Wifi Study April PDF
Wifi Study April PDF
Wifi Study April PDF
The SAARC Development Fund (SDF) has allocated Global coronavirus death toll crosses 100,000;
USD 5 million (about Rs 38 crore) for COVID-19 WHO warns against lifting of restrictions
projects in eight member countries as the virus
pandemic threatens economic activities across the
The International Day of Human Space Flight is the Major Oil producers except Mexico agree to
annual celebration, held on April 12, of the output cuts: OPEC
anniversary of the first human space flight by Yuri
NASA and SpaceX are targeting May 27 for the World liver day is observed on every 19 April, to
launch of Demo-2, the first launch of NASA spread awareness about liver related disease.
astronauts from the U.S. since 2011 and the first
crewed launch for Elon Musk’s space company.
The liver is the second largest and the most The day was proposed at the UNESCO
complex organ in the body, with the conference in 1969 and the first Earth Day
exception of the brain. celebrations took place in 1970.
It is a key player in your body's digestive World Earth Day 2020 will mark the 50th
system. Anniversary of the day since it started being
It is also responsible for detoxification of observed in 1970.
drugs, alcohol and control of infections. The theme of Earth Day 2020: ‘Climate
World Creativity and Innovation Day: 21 April
Spain's bull running festival cancelled due to
coronavirus pandemic
The United States Navy has said that it will host the
International Dance Day is a global celebration of world's largest maritime exercises ‘Rim of the
dance, created by the Dance Committee of the Pacific’ in Hawaii again this year, but the drills will
International Theatre Institute (ITI), the main partner only be held at sea because of the Coronavirus.
for the performing arts of UNESCO.
The Navy has held the Rim of the Pacific Utkal Dibasa: 01 April
exercises in Hawaii every two years since the
early 1970s.
Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam will host a
minimal footprint of staff for logistics and
support functions.
The drills will also be held over two weeks,
from 17th to 31st August , instead of the usual
five weeks of events from late June to early
World Bank offers $1bn for proposed India This year marks the 83rd Utkal Dibasa, or the
project foundation day of Odisha.
Odisha was born as a separate state on April
1, 1936, on linguistic basis.
The state was carved out of the combined
Bengal-Bihar-Orissa province.
Odisha Capital: Bhubaneswar
Number of District : 30
Governor: Ganeshi Lal
Chief Minister: Naveen Patnaik
Members of the Legislative Assembly: 147
Lok Sabha Seats : 21
Rajya Sabha Seats : 10
The World Bank has offered $1 billion to the Indian Government sanctions Rs 10-crore special funds
government for a proposed India Covid-19 for CRPF; 'madadgaar' helpline expanded
emergency response and health systems
preparedness project.
Nirmala Sitharaman participates in 2nd G20 The Himachal Pradesh government has launched an
meeting of Finance Ministers Active Case Finding Campaign for COVID 19
patients from1 April.
Under this campaign, health workers would
provide information regarding symptoms of
Covid-19 to the people at their doorsteps.
Under the campaign, every ASHA worker
with two people's team will visit every house
in the village and gather health information of
every person and would share it with the
department through Google form.
The timing for gathering information would
start from 9 AM to 4 PM every day and the
The National Cadet Corps (NCC) has offered a
suspected persons would be investigated
helping hand to civilian authorities in the country’s
fight against COVID-19 by extending the services of
cadets under ‘Exercise NCC Yogdan’.
BharatPe, ICICI Lombard launch COVID-19
insurance product for shopkeepers
It has issued guidelines for temporary
employment of its cadets to augment relief
efforts and functioning of various agencies
involved in battling the pandemic.
The tasks envisaged for NCC cadets include,
manning of helpline/call centres; distribution
of relief materials/medicines/ food/essential
commodities; community assistance; data
management and queue & traffic
According to the guidelines, cadets should
Amidst the ongoing coronavirus pandemic BharatPe not be employed in handling law and order
has partnered with ICICI Lombard to roll out situations or for active military duties or at
'COVID-19 Protection Insurance Cover' for hot spots.
shopkeepers. Only Senior Division volunteer cadets above
18 years of age will be employed.
On diagnosis of COVID-19 (positive) this The NCC, which operates under the Ministry
policy will pay 100 per cent of the sum of Defence, is the largest uniformed youth
insured, irrespective of hospitalisation organisation of the country and has been
expenses. engaged in conducting various social service
It is also a ‘first of its kind’ sachet product by and community development activities.
ICICI Lombard that will cover merchants. The NCC cadets have been contributing to
The health cover is priced at a premium the national cause during natural calamities
starting at a nominal amount of Rs 199 and like floods, cyclone, etc since its inception.
provides a sum insured for Rs 25,000 and
value-added benefits. Delhi government to provide Rs 1 Cr to families
The benefit of the COVID-19 Insurance of healthcare personnel if they die handling
Protection Cover is the coverage across the Corona cases
age group of 18 to 65 years.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced
NCC offers its volunteer cadets for national duty one crore rupees for the families of healthcare
to fight COVID-19 under ‘Ex NCC Yogdan’ personnel if they lose their lives while dealing with
COVID-19 cases.
The personnel include all sanitation workers, This means that your existing policies which
doctors and nurses from the private or are falling due for renewal from March 25,
government sector, be it temporary or 2020, to April 14, 2020, can be renewed uptill
permanent. April 21, 2020.
The Chief Minister said COVID-19 has not If your current compulsory third-party
reached the stage of community transmission insurance policy is expiring between March
in Delhi and the situation is under control. 25, 2020, and April 14, 2020, and you are not
able to renew your policy because of country-
CBSE introduces ‘Applied Mathematics’ as new wide lockdown then you can renew such
academic elective from 2020-21 motor insurance policy by April 21, 2020.
Similarly, if your health insurance policy is
expiring and is due for renewal in the period
from March 25, 2020, to April 14, 2020, you
can renew your policy by April 21, 2020.
The Applied Mathematics course is designed FMCG major Hindustan Unilever announced
to enhance the knowledge and skills of completion of GlaxoSmithKline Consumer
Mathematics that are required to be Healthcare Ltd merger (GSKCH) with itself.
successful in different fields of their future
career. The company has received all the necessary
The approach of Applied Mathematics regulator approvals along with the National
subject will be practical, and the students are Company Law Tribunal for the merger of
expected to learn through practical GSKCH into the company.
applications of Mathematics in different In addition, the board of HUL also approved
disciplines. acquisition of popular health drink brand
Those students who have passed Basic Horlicks from GSK for a consideration of
Mathematics in class X are now allowed to Euro 375.6 million (Rs 3,045 crore),
offer the new academic elective Applied exercising the option available in the original
Mathematics at Senior Secondary Level. agreement between its parent firm Unilever
and GSK.
