Reproduction in
Chapter Analysis with respect to Last 3 Years’ Board Exams
On the basis of above analysis, it can be said that from exam point of view Different types
of plants, Types of Fertilization and application of the Sexual Reproduction and Asexual
Reproduction are most important concepts of the chapter.
1.2 CHAPTER 1 : Reproduction in Organisms
Cell division
Diploid parental body produces haploid gametes
by the process of meiosis. It can be observed in
angiosperms, gymnosperms and animals. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS
Haploid parental body produces haploid gametes by TOPIC 1
mitosis. It can be observed in Algae, Fungi, Monera.
Gamete transfer: For fertilization, male gametes
1 Mark Questions
1. How many chromosomes do drones of honey bees
need a medium to transport towards female. A large
possess? Name the type of cell division involved
number of male gametes are produced to compensate in the production of sperms by them.
the loss of male gametes during their movement [ALL INDIA 2015]
toward the female gametes. 2. Name the type of cell division that takes place in
In plants like bryophytes and algae, the medium for the zygote of an organism exhibiting haplontic
the transfer of gametes is water. life cycle? [DELHI 2011]
• Fertilization Events- Fusion of gametes to form 3. A male honeybee has 16 chromosomes whereas
a diploid zygote. its female has 32 chromosomes. Give one
The female gamete develops into a new organism reason. [ALL INDIA 2016]
without fertilization in honeybees, turkey, some 4. State the fate of a pair of autosomes during
lizards. This is called parthenogenesis. gamete formation. [DELHI 2017]
5. Name the phase all organisms have to pass
There are two types of Fertilization (Syngamy):
through before they can reproduce sexually.
External fertilization- In this, the fertilization [ALL INDIA 2011]
occurs outside the body of the organism. For
6. Name the type of cell division that takes place in
example- Aquatic organisms like amphibians,
the zygote of an organism exhibiting haplontic
algae. The offsprings produced from this type of
life cycle? [ALL INDIA 2011]
fertilization are extremely vulnerable to predators
7. Mention the unique flowering phenomenon
threatening their survival.
exhibited by Strobilanthuskunthiana?
Internal fertilization- In this the fertilization
[ALL INDIA 2012]
occurs inside the body of the organism. For
example- angiosperms, gymnosperms and 8. Name an organism where cell division in itself
bryophytes. The number of eggs is very low while is a mode of reproduction. [ALL INDIA 2013]
the sperms are produced in large quantity. 2 Marks Questions
• Post-fertilization Events- The events that take 9. The cell divisions involved in gamete formation
place after the formation of zygote. is not of the same type in different organisms.
Zygote: Every sexually reproducing organism Justify. [ALL INDIA 2011]
begins its life as a zygote. Zygote is formed after 10. Why do algae and fungi shift to sexual
fertilization. The development of zygote depends mode of reproduction just before the adverse
on the life cycle off the organism and nature of conditions? [DELHI 2014]
environment. Organisms having diplontic life 11. Explain the significance of meiocytes in a diploid
cycle, zygote divides by the process of mitosis organism. [DELHI 2016]
whereas organisms having haplontic life cycle, 12. A single pea plant in your kitchen garden
zygote divides by the process of meiosis to produce
produces pods with viable seeds, but the
haploid spores.
individual papaya plant does not. Explain.
Embryogenesis- The process of development of
[ALL INDIA 2016]
zygote into an embryo.
Cell division increases the number of cells in 3 Marks Questions
the embryo. Cell division (mitosis) and cell 13. (a) List the three stages the annuals and
differentiation occurs in zygote. biennial angiosperms have to pass through
Animals that lay eggs and the zygote development during their life cycle.
takes place inside the egg are known as Viviparous. (b) List and describe any two vegetative propagules
For example- Reptiles and birds in flowering plants. [DELHI 2017]
Animals that give birth to the young ones are 14. Differentiate between parthenocarpy and
known as Oviparous. The zygote is developed Parthenogenesis. Give one example of each.
inside the body of the female. [DELHI 2018]
1.4 CHAPTER 1 : Reproduction in Organisms
On the basis of above analysis, it can be said that front exam point of view the concepts
Structure of Mature Pollen Grain. Embryo Sac, Double Fertilization and Specialized
Phenomena are most important concepts.
2.8 CHAPTER 2 : Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
3 Marks Questions
4. Draw a diagram of a male gametophyte of
an angiosperm. Label any four parts. Why is
sporopollenin considered the most resistant
organic material? [DELHI 2011]
Fig.: L.S. of a pistil showing pollen tube entering
the embryo-sac in an angiosperm
(b) (i) Seed is formed from the fertilized ovule.
A seed develop seed coat. This is the
5 Marks Questions outermost covering of the seed and
5. (a) Draw a L.S. of a pistil showing pollen tube provides protection to the seed from
entering the embryo-sac in an angiosperm adverse environmental conditions. The
and label any six parts other than stigma, outer layer of seed coat is known as
style and ovary. testa and inner layer of seed is called
(b) Write the changes a fertilized ovule as tegma. Seed coat also contain germ
undergoes within the ovary in an angiosperm pore that aid in the entry of oxygen
plant. [ALL INDIA 2013] and water that is required during seed
Solutions (ii) Embryo is formed from fertilised egg
1. The main function of the tapetum include (zygote).
nourishment of viable male gametes. Hence, (iii) Antipodal cells degenerate.
malfunctioning tapetum often fails to produce (iv) Synergid cells degenerate.
viable male gametophytes. [1] (v) Central triploid cell form the endosperm.
2. Style and stigma that are female reproductive (vi) Chalaza and micropyle remain but
parts of a flower which represents the tassels of nucellus is gets consumed. [3]
the corn-cob. [1]
2.10 CHAPTER 2 : Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
[Topic 2] Pollination
3 Marks Questions
2. Double fertilization is reported in plants of 5 Marks Questions
both, castor and groundnut. However, the 6. (a) Why is Fertilization in an angiosperm
mature seeds of groundnut are non-albuminous referred to as double fertilization? Mention
and castor are albuminous. Explain the post the ploidy of the cells involved.
fertilization events that are responsible for it. (b) Draw a neat labelled sketch of L.S. of an
[DELHI 2015] endospermous monocot seed.[DELHI 2012]
3. (a) Name the organic material exine of the 7. A flower of tomato plant following the process of
pollen grain is made up of. How is this sexual reproduction produces 240 viable seeds.
material advantageous to pollen grain? Answer the following questions giving reasons:
(b) Still it is observed that it does not form a (a) What is the minimum number of pollen
continuous layer around the pollen grain. grains that must have been involved in the
Give reason. pollination of its pistil?
(c) How are ‘pollen banks’ useful? (b) What would have been the minimum
[ALL INDIA 2016] number of ovules present in the ovary?
4. (a) Can a plant flowering in Mumbai be (c) How many megaspore mother cells were
pollinated by pollen grains of the same involved?
CHAPTER 2 : Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 2.11
(d) What is the minimum number of microspore (b) Diagram of a pistil after pollination [1]
mother cells involved in the above case?
(e) How many male gametes were involved in
this case? [DELHI 2015]
1. Cleistogamy is the phenomenon of self-
pollination and takes place in unopened flower.
The advantage of cleistogamy is that it produces
seed even in the absence of pollination. The
disadvantage is that it produces flowers are
exactly similar to the parent and hence have no
variation. [2]
2. Double fertilisation occurs in both castor and
groundnut but their mature seeds are different 5. Beehives are kept in crop field during flowering
as far as endosperm is concerned. One of period as they help in the pollination of the crop that
the male gamete fuses with polar nuclei to increases the yield of that crop. Bees while collecting
form primary endosperm nucleus. It divides nectar from the flower help in the transfer of pollen.
mitotically without cytokinesis to initiate the For example, apple and watermelon. [3]
formation of endosperm. As a result of repeated 6. (a) Fertilization in an angiosperm referred to as
nuclear division, free nuclear endosperm is double fertilization because out of two sperm
formed. Then, cell wall formation occurs around nuclei, one is fertilized with egg nucleus to
each nucleus to become cellular endosperm. form an embryo and the other one fuse with
In groundnut, endosperm may be completely polar nuclei to form endosperm [2]
utilised by the developing embryo before the (b)
maturation of seeds. Such seeds are called
non-albuminous or non-endospermic seeds.
But in castor seed, a portion of endosperm
remains in the seed and is used up during seed
germination. Such seeds are called albuminous
or endospermic seed. [1+1+1]
3. (a) The exine is made of sporopollenin. It is one
of the most resistant organic material. It can
withstand high temperature, strong acids
and alkalis. It cannot be degraded by any Fig: L.S. of Endospermous monocot seed. [3]
of the known enzymes. Hence, sporopollenin 7. (a) The minimum number of pollen grainsare
protects pollen grain from any kind of involved in the pollination of its pistil are
damage. [1] 240. One of the male gametes fuses with the
(b) Exine layer is not a continuous layer around egg cell to form the zygote that eventually
pollen grain. Continuity of the layer is give rise to seeds. Therefore, in order to form
broken by a pore called germ pore through in 240 seeds, number of pollen grains are
which pollen tube emerges. [1] required is 240. [1]
(c) Pollen grains at a large can be stored for (b) The number of ovules involved in this process
years in liquid nitrogen at (–196°C). So, would be 240, as the number of viable seeds
after this treatment they are stored in pollen are 240. After fertilisation, the ovary becomes
banks. Such stored pollen grains can be used fruit and the ovules becomes seeds. Therefore,
in plant breeding programs. [1] the number of ovules are corresponding to the
4. (a) Yes, such type of pollination can be number of seeds developed. [1]
achieved by artificial means or artificial (c) During the process of gametogenesis, 240
hybridisation. But there should not be megaspore mother cells are involved because
any self-incompatibility. In such type of out of four (tetrad) megaspores formed after
pollination pollen grain of one flower from meiosis, only one megaspore is functional
one city is introduced artificially on the and it develops further and the rest three
megaspores get degenerated. [1]
stigma of another flower of another city. [2]
2.12 CHAPTER 2 : Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
(d) Minimum 60 microspore mother cells are (e) The number of male gametes involved in
involved in producing 240 pollen grains. seed formation would be 240 as one of the
Each microspore mother cell divides by male gametes fuses with egg nuclei to form
meiosis to give rise to 4 microspores or pollen zygote, which will further give rise to the
grains. Since 1 microspore mother cell would seed. [1]
produce 4 microspores, therefore, to obtain
240 pollen grains 60 microsporemother cells
are required. [1]
9. Explain the function of each of the following: 17. (a) Explain the different ways apomictic seeds
(a) Coleorhizae can develop, Give an example of each.
(b) Umbilical cord (b) Mention one advantage of apomictic seeds
(c) Germ pores [DELHI 2012] to farmers.
10. (a) Describe the endosperm development in (c) Draw a labelled mature stage of a
coconut. dicotyledonous embryo.[ALL INDIA 2014]
(b) Why is tender coconut considered a healthy 18. (a) Plan an experiment and prepare a flow chart
source of nutrition? of the steps that you would follow toensure
(c) How are pea seeds different from castor that the seeds are formed only from the
seeds with respect to endosperm? desired sets of pollen grains. Name the type
[ALL INDIA 2013] of experiment that you carried out.
11. Explain any three advantages the seeds offer to (b) Write the importance of such experiments.
angiosperms. [DELHI 2014] [ALL INDIA 2015]
19. (a) Explain the post-pollination events leading
12. Why angiosperm anthers are called dithecous?
to seed production in angiosperms.
Describe the structure of its microsporangium.
(b) List the different types of pollination
[ALL INDIA 2014]
depending upon the source of pollen grain.
13. How does the megaspore mother cell develop
[DELHI 2016]
into 7-celled, 8 nucleate embryo sac in an
20. (a) As a senior biology student you have been
angiosperm? Draw a labelled diagram of a
asked to demonstrate to the students
mature embryo sac. [ALL INDIA 2011]
of secondary level in your school, the
procedure(s) that shall ensure cross
5 Marks Questions pollination in a hermaphrodite flower. List
14. Give reason why: the different steps that you would suggest
(i) Most zygote in angiosperms divide only after and provide reasons for each one of them.
certain amount of endosperm is formed. (b) D r a w a d i a g r a m o f a s e c t i o n o f a
(ii) Groundnut seed are ex-albuminous and megasporangium of an angiosperm and
castor seed are albuminous. label funiculus, micropyle, embryosac and
(iii) Micropyle remains as a small pore in the nucellus. [ALL INDIA 2016]
seed coat of a seed. 21. Read the following statement and answer the
(iv) Integuments of an ovule harden and the questions that follow:
water content is highly reduced, as the seed “A guava fruit has 200 viable seeds.”
(a) What are viable seeds?
(b) Write the total number of:
(v) Apple and cashew are not called as true
(i) Pollen grains
fruits. [ALL INDIA 2012]
(ii) Gametes in producing 200 viable guava
15. Draw a diagrammatic sectional view of a mature
anatropous ovule and following parts in it:
(c) Prepare flow-chart to depict the post-
(i) that develops into seed coat.
pollination events leading to viable-seed
(ii) that develops into an embryo after
production in a flowering plant.
fertilization. [DELHI 2017]
(iii) that develops into an endosperm in an 22. (a) When a seed of an orange is squeezed,
albuminous seed many embryos, instead of one are observed.
(iv) through which the pollen tube gains its entry Explain how it is possible.
into the embryo sac. (b) Are these embryos genetically similar or
(v) that attach the ovule to the placenta different? Comment. [ALL INDIA 2017]
Describe the characteristics feature of wind 23. (a) Describe any two devices in a flowering
pollinated flowers. [DELHI 2013] plant which prevent both autogamy and
16. (a) Coconut palm is monoecious, while date geitonogamy.
palm is dioecious. Why are they so called? (b) Explain the events up to double fertilization
(b) Draw a labelled diagram of sectional view after the pollen tube enters one of the
of a mature embryo sac of an angiosperm. synergids in an ovule of an angiosperm.
[DELHI 2014] [DELHI 2018]
2.14 CHAPTER 2 : Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
1. Presence of more than one embryo is called as
polyembryony, is the phenomenon responsible
for embryos of different shapes and sizes are
seen in oranges. This occur due to formation
of two or more embryo from the nucellar cells
surrounding the embryo. These cells divide and
protrude into the embryo. Then they develop as
seeds. [1]
2. Banana is considered a good example of
parthenocarpy because it produces seedless
fruit in the absence of successful fertilization Fig.: Mature embryo-sac [1]
by application of hormones [1] 7. In most of the angiosperms, pollen grains
3. Seed is formed as a result of sexual reproduction released at 2-celled stage. Pollen grain contains
in angiospermic plants. Seed contain three a small generative and a large vegetative cell.
important parts: seed coat, cotyledons and At 3-celled stage pollen grains contains one
embryo axis. Mature seed can be classified into vegetative cell and two male gametes. [1]
albuminous and non-albuminous seed on the
basis of reserve food. [1]
(i) Albuminous seed: they store or retain their
some part of endosperm during the period
of embryo development. Example is sun- Generative cell
flower [½]
(ii) Non-albuminous seed: they consume entire Fig.: Schematic diagram of a pollen
endosperm during the period of embryo grain with two cells [1]
development. Example is pea. [½] 8. Apomixis is a process by which new individuals
4. The pollination where pollen grain is transferred are formed without involving the process of
from one flower anther to stigma of another flower meiosis and syngamy (fertilization) due to non-
formation of gametes. Apomixis can be seen
in the same plant is known as geitonogamy. As,
in certain plants like grasses, citrus plants,
in this type of plants, gametes are coming from
conifers like pine etc. Significance of Apomixis:
the same parent it is known as autogamous Apomixis is an alternative process by which
but at the same time since, pollen grain is hybrid varieties can be raised from hybrid seeds.
transferred from one flower anther to stigma of If the Hybrid seeds are sown they segregate
the another flower which require the pollinating their characteristics in progeny plants. Therfore,
agent is known as cross-pollination. [1+1] Hybrid seeds have to be produced every year as
5. Zygote is formed by the fusion of haploid male these cannot be collected from hybrid plants.
gamete and haploid female gamete by the By making hybrid seeds as apomicts, rapid
process of syngamy. [1] multiplication of genetically uniform individuals
Male gamete (n) + Egg (n) → Zygote (2n) can be achieved without risk of segregation by
Primary endosperm is formed by the fusion of apomixis. [2]
secondary nucleus which is diploid and male Commercial applications of apomixis are:
• By apomixis, hybrid seeds can be produced,
gamete which is haploid. Hence, endosperm is
which will provide higher and better yield.
• It prevents the loss of specific characteristics
Secondary nucleus (2n) + Male gamete (n) →
in the hybrid plants.
Primary endosperm (3n) [1] • Apomixis is a cost-effective method of
6. Diagram of mature embryo-sac in a flowering producing seeds. [1]
plant may possess 7-cells, but 8-nuclei. 7 cells 9. (a) Coleorhiza is a sheath like structure in
are: 3 antipodal cells (3 nuclei), 1 central cell (2 the seed of plants that provide protective
nuclei), 1 egg cell (1 nucleus) and 2 synergids (2 covering enclosing radicle and root cap. [1]
nuclei). [1] (b) The functions of umbilical cord are:
CHAPTER 2 : Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 2.15
(i) Deliver oxygen to the foetus wall formation. Out of the eight nuclei, six are
(ii) Delivers nutrients to foetus covered by cell wall while remaining two nuclei
(iii) Withdrawing of CO2 & waste. [1] are placed above the egg apparatus in the central
(c) Germ pores is the region through which the cell. Among the six cells, three cells are placed
pollen tube enters the ovary. [1] at micropylar end, in which two are called as
10. (a) Coconut endosperm formation is of nuclear synergids and one is egg cell. Remaining three
type which involve the nuclear division of cells are placed at chalazal end and are known
primary endosperm without the formation as antipodals. In this way, megaspore mother
of cell wall. [1] cell develop into 7-celled, 8 nucleate embryo sac
(b) Tender coconut considered a healthy in an angiosperm. [2]
source of nutrition as its endosperm is
rich in nutrients like proteins, minerals,
vitamins. [1]
(c) Pea is a non-albuminous seed as they
consume entire endosperm during the period
of embryo development where castor seed is
an albuminous seed as it retains some part
of endosperm during the period of embryo
development. [1]
11. Three advantages that the seeds offer to
angiosperms are:
(a) Seeds provide protection of the embryo from
adverse environmental conditions. [1]
(b) Seed provide nourishment to the embryo. Fig.: Mature embryosac [1]
[1] 14. (i) Most zygote in angiosperms divide only after
(c) Dispersal of seed helps them to have better certain amount of endosperm is formed to
adaptive strategies. [1] get nourishment from the endosperm for the
12. Angiosperm anthers are called dithecous developing embryo. [1]
because it is bilobed with each lobe having two (ii) Groundnut is a non-albuminous seed as they
theca. Structure of its microsporangium include consume entire endosperm during the period
four layers: of embryo development whereas castor seed
(i) Epidermis: Provide protection is an albuminous seed as it retain their
(ii) Endothecium: Provide protection some part of endosperm during the period
(iii) Middle layer: Provide protection [1] of embryo development [1]
(d) Tapetum : Nourishes the pollen grain (iii) Micropyle remains as a small pore in the
At the young stage of anther, it consist of seed coat of a seed because it provide the
sporogenous tissue present in the center of each entry for water and oxygen which is required
microsporangium. for the germination. [1]
(iv) Integuments of an ovule protect the embryo
from the harsh environmental conditions
and help the seed to remain viable. [1]
(v) Apple and cashew are not called as true
fruits because their fruit is not formed from
ovary but it develop from thalamus. [1]
Chalazal pole
Fig.: Microsporangium Embryo sac
13. Mitosis in the megaspore mother cell leads to Nucellus
Inner integument
formation two nuclei which move to two opposite Outer integument
poles. After that, further mitotic divisions lead Micropyle pole
to the formation of 4 nuclei and 8 nuclei embryo Micropyle
sac in an angiosperm. This division is unique Hilum
because nuclear division is not followed by cell Fig.: Mature anatropous ovule [3]
2.16 CHAPTER 2 : Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Fig: sectional view of a mature anatropous ovule This Flow chart of the steps of the experiment:
The characteristics feature of wind pollinated Bisexual flower is selected
flowers are
(a) Large number of pollen grain production
Removal of anthers from flower (emasculation)
(b) Pollen are smooth and light [2]
16. (a) Coconut palm is monoecious due to the
presence of male and female flowers on the Stigma of emasculated flower is covered bag of
same plant. [2] butter paper or plastic (Bagging)
Date palm is dioecious due to the presence of
either male flower or female flower exclusively Desired pollens are dusted on receptive
on one plant. [1] stigma by removing the bag (pollination)
(b) The events seen after the pollen tube enters one of the synergids in an ovule are as follows:
(i) Pollen tube, after reaching the ovary, enters the ovule through the micropyle and thus enters
one of the synergids through filiform apparatus.
