WSG University

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30 years



WSG University
The mission of the WSG University is to develop individuals who are
prepared to think creatively and critically, strive for professional skills
and who become lifelong learners. Our aim is to prepare students to
meet the standards of a highly educated society by taking on the social
and economic challenges of the present with a sense of civic duty and
respect for human dignity.

Our University is dedicated to preparing students with both the soft

and hard skills that are essential for success in a multinational and
multicultural Europe.

Briefly About Poland
Area: 312,679 km2
Population: 38.7 m.
Official language: Polish
Capital city: Warsaw (1.8 m. inhabitants)
Currency: 1 złoty (PLN)
Climate: moderate with both maritime
and continental elements
Biggest cities: Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw,
Poznan, Lodz, Gdansk, Bydgoszcz
Electricity: 230V
Time Zone: GMT+1h

Why Poland?
natural and tourist advantages (23 national parks, 14 Polish sites registered
on the UNESCO World Heritage List), the Tatra Mountains, the Baltic Sea, lakes, forests;

heart of Europe but lower costs of living than in Western European countries;

fast developing country with strong economy;

plenty of festivals, sports and cultural events;

tasty and healthy food;

high safety to all the local as well as international students;

one of the most dynamically developing education market in Europe.


A city within a city

The campus of the WSG University is a modern and
functional space embedded in a remote yet picture-
sque part of Bydgoszcz. From the north it lies on the
Brda riverbank, from the south it neighbours histori-
cal districts – the City Centre and Okole. Here we
successfully act in the field of science and research,
here we develop the culture and the art, we practise
various sport disciplines, develop medical and
educational care facilities, cooperate with business
implementing even most technologically challen-
ging ideas.

Today it’s hard to believe, but yet in late 90's
last century the area was degraded by industry,
the vicinity was full of disgusting ruins of
former shoe, photochemical and tanning indu-
stry buildings. During just 10 years we’ve chan-
ged the hopeless post-industrial landscape of
this area into a showcase of our city, showing
an example of brave and model-like revitaliza-
tion of the degraded substance.

Our offer
Yet we haven’t been satisfied with just that. Almost
each year the university campus keeps gaining new
facilities and functions. Our university arena is a still
developing live organism, teeming with energy since
early morning until late evening, open to all city
inhabitants. Along the 500 m long riverbank 8 ha
area is located and there one can find a dozen or so
modern facilities, as well as buildings dated to the
19th century, thoroughly renovated under supervi-
sion of an art restorer.

In the Social Service Centre we run a day nursery

and a psychological and educational centre. In the
Didactic potential
University Medical Centre we rehabilitate, diagno- Each year 7 thousand students from all over the
se and cure. Our well-equipped Rewital Rehab and world take advantage of lecture halls. During this
Biologic Recovery Centre is taken advantage of academic year, about 900 guests from abroad have
sportsmen, but also... film-makers. During the begun studying with us. We educate in the field of
Camerimage Festival, the sport hall is transformed tourism, economic, social and human sciences,
in a film plan where workshops are conducted by construction, IT, mechatronics and medicine. We
best film operators from all over the world. Artists have curricula for MBA students and we specialize
also focus on the Academe Cultur Space located in in continuing education. Apart from bachelor,
the historic coach house. A unique Museum of master and engineer degree studies, we offer post-
Photography, a recording studio, an auditorium graduate studies and various forms of professional
and two art galleries can be found here. education. We also run a Family University, Child
University and University of the Third Age.
Our academic staff consist of 650 lecturers from
22 countries (including 90 professors). We have our
own library and a dozen or so IT workshops.

Our advantages also include well-equipped rese-

arch and development labs where we conduct
didactic classes, as well as projects intended for
business. Entrepreneurs and local government insti-
tutions from the entire province and neighbouring
regions sublet us performance of tests, reports and
prototype devices. InLAB workshop, launched
7 years ago and accredited by the Polish Agency for
Enterprise Development, will this year implement
3 million PLN worth research projects for external

Our idea is continuous development and openness.

Many educational and pro-social projects in which
our university has been engaged since the very
beginning open us to local environment. We have
our own canteen, sport playgrounds, beach, an
arboretum, a gym, a kayak and bike rental centre,
that each day come handy for all city inhabitants.