Date for renewal of health, motor insurance On December 3, 2018 HUL had announced
policies extended to April 21 merger of GSKCH, which was subject to
obtaining necessary approvals.
The ministry of finance issued notifications on April This is one of the largest deals in the FMCG
1, 2020, stating that the renewal dates of health and sector in recent times and will lead to
motor insurance policies which fall in the period significant value creation for all stakeholders.
from March 25, 2020, to April 14, 2020, are extended
till April 21, 2020 due to coronavirus lockdown.
Englishman Bob Weighton confirmed as the The App will enable people to assess
world’s oldest man living at 112 themselves the risk of catching the
Coronavirus infection.
It will calculate this based on their interaction
with others, using cutting edge Bluetooth
technology, algorithms and artificial
Once installed in a smartphone through an
easy and user-friendly process, the app
detects other devices with Aarogya Setu
installed that come in the proximity of that
Bob Weighton, from the UK, has been officially phone.
confirmed as the oldest person living (male) at 112 The app can then calculate the risk of
Years and 1 day as of 30 March 2020. infection based on sophisticated parameters if
any of these contacts is tested positive.
Bob Weighton received the record title after The App will help the Government take
Mr. Chitetsu Watanabe (Japan) passed away necessary timely steps for assessing risk of
on February 23rd 2020 at 112 years and 355 spread of COVID-19 infection, and ensuring
days. isolation where required.
Bob was born on March 29th 1908, in
Kingston-Upon-Hull, Yorkshire and was one DRDO develops bio suit to keep health
of seven children. professionals fighting COVID-19 safe
Bob has 10 grandchildren and 25 great-
Kane Tanaka from Japan is currently the
oldest person living (female) and celebrated
her 117th birthday in January.
To ensure speedy detection of coronavirus cases, Minister of State Human Resource Development
those residing in Covid-19 hotspots or areas which launches 'Hack the Crisis-India' hackathon
have reported large numbers of cases may have to
undergo a rapid antibody blood test for the viral
The spectacle-type design of the protection
shield provides the ease of replacement as the
transparent sheet is not bound to a reusable
The cost of the sheet is as low as Rs 5.
The manufacturing cost per shield is
approximately Rs 45. Mass manufacturing
cost will be less than Rs. 25.
Minister of State Human Resource Development and CCI nod for acquisition of stakes in Religare
IT Sanjay Dhotre launched ‘Hack the Crisis - India’, Health Insurance by Trishikhar Ventures
an Online Hackathon to find working solutions for
overcoming COVID-19 pandemic.
IIT Roorkee develops low-cost face shields for Trishikhar Ventures is a part of Kedaara
protection of first line healthcare professionals Group, which invests in a variety of
fighting COVID-19 companies through acquisitions and
corporate restructurings.
Religare Health Insurance provides general
insurance products in the health segment.
This is a portable system equipped with a The app will give a big help to the State Level
sanitiser and soap dispenser. Task Force, Departments of Health & Family
The decontamination starts using a foot pedal Welfare, Disaster, Management &
at the entry. Rehabilitation and also the general public to
On entering the chamber, an electrically contain the spread of the coronavirus.
operated pump creates a disinfectant mist of The initiative was taken by the ICT
hypo sodium chloride for disinfecting. Department engineers, who have developed
The mist spray is calibrated for an operation the ‘mCOVID-19 mobile app without asking
of 25 seconds and stops automatically for any funds from the government.
indicating completion of operation.
Approximately 650 personnel can pass PM pays tribute to Babu Jagjivan Ram on his
through the chamber for disinfection until the birth anniversary
refill is required.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tributes to
Maharashtra govt to provide online training to freedom fighter Babu Jagjivan Ram on his birth
about 1.25 lakh AYUSH doctors anniversary.
In order to provide necessary trained manpower to Babu Jagjivan Ram struggled for the rights of
prevent Coronavirus spread, Maharashtra the poor, the underprivileged and the victims.
government will provide online training to about
Jagjivan Ram, born in 1908, passed away on The National Health Authority (NHA) has inked a
July 6, 1986. pact with ride hailing app Uber to provide transport
He was known popularly as Babuji, and services for frontline healthcare workers involved in
politician from Bihar. treatment of COVID-19 patients.
His daughter and Congress leader Meira
Kumar was the 15th Speaker of Lok Sabha Uber will initially facilitate the provision of
from 2009 to 2014. 150 cars free of cost to support medical
facilities in certain cities- New Delhi, Noida,
Odisha launches “Mo Prativa” cultural Ghaziabad, Kanpur, Lucknow, Prayagraj and
competition to engage children during lockdown Patna through its UberMedic service.
The development comes in the backdrop of a
21-day nationwide lockdown that had also
led to restrictions on all forms of public and
private transportation, limiting movement
options for healthcare workers in particular
Every UberMedic car will be disinfected after
every ride to ensure adequate safety and
The Odisha government in collaboration with the NASA unveils plan to setup 'Artemis', the first
Unicef has launched “Mo Prativa” online cultural human base camp on Moon's south pole by 2024
competition among children to keep them engaged at
home during the lockdown period.
NHA inks pact with Uber for transportation The space agency has put forward a plan
service for public healthcare workers showing what a US lunar presence may look
like after the milestone.
NASA submitted a 13-page report to the
National Space Council on 2 April.
NASA unveils plan to setup Artemis, the first
human base camp on Moon's south pole by
The report titled NASA’s Plan for Sustained
Lunar Exploration and Development offers a
summary of how the space agency will
accomplish the 2024 moon landing mission.
The initial plan is to move to one to two- Mahavir Jayanti 2020 marks the 2,618th birth
month stays to learn more about the moon anniversary of the teacher.
and the universe. This year the auspicious occasion will be
observed amid a global health crisis triggered
FCI sets new record in single day transportation by the coronavirus outbreak.
of food grains
Points to Remember
Arvind Kejriwal unveils ‘5T’ plan for Delhi to The Independent Member Federation Sanctions
fight COVID-19 Panel (IMFSP) of the International Weightlifting
Federation (IWF) has imposed disciplinary sanctions
on Thailand and Malaysia and banned both the
countries from participating in weightlifting events at
the Tokyo Olympics.