(ii) After entering into synergid, the pollen tube releases the two male gametes into the cytoplasm
of the synergids.
(iii) One of the male gametes move towards the egg cell and fuses (fertilization)with it results in
formationof the zygote.
(iv) The other male gamete move towards the two polar nuclei located in the central cell and fuses
to form triploid primary endosperm nucleus (PEN). This involves fusion of three haploid nuclei
& hence termed as triple fusion.
(v) Two types of fusions, fertilization (syngamy)and triple fusion takes place in an embryo sac and
hence the phenomenon is termed as double fertilisation.
(vi) After fertilisation, PEN becomes the primary endosperm cell and develops into endosperm while
zygote develops into an embryo. [2]
Fig.: Double fertilization [1]
CHAPTER 2 : Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 2.19
2.20 CHAPTER 2 : Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Human Reproduction
Chapter Analysis with respect to Last 3 Years’ Board Exams
On the basis of above analysis, it can be said that from exam point of view Parturition, The
Fertilization Events, Hormones, Male and Female Reproductive System, Menstrual Cycle
and contraceptive methods are most important concepts of the chapter.
3.22 CHAPTER 3 : Human Reproduction
Mons pubis is the fatty tissue. It acts as a cusion 8. Draw a labelled diagram of the human female
and is overlapped by pubic hair and skin. reproductive system. [ALL INDIA 2011]
The opening of vagina is Labia minora. It is
basically two folds which are very fleshy. 5 Marks Questions
Above the urethra opening there is a tiny structure 9. (a) Draw a labelled diagram of the human
like a finger. This part is called as clitoris. female reproductive system.
• Mammary Glands (b) Enumerate the events in the ovary of a
In the chest region there is a pair of mammary human female during:
gland. (i) Follicular phase
This gland also contains a vital component known (ii) Luteal phase of menstrual cycle
as Glandular tissue that helps to carry milk to the [DELHI 2011]
nipples. 10. (a) Write the specific location and the functions
Every single tissue has around 20 lobes which is of the following cells in human males:
actually a cell cluster also called as alveoli. (i) Leydig cells
In alveoli cavities we can find the stored milk (ii) Sertoli cells
which can be secreted. (iii) Primary spermatocyte
The alveoli opens up into mammary duct. (b) Explain the role of any two accessory glands
These ducts combined together are connected to a in human male reproductive system.
lactiferous duct using which the milk is secreted [DELHI 2011]
out. 11. (a) Identify the figure that illustrates corpus
luteum and name the pituitary hormone
that influences its formation.
PREVIOUS YEARS’ (b) Specify the endocrine function of corpus
luteum. How does it influence the uterus?
EXAMINATION QUESTIONS Why is it essential?
(c) What is the difference between “d” and “e”?
TOPIC 1 (d) Draw a neat labelled sketch of Graafian
1 Mark Questions
1. Where is acrosome present in humans? Write
its function. [DELHI 2012]
2. Write the location and function of the sertoli
cells in humans. [ALL INDIA 2012]
2 Marks Questions [DELHI 2012]
3. Give reasons for the following 12. (a) Draw a diagrammatic sectional view of the
(a) The human testes are located outside the female reproductive system of human and
abdominal cavity. label the parts:
(b) Some organisms like honey-bees are called (i) Where the secondary oocytes develop
parthenogenetic animals. [DELHI 2012] (ii) Which helps in collection of ovum after
4. When and where do chorionic villi appear in ovulation
humans? State their function. [DELHI 2013] (iii) Where fertilization occurs
(iv) Where implantation of embryo occurs.
5. Why are the human testes located outside the
(b) Explain the role of the pituitary and the
abdominal cavity? Name the pouch in which they
ovarian hormones in menstrual cycle in
are present. [ALL INDIA 2014]
human females. [DELHI 2013]
13. (a) Draw a diagrammatic sectional view
3 Marks Questions of a human seminiferous tubule, and
6. Draw a labelled diagrammatic sectional view of label Sertoli cells, primary spermatocyte,
a human seminiferous tubule. [DELHI 2017] spermatogonium and spermatozoa in it.
7. Write the function of each one of the following: (b) Explain the hormonal regulation of the
(a) Fimbriae process of spermatogenesis in humans.
(b) Coleptile [ALL INDIA 2013]
(c) Oxytocin [ALL INDIA 2012]
3.24 CHAPTER 3 : Human Reproduction
1. Acrosome is a cap like structure present in the
head of sperm. It facilitates the entry of sperm
nucleus in the human ovum by breaking the
zona pellucida. [1]
2. Sertoli cells are present in the membrane of
seminiferous tubule and its function is to provide
nourishment to the male gamete. [1]
3. (a) The human testes are located in the scrotum
which is outside the abdominal cavity
because it need slower temperature for
developing male gametes than the normal
Fig.: Labelled diagram of the human female
body temperature. [1]
reproductive system
(b) As, male honey bee are formed without the
9. (a)
process of fertilization they are called as
parthenogenetic animals. [1]
4. Chorionic villi appear in humans develop from
trophoblast layer that develop into zygote after
its implantation. Chorionic villi helps in the
formation of placenta which is the interface
between maternal and fetal blood during the
period of pregnancy. [2]
5. The human testes located outside the abdominal
cavity because it needs a little lower temperature
than the normal body temperature. Scrotum is
the pouch in which they are present. [2] [2]
6. Sectional view of a human seminiferous tubule: Fig.: Labelled diagram of the human female
reproductive system
(b) (i) During Follicular phase, Follicle
stimulating hormone aids in the
growth of primary ovarian follicles and
maturation of primary oocyte in the
follicle. Graafian follicle cells secrete
estrogen that lead to the thickening of
uterine endometrium and make it more
vascular and grandular. This phase
has the duration of 10 to 14 days and
results in the ovulation. [2]
(ii) In this phase, after ovulation, ruptured
graafian follicle develops into corpus
luteum. It secretes progesterone
which further makes the uterus more
Fig.: Sectional view of a human seminiferous
vascular and glandular in anticipation
tubule. [3]
of a fertilised ovum. If fertilisation
7. (a) Fimbriae are present in the fallopian tubes
occurs and zygote arrives in the uterus,
of human female They pick up the eggs from
progesterone supports pregnancy.
the overies and move it into the fall opium
Otherwise the levels decline and luteal
tube. [1]
phase ends in menstrual cycle. [1]
(b) Coleoptile provides protection of emerging
10. (a) (i) Leydig cells are located in the
shoot in monocotyledons. [1]
seminiferous tubule of human
(c) Oxytocin helps in milk ejection during
male and its function is to secrete
lactation period and in parturition. [1]
testosterone under the effect of LH
from the pituitary gland. [1]
CHAPTER 3 : Human Reproduction 3.25
(ii) Sertoli cells are present in the membrane of seminiferous tubule and its function is to provide
nourishment to the male gamete under the effect of FSH from pituitary gland. [1]
(iii) Primary spermatocytes are present in the inner lining of seminiferous tubule and undergo meiosis
to form sperms. [1]
(b) The accessory glands of the male reproductive system are the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and
the bulbourethral glands. Prostate gland helps in the secretion of semen and seminal vesicles helps
in providing nourishment to the sperm. [2]
11. (a) Figure (g) is representing corpus luteum and LH hormone that influences its formation. [1]
(b) Secretion of progesterone is the endocrine function of corpus luteum which is necessary for the
maintenance of uterus endometrium. This endometrium is required for the implantation of the
fertilized ovum. [1]
(c) D is showing developing secondary follicle and E is showing developing tertiary follicle [1]
Fig.: Graafian follicle [2]
Fig.: Diagrammatic sectional view of a
human seminiferous tubule [3]
(b) Hormonal regulation of the process of
Fig.: Female reproductive system [2] spermatogenesis in humans are:
(b) Soon after the menstrual phase, pituitary (i) Hypothalamus secrete gonadotropins
secrete two hormone LH and FSH. releasing hormone during puberty.
During follicular phase, their secretion (ii) Further, gonadotropins releasing
increases and enhance the development hormone stimulates the anterior
of follicles. The follicles start secreting pituitary to secrete LH and FSH.
estrogen hormone. On the 13th and 14th (iii) L H s t i m u l a t e t h e s e c r e t i o n o f
day of mensturation cycle, LH and FSH
androgens from the leydig cells.
secretion reaches the maximum value.
Androgens stimulates the process of
This eventually result in the ovulation due
to secretion of LH. During luteal phase, spermatogenesis.
graafian follicle, changes to corpus luteum (iv) Follicle stimulating hormone stimulate
that secrete progesterone which helps in the the secretion of factors responsible for
implantation, (if fertilisation of ovum occurs) spermiogenesis (sperm maturation)
by maintaining the endometrium. [3] from the sertoli cells. [1+1]
3.26 CHAPTER 3 : Human Reproduction
[Topic 2] Gametogenesis
• The process in which the sex cells are produced is
being coined as gametogenesis.
• Gametogenesis is classified in following
At Puberty
Primary spermatocytes
1st meiotic
division Fig.: Structure & various parts of Sperm
Secondary spermatocytes (b) Neck: Distal and proximal centrioles is the basic
part of neck. Neck is followed by the head.
2nd meiotic
division (c) Middle Part: The power house or mitochondria
and cytoplasm comprises to make the middle
Spermatids part.
(d) Tail: It is a filament that is axial in nature. Tail
Differentiation is used for the movement by sperms. Accessory
ducts are used to transport sperms.
• Oogenesis
Fig.: Spermatogenesis mechanism Oogonia
• The process which results in formation of sperms
is called as spermatogenesis. Mitosis
• It comprises of two stages:
Fetal life Primary oocyte
Spermatids formation: In this process the mother
sperm cell results in formation of spermatids. 1st meiotic
Spermiogenesis: The spermatids formed in the (completed
above step results into formation of sperms. Childhood prior to
• Meosis-I is undergone by spermatocyte to produce Puberty ovulation)
secondary spermatocytes. First Secondary oocyte
poler body
• Now Meosis-II is undergone by spermatocyte to
produce haploid spermatids. reproductive Ovum
• Now using the process of spermiogenesis, the life Second
spermatids produced in the above step transforms polar body
into spermatozoa.
Fig.: Oogenesis mechanism
Structure of Sperm The process which results in formation of ovum is
• The length of a sperm is around 0.06 mm. termed as oogenesis.
• The plasma encloses the sperm. A Graafian follicle is the site where the above
• The four basic parts of sperms are: process takes place.
(a) Head: The shape of the head is oval and the During the onset of embryo stage, oogenesis
constituent part is acrosome and nucleus. process initiates.
CHAPTER 3 : Human Reproduction 3.27
During this process multiple of egg cells are • This ongoing secretion due to such high increased
produces in each ovary. level of gonadotropins is the sole reason which
Prophase I meiosis is undergone by these egg cells results in to the puncturing of the uterus lining.
obtained in the above step and the result into • Now a third phase occurs after follicular is luteal
several multiplied cells. phase. In this after the ovulation, the Graffian
The granulose cells surround the egg cell to result follicle results in to corpus luteum.
into an primary follicle. • There is no menstrual cycle taking place at the
As the ovary reaches the age of puberty, only time of pregnancy.
around 70,000 primary follicles are left out which
again are surrounded by granulose cells to form
secondary follicles.
This process continues to form tertiary follicles.
Unequal meiosis division is undergone by the egg EXAMINATION QUESTIONS
cells inside the tertiary follicle and this results in
to secondary egg cells and body. TOPIC 2
Now this polar body obtained in the above step 1 Mark Questions
either withers or survives by dividing itself. 1. Name the embryonic stage that gets implanted
Now this secondary egg cell is released outside in the uterine wall of a human female.
when it is being punctured by Graafian follicle. [ALL INDIA 2011]
This releasing process is also termed as ovulation. 3 Marks Questions
Structure of Ovum 2. Draw a diagram of a mature human sperm. Label
• The shape is oval or it can be spherical. any three parts and write their functions.
[DELHI 2018]
• The radius of an ovum is around 0.1mm.
3. Draw a diagram of the microscopic structure of
• It has got several membranes which are as follows:
human sperm. Label the following parts in it
Zona pellucid Corona Radiata
and write their functions.
Vitelline membrane Plasma Membrane (a) Acrosome
Menstrual Cycle (b) Nucleus
• Human females undergo a reproductive cycle (c) Middle piece [DELHI 2013]
every month, this reproductive cycle is being 4. Explain the steps in the formation of an ovum
termed as menstrual cycle. from an oogonium in humans.
[ALL INDIA 2013]
• This cycle usually an onset at the age of 10
years and this onset process is being termed as 5 Marks Questions
menarche. 5. The following is the illustrations of the sequence
• This above cycle takes around 28 days. of ovarian events (a-i) in a human female.
• In each cycle a release of ovum takes place and is
termed as menstrual flow. This flow occurs in between
of a cycle and goes on for around three to five days.
• This cycle only takes place when the egg is not
being fertilized yet. If this cycle does not takes
place, that means an onset of pregnancy.
• The menstrual flow begins when the lining of
the uterus breaks itself as a result of the egg not
getting fertilized.
• The next phase that is being followed by the
menstrual cycle is follicular. In this phase all the (i) Identify the figure that illustrates ovulation
follicles become mature and results into Graafian and mention the stage of oogenesis it
follicles. represents.
• During this phase the secretion of estrogen (ii) Name the ovarian hormone and the pituitary
also increases as a result of increased levels of hormone that have caused the above
gonadotropins. mentioned event.
• These gonadotropinsattain their highest level on (iii) Explain the changes that occur in the uterus
around 13th day of the cycle. simultaneously in anticipation.
3.28 CHAPTER 3 : Human Reproduction
A single oogonium, after second meiotic fertilization outside of the body. It is the
division result in the formation of one most common type of ART. It is preferred
ovum and two non-functional polar bodies. in the situation where few sperms are
Oogenesis is followed by ovulation in produced by male and blockage in female
fallopian tubes when sperm enters to fallopian tubes. In this situation, drug is
fertilise the ovum. [2] given to female that aid in the production
(b) of multiple eggs. Once, the eggs mature,
they are removed from female ovary and
placed in a dish along with men’s sperm
for fertilization. After few days, that is 3- 5
days, embryo is implanted in uterus of the
female. [2]
8. (a) Fusion of sperm and ova is called fertilization.
It takes place in the fallopian tube of the
human female. In the process, one sperm
comes in contact with the zona pellucida
layer of ovum and induces changes to block
entry of additional sperms. The entry of
Fig.: Sectional view of human ovary [2] sperm induces completion of meiosis II
7. (a) Fertilization occur in humans in the leading to the formation of anootid and
fallopian tubes that connect ovary to the uterus. second polar body. The haploid nucleus of
The events that occur during this process are: the sperm and that of the ovum fuse to form
(i) The sperm crosses the outermost layer a diploid zygote. Implantation is the process
of egg known as corona radiata. of the attachment of the fertilized egg (the
(ii) Then, sperm breaks the wall of zona blastocyst) to the lining of the uterus to grow
pellucida. and develop. It is an entirely natural process
(iii) The membrane of egg and sperm fuses. that happens a week after ovulation and is
(iv) The female egg mature into mature an early stage of pregnancy. The trophoblast
ovum. layer of the blastocyst attaches to the
(v) The sperm tail and mitochondria endometrium of the uterus. The uterine cells
degenerate that result in the formation divide rapidly and cover the blastocyst which
of male pronucleus. becomes embedded in the endometrium to
(vi) The male and female pronuclei fuse to complete implantation. [3]
form a new nucleus that is combination (b) Placenta acts as an endocrine tissue
of egg and sperm. and produces hormones such as human
(vii) Semen is ejaculated deep within the chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), human
cavity in vagina to allow passage of placental lactogen (hPL), estrogens, and
sperms. [3] progestogens. The hormones hCG, hPL and
(b) Couples can take the help of IVF, GIFT, relaxin are produced in women only during
ZIFT. In vitro fertilization (IVF) that include pregnancy. [2]
The foetus is connected to the placenta by a long, flexible tube called umbilical cord. After fertilisation,
the zygote divides and leads to the formation of blastocyst. The blastocyst comes into contact with the
endometrium. The outer layer of blastocyst, trophoblast secrete lytic enzymes which encroach into the
endometrial lining. This give rise to finger-like projections called chorionic villi. This forms the foetal part
of placenta. These villi extend into the maternal part of placenta called- Decidua. The villi are immersed
into the blood sinuses found in decidua region which is divided into three distinct regions. These regions
are decidua basalis, decidua capsularies and decidua parietalis. [2]
The functions of placenta are:
1. The placenta facilitates the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the embryo and also removes carbon
dioxide and excretory or waste materials produced by the embryo. [1]
2. Placenta also acts as an endocrine tissue as it secretes several hormones like human chorionic
gonadotropin (hCG), human placental lactogen (hPL), estrogens, progesterone, etc., that are essential
for maintaining maternal physiological conditions appropriate for continued development of foetus.
