from the
sun coupled with the wind has been used to dry food for preservation for several years.
Drying is the oldest preservation technique of agricultural products and it is an energy intensive process.
High prices and shortages of fossil fuels have increased the emphasis on using alternative renewable energy
resources. Drying of agricultural products using renewable energy such as solar energy is environmental
friendly and has less environmental impact Different types of solar dryers have been designed, developed
and tested in the different regions of the tropics and subtropics. The major two categories of the dryers are
natural convection solar dryers and forced convection solar dryers. In the natural convection solar dryers the
airflow is established by buoyancy induced airflow while in forced convection solar dryers the airflow is
provided by using fan operated either by electricity/solar module or fossil fuel.
Solar thermal technology is a technology that is rapidly gaining acceptance as an energy saving measure
in agriculture application. It is preferred to other alternative sources of energy such as wind and shale,
because it is abundant, inexhaustible, and non-polluting. Solar air heaters are simple devices to heat air by
utilizing solar energy and it is employed in many applications requiring low to moderate temperature below
80°C, such as crop drying and space heating.
Drying has been used to preserve food throughout the world since prehistoric
times. When people learned that dried foods left out in the sun remain wholesome for long periods. The
dried foods industry has greatly expanded after World War II but remained restricted to dried foods,
including milk, soup, eggs fruits, yeast some meats and instant coffee etc. several mechanical drying units
were built on experimental basis and a few commercial units were in operation primarily for dehydration of
fruits, vegetables, and hay and seed corn. Much of the research in agriculture product up to 1955 was
concerned mainly with field result. Since 1955 considerable research has dealt with theory and principles of
drying in the design of farm level of commercial driers.
Drying in one of the oldest user of solar energy. The practice has been cheaply and successfully
employed all over the world for thousands of years. The basics philosophy of drying foods is to remove
water for prevention of micro organisms to grow and limit food enzymatic activity. It reduces an item to
roughly 50% of its original volume and 20% of its original weight through gradual elimination of water.
Three basic methods of drying are used today
(i) sun drying, a traditional method in which foods dry naturally in the sun
(ii) hot air drying in which foods are exposed to a blast of hot air
(iii) freeze drying in which frozen foods are placed in a vacuum chamber to draw out the water.
Removing the water preserves foods because microrganisms need water to grow and food enzymes
cannot work without a watery environment
Excel (1979) worked vat the Asian institute of technology and built a rice dryer to be constructed by the
local farmers at low cost using indigenous materials. In this dryer sunlight passed through the clear
plastic sheet and warmed the air inside aided by a layer of burnt rice hunks that covered the ground
below to absorb the radiation. The warm air passed through the bad off the paddy and dried it. The
chimney provided a tall column of warm air that increases the flow of heat through the bad by natural
convection. The air inlet when faced the wind direction increase the flow further.
Djokoto et al developed and tested solar tunnel dryer for drying weight at international rise research
institute (IRRI) Philippines. The dryer consisted of a collector and tunnel drying chambers arranged
parallel to each other. A centrifugal blower with backward curved drying air through the collector.
Tyuirn et al (1989) designed and developed a simple solar powered dryer for fruits. A layer of produce
was spread in a solar heated chamber on a lattice through which air was forced. Roof ventilators
regulated inside temperature and humidity within 6 days, grapes could be dried sufficiently for further
processing, whereas onions were dried within 24 hours. Hauser et al (1993) designed, fabricated and
tested a tunnel type solar dryer for fruit and vegetables in morocco. The installation was used for drying
“canino” Apricots, which were first cut in half and de-stoned, then immersed for 10 minutes In solution
of 6% Na2S2So5 to preserve their colour and guarantee their storage life. The apricot halves were then
arranged on the dryer grill in a single layer with the internal flesh uppermost at 750-1000 halves per m2
Once the dryer was closed the fans were switched on. The maximum drying temperature was selected
65 ۬C to avoid significant quality losses. The performance of the dryer was examined and it was found
that 60 kg of dry apricots could be obtained forma harvest of 3000 kg.
Sharma et al (1994) carried out an experimental investigation on three type of solar dryers (2 natural and
forced convection) for fruit and vegetable drying during the summer in southern Italy. Mushrooms,
green chilies and tomatoes were used in the experiment and weight at 2 hours intervals during drying.