The new loan product, SIDBI Assistance to Asian Development Bank assured India of 2.2 billion
Facilitate Emergency response against US dollar support to fight against the COVID-19
coronavirus (SAFE) plus will be offered pandemic.
collateral free and disbursed within 48 hours.
The loans will be offered at an interest rate of ADB President Masatsugu Asakawa assured
5 per cent. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman of
SIDBI further said it has enhanced the loan financial support of about 16,500 crore
limit for MSMEs to Rs 2 crore under its rupees.
SAFE initiative. The ADB President also appreciated the 1.7
The scheme was launched to provide lakh crore rupees economic relief package to
financial assistance to MSMEs engaged in provide immediate income and consumption
manufacturing of hand sanitizers, masks, support to the poor, women, and workers
gloves, head gear, bodysuits, shoe-covers, affected by the nationwide lockdown.
ventilators and goggles used in dealing with On 18th of March, ADB announced an initial
COVID-19. package of approximately 6.5 billion US
Dollars to address the immediate needs of its
Hindustan Unilever partners with UNICEF to developing member countries, including
support India's fight against COVID-19 India, as they respond to the COVID-19
Hindustan Unilever has collaborated with the United
Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) for a mass Doordarshan emerges among highest watched
communication campaign to inform and empower channel in India
the general public against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nurses, Paramedical staff, Class IV staff,
Ambulance staff, Testing Lab staff will be
He said this will be applicable till the
Coronavirus period ends.
He had earlier announced that these
professionals will get an ex-gratia benefits
between 50 Lakh rupees and 10 Lakh rupees,
Doordarshan has emerged among the highest if they are not covered under the new
watched channels in India for the week ending 3rd insurance cover announced by the Centre.
Manipur govt announces cash reward to medical
According to Broadcast Audience Research team which treated COVID-19 patient
Council, telecast of Ramayan and successfully
Mahabharat was the key attribute.
This was despite a surge reported by the
private broadcasters who are also
experiencing higher viewership.
The overall TV viewership grew 4 per cent as
compared to the previous week and was 43
percent higher than the pre-COVID-19
outbreak period.
Interestingly, despite the absence of any new
sporting event, the viewership for sports
channels grew 21 percent as they beamed In Manipur, the state government has announced a
India's cricket wins from the past and also old cash reward of Rs. 35 lakh to the medical team which
WWE matches. treated the first COVID-19 patient successfully.
Haryana govt doubles salary of Doctors, Nurses, So far Manipur has recorded only two
medical professionals dealing with Coronavirus positive cases of COVID-19 and out of them,
cases the first patient has been confirmed negative
of the virus three times.
Announcing the cash reward, Manipur Chief
Minister Shri N. Biren Singh said that the
state is able to contain further spread of the
virus with the support of the public.
He also announced that the State government
will also give rewards to frontline workers
including health workers, police personnel
and other stakeholders who are actively
participating in combating the spread of virus
The Haryana government has decided to double the in Manipur.
salary of Doctors, Nurses and other Medical
professionals dealing with Coronavirus patients. National Safe Motherhood Day: 11 April
The NCW said the WhatsApp number, Maharashtra, Telangana & West Bengal
‘7217735372’, is in addition to the online announce extension of lockdown till April 30
complaint links and emails which are already
The NCW urged people to report such cases
through WhatsApp on the number so that the
agency can provide support and assistance to
the women in distress or experiencing
domestic violence.
The number has only been launched for the
period of lockdown till normal offices
National Commission of Women
Chairperson Rekha Sharma had recently said
that domestic violence complaints were
increasing by the day since the nationwide The Telangana government has extended the
lockdown was imposed on March 25, with 69 lockdown till 30th of April.
complaints received just through email.
Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao said the
With 70% annual global production share, India state border with Maharashtra will be
tops Hydroxychloroquine producer, exporter completely sealed.
chart The West Bengal government has also
announced extension of ongoing lockdown
till 30th of this month.
State government has also announced
suspension of classes in Schools, Colleges
and Universities till 10th of June.
Meanwhile, Maharashtra Chief Minister
Uddhav Thackeray has said that the
lockdown will be extended in the state till
30th of April.
He said he had expressed the willingness to
India is the largest producer and exporter of extend the lockdown during video
Hydroxychloroquine with 70 per cent of annual conferencing with Prime Minister Narendra
global production. Modi.
Previously, Odisha also has become the first
The Department of Pharmaceuticals has said Indian state to extend the ongoing lockdown.
that there is enough stock of API and
manufacturing capacity of Kerala to become the first state to commence
Hydroxychloroquine formulations to meet convalescent plasma therapy to treat critically ill
the country's requirement as well as export COVID-19 cases
Cheiraoba is one of the major festivals of
Manipur celebrated mainly by the Meitei
community of the State marking the
beginning of a new year.
Meanwhile, Manipur Governor Dr. Najma
Heptulla has congratulated the medical team
of JNIMS hospital for treating the first
COVID-19 patient successfully.
Kerala is set to become the first state in the country Finance Ministry extends deadline for mandatory
to commence convalescent plasma therapy, to treat minimum deposit in PPF, Sukanya Samriddhi
critically ill COVID-19 cases on a trial basis. Account till June 30
Vice President greets the nation on the occasion of The Indian Army observed the 36th Siachen Day on
Vaisakhi, Vishu, Puthandu, Masadi, Vaishkhadi 13 April, remembering the gallant martyrs of
and Bhoga Bihu Siachen.
Gregorian calendar, the Bengali New Year usually Ministry of Tourism launches its
falls around April 14 or April 15. "DekhoApnaDesh" webinar series
UP to become first state to start pool testing of The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said
COVID-19 samples India and China are the only two major countries,
which will register a positive growth rate despite the
Coronavirus pandemic.
Air India flight carrying four tonnes of medical They will be used in the country’s efforts to
items arrives in Seychelles prevent and control the spread of Covid-19.
The consignment includes part of the large
orders placed by India for medical supplies
and equipment with Chinese firms.
Chinese companies have been contracted for
nearly 15 million personal protective
equipment (PPE) kits comprising gowns,
gloves, masks and goggles, and 1.5 million
rapid testing kits for Covid-19 by the Indian
government and private companies
MEA announces COVID-19 training programme India’s doubling rate was about 3 days,
for SAARC countries, first session held by before the lockdown.
