1. Replenishment....................................................................................................................................2
1.1 Configuration..............................................................................................................................3
1.1.1 Define storage type for Replenishment..............................................................................3
1.1.2 Activate Replenishment Strategies in Storage Types.........................................................4
1.1.3 Configure Execution Times for Replenishment...................................................................6
1.1.4 Maintain Document/Item Categories for Replenishment Warehouse Request................6
1.1.5 Define Warehouse Process Type.........................................................................................6
1.1.6 Determine Warehouse Process Type..................................................................................7
1.1.7 Specify Storage Type Search Sequence...............................................................................7
1.1.8 Determine Storage Type Search Sequence for Stock Removal..........................................8
1.2 Master Data................................................................................................................................8
1.2.1 Create storage bin...............................................................................................................8
1.2.2 Maintain storage type data for products............................................................................9
1.2.3 Assign Fixed Storage Bins to Products..............................................................................10
1.2.4 Maintain Fixed Storage Bin...............................................................................................10
1.2.5 Fixed Bin Overview from WH monitor..............................................................................11
1.3 Planned replenishment process (Replenishment at storage bin level)....................................11
1.3.1 Planned replenishment.....................................................................................................11
1.3.2 Check replenish WT/WO...................................................................................................13
1.4 Planned replenishment process (Replenishment at storage type level).................................13
1.4.1 Planned replenishment process........................................................................................13
1.4.2 Check replenish WT/WO...................................................................................................15
1.5 Order-related replenishment....................................................................................................16
1.5.1 Rough Bin Determination at storage type level...............................................................16
1.5.2 Rough Bin Determination at WPT level............................................................................16
1.5.3 Rough Bin Determination at warehouse request level....................................................17
1.5.4 Order-related replenishment process..............................................................................18
1.5.5 Check replenish WT/WO...................................................................................................19
1.6 Direct replenishment................................................................................................................20
1.6.1 Stock in fixed storage bin..................................................................................................21
1.6.2 Maintain outbound delivery order...................................................................................21
1.6.3 Create warehouse task......................................................................................................22
1.6.4 Confirm warehouse order in RF........................................................................................22
1.7 Automatic replenishment.........................................................................................................26
1.7.1 Stock in fixed storage bin..................................................................................................26
1.7.2 Maintain outbound delivery order...................................................................................27
1.7.3 Create and confirm warehouse task.................................................................................27
1.7.4 Check replenishment warehouse task..............................................................................28
1.8 Replenishment through RF device............................................................................................28
1.8.1 Logon to RF device............................................................................................................28
1.8.2 Check replenishment warehouse task..............................................................................29
1. Replenishment
Replenishment is an internal process and it control to fill up a picking area in accordance with the
demand for products.
Normally warehouses have primary zones and buffer zones to manage their inventory. These primary
zones maintain nearby to door areas to use as picking area and maintain with predefined maximum,
minimum stock quantity levels. whenever any product stock level falls below minimum stock level, a
replenishment WT executes to fill stock up to maximum level.
There are two levels to control replenishment process, one is at storage type level and other one is
storage bin level. It means required material quantity can either be determined for the storage type as a
whole or, in the case of a fixed bin scenario, for each individual fixed bin in the primary area.
Planned Replenishment − Planned replenishment execute with transaction ‘or’ in the back ground. The
system calculates the replenishment with reference to the defined minimum quantity and maximum
quantity. Replenishment control is triggered when the stock is less than the minimum quantity .
Order Related Replenishment − Order related replenishment executes with reference to open
warehouse request items, this can be performed in the background or with transaction.
Automatic Replenishment − The system starts automatic replenishment during warehouse task is
confirmed. Replenishment is calculated as per the maximum and minimum activity.
Direct replenishment -This is a replenishment as a reaction (Ex: Pick denial) to stock shortfalls during
confirmation of warehouse tasks.
Crate part replenishment – This process initiates in accordance with production process requirements.
1.1 Configuration
Required configuration set-up as follows below.
Spro-Img- SCM Extended Warehouse Management- Extended Warehouse Management- Master Data-
Define Storage Type
Replenishment Level: ‘blank ‘for Storage Bin Level for Fixed Bins and ‘1’ for Storage Type Level.
1.1.2 Activate Replenishment Strategies in Storage Types
In this area, activate replenishment strategies for each storage type.
Control parameters as below
System Ignore Stocks from Bins with Stock Removal Lock
Specifies that planned putaways (open warehouse tasks) should also be included in calculations of the
current stock quantity for replenishment.