Fig.: (a) Location of the placenta in the uterus (b) Details view of the placenta [1]
7. At the start of the menstrual cycle, the prepares the lining of the uterus for pregnancy.
hypothalamus signals (by GnRH) the pituitary If the egg is fertilized and implanted, the body
gland to produce the follicle-stimulating continues to produce progesterone and if not,
hormone (FSH), which in turn signals the then progesterone levels fall, and that month’s
ovaries to begin forming and maturing eggs. On menstrual period begins. [3]
the maturation of follicles, the level of estrogen
in the body rises, indicating that an egg is
ready. This first half of the menstrual cycle is
called the follicular phase. When high estrogen
levels signal an egg is ready, the pituitary gland
then produces a luteinizing hormone (LH),
triggering the ovary to release the mature egg
by the process of ovulation. The day ovulation
happens is the first day of the second half of
the cycle, the luteal phase. During the luteal
phase of the menstrual cycle the ovaries (the
corpus luteum) begin to increase the levels of
progesterone in the body. Progesterone, secreted
by ovary regulates and maintains the inner
lining of the uterus both during menstrual cycle
and gestation. Progesterone is a hormone that Fig.: Menstrual cycle & harmones level [2]
CHAPTER 3 : Human Reproduction 3.33
On the basis of above analysis, it can be said that front exam point of view the concepts
of Birth Control Measures, Practical Relevance of Reproductive system, Child Healthcare
Programs and Infertility are the most important concepts of the chapter.
4.36 CHAPTER 4 : Reproductive Health
• Visiting a qualified doctor for early detection of involved that you can suggest to them to help
the disease and to get full treatment, if diagnosed them bear a child. [DELHI 2015]
with one. 2. Why is CuT considered a good contraceptive
Infertility: Infertility is the inability to conceive even device to space children? [DELHI 2011]
when the sexual interaction is unprotected. Physical 3. Describe the Lactational Amenorrhea method
diseases, psychological reasons, drugs etc can be of birth control. [ALL INDIA 2011]
responsible for infertility. In present time, there 4. Our government has intentionally imposed strict
are some methods and techniques available to help conditions for M.T.P. in our country. Justify
the couples who are dealing with infertility. These giving a reason. [DELHI 2017]
certain techniques are called assisted reproductive
technologies (ART). 3 Marks Questions
In vitro fertilization (IVF): In one of such methods, 5. (a) Mention the problems that are taken care
embryo is transferred into the female genital tract of by Reproduction and Child Health Care
and is known as In vitro fertilization (IVF) and this programme.
program is called the ‘Test Tube Baby’ program. (b) What is amniocentesis and why there is a
ZIFT (Zygote intra fallopian transfer): Another statutory ban on it? [ALL INDIA 2016].
method is ZIFT (Zygote intra fallopian transfer) 6. Suggest and explain any three Assisted
in which a donor provides the ovum and it is then Reproductive Technologies (ART) to an infertile
transferred into the fallopian tube of the female who couple? [ALL INDIA 2013].
cannot produce it but can give suitable environment 4 Marks Questions
for the fertilization and development process. 7. Your school has been selected by the Department
Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): of Education to organize and host an interschool
is another technique to help the couples who are seminar on “Reproductive Health – Problems
unable to produce a child because of infertility. In and Practices”. However, many parents are
this technique an embryo is formed in the laboratory reluctant to permit their wards to attend
in which a sperm is directly injected into the ovum. it. Their argument is that the topic is “too
embarrassing.” Put forth four arguments with
Artificial insemination (AI): Intra cytoplasmic
appropriate reasons and explanation to justify
sperm injection could be corrected by this technique,
the topic to be very essential and timely.
the semen is collected from either the husband or a
[ALL INDIA 2015].
healthy donor and is artificially introduced either
8. Reproductive and Child Healthcare (RCH)
into the vagina or into the uterus of the female also programmes are currently in operation. One
known as IUI (intra-uterine insemination). of the major tasks of these programmes is to
There are many methods to help the couples dealing create awareness amongst people about the
with infertility but they are not reachable to every wide range of reproduction related aspects. As
class as not everyone can adopt these methods this is important and essential for building a
because of financial or some emotional and religious reproductively healthy society.
facts. So another method is adoption which is legal in (a) “Providing sex education in schools is one of
our country now. the ways to meet this goal.” Give four points
in support of your opinion regarding this
PREVIOUS YEARS’ (b) List any two ‘indicators’ that indicate a
reproductively healthy society.
9. A large number of married couples the world
TOPIC 1 over are childless. It is shocking to know that
2 Marks Questions in India the female partner is often blamed for
1. After a brief medical examination a healthy the couple being childless
couple came to know that both of them are (a) Why in your opinion the female partner is
unable to produce functional gametes and often blamed for such situations in India?
should look for an ‘ART’ (Assisted Reproductive Mention any two values that can promote
Technique). Name the ‘ART’ and the procedure to check this social evil.
4.38 CHAPTER 4 : Reproductive Health
(b) State any two reasons responsible for the sex abuse, sex related crimes and sexually
cause of infertility. transmitted diseases (STDs). [1½]
(c) Suggest a technique that can help the couple (b) Amniocentesis is a process of diagnosis
to have a child where the problem is with of chromosomal abnormalities and foetal
male partner. [ALL INDIA 2016] infections by analysing a small amount of
amniotic fluid. But this process is misused
for detecting gender of the foetus. Therefore,
5 Marks Questions there is a statutory ban on amniocentesis to
10. A pregnant human female was advised to
avoid female foeticides. [1½]
undergo M.T.P. It was diagnosed by her doctor
6. Three Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)
that the foetus she is carrying has developed
to an infertile couple are:
from a zygote formed by an XX egg fertilized
(a) In vitro fertilization (IVF) that include
by Y carrying sperm. Why she was advised to
fertilization outside of the female body.
undergo M.T.P? [ALL INDIA 2011]
It is the most common type of ART. It is
preferred in the situation where few sperms
Solutions are produced by male or if there is a blockage
1. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) in female fallopian tubes. In this situation,
is fertility treatment technique. One such drug is given to female that aid in the
technique is called ZIFT (Zygote intra fallopian production of multiple eggs. Once, the eggs
transfer). In this technique, the sperm and ovum are mature, they are removed from female
are collected from the donor male and the donor ovary and placed in a dish along with men’s
female respectively. The sperm and the ovum sperm for fertilization. After few days, that
are fused in the laboratory and allowed zygote is 3- 5 days, embryo at 8-blastomere stage
to develop till the 8-blastomere stage, then is is implanted in uterus of the female. [1]
transferred to the fallopian tube of the mother (b) ZIFT or Zygote intrafallopian transfer or
for further development. GIFT (gamete intra tubal embryo transfer is the fertilization
fallopian transfer) is another such technique. outside of the female body. It is similar to
[2] the IVF except the embryo is implanted in
2. CuT or copper T is an intrauterine device. CuT is fallopian tubes of the female. [1]
inserted into the uterus through vagina by expert (c) GIFT or Gamete intrafallopian transfer
doctors. The copper ion released by this device include transferring of egg and sperm
decreases the motility and fertilizing capacity into fallopian tubes of the female. Hence,
of sperms. At the same time, it increases the fertilization takes place inside female
phagocytosis of the sperms. Hence, in this way, body. [1]
CuT is considered a good contraceptive device 7. Reproductive health is very important aspect
to space children. [2] of human life. It is very important for one
3. Lactational Amenorrhea is characterized must attend seminar on ‘Reproductive Health
by absence of menstruation during intense Problems and Practices’ as it deals with
lactation. It is a method of birth control because: the problems and strategies of reproductive
(a) In this period, ovulation and other health. In the seminar, following topics about
physiological processes ovulation are reproductive health that should be discussed
stopped. [1] with the students:
(b) The period where child is fed by the mother, I. Lack of proper knowledge or too little
there is no chance of conception. [1] understanding about the safe reproductive
4. M.T.P. stand for Medical Termination of process may lead to unwanted pregnancies.
Pregnancy. It also called induced abortion. Our Therefore, it is necessary to create awareness
government has intentionally strict conditions among youth to know about reproductive
for M.T.P. to prevent female foeticide. By process. [1]
imposing such regulations on MTP, sex ratio II. Make adolescents aware about one’s
may be maintained and also avoid any danger sexuality at a proper age that may help
for (young) mother (and foetus) [1] them to know about the different changes
5. (a) Reproduction and child health care happening in their body; thereby, leading
programme addresses problems such as to a better mental and physical state of
uncontrolled population growth, problems of health. [1]
CHAPTER 4 : Reproductive Health 4.39
III. Counselling and creating awareness about 9. (a) Due to improper knowledge on reproduction
reproductive health also helps to curb related issues, lack of moral values and also
the problems of infertility, birth control, due to the orthodox male dominant nature of
mortality, etc. [1] society in India. Female partner is blamed.
IV. It prevents sex abuse and sex related crime. For not being able to produce babies. As a
People should think and take up necessary biology student awareness can be created
steps to prevent sex abuse and build up a that Abnormality can be in any of the
reproductively healthy society. [1] partners in the couple. Only proper diagnosis
8. (a) Reproductive and Child Healthcare (RCH) of both the partners can help in detecting
programmes Provides education on sex the reason for infertility. Awareness can
and reproduction related issue. It is one be created to bring about respect towards
of the best ways to lay the foundation of both the partners in case of such a problem
reproductively healthy society. Sex education and to find a remedy from medical experts
may help in achieving goal by. [½] rather than consulting baba and ojhas.
I. This type of program give proper Awareness can be created not to believe in
information to adolescents and superstitions. [2]
preventing them from believing in (b) The reasons for infertility may be abnormality
myths about sex-related aspects. [½] in reproductive system, congenital (by birth)
II. Creates awareness about sexually and may be due to immunity. [1]
transmitted diseases (STDs) such (c) Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
as syphilis, gonorrhoea and ways to or artificial insemination (AI) can help the
prevent them. [½] couple to have a child in case the problem is
III. Provides proper information about with the male partner. [1]
reproductive organs and various 10. MTP is medical terminal of pregnancy. Another
adolescents and related changes. [½] name of MTP is abortion. It is medical procedure
IV. Proper information about safe and of getting rid of unwanted pregnancy. As in
hygienic sexual practices. [½] this case, pregnant human female have XX egg
(b) Two indicators of a reproductively healthy chromosome that is going to be fertilized with Y
society may be: chromosome of male will result in the formation
(i) When there will be no discrimination of foetus having XXY chromosome. This is the
between male and female child by their situation, where foetus is carrying an abnormal
parents. I would be the biggest indicator sex chromosome from the egg. This condition is
of reproductively healthy society. [½] known as trisomy condition. In this condition,
(ii) If there is decrease in IMR (Infant foetus is having extra X chromosome and result
Mortality Rate) and MMR (Maternal in the occurrence of a disorder in foetus such as
Mortality Rate). [½] Klinefelter’s syndrome and hence, female was
(iii) Less evidence of occurrence of sexually advised to terminate the pregnancy. [5]
transmitted diseases. [½]
4.40 CHAPTER 4 : Reproductive Health
Principles of
Inheritance and Variation
Chapter Analysis with respect to Last 3 Years’ Board Exams
On the basis of above analysis, it can be clearly inferred that from exam point of view
the concepts Law of Independent Assortment, Genetics, Application of Crosses, Human
Genetically Disorders, Monohybrid & Dihybrid types and Sex determination are most
important concepts of the chapter.
5.42 CHAPTER 5 : Principles of Inheritance and Variation
Gametes RY ry
F1 RrYy (Dihybrid)
Round Yellow (selfed)
Gametes RY Ry rY ry
RY Ry rY ry
RY Round Round Round Round
Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow
RRYy RRyy RrYy Rryy
Ry Round Round Round Round
Yellow Green Yellow Green
RyYY RrYy rrYY rrYy
rY Round Round Wrinked Wrinked
Fig.: Non Mendelian inheritance Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow
Genotypic Ratio = RR : Rr : rr = 1 : 2 : 1
Phenotypic Ratio = Red : Pink : White = 1 : 2 : 1 RrYy Rryy rrYy rryy
ry Round Round Wrinkled Wrinkled
• Co Dominance: Yellow Green Yellow Green
It is the dominance in which both the alleles of
a gene are expressed independently and equally Fig.: Dihybrid cross (Punnett square)
in a hybrid that is both the alleles are dominant. Dihybrid Phenotypic ratio is
Example: ABO blood group in humans. Round yellow: Round green : Wrinkled yellow :
A gene I has three alleles IA, IB (the dominant Wrinkled green = 9: 3 : 3 :1
alleles) and i (recessive allele)
Dihybrid genotypic ratio is
Antigen A and B are produced by IA, IB respectively
RRYY : RRYy :RrYY : RrYy : RRyy : Rryy :
and no antigen is produced by the recessive allele.
rrYY : rrYY : rrYy : rryy = 1:2:1:2:4:2:1:2:1
Allele Allele Genotype Blood
from from of group of After this study, the Law of Independent Assortment
parent 1 parent 2 offspring offspring was give which says that the factors are independently
IA IA I AI A A assorted and they combine in all permutations and
• Chromosomes: Chromosomes are the structures
IA i I Ai A found in the nucleus. They double and divide just
before each cell division. They also occur in pairs.
• Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance: Both
IB IB I BI B B gene and chromosome are found in pair. The two
alleles of a gene pair are located on the same locus
IB i I Bi B on homologous chromosomes. According to the
O argument of Sutton and Boveri that the pairing
i i ii and segregation of a pair of chromosomes would
5.44 CHAPTER 5 : Principles of Inheritance and Variation
red flowered (RR) plants and true breeding white
flowered (rr) plants showed a progeny of plants
with all pink flowers.
EXAMINATION QUESTIONS (a) The appearance of pink flowers is not known
as blending. Why?
TOPIC 1 (b) What is this phenomenon known as?
1 Mark Questions [ALL INDIA 2014]
14. With the help of one example, explain the
1. Name the event during cell division cycle that
phenomena of co-dominance and multiple
results in the gain or loss of chromosome.
allelism in human population.
[DELHI 2011] [ALL INDIA 2014]
2. Mention the contribution of genetic maps in 15. Write the scientific name of the fruit-fly. Why
human genome project. [ALL INDIA 2011] did Morgan prefer to work with fruit-flies for
3. A garden pea plant produced axial white flowers. his experiments? State any three reasons.
Another of the same species produced terminal [ALL INDIA 2014]
violet flowers. Identify the dominant traits. 16. Linkage and crossing-over of genes are
[DELHI 2012] alternatives of each other. Justify with the help
4. A garden pea plant (A) produced yellow inflated of an example. [ALL INDIA 2014]
pod, and another plant (B) of the same species
produced constricted green pods. Identify the 3 Marks Questions
dominant traits. [ALL INDIA 2012] 17. How are dominance, co-dominance and
incomplete dominance patterns of inheritance
5. Mention any two contrasting traits with respect
different from each other? [DELHI 2011]
to seeds in pea plant that were studied by
18. (a) Why is human ABO blood group gene
Mendel. [ALL INDIA 2014] considered a good example of multiple alleles?
6. State a difference between a gene and an (b) Work out a cross upto F1 generation only,
allele. [DELHI 2016] between a mother with blood group A
7. Name the type of cross that would help to (homozygous) and the father with blood
find the genotype of a pea plant bearing violet group B (homozygous). Explain the pattern
flowers. [ALL INDIA 2017] of inheritance exhibited. [DELHI 2013]
CHAPTER 5 : Principles of Inheritance and Variation 5.45
19. Mendel published his work on inheritance of 30. (a) Explain a monohybrid cross taking seed coat
characters in 1865, but it remained unrecognized colour as a trait in Pisum sativum. Work out
till 1900. Give three reasons for the delay in the cross upto F2 generation.
accepting his work. [DELHI 2014] (b) State the laws of inheritance that can be
20. Women are often blamed for producing female derived from such a cross.
children. Consequently, they are ill-treated (c) How is the phenotypic ratio of F2 generation
and Critisized. How will you address this different in a dihybrid cross?
issue scientifically if you were to conduct an [DELHI 2012]
awareness programme to highlight the values 31. What is the inheritance pattern observed in
involved? [DELHI 2014] the size of the starch grains and seed shape of
21. Why is pedigree analysis done in the study of Pisum sativum? Workout the monohybrid cross
human genetics? State the conclusions that can showing the above traits. How does this pattern
be drawn from it. [ALL INDIA 2014] of inheritance deviate from that of Mendelian
22. A teacher wants his/her students to find the law of dominance? [ALL INDIA 2012]
genotype of pea plants bearing purple coloured 32. (a) Explain the phenomena of multiple allelism
flowers in their school garden. Name and explain and co-dominance taking ABO blood group
the cross that will make it possible. as an example.
[DELHI 2015] (b) What is the phenotype of the following:
23. During a monohybrid cross involving a tall (i) IAi (ii) ii [DELHI 2012]
pea plant with a dwarf pea plant, the offspring
populations were tall and dwarf in equal ratio. Solutions
Work out a cross to show how it is possible.
1. Aneuploidy is the event during cell division cycle
[ALL INDIA 2015]
that results in the gain or loss of chromosome.[1]
24. Give an example of an autosomal recessive trait
2. Genetic maps are used in sequencing the whole
in humans. Explain its pattern of inheritance
genome of an organism, to find out the location
with the help of a cross. [DELHI 2016]
of a gene on a chromosome. [1]
3. The Dominant Characters are axial and violet
5 Marks Questions flower. [1]
25. Explain the genetic basis of blood grouping in 4. Dominant trait is green inflated pod of the
human population. [DELHI 2015] garden pea plant (A) [1]
26. (a) Why are thalassemia and haemophilia 5. Two contrasting traits with respect to seeds
categorized as Mendelian disorders? Write in pea plant are: seed colour in which yellow
the symptoms of these diseases. Explain is dominant over green and second is shape of
their pattern of inheritance in humans. the seed where round seed is dominant over
(b) Write the genotypes of the normal parents wrinkled seed. [1]
producing a haemophilic son. 6. Alternate form of the same gene is called an
[ALL INDIA 2015] allele. For example T is a gene which determines
27. State and explain the “law of independent length of a plant. An allele of T is t hence, t is
assortment” in a typical Mendelian dihybrid an allele of T or vice-versa. [1]
cross. [DELHI 2017] 7. To find genotype of a pea plant bearing violet
28. (a) Write the scientific name of the organism flower, test cross technique is used. [1]
Thomas Hunt Morgan and his colleagues 8.
worked with for their experiments. Explain
the correlation between linkage and Male heterogamety Female heterogamety
recombination with respect to genes as It is condition in It is condition in
studied by them. which males produce which females of some
(b) How did Sturtevant explain gene mapping two different types of organisms produce
while working with Morgan?
gametes- gamete with two different types of
[ALL INDIA 2017]
29. Describe the mechanism of pattern of inheritance X-chromosome and gametes- gamete with
of ABO blood groups in humans. gametes withY-chro- Z-chromosome and
[ALL INDIA 2011] mosome. gametes with W-chro-
5.46 CHAPTER 5 : Principles of Inheritance and Variation
for the gene. The disease is controlled by a single Inheritance pattern of thalassemia: It is an
pair of allele which are HbA and HbS. Out of three autosomal, recessively inherited blood disorder.
possible genotypes only homozygous individuals
It can be transmitted to the offspring when both
(HbSHbS) show the diseased phenotype while
heterozygous (HbAHbS) individuals are carrier parents are heterozygous.
of the disease. [2] Carrier Carrier
A father mother
Hb Hb
R r R r
Hb Hb Hb Hb
Normal Carrier R R R r R r r r
Unaffected Carrier Carrier Affected
Hb A
Hb HbB
Hb Hb
son daughter son daughter [1]
Carrier Affected [1] Inheritance pattern of haemophilia: This is a
25. The genetic basis of blood grouping in human sex-linked recessive disease. Gene is present
is done by codominance in which two genes
on the X-chromosome. It shows criss-cross
expressed together for a particular character
in F1 hybrid progeny. There is no blending of inheritance. The carrier female transmit
characters. In humans blood is ABO type. Blood the disease to sons. The haemophilic father
groups are determined by gene called ’I’. It has
transmits the haemophilic gene to daughter.
three alleles, namely IA, IB and i. IA and IB are
dominant alleles and i is recessive allele. Then But the possibility of a female becoming a
the possible phenotypes are: A, B, AB, and O. [2] haemophilic is extremely rare.