AIIMS-Raipur For the past 7 days, the doubling rate is 6.2
19 states have shown a higher doubling rate
better than the national average.
Indian government has set up 1,919 dedicated
COVID Hospitals and COVID Health
Centres have been set up in the country, with
capacity of 1.73 lakh isolation beds and
21,800 ICU beds.
India has announced a capacity building programme Rajasthan claims to be first State in country to
for healthcare professionals in SAARC countries to carry out Rapid Testing for COVID-19
assist them in their fight against coronavirus and an
e-ITEC short training live webinar was held by In Rajasthan, Health minister Raghu Sharma claimed
AIIMS-Raipur. that it became the first state in the country to carry
out Rapid Testing for COVID-19.
India is assisting SAARC countries in their
fight against COVID-19 by having set up a Beginning, 52 persons were tested and all the
USD 10 million fund, helping them with 52 persons tested negative.
Health minister Raghu Sharma told that this Air India has said that in the light of the
test will be done at a large scale to assess the ongoing global health concerns, it has
prevalence of COVID-19 in hotspots - both currently stopped accepting bookings on all
in the containment and the buffer zones domestic flights for travel till 3rd of May and
around the clusters. on all international flights for travel till 31st
In addition to rapid testing, PCR based testing of May.
will continue to be done in an aggressive This means the national carrier's domestic
manner in the containment zones all over and international flights will remain
Rajasthan. suspended during this period.
Delhi government launched 'Assess Koro Na' app Postal employees to get Rs 10 lakh compensation
for door-to-door survey in containment zones in case they succumb to COVID-19
The Delhi government has asked officials to use the All postal employees, including Gramin Dak Sevaks,
new 'Assess Koro Na' app for door-to-door survey in will get Rs 10 lakh compensation in case they
COVID-19 containment zones. succumb to COVID-19.
Officials say the delay in collecting and The postal services come under essential
analysing the data of a person in a physical services and apart from regular services, the
form is a major challenge. post offices are also delivering food packets,
With this app, the data collected can be rations and essential medicines, among
uploaded on the servers in real-time and others, across the country by liasioning with
immediately analyse. local administration and police.
This will help the control centres in making a The above guidelines have been implemented
quick decision on the requirement of immediately and continues for the entire
ambulances and other medical equipment and period till the crises of COVID-19 is over.
personnel in the area. COVID-19 के मामले में डाक कममचारियों को 10
During the process, surveyors ask questions लाख रुपये का मुआवजा ममलना
like travel history, contact history, flu-like
symptoms and shortness of breath. CSIR-CFTRI’s protein-enriched biscuits reach
COVID-19 patients
Air India announces opening of bookings for
select Domestic flights for travel from 4th May; The Mysuru-based CSIR-Central Food
International Flights to start from 1st June Technological Research Institute (CRTRI) has made
available high-protein biscuits to the COVID-19
Air India has announced that it has opened bookings patients undergoing treatment in the All India
for select Domestic flights for travel from 4th of May Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), New Delhi.
and for International Flights from 1st of June this
CFTRI supplied 500 kg of high-protein
biscuits and 500 kg of high-protein rusks to
the Dietetics department of AIIMS to supply
to the patients.
The biscuits contain 14% of protein while
usual biscuits contain around 8-9% protein.
A 100-g packet of biscuits clearly pack a
punch with its energy quotient of 400 kcal
and its nutritional value: carbohydrate (63.2
g), protein (14 g), fat (17.1 g) and minerals CSIR constituent Lab in Bengaluru, CSIR-National
(1.2 g). Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL), along with
The biscuits are being manufactured in MAF Clothing Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru has developed
Noida, Uttar Pradesh, by Seven Seas Private and certified the overall protective coverall suit.
Limited based on the formulation developed
by CSIR-CFTRI. The polyproplylene spun laminated multi-
layered non-woven fabric based coverall can
Union Minister for Culture launches the National be used to ensure the safety of Doctors,
List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Nurses, Paramedical staff and Health Care
workers working round the clock on COVID-
19 mitigation.
The Coveralls have gone through stringent
testing at SITRA, Coimbatore and have been
qualified for use.
CSIR-NAL and MAF have plans to augment
the production capacity to about 30,000 units
per day within four weeks’ time.
Union Minister for Culture Prahlad Singh Patel Odisha to re-telecast videos of online EDUSAT
launched the National List of Intangible Cultural classes for Class X Students
Heritage (ICH) of India in New DelhI.
Punjab develops Chatbot with Facebook to The 'Team Mask Force' has been created to
answer queries on COVID-19 spread awareness about wearing masks in
public places.
The video has messages from BCCI President
Sourav Ganguly, Smriti Mandhana, Rohit
Sharma, Harbhajan Singh, Harmanpreet
Kaur, Virender Sehwag, Rahul Dravid and
Mithali Raj, all of them speaking about the
importance of wearing masks and following
the directives of the government in this fight.
Karnataka govt launches "Apthamitra" helpline A 5 judge Constitution bench led by Justice
and app to fight COVID-19 Arun Mishra quashed the Government order
issued under the hand of Governor of State of
Andhra Pradesh which had affirmed absolute
reservation for ST teachers and imposed costs
on both Andhra Pradesh & Telangana
Government's, seeking reasons from the
Government for breaching the 50% ceiling in
The Court has also reiterated the Indira
Sawhney Judgement, according to which
Reservations are constitutionally valid if they
do not go beyond 50%.
The Karnataka government launched "Apthamitra"
helpline with an exclusive toll free number and a
National Panchayati Raj Day: 24 April
mobile app, aimed at providing required medical
advice and guidance for those in need.
In Madurai, the two-week-long Chithirai In Madhya Pradesh, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh
festival is among the biggest celebrations. Chauhan launched the Jeevan Shakti Yojana.
The occasion re-enacts the wedding of
Goddess Meenakshi (Lord Vishu’s sister) Under this scheme, women in urban areas can earn
and Lord Sundareswarar (Lord Shiva) by making masks at home.
Thuthukudi airport in Tamilnadu upgraded to The government will pay them Rs 11 per
level 3 mask.
The Chief Minister said that women wishing
to make masks will have to register
themselves by calling on the Call Centre
number through their telephone or mobile.
After registration, they will get an order to
make masks on their mobiles.
