Admin, AJMR Journal 2020-25-43
Admin, AJMR Journal 2020-25-43
Admin, AJMR Journal 2020-25-43
Abstract :
Mergers and acquisitions are an integral and big part of corporate finance world. Mergers and
acquisitions play a vital role in corporate finance by enabling firms achieve varied objectives and
financial strategies. The objective of the study is to examine the impact of mergers and acquisitions on
the financial performance of the various companies that have undergone merger or an acquisition
across different sectors in India. The aim of the present study is to investigate whether there is any
significant difference in the performance of the firms pre-merger/acquisition and post-
merger/acquisition periods. Financial ratio analysis has been used to calculate change in the financial
position of the companies during the period 2004-2009 has been calculated. The data has been
collected from Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy. A paired sample t-test is adopted to check for
any statistically significant difference between the means pre and post the deals. Besides, a regression
analysis has been done to test the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent
variable.The results revealed that M&A’swere not able to create significant changes in financial
performancefor the individual firms. Majority of the changes in the financial ratios was found to be
positive but the change was not found to be statistically significant.
Keywords : Mergers and Acquisitions, Financial Performance, Financial Ratio Analysis
I Author : II Author :
Dr. Bisma Afzal Shah Dr. Khursheed Ahmad Butt
Assistant Professor Professor, Dept of Commerce
Management Studies University of Kashmir
Central University of Kashmir
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 20
adopted. A corporate may grow either by way acquisitions. In fact, since the past two
organically or inorganic mode expansion decades,there has emerged a phenomenon
strategy. Historically seen, companies achieve called merger wave. Indian enterprises were
growth and expansion through Merger & subjected to strict control regime before 1990’s.
Acquisitions. Since last twenty years, This led to haphazard growth of Indian
globalization and privatization have resulted corporate enterprises during that period. In
into powerful competition not solely in Indian Indian industry, mergers and acquisitions
business but globally as well. In the modern activity picked up in response to various
global economy, mergers and acquisitions are economic reforms introduced by the
being increasingly used world all over for Government of India since 1991, in its move
improving competitiveness of companies towards liberalization and globalization.The
through gaining greater market share, cut-throat competition in international market
broadening the portfolio to reduce business compelled the Indian firms to opt for mergers
risk, for entering new markets and geographies, and acquisitions strategies, making it a vital
attaining tax benefits, capitalizing on premeditated option.
economies of scale etc. The reason behind any Mergers and acquisitions decisions are critical
corporate merger or acquisition is that two to the success of corporations and their
companies are better than one because they managers. The growing tendency towards
increase shareholder value over and above that mergers and acquisitions world-wide, has been
of the two separate firms. Financially strong driven by intensifying competition. There is a
companies comes forward to acquire other need to reach global size, to reduce costs, take
companies to create a more competitive, cost advantage of economies of scale, increase
efficient company, to capture a great market investment in R&D for strategic gains, expand
share globally. The desire to sell parts of a business into new areas and improve
company may come from poor performance of shareholder value which is the ultimate goal of
a division, or a change in the strategic every organisation. Investors need to consider
orientation of the company. Because of these the complex issues involved in such deals and
reasons, target companies will often agree to be as such, a proper cost-benefit analysis is
acquired, knowingly unable to compete and required for the success of such deals.
survive alone in the cutthroat competitive
Mergers and acquisitions are one of the most There have been numerous studies on mergers
effective and efficient way to survive and grow. and acquisitions in India as well as abroad. An
India has emerged as one of the top countries extensive review of literature has been carried
with respect to merger and acquisition (M&A) out in order to enhance the level
deals. Indian corporate firms have been ofunderstanding in the area of mergers and
actively involved in merger and acquisition acquisitions and gain insight into the impact of
deals, domestically as well as internationally. mergers and acquisitions on financial
Today mergers, acquisitions and other types of performance of firms across different sectors.
