Rushikesh Dilwale
Rushikesh Dilwale
Rushikesh Dilwale
Rushikesh Dilwale
Total points: 43 (Cutoffs: 35, 25) Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Feb-24 19:44PM Time taken: 3h:10m
Percentile Score: 96 ? Distribution Of Scores
Cheating: --
Detailed Scores
Detailed scores by section. Avg time is the average time taken by this candidate per question of this section.
Feedback Summary
No Splurge Appeared for test multiple times.
A wine connoisseur had Rs. 12500. She used some of that money to buy two wine bottles, and then sold them both for
Rs. 6000 each. She made a profit of 20% on one and a loss of 20% on the other. How many rupees does she have left
Answer is Incorrect
Candidate's answer=0, Correct Answer=12000
Time taken: 10m:26s
Average Speed:
Maya drives from Boston to New York at an average speed of 51kmph. Then she immediately drives from New York to
Boston , at an average speed of 102kmph. What is is average speed in kmph for the whole journey? Round off your
answer to the nearest whole number. If you think there isnt sufficient data to answer this question, then put 0 as your
Expected Answer = 68
Answer is Correct
Time taken: 04m:43s
In a group of 55 people, exactly 37 of them have visited US, exactly 37 of them have visited UK. 9 of them have been to
neither US nor UK. How many of them have visited both US and UK? If you think there isnt sufficient data to answer this
question, then put 0 as your answer.
Expected Answer = 28
Answer is Correct
Time taken: 0h:16m
Small machines and large machines:
At a BPO, the 31 associates in the US practice share 2 small machines and 3 large machines. The 8 associates in the
Europe practice all share small machines. The 63 associates in the India practice all share large machines. If the number
of large machines needed for the India practice is 3 more than the number of small machines needed for Europe
practice, how many associates can share each large machine? If you think there isnt sufficient data to answer this
question, then put 0 as your answer. (Assume that the number of associates who share each small machine is always
the same, and the number of associates who share any large machine is also always the same.)
Expected Answer = 9
Answer is Incorrect
Candidate's answer=8, Correct Answer=9
Time taken: 0h:21m
Pool Cues:
A pair of pool players have 7 different cues, and every day, they pick two random cues and play snooker for an hour. In
the last year, they have played together a total of 350 hours. Interestingly, their random picking of cues has worked so
well that each cue has been used the same number of hours. How many hours has each cue been used?
Answer is Incorrect
Candidate's answer=50, Correct Answer=100
Time taken: 0h:23m
In a company, 80% of the revenue comes from customers buying Java programs.
Answer is Correct
We shortlisted 20 CS/IT candidates and 10 non-CS/IT candidates. Our quota is to make a total of 15 job offers. We haven't
yet managed to contact the panel who interviewed the non-CS/IT candidates; but the panel who interviewed CS/IT
candidates, made offers to 10 of them. Based on this, we feel that the panel who interviewed the non-CS/IT has probably
made offers to 5 candidates.
1. Predicting the probability of a situation based on on the probability of the root cause of that situation
2. Predicting the probability of a particular situation based on the probability of a general case of that situation
3. Figuring out the probability of a general situation that's most likely to be applicable based on data-points collected
from a number of specific situations of that type
Using probability from one situation where data is available, to guess the probability of a similar situation.*
5. Guessing probability of a future situation based on a similar past events.
Answer is Correct
In 2002, the IIT JEE entrance exam was a subjective exam. Various student and parent groups raised objections to this,
but their objections were ignored by the JEE management. Data from the results of the 2002 test showed that non-English
medium school students had fared very badly in the JEE. Soon after the results were announced, a Public Interest
Litigation (PIL) was filed against the method of conducting the JEE in the courts. During this PIL, the court ruled that the
subjective nature of the JEE is unfair to certain section of students. As a result, from then on, the JEE has always been
conducted as a purely objective test.