They will get orders to make at least 200
masks at a time. The mask should be made of
cotton cloth.
After making the mask, they will submit their
masks to the nodal officer appointed by the
The Thuthukudi airport in Tamilnadu, near the
strategically important Bay of Bengal coast, has been
Its payment will be credited to their account
upgraded to level 3 by the Airport Authority of India.
on the same day or the next day.
This signifies a rise in the operational
Assam govt deposited Rs 2000 to 1.6 lakh people
potentials of the airport and increases the
who stranded outside the state
scope of getting more funds for expansion
The Assam government has deposited 2000 rupees to
The airport runway is at present being
1.6 lakh people who are stranded outside the state
extended to 3115 metres to enable bigger
under Assam Cares initiative.
planes to use it.
With the work of setting up a 720 acre
5 lakh 90 thousand people have responded to
industrial park in Ththukudi well underway,
the Assam Cares initiative.
the upgrading of Thuthukudi airport has been
Out of these, 1.6 lakh people after The King George Medical University in Uttar
verification received the incentive so far. Pradesh has become the first government hospital in
Apart from that, 758 cancer, heart, the country to successfully launch the plasma therapy
kidney patients who are stranded outside the treatment for the COVID-19 patients.
state due to lock down have also been given
25 thousand rupees each. The first dose of the plasma therapy was
given to a 58-year old patient.
Andhra Pradesh launches 'Covid Pharma' app to The plasma was already secured from the
keep track of people buying medicines for cough, three recovered COVID-19 patients who
cold and fever from pharmacies were treated at KGMU itself.
The 58-year old COVID-19 patient who was
on ventilator has shown signs of recovery and
a second dose of the plasma transfusion
therapy can be given.
If this patient recovers successfully then it
will be a great step in treating the serious
patients with the help of plasma transfusion
Pratirodhi Bondhu are working as volunteers India’s foreign exchange reserves rise by 5.65
in creating awareness including social billion after falling for 2 weeks
distancing across Assam.
One such volunteer has been assigned to
reach out to 100 families in his or her locality.
The volunteers are also extending online
support to the people.
Official sources said that citizen between 18
to 50 years have been deployed as Pratirodhi
Airtel Payments Bank partners with Bharti AXA The proposed combination envisages
General to offer coronavirus insurance policy acquisition of 80.1% share capital of ABB
Management Holding AG (ABB
Management) by Hitachi Limited (Hitachi)
from ABB Limited (ABB).
ABB Management will hold the entire power
grid business of ABB (Target Business).
Hitachi, headquartered in Japan, is the parent
company of the Hitachi group of companies.
It is active in a variety of business segments
including IT Solution, Energy Solution,
Airtel Payments Bank has tied up with Bharti AXA Industry Solution, Mobility Solution, and
General Insurance to launch a coronavirus insurance Smart Life Solution.
Global trade will plunge by up to a third in 2020:
The Bharti AXA Group Health Assure Policy WTO
comes with a fixed cover offering 100 per
cent sum insured as a lump sum, if the policy
holder is diagnosed positive or gets
quarantined in a government hospital or
military facility/establishment.
The policy can be purchased at a price of Rs
499 (including GST) for fixed sum insured of
Rs 25,000.
The insurance policy can be purchased
directly from the banking section of the
'Airtel Thanks App' or by visiting the nearest
active banking point-of-sales (POS) of Airtel The World Trade Organization (WTO) said that the
Payments Bank. Global trade could drop by a third this year due to the
coronavirus pandemic.
CCI approves Hitachi's proposed acquisition of
COVID-19 has completely upended the
80.1% in power grid business of ABB Limited
global economy and with it international
The global trade body was projecting that
"trade in 2020 will fall steeply in every region
of the world, and basically across all sectors The report noted that these are very
of the economy”. preliminary forecasts based on the data and
North America and Asia would be hardest-hit information available up to March 10.
and could see their exports plunge by 40 and
36 percent respectively, while Europe and Jana Small Finance Bank Launches DIGIGEN -
South America could see declines of more Simple Digital Banking for Savings Account &
than 30 percent. Fixed Deposits
In its main annual forecast, the 164-member
WTO pointed out that trade had already been
slowing in 2019, before the emergence of the
novel coronavirus.
WTO Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland
Membership: 164 member states
Founded: 1 January 1995
Director-General: Roberto Azevêdo
Asia expected to witness zero % growth in 2020 : This announcement has been made to
IMF facilitate bank credit flows amid the
coronavirus crisis and subsequent
countrywide lockdown which has brought
economic activity to a virtual halt.
However, it kept the repo rate unchanged.
Repo rate is the rate at which the central bank
lends money to commercial banks, and
reverse repo rate is the rate at which it
borrows from them.
RBI increases WMA limit for states by another Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman appreciated
30% efforts of New Development Bank on fast tracking of
financial assistance of about five billion dollars to
BRICS countries including Emergency Assistance of
one billion dollar to India to combat COVID-19
This is estimated to create a space for Rs Facebook acquires 9.99% stake in Reliance Jio
12,000 crore for the state governments for Rs 43,574 crore
looking to raise money.
The central bank had on April 1 announced
raising the Ways and Means Advances
(WMA) limit of states by 30%.
The RBI data showed that gold reserves
increased USD 1.54 billion to USD 32.68
billion in the reporting week.
Mahajan started his career with Bank of Ajan, from Hungary, had been at the IWF
America in 1990 and went on to become the since 1976, serving 24 years as general
secretary and 20 as president.
American Ursula Papandrea will continue to appointed as a member of the National
lead the sport’s governing body as Acting Science Board for a six-year term.
President. Babu would be the third Indian American in
this prestigious board.
BSNL CMD P K Purwar takes charge of MTNL The other two being Sethuraman
Panchanathan from Arizona State University
and Suresh V Garimella from University of
T. S. Tirumurti appointed as
Ambassador/Permanent Representative of India
to UN
Higginbotham has received the William E. China to host Asian Youth Games in 2021
Colby Award, given for an outstanding book
on military or intelligence history.
The award is named for the late CIA director.
The Colby award was established in 1999.
Previous winners include Karl Marlantes'
novel "Matterhorn" and Dexter Filkins' "The
Forever War." Colby was CIA director
during the Nixon and Ford administrations.
Stirling Moss, the British racer widely regarded as Veteran Army officer Lt Gen (retd) K P Dhal
the greatest Formula One driver ever to win the world Samanta, who had played a valiant role in 1971 and
championship, has died at the age of 90. Kargil wars, died.