strategic alliances are on the agenda of most Kithinji (2007) analysed the effects of mergers
industrial groups intending to have an edge on financial performance of non-listed banks in
over their competitors. Different companies in Kenya by focusing on the profitability of banks
India are expanding through mergers and that merged between 1994 and 2001. The
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 21
results revealed significant improvements in The study showed that there were significant
performance of non-listed companies that had improvements in total revenue, profit margin,
not merged within the same period. Despite and return on assets following mergers and
findings in previous researches on mergers, acquisitions but there was no evidence of any
there is conflicting evidence on the financial significant impact on asset turnover ratio. They
implication of mergers in the banking industry results also found evidence of significant
in Kenya. market anticipation and over reaction to the
Yusuf (2016), in his study evaluated the post- mergers and acquisitions announcements.
merger financial health of Jordanian industrial Selvam et al.,(2009), conducted a study on the
sectors where in seven firms were selected as impact of mergers on the corporate
sample size for study involved in financial performance of acquirer and target companies
restructuring deal from period 2000 and 2014. in India. A sample of companies which
Financial ratios and parametric t test was used underwent merger in the same industry during
to assess the significance of pre-post financial the period of 2002-2005 listed on the Bombay
performance of selected firms. The study Stock Exchange were studied. The study
concluded that there was insignificant compared the liquidity performance of the
improvement seen in the post-merger period. thirteen sample acquirer and target companies
Liquidity, profitability and market share before and after the period of mergers by using
showed no improvement in the selected ratio analysis and t-test. It was found that the
manufacturing firms after merger deals. shareholders of the acquirer companies
Moctar & Chen (2014), examined the impact of increased their liquidity performance after the
merger and acquisitions on financial merger event.
performance of commercials banks in West Ullah et al., (2010), evaluated whether merger
Africa. Two groups of banks that experienced delivers value, taking the case of Glaxo
mergers and acquisitions in economic Smith/cline Merger. They analysed the pre and
community of West African states were post-merger performance of the firm by
selected as sample. Secondary data was applying the net present value approach of
collected through annual financial statement valuation. The study revealed that mega
reviews of selected banks. To analyse the data, pharmaceutical merger failed to deliver value.
financial ratios viz liquid ratio, return on equity The stock prices underperformed both in
(ROE) and return on investment (ROI) were absolute and relative terms against the index.
used to analyse the performance. The study The merger resulted into substantial research
revealed negative impact of mergers and and development reduction and downsizing
acquisitions on the financial performance. instead of a potential employment haven.
Jin et al., (2004), analysed the impact mergers Ismail et al.,(2010), conducted a study to
and acquisitions had on the operational aspects explore improvements in the corporate
of the publicly traded firms in China. The study performance of firms involved in merger and
used changes in revenue, profit margin, return acquisition deals, using a sample of Egyptian
on assets and the total asset turnover ratio companies in the period from 1996 to 2005 in
before and after the mergers and acquisitions as the construction and technology sector. The
proxies for firm performance and conducted results showed that merger and acquisition
tests to determine whether mergers and deals in the construction sector has contributed
acquisitions resulted in significant changes. in improving the profitability of firms while in
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 22
the technology sector, no improvements were to the performance of merging companies.
discovered. For both the sectors, M & A’s They studied the deals that occurred between
failed to improve efficiency, liquidity, solvency 1980 and 2002 and determined the factors that
and cash flow positions. might have affected post-merger and
Martynova, Oosting and Renneboog (2006), acquisition performance as: method of
analysed the long term operating performance payment, acquisition timing and transaction
of European acquisitions that have undergone size. The findings revealed that the firms
mergers and acquisitions during 1997–2001 experienced insignificant improvements in
and found that the profitability of the combined performance and the method of payment,
firm decreased significantly following the acquisition time, or target status, related
deals. Mode of payment, geographical scope diversifications, unrelated diversifications had
and industry relatedness did not have no impact on post-merger or acquisition
significant explanatory power on profitability. performance. Unlike the majority of studies
Companies with excessive cash holdings are that supported the method of payment as a
negatively related to performance while primary factor influencing mergers and
acquisitions of relatively larger targets result in acquisitions, Choi and Russell (2004) found no
better profitability of the combined firm evidence to support such results.
subsequent to the acquisition. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
Liargovas and Repousis (2011), examined the The present study has been carried out with an
impact of mergers and acquisitions on the aim to access the impact of mergers and
operating performance of Greek banking sector acquisitions on the financial performance of
during 1996–2009 and found that bank mergers firms across different industries in India.
and acquisitions did not create value and RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
operating performance did not improve
following mergers and acquisitions. The present study is based on secondary data.
