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Unit 2

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Energy Audit Instruments


2.1 Introduction
2.2 Classification of Instruments
2.3 Electrical Measuring Instruments
2.4 Temperature Measuring Instruments
2.5 Light level Measuring Instruments
2.6 Combustion Analyser
2.7 Pressure Measuring Devices
2.8 Hygrometer
2.9 Speed and Flow Measurement
2.10 Leak Detectors
2.11 Fuel Measurement
2.12 Let Us Sum Up

For energy audit we need various kinds of equipments for measuring all the
necessary parameters required for establishing energy and material balance so as
to identify energy wastage areas. The energy audit instruments are portable, easy
to handle and use and relatively inexpensive.
The parameters generally monitored during energy audit may include the
following :
Basic Electrical Parameters in AC andDC systems :
· Voltage (V)
· Current (I)
· Power factor (PF)
· Active power (KW)
· Apparent power (demand) (KVA)
· Reactive power (KVAr)
· Energy consumption (KWh)
· Frequency (Hz)
· Harmonics, etc.
Other parameters of importance (other than electrical parameters) are :
· temperature and heat flow
· radiation

Solar Heating and
Cooling of Buildings · air and gas flow
· liquid flow
· air velocity
· noise and vibration
· dust concentration
· total dissolved solids (TDS)
· pH value
· moisture content
· relative humidity
· flue gas analysis – CO2, O2, CO, SOx, NOx
· combustion efficiency, etc.
It is important for an Energy Auditor to know all about these instruments. In this
unit, we will discuss all necessary equipments used frequently in energy audit.
After going through this unit, you will be able to know about energy audit
equipments used for :
· Measuring electrical parameters like current, voltage, power, power
factor, etc.,
· Measuring temperature,
· Measuring pressure,
· Measuring flow, and
· Measuring environmental parameters.


There are several instruments used in an energy audit. All the energy audit
equipments are broadly classified in to two categories :
1. Electrical instruments, which measure electrical parameters such as
current, voltage, power, power factor, etc.
2. Mechanical instruments, which measure mechanical quantities such as
pressure, temperature, flow, etc.
We will discuss these instruments in the following sections.


Energy audit requires the measurement of several parameters for collecting data
related to energy consumption and the related processes. The most widely
measured electrical parameters are current, voltage, KVA, KW, KVAr, PF,
frequency and harmonics. Let us discuss the instruments used to measure these
Ammeters : Ammeters are used in generator leads, feeder circuits, auxiliary Energy Audit Instruments

power circuits and field circuits to measure current.

Voltmeters : Voltmeters are used to measure voltage so as to maintain proper
voltage, check automatic voltage regulators, synchronize, and with proper
Power Factor Meters : These are used to measure power factor in alternator
leads to check excitation and load division on the bus bars if a synchronous
condenser is used to maintain power factors.
Digital Multimeter : It is a very handy instrument and is used for measurement
of voltage, current and resistance.
Power Meter (Watt meters) : It is used for the measurement of power in
generator or feeder circuits.
Power meters now available can measure following parameters :
(1) Current
(2) Voltage
(3) Active Power
(4) Power Factor
(5) Apparent Power
(6) Reactive Power
(7) Active energy
(8) Frequency
Clip on Digital Watt Meter
Whenever you visit any unit for conducting energy audit, you will find various
processes going on. The motors may be running, the production processes may be
going on. Under such circumstances, you may require to measure relevant
electrical parameters without affecting the production and without stopping any
machine. Clip on Digital Watt Meter is such an instrument used for measurement
of power without interrupting the connections. Such type of instruments may be
applied online, e.g. on motors without stopping the motor. A typical clip on
digital watt meter is shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 : Clip on Digital Watt Meter

Solar Heating and
Cooling of Buildings
Clip on Digital PF Meter
It is used for measurement of power factor without interrupting the
Clamp on Ampere Meter
It is used for measurement of current without interrupting the connections.
Frequency Meter
It is used for measurement of power supply frequency.
Harmonic Analyser
It is used for analysis of harmonics in power System.