He made 67 starts in the F1 World A product of the first batch of Sainik School
Championship, winning 16 races and Bhubaneswar, Lt Gen Samanta had retired as
claiming 16 pole positions and 24 podium Director General of the Rashtriya Rifles,
positions. India's premier counter insurgency force
He retired from top-level competition after a deployed in Kashmir.
crash in 1962 but continued in historic racing Gen Samanta fought in the 1971 war on the
and was highly active within motor racing for eastern front and was awarded the Poorvi
the rest of his life. Star.
In 1961 he was named the BBC’s sports He was among the veterans invited regularly
personality of the year. to Bangladesh as a mark of honour for their
valiant efforts in the liberation of
Former Attorney General of India Ashok Desai Bangladesh.
passes away Later in his career, he participated in
Operation Blue Star and the larger fight
Former Attorney General of India and senior against terrorism in Punjab.
advocate Ashok Desai passed away. During the 1999 Kargil war, Samanta was
instrumental in helping deploy the 155 mm
Bofors guns in difficult conditions.
Former Pakistani cricketer Zafar Sarfraz passes Ranjit found fame overseas starring in
away crossover films like Lonely in America,
Mississippi Masala, Bollywood/Hollywood,
Fire and Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love. He also
featured in US shows like The Office and
Prison Break.
Tribal leader and former Odisha minister Gene Deitch, an American Oscar-winning illustrator,
Saharai Oram dies animator, film director and producer has died.
Thespian Usha Ganguly dies at 75 Senior Congress leader Badruddin Sheikh passes
away following COVID19 infection
Eminent theatre personality Usha Ganguly died. Senior Congress leader and councillor in Amdavad
Municipal Corporation Badruddin Sheikh passed
She founded the Rangakarmee group in 1976, away following COVID19 infection.
which is known for non-conformist
productions like Mahabhoj, Rudali, Court He was 68 and active in politics and public
Martial and Antaryatra. life.
Ganguly is credited for introducing a new He had also served as State Congress
form of alternative Hindi theatre in Bengal. spokesperson and Leader of opposition in
Her Bengali productions include Mukti and AMC in the past.
Manasi. He was under treatment at AMC run SVP -
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel hospital since the
third week of April after he detected COVID- Popularly known as 'Ronny', he was
19 positive. associated with Bengali daily Aajkaal since
1990s and covered the ICC World Cup in
Former governor, veteran Congress leader England last year.
Devanand Konwar dies at 86 Having started from the entertainment
section, Roy switched to sports and became a
well-known face in the Maidan establishing a
good rapport with both players and officials
of all disciplines.
Veteran Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor passes A Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for The
away Washington Post has written an unauthorized
biography of first lady Melania Trump.
29 March France
30 March UAE
31 March India
PayTm 03 April
Q. Which of the following subject has been Q. According to the new notification by RBI, All
introduced by The Central Board of Secondary private and foreign banks have to intimate about the
Education (CBSE) as a new academic elective re-appointment of managing director and chief
subject for class XI? executives _________ in advance.
Mechanics 3 months
Thermodynamics 7 months
Neuroscience 9 months
Q. According to a new notification, the date for Q. Who among the following has been named as the
renewal of health and motor insurance policies has Managing Director of Sundaram Home Finance?
been extended to __________.
Ajay Soni
21 April
Mohit Prajapati
1 May
Ajeet Pal
11 May
D Lakshminarayanan
01 June
Vikrant Dubey
15 June
Q. Which of the following country will host Asian
Q. Which of the following company has completed Youth Games in 2021?
the merger of GlaxoSmithKline Consumer
Healthcare Ltd merger (GSKCH)?
ITC Limited
Hindustan Unilever
Thailand Q. To assess people on COVID-19, the Government
of India has launched a mobile app named as
Q. As of 03 April 2020, Global Coronavirus Cases
have surpassed ________.
0.5 million
1 million
2 million
3 million
5 million
Q. Which of the following has developed bio suits to
Q. Recently, Bob Weighton has been confirmed as
keep health professionals fighting COVID-19 safe?
the world’s oldest man living at 112. He is from
________. IISc Bengaluru
Q. Who among the following has become the first Q. Which of the following UN organisations has
Judge to take oath under the Indian Constitution as a adopted ‘Global solidarity’ to fight against COVID-
permanent Judge of the common High Court of 19?
Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh?
United Nations General Assembly
Manoj Suri
World Bank Group
Rajnesh Oswal
World Health Organization
Ajeet Shrivastav
Food and Agriculture Organization
Rohit Dhankar
United Nations World Food Program
Sandeep Tyagi
Q. Which of the following organization has Q. Which of the following institute has developed
recommended antibody tests for speedy detection of low-cost face shields for protection of first line
COVID-19 cases in India? healthcare professionals fighting COVID-19?
Q. Government has ordered about 10 crore Q. Recently, The Competition Commission of India
hydroxychloroquine tablets for healthcare workers. gave its nods for acquisition of stakes in Religare
hydroxychloroquine is normally used to Health Insurance by ________.
Trishikhar Ventures
ICICI Lombard
Mahalaxmi Insurance
None of these
Q. At the end of last week of March 2020, India’s
Q. Minister of State Human Resource Development Gold reserves stood at _________.
launched a Hackathon named as _________ to find
$73.83 billion
working solutions for overcoming COVID-19
pandemic. $18.93 billion
Congcong Harare
Kampala Snake
Lusaka Lion
Juba Bull
Nairobi Elephant
Maputo Horse
Q. NASA has unveiled a plan named as_________ Q. IAS and IPS officers' associations have launched
to establish the first human base camp on the Moon's a campaign named _________ to fight Coronavirus.
south pole by 2024?
Q. Which of the following institute has developed a
Q. Food Corporation of India (FCI) has set a new low-cost portable ventilator named as ‘Prana Vayu’?
record in single day transportation of food grains.
IIT Roorkee
FCI is headquartered in ________.
IIT Delhi
IIT Madras
IIT Kanpur
New Delhi
IIT Mumbai
Q. Kobe Bryant will be posthumously inducted into
the Naismith Memorial Hall of Fame. Kobe Bryant
Q. Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated all over the was related to _________.
country to observe the birth anniversary of 24th and
Football 08 April
Q. World Health Day is observed every year on Highways in financial year 2019-20. It has
Thailand Ethiopia
Malaysia Libya
Mexico Egypt
1 and 2
1,2 and 3
Q. Which of the following country has begun trial for Q. Biofortified ‘Madhuban’ variety developed by
a second potential COVID-19 vaccine candidate farmer scientist Vallabhhai Vasrambhai Marvaniya
‘INO-4800’? is benefitting local farmers. ‘Madhuban’ is the
biofortified variety of ________.