The annual reports of the companies has been
Markides and Oyon (1988), compared a sample collected from CMIE database. Besides, money
of 236 acquisitions by US firms of 189 control, sify finance and BSE & NSE
European and 47 Canadian acquisitions. The publications databases have also been used to
findings revealed positive announcement collect the required data. A total number of 50
effects for acquisitions of continental European sample companies that have undergone merger
targets but not for British or Canadian target or an acquisition from the period 2004-2009
firms. have been studied.
Shahrur (2005), examined the returns that Financial ratio analysis has been used to
occurred around the announcement of 463 calculate key financial ratios before and after
horizontal mergers and tender offers over the the merger or acquisition over an eight year
period 1987-1999. He found positive combined period, four years before the merger or
bidder and target returns and interpreted these acquisition and four years post-merger or
findings to imply that market perceived these acquisition. Gross Profit Margin Ratio (%), Net
deals as efficiency enhancing. Profit Margin Ratio (%), Return on Assets
Choi and Russell (2004), studied whether Ratio (%) and Return on Equity Ratio (%) are
mergers and acquisitions in the construction the ratios used for measuring financial
sector in U.S. made any positive contributions performance.
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 23
A “paired sample t-test” at 5% level of significance has been used to test for any statistical
difference between the means before and after the merger/acquisition. Besides, a cross-sectional
regression analysis has also been conducted to test the relationship between the dependent variable
and the independent variable.
This model takes the form:
AIAV denotes the aggregate industry-adjusted values of the variables and the subscripts POST and
PRE refer to the period after and before the deal. Alpha (α )is the intercept parameter, β, the slope
parameter and ε denotes the error term. This equation depicts the aggregate post-merger/acquisition
performance of the merging/acquiring firms using data pertaining to the aggregate pre-
merger/acquisition performance by interpreting slope (β). But here, the researcher is interested in
knowing the impact of an event i.e. merger or acquisition on post-merger/acquisition performance,
so regression equation has been interpreted on the basis of value of alpha. Alpha (α)denotes the
increase or decrease in post-merger/acquisition performance irrespective of the fact how the firm
was performing before merger or acquisition. A positive alpha (α ) implies positive impact whereas
a negative alpha means negative impact, reflecting a decline in post event performance.
A total of 1,368 mergers and acquisitions have taken place during the reference period of 2004-09.
Due to time constraints and unavailability of financial data for a large number of companies, only
50 sample companies were analysed for the current study. Convenience sampling method was used
to arrive at the final sample. The sample companies were selected across different industries viz:
Banking, Computer Software, Cement, Drugs and Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals and Fertilizers,
Textiles, Infrastructure, FMCG and Others. “Others” included the firms belonging to the industries
like metal industry, paper industry, chemical industry beverage industry, and trading industry. Firms
belonging to the above industries were clubbed together under the name “others”, as fewer number
of mergers and acquisitions have taken place in these industries. The list of the industries along with
the merging/acquiring firms and merged/acquired firms is given in table below:
List of Merging/Acquiring and Merged/Target Firms Undertaken for the Study
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 24
Chambal Fertilizers & India Steamship Company
9. 2004
Chemicals Ltd. Ltd.
