Thermal Efficiency Estimation of The Panel Type Radiators With CFD Analysis

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Thermal efficiency estimation of the panel type radiators with CFD analysis

Article in Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Dergisi · January 2012


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2 authors:

Emir Aydar Ismail Ekmekci

TUBITAK Marmara Research Center Istanbul Ticaret University


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Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Dergisi, 32, 2, 63-71, 2012
J. of Thermal Science and Technology
©2012 TIBTD Printed in Turkey
ISSN 1300-3615



Emir AYDAR* and İsmail EKMEKÇİ**

TUBITAK Marmara Research Center Gebze Campus Energy Institute,
41470 Gebze, Kocaeli, [email protected]
** İstanbul Commerce University Engineering and Design Faculty E-5 Kavsagi İnonu Cad.
No:4 34840 Kadikoy-Istanbul -Turkey

(Geliş Tarihi :26.08.2010 Kabul Tarihi:08.03.2011)

Abstract: There are many panel radiator manufacturers in Turkey. Their panel radiator designs are very similar and
radiators that have been manufactured by various producers have very similar thermal efficiency values and specific
heating per unit weight of the radiator. In this study, CFD analysis of existing panel radiators were made with a
commercial CFD code of STAR-CCM+ with variable connection methods in three-dimensional space. Numerical
thermal efficiency values were obtained and were compared with given catalogue values. Panel-convector-convector-
panel, Type-22-600x500 steel panel radiator was used in this numerical study. In the content of this analysis, the
effect of variation at air-side convective heat transfer coefficient on the thermal output was also investigated. After
optimum air-side convective heat transfer coefficient had been determined, numerical analyses of the panel radiator
were done based on this value. For top-bottom-opposite-end connection, mass flow rate distribution is greater than
exact flow at first two and last three vertical ducts. In the middle of the vertical ducts towards inlet boundary, mass
flow rate distribution corresponds to about zero. For top-bottom-same-end connection, mass flow rate distribution is
greater than exact flow at first four vertical ducts. In the last part of the vertical ducts, mass flow rate distribution
corresponds to about zero. Numerical results and commercial catalog values are very close each other for TBOE and
TBSE connections, and thus two basic connection methods can be used for this panel radiator.
Keywords: Panel radiator, thermal efficiency, computational fluids dynamics, finite volume method


Özet: Türkiye’de bir çok panel radyatör üreticisi bulunmaktadır. Panel radyatör tasarımları birbirlerine çok benzerdir
ve değişik üreticiler tarafından üretilen radyatörler benzer termal verime ve benzer birim ağırlık başına özgül ısıya
sahiptirler. Bu çalışmada, mevcut panel radyatörün CFD analizleri bir ticari CFD kodu olan STAR-CCM+ ile üç
boyutlu olarak değişik bağlantı yöntemleri ile yapılmıştır. Sayısal termal verim değerleri elde edilip ve bilinen katalog
değerleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu sayısal çalışmada, panel-kanat-kanat-panel, Tip-22-600x500 çelik panel radytör
modeli kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, hava tarafındaki ısı taşınım katsayısı değişiminin ısıl güç üzerindeki
etkileri ayrıca incelenmiştir. Optimum hava tarafındaki ısı taşınım katsayısı belirlendikten sonra, sayısal çalışmalar bu
değere gore yapılmıştır. Üstten girişi, çapraz tarafta alttan çıkışı olan bağlantı için, kütle debisi dağılımı ilk iki ve son
üç dikey kanalda olması gereken akıştan daha fazla olduğu belirlenmiştir. Giriş sınırına yakın ortadaki dikey
kanallarda, kütle debisi dağılımının nerdeyse sıfıra eşit olduğu görülmektedir. Üstten girişi, aynı tarafta alttan çıkışı
olan bağlantı için, kütle debisi dağılımı ilk dört dikey kanalda olması gereken akıştan daha fazla olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Geri kalan dikey kanallarda, kütle debisi dağılımının nerdeyse sıfıra eşit olduğu görülmektedir. Üstten girişi, çapraz
tarafta alttan çıkışı olan bağlantı ve üstten girişi, aynı tarafta alttan çıkışı olan bağlantı için sayısal sonuçlar ve ticari
katalog değerleri birbirine çok yakındır ve bu yüzden iki ana bağlantı yöntemi de bu panel radyatör için
kullanılabileceği gösterilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Panel radyatör, ısıl verim, hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği, sonlu hacimler metodu

