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Nama : Firda Fadhilah Muzanni Lubis

NPM : 2106010001
Dosen Pengampu : Widia Fransiska, S.Pd.I., M.A.
Mata kuliah : Classroom Action Research
The Link of Thesis :


(A Classroom Action Research on the Eight Grade Students of
SMP Negeri 2 Baki Sukoharjo 2008/2009 Academic Year)

This is a Thesis of Teacher Training and Education Faculty from Sebelas Maret University.
Surakarta. 2009. The research is conducted from 3rd April to 8th May 2009. The subject of the
study is the students of class 8E of SMP Negeri 2 Baki, Sukoharjo. It involves one class consisting
of thirty seven students; eighteen girls and nineteen boys. The research is conducted through
teaching and learning in the classroom. She chooses this class as the subject of the class because
the pre-observation reveals that the students in this class has great enthusiast in English,This action
research study is designed to improve students’ speaking proficiency by implementing games. She
analyzed both qualitative data and quantitative data. They are identifying the problem, planning
the action, implementing the action, observing the action, reflecting the action and revising the
plan. Data are collected through survey, observation and interview. The observation was reflected
in field notes, research diary, audio-recording and photograph.
The aims of this research are: 1) to describe whether or not and to what extent games
improve speaking proficiency; 2) to identify the situation when games are implemented in the
speaking class. Based on the curriculum in teaching speaking of SMP N 2 Baki Sukoharjo the
students are expected to a.) Express the meaning in a transaction and monolog spoken text
especially in the form of descriptive, recount, and narrative to interact with surrounding, b.) Do
the transaction activities for example inviting someone, accepting and declining an offer, asking
for and giving opinion, praising and congratulating. The research found for in reality the students
are not able to express their idea fluently. Based on the goals that have been determined, the
students are expected to achieve them. However, the research gap between the goals and the fact
which happens in the classroom. The fact can be shown through the observation and the interview.
In reality the ability of the eighth grade students in SMP N 2 Baki Sukoharjo in speaking material
does not meet the standard of curriculum. From the observation done by the researcher, lack of
students’ speaking proficiency is the problem. Their vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation are
low which make them unable to say something during the speaking class.
During the teaching learning process, the researcher write students are not enthusiastic and
interested in joining teaching activities. Only a few students have great willingness to speak up
voluntarily. They do not enjoy the lesson. When all the students speak together, it gets too noisy
and they just end up chatting in their own language. Moreover when the time of teaching and
learning conducted after break time, they look tired and show low motivation to follow the teaching
and learning process. For instance when the teacher asks them to come forward to have speaking
practice with their friends, they refuse it.
Based on the fact, the classroom teacher and the research would like to improve their
proficiency in speaking by conducting an action research by using games. In this study the
researcher will implements games, namely guessing game sand story games. There are several
reasons why they can improve the students’ speaking proficiency. First, they help the teacher to
create context in which the language is useful and meaningful. Second, enjoyment of games is not
restricted by age. It is generally accepted that young learners and adult are very willing to play
games. The advantages of games in the classroom make students have great willingness to practice
speaking skill.
The research finding shows that students’ speaking proficiency improved in the term of
ability in: 1) answering the teacher’s questions orally 2) identifying the words and grammar used
in the expression 3) making sentences using appropriate grammar and vocabulary 4) expressing
their idea. Besides, the classroom situation is also more alive in terms of the students’ activeness
in: 1) joining the activities 2) asking the teacher about their difficulties 3) discussing the task with
their friend 4) increasing their motivation to learn.
From Quantitative data, which are collected by conducting pre test and post test, are
analyzed to know the improvement of students’ speaking proficiency. The mean score of pre-test
is 4.08. This score improved to 5.31 in post-test 1 and even higher in post test 2 that is 6.05. On
the other hand from the qualitative data, the researcher finds that the implementation of games
improve the students’ speaking proficiency and the classroom situation.

This thesis is very good for research in this area, almost of children of course playing
game like the research said Games can be played by class, individual, pair and group work.
Therefore, children easily feel bored if they do activities that are less enjoyable. With this
method, children can feel like they are learning and increase their motivation, so they are can
increase the atmosphere of class. I think this method is effective based on problem and reality
of SMP Negeri 2 Baki Sukoharjo especially of class 8E.
The researcher written the abstract provides a good overview of the thesis topic and
approach, but adding more specific details about the methodology and not adding enough details
to the research results. The researcher took an old references on the literature review

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