10. Coromandel International Ltd. Ficom Organics Ltd. 2006
30. Infrastructure Larsen & Tourbo Ltd. Data Switchgear Ltd. 2005
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 25
39. DCM Shriram Industries Ltd. Daurala Organics Ltd. 2004
47. Pittsburgh Iron & Steel Ltd. Bellary Steels & Alloys Ltd. 2005
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 26
Industries Ltd., Larsen & Tourbo Ltd., Welpsun have impacted industry-adjusted ROA in both
India Ltd., DCM Shriram Industries Ltd., ways i.e. positively and negatively. But the
Forbes Company Ltd., HIL Ltd., ISMT Ltd. positive impact in majority of the cases is
and VIP Industries Ltd. is found statistically found statistically insignificant. Similarly,
significant at 5 percent level of significance. negative impact was also found to be
Similarly on the basis of NPM ratio, the mean statistically insignificant for majority of the
difference is found statistically significant at 5 firms. All the sample firms in the banking
percent level of significance with respect to 10 industry, 5 out of 6 sample firms in chemical
(31.5 percent) sample firms, who have and fertilizer industry and 4 out of 5 firms in
recorded improvement in the ratio. With FMCG industry witnessed positive impact on
respect to the firms which have recorded industry-adjusted mean ROA, however, the
negative performance, 5 and 3 firms based on positive impact with respect to 3 sample firms
GPM and NPM ratio respectively has been only is found statistically significant. The
found statistically significant. This in other performance of only 1 firm namely Southern
words means that though good number of Petrochemical Industries Ltd. is found to have
sample M&A’s have witnessed decline in deteriorated and is statistically significant at 5
profitability but the decline in majority of the percent level of significance. Compared to the
cases is not found statistically significant. firms of these industries, majority of sample
Impact on financial performance also has been firms belonging to computer software industry
analysed using profitability expressed in have witnessed negative impact on industry-
relation to investment and assets by employing adjusted mean ROA, and the impact is found to
ROA and ROE ratios (table III and table IV). be statistically insignificant at 5 percent level
ROA depicts the return earned on the total of significance for all the firms. The firms
capital employed in different assets of a firm. belonging to other industry groups have
Whereas, ROE reveals the net return earned on witnessed mixed results with respect to the
the equity capital. Perusal of the data contained impact of merger or acquisition on industry-
in the below referred table brings to fore that adjusted ROA.
the industry-adjusted ROA has increased with Perusing the data about the ROE contained in
respect to 29 sample firms, which means 21 table IV has revealed that the industry- adjusted
firms have witnessed a decline in ROA out of mean ROE has increased in case of 29 sample
the total sample of 50 firms. With respect to firms out of the total sample of 50 firms
the firms whose ROA has increased post M&A, whereas, the industry-adjusted mean ROE has
the difference in industry-adjusted mean ROA declined post-merger or acquisition in case of
is found statistically significant at 5 percent 21 firms, accounting for 42 percent of the total
level of significance in case of 6 companies. In sample. From the paired t-test, the data of
case of the sample firms which have witnessed which is contained in the below referred table,
decline in industry-adjusted mean ROA after it becomes clear that in case of 29 sample
merger or acquisition, the difference in mean firms, whose ROE has increased post-merger
returns has been found statistically significant or acquisition, the industry-adjusted mean
at 5 percent level of significance in case of 3 difference in ROE is found statistically
sample firms only out of total 21 firms. significant only in case of 8 firms at 5 percent
The overall picture that emerges from the level of significance. This implies that though,
above is that the M&A’s has been found to it seems that merger or acquisition has
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 27
positively impacted ROE, yet in majority of the cases, the impact on ROE is not found statistically
significant. With respect to the companies which have witnessed negative impact on industry-
adjusted mean ROE, the difference in industry- adjusted mean ROE is not found statistically
significant in majority of the sample firms at 5 percent level of significance. It can be seen from the
below referred table that the negative performance in case of 2 firms only out of 21 firms is found
statistically significant, implying thereby, that though out of a sample of 50 firms, 21 firms have
revealed a decline industry-adjusted mean ROE, yet in majority of the case, the negative impact is
not found statistically significant.