NOMENCLATURE H panel radiator height [mm]

ha air heat transfer coefficient [W/m2K]
A total area [mm2] hi enthalpy at inlet side [kj/kg]
cp specific heat [kj/kgK] ho enthalpy at outlet side [kj/kg]
EN European standard k thermal conductivity [W/mK]
L module length of the radiator [mm]
m mass flow rate [m/s]

heat transfer rate [W] MATERIAL AND METHODS
Qh heat transfer based on enthalpy [W] The panel radiator has been drawn by means of CAD
. software according to original measurements of the
Q tot total heat transfer rate [W]
PCCP (panel-convector-convector-panel) arrangement
Q heat transfer rate of one module [W] of the panel radiator. PCCP, Type-22 steel panel
Re Reynolds number radiator is used in this numerical study. Heat output of
TBOE flow and return top and bottom at the steel panel radiator has been measured according to
opposite ends EN 442 in an accredited laboratory [6]. Connection
TBSE flow and return top and bottom at the types of steel panel radiator are top-bottom-opposite-
same end end, top-bottom-same-end. The outer panel is made of a
TS Turkish standard shaped plate with horizontal and vertical depressions. In
Ti temperature at inlet side [K] order to increase heating performance, some types of
To temperature at outlet side [K] radiators are provided with a convector plate, welded to
V fluid inlet velocity [m/s] the vertical waterways of the panel. The panel is made
of two stamped steel sheets welded together with a seam
Greek Symbols weld on the perimeter and with a spot weld where the
depressions are. Since the panel radiator is symmetrical,
∆T temperature difference between inlet a half of the geometry can be used for numerical study.
and outlet side [K] A 500-mm-long, 600-mm-high and 105-mm-wide is the
µ dynamic viscosity [Pa.s, kg/ms] dimensions of the half of the panel radiator. A 150-mm-
ρ density [kg/m3] high, 473.5-mm-long is the dimensions of the convector.
First four and last four convectors are smaller than middle
Subscripts ones to prevent the difficulties at the installation of T-
Junctions. Panels and convectors are made of steel sheet.
i inlet condition Water channels are 1.1 mm thick, the panel radiator has
o outlet condition 25 mm pitch. The convectors are 0.5 mm thick, and have
a height of 37 mm from the base. The width of one panel
INTRODUCTION 12 mm, respectively.

Panel radiators are the most widely-used central-heating Pre-processing

emitters to heat most homes and offices in Europe.
There is a high demand for panel radiators due to their This numerical study is based on a domestic radiator
compact design and less place requirements. 80% of the which is in accordance with Standard TS EN442. Half of
heat output from radiators is natural convection, 20% of the geometry was used for numerical study because of the
the heat output from radiators is radiation. Although symmetrical structure of the panel radiator geometry, and
radiators are known as radiator, most of their output is then the drawn geometry was imported to STAR-CCM+.
by natural convection [3]. Since panel radiators are
elegant design, light, cheap and occupy less place, they Boundaries which belong to both fluid and solid were
are in common use at homes and offices. Radiators are converted to interface and interfaces provide a
the combination of water circulation channels and high connection between boundaries during the simulation
convectors that is directly welded onto these panels. All setup and analysis process. Interface provides a contact
panel radiators release a combination of radiant and interface for heat transfer between fluid-solid regions so.
convective heat into a room as hot water flows through Interface allows mass and energy to be exchanged
them. Beyond this fundamental function is a virtually between fluid and solid regions. The surface remesher is
unlimited range of forms, sizes, colors, and artistic used to re-triangulate an existing surface in order to
themes. improve the overall quality of the surface and optimize it
for the volume mesh models. A prism layer mesh is
The aim of this research is that there are many panel composed of orthogonal prismatic cells that usually
radiator manufacturers in Turkey, but their panel reside next to wall boundaries in the volume mesh.
radiator designs are very similar and due to this similar Tetrahedral meshes provide an efficient and simple
design, radiators that have been manufactured by solution for complex mesh generation problems. Mesh
various producers have very similar values of thermal sizes of the panel radiator geometry are listed in Table 1.
efficiency and specific heating for unit weight of the
radiator. In our research, CFD analysis of existing panel The panel radiator with TBOE connection was meshed
radiator will be made with a commercial CFD code of using tetrahedral volume meshing model and also
STAR-CCM+ with variable connection methods in surface remesher and prism layer mesher were selected.
three-dimensional space. Numerical thermal efficiency Figure 1 shows the mesh type and the mesh density of
values will be obtained and will be compared with given outer side of the panel radiator geometry. Figure 2
catalogue values. There is insufficient 3-D numerical shows the mesh type and the mesh density of fluid flow
study about panel radiator in literature. part of the panel radiator.