1. Before 2002, students from non-English medium schools always fared badly in JEE
The JEE is now an objective test because of the court ruling in the PIL.*
3. If the JEE management had paid attention to the objections raised by student/parent groups, the PIL could have been
4. Before 2002, JEE was a subjective test because the JEE management believed that a subjective test is better than an
objective test
5. Use of a purely objective test for JEE 2002 would have prevented the PIL
Answer is Correct
1. Validating a form
2. Sending a form's contents by email
Storing the form's contents to a database file on the server*
4. None of the above
Answer is Correct
1. Is executed when the <script> tag (i.e. the part containing JavaScript code, for example) is empty
2. Is used to programmatically turn off script execution on a webpage
Is executed when page is loaded with scripts (e.g. JavaScript) disabled*
4. Was used in IE6 and older browsers, and is no longer supported by newer browsers
5. Was used with HTML4.0 and earlier protocols, and is no longer supported by HTML5
Answer is Correct
function f() {
// Do something
setTimeout(f, 2000);
Which of the following statements represents the most accurate description of when function f is guaranteed to be
1. More than 1000 milliseconds (i.e. 1 second) but less than 3000 milliseconds (i.e. 3 seconds) after setTimeout
2. Exactly 2000 milliseconds after setTimeout
3. More than 1999 milliseconds, but less than 2001 milliseconds after setTimeout
4. More than 2000 milliseconds, but less than 2001 milliseconds after setTimeout
More than 2000 milliseconds after setTimeout - but there is no guarantee of how much more*
Answer is Correct
Assume that you are using a third-party JavaScript library, which provides you with function called doStuff(callback).
This function does some complex calculation asynchronously, and then calls the callback function with two arguments
callback(results, err). If there was any error in the calculation, then err will be a non-null string. If the operation
was a success, results will be a non-null string. Consider the following JavaScript code that you have written:
doStuff((results, err) => {
if (err) {
Which of the following output sequences can NEVER be produced by this code. (Note: you have to choose those
sequences of outputs that are impossible to produce as the output of the above code under any circumstances.)
1. A B C D
2. A C D
3. A D C
4. A D B C
None of the above (i.e. under the appropriate circumstances each of the above sequences are possible.)*
Answer is Incorrect
<script src="file1.js"></script>
<script src="file2.js"></script>
Unfortunately, loading the two javascript files is slowing down the rendering of this page, and it is required to improve the
situation. To complicate matters, the code in file2.js uses some of the code from file1.js so it would be a problem
if they got loaded in the wrong order. Assuming that the HTML in the rest of the page can be rendered properly without
the JavaScript (i.e. there are appropriate fallbacks), which of the following statements are true?
Select all that apply:
1. It is not possible under any circumstances for the webpage to start rendering before loading the JavaScript files, as
long as the <script> tag is in the <head> section.
2. This problem can be fixed by using the async attribute on both the <script> tags
This problem can be fixed by using the defer attribute on both the <script> tags*
4. This problem can be fixed by using the async attribute for file1.js and the defer attribute for file2.js
5. This problem can be fixed by using the defer attribute for file1.js and the async attribute for file2.js
Answer is Correct
Answer is Correct
Answer is Correct
Answer is Incorrect
1. After 6 seconds, first second and done are all printed to the console together, and the program stops
2. done is printed to the console immediately. After 3 seconds, first is printed. After 3 more seconds second is
printed. Then the program stops.
3. done is printed to the console immediately. After 3 seconds, first and second are both printed to the console
together, and the program stops
After 3 seconds, first is printed to the console. After 3 more seconds second and done are printed
together. Then the program stops.*
5. done is printed to the console immediately. 6 seconds later, first second are both printed together and then the
program stops.
Answer is Incorrect
After 3 seconds, first second and done are all printed to the console together, and the program stops*
2. done is printed to the console immediately. After 3 seconds, first is printed. After 3 more seconds second is
printed. Then the program stops.
3. done is printed to the console immediately. After 3 seconds, first and second are both printed to the console
together, and the program stops
4. After 3 seconds, first is printed to the console. After 3 more seconds second and done are printed together. Then
the program stops.
5. done is printed to the console immediately. 6 seconds later, first second are both printed together and then the
program stops.
Answer is Incorrect
If price represents a valid numeric value, which of the following expressions will result in a value that is 90% of price?
2. {{price|discount|90}}
4. {{price|discount:0.9}}
5. {{price|discount(90)}}
If mylist has been initialized as mylist = ['23'] in the right place, then what will the output html be?