Drying as much faster using the in directed forced convection dryer than with the cabinet or multi-
stacked natural convection dryer particularly on cloudy days. There was no significated that the cabinet
type natural convection dryer is suitable for drying a small quality a small quality of the fruit or
Food scientists have found that by reducing the moisture content of food to between 10 and 20%,
bacteria, yeast, mold and enzymes are prevented from spoiling it. The flavor and most of the nutritional
value is preserved and concentrated.
Drying and preservation of agricultural products have been one of the oldest uses of solar energy. The
traditional method, still widely used throughout the world, is open sun drying where diverse crops, such as
fruits, vegetables, cereals, grains, tobacco, etc. are spread on the ground and turned regularly until
sufficiently dried so that they can be stored safely. However, there exist many problems associated with
open sun drying. It has been seen that open sun drying has the following disadvantages. It requires both
large amount of space and long drying time. The disadvantages of open sun drying need an appropriate
technology that can help in improving the quality of the dried products and in reducing the wastage. This led
to the application of various types of drying devices like solar dryer, electric dryers, wood fuel driers and
oil-burned driers. However, the high cost of oil and electricity and their scarcity in the rural areas of most
third world countries have made some of these driers very unattractive. Therefore interest has been focused
mainly on the development of solar driers.
1. to design and fabricate a suitable prototype for drying common agro-commodities usually dried
traditionally in open air
2. to evaluate the performance of the prototype using some common agro-commodities with different
loads and drying modes.
Following are the some of the selected research studies mainly on vegetable and fruits drying where the
post harvest losses are almost half of the total production which otherwise could be minimized if appropriate
drying process were applied to preserve the commodities for off season use, and also to fetch good return for
the farmers.
Solar dryers can be utilized for various domestic purposes. They also find numerous applications in
industries such as textiles, wood, fruit and food processing, paper, pharmaceutical, and agro-
industries. Daily solar radiation varies between 4 and 6.5 kWh/m2.In this regard, solar dryer for domestic as
well industrial usage could be an effective alternative of saving conventional energy. Utilization of solar
thermal energy through solar dryer is relatively in a nascent state in our country.By use of this dryer, the
drying process is made 5 times faster than normal sun drying procedure resulting in substantial weight
reduction. 100 kg of grapes can be converted to 25 kg of raisin. It has no adverse effect to environment.
For centuries, people of various nations have been preserving fruits, meat, fish and other
crops by drying. Drying is also beneficial for hay, copra, tea and other income producing non"foodcrops.
In an indirect solar dryer, the heat of the sun is first captured by the solar collector and the dryer
chamber. Consequently, the ambient air that flows through the solar collector is heated, and then enters the
drying chamber. After drying, the air has become humid and is discharged from the drying chamber.
4.1 Materials
The following materials were used for the construction of the domestic passive solar dryer:
Wood (gmelina) - as the casing (housing) of the entire system; wood was
Glass - as the solar collector cover and the cover for the drying chamber. It
permits the solar radiation into the system but resists the flow of heat energ out of
the systems.
Mild steel sheet of 1mm thickness and aluminum painted black – for absorption
of solar radiation.
Insect net at air inlet and outlet - to prevent insects from entering into the dryer.
Paint (black).
Government Polytechnic, Miraj, Mechanical Engineering. 10
4.2 Component of the machine
The materials used for the construction of the mixed-mode solar dryer are cheap and easily
obtainable in the local market. The solar dryer consist of the solar collector (air heater), the drying cabinet
and drying trays.
The following factors will be considered in the design of the solar dryer.
1.Materials Selection
Since the design is to help local farmers and to reduce the cost of drying, using dryers that are expensive, the
materials to be used will be sourced locally and at the cheapest price available. They will be selected on the
basis of availability, cost, durability amongst others.
The proposed outside dimension of the solar dryer is 90cm x 80cm x 100cm, while the inside dimension will
be 87.5cm x 77.5cm x 97.5cm. This is due to the 2.5cm thickness of the plank to be used. The drying
chamber will be 97.5cm in length.
3. Air Flow
The solar dryer will be designed to help in the reduction of the moisture content of the produce put in it.
There will be an air vent or inlet to the solar collector where air enters and it will be heated up by solar
collector. The hot air will rise through the drying chamber; pass through the trays and around the farm
produce reducing the moisture content and exits through the outlet near the top of the chamber.