Table 1. Mesh sizes of the panel radiator geometry radiator, and we assume the thermal conductivity k of
Number of Prism Number of Prism the material to remain constant. We also assume the air-
Layers Layers 2 side convection heat transfer coefficient to be constant
and uniform over the entire surface of the panel radiator
Prism Layer Prism Layer
for convenience in the analysis.
Stretching Stretching 1.2
Prism Layer TBOE panel radiator connection method was used to
Absolute Size 1 mm
Thickness obtain the effects of different air-side heat transfer
Surface Curvature # Pts/circle 36 coefficients on the thermal output of the panel radiator.
Surface Size Absolute Size 4 mm When inlet water temperature and mass flow rate were
Surface Size Absolute Size 2 mm fixed, optimum air-side heat transfer coefficient was
obtained and used for the other numerical analysis.
Mass flow rate was computed from energy balance
equation as given below.
. .
Q  m c p  T (1)
899  m 4189.8  (75  65) (2)
m  0.0214 kg / s (3)

All conditions and properties are defined via the STAR-

CCM+ GUI. This study incorporates both multi-region
and conjugate heat transfer. Outlet temperature was
obtained according to the fixed inlet temperature and
mass flow inlet. In this numerical study, rate of heat
Figure 1. Mesh density of outer side of the panel radiator with transfer of the panel radiator was obtained by the help of
TBOE connection the forced convection model. Rate of heat transfer of the
whole panel type radiator is 899 W/m.

Rate of heat transfer of the one module, which was

calculated from the rate of heat transfer of the whole
panel type radiator times the module length as follows.
Q'  Q  L (4)

Q'  899  0.0017 (5)

Q'  15.283 W (6)

Mass flow rate is found from the energy balance.

. .
Figure 2. The mesh density of fluid flow part Q  m c p  T (7)
At the end of the volume mesh, fluid region has 15.283  m 4189.8  (75  65) (8)
1,879,408 cells, 3,943,399 interior faces, 657,828 .

vertices, solid region has 2,917,488 cells, 4,920,090 m  0.00036 kg / s (9)

interior faces, 928,657 vertices. Under most practical conditions, the flow in a tube is
laminar for Re<2300, fully turbulent for Re>10000, and
Processing transitional in between. But it should be kept in mind
that in many cases the flow becomes fully turbulent for
Steel panel radiator (AISI 316) used in this study was Re>4000 [4]. In order to define nature of the flow in a
computed at inlet and outlet temperatures respectively, circular tube, Reynolds number was computed as
75 ºC and 65 ºC according to EN 442 [9]. In the follows.
numerical study, inlet temperature and mass flow rate
4 m
will be determined and outlet temperature will be Re  (10)
measured according to boundary conditions. Inlet water   D 
temperature was specified as 75 ºC according to EN 4  0.00036
Re  (11)
442 [6]. 3.14  0.017  0.0004
Re  67.20 (12)
In the analysis of panel radiator, we consider steady
operation with no heat generation within the panel

which is less than the critical Reynolds number of 2300, Table 2. Material properties
and the flow regime of a circular tube is laminar. Water Stainless
Water was selected as liquid material. Material
properties of water was computed as the average of inlet Density (kg/m³) 977.7 8238
and outlet water temperatures. The tables of
thermophysical properties of saturated water was used Dynamic Viscosity (Pa-s) 0.0004
to compute material properties of water. Stainless steel
(AISI 316) was selected for solid material. Material Specific Heat (J/kgK) 4189.8 468
properties of stainless steel were determined according
to the database of commercial CFD code of STAR- Thermal Conductivity 0.6 13.4
CCM+. Material properties of stainless steel (AISI 316) (W/mK)
and water are listed in Table 2. Boundary conditions of
the panel radiator geometry are also listed in Table 3.

Table 3. Boundary conditions of the panel radiator geometry

Boundary Type Physics Values Inputs
Inlet Mass Flow Inlet Mass Flow Rate 0.0214kg/s
Temperature 75 ºC
Direction x-direction
Outlet Flow-Split Outlet Split Ratio 1
Direction x-direction
Four T-Fittings Wall Thermal Specification Adiabatic
Panel Surface Wall Thermal Specification Convection
Ambient Temperature 20 ºC
Heat Transfer Coefficient 6.5 W/m²K
Thermal Specification Convection
Convectors Surface Wall Ambient Temperature 20 ºC
Heat Transfer Coefficient 6.5 W/m²K


Effects of top bottom opposite end connection

The views of the scalar temperature distribution of fluid

flow, convector and panel radiator at air side convective
heat transfer coefficient of 6.5 W/m²K are given in
Figure 3, 4, 5.