Table I-Pre & Post Industry-Adjusted Mean GPM of the Sample Firms
Post Pre Change in Impact on T-Test
M&A M&A Performance Performance (P-Value)
AXIS Bank Ltd. 2.92 5.22 -2.31 Deteriorated 0.39
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 28
ARCH Pharmalabs Ltd. -7.31 -6.61 -0.70 Deteriorated 0.83
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 29
Table II - Pre & Post Industry-Adjusted Mean NPM of the Sample Firms
Post Pre Change in Impact on T-Test
M&A M&A Performance Performance (P-Value)
Axis Bank Ltd. 4.83 -1.61 6.44 Improved 0.00*
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 30
Golden Tobacco Ltd. 0.23 -8.81 9.04 Improved 0.10
Pittsburgh Iron & Steel Ltd . -44.45 -103.31 -452.36 Improved 0.33
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 31
Table III - Pre & Post Industry-Adjusted Mean ROA of the Sample Firms
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 32
Dalmia Bharat Sugar
-4.18 1.60 -5.77 Deteriorated 0.14
&Industries Ltd.
Golden Tobacco Ltd. 4.02 -7.57 11.59 Improved 0.14
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 33
Table IV- Pre & Post Industry-Adjusted Mean ROE of the Sample Firms
Post Pre Change in Impact on T-Test
M&A M&A Performance Performance (P-Value)
Axis Bank Ltd. 6.79 -1.97 8.76 Improved 0.02*
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 34
Golden Tobacco Ltd. 116.46 -34.13 150.58 Improved 0.35
Pittsburgh Iron & Steel Ltd. -51.24 -73.61 22.37 Improved 0.02*
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 35
The paired sample t-test has been used to analyse the statistical significance of the difference
between pre and post-merger or acquisition performance. A cross-sectional regression analysis has
also been used as a confirmatory tool for the findings based on paired sample t-test. The cross-
sectional regression is used to determine whether post- merger or acquisition performance of
sample firms improves irrespective of the possible impact of the performances of pre-merger or
acquisition period. The results of cross-sectional regression model has been illustrated in table given
below. The intercept or alpha (α) shown in column 2 reflects the change in controlled annual
industry-adjusted performance due to merger/acquisition and is independent of the pre-
merger/acquisition performance as its value is obtained when the value of pre-merger industry-
adjusted performance is zero. The beta reflects the slope i.e. the correlation between the
performance measures in the pre and post M&A years. In other words, it depicts how much each
unit change in a given measure before merger or acquisition changes its value post-
merger/acquisition. Further an R2 shows to what extent variation in dependent variable is explained
by the independent variable.
The impact of M&A’s on the financial performance of sample firms has been assessed. Perusal of
the results of the ratios used for measuring financial performance has revealed that with respect to
GPM and ROE, the aggregate intercept is positive with 2.771 for GPM and 0.305 for ROE. This is
indicative of the fact that the sample mergers/acquisitions have positive impact on the post M&A
financial performance of sample firms reflected by these two measures. The beta of GPM ratio is
0.519 with R2 of 0.270 implying average correlation between pre and post M&A aggregate GPM
and only 27 percent variation in the dependent variable is explained by the independent variable.
The beta and R2 for ROE is low as compared to GPM ratio which is evident from the difference in
statistical significance of the two measures.
Compared to GPM & ROE ratios, the impact of M&A on financial performance revealed by the
aggregate NPM and ROA ratios is found negative as the intercept (α) of these two ratios is found to
be negative. As can be seen from the table, the intercept (α) for the aggregate NPM and ROA ratios
is -1.226 & -0.542 respectively. However, the negative impact of M&A’s on post-
merger/acquisition aggregate NPM and ROA ratios is not found statistically significant at 5 percent
level of significance as revealed by the p-values of their t-static. The differing results of aggregate
profitability ratios expressed in relation to sales and also the ratios expressed in relation to
investments may be attributed to the differences in the financial structure of the sample firms.
Positive impact on the aggregate GPM ratio is expected to get reflected in aggregate NPM ratio. But
the aggregate NPM ratio turns out to be negative, this may be attributed to the changes in financial
structure of the sample firms post-merger or acquisition i.e. increased financial expenses. The
similar explanation may apply to the differing results of ROA and ROE ratios.
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 36
Regression Analysis of Financial Performance of Sample Firms
Ratios Constant Sig. (t) Beta (R) Sig. (t) R2 Sig. (F)
Adarsh Journal of Management Research (ISSN 0974-7028) - Vol. : 12 Issue : 1 Sep 2018 - Sep 2020 37
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