1. <div>false</div><div>true</div>
2. <div>true</div><div>false</div>
3. <div>true</div>
5. <div>false true</div>
Answer is Incorrect
1. <div>8</div>
2. <div>42</div>
3. <div>4</div><div>2</div>
4. <div>4*2</div>
Nothing. This is a syntax error.*
Answer is Incorrect
In an Angular app, there is one area that is restricted. This consists of a route restricted and a module
RestrictedModule, which should only be accessible to logged in users who have admin rights. Consider the following
code in the routing module for this app:
path: 'restricted',
loadChildren: () => import('./rest/restricted.module').then(
m => m.RestrictedModule),
We wish to ensure that the RestrictedModule is only loaded when a logged in user with admin rights navigates to the
restricted route. Specifically, if a user who is not logged in navigates to the restricted route, the module should not
be loaded. What is needed to implement this?
Answer is Incorrect
selector: 'my-monster',
template: `<div>AAA</div><ng-content></ng-content>`
export class MonsterComponent {}
1. <div>AAA</div>
2. <div>AAA</div><ng-content><div>BBB</div></ng-content>
4. <div>BBB</div>
5. This is a syntax error
Answer is Correct
Consider a react component Money which has two children Rupees and Paisa. Both, Rupees and Paisa components
have a state containing an amount property which can be modified. You are asked to implement an addPaisa(amt)
method to the Paisa component which increments the amount in Paisa by amt and if the total goes above hundred,
then decrement it by 100, and increment the amount in Rupees component by 1. What is it the right way for addPaisa in
Paisa to access the state of Rupees?
1. Using this.parent.rupees.setState
2. Using this.parent.rupees.state.amount
3. Using this.getParent().getChildren()[0].setState
4. Using window.Money.rupees.setState
It is not possible for a component to access a sibling component's state*
Answer is Correct
Answer is Correct
Which of the following statements about React.js's applicability to a particular domain are true?
1. Because of overheads of React.js, it is not an ideal framework if you want to simply build a basic CRUD
(Create/Read/Update/Delete) frontend
2. Because all React.js components are embedded inside other components, it is not a good framework if you want to
implement various independent UI components that need to be mixed-and-matched to produce a frontend
3. React.js cannot be used in the frontend if the backend is written using ASP.NET or other Microsoft technologies
One of the important features of React.js is that not only does it perform on the client side, but it can also be
rendered server side, and they can work together inter-operably.*
5. If you have a large web-page and need to continuously update just a small part of that page, React.js is not a good
framework - the continuous page refreshes will result in bad performances.
Answer is Correct
function attr(props) {
return <div>The value is {props.value}</div>
<attr value="v1"/>,
This code has an error and does not work as expected. Which of the following is the problem with this code?
1. The first argument of ReactDOM.render must be a JavaScript object, and not HTML/JSX code
2. The second argument of ReactDOM.render be document.getElementById('root')
3. The function attr should return a string or JavaScript object, and not HTML/JSX code
attr needs to be capitalized as Attr*
5. None of the above
Answer is Incorrect
function eventAction() {
function doClick(e) {
// click processing
return false;
return (
<a href={someUrl} onClick={doClick}>
My button
The idea is that when My button is clicked the doClick function is called, and the default processing (going to
someUrl) should be disabled. However, there is a problem with this code. What is the recommended way to do this?
Answer is Correct
No Splurge:
Consider a JSON string that looks like this:
["Swiggy", 123],
["Swiggy", 227],
["Zomato", 103],
["Zomato", 171],
["Dunzo", 131],
["Zomato", 122],
["Swiggy", 181]
This string encodes a list of payments made by a person for various delivery services. Each element of the list is a itself a
list of two elements - the first is the name of the service, and the second is the amount.
Write a function/method in JavaScript to take such a string and return the number of services for which this person has
never paid an amount of 200 or more.
For example, if the above string is passed to your code, it should return 2 (since this person has never paid 200 or more
for Zomato and Dunzo.) Remember, the input will be passed to you as a string.
In the comments in your code, indicate what is the running time of your program e.g. O(n^2) or O(n log n). You get
bonus points if your program has a average running time of O(n log n) or O(n).
-by ReliScore
function findHighestAverageService(jsonString) {
return maxService;
const arr = [["Swiggy", 123], ["Swiggy", 227], ["Zomato", 103], ["Zomato", 171], ["Dunzo", 131], ["Zomato
Solution Quality: Good. Time taken: 0h:14m, Num attempts: 1, Answered on: 20/02 01:14
-by ReliScore
Rushikesh Dilwale
Total points: 43 (Cutoffs: 35, 25) Email: [email protected]
Date: 19-Feb-24 19:44PM Time taken: 3h:10m
Percentile Score: 96 ? Distribution Of Scores
Cheating: --