Figure 4. Scalar temperature distribution of convectors

Figure 3, 4 and 5 show that there are high temperature

gradients are readily seen at the middle-bottom region
Figure 3. Scalar temperature distribution of fluid flow
of panel and fluid flow regions. This high temperature
gradients are caused by distinct values of mass flow
rates at vertical ducts.

First two and last three vertical ducts act like short
circuit and water chooses to move into them than other
ones. This yields the distinct mass flow rates along the
vertical ducts of the panel radiator, and also yields the
high temperature gradients at the middle bottom region
of the panel raditor.

Figure 5. Scalar temperature distribution of the panel radiator

Plane section normal to the direction of z-axis was

formed to show velocity magnitudes of fluid flow at
vertical ducts at air-side convective heat transfer
coefficient of 6.5 W/m²K is shown in Figure 6. Mass
flow rate distribution through 20 vertical ducts is also Figure 7. Mass flow rate distribution through all vertical ducts
given in Figure 7.
In Figure 7, it can be seen that mass flow rate
distribution is greater than exact flow at first two and
last three vertical ducts. In the middle of the vertical
ducts towards inlet boundary, mass flow rate
distribution corresponds to about zero.

Evaluation of numerical result with experimantal


Different air-side convective heat transfer coefficients

were used to compute outlet water temperature of 65 °C
that is related to panel radiator in accordance with TS
EN442. Inlet water temperature of 75 °C is fix for all
study. The numerical results of convective heat transfer
Figure 6. Velocity magnitudes of fluid flow at vertical ducts coefficients of 5 W/m2K, 6.5 W/m2K, 8 W/m2K, 10
W/m2K were compared each other. Numerical results at
In Figure 6, it can be seen that there is a non uniform different air-side heat transfer coefficients of the panel
mass flow rate distribution at vertical ducts. Water radiator with TBOE connection are listed in Table 4.
enters top distribution duct and predominant part of
water moves into first two channels last three channels.

Table 4. Numerical results at different air-side heat transfer coefficients

Specifications Symbol Values
Heat Transfer Coefficient (W/m2K) h 5 6.5 8 10
Mass Flow Inlet (kg/h) 
77.2 77.2 77.2 77.2
Inlet Water Temperature (°C) T1 75 75 75 75
Outlet Water Temperature (°C) T2 66.5 64.9 63.6 62
Room Temperature (°C) Tr 20 20 20 20
Heat transfer rate (W) (Based on 
Enthalpy) Qh 755 894.2 1015.8 1157.1

Heat transfer rate (W) (The Heat 

Q tot 753.7 892.1 1015.4 1156
Output from the Radiator)

Table 5. Numerical and catalog values at convective heat transfer coefficient 6.5 W/m²K
Numerical Num.
Specifications Symbol Catalog Values
Results Exp.

Mass Flow Inlet (kg/h) m 77.2 77.2

Inlet Water Temperature (°C) T1 75 75

Outlet Water Temperature (°C) T2 64.9 65 0.998
Room Temperature (°C) Tr 20 20

Heat transfer rate (W) (Based on Enthalpy) 

Qh 894.2 899 0.994

Heat transfer rate (W) (The Heat Output 

Q tot 892.1 899 0.992
from the Radiator)