International business International tourism

The International Business program is grounded in and hospitality management
Accounting and Controlling, Company Management, From the beginning our university has been a
Logistics, Transport, and Forwarding Trade. It is leading training centre for study of the tourism indu-
based on highly valued management competencies stry. The WSG University is noted for excellent
and business competencies, enriched by social skills contacts with both the tourism trade and lecturers
and specialised knowledge about particular econo- with long-lasting experience in the fields of tourism,
mic sectors. hospitality, and gastronomy.
Experts from the WSG University provide our Our approach is to end the divorce of the theoretical
students with comprehensive skills such as: finan- from the practical, and we include a definitive
cial management, developing plans and analyses, emphasis on specialised knowledge to prepare the
budgeting, tasking and logistic tools, interpersonal student for employment in the travel service sector.
communication abilities, and maintaining and This is done by providing students with a prospecti-
extending relations with the local region, negotia- ve on labour market, skills and competencies requ-
tions and cooperation with partners. Our students ired by employers in these fields. Upon completion
develop the skills to run a business independently, of this programme, students will be fluent in the
by supplying them with practical knowledge in the technical language, labour market and performance
basics of legal, tax, accounting and fiscal regula- of tourism economy institutions.

This outstanding opportunity is provided by coope-

ration among leading regional business people and
entrepreneurs, economists and institutions suppor-
ting business. Business specialist forms the profile
of our graduates, thanks to determining definite,
expected skills and qualifications.

Computer engineering
and mechatronics
The attractiveness of technical studies in sectors of The programmes include design engineering,
modern technologies is clear to all. We offer studies working in teams, work ergonomics and computera-
in important fields such as Informatics or Robotics ided manufacturing. These studies provide the
that are in high demand areas for both students and essential technical knowledge matched to particular
professional people already active in the field. fields of industry and economy. They enable
students to recognize modern technologies through
We provide studies matched to the needs of compa-
direct contact with manufacturers and suppliers.
nies at the regional, national and international
They provide the opportunity to fulfil students’ own
levels. We offer studies in Programming, Computer
projects and solve application engineering and com-
Graphics, Information and Communication Techno-
puter science problems in direct cooperation with
logies. Our students study in modern mechatronic
and computer science laboratories, including our
Robotics Laboratory, Meteorology Laboratory and Familiarise yourself with the opportunities to under-
Microprocessor System Laboratory. The quality of take studies dedicated to people having technical
the staff is supported by business partners such as skills and developing their interests in the full range
Synrise System, Mobica and PESA. of modern technologies.

Studies at the WSG University are practical program-

mes matched to student’s profile and are qualified
for creating modern, engineering competencies.

Applied medical sciences – Medical and care services
A graduate of the practical studies in the field of The graduate will learn about various forms and
"medical and care services" will have interdisciplina- techniques of occupational therapy used in the
ry knowledge in the fields of pedagogy, sociology, treatment and rehabilitation of patients. After com-
psychology, human biology, as well as health sciences. pleting first-cycle studies, students will learn about
methods of care, educational and physiotherapeutic
Person will be professionally prepared for indepen-
work, as well as legal regulations pertaining to medi-
dent medical and care services in health care facili-
cal and care services. They will have well-developed
ties, in social welfare homes, hospices, day care
social competencies allowing them to function in
homes as well as care and treatment facilities.
various social roles in the workplace. After comple-
Candidate will be able to carry out widely understo-
ting first degree studies with a practical profile, the
od tasks related to modern trends in health educa-
graduate can participate in the treatment of a
tion and to support the correct and creative adapta-
patient as part of a multidisciplinary team.
tion of the patient/ward in the environment.

During the course the student will acquire knowledge about:

the correct structure and functioning of the human body,

structural and functional changes being a symptoms of diseases,
the main psychological mechanisms of a mentally mature person, as well as during its development,
including the mechanisms of health and mental disorders,
biological, psychological and ethical foundations of upbringing,
the principles of education influences, in relation to a child who develops properly
and is disturbed in development,
the principles of caring for dysfunctional persons in the field of the senses of sight and hearing,
dysfunction of the motor organs, intellectual dysfunction - acquired or congenital.

A broad spectrum of knowledge and competencies of a graduate in this field will give you the opportunity to
work in a caring way, focused on the elderly, disabled and dependent people.

A graduate can work in the following types of public and non-public institutions:

houses of the daily living

senior homes

toddler's houses

community centres

social welfare homes


addiction treatment centres

rehabilitation centres

wellness and SPA centres


“ Was the decision to study in Bydgoszcz, right? Yes, of

course. The city is nice and calm. University campus is an
awesome place to be, especially during summer. I met here
a lot of friends from all around the world. Studies at WSG
broaden my knowledge and horizons. Right now I'm about
to complete my diploma of International Business and
can't wait to use all the knowledge I got here in practice.
Yes, the decision to study at WSG was definitely the right
step. It's a place to come.