Table Showing the Genetic Basis of Blood
Grouping in Human Population:
Blood Antigen(s) Anti- Genotype
group present on body(s) (s)
the red blood in the
cells serum
A A antigen Anti-B IAIA or IAi
B B antigen Anti-A IBIB or IBi
AB A antigen None IA IB
and B anti-
O None Anti-A ii [1]
26. (a) Thalassemia and haemophilia are Mendelian
disorders which is caused by alteration
or mutation in the single gene. Their
transmission to the offspring follows the
principle of inheritance. Thalassemia is an
autosomal linked recessive blood disorder
characterised by defect in α or β chain
of haemoglobin resulting in abnormal
haemoglobin molecule. Symptoms of
thalassemia are anaemia, jaundice, cardiac
enlargement and skeletal deformities.
Haemophilia is a sex-linked recessive (b) The genotype of the parents producing
disorder and the recessive gene present a haemophilic son should be a carrier
on X-chromosome. Symptoms include
mother (XhX) and normal father (XY) for
symptoms includes increased clotting time,
non stop bleeding, non-stop bleeding on a haemophilic gene. [1]
minor cut or injury. [1]
CHAPTER 5 : Principles of Inheritance and Variation 5.49
Carrier female
Normal male 28. (a) Thomas Hunt Morgan and his colleagues
worked on Drosophila, a fruit fly. The
scientific name is Drosophila melanogaster.
X Xh X Y
Fertilization Morgan did several experiments on
Normal Carrier Normal Haemophiliac Drosophila to study the sex-linked genes.
daughter daughter son son
In one such experiment, he crossed yellow-
Fig.: Haemophilic son of normal parents
bodied, white-eyed flies with brown-bodied,
27. Mendel’s law of independent assortment states
that allele pairs separate independently during red-eyed ones. The resultant F2 ratio he
the gamete formation. This means that traits are got was the deviation from the typical
transmitted to offspring independently of one
Mendelian dihybrid ratio of 9:3:3:1. From
another. Alleles do not mix or blend. A typical
dihybrid cross between tall plant with round the result Morgan suggested that this was
seeds (TTRR) and dwarf plant with wrinkled due to the phenomenon called linkage. He
seeds (ttrr). Tall plant with round seeds is found that the genes for both characters
dominant over dwarf plant with wrinkle seeds.
In F2 generation four types of phenotypes are were present on the X- chromosome. When
formed. Tall plant with round seeds, tall plants two genes are present close to each other on
with wrinkled seeds, dwarf plants with round the same chromosome, then they tend to get
seeds and dwarf plants with wrinkled seeds
inherited together. The chances of formation
in the ratio 9:3:3:1 respectively. Appearance
of tall plants with wrinkled seeds and dwarf of new recombination are very less. Morgan
plants with round seeds proves that allele pairs named this phenomenon ‘linkage’. Thus,
separate independently. [3]
Tall plant with Dwarf plant with it can be stated that higher the linkage
round seeds wrinkle seeds between two genes, lesser are the chances
Parent TTRR ttrr
of recombination [3]
(b) Alfred Sturtevant was the student of Morgan.
He studied The frequency of recombination
Gametes tr
between gene pairs on the same chromosome
and used it as a measurement of the distance
F1 Offspring TtRr
between genes and ‘mapped’ their position
All tall plants with round seeds on the chromosome. Today genetic maps are
extensively used as a starting point in the
Selfing [1]
sequencing of whole genomes. [2]
Female gametes
Male gametes 29. In human gene ‘I’ control ABO blood groups in
TR Tr tR tr
humans. Gene ‘I’ consists of three allele :i, IAIB,
TR Talk round Talk round Talk round Talk round in which IA and IB are dominant over i. At the
TTRr TTrr TtRr Ttrr same time, IA, IB are co-dominant means both
Talk round Talk wrinkled Talk round Talk wrinkled
expressed in the presence of each other. If the
TtRR TtRr ttRR ttRr
Talk round Talk round Dwarf round Dwarf round genotype of the person is IAIB, then the blood
TtRr Ttrr ttRr ttrr group of the off spring will be AB, If the genotype
tr Talk round Talk wrinkled Dwarf round Dwarf wrinkled
of the person is IAIA, then the blood group of the
[1] off spring will be A, If the genotype of the person
Phenotypes plants: is IB, IB then the blood group of the off spring will
Tall round : Tall wrinkle : Dwarf Round : Dwarf
wrinkle be B, If the genotype of the person is ii, then the
9 : 3 : 3 : 1 blood group of the off spring will be O. [5]
5.50 CHAPTER 5 : Principles of Inheritance and Variation
30. (a) 31. Single gene controls the size of starch grain and
YY X YY seed shape of Pisum sativum.
yellow green Parents BB X bb
Big Round Small Wrinkled
Gametes B b
Yy – F1 Bb x Bb (selfed)
yellow F1
Gametes B b B b
Y y
BB Bb Bb bb
BB Intermediate Small
Round size + round Wrinkled
Y yellow yellow Fig.: Monohybrid cross between Pisum sativum
starch grains [3]
F2 In this monohybrid cross, we can see trait of
seed size is not following Mendel law as Bb is
Yy yy coding for intermediate trait. As, the cross is not
y yellow green following Mendel’s law of dominance, where one
trait is completely dominant over the recessive
trait. [2]
Fig.: Monohybrid cross [3] 32. (a) In human gene ‘I’ control ABO blood groups
(b) Law of dominance and law of segregation in humans. Gene ‘I’ consist of three allele :i,
can be derived from such a cross. [1] IA, IB, in which IA, IB are dominant over i.[2]
(b) (i) As, IA is dominant over i, the blood of
(c) Phenotypic ratio of monohybrid cross is
this person would be A
3 : 1. Dihybrid cross the phenotypic ratio is (ii) As, ii is present, this individual will
9 : 3 : 3 : 1. [1] have O blood group. [3]
5 Marks Questions
F1 Generation X X XY XcY XX
Carrier Normal Colour Normal
6. A child suffering from Thalassemia is born to be Female Female blind Female [2]
a normal couple. But the mother is being blamed 5. The sex chromosomes in birds are denoted as Z
by the family for delivering a sick baby.
and W. In birds, males are homogametic having
(a) What is Thalassemia?
a pair of ZZ chromosomes besides autosomes
(b) How would you counsel the family not to
(AA). Whereas female birds are heterogametic.
blame the mother for delivering a child
One Z chromosome and one W chromosome
suffering from this disease? Explain.
(c) List the values your counselling can besides autosomes. Therefore, in case of birds,
propogate in the families. [DELHI 2013] the sex is determined by the egg and not by the
7. (a) Explain the mechanism of sex-determination sperm. [1]
Male Female
in humans. Parents AA+ZZ AA+ZW
(b) Differentiate between male heterogamety
and female heterogamety with the help of
Gametes A+Z A+Z A+Z A+W
an example of each. [ALL INDIA 2013]
8. Why is haemophilia generally observed in
human males? Explain the conditions under
which a human female can be haemophilic. Male Male Female [1]
(c) Values propagated are awareness, respect chromosome is same inboth males and
towards women and deeper understanding females. But two different types of gametes in
of Biology. [1] terms of the sex chromosomes, are produced
7. (a) Women have 22 pairs of autosomes and one by females, i.e., female heterogamety (ZW).
pair of sex chromosome. Human female have In these organisms the females have one
one pair of X chromosome. Human males Z and one W chromosome, whereas males
have 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of have a pair of Z-chromosomes besides the
sex chromosome. Human males have one X autosomes. [2]
chromosome and one Y chromosome. The 8. Haemophilia is a defect of the blood that prevent
sex of an individual is determined by the it from the clotting. The affected person bleed
type of chromosome present in the child. If excessively at the time of injury. Haemophilia
the child is carrying XX , then the child is is generally observed in human males because
female whereas if the child is carrying XY, it is a sex linked recessive disorder as it is
then the child is male. As, Y chromosome is caused due to the presence of recessive gene on
always given by male gamete. [3] X chromosome. Man has one X chromosome. The
(b) There are two types of sex determining gene responsible for causing haemophilia, being
mechanisms, i.e., XO type and XY type. In located on X chromosome, produces this defect
both mechanism, males produce two gametes, because there is no homologue of this gene on
(a) either with or without X-chromosome the Y chromosome to check its expression.
or (b) some gametes with X-chromosome Women have 2 X chromosome. Hence, for
and some with Y-chromosome. Such types human females to be haemophilic, it is required
of sex determination is called as male that both X chromosomes have a gene for
heterogamety. In other mechanism, of haemophilia. [5]
sex determination the total number of
5.54 CHAPTER 5 : Principles of Inheritance and Variation
Molecular Basis of
Chapter Analysis with respect to Last 3 Years’ Board Exams
On the basis of above analysis, it can he said that from exam point of view the concepts
DNA Fingerprinting, Genetic Code, Human Genome Project , Transcription, Recombinant
DNA Technology are most important concepts of the chapter.
6.56 CHAPTER 6 : Molecular Basis of Inheritance
N- glycosidic linkage links pentose sugar to a ni- Fig.: Double stranded polynucleotide chain
trogenous base to form a nucleoside. There are approximately 10 base pairs in each
Nucleosides in RNA-Adenosine, Gua- turn and the pitch of the helix is 3.4 nm. So, the
nosine, Cytidine and Uridine. distance between a base pair is approximately
Nucleosides in DNA-Deoxyadenosine, Deoxygua- 0.34 nm.
nosine, Deoxycytidine and Deoxythymidine.
The ratio of Adenine-Thymine & Guanine-
Nucleoside along with phosphate group, which
Cytosine is constant for a given species.
gets attached at 5’-OH, forms corresponding Nu-
cleotide. • Packaging of DNA Helix:
3’-5’ Phosphodiester bond links two nucleotides As DNA is negatively charged, so it is held in
and forms dinucleotide. Similarly other nucleo- region called ‘nucleoid’ with some proteins which
tides can be joined to form polynucleotide chain. are positively charged, in prokaryotes, like E. coli.
5' phosphate
| H H
In eukaryotes, the positively charged protein is
C | H 3' hydroxyl
| P C
| P
C |
C | basic in nature and is called as Histones. It is
H | P OH
H |
H H rich in amino acid residues, lysines and arginines.
A T They both carry positive charge in their side
Fig.: 5’ phosphate chains.
• Structure of DNA: Histone octamer is a complex formed when
DNA was identified in 1869 by Friedrich Meischer histones organize to form a unit of eight molecules.
who called it “Nuclein”. The structure formed when a negatively charged
On the basis of X-ray diffraction data given by DNA is wrapped around histone octamer is called
Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, the nucleosome.
CHAPTER 6 : Molecular Basis of Inheritance 6.57
3 Marks Questions
PREVIOUS YEARS’ 16. (a) D N A s e g m e n t h a s a t o t a l o f 1 0 0 0
nucleotides, out of which 240 of them
EXAMINATION QUESTIONS are adenine containing nucleotides. How
many pyrimidine bases this DNA segment
TOPIC 1 possesses?
(b) Draw a diagrammatic sketch of a portion of
1 Mark Questions DNA segment to support your answer.
1. Name the transcriptionally active region of
[DELHI 2015]
chromatin in a nucleus. [DELHI 2015]
17. Following the collision of two trains a large number
2. Retroviruses have no DNA. However, the DNA
of passengers are killed. A majority of them are
of the infected host cell does possess viral DNA.
beyond recognition. Authorities want to hand over
How is it possible? [ALL INDIA 2015]
the dead to their relatives. Name a modern scientific
3. Wr i t e t h e d u a l p u r p o s e s e r v e d b y
method and write the procedure that would help in
Deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates in
the identification of kinship. [DELHI 2015]
polymerisation? [DELHI 2018]
18. D e s c r i b e t h e e x p e r i m e n t , t h a t h e l p e d
4. Mention the role of the codons AUG and UGA
demonstrate the semi-conservative mode of
during protein synthesis. [DELHI 2011]
DNA replication. [DELHI 2016]
5. Name the enzyme and state its property that is
19. The base sequence in one of the strands of DNA
responsible for continuous and discontinuous
replication of the two strands of DNA
(i) Give the base sequence of its complementary
molecule. [DELHI 2013]
6. State the role of transposons in silencing of
(ii) How are the base pairs held together in a
mRNA in eukaryotic cells. [ALL INDIA 2013]
DNA molecule?
(iii) Explain the base complementarity rules.
2 Marks Questions Name the scientist who framed this rule.
7. How do histones acquire positive charge? [DELHI 2011]
[DELHI 2011] 20. (i) Name the enzyme that catalyses the
8. (a) Draw a neat labelled diagram of a nucleosome. transcription of hnRNA.
(b) Mention what enables histones to acquire a (ii) Why does the hnRNA need to undergo
positive charge. [DELHI 2012] changes? List the changes hnRNA undergoes
9. Draw a neat labelled sketch of a replicating fork and where in the cell such changes takes
of DNA. [ALL INDIA 2012] place. [ALL INDIA 2011]
10. (i) Name the scientist who suggested that the 21. Unambiguous, universal and degenerateare
genetic code should be made of a combination some of the terms used for the genetic code.
of the three nucleotides. Explain the salient features of each one of
(ii) Explain the basis on which he arrived at this them. [ALL INDIA 2011]
conclusion. [DELHI 2014] 22. List the salient features of double helix structure
11. Discuss the role the enzyme DNA ligase plays of DNA. [DELHI 2012]
during DNA replication. [DELHI 2016] 23. How are the structural genes activated in the
12. Following are the features of genetic codes. What lac operon in E. coli? [DELHI 2012]
does each one indicate? Stop codon; Unambiguous 24. Given below is the representation of amino acid
codon; Degenerate codon; Universal codon. composition of the relevant translated portion
[ALL INDIA 2016] of the beta chain of haemoglobin, related to the
13. Describe the structure of nucleosome. shape of human red blood cells.
[DELHI 2017] [ALL INDIA 2012]
14. Differentiate between the genetic codes given CTC
below: GAG
(a) Unambiguous and Universal
(b) Degenerate and Initiator
[ALL INDIA 2017]
15. Although a prokaryotic cell has no defined Val His Leu Thr Pro Glu Glu
nucleus, yet DNA is not scattered throughout
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
the cell. Explain. [DELHI 2018] HbA Peptide
CHAPTER 6 : Molecular Basis of Inheritance 6.61
(a) Is this representation indicating a normal 35. Describe Meselson and Stahl’s experiment
human or a sufferer from certain genetic that was carried in 1958 on E.Coli. Write
disease? Give reason in support of your the conclusion they arrived at after the
answer. experiment. [ALL INDIA 2016]
(b) What difference would be noticed in the 36. (a) Describe the process of transcription in
phenotype of the normal and the sufferer bacteria.
related to this gene? (b) Explain the processing the hnRNA needs to
(c) Who are likely to suffer more from the defect undergo before becoming functional mRNA
related to the gene represented - the males, in eukaryotes. [ALL INDIA 2016]
the females or both males and females 37. (a) Describe the structure and function of a
equally? And why? t-RNA molecule. Why is it referred to as an
25. Write the full form of VNTR. How is VNTR adapter molecule?
different from “probe”? [DELHI 2015] (b) Explain the process of splicing of hn-RNA in
a eukaryotic cell. [ALL INDIA 2017]
38. Write the different components of a lac-operon in
5 Marks Questions E. coli. Explain its expression while in an ‘open’
26. Describe Frederick Griffith’s experiment
state. [ALL INDIA 2017]
on Streptococcus pneumoniae. Discuss the
conclusion he arrived at. [DELHI 2012]
27. (a) Write the conclusion drawn by Griffith at Solutions
the end of his experiment with Streptococcus 1. The region of a chromatin which is active for
pneumoniae. transcription is euchromatin. [1]
(b) How did O. Avery, C. MacLeod and M. 2. Retroviruses have RNA as genetic material.
McCarty prove that DNA was the genetic Virus attacks the macrophage cells of the
material? Explain [ALL INDIA 2013] host body where the RNA of the virus reverse
28. (a) Explain the process of DNA replication with transcribes to form viral DNA with the help of
the help of schematic diagram. the reverse transcriptase enzyme. [1]
(b) In which phase of the cell cycle DNA 3. Deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates serve dual
replication occur in Eukaryotes. What would purposes. they act as substrate. They provide
not happen if cell division is not followed energy for polymerisation reaction. [1]
after DNA replication? [DELHI 2014] 4. AUG code for methionine that is the starting
29. (a) Describe the various steps of Griffith’s codon for protein synthesis from RNA whereas
experiment that led to the conclusion of the UGA is the termination codon for protein
‘Transforming Principle’. synthesis. [1]
(b) How did the chemical nature of the 5. The enzyme is DNA polymerase which is DNA
‘Transforming Principle’ get established? dependent. The property unique is that it
[DELHI 2014] catalyses the polymerisation in one direction
30. Describe how the lac operon operates, both in the which is 5’-→ 3’. Hence, this leads to the
presence and absence of an inducer in E.coli. replication of DNA in leading strand as continuous
[DELHI 2014] and lagging strand is discontinuous. [1]
31. How did Hershey and Chase established that 6. Transposon have the ability to jump from one
DNA is transferred from virus to bacteria? location to another in a genome that helps in
[DELHI 2015] gene silencing. [1]
32. How do m-RNA, t-RNA and ribosomes help in 7. As, histones mainly consist of positively charged
the process of translation? [ALL INDIA 2015] amino acids like lysine, arginine, hence in this
33. (a) How are the following formed and involved way histones acquire positive charge. [2]
in DNA packaging in a nucleus of a cell? 8. (a)
(i) Histone octomer DNA H1 histone
(ii) Nucleosome
(iii) Chromatin
Histone octamer
(b) Differentiate between Euchromatin and
Heterochromatin. [DELHI 2016]
34. Explain the role of lactose as an inducer in a lac Core of histone
operon. [DELHI 2016] molecules [1]
Fig.: Labelled diagram of a nucleosome
6.62 CHAPTER 6 : Molecular Basis of Inheritance
(b) As, histones mainly consist of positively 14. (a) Unambiguous and Universal
charged amino acids like lysine, arginine, Unambiguous: The code is specific. It means
hence in this way histones acquire positive one codon codes for only one amino acid.
charge. [1] Universal: The code which codes a particular
9. [2] amino acid is same in all organisms. [1]
n s 5'
SSB proteins ei 3' (b) Degenerate and Initiator:
Bp Degenerate: when an amino acid is coded
SS Lagging stand
DNA Topos
pressure II by more than one codon, it is said to be
Replication fork
3' 5' movement degenerate.