Convective heat transfer coefficient of air-side is Rate of heat transfer of the panel radiator is computed
directly proportional to the thermal output of the by means of two ways. First one is that heat transfer rate
radiator. Normally the larger air-side heat transfer is found by times of enthalpy difference between inlet
coefficent, the higher the rate of heat transfer from the and outlet and mass flow rate. Second one is that heat
panel radiator. Table 4 should offer a good compromise transfer rate is the sum of heat transfer rates from the
between heat transfer rates of numerical study and panel and convector depending on STAR-CCM+. There
experimental study, when the air-side heat transfer is a very little difference between computed thermal
coefficent is 6.5 W/m2K. Therefore, the air-side heat output and commercial catalog values. 0.1% difference
transfer coefficent of 6.5 W/m2K was used in all exists between heat transfer rate based on enthalpy and
numerical study. heat transfer rate based on catalog values. 0.8%
difference exists between thermal output based on total
The heat transferred to the air by means of forced heat transfer rate from the radiator and thermal output
convection model, which was calculated from the based on catalog values.
difference in enthalpy times the mass flow rate between
the inlet and outlet of the water within the radiator as Effects of top bottom same end connection
. . The views of the scalar temperature distribution of fluid
Qh  m (h1  h2 ) (13) flow, panel radiator at air-side convective heat transfer
. coefficient of 6.5 W/m²K are given in Figure 8,9.
Qtot corresponds to heat transfer rate from panel and
convector. When looking at the heat transferred from
the radiator, the results are about the same as from the
enthalpy calculations. For the fix inlet temperature of 75
°C, fix mass flow rate of 0.0107 kg/s and convective
heat transfer coefficient of 6.5 W/m2K, outlet
temperature of 64.9 °C was obtained. Numerical results
compared with given catalog results which are in
accordance with TS EN442 are listed in Table 5. In
order to compare the discrepancies between the
numerical result and catalog value, there is a ratio
existing in Table 5 and this is shown as “Num./Exp.”.

Different ambient convective heat transfer coefficients

were used to compute outlet water temperature of 65 °C
and ambient convective heat transfer coefficient of 6.5 Figure 8. Scalar temperature distribution of fluid flow
W/m²K was specified for numerical study. Mass flow
rate is computed by means of Eq. 1 and used for Figure 8, 9 show that there are high temperature
numerical study. Commercial catalog values are in gradients are readily seen at the end-bottom region of
accordance with the standart TS EN442. 0.1% panel and fluid flow regions. This high temperature
difference exists between numerical and catalog values gradients are caused by distinct values of mass flow
for the outlet water temperature. Room temperature is rates at vertical ducts.
20 °C both numerical and commercial catalog of the
panel radiator.

Figure 11. Mass flow rate distribution through all vertical
Figure 9. Scalar temperature distribution of the panel radiator ducts

Plane section normal to the direction of z-axis was First several vertical ducts act like short circuit. This
formed to show velocity magnitudes of fluid flow at yields the distinct mass flow rates along the vertical
vertical ducts at convective heat transfer coefficient of 6.5 ducts of the panel radiator, and also yields the high
W/m²K is shown in Figure 10. Mass flow rate distribution temperature gradients at the end-bottom region of the
through 20 vertical ducts is shown in Figure 11. panel raditor.

In Figure 10, it can be seen that that supply water does In Figure 11, it can be seen that mass flow rate
not sluice complete radiator. Water does not reach to the distribution is greater than exact flow at first four
last several vertical ducts and at this part velocity vertical ducts. In the last part of the vertical ducts, mass
magnitude color bar shows zero. Predominant part of flow rate distribution corresponds to about zero.
mass flow rate is immediately returned to bottom
collecting duct at the beginning of the vertical ducts. Evaluation of numerical result with experimantal

The specifications of numerical results of original panel

radiator with TBOE and TBSE connection are listed
together in Table 6. In order to compare the
discrepancies between the numerical results of TBOE
and TBSE connections, there is a ratio existing in Table
6 and this is shown as “Num. TBOE/ Num. TBSE.”.

As explained before, the aim of this study, panel

radiator connection were investigated to affects on rate
of heat transfer of the panel radiator. 3.1% difference
exists between thermal output based on enthalpy for
top-bottom-opposite-end and top-bottom-same-end
connections. 2.3% difference exists between thermal
Figure 10. Velocity magnitudes of fluid flow at vertical ducts output based on total heat transfer rate from the radiator
for top-bottom-opposite-end and top-bottom-same-end

Table 6. Numerical results for top-bottom-opposite-end and top-bottom-same-end connections

Connection Method Num.TBOE
Specifications Symbol
Mass Flow Inlet (kg/h)  77.2 77.2
Inlet Water Temperature (°C) T1 75 75

Outlet Water Temperature (°C) T2 64.9 65.2 0.478

Heat transfer rate (W) (Based on 

Qh 894.2 866.1 3.138

Heat transfer rate (W) (The Heat
Q tot 892.1 871.6 2.297
Output from the Radiator)

Table 7. Numerical and catalog values at convective heat transfer coefficient 6.5 W/m²K
Numerical Given Catalog Num.
Specifications Symbol
Results Values Exp.
Mass Flow Inlet (kg/h) 
77.2 77.2
Inlet Water Temperature (°C) T1 75 75
Outlet Water Temperature (°C) T2 65.2 65 1.003
Room Temperature (°C) Tr 20 20
Heat transfer rate (W) (Based on 
Enthalpy) Qh 866.1 899 0.963