Q. Which of the following country has recently
decided to put on hold its funding to the World Q. The Ministry of Human Resources Development
Health Organization, WHO? has launched a challenge named as ________ to
invite ideas to fight COVID-19.
Q. Recently, Jack Dorsey has decided to contribute 1
billion US dollars to the Coronavirus relief fund. Q. The UP government has managed to start
Dorsey is the cofounder of ________. COVID-19 sample collection centres in all districts
of the state. There are a total of ________ districts in
Uttar Pradesh.
Q. Annual Karaga festival celebrations have been Q. The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has
prohibited. Karaga festival is mainly celebrated in approved the proposal of which of the following
the state of _______. company to acquire 80.1% share capital in power
grid business of ABB Limited?
Madhya Pradesh
None of these
Q. Which of the following state’s police has created
the 'Rakhsa Sarv' app to keep an eye on home Q. Recently, Bolsonaro thanks PM Modi, people of
quarantined patients? India, for helping tackle the COVID-19 outbreak. He
is the president of ________.
South Africa
Q. Which of the following payments bank has
partnered with Bharti AXA General to offer Q. Recently, The SAARC Development Fund has
coronavirus insurance policy? allocated ________ for COVID-19 projects.
Karnataka Rs 2 crore
Kerala Rs 3 crore
Maharashtra Rs 4 crore
08 April Colors TV
Cricketer Riyadh
12 April
Q. Which of the following state/UT has become the Q. Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has announced
first to commence convalescent plasma therapy to an extension of 30 days for payment of premium due
treat critically ill COVID-19 cases? in March and April 2020. LIC is headquartered in
New Delhi
None of these
Q. Which of the following Indian state recently
observed the Cheiraoba festival? Q. Which of the following bank got the RBI nod to
reappoint Mahabaleshwara M S as MD and CEO for
3 yrs?
Karur Vysya Bank
Himachal Pradesh
IndusInd Bank
Karnataka Bank
Bandhan Bank
Q. The Finance Ministry has extended the deadline
for mandatory minimum deposit in Sukanya
Samriddhi Account till June 30. The Sukanya Q. Recently, Rifat Chadirji died due to COVID-19.
Samriddhi scheme was launched in the year He was known as the Father of Modern Architecture
_______. of which of the following countries?
2014 Spain
2015 Iraq
2016 Iran
2017 France
2018 Russia
Q. The Pakistan government requested the $1.4 bn Q. Prasar Bharti has launched a new channel
loan, a fast-disbursing loan under the RFI fund to specifically dedicated to old classics named
deal with the adverse economic impact of COVID- as________.
19. R in RFI stands for ________.
DD Retro
DD Classic
DD Bharat
DD S amay
None of these
None of these
Q. Which of the following ministry has launched a
Q. Which of the following day is also known as web-portal YUKTI (Young India Combating
Maha Bishuba Pana Sankranti? COVID?
Q. PM Modi pays tribute to martyrs of Jallianwala Q. Khadi and Village Industries Commission
Bagh Massacre. Jallianwala Bagh massacre took (KVIC) has recently launched a double layered
place on 13 April ________. Khadi mask. Who among the following is the current
chairman of KVIC?
Ajay Mohan
Rajesh Pandey
V.K. Saxena
Amitabh Chaudhary
Prakash Jha
Q. Which of the following state government has IBM
launched a ‘Food Bank’ to help the poor and needy?
Uttar Pradesh
None of these
Q. World Chagas Disease Day is observed every year
Tamil Nadu on ________.
2004 Flipkart
Army Officer
Journalist Q. Which of the following state is using ‘COBOT-
Robotics’ to serve food, medicine to COVID-19
Q. Recently, The Ministry of Tourism has launched
a webinar series titled as ________.
Andhra Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Q. Which of the following state government has
launched the electronic format of comic textbooks
None of these for Class III, IV and V?
1.4% Emirates
2.6% Lufthansa
Hindalco China
India Public Safety Act
Vietnam Rajasthan
Q. After the new reduction in reverse repo rate by the Q. Recently, Who among the following has taken
Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the new reverse repo over additional charge of Mahanagar Telephone
rate is ________. Nigam Limited?
3.95% P K Purwar
Q. Which of the following has recently launched the Q. World Heritage Day is observed every year on
latest round of quarterly order books, inventories and ________.
capacity utilisation survey (OBICUS) of the
14 April
manufacturing sector?
15 April
Securities and Exchange Board of India
16 April
Reserve Bank of India
17 April
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development 18 April
France IIT-Kharagpur
Canada IIT-Delhi
Switzerland IIT-Ropar
Germany IIT-Madras
Q. Council Of Science and Industrial Research Q. According to a recent announcement, The rate of
(CSIR) will begin clinical trials of Mw doubling of COVID-19 in India has been improved
(Mycobacterium w) vaccine against coronavirus. It is to _________.
normally used to treat _________
4.3 days
5.4 days
6.2 days
7.1 days
7.8 days
None of these
Q. Which of the following became the first state in
Q. Which of the following organisation has launched the country to carry out Rapid Testing for COVID-
automatic sanitiser and ultraviolet devices to fight 19?
Uttar Pradesh
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Indian Army
Defence Research and Development Organisation
Andhra Pradesh
Indian Council of Medical Research
None of these
Q. Which of the following state/UT governments has Q. Which of the following space agency is planning
launched the 'Assess Koro Na' app for door-to-door to launch a ‘Demo-2’ mission with two astronauts on
survey in containment zones? board to the International Space Station?
Delhi CNES
Assam JAXA
Manipur NASA
Q. Which of the following company has completed Q. Recently, Air India has announced the opening of
the acquisition of Norton motorcycle company for bookings for select Domestic flights for travel from
Rs 153 crore? _______.
Q. Recently, The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has Q. All of the postal employees will get a
raised its short-term borrowing limit Ways and compensation of ________ in case they succumb to
Means Advances (WMA) by an additional COVID-19.