5' 3' Initiator: AUG is an initiator codon which
DNA helicase Leading strand codes for the amino acid methionine. This
DNA polymerase II
5' initiates the translation process. [1]
3' 15. In prokaryotes, such as, E. coli, though they
Fig.: Neat labelled sketch of a do not have a defined nucleus, the DNA is not
replicating fork of DNA scattered throughout the cell. The nucleus is
10. (i) George Gamow is the name of the scientist called incipient nucleus in which DNA (being
who suggested that the genetic code should negatively charged) is held with some proteins
be made of a combination of the three (that have positive charges) in a region termed
nucleotides. [1] as ‘nucleoid’. The DNA in nucleoid is organised
(ii) According to him, if the codons consist of in large loops held by proteins. [2]
three amino acids, then only they would be 16. (a) According to Chargaff rule, Amount of
able to code for 20 amino acids. [1] Adenine (A) = Amount of Thymine (T) and
11. Role of DNA ligase during DNA replication:
Amount of Cytosine (C) =Amount of Guanine
(i) The enzyme DNA ligase joins or seals
discontinuous DNA fragments. [1]
Given is 240 of nucleotides are adenine, it
(ii) DNA ligase adds on nucleotide in the usual
5’ to 3’ direction along the DNA strand. [1] means therefore, same amount of thymine.
12. Stop codon: the codon which does not code for Total 1000 nucleotides are present
any amino acid, examples are UAA, UAG and So 1000 – (A + T) = amount of C + G
UGA. These codons terminate the synthesis 1000 – (240 + 240) = C + G
of polypeptide chain. Unambiguous codon: C + G = 620. It means C = 310 and G = 310
one codon codes for only one amino acid. Therefore, amount of pyrimidine in DNA =
Degenerative codon: some amino acids are coded T + C, 240 + 310 = 550 [1½]
by more than one codon. [1] (b) Diagrammatic sketch of a portion of DNA
Universal codon – the same genetic code codes segment:
for same amino acid across all living organisms
whether it is humans or bacteria. [1] Nucleotide
13. The negatively charged DNA is wrapped 3' 5'
around positively charged histone octomer to C G
form a structure called nucleosome. A typical Backbone
nucleosome consist of 200 bp of DNA helix. It
consist four type of proteins which occurs in
pairs: H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 [1]
DNA H1 histone G C
octamer 5'
Fig.: DNA double helix Fig.: Antiparallel DNA
22. The salient features of double helix structure of with harmless R bacteria pooled with harmless
DNA are: heat-killed S bacteria. [2½]
(a) Double helix structure of DNA consist of Conclusion: Heat-killed S bacteria is not able to
two polynucleotide chain whose backbone develop pneumonia in mice whereas harmless
consists of sugar and phosphate. [½] R bacteria pooled with harmless heat-killed
(b) The one polynucleotide chain runs in 5’ to 3’ S bacteria when injected together led to the
direction and other in 3’ to 5’. This property development of pneumonia in mice. Harmless
is known as antiparallel. [1] R-strain bacteria pooled with harmless heat-
(c) The two strands of DNA are joined by killed S bacteria when injected together must
hydrogen bonds. Chargaff framed the rule have taken up something and Griffith called it a
of complementarity C always comes with “transforming principle” that permitted bacteria
C and form a tripple bond. A always comes to transform into smooth-coated bacteria and
with T and form a double bond. [1] become virulent. Hence, the bacteria is able to
(d) The two polynucleotide chain are coiled in pass its genetic material to another bacteria by
a right handed manner. Distance between a process known as transformation. [2½]
two base pair is 3.4A0. [½] 27. (a) Harmless R-strain bacteria pooled with
23. Lac operon in E. coli consist of three structural harmless heat-killed S bacteria when injected
genes: z, y, a. Lactose act as inducer, binds with together must have taken up something and
repressor gene and hence operator site become Griffith called it a “transforming principle”
free to bind with RNA polymerase and start that permitted bacteria to transform into
the activation and transcription of structural smooth-coated bacteria and become virulent.
genes. [3] Hence, the bacteria is able to pass its genetic
24. (a) This representation indicating a normal material to another bacteria by a process
human, as glutamic Acid in the sixth known as transformation. Hence, the
position is not substituted by Valine. [1] name of the experiment is “transformation
(b) The sufferer’s RBCs get elongated and sickle experiment”. [2½]
shaped as compared to the normal biconcave (b) Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn
RBCs [1] McCarty in the year 1944, from America,
(c) Both males and females are likely to suffer tried to find out the molecular nature of
from the disease equally, as the diseases is Griffith’s “transforming material”. They
not a sex linked trait. [1] started their experiment with large cultures
25. VNTR is “variable number of tandem repeats”. of heat-killed S cells. Further, through a
VNTR is a small stretch of DNA that consist series of biochemical events, they are able
of repeated nucleotide bases. The length of to find the nature of Griffith’s “transforming
repeated sequences vary among chromosome material”. They concluded that DNA might
and individual. Probe is a small stretch of DNA be the “transforming material”. [2½]
used to find any gene in genome. VNTR is used 28. (a) DNA replication is the process through
in forensic science to find out the criminals and which DNA replicates and make a copy
to confirm parent of their child. [3] of it. The main enzyme involved in DNA
26. Fredrick Griffith conducted the experiment in replication is DNA polymerase. Energy
1928 on Streptococcus pneumonia. He observed, required for DNA is provided by dNTPs.
that two strains of bacteria: smooth type(S-type) DNA replication involve three process:
and other is rough (R-type). R bacteria were initiation, elongation and termination. The
non-virulent (not capable of causing disease), initiation of replication occurs at specific
whereas S bacteria are virulent (capable of region called origin of replication. DNA
causing disease). The R type bacteria had rough polymerase help in the DNA synthesis.
appearance and S type had smooth appearance During the initiation of replication, the
due to a polysaccharide, or sugar-based, coat parent strands of DNA open , forming a Y
produced by the bacteria. The R bacteria shaped structure called as replication fork.
were non-virulent, meaning that they did not The enzyme is DNA polymerase which is
cause sickness when injected into a mouse. DNA dependent. The property unique is
Mice injected with live S bacteria developed that it catalyses the polymerisation in one
pneumonia and died. Griffith further injected direction which is 5’-→3’. Hence, this lead
some mice with heat-killed S bacteria and some to the DNA replication in leading strand
CHAPTER 6 : Molecular Basis of Inheritance 6.65
as continuous and lagging strand as dis (b) Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn
-continuous. The discontinuous strands are McCarty in the year 1944, from America,
joined by an enzyme called DNA ligase. [2] tried to find out the molecular nature
5' of Griffith’s “transforming material”.
ins 3'
SSB proteins r ote
Bp They concluded that DNA might be the
SS Lagging stand
DNA Topo- “transforming material”. Alfred Hershey
isomerase II Replication fork
3' 5' movement and Martha Chase in the year 1952,
5' 3' finally confirmed that DNA is the genetic
DNA helicase Leading strand material. [2]
DNA polymerase II
30. Lac operon in E. coliconsists of four parts:
3' structural gene, promoter gene, operator
Fig.: DNA replication [½] gene and regulator gene. These genes become
(b) In S phase of the cell cycle, DNA replication functional and are turned on and off as per the
occurs in Eukaryotes. If cell division is not requirement. The lac operon consist of three
followed by DNA replication, then replicated structural genes z, y, a that code for enzyme
chromosome will not get distributed in beta galactosidase, permease and transacetylase
daughter nuclei. This will result in the respectively. These genes are expressed in
accumulation of replicated chromosome or the presence of lactose. The promoter is the
DNA that eventually increase the nucleus site at which RNA polymerase binds to start
cell volume and cause expansion. [2½] the transcription of the structural gene. The
29. (a) Fredrick Griffith conducted the experiment operator is the site at which protein repressor
in 1928 on Streptococcus pneumonia. He binds. In the absence of regulator protein, RNA
observed, two strains of bacteria: smooth polymerase is prevented from attaching through
type(S-type) and other is rough (R-type). The promoter. The repressor binds to the operator in
R bacteria were non-virulent (not capable the absence of lactose. When a lactose is added,
of causing disease), whereas S bacteria it binds to the repressor to form a complex
were virulent (capable of causing disease). which is unable to bind the operator. The RNA
R type bacteria appearance is rough and polymerase binds to the promoter and hence,
smooth appearance of S strain was due operator is switched on. This initiates the
to a polysaccharide, or sugar-based coat transcription of three structural gene that result
produced by the bacteria. The R bacteria in the formation of polynucleotide chain. These
were non-virulent, meaning that they did three enzymes metabolise lactose into glucose
not cause sickness when injected into a and galactose. [5]
mouse whereas Mice injected with live S 31. Alfred Hershey & Martha Chase in 1952
bacteria developed pneumonia and died. conducted transduction experiments to prove
Griffith further injected some mice with that DNA is the genetic material.
heat-killed S bacteria and some with Non- They conducted experiments on bacteriophage
virulant R bacteria pooled them with Non- and allowed it to infect two separate bacterial
virulant heat-killed S bacteria. colonies. One bacterial colony has radioactive
Heat-killed S bacteria was not able to phosphorus P32 and the other bacterial colony
develop pneumonia in mice whereas Non- with radioactive sulphur S35. When bacteriophage
virulant R bacteria pooled with Non-virulant infected these two colonies, radioactive sulphur
heat-killed S bacteria when injected together (S35) got incorporated in the capsid proteins of
led to the development of pneumonia bacteriophage, While radioactive phosphorus
in mice. Non-virulant R-strain bacteria (P32) became a component of phage DNA. The
pooled with Non-virulant heat-killed S two types of bacteriophage were then introduced
bacteria when injected together must have to infect two different bacterial colonies of E.coli.
taken up something and Griffith called it The two bacterial cultures were centrifuged
a “transforming principle” that permitted separately. The phage capsid gets separated
mice to transform into smooth-coated from the bacteria. The bacterial cells were
bacteria and become virulent. Hence, the present at the bottom of centrifuge tube as
bacteria is able to pass its genetic material pellets. Hershey and Chase observed that
to another bacteria by a process known as in the experiment using S35 the supernatant
transformation. [3] capsid showed radioactivity but the bacterial
6.66 CHAPTER 6 : Molecular Basis of Inheritance
cells does not show radioactivity whereas in the m-RNA. The smaller subunit has a point
experiment using P32, the supernatant does not for recognising m-RNA and binding area for
show radioactivity. Thus, it was concluded that initiation factors. [2]
the DNA, which is able to enter the bacteria, is Gly Leu Tyr
tRNA Ser U
A Ala Val
5' Ribosome
Fig.: Translation [1]
33. (a) (i) They are organised to form histone
octomer. [1]
(ii) Negatively charged DNA is wrapped
around positively charged histone
octamer to give rise to a nucleosome.
(iii) Nucleosomes constitute repeating unit
of a structure in the nucleus called
chromatin. It is thread-like stained
(coloured) bodies. 1]
Fig.: Alfred-Martha experiment [1½] DNA H1 histone
32. Role of m-RNA, t-RNA and ribosomes in protein
I. mRNA: The messenger RNA or mRNA
synthesised on the DNA template in the Histone
nucleoplasm. It carries genetic information octamer
from DNA and moves into the cytoplasm
and takes part in its translation by bringing
amino acids in a specific sequence during the
synthesis of a polypeptide chain. The same Core of histone molecules
mRNA can be reused many times. [1] Fig.: Nucleosome [1]
II. t-RNA: The transfer RNA or tRNA has (b) Difference between Euchromatin and
particular function during protein synthesis. Heterochromatin: [1]
As its name suggests, it transfers a specific
amino acid to mRNA over a particular codon Euchromatin Heterochromatin
corresponding to their anticodons. Each A region of A region of densely
t-RNA has an area for coming in contact loosely packed, packed, dark
with ribosome and the enzyme amino acyl light stained stained chromatin.
tRNA synthetase. [1] chromatin.
III. Ribosomes: Ribosomes are cell organelles Transcriptionally Transcriptionally
present abundantly in the cell cytoplasm. active chromatin inactive chromatin
It is the site of protein synthesis. Each 34. Lactose is the substrate for the enzyme beta
ribosome has two subunits— smaller and galactosidase and it regulates switching ON and
larger subunits. The larger subunit has a
OFF of the operon. In the presence of an inducer
groove. Through groove the newly formed
polypeptide comes out. The groove also such as lactose, the repressor is inactivated
protects the polypeptide from cellular by interaction with the inducer. This allows
enzymes. The smaller subunit fits like a cap RNA polymerase access to the promoter and
over the larger one and leaves a tunnel for transcription proceeds. [3]
CHAPTER 6 : Molecular Basis of Inheritance 6.67
In presence of inducer (lactose) (iii) This heavy 15N DNA was separated from
p i p o z y a the normal DNA by density gradient
centrifugation using caesium chloride as the
gradient. [½]
(iv) The cells were then transferred into a
Repressor mRNA lac mRNA
medium of 14NH4Cl with 14N as the
nitrogen source. [½]
permease (v) Samples were taken from this medium of
NH4Cl and the DNA was extracted. [½]
Inducer β-galactosidase
DNA extracted from the culture after one
(Inactive repressor) generation (20 minutes is the generation time
Fig.: Lac-Operon [2] of E. coli) showed intermediate hybrid density.
35. The steps of the Meselson and Stahl’s experiment: The DNA extracted after two generations (40
(i) They grew E. coli for many generations in minutes) showed light DNA and hybrid DNA.
15NH4Cl to get the heavy isotope 15N as
the nitrogen source. [½] It can be concluded that the newly synthesised
(ii) They incorporated 15N into the DNA. [½] DNA contains one strand of its parent and one is
new. Thus, replication was semi-conservative.
36. (a) Transcription has three steps—initiation,
elongation and termination.
Initiation: RNA polymerase binds with sigma
factor (σ) and attaches to the promoter site at
5’ end to initiate the process of transcription.
Elongation: When RNA polymerase moves from
promoter to the terminator site it causes the
polymerisation of nucleotides resulting in the
formation of RNA in the 5’-3’ direction.
Termination: When RNA polymerase reaches
to the terminator site it binds to ρ factor and
the transcribed RNA falls off along with RNA
polymerase. [1]
(b) The hnRNA before becoming functional The main function of tRNA is to pick up an
mRNA in eukaryotes, it undergoes splicing. amino acid from the cytoplasm of the cell and
During splicing introns are removed and bring it to the mRNA template at a specific
exons are joined in a specific order. The position for polymerisation. tRNA is called
hnRNA undergoes additional processing in an adapter molecule because it attaches
two ways: itself to the ribosome-mRNA complex which
Capping: addition of methyl guanosine facilitates the incorporation of the correct
triphosphate to the 5’ end of hnRNA. amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain
Tailing: Poly adenylate residues are added to the by its specific anticodon to the mRNA codon.
3´ end of hnRNA. The fully processed hnRNA is Anticolon site
the functional mRNA which is transported out 3' End A
Covalent bond
of the nucleus. [1½] C
5' End
5' 5'
3' 3'
Recognition recognition
Capping 3' m RNA site side
Cap Intron
5' Exon RNA splicing Amino acid
Poly A tail
Fig.: Structure of t-RNA [1]
GPPP (b) A non-functional primary transcript formed
3' in eukaryotes. It consists of both the coding
5' GPPP region (exon) and non-coding region (intron)
Messenger RNA (m RNA) in RNA and are called heterogeneous RNA
Fig.: Splicing of hnRNA [1] or hn-RNA. hn-RNA undergoes a process by
37. (a) The structure of tRNA is a cloverleaf-like. It which the introns are removed and exons are
consists of five arms or loops. The five loops joined to form functional m-RNA through the
are anticodon loop, Amino acid acceptor, process called splicing. [2½]
T-loop, D-loop and Variable loop. [1½]
38. Lac operon consists of one regulatory gene (i), a promoter (p), an operator (o), and three structural genes
z, y and a. The operon can be switched on or switched off. Lactose acts as inducer thus absence of lactose
switches off the operon. Regulator gene (i) produces repressor protein. Repressor protein binds to the
operator gene (o) region of the operon which prevents RNA polymerase from transcribing the structural
gene and operon is switched off. Gene regulation is the process of controlling which genes in a cell’s DNA
will make a functional product such as a protein. Thus making of functional protein is called expression
of gene. [3]
p i p o z y a In absence of inducer
(Inactive repressor)
Fig.: Expression of gene & Lac operon [2]
CHAPTER 6 : Molecular Basis of Inheritance 6.69
DNA Fingerprinting
DNA fingerprinting is a way to identify the similarities and differences in specific region of DNA sequence
known as repetitive DNA, as in these sequences, a small stretch of DNA is repeated many times.
• Basis of DNA fingerprinting:
Polymorphism in DNA sequence is the basis of genetic mapping of human genome as well as of DNA
fingerprinting. Polymorphism (variation at genetic level) arises due to mutations.
• Steps of DNA fingerprinting:
Firstly, isolate the DNA.
Then, DNA is digested by restriction endonuclease.
Then, DNA fragments are separated by electrophoresis.
After this, separated DNA fragments are transferred to synthetic membranes, such as nitrocellulose or
nylon, also referred as blotting.
Then DNA fragments are hybridized using labelled VNTR probe.
Finally, hybridized NA fragments are detected by auto radiography.
chromosome Chromosome 7 Chromosome 7
Chromosome 2 Chromosome 2
Chromosome 16 Chromosome 16
Number of short
Number of short tandom repeats
tandem repeats
0 11 12
Chromosome 7 8
Chromosome 2 5
Chromosome 16 1
DNA from crime scene (C) Amplified repeats, a separated by size
on a gel, give a DNA fingerprint
Fig.: Schematic representation of DNA Fingerprinting
3. (a) List the two methodologies which were assigning different regions in the
involved in human genome project. Mention sequence with functions. [1]
how they were used. (b) ‘YAC’ stands for Yeast Artificial Chromosome:
(b) Expand ‘YAC’ and mention what it was used It is used as a cloning vector for cloning
for. [ALL INDIA 2017] DNA fragments in suitable host so that DNA
4. (a) Expand VNTR and describe its role in DNA sequencing can be done. [1]
fingerprinting. 4. (a) VNTR stands for Variable Number of
(b) List any two applications of DNA finger Tandem Repeats. The VNTR is a satellite
printing technique. [DELHI 2018] DNA called mini-satellite. A small DNA
5. It is established that RNA is the first genetic sequence is arranged tandemly in many copy
material. Explain giving three reasons. numbers. The copy number in an individual
[DELHI 2012] is different. The numbers of repeat show very
6. (a) Name the enzyme responsible for the high degree of polymorphism. The size of
transcription of tRNA and the amino acid, VNTR range from 0.1 to 20 kb. Consequently,
the initiator tRNA gets linked with. after hybridisation with VNTR probe, the
(b) Explain the role of initiator tRNA in autoradiogram gives many bands of differing
initiation of protein synthesis. sizes. These bands give a characteristic
[ALL INDIA 2012] pattern for an individual DNA. Except
7. Describe the structure of a RNA polynucleotide identical twins, the band of characteristic
chain having four different types of patterns are different in different individuals.
nucleotides. [DELHI 2013] The sensitivity of the technique has been
increased by use of polymerase chain reaction
Solutions (PCR). Consequently, DNA from a single cell
is enough to perform DNA fingerprinting
1. Satellite DNA are small non-coding sequences
analysis. [1+1]
of bases. It is inheritable and may be separated
(b) In addition to application in forensic science,
from main DNA during density gradient
it has much wider application in determining
centrifugation. Satellite DNA shows variable
population and in genetic diversities. [1]
morphology which forms the basis of DNA
5. Three reasons to prove that RNA is the first
fingerprinting. The short nucleotide repeats in
genetic material are:
the DNA varies in number from person to person
1. RNA is capable of storing genetic information
and nucleotide repeats are specific in each
and self-replication [1]
individual. These are called ‘variable number
2. RNA is capable of catalysing chemical
tandem repeats’ or mini-satellites. Individuals
reaction. [1]
inherit these repeats from their parents which
3. It can directly code for the synthesis of
are used as genetic markers in a personal
proteins. [1]
identity test [3]
6. (a) RNA polymerase III is responsible for the
2. (a) In Human Genome Project (HGP), ‘YAC’ Y
transcription of tRNA and methionene is the
stands for Yeast and in ‘BAC’ B stands for
amino acid, the initiator tRNA gets linked
bacteria. These are used as vector for cloning
with. [1½]
foreign DNA. [1]
(b) Initiator tRNA reaches the small sub
(b) The percentage of total human genome
unit of ribosome having anticodon UAC
that codes for proteins is less than 2%.
that recognize the codon AUG on mRNA.