There are several types of temperature measuring instruments. A brief description
is given below:
Glass Tube Mercury Thermometers
These thermometers are used for measuring temperatures in flow lines;
condensate, circulating water, feed water, bearing oil, etc.
Gas Filled Bulb and Tube Thermometers
These types of instruments are used to measure temperature of gases or
liquids up to 550ºC and indicate or record the same at a point about 100 m
away from the location of the bulb.
Vapour Pressure Thermometer
These thermometers are used to measure temperatures up to 270ºC.
Electrical Resistance Thermometer
It is widely used for accurate measurement of feed water and condensate
temperature. It is also used to measure temperature of windings of electrical
Thermocouple Thermometer and Pyrometer
The thermocouple is used to measure high range temperatures such as
furnace flue gas, preheated air, or superheated steam temperatures.
Temperature Indicators
These are basically thermocouples used for measuring temperatures of flue
gases, hot air, liquids, slurries, semisolids, powders, etc. The indicators
use different types of probes.
Infrared Thermometers
These are used for measuring temperatures from a distance using infrared
technology. These are non-contact type of measuring instruments and are
useful for measuring hot spots in furnaces and surface temperatures.
A PT120 infrared thermometer is shown in Figure 2.2. The instrument is
equipped with microcomputer for data-collection and processing.
PT120 infrared thermometer can be applied extensively in many fields, such
as induction heating, furnaces, kilns, refrectories, petroleum, chemical,
electronic oven, railway, textile, rubber, plastic, printing, etc.
Energy Audit Instruments

Figure 2.2 : Infrared Thermometers (Shannxi RG Automatic Instrument CO., Ltd.)

Typical measuring range of an infrared thermometer shown above is :
Temperature range : - 25ºC to + 1200ºC.
Measuring accuracy : ± 1% of reading repeatability : ± 0.5% of reading.


Lux Meter
Lux meter is used for measurement of illumination level. It consists of a photo
cell which senses the light output, converts it into electrical signals which are
calibrated as Lux. A typical Digital Lux meter is shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 : A Lux Meter

The typical specifications of such a Digital Light Meter are as follows :
· Measuring range : 200, 2000, 20000 lux (20000 lux range reading
´ 10) and 50000 lux (50000 lux range reading ´ 100).
· Accuracy :
Ø < 10000 lux: ± 5% of rdg + 10 digits
Ø 10000 lux: ± 10% of rdg + 10 digits.


Flue Gas Analyser
Flue Gas Analyser is used for measuring various gases such as oxygen and CO
levels in flue gas of boilers, furnaces etc. and calculation of CO2 percentage in
excess air level and efficiency for optimizing the combustion efficiency. The
instrument has in-built chemical cells for measuring these parameters. A typical
combustion analyzer is shown in the Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 : Combustion Analyser (www.michell.co.uk)

Solar Heating and
Cooling of Buildings
Fuel Efficiency Monitor
Fuel Efficiency Monitor is used for measuring oxygen and temperature of flue
gases. The instrument makes use of calorific values of fuels to calculate the
combustion efficiency.
The ARTECH FEM-01 Fuel Efficiency Monitor is shown in the Figure 2.4. It is
designed to monitor performance of boilers, heaters, furnaces, etc. It measures
Oxygen, Carbon Monoxide and temperature of flue gas. From these values it
computes combustion efficiency, excess air and Carbon Dioxide values.

Figure 2.4 : Fuel Efficiency Monitor (http://www.artech.in/images/products/gas/FEM-01)


Standard Bourdon Tube, Steam Pressure Gauge
It is widely used for measuring the pressure of moderate and high pressure
Helical Tube or Diaphragm Type Low Steam Pressure Gauge
It is used to measure bleeder pressures, exhaust pressures, etc.
Vacuum Gauges and Manometers
These instruments are used to measure pressures. The draft gauge is used to
obtain and maintain the best furnace conditions, to check the operation of
automatic combustion equipment, and to check the condition of the boiler
setting and flues. Draft gauges also measure the performance of draft fans
and of chimneys. Manometers are pressure measuring devices using liquid
columns in vertical or inclined tubes.
U-Tube Manometer
One of the most common types of manometer is the water filled U-tube
manometer used to measure pressure difference in pitot or orifices located in
the airflow in air handling or ventilation system.
Digital Manometer
It is used for measurement of differential pressure.
Energy Audit Instruments