The hot air serves as the drying medium; it extracts and conveys the moisture from the produce or food to
the atmosphere. Thus the system is a passive solar system and no mechanical device is required to control
the intake of air into the dryer.
The objective of a solar cabinet dryer is to supply the product with more heat than that of
ambient air by increasing the vapor pressure of moisture held in the crop and decreasing the relative
humidity of the air thus increasing its moisture carrying capacity and ensuring low equilibrium moisture
content. Drying rate depends on the temperature and relative humidity of the surrounding air and the
properties of the material to be dried. Some of the crops commonly grown in developing countries are better
suited for solar drying as case hardening and other damages are less at low temperatures.
Solar dryers are much suitable for tropical countries as the available solar energy is
sufficient to serve the heat requirements. Natural-convection dryers don't require mechanical or electrical
power, simple in construction, easy to maintain and inexpensive. Mould formations are lesser in solar drying
process . The use of PCM as an energy storage medium is now a worldwide considered option with a
number of advantages. The combination of solar energy and the use of PCMs in any thermal energy system
may result on alleviating the problem of pollution due to the reduced use of fossil fuel based energy sources.
Also, the energy demand can be managed by storing when it is available and using it later . Thermal storage
depends on the capillary forces and surface tension forces that act on the PCM during the incorporation .
Solar dryer used in this experiment was of cabinet type having 3 trays with drying area of 0.5 m2 (each).
The trays were evenly spaced to allow maximum heat flow.
The experimental setup consists of a solar dryer which can be coupled to a solar collector
which acts as an auxiliary heat recovery unit. Both the components have PCM based thermal storage
compartments at their base through which the incoming air enters below their absorber plates. The whole
structure is insulated to minimize heat loss.
Crops like cereals, grains, paddy, wheat, corn, and dry nuts have dry content in
weight. So without proper removing of thismoisture results in the growth of moulds, fungi and damage the
grain quality results in the loss of crop. Harvest grainmoisture content varies between 18 and 25% wet basis,
if not dried quickly will reduce the quality of grain. Drying toreduce the moisture content to about 18% wet
basis so that grain can be stored for longer, facilitate the milling process andto produce good quality grains.
Similarly, in horticulture, crops like vegetables and fruits are facing large scarcity inproduction and
preservation for the balance of a growing population
At less production and monsoon failure cases it results in inflation. Under these
circumstances, the farmer isunable to produce the right crop at the right time. Though production is more at
good rains farmer is unable to get areasonable price. Mostly these crops are perishable crops i.e., lifetime or
durability is very less. So, to get rid of thisproblem we have to store and protect the extra cultivation in
various forms up to the next good monsoon. By this, we cancontrol the scarcity of food as well as inflation.
The experimental set-up used for the present study is designed andfabricated at G. Pulla Reddy Engineering
College and located in Kurnool district. This experimental design consisted ofheating and drying chamber.
The design of the drying chamber was based on the volume required for 1.5 kg of vegetables.On basis of
this volume the dimensions of dryer was 23 ×37 × 60 cm2 with air passage (air vent) out of the cabinet of 90
×10cm2. The glass used as a cover for the collector was 83 × 60cm2. The steel net was selected for the dryer
trays to aid aircirculation within the drying chamber. Three trays were made having wooden edges. The tray
dimension is 21 × 50 cm of2.5 cm × 2 cm wooden sticks used as a frame. In this proposed work, 5mm thick
transparent glass was used. It alsosuggested that the metal sheet thickness should be of 0.4–0.5 mm
thickness, here aluminium of 0.4 mm thickness was used.The glass used as a cover for the collector was 83
× 60cm2. For the measurement of temperatures at various pointsthermocouples along with display panel
were used. The drying chamber was connected to a heating chamber from whichhot air for drying was made
Chapter No 8. Conclusions
Chapter No 9. References
1. Anon R, A Simple Solar Dryer. Appropriate Technology, Pp. 5, 2, and 11, 1978a
2. Anon R., How to Build a solar crop Dryer. Santa Fe, USA: New Mexico. Solar. Energy
Association. Pp. 10, 1978c.
3. Annual statistics report for Sarpang and Dagana Dzongkhag 2011,
4. Sawn Timber rate.pdf