Specifies that the replenishment during creation of a warehouse task (WT) is calculated again if the
replenishment TO is created for a warehouse request.
1.1.6 Determine Warehouse Process Type
Maintain WPT determination with reference to Document type and other control parameters if
The storage type search sequence contains information concerning the storage types in which the
system searches for stock for removal for replenishment.
Spro-Img- SCM Extended Warehouse Management- Extended Warehouse Management- Goods Issue
Process- Strategies- Specify Storage Type Search Sequence
1.1.8 Determine Storage Type Search Sequence for Stock Removal
Here required to maintain the storage type search for the storage type search sequence during stock
removal for replenishment WPT.
Spro-Img- SCM Extended Warehouse Management- Extended Warehouse Management- Goods Issue
Process- Strategies- Determine Storage Type Search Sequence for Stock Removal
Transaction: /SCWM/LS01
1.2.2 Maintain storage type data for products
SAP Easy access- Extended Warehouse Management- Master Data- Product- Maintain Warehouse
Transaction: /SCWM/MAT1
Maintain control parameters for storage type, where replenishment level maintained as ‘storage type’.
Example: useful for withdraw products in pallets without partial pallet quantities.
Minimum quantity: Initiates replenishment process once stock level falls below minimum quantity.
1.2.3 Assign Fixed Storage Bins to Products
SAP Easy access- Extended Warehouse Management- Master Data- Storage Bin- Assign Fixed Storage
Bins to Products
Transaction: /SCWM/FBINASN
SAP Easy access- Extended Warehouse Management- Master Data- Storage Bin- Maintain Fixed
Storage Bin
For fixed bins, minimum replenishment qty determine from storage type data of product master.
1.2.5 Fixed Bin Overview from WH monitor
It is possible to check the fixed bin overview from WH monitor.
Transaction: /SCWM/REPL
Control parameters
During replenishment the system fills storage bins up to the maximum quantity of the product,
regardless of whether the minimum quantity of the product is not reached.
If do not set this indicator, the system only performs replenishment if the minimum quantity of the
product is not reached in the storage bin or in the storage type.
If set this indicator, the system performs an order-related replenishment in such a way that the
maximum quantity of the product in the storage bin or storage type is always reached, for products that
are relevant for replenishment.
If do not set this indicator, the system fills up to the requirement quantity (quantity in open deliveries).
Specifies that the maximum quantity can be exceeded during order-related replenishment.
If set this indicator, replenishment takes place over and above the maximum quantity, if the
requirement quantity (quantity of open delivery items) for a product is larger than the maximum
quantity of a product in the storage bin/storage type.
If do not set this indicator, the system only fills up to the maximum quantity.
1.3.2 Check replenish WT/WO
Check WT/WO in warehouse monitor
Warehouse Task
Warehouse order
Transaction: /SCWM/REPL
Here system creating WT for qty ’28’ , it is the multiple of minimum replenishment qty ‘4’ in storage
System create 5 WTs ,for 5 storage bins ( Max.No.bins) for replenishment qty.
Warehouse Task
Warehouse order
Once confirm the WO, stock updates in replenishment storage type.
This enables to use the order-related replenishment to perform replenishment for the pick storage type,
since a requirement for picking occurs in this storage type as a result of this.
Rough bin determination indicator to specify that the storage type (without storage bin) is written to the
source data of a delivery item, even if there is no stock for the product in the storage type.
System should perform a rough bin determination while creating a warehouse request item using the
pick warehouse process type. Order-related replenishment uses the data of rough withdrawal bin
1.5.3 Rough Bin Determination at warehouse request level
Rough bin determines at item level of warehouse request (ODO) for replenishment storage types.
1. Storage bin also determine with storage type for fixed bin storage types.
2. Storage type only determine ,if the stock not available in any of the bin in storage type, which is
maintained replenishment at ST level.
3. If any storage bin is with stock, then that storage bin will be determined.
Transaction: /SCWM/REPL
Warehouse Task
Warehouse order
1.6.1 Stock in fixed storage bin
1.6.3 Create warehouse task
Check Replenishment process WO in monitor
Check the WO in monitor
1.7 Automatic replenishment
Automatic replenishment triggers in the background when you confirm a warehouse task. It calculates
the replenishment in accordance with the maximum and minimum quantity. Replenishment control is
triggered when the stock is less than the minimum quantity. The system rounds down the
replenishment quantity to a multiple of the minimum replenishment quantity.
Transaction: /SCWM/BINMAT
1.7.2 Maintain outbound delivery order
1.7.4 Check replenishment warehouse task
1.8.2 Check replenishment warehouse task