Thermo-hygrometer is used for measurement of air velocity and
humidification, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems etc.
Digital Thermo-hygrometer
It is used for measurement of humidity and temperature and the calculation
of dew point to find out the heat being carried away by outgoing gases in
industries. A typical Digital Thermo-hygrometer is shown in the Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5 : Digital Thermo-hygrometer (Kwanwa Electronic Company)


Steam Flow Meters
The steam flow meter is used to measure individual boiler output, group boiler
output, turbine supply auxiliary steam and industrial steam.
Water Flow Meters
This non-contact type flow measuring device uses Doppler Effect/Ultrasonic
principle. There is a transmitter and a receiver positioned on opposite sides of the
pipe. The meter directly gives the flow. Water and other fluid flows can be easily
measured with this meter. These are used to measure condensate, feed water,
pump discharge, etc. A typical water flow meter is shown in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6 : Water Flow Meter

Air Flow Meter
It is used to measure air flow.
Solar Heating and
Cooling of Buildings
Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Ultrasonic Flow Meter is used for measurement of flow of liquids through
pipelines of various sizes through ultrasonic sensors mounted on the
Speed Measurements/Tachometer
In any audit exercise speed measurements are critical as they may change
with frequency, belt slip and loading. A simple tachometer is a contact type
instrument which can be used where direct access is possible. A typical
Tachometer is shown in the Figure 2.7.

Figure 2.7 : A Tachometer


Ultrasonic Leak Detector

Ultrasonic leak detectors are used to detect leak of compressed air
and other gases. A typical Ultrasonic Leak Detector LDE-10
(http://www.reliabilitydirect.com/ultrasoundproducts/SPM-LDE10.htm ) is shown
in the Figure 2.8.
Ultrasonic leak detector has the following applications :
· Leaks in pressure and vacuum systems,
· Electrical discharge,
· Control of tightness with ultrasonic transmitter,
· Internal leaks in hydraulic systems, and
· Function control of steam traps.

Figure 2.8 : Ultrasonic Leak Detector

Energy Audit Instruments
Coal Measurement : Coal is usually weighted in batches, although belt
conveyor weighers and some pulversied coal weighers take continuous
Gas Meters : These are either the positive displacement type or differential head
Oil Meters : These are positive displacement type.
Level Recorders : These are used for measuring liquid level in boilers, tanks,
canals, etc. and coal level in pulverized coal bin.


The requirement for an energy audit such as identification and quantification of

energy necessitates measurements; these measurements require the use of
instruments. These instruments must be portable, durable, easy to operate and
relatively inexpensive.
There are several instruments used in energy audit. All the energy audit
equipments are broadly classified in two categories :
· Mechanical Instruments, which measure mechanical quantities such
as pressure, temperature, flow, etc.
· Electrical Instruments, which measure electrical parameters such as
current, voltage, power, power factor, etc.
We have discussed all necessary equipments widely used for energy audit
purposes. These include electrical parameters, temperature and pressure. Various
handy instruments have been discussed :
Pressure Measurement
· Standard Bourdon tube, steam pressure gauge,
· Helical tube or diaphragm type low steam pressure gauge,
· Vacuum gauges and manometers,
· Draft gauges. (inclined glass tube, diaphragm and liquid sealed bell
types), and
· Miscellaneous pressure gauges on oil, air and water lines.
Temperature Measurement
· Glass tube mercury thermometers,
· Gas filled bulb and tube thermometers,
· Vapour Pressure Thermometer,
· Electrical resistance thermometer, and
· Thermocouple thermometer and pyrometer.
Flow Measurement
· Steam flow meters,
· Water flow meters, and
· Air flow meter.
Solar Heating and
Cooling of Buildings Fuel Measurement
· Gas meters, and
· Oil meters (Positive displacement type).
Gas Analysis
· Orsat apparatus and CO2 or O2 instruments, and
· Level Recorders.
Level Recorders
Electrical Instruments
· Ammeters,
· Volt meters,
· Watt meters,
· Power factor meters, and
· Reactive volt ampere meters.
We hope that this Unit has helped you gain some familiarity with the energy audit


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