Quiz #2 SG Post Review

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NSG 500

Study Guide Quiz #2

There are 75 questions on the second quiz and it is timed for 85 minutes. Please remember to download
the Proctor Now information in the course resources for how to access the quiz. The quiz includes the
content from Modules 4, 5, and 6. This quiz is at the end of week 8; opens on Friday at 7am EST and
closes on Monday at 11:55 pm EST.

a. Normal v. abnormal findings with aging
b. Types of headaches/symptoms
c. How to assess for PERRLA; what is expected to occur
d. How to assess near and far vision- Know each chart for near far vision/ accomodation
e. How to use an ophthalmoscope- HOW TO FOCUS IT & FINDINGS
f. What is strabismus and psuedostrabismus; where might you see this
g. Significance of cobblestoning- any irritation
h. Weber (both ears) v. Rinne test, what is normal finding; what do abnormal results
i. Tonsil grading- touching/not touching 1+-4+
j. Symptoms/signs of TM rupture Signs and symptoms tympanic rupture
k. Symptoms of obstruction; above and below the glottis
l. How to examine the ear, adults v. children (down and back)
m. Risk factors for cataract development Diabetes
n. Indicators of hypertensive retinopathy during the eye exam- know what change you can
see AV nicking. Cotton etc
o. Evaluation of hearing in pediatrics- at what age can an infant turn their head t parents
p. Nasal exam findings for allergies, drug abuse, infections- cocaine specifically
q. Taste changes with age
2. Respiratory
a. Diaphragmatic excursion; what is normal, if abnormal what does it indicate
b. Normal resp rate to HR ratio 1:4
c. How to perform percussion on the thorax- know the position
d. Sequence of the exam; how this varies with infants or children no percussion on
e. Age related changes, newborns and older adults
f. Altered physical exam findings for emphysema (decreased tactile fremitus/99), COPD,
tumor (decreased breath sounds due to solid tissue), pleural effusion (dullness on
percussion), laryngeal obstruction Upper airway- foreign item/ edema/kids croup-
g. Disorders that may result in altered resp rate, bradypnea or tachypnea
h. What is tactile fremitus; how to perform, what does it indicate if decreased or
increased; ie. in pneumonia, emphysema
Auscultation techniques of bronchophony, pectoriloquy , egophony
How to differentiate crackles from rhonchi- cough to clear secretions- if it is still there
what are your findings relevant to the cough
k. What are the whispered voice tests
3. CV/PV
a. Sequence of the exam no percussion in newborns/ position for adults
b. Use of stethoscope for high v low pitch sounds (bell)
c. Significance of location of the PMI
d. Significance of a heave
e. Significance of JVD
f. What do S1 (lower pitch and shorter what items are opening/closing) and S2 (higher
pitch and shorter) indicate; where are they heard best- know these murmurs (not
usually serious)
g. Where are murmurs best heard/quality of murmurs of aortic stenosis, aortic regurg,
pulmonic stenosis, mitral stenosis MITRALLLLLLLLLLLLLL
h. Grading of murmurs; descriptions
i. How to accentuate murmurs; mitral valve murmurs
j. Normal JVP- pulmonary vascular congestion- assess at 45 degrees Right sides heart
failure jugular venous pressures are normally less than 9
k. Causes of edema, symptoms
l. Bruit significance- turbulent blood flow/stenosis
m. Symptoms of Raynaud’s v. arterial disease
n. Differentiating venous from arterial disease
o. Vascular/hemodynamic changes that occur during pregnancy
p. Abnormalities in the infant/findings for Tetralogy of Fallot
q. What is a venous hum in a child, what does it indicate- no pathological
significance/likely to grow out of it
r. Thrill- displaced apical pulse- cardio megololy
s. Arterial versus venous insufficiency

4. Breast:
a. Evaluation of breast lumps
b. Risk factors for breast lumps
c. Performing a breast exam- symmetry , dimpling , discharge lumps lesions
d. Risk factors for breast cancer
e. Sequence of breast exam inspection- palpation etc
f. Normal changes during pregnancy- increased venous mapping
g. Recommendations for screening for breast cancer- Age 45
h. What is gynecomastia, what does it indicate- enlarged breast tissue in males- abnormal
testosterone low of high?)
Swelling on the same side of a mastecotomy- means what

5. GI:
a. Sequence of GI physical exam
b. Peristalsis; normal, physiologic control of peristalisis
c. Bowel sound changes, what might these indicate if increased, decreased, absent
d. History findings for colon cancer subjective and objective
e. How to percuss size of the liver (6-12), normal size, adaptation in exam for obese
person- listen with stethoscope and scratch test to find liver border
f. GI findings for Cushing’s disease (skin changes), pregnancy, liver cirrhosis, diastasis recti
g. Friction rub of liver, what will it sound like
h. How to palpate aorta, what is normal finding v. abnormal finding
i. Special tests to evaluate for appendicitis
j. How to evaluate CVA tenderness, what might this indicate- where / what angle one
hand over the back tap with a closed fist- pain = renal involvement pylo neohritis
k. What is the most common congenital anomaly of the GI tract esophageal atresia/ etc
l. How to identify ascites
m. What part of the nervous symptom controls GI?
n. Peritonitis- signs/symptoms pt complains- absent bowel sounds
o. Psoas, murphys, cullens sign, Rosvings- GI tests to differentiate Cholycystitis versus

6. GU
a. What are the anatomic structures of female system
b. What is menopause- No memses for a year
c. What is the sequence of the female gyn exam, how to insert a speculum turn down on
the intritus etc
d. Sequence of specimen collections for pap test (always 1st), vaginal discharge specimen
e. How to evaluate for trichomonas, bacterial vaginosis, candida, gonorrhea; findings on
wet mount CLUE CELLS
f. Recommendation for first pelvic exam- guidelines no sex 21 years old
g. Pregnancy; signs of pregnancy KNOW EALY SIGN , how to identify position of the fetus,
h. Risk factors for testicular cancer- cryptocortisum, undescended testicle
i. How to identify an inguinal hernia
j. Causes of testicular pain- imaging study/processes to rule out
k. Subjective findings for Peyronie disease- irregular curvature of penis
l. How to perform transillumination of the testes, why is it helpful- differentiate between
fluid filled ( light passes through) solid (no light goes through)
m. What strucures are you palpating during a ureteral exam

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