The percentage of discovered genes whose
The bases make the complementary base
functions are known is more than 50% [1]
pairings. This starts the protein synthesis
(c) ‘SNPs’ stands for Single Nucleotide
initiation. [1½]
Polymorphism in HGP. [1]
7. RNA consist of single chain of nucleotides and
3. (a) Two methodologies of HGP:
is a polymer of ribonucleotides. The four bases
(1) Expressed Sequence Tags (EST’s): This
present in the RNA are : adenine (A), cytosine
method focusses on identifying all the
(C), guanine (G), uracil (U). Ribonucleotides
genes that are expressed as RNA. [1]
are link by 3’-5’ phosphodiester bonds to
(2) Sequence Annotation: It is an approach
form polyribonucleotide chain. Normally,
of simply sequencing the whole set of
polyribonucleotide chain consist 0f 700-1200
genome that contains all the coding
ribonucleotides. [3]
and non-coding sequences, and later
CHAPTER 6 : Molecular Basis of Inheritance 6.73
6.74 CHAPTER 6 : Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Chapter Analysis with respect to Last 3 Years’ Board Exams
On the basis of above analysis, it can be said that from exam point of view the concepts
Hardy-Weinberg’s Principle, Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection and on Analogous and
homologous structures are most important concepts of the chapter.
7.76 CHAPTER 7 : Evolution
20. (a) Differentiate between analogous and 7. Two postulates of Oparin and Haldane with
homologous structures. reference to origin of life are given below:
(b) Select and write analogous structures from (a) First life originated from pre-existing, non-
the list given below: living organic molecules (RNA, protein).[½]
(i) Wings of butterfly and birds (b) Formation of life was preceded by chemical
(ii) Vertebrate hearts evolution. [½]
(iii) Tendrils of bougainvillea and cucurbita 8. Oparin-Haldane theory of origin of life
(iv) Tubers of sweet potato and potato (1) First life originated was anaerobic, as at that
[DELHI 2018] point, free O2 was absent [1]
(2) The primitive atmosphere was reducing as
5 Marks Questions oxygen was absent. [1]
21. (a) Explain Darwinian Theory of evolution with
9. (a) Homologous structures are those which are
the help of one suitable example. State the
similar in origin but dissimilar in function.
two key concepts of the theory.
Examples of homologous structures are (i)
(b) Mention any three characteristics of
Forelimbs of whales and bats, (iv) Thorns of
Neanderthal man that lived in near east
Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita.[1]
and central Asia. [DELHI 2014]
(b) The homologous structures represent
divergent evolution. [1]
Solutions 10. (a) Shrews: The first small sized viviparous
1. The wing of a cockroach and the wing of a bird mammals evolved on the earth. [½]
are the examples of analogous organs which (b) Lobefins: These were amphibians considered
means they have different structure but their to be extinct 65 million years ago. Lobefins
function is same. Hence, we can say that they evolved into the first amphibian which lived
have originated from different ancestor as a part in water and on land. They are considered
of convergent evolution. Wings of both bird and ancestors of modern frog. [½]
cockroach are used for flying. [1] (c) Homo habilis. It was evolved from
2. The wing of a butterfly and the wing of a bird Australopithecus. Its brain capacity was
are the examples of analogous organs means 650-800cc and were likely non- meat eaters.
they have different structure but their function The teeth and bipedal locomotion are the
is same. Hence, we can say that they have features. [½]
originate from a different ancestor as a part of (d) Homo erectus. It evolved from Homo habilis
convergent evolution. Wings of both are used for primitive type of speech have developed. It
flying. [1] started using fire. It had larger brain size i.e
3. The examples of convergent evolution are 900cc. They were probably meat eaters. [½]
Flippers of penguins and dolphins and Eyes of 11. Natural selection is a process by which the
octopus and mammals as both pairs of structure organism having better traits to survive
perform the similar function but evolved are selected by nature as compared to those
independently in various animals. [1] organism which are less adapted. Example,
4. During industrial revolution, large amount different microbes react differently to the
of smoke resulted in large scale soot which antibiotics. [2]
deposited on tree trunks. Deposition of soot Branching descent is the formation of new
causes the tree trunks to become darker turning species from a single common descendant.
them black. Hence, the number of dark moths Example is Darwin finches. [1]
increased as they were not easily visible to their 12. The effects of Industrial melanism in the
predators while the white-winged were easily support the Darwin’s theory. In 1850s before
picked up by the predators. Thus, light coloured industrialisation, the population of white winged
moth fail to survive and dark ones were selected moth on trees were larger than dark winged.
by natural selection. [1] But after industrialisation, in 1920 population
5. According to de-Vries, ‘mutation caused of darker winged moth increased and white
speciation’. He called this as saltation. It means winged moth decreased. It was due to the fact
saltation is single step, large mutation. [1] that predators were able to identify moth against
6. An individual organism may produce new a contrasting background. Hence, moths those
species due to variations by random mating or which are able to camouflage with the plants,
artificial selection. [1] and surroundings were able to survive. [3]
CHAPTER 7 : Evolution 7.79
13. Theory of Biogenesis state that life have 17. Adaptive radiation is a process of evolution of
originated from pre-existing life. It was given different species in a given geographical area
by Louis Pasteur. Diverse organic compounds starting from a point and radiating to other
were formed from in-organic compounds. [1]
geographical areas. One of the example of
In 1953, Miller and Urey conducted an
adaptive radiation is Australian marsupials.
experiment to prove theory of Biogenesis. They
created primitive earth conditions like high In Australian island, a number of marsupials
temperature, reducing atmosphere, gases like have evolved from an ancestral stock. When
methane, ammonia and then stimulated electric more than one adaptive radiation appeared to
discharge in closed flask having the gases that have occurred in an isolated geographical area
were present in the primitive atmosphere. (representing different habitats). This is called
They observed the formation of amino acids. convergent evolution. [1+1]
Hence, Miller and Urey support the theory of
Biogenesis. [2]
14. Two suitable examples explain the effect of
anthropogenic actions on organic evolution are:
(a) In 1850s before industrialisation population
of white winged moth on trees were larger
than dark winged. But after industrialisation
in 1920 population of darker winged moth
increased and white winged moth decreased.
It was due to the fact that predators were
able to identify moth against a contrasting
background. Hence, moths which were
able to camouflage with the plants, and
surroundings were able to survive. [2]
(b) Use of herbicides and insecticides in
agriculture, increased the selection of the
plants which are resistant to herbicides and Fig.: Adaptive Radiation [1]
insecticides. [1] 18. Louis Pasteur did an experimentation very
15. In 1850s before industrialisation population of carefully to demonstrate that life comes only
white winged moth on trees were larger than from pre-existing life. He took two pre-sterilised
dark winged. But after industrialisation in 1920 flasks with killed yeast. One flask was sealed
population of darker winged moth increased and
while the other was kept open in air. Differential
white winged moth decreased. It was due to the
growth of life was observed in the flasks-life
fact that predators were able to identify moths
against a contrasting background. Hence, moths was found only in the open flask’. It proved
which were able to camouflage with the plants, that life comes from pre-existing life (theory of
and surroundings were able to survive. [3] biogenesis). [3]
16. (i) ‘Sixth Extinction’, presently in progress, 19.
different from the previous episodes in the
Homology Analogy
(a) rates of extinction is very fast as compare
to previous one (b) Sixth Extinction is It is the study of It is the study of
occurring because of human activities, not organs which are organs which are
involving any natural calamity. [1] similar in origin dissimilar in origin
(ii) Various human activities like deforestation, and dissimilar in and similar in
function. function.
global warming are responsible for the ‘Sixth
Extinction’ [1] Example are Example are wings
(iii) Conservation of plants and animals, wings of birds and of birds and wings of
conservation of natural resources and forelimbs of humans. insects.
preventing habitat loss, decreased the rate It supports It supports
of deforestation are four points that can help divergent evolution. convergent evolution.
to overcome this disaster. [1] [1+1+1]
7.80 CHAPTER 7 : Evolution
individuals in one
Darwinian Theory of natural selection, given by are direction
Charles Robert Darwin said that only the fittest
species can survive the changing environmental and (b)
Mutations are random and directionless while Fig.: Hardy weinberg principle
Darwinian variations are small and directional. Hardy-Weinberg principle
Evolution for Darwin was gradual while deVries
The principle states that within a population, allele
believed mutation caused speciation and hence called frequencies are stable and persistent from generation
it saltation (single step large mutation). to generation.
CHAPTER 7 : Evolution 7.81
In a population, total genes along with their alleles 6. Write the characteristics of Ramapithecus,
always remain a constant and this is referred to as Dryopithecus and Neanderthal man.
genetic equilibrium. The total sum of every allelic [ALL INDIA 2017]
frequency is 1. 7. What does the following equation represent?
Explain. [ALL INDIA 2015]
Origin and Evolution of Man P2 + 2pq + q2 =1
• Primates called Dryopithecus (ape-like) and
Ramapithecus (man-like) existed around
15 million years ago. They use to walk like 5 Marks Questions
chimpanzees and gorillas and were also hairy. 8. (a) Name the primates that lived about 15
• According to few fossils found in Ethiopia and million years ago. List their characteristics
Tanzania, around three to four million years ago, feature.
man-like primates existed in eastern parts of Africa. (b) (i) Where was the first-man like animal
• Around two million years ago, the first human- found?
like creatures were traced back and were called (ii) Write the order in which Neanderthals,
Homo habilis. They assumingly did not eat meat. Homo habilis and Homo erectus
• Homo erectus, who is supposed to have a large appeared on earth. State the brain
brain, probably ate meat. capacity of each one of them.
• Then came the age of Homo sapiens found first (iii) When did modern Homo sapiens appear
in Africa and they moved across continents and on this planet? [DELHI 2011]
evolved into distinct races.
• Around 18,000 years ago, pre-historic cave art
developed. Agriculture came into existence
about 10,000 years back. After that the human 1. Dryopithecus was the common ancestor of the
settlement started. great apes and man. [1]
2. Eating habits of Homo habilis and Homo erectus
were different. Homo habilis did not eat meat
PREVIOUS YEARS’ while Homo erectus werelikely to be meat
eating. [1]
EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 3. (a) Dryopithecus [½]
(b) Australopithecines [½]
TOPIC 2 4. In a given population, the frequency of
1 Mark Questions occurrence of alleles of a gene can be found out.
1. Name the common ancestor of the great apes According to Hardy-Weinberg’s principle the
and man. [ALL INDIA 2011] allele frequencies in a population are stable and
2. Write the probable differences in eating habits is constant over generations. The total genes and
of Homo habilis and Homo erectus. their alleles in a population remains a constant.
[ALL INDIA 2016] Then this is called genetic equilibrium. Sum
3. Write the names of the following: total of all the allelic frequencies is 1. [1]
(a) A 15 mya primate that was ape-like It means p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.
(b) A 2 mya primate that lived in east African This is a binomial expansion of (p+q)2. When
grasslands [DELHI 2018] frequency of each trait is measured, if it differs
from expected values, then the difference
(direction) indicates the extent of evolutionary
2 Marks Questions change. Disturbance in genetic equilibrium, or
4. With the help of an algebraic equation, how Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, i.e., change of
did hardy-Weinberg explain that in a given frequency of alleles in a population would then
population the frequency of occurrence of alleles be interpreted as resulting in evolution. [1]
of a gene is supposed to remain the same through 5. Hardy-Weinberg principle states that allele
generations? [DELHI 2018]
frequency in a population is stable and remain
3 Marks Questions constant from generation to generation. The
5. p2+ 2pq + q2 = 1. Explain this algebraic equation gene pool remains constant and known as
on the basis of Hardy Weinberg’s principle. genetic equilibrium.
[DELHI 2017] p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
7.82 CHAPTER 7 : Evolution
On the basis of above analysis, it can be said that from exam point of view the concepts
Immune Responses, blood Transfusion, Social Issue, Human Diseases, Symptoms and Pre-
ventive measures , Immunity and Drugs are most important concepts of the chapter.
8.86 CHAPTER 8 : Human Health and Diseases
Common Diseases
in Humans
Infectious diseases can
be divided into five types:
Bacterial, Viral, Protozoan,
Fungal and Helminthic.
CHAPTER 8 : Human Health and Diseases 8.87
In some cases, antibodies are prepared and just Its infection can be spread by various ways like
provided to the body to protect against foreign infected blood, sexual intercourse, contaminated
agents. This type of immunity is called passive needles, etc.
immunity. There are various symptoms of AIDS like
• Immunization: mononucleosis-like symptoms (high fever, chills,
Active Immunization: When a vaccine is itchy rash, swollen lymph glands, etc.), weakness
introduced in body, the antibodies which are and weight loss.
produced against the antigens neutralize the
pathogenic agents during infection. AIDS can be treated by antiretroviral drugs and
it is only partially effective. It can prolong the life
Passive Immunization: It is pre-formed antibodies
or antitoxin, introduced in body as injections for of the patient but cannot prevent death.
quick immune response. AIDS is diagnosed by ELIZA test (Enzyme-linked
• Allergy: immune-sorbent assay)
An amplified response to some antigens called Prevention involves- controlling drug abuse,
allergens present in the environment is called advocating safe sex, educating people about AIDS,
allergy. Some of the allergens are mites in animal etc.
dander, dust, pollens, etc.
Histamine and serotonin are some of the chemicals
which are released from mast cells due to which
causes allergy.
Running nose, sneezing, difficulty in breathing
are some of the symptoms of allergy.
Anti-histamine, steroids and adrenaline are used
to quickly reduce the symptoms of allergy.
• Auto Immunity:
Higher vertebrates can differentiate foreign
organisms and foreign molecules.
Body attacks self cells due to genetic and some
other unknown reasons which is called auto-
immune disease causing damage to the body.
One of the example of auto-immune disease is
Rheumatoid arthritis.
• Immune System in Human Body:
Immune system plays a vital role in identifying
foreign antigens, remembering them and
responding them. It is crucial in allergic reactions,
organ transplantation and auto immune diseases.
Immune system in human body comprises
of lymphoid organ, tissues, cells and soluble
molecules like antibodies.
Lymphoid Organs: The organs where lymphocytes Fig.: Replication of Retrovirus
originate, mature and proliferate. They are of two • Cancer:
types- primary lymphoid organs and secondary It is the proliferation or uncontrolled growth of
lymphoid organs.
cells. These cells divide uncontrollably and are not
Bone marrow and thymus come under primary
affected by growth factors or property of growth
lymphoid organs, whereas spleen, tonsils, lymph
nodes and MALT are examples of secondary
lymphoid organs. A large mass of cells is formed by repeated division
• AIDS: called tumors. The cancer cells move from one
A sexually transmitted disease called AIDS part to other part of the body by body fluids.
(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) kill There are two types of tumors- benign tumor
number of people worldwide. which is confined to its place of origin and is less
A retrovirus which has RNA genome, Human harmful and other is malignant tumor which
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the reason for AIDS. keeps spreading to nearby tissues and is fatal.
CHAPTER 8 : Human Health and Diseases 8.89
Agents which cause transformation of normal cells 8. Identify A, D, E and F in the diagram of an
into cancerous cells are called carcinogens. They antibody molecule given below: [DELHI 2011]
can be physical agents, chemical or biological. A
Cancer can be detected by various methods like:
- Computed Tomography where a 3-D image is
generated using X-rays. B
- It can be detected by histopathological studies D-chain
and biopsy of the tissue.
- Non-ionizing radiation and strong magnetic
field is used for resonance imaging. It detects
physiological and pathological changes in living
tissue. E-chain
- Different tests can be conducted like bone F
marrow and blood test for increased cell counts.
- Cancer in internal organs can be detected using 9. Differentiate between benign and malignant
radiography by X-rays. tumours. [ALL INDIA 2011]
Cancer can be treated by various methods: 10. Name the two special types of lymphocytes in
- Chemotherapy is done to kill cancer cells but the humans. How do they differ in their roles in
drugs used cause some side effects as well. immune response? [DELHI 2012]
11. Name the bacterium that causes typhoid.
- Surgery can be done for Tumors to avoid further
spread of cells. Mention two diagnostic symptoms. How is this
disease transmitted to others? [DELHI 2012]
- Immune system can be activated by some
12. (a) Highlight the role of thymus as a lymphoid
immunotherapy response modifiers.
(b) Name the cells that are released from the
19. Trace the life-cycle of malarial parasite in the (b) If the advice is not followed by the patient,
human body when bitten by an infected female there is an apprehension that the patient
Anopheles. [DELHI 2012] might contract a disease that would destroy
20. Community Service department of your school the immune system of his/her body. Explain
plans a visit to a slum area near the school with with the help of schematic diagram only how
an objective to educate the slum dwellers with the immune system would get affected and
respect to health and hygiene. destroyed. [ALL INDIA 2016]
(a) Why is there a need to organize such visits? 26. Name a human disease, its causal organism,
(b) Write the steps you will highlight, as a symptoms (any three) and vector, spread by
member of this department, in your intake of water and food contaminated by
Interaction with them to enable them to lead a human faecal matter. [ALL INDIA 2017]
healthy life. [ALL INDIA 2014]
21. A team of students are preparing to participate 5 Marks Questions
in the interschool sports meet. During a practice 27. Describe the asexual and sexual phases of life
session you find some vials with labels of certain cycle of Plasmodium that causes malaria in
cannabinoids. humans. [DELHI 2013]
(a) Will you report to the authorities? Why?
(b) Name a plant from which such chemicals
are obtained.
(c) Write the effect of these chemicals on human
body. [DELHI 2015]
22. A heavily bleeding and bruised road accident
victim was brought to a nursing home. The
doctor immediately gave him an injection to
protect him against a deadly disease.
(a) Write what the doctor injected into the
patient’s body.
(b) How do you think this injection would
protect the patient against the disease?
(c) Name the disease against which this
injection was given and the kind of immunity
it provides. [ALL INDIA 2015]
23. During a school trip to ‘Rohtang Pass’, one of
your classmate suddenly developed ‘altitude
sickness’. But, she recovered after sometime.
(a) Mention one symptom to diagnose the
(b) What caused the sickness?