Heat transfer rate (W) (The Heat Output 

871.6 899 0.969
from the Radiator) Q tot

For the fix inlet temperature of 75 °C, fix mass flow rate was also specified. Outlet water temperature of 65 °C
of 0.0107 kg/s and convective heat transfer coefficient was aimed to obtain according to fix inlet water
of 6.5 W/m2K, outlet temperature of 65.2 °C was temperature of 75 °C and fix mass flow inlet. Therefore,
obtained. Numerical results compared with given different ambient convective heat transfer coefficients
catalog results which are in accordance with TS EN442 were experienced. Outlet water temperature of 65 °C
are listed in Table 7. In order to compare the was obtained for the ambient convective heat transfer
discrepancies between the numerical result and catalog coefficient of 6.5 W/m²K. There is 0.1% difference
value, there is a ratio existing in Table 7 and this is between numerical result and commercial catalog value
shown as “Num./Exp.” for thermal output based on enthalpy. There is 0.8%
difference between numerical result and commercial
Mass flow rate is computed by means of Eq. 1 and used catalog value for heat transfer rate based on total heat
for numerical study. Given catalog values are in transfer rate from the radiator. Results should offer a
accordance with the standart TS EN442. 0.3% good compromise between numerical and experimental
difference exists between numerical and catalog values studies for top-bottom-opposite-end connection.
for the outlet water temperature. Room temperature
value is 20 °C for both results. Panel radiator with top-bottom-same-end connection
was also investigated the effect of thermal output. Same
There is a little difference between computed heat methodology was used in panel radiator with top-
transfer rate and commercial catalog values. 3.6% bottom-same-end connection. 3.1% difference exists
discrepancy exists between heat transfer rate based on between thermal output based on enthalpy for top-
enthalpy and heat transfer rate based on catalog values. bottom-opposite-end and top-bottom-same-end
3% discrepancy exists between heat transfer rate based connections. 2.3% difference exists between thermal
on total heat transfer rate from the panel radiator and output based on total heat transfer rate from the radiator
heat transfer rate based on catalog values. for top-bottom-opposite-end and top-bottom-same-end
connections. There is 3.6% difference between
CONCLUSION numerical result and commercial catalog value for
thermal output based on enthalpy. There is 3%
Type 22-600x500 panel radiator has been drawn by the difference between numerical result and commercial
help of CAD software according to dimensions of panel catalog value for thermal output based on total heat
radiator manufacturer. Commercial catalog values of transfer rate from the radiator. Results should offer a
this panel radiator were compared with numerical good compromise between numerical and experimental
results with respect to top-bottom-opposite-end and top- studies for top-bottom- same-end connection. The
bottom-same-end connections type in the present paper. difference between rate of heat transfer of the
numerical and experimental studies is very small for
The contact interface type is used to join together to engineering acceptance, and thus two basic connection
permit conjugate heat transfer between a fulid and solid methods can be both used for this panel radiator.
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2006 tarihinde Sakarya Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Makine Mühendisliği bölümünden
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1957 yılında Bursa’da doğdu. İlk ve orta öğrenimini Bursa’ da tamamladı. 1980 yılında Yıldız
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1996 yılına kadar Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Makine Mühendisliği Bölümünde Araştırma
Görevlisi olarak çalıştı. 1983 yılında Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi FBE Makine Mühendisliği Isı
Tekniği Ana Bilim Dalında, 1984 yılında da İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi FBE Endüstri
Mühendisliği Bilim Dalında master derecelerini aldı. 1995 yılında Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi
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yılında Sakarya Üniversitesinde Yard. Doç olarak atandı. 1997 yılında Makine Müh. Isı Tekniği
Bilim dalında Doçent ünvanını aldı. 1998-2003 yılları arasında Sakarya Üniversitesi Müh. Fak.
Makine Müh. Bölümünde doçent olarak çalıştı. 2003-2006 yılları arasında Sakarya Üniversitesi
Müh. Fak. Makine Müh. Bölümünde Profesör olarak çalıştı. 2006 yılından sonra Marmara
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Fakültesinde Dekanlık görevi yaptı. Kasım.2010 tarihinde Marmara Üniversitesi Teknik
Bilimler Meslek Yüksek Okulu Müdürlüğü görevine atanmış, halen bu görevine devam


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