Rs 01 lakh
Rs 05 lakh
Rs 10 lakh
Rs 15 lakh
Rs 20 lakh
Q. Recently, CSIR-CFTRI’s protein-enriched Q. Which of the following state government has
biscuits reached COVID-19 patients. These biscuits approved the re-telecast videos of online EDUSAT
have protein content of ________ as compared to 8- classes for Class X Students?
9% of normal biscuits?
Uttar Pradesh
Q. Which of the following state government has
Q. Who among the following has recently launched developed a Chatbot with Facebook to answer
the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage queries on COVID-19?
(ICH) of India?
Narendra Singh Tomar
Dharmendra Pradhan
Prakash Javadekar
Prahlad Singh Patel
Andhra Pradesh
Smriti Irani
Q. Which of the following organisation has launched
Q. Which of the following organisation has recently 'Team Mask Force' to spread awareness about
developed polypropylene spun Personal Protective wearing masks in public places?
Coverall Suit to Combat COVID-19?
Reserve Bank of India
CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories
Life Insurance Corporation
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Board of Control for Cricket in India
National Institute of Virology
National Council of Educational Research and
Defence Research and Development Organisation Training
Rajasthan Director
Maharashtra Politician
Pune FC 18 April
Q. Which of the following country has suspended all Thawar Chand Gehlot
immigration temporarily through an executive order?
Narendra Singh Tomar
Dharmendra Pradhan
Radha Mohan Singh Sehat
Q. Recently the Health and Family Welfare Minister Q. Who among the following has been appointed as
launched an interactive platform _________ which is the Chief Executive Officer of Huawei India?
aimed at providing real time solutions to COVID-19
Sanjay Gupta
related queries.
Raheel Khursheed
David Li
Ajit Mohan
Tony Pidgley
Q. According to a recent report by the World Bank,
None of these
Remittances are likely to fall by ________ amid
Q. Which of the following state government has COVID-19 pandemic.
launched the third edition of ''Sujalam Sufalam Jal
Sanchay Abhiyan''?
Andhra Pradesh
Q. After the recent amendment in the Epidemic
None of these
Diseases Act, 1897, Causing grievous injuries to
Q. Pune Municipal Corporation has launched a healthcare workers can lead to a jail of maximum of
________ application to track home quarantined ________ years.
2 years
3 years
4 years
6 years
7 years Byomkesh
Kella IBM
Jishu Microsoft
Q. Who among the following took over as the Q. What is the theme of World Immunization Week
chairman of International Motorcycle Manufacturers 2020?
Association (IMMA)?
Protected Together
Venu Srinivasan
Close the immunization gap
Amit Nandi
Are you up-to-date?
Gaku Nakanishi
Vaccines Work for All
Rakesh Sharma
None of these
None of these
Q. Recently, Pakistan received ________ emergency
Q. Who among the following Indian has been named loan from IMF to deal with the Coronavirus crisis.
as the ambassador for Badminton World Federation
USD 1.94 billion
(BWF)'s 'i am badminton' awareness campaign?
USD 1.22 billion
P V Sindhu
USD 1.39 billion
Parupalli Kashyap
USD 2.11 billion
Saina Nehwal
USD 2.34 billion
Srikanth Kidambi
Q. National Panchayati Raj Day is observed every
Pullela Gopichand
year on ________.
Q. International Day of Multilateralism and
25 April
Diplomacy for Peace is observed every year on
________. 24 April
25 April 23 April
24 April 22 April
21 April
23 April
Q. Which of the following institute has recently
22 April
developed foot-operated wash basins for Mumbai’s
21 April Dharavi?
IIT Kharagpur
DRDO Jharkhand
Assam Politician
Football Dhauladhar
25 April
Q. Recently, Chithirai festival celebrations in Q. Recently, The Assam government has deposited
Kallalagar temple has been cancelled. The Chithirai ________ to the state people who are stranded
festival is observed in ________. outside the state.
Kerala Rs 1000
Telangana Rs 2500
Karnataka Rs 4000
Q. Recently, Thuthukudi airport has been upgraded Q. Which of the following state government has
to level 3. Thuthukudi airport is in _______. launched a 'Covid Pharma' app to keep track of
people buying medicines for cough, cold and fever
Andhra Pradesh
from pharmacies?
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Q. According to the Jeevan Shakti Yojana in Madhya
Pradesh, The government will pay ________ per
mask to the women for making masks at home. Q. Recently, Sana Mir announced her retirement
from international cricket. She played international
Rs 8
cricket from ________.
Rs 10
Rs 11
Rs 15
Rs 17
South Africa
Q. Which of the following country has recently Q. Which of the following state has deployed
ended death penalty for crimes committed by 'KARMI-Bot' to serve food, medicines to COVID-19
minors? patients?
UAE Assam
Qatar Maharashtra
Bahrain Kerala
Q. Which of the following hospital became the 1st Q. Which of the following state government has
govt hospital in the country to successfully launch launched Dhanwantari scheme for home delivery of
Plasma Therapy Treatment for COVID-19? medicines?
Anita Karwal
Q. World Day for Safety and Health at Work is
None of these observed every year on _________.
_________. USA
Politician UAE
Q. Which of the following country has recently
Theater artist canceled ‘Pitch Black’ 2020 air combat exercise?
Rashmi Desai
Q. India Ratings has lowered GDP growth rate to
________ for FY 2020-21. Ankit Jain
Vodafone Idea
Q. Recently, Jhuma Khatun was banned for 4 years 2 billion dollars
for doping. She was associated with which of the 2.5 billion dollars
following sports?
5 billion dollars
10 billion dollars
Swimming 31 May
30 June
None of these
31 July
Q. International Dance Day is observed every year on
_________. 15 October
27 April 30 November
28 April Q. The Mid Day meal scheme was launched in the year
29 April
30 April
Q. Recently, Imran Ismail has been tested positive for
COVID-19. He was the governor of a province of 1999
Q. Portal of Kedarnath Dham in Uttarakhand opened.
Pakistan Kedarnath Dham is near the bank of ________ river.
Afghanistan Nandakini
Odisha USA
Q. Numaligarh Refinery Ltd begins operations with
precautions. Numaligarh Refinery is in ________.
None of these
Q. The Asian Development Bank gave $ 346 mn loan
for the power sector in __________.
Uttar Pradesh
None of these
Q. Which of the following state has launched the
'Jagananna Vidya Deevena'? Himachal Pradesh
Chhattisgarh Croatia
Madhya Pradesh