(c) How could she recover by herself after
sometime? [DELHI 2016]
24. (a) It is generally observed that the children Fig.: Plasmodium life cycle
who had suffered from chicken-pox in 28. A person in your colony has recently been
their childhood may not contract the same diagnosed with AIDS. People/residents in the
disease in their adulthood.’ Explain giving colony want him to leave the colony for the fear
reasons the basis of such an immunity in an of spread of AIDS.
individual. Name this kind of immunity. (a) Write your view on the situation, giving
(b) What are interferons? Mention their role. reasons.
[ALL INDIA 2016] (b) List the possible preventive measures that
25. (a) What precaution(s) would you recommend you would suggest to the residents of your
to a patient requiring repeated blood locality in a meeting organised by you so
transfusion? that they understand the situation.
CHAPTER 8 : Human Health and Diseases 8.91
(c) Write the symptoms and the causative agent 10. T cell and B cells are the two special types
of AIDS [ALL INDIA 2013] of lymphocytes in humans. B cells are a part
29. (a) Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases of humoral immune response and respond to
of humans. Explain ‘Contact inhibition’ and antigen by producing antibodies. T cell is a
‘Metastasis’ with respect to the disease. part of cell mediated immunity and respond
(b) Name the group of genes which have been to antigen by helping B cells to produce
identified in normal cells that could lead to antibodies. [2]
cancer and how they do so? 11. Salmonella typhi is the bacterium that causes
(c) Name any two techniques which are useful typhoid. Stomach pain and headache are
to detect cancers of internal organs. two diagnostic symptoms. This disease is
(d) Why are cancer patients often given transmitted through contaminated food or
-interferon as part of the treatment? water. [2]
[DELHI 2014] 12. (a) Thymus is an important gland involved in
Solutions the maturation of lymphocytes and T cells.
1. Two different roles of spleen in the human body (b) T cells are produced from thymus gland. T
are filtering of the blood and recycling of old cells help the B cells in producing antibodies
blood cells. [1] and are a part of cell mediated immunity.
2. Natural killer cells and leukocytes are two types [1+1]
of cells which act as ‘Cellular barriers’ to provide 13. (a) Entamoeba histolytica is the parasite that
Innate Immunity in humans. [1] lives in small intestine, and causes amoebic
3. In secondary immune response, memory cells get dysentery in humans. [1]
activated and come in action when the second (b) Diagnostic symptoms of the disease include
time the person is exposed to same antigen, stool with blood and abdominal pain and
therefore, the secondary immune response is cramps. [½]
more intense than the primary immune response (c) The disease is transmitted through
in humans. [1] contaminated food and drinking water. [½]
4. Innate immunity is an important component 14. Vaccine stimulates the production of antibody
of the host defense against infection. Innate and memory cells because it acts as a weak
immunity is initiated within hours of infection antigen when the first time vaccine is given
and provides a rapid defence by secreting for specific antigen. When this pathogen enters
proteins called interferons which protect non- the second time (during an infection) in the
infected cells from further viral infection. [1] body then memory cells generated in prior
5. Dengue and Chikungunya can be controlled by vaccination, elicits a rapid and massive response
the eradication of Aedes mosquito. [1] against the pathogen. [2]
6. Cell mediated and humoral immunity are two 15. Tetanus antitoxin contains antibody against
types of immune systems in a human body. pathogen it binds and inactivates pathogen. This
Humoral immunity involve the B lymphocytes is an example of passive immunity. [2]
which produced the antibodies and cell mediated 16. Blockage of intestine passage, muscular pain,
immunity involve the T lymphocytes. [2] anaemia, internal bleeding are the symptoms
7. Scientific names of the causal organisms of of Ascariasis. A healthy person acquire this
elephantiasis is Wuchereia bancrofti and infection by the foods contaminated with the
scientific names of the causal organisms of eggs of parasite. [2]
ringworm is Trichophyton. Body parts affected 17. (a) Passive immunisation is a process of
in elephantiasis is lower limb lymphatic vessels acquiring immunity. It is achieved by
and body parts affected by ringworm is skin.[2] introducing ready made antibodies into the
8. A is representing antigen binding site, D is body. It provides quick immune response to
representing light chain, E is representing heavy the body. [½]
chain, F is representing disulphide bonds. [2] (b) Antihistamines are the chemicals which are
9. Benign tumours is located at a single place given against allergic reactions. [½]
and cannot spread from one part of the body to (c) Colostrum is the yellow fluid comes out from
another whereas malignant tumours involve the the mother’s breast just after the child birth.
movement of cancer cells from one part of the It contains antibodies which provide passive
body to another. [2] immunity to the new born. [½]
8.92 CHAPTER 8 : Human Health and Diseases
(d) Cytokinin-barrier is a glycoprotein which (c) The injection was given to prevent tetanus
protects non-infected cells from further viral caused by Clostridium tetani, which
infection. [½] usually exists in environment as spores
18. (i) The scientific names of the two species and may again access to the body through
of filarial worms causing filariasis are
wound. The injection containing antiserum
Wuchereria bancrofti and Wuchereria
provides quick response by giving passive
malayi. [1]
(ii) Both the worms attack the lymphatic vessels immunity. [1]
of lower limb. This result in the swelling of 23. (a) The symptoms may appear as nausea,
lower limbs and result in the disease called fatigue and heart palpitation. [1]
as elephantiasis. [1] (b) The sickness was due to low atmospheric
(iii) The disease spread is spread through female pressure which prevails at high altitude.
mosquito bite. [1] At the high altitude, the body does not get
19. P. falciparum enter into the human body in the sufficient oxygen due to low atmospheric
form of a sporozoite through a bite from a female pressure. [1]
Anopheles mosquito and enters the blood stream
(c) The body of the girl student compensates low
followed by liver cells. There they reproduce
oxygen availability by increasing number
asexually by dividing into schizonts that consist
of many merozoites. [1] of red blood cells (RBC) production. The
In the mosquito gut they undergo sexual binding affinity of haemoglobin decreases.
reproduction, the microgamete nucleus divides Hence, breathing rate increases and the
three times and fertilizes a macrogamete body gets acclimatised. [1]
forming a zygote. The zygote, after fertilization, 24. (a) The children who have suffered from
changes into - ookinete. The ookinete, then, chickenpox in their childhood may not suffer
enter the mosquito midgut wall, where it encysts from the disease again due to acquired
into a formation called oocyst. [2] active immunity. The first infection of
20. (a) There a need to organize such visits to create
chicken pox produces a primary response
the awareness in the people about the need
of hygiene to prevent many diseases that of low intensity against chicken pox virus.
are spread through contaminated food and On subsequent encounters with the same
water. [1] pathogen, a secondary response occurs of
(b) The steps I will highlight, as a member of high intensity. This is attributed to the fact
this department are: that our body has memory of the pathogen
(i) Will teach them about the importance from the first encounter which had resulted
of healthy life. in the production of antibodies against the
(ii) Will teach them about deadly diseases pathogen. Hence, no contract with disease.
and the vaccination of these diseases.
(iii) Will teach them about the proper
(b) Interferons are proteins secreted by virus-
disposal of garbage. [1+1]
21. (a) Of course I will tell the authority about infected cells. These interferons protect
the presence of vials. As cannabinoids is a the non-infected cells from getting infected
type of drug. Intake of this drug is illegal by inhibiting viral replication. When an
practice. [1] interferon is given to cancer patient it
(b) It is obtained from the inflorescences of the activates immune system and may destroy
plant Cannabis sativa plant. [1] tumour. [1½]
(c) Cannabinoids effects on cardiovascular 25. (a) The patients who require regular blood
system of the body. [1] transfusion should take following
22. (a) The patient was injected with antiserum
precautions: I. Every time use of new
containing preformed antibodies against the
sterilised needle for blood transfusion. II.
organism that may cause infection or toxin
produced by it. [1] Transfused blood must be tested for HIV
(b) The preformed antibody injected, act on and it should be HIV free. [1]
the pathogen immediately to provide (b) In case contaminated blood is infected, HIV
protection. [1] virus may enter and cause AIDS. [1]
CHAPTER 8 : Human Health and Diseases 8.93
3. An anamnestic response also known as 6. (a) Reasons for fear amongst the guardians
secondary immune response. Human body elicit of their adolescents for trapping habits of
an anamnestic response when it gets exposed to alcohol or drug abuse:
same antigen second time. [1] (i) Influence of Peer pressure.
4. Papaver somniferum is the source of the (ii) Out of curiosity, excitement and
drug popularly called “smack”. It affects the experiment.
(iii) To escape from stress, frustration and
respiratory and circulatory depressant and
slows down body functions. [2]
(iv) To overcome hardships of life.
5. (a) Heroin commonly called smackis chemically
(v) No supportive family members. [2]
diacetyl morphine which is a white,
(b) Addiction: The psychological attachment
odourless, bitter crystalline compound. to some effects such as euphoria and a
This is obtained by acetylation of morphine, feeling of temporary well-being associated
which is extracted from the latex of poppy with drugs and alcohol. Dependence: The
plant Papaver somniferum. [1] tendency of the body that shows withdrawal
(b) Heroin is a depressant and slows down body symptoms when doses of drug or alcohol is
functions. [1] suddenly discontinued. [1]
8.96 CHAPTER 8 : Human Health and Diseases
Strategies for
Enhancement in Food
Chapter Analysis with respect to Last 3 Years’ Board Exams
On the basis of above analysis, it can be said that from exam point of view the concepts
Bio-control Agents, Bioactive Molecules, Disease Resistance and Plant/Animal Breeding
Techniques are most important concepts of the chapter.
9.98 CHAPTER 9 : Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
7. (a) Two limitations of traditional breeding which 11. (a) The programme is called by name Multiple
led to the promotion of micropropagation: Ovulation Embryo Transfer Technology
(i) Productivity of Hybrids is much lower (MOET). [1]
as compassed to tissue culture. (b) In this method a cow is administered
(ii) Hybrid character get segregate in hormones to induce follicular maturation
future generations. Cost of producing and super ovulation --instead of one egg
Hybrids is very high. I uncertainty of which they normally yield per cycle they
desired combination. [1] produce 6-8 eggs. The animal is either mated
(b) Two advantages of micropropagation: with an elite bull or artificially inseminated,
(i) This process can produce larger number and the fertilised eggs at 8-32 cell stages, are
of plants in very short time. recovered non surgically and transferred to
(ii) Produces disease free plants. [1] surrogate mothers. [2]
(c) Micropropagation technology is commercially 12.
adopted for: Inbreeding in Outbreeding in
Tomato and banana plants. [1] cattle cattle
8. (a) When inbreeding is carried for long
Mating of closely Mating of unrelated
time it usually reduces fertility, and
related individual individual
even productivity or yield. The continued
inbreeding is called inbreeding depression. Mating is between Mating is between
[1½] the same breed for the same breed
(b) “Selection” during inbreeding in cattle 4-6 generations. which are not bred
helps in accumulation of superior genes at least for the past
4-6 generations. It is
and discard undesirable genes. Hence, it
even done between
increases homozygosity and pure lines.
different species
It helps to restore fertility and helps to
increase yield. [1½]
Advantage of inbreeding: it is used for developing
9. Out-breeding, out-crossing and cross-breeding
pure lines.
are breeding practices for animals. These
Advantage of outbreeding: it is used for
practices are carried out to increase the yield.
producing organism with desirable traits. [1]
Out-breeding is the Breeding of unrelated
Disadvantage of inbreeding: it result in
animals of the same breed but not having common
inbreeding depression
ancestors for 4-6 generations (outcrossing) or
Disadvantage of outbreeding: the organism are
of different breeds (cross-breeding) or even
produces are not very fertile. [1]
different species (interspecific hybridisation).
13. (a) Objectives of animal breeding are (i)
production of animals having high yield of
Out-crossing is a type of out-breeding in which
biological products (ii) improved varieties
mating of animals, within the same breed but
of animal and disease resistance(iii)
having no common ancestors on either side of
Elimination of harmful traits [2]
their pedigree up to 4-6 generations and the
(b) Advantage of inbreeding: it is used for
resulting offspring is called outcross. It is the
developing pure lines. Disadvantage
best breeding method for animals. [1]
of inbreeding: it results in inbreeding
Cross-breeding is also a type of out-breeding in
depression. It can be overcome by out
which the mating of superior males of one breed
breeding. [2]
is done with the superior female of another breed
(c) Jersey is the new breed each of cattle and
is called cross- breeding. This is done to combine
Leghorn is new breed each of poultry [1]
the desirable qualities of two breeds into a single
individual. [1]
10. Continued inbreeding specially close inbreeding,
usually reduces productivity and fertility as
recessive genes get exposed. Two advantages of
inbreeding are superiority is maintained among
generation and true breeding trait is obtained.
CHAPTER 9 : Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production 9.101
- Protein content and its quality. 4. What are ‘true breeding lines’ that are used to
- Micronutrients and mineral content. study inheritance pattern of traits in plants?
- Vitamin content [DELHI 2014]
- Oil content and its quality.
Single Cell Protein 2 Marks Questions
• SCP or Single Cell Protein is one of the alternate 5. How has mutation breeding helped in improving
sources of proteins for animal and human the production of mung bean crop?
nutrition. [DELHI 2015]
• Spirulina is easy to cultivate as it can grow on 6. (a) Why are the plants raised through
materials like straw, molasses, etc. It is rich micropropagation are termed as somaclones?
in all nutrients. It also reduces environmental (b) Mention two advantages of this technique.
pollution. [ALL INDIA 2015]
Tissue Culture 7. Identify ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ in the given table.
• It is the technique of regenerating a plant from Crop Variety Resistance to
any part of plant in steril condition under special disease
nutrient media. A Himgiri Leaf rust
• Totipotency is the capacity to generate a whole
Cauliflower Pusa Subhra B
plant from any cell/explant.
• The nutritional medium should provide a carbon Brassica Pusa C
source, inorganic salts, vitamins, amino acids and Swarnim
growth regulators. Cowpea D Bacterial blight
• The process of producing thousands of plants [DELHI 2016]
through tissue culture is called micropropagation. 8. Suggest four important steps to produce a
• Somaclones: The plants produced by the micro- disease resistant plant through conventional
propagation will be genetically identical to the plant breeding technology. [ALL INDIA 2016]
original plant from which they are grown. 9. In an agricultural field there is a prevalence of
• When the plant is infected its meristem can be the following organisms and crop diseases which
removed and can be grown in vitro to obtain a are affecting the crop yield badly:
virus-free plant. (a) White rust
• The process of fusing the isolated protoplasts from (b) Leaf and stripe rust
two different varieties of plants each of which (c) Black rot
is having desirable characters to get a hybrid (d) Jassids
protoplasts, which can be further grown to form a Recommend the varieties of crops the farmers
new plant is called somatic hybridization and the
should grow to get rid of the existing problem
hybrid is called somatic hybrid.
and thus improve the crop yield.
[DELHI 2017]
1 Mark Questions
1. State the importance of bio fortification. 3 Marks Questions
[ALL INDIA 2011] 11. Plant breeding technique has helped sugar
2. Name the following: industry in North India. Explain how?
(a) The semi-dwarf variety of wheat which is [DELHI 2016]
high-yielding and disease-resistant 12. (a) Write the desirable characters a farmer looks
(b) Any one inter-specific hybrid mammal. for in his sugarcane crop.
[ALL INDIA 2012] (b) How did plant breeding techniques help
3. Name any two diseases the ‘Himgiri’ variety of north Indian farmers to develop cane with
wheat is resistant to. [ALL INDIA 2013] desired characters? [ALL INDIA 2017]
CHAPTER 9 : Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production 9.103
(b) Cross breeding among the selected parents consist of selecting the plants with desired
(c) Selection and evaluation of raised hybrids. characteristics in a given field, cross pollinate
(d) Testing of superior recombinant. [½x4=2] the desired plants, allow them to grow fully to
9. Normal varieties of crops, shows poor growth, produce seeds and use the seeds to grow further
as they are prone to pathogen infestation. To progeny and select the plants with desired traits
get rid of the problems, the farmers should in that generation.
grow improved, diseases resistant varieties for (a) Himgiri
higher yield. Farmers should grow the following (b) Pusa Swarnim [3]
varieties to improve the crop yield. 14. (a) The stem of Saccharum barberi and
(a) Pusa Swarnim or Karan rai Saccharum officinarium is used as explant
(b) Himgiri by the scientist. [1]
(c) Pusa Shubhra or Pusa Snowball K-1 (b) Firstly, explant is grown in aseptic
(d) Pusa Sem 2 or Pusa Sem 3 [2] conditions in a nutrient medium that lead
10. Tissue culture technique helps in retention to the formation of undifferentiated mass.
of the desired characteristics repeatedly in Then this mass is transferred to hormone
large populations of future generations for containing medium. [1]
tomato crop. In this technique plant cells, (c) Tissue culture is the technology for crop
tissues or organs are allowed to grow in improvement [1]
nutrient media under controlled environmental 15. (a) Saccharum officinarium which is having
conditions. These are meristematic tissues and more sugar and thicker stem is tropical
are totipotent. These plants parts give rise to sugar cane variety grown in South India.
new plants. Tissue culture is used to produce Saccharum barberi is grown in North India.
large number of genetically similar plants in a The two varieties are bred, in order to
short duration of time. [2] produce a variety with more sugar content
11. Saccharum barberi was originally grown and thick stem which can grow in North
in North India, but had poor sugar content India. [2]
and yield. Sugar cane grown in South India, (b) In this table, a is aphids, b is jassids and
Saccharum officinarum had thicker stems fruit borer, c is okra [1]
and higher sugar content. But Saccharum 16. Three outbreeding devices that flowering plants
officinarum did not grow well in North India. have developed are:
The two species Saccharum barberi from (a) Not allowing the maturation of pollen and
Northand Saccharum officinarum from South stigma at the same time. Sometimes, pollen
India were crossed to get desirable qualities of is allowed to mature first and sometimes
high yield, thick stems, high sugar and ability stigma is mature. This helps in cross-
to grow in North India. [3] pollination. [1]
12. (a) Desirable characters for sugarcane crop are (b) In some plants, anthers are placed in such a
thick stem with long internodes, high sugar position that pollen cannot come in contact
content and disease resistance. [1] with stigma of the flower. [1]
(b) Saccharum barberi was originally grown (c) Growing plants which have cross pollination
in North India, but had poor sugar content mechanism. [1]
and yield. Sugar cane grown in South India, 17. (a) In Plant breeding, traits of plants are
Saccharum officinarum had thicker stems changed in order to produce the desired
and higher sugar content. But Saccharum characteristics like greater nutritional
officinarum did not grow well in North India. content and disease resistant. In this
The two species Saccharum barberi and method, breeding consist of selecting the
Saccharum officinarum from South India best plants in a given field, cross pollinate
were crossed to get desirable qualities of the desired plants, allow them to grow fully
high yield, thick stems, high sugar and to produce seeds and use the seeds to grow
ability to grow in North India. [2] further progeny and select the plants with
13. Crop varieties can be made disease resistant by desired traits in that generation. Two steps
plant breeding method. In this method, traits are: hybridisation and selection [2]
of plants are changed in order to produce the (b) Mutation breeding involve the introduction
desired characteristics like greater nutritional of desirable mutations in the selected plants.
content and disease resistance. Breeding Then these plants are used as source plants.