Bisa Ntete Jelka Ingrid,

student of Computer engineering and mechatronics

“ I am studying here already for two years. I'm really happy
I did chose WSG as a place of my arrival. The atmosphere
here is great, there are many sports activities and events
going on. Great people with which may exchange an expe-
rience. The hardest part was to get familiar with language
but university helped a lot, not only to understand its
basics but also to work everything out in the new environ-
ment. I really like where I am now. Truly past two years are
the unforgetful moment of my life, awaiting what next ones
bring. makes.

Kazmi Mohammad Tariq,

student of International business

The University is a member of different partner networks and
cooperates with more than 100 HEIs from all around the world in
different areas: student and teacher exchanges, dual and multi-
ple degree programmes, common R+D as well as educational
projects. Internationalization is one of the most important focus-
ses at UoE.

Polish language & culture school

The Summer School “Polish Language & Culture” is a periodic event that takes place at WSG University. The
course is not only a close study of the Polish language but also an insight into national resources and cultural
heritage. During their stay in Poland, students visit e.g. Toruń, Sopot, Gdańsk, and Gdynia. They also participate
in local attractions of Bydgoszcz. The programme includes the tour over Bydgoszcz – in search of the pearls of
secession, a visit to cultural institutions: the Opera Theatre, the Museum of Soap and History of Dirt, and the
Waterworks Museum. There is, of course, some typical recreation. The students visit among other things the
Myślęcinek Forest Park for Culture and Leisure, the Botanical Garden and the Polish Fauna Garden. In 2013 The
Polish Language and Culture School was given an award by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and
participated in the ministerial competition to host Polish language summer course for outstanding students
from foreign universities.

Summer Schools
The WSG University is pleased to host international students from all over
the world. Currently, the University offers summer schools covering diffe-
rent areas of study. Most of the courses are based around the experience
with two-week Intensive

Programmes that had been conducted at the University for many years in
the framework of LLP-Erasmus Programme. Students attended the Inten-
sive Programmes from more than 20 countries, which creates a unique
international learning environment.

Sharing experience and different perspectives with students and teachers

from different countries and cultures is a crucial part of our summer scho-
ols experience. Summer Schools currently offered by the WSG University

International Summer School in Programming Applications for Android System – Android CAMP

International Summer School in Robots Engineering – CampRobotica

International Summer School in Intercultural Approaches to Entrepreneurship – Entrepreneurship Academy

International Summer School in Service Innovation Design – SID

International Summer School in Branding and Marketing – B&M Academy

International Summer School in European Awareness – EuroCitizen

International Summer School of Polish Language and Culture

Coprnicus Programme
Centre for Postgraduate Education and Training rienced experts of business practice and trainers
(CKPIS) including Business School MBA, Postgradu- graduated from the most renowned universities
ate Studies, Training and Certification Centre and who hold certificates of professional associations
School of Foreign Languages is a university’s unit and possess all required licenses. Acquired skills
responsible for conducting extensive educational and qualifications are confirmed by prestigious
activities. Following top European universities we certification bodies and organisations in sector.
offer MBA studies, postgraduate studies, trainings, Each of our orders is approached individually since
courses, workshops and language programmes the needs of our customers are very different and
which aim at improving employees’ qualifications as often determined by the nature of an industry and
well as ensuring their competitive advantage and market on which they operate. We offer and adjust
adaptation to the changing job market trends. Our our services based on the analysis of a company’s
key advantages are experience, reliability and specific needs. We take pride in being trusted by
professional facilities. We have at our disposal our many companies and institutions from both public
own lecture halls and workshop rooms which are and private sector. In the Centre for Postgraduate
equipped with a variety of didactic aids. Our classes Education and Training we offer the following
are carried out by the qualified staff made of expe- services:

Postgraduate studies

Business School MBA – MBA Programme, postgraduate studies

and training courses for managerial staff

Specialist courses and trainings

Language courses – 23 languages, levels from A1 to C1

International certificates

Centre of Specialised Translation

PROGRAMME Visiting Professor

The ”Visiting Professor” programme has been running at WSG University for many years. Due to the participa-
tion in classes conducted by highly respected lecturers from abroad, students have an opportunity to learn
innovative teaching methods as well as a new perspective on topics they are interested in. Moreover, because
English is the language of instruction, the students also have the possibility to increase their linguistic compe-
tence by broadening the vocabulary connected to specific areas.

The WSG University has been participating in the
Erasmus (previously Socrates) programme since 2005.
The programme allows students not only to spend one
semester abroad but also to take part in classes organi-
zed for incoming Erasmus students at our university. It
is worth mentioning that the number of students who
would like to study abroad within Erasmus+ program-
me is still increasing.

International Affairs Office
WSG University

phone: +48 52 567 00 78

e-mail: [email protected]

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