CHAPTER 9 : Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production 9.105
This is known as mutation breeding. This (iii) This lead to the propagation of plants
method has been applied in Mung bean in a short period of time.
to provide the resistance against mosaic (iv) Somaclones are the plants produced by
virus. [2] tissue culture as they are genetically
(c) Breeding programmes have helped in similar to their parents. [2]
improving the public nutritional health (b) Somatichybrids are obtained by cellular
by development of high nutrient carrying hybridization in which somatic part of
traits. Two examples are iron and calcium the plants are hybridized. For example,
enriched spinach, protein enriched beans –
protoplast of potato and tomato are produced
garden peas. [1]
to form pomato. [2]
18. (a) Tissue culture is the technology that has
19. The main steps in breeding a new genetic variety
helped the scientists to propagate on large
scale the desired crops in short duration. The of a crop are
steps carried out to propagate the crops by (a) Collection of variability [1]
the said technique are: [1] (b) Evaluation and selection of germplasm of
(i) Explant (part of plant) is grown in plants [1]
sterile conditions in nutrient media to (c) Cross hybridization of selected plants [1]
develop complete plants. (d) S e l e c t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f s u p e r i o r
(ii) Nutrient media is rich in carbon sources, recombinants. [1]
vitamins, amino acid and hormones. (e) Commercialization of new variety [1]
9.106 CHAPTER 9 : Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
Microbes in
Human Welfare
Chapter Analysis with respect to Last 3 Years’ Board Exams
On the basis of above analysis, it can be said that from exam point of view Sewage Treatment
and Bio Control agents are most important concepts of the chapter.
10.108 CHAPTER 10 : Microbes in Human Welfare
9. List the events that reduce the Biological Oxygen 2. Streptokinase is the enzyme produced by
Demand (BOD) of a primary effluent during Streptococcus bacterium. This enzyme used
sewage treatment. [ALL INDIA 2016] as a clot buster for the people suffering from
10. Mention a product of Human welfare obtained myocardial infractions. [1]
with the help of each one of the following 3. Effluent from the primary settling tank passed
microbes: into aeration tank where it is constantly
(a) LAB agitated mechanically and air is pumped into
(b) Saccharomyces cerevisiae it. This allows vigorous growth of useful aerobic
(c) Propionibacterium sharmanii microbes into flocs. These microbes consume the
(d) Aspergillus niger [ALL INDIA 2015] major part of the organic matter in the effluent
and significantly reduces the BOD (biochemical
oxygen demand) of the effluent. [2]
3 Marks Questions 4. Product of microbes for human welfare:
11. Given below is a list of six micro-organisms. (a) LAB is stands for lactic acid bacteria or
State their usefulness to humans. lactobacillus. It is gram positive bacteria
(a) Nucleopolyhedro virus which is used in curd production or making
(b) Saccharomyces cerevisiae curd at our home. [½]
(c) Monascus purpureus (b) Saccharomyces cerevisiaeis used in bread
(d) Trichoderma polysporum making or brewing industry or for production
(e) Penicillium notation of ethanol (ethyl alcohol). [½]
(f) Propionibacterium sharmanii (c) Propionibacterium sharmanii produces large
[DELHI 2016] holes in Swiss cheese by releasing large
12. Choose any three microbes, from the following amount of CO2. [½]
which are suited for organic farming which is (d) Aspergillus nigeris used in industries for
in great demand these days for various reasons. production of citric acid. [½]
Mention one application of each one chosen. 5. The primary phase of sewage treatment involves
Mycorrhiza; Monascus; Anabaena; Rhizobium; physical removal of particles through filtration
Methenobaterium; Trichoderma. [DELHI 2015] and sedimentation. The floating debris is
13. Describe how do ‘flocs’ and ‘activated sludge’ help removed by sequential filteration. Then the
in Sewage Treatment [DELHI 2017] filtered sewage is passed into the grit chamber
14. Secondary treatment of the sewage is also called where the coarse solid materials like soil and
Biological treatment. Justify this statement and pebbles settle by gravity. After this, the sewage
explain the process. [ALL INDIA 2017] is allowed to pass into a sedimentation tank
15. (a) Why are the fruit juices bought from market where the suspended materials settle and
clearer as compared to those made at home? form the primary sludge whereas suspended
(b) Name the bioactive molecules produced effluents float in the effluent. The effluent from
by Trichodermapolysporum and Monascus the primary setting tank is taken for secondary
purpureus. [DELHI 2013] treatment. [2]
8. The large holes in Swiss cheese’ are due to 13. Sewage effluent is pumped into an aeration
bacterium propionibacterium sharmanii carbon- tank that contains sludge (consisting of bacteria
dioxide production. [2] and algae). In aeration tank, bacteria multiply
9. Effluent from the primary settling tank passed rapidly and form masses along with fungal
into aeration tank where it is constantly filaments to form aggregates called flocs. These
agitated mechanically and air is pumped into flocs sediment at the bottom of tank and is called
it. This allows vigorous growth of useful aerobic activated sludge. A part of activated sludge is
microbes into flocs. These microbes consume the pumped back into the aeration tank to serve as
major part of the organic matter in the effluent the inoculum, while the remaining major part
and significantly reduces the BOD (biochemical
of the sludge is pumped into anaerobic sludge
oxygen demand) of the effluent. [2]
digesters for anaerobic microbial decomposition
10. Product of microbes for human welfare:
and production of biogas. The bacteria are able
(a) LAB is stands for lactic acid bacteria or
to decompose most of the organic matter while
lactobacillus. It is gram positive bacteria
which is used in curd production or curd algae provide oxygen to these decomposers. The
making at our home. [½] bacteria commonly used in sewage treatment
(b) Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used in are: Coliform, Clostridium, Pseudomonas,
bread making or brewing industry or for Micrococcus etc. But this water still carries large
production of ethanol (ethyl alcohol). [½] amounts of nitrates, phosphates, etc. Before this
(c) Propionibacterium sharmanii produces large water is allowed to pass into water bodies, it
holes in Swiss cheese by releasing large undergoes tertiary treatment. [3]
amount of CO2. [½] 14. Secondary treatment is also called biological
(d) Aspergillus nigeris used in industries for treatment because it uses organisms and
production of citric acid. [½] detritus feeders. The process includes the
11. (a) Nucleopolyhedro virus is used as bio control following steps:
agents for Integrated Pest Management.[½] (a) The primary effluent is carried to aeration
(b) Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used in tanks and the liquid is mechanically
bread making or brewing industry or for agitated continuously with pumping of air.
production of ethanol (ethyl alcohol). [½] (b) A large number of aerobic heterotrophic
(c) Monascuspurpureus is a cholesterol lowering microbes such as bacteria, fungi, yeasts and
agent [½] protozoa grow in the aeration tank and form
(d) Tr i c h o d e r m a p o l y s p o r u m p r o d u c e s
Cyclosporin A which is an immuno-
(c) The microbes digest organic matter and
suppressive agent. [½]
convert it to microbial biomass and release
(e) Penicillium motatum produces antibiotic
minerals. This reduces the biochemical
penicillin. [½]
oxygen demand (BOD).
(f) Propioni bacterium sharmanii produces
large holes in Swiss cheese by releasing (d) As the BOD of the waste matter is reduced
large amount of CO2. [½] to 10 to 15% of raw sewage, it passes into
12. The three microbes chosen that are suited for the settling tank where the bacterial flocs
organic farming. are allowed to undergo sedimentation.
(a) Anabaena is a cyanobacteria which can (e) The settled material is called activated
fix atmospheric nitrogen. In paddy fields, sludge.
cyanobacteria serve as an important bio (f) The activated sludge is collected and
fertiliser. It also add organic matter to the subjected to anaerobic digestion in a
soil and increase its fertility. [1] separate tank. This tank has oxygen-free
(b) Rhizobiumis a symbiotic bacteria which lives atmosphere where anaerobic microbes
in the root nodules of leguminous plants
start digesting the bacteria and fungi in the
such as peas, beans. It fixes atmospheric
nitrogen. [1] sludge.
(c) Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association (g) Anaerobic microorganisms digest the organic
between fungus and roots of higher plants. matter into soluble substances and gaseous
Fungal symbiont like Glomus in these products such as methane, carbon dioxide
associations absorbs phosphorus from soil and hydrogen sulphide. Methane is highly
and passes it to the plant. [1] inflammable and can be used as biogas.
CHAPTER 10 : Microbes in Human Welfare 10.111
(h) Finally, the treated sewage effluent (b) Cyclosporine A which is a immuno suppressive
is subjected to chemical treatment for agent isbioactive molecules produced by
disinfection before releasing it into natural Trichoderma polysporum and Statins are
water bodies such as rivers and streams. produced by Monascuspurpureus. [1½]
15. (a) The fruit juices bought from market clearer
as compared to those made at home because
they are clarified by the pectinase and
proteases enzymes. [1½]
1 Mark Questions
1. Mention the role of cyanobacteria as a bio
fertiliser. [ALL INDIA 2012]
Fig.: A typical biogas plant
• Microbes as Bio control Agents:
Plant diseases and pests can be controlled by 2 Marks Questions
the use of biological methods and this is referred 2. Name a genus of baculovirus. Why are they
as bio control. Organic farmers do not eradicate considered good bio-control agents?
insects which are pests to their farms, instead [ALL INDIA 2016]
10.112 CHAPTER 10 : Microbes in Human Welfare
3. Your advice is sought to improve the nitrogen 3. (a) Azospirillum and Azotobacterare free-living
content of the soil to be used for cultivation of a bacteria in the soil. They can fix atmospheric
non-leguminous terrestrial crop. nitrogen thus enriching the nitrogen content
(a) Recommend two microbes that can enrich
of the soil. [1]
the soil with nitrogen.
(b) Leguminous plants contain root nodules
(b) Why do leguminous crops not require such
enrichment of the soil? [DELHI 2018] in which Rhizobium bacteria are present.
4. Whyis Rhizobium categorized as a ‘symbiotic Rhizobium bacteria can fix atmospheric
bacterium’? How does it act as a bio fertilizer? nitrogen in the usable form which can be
[ALL INDIA 2012] used by plants. This is why leguminous
crops do not require fertilisers as nitrogen
5. Your advice is sought to improve the nitrogen
content of the soil to be used for cultivation of a source. [1]
non-leguminous terrestrial crop. 4. Rhizobium is a gram negative bacteria live in the
(a) Recommend two microbes that can enrich roots of legume plants. This bacteria live in the
the soil with nitrogen. nodules in root of leguminous plants and convert
(b) Why do leguminous crops not require such atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia and other
enrichment of the soil? [DELHI 2018] usable forms of nitrogen that plants can use to
make amino acids. [2]
3 Marks Questions 5. (a) Azospirillum and Azotobacterare free-living
6. What are methanogens? How do they help to bacteria in the soil. They can fix atmospheric
generate biogas? [ALL INDIA 2015]. nitrogen thus enriching the nitrogen content
7. (a) How do organic farmers control pests? Give
of the soil. [1]
two examples.
(b) Leguminous plants contain root nodules
(b) State the difference in their approach from
that of conventional pest control methods. in which Rhizobium bacteria are present.
[ALL INDIA 2016] Rhizobium bacteria can fix atmospheric
8. (a) Organic farmers prefer biological control of nitrogen in the usable form which can be
diseases and pests to the use of chemicals used by plants. This is why leguminous crops
for the same purpose. Justify. do not require nitrogen from fertilisers. [1]
(b) Give an example of a bacterium, a fungus
6. Certain bacteria which grow anaerobically on
and an insect that are used as biocontrol
cellulosic material and produce large amount
agents. [DELHI 2018]
of methane along with CO 2 and H 2. These
bacteria are collectively called methanogens.
5 Marks Questions
Example is bacterium is Methano bacterium.
9. Describe how biogas is generated from activated
sludge. List the components of biogas. The methanogenic bacteria digest the organic
[ALL INDIA 2013] mass to produce marsh gas during the secondary
treatment of sewage. Marsh gas is a mixture of
Solutions gases containing methane, hydrogen sulphide
1. Cyanobacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen into and carbon dioxide which form biogas. [3]
ammonia and other usable forms of nitrogen that 7. (a) Organic farmers control pests either by
plant can use to make amino acids and proteins natural predation or by using biological
and hence increase the fertility. [1] control. Examples: Owls are used to kill
2. Nucleopolyhedro virus is a genus of baculovirus.
rats in the crop field, lady bird used to kill
It is effective and efficient bio-control agent
aphids. Bt Cotton plants are introduced with
because it is species-specific, narrow spectrum
insecticidal agent. It does not show any negative the Bt toxin gene of the bacterium Bacillus
impacts on plants, mammals, birds or even non- thruingiensis. This gene provides the cotton
target insects. [2] crops resistance against the bollworms.[1½]
CHAPTER 10 : Microbes in Human Welfare 10.113
(b) Differences between organic pest control and which depend upon them as food or hosts
conventional pest control methods: would not beable to survive. [1½]
Conventional Organic farming (b) Insects = Ladybird and Dragonflies. They are
Pest Control based pest useful to get rid of aphids and mosquitoes,
control respectively
Bacteria = Bacillus thuringiensis. It is used
Chemical Natural or to control butterfly caterpillars.
insecticides and biological pest Fungus, Trichodermais free-living in very
pesticides are used control
common in the root ecosystems. They are
to control pest
effective biocontrol agents of several plant
It is harmful to It does not harm pathogens [1½]
crops also crops 9. Biogas produced by anaerobic fermentation of
Causes It does not waste biomass in the following steps:
environmental have impact on (a) Complex monomers like proteins, lipids,
pollution environment cellulose and hemi-cellulose are degraded
[1½] by facultative microbes to form simple
8. (a) Chemical methods used to control diseases monomers. [2]
and pests are not safe as often chemicals (b) After that, monomers are changed into
(pesticides) kills both useful and harmful organic acid under partially aerobic
life forms without any discrimination. condition. [1]
Eradication of the insects that are often (c) In the last stage, acid is converted into
described as pests is not only possible, methane by methanogen. [1]
but also undesirable. Without them the Methane, carbon-dioxide and hydrogen sulphide
beneficial predatory and parasitic insects are the components of biogas. [1]
10.114 CHAPTER 10 : Microbes in Human Welfare
Principles and Processes
Chapter Analysis with respect to Last 3 Years’ Board Exams
On the basis of above analysis, it can be said that from exam point of view the concepts
Steps Insertion Inactivation, Cloning, r-DNA Technology Tools and Methodology and PCR
are most important concepts of the chapter.
11.116 CHAPTER 11 : Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
- DNA fragments are negatively charged molecules specific concentration of a divalent cation, which
which are separated by forcing them to move improves the efficiency with which DNA enters
towards the anode under an electric field through the bacterium through pores in its cell wall.
a medium/matrix. Alien DNA can be introduced into host cells in
- Agarose is the most commonly used matrix which some other following ways:
is a natural polymer extracted from sea weeds. - Micro-injection: This is the process of directly
injecting recombinant DNA into the nucleus of an
animal cell.
- Biolistics method: The process of bombardment of
cells with high velocity micro-particles of gold or
tungsten coated with DNA. It is a suitable method
for the plants.
- Disarmed pathogens vectors: Cells transfer the
recombinant DNA into the host after getting
infected by disarmed pathogens vectors.
1 Mark Questions
1. Retroviruses have no DNA. However, the DNA
of the infected host cell does possess viral DNA.
How is it possible? [ALL INDIA 2015]
2. Suggest a technique to a researcher who needs
to separate fragments of DNA. [DELHI 2016]
3. How can bacterial DNA be released from the
Fig.: Recombinant DNA Technology
bacterial cell for biotechnology experiments?
• Cloning vectors: [DELHI 2011]
DNA molecules which carry a foreign DNA 4. Mention the type of host cells suitable for the
segment and can replicate inside the host cells are gene guns to introduce an alien DNA.
called as cloning vectors. Example: Plasmids and [DELHI 2014]
bacteriophages. 5. Why is it not possible for an alien DNA to become
The cloning of a DNA requires following features: part of a chromosome anywhere along its length
Origin of replication (Ori): A DNA sequence from and replicate normally? [ALL INDIA 2014]
where replication begins is known as Origin of
replication (Ori).
Selectable marker: It helps in recognising and 2 Marks Questions
removing transformants and selectively allowing 6. List the key tools used in recombinant DNA
the growth of transformants. The procedure in technology. [DELHI 2011]
which a DNA is introduced in a host is known as 7. Name the type of bioreactor shown. Write the
Transformation. purpose for which it is used. [ALL INDIA 2011]
Cloning sites: Vector needs to have recognition
sites for linking alien DNA.
Vectors for cloning genes in plants and animals:
Genes of some pathogens can be changed into
useful vectors for delivering genes to plants and
• Competent host:
To force bacteria to take up the plasmid, first
the bacterial cell should be made component to
take up DNA and for that they are treated with a
11.118 CHAPTER 11 : Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
8. Explain the work carried out by Cohen and Boyer 21. Name and describe the technique that helps in
that contributed immensely in biotechnology. separating the DNA fragments formed by the use
[ALL INDIA 2012] of restriction endonuclease. [ALL INDIA 2014]
9. Name two commonly used bioreactors. State the 22. (i) Describe the characteristics of a cloning
importance of using a bioreactor.[DELHI 2013] vector must possess.
10. (a) Mention the difference in the mode of action (ii) Why DNA cannot pass through the cell
of exonuclease and endonuclease. membrane? Explain. How a bacterial cell is
(b) How does the restriction endonuclease made ‘competent’ to take up the recombinant
function? [DELHI 2013] DNA from the medium. [ALL INDIA 2011]
11. Explain with the help of a suitable example the
naming of a restriction endonuclease’
[DELHI 2014]
12. How are ‘sticky ends formed on a DNA strand? 1. The genetic material of retrovirus is the RNA.
Why are they so called? [DELHI 2014] It enters the cell of the host, where the virus
13. How does a restriction nuclease function? undergoes reverse transcription to use its RNA
Explain. [ALL INDIA 2014] genome to form viral DNA in presence of reverse
transcriptase enzyme. This viral DNA then
incorporates into the host cell DNA, directing
3 Marks Questions the infected cells to produce more copies of
14. Draw a labelled sketch of sparged-stirred-tank viruses. In this way, the infected cell possesses
bioreactor. Write its application. [DELHI 2015]
viral DNA. [1]
15. Rearrange the following in the correct sequence
2. Gel-electrophoresis. [1]
to accomplish an important biological reaction:
3. Bacteria DNA are released from the bacterial
(a) In vitro synthesis of copies of DNA of interest
cell for biotechnology experiments with enzyme
(b) Chemically synthesized oligonucleotides
lysozyme that break the cell wall of bacteria.
(c) Enzyme DNA-polymerase
(d) Complementary region of DNA
4. Undifferentiated plant cell are the type of host
(e) Genomic DNA template
cells suitable for the gene guns to introduce an
(f) Nucleotides provided
alien DNA because plant cells consist of cell wall
(g) Primers
that can be easily broken by gold and tungsten
(h) Thermostable DNA-polymerase (from
coated with DNA. [1]
Thermus aquaticus)
(i) Denaturation of ds-DNA[ALL INDIA 2015] 5. It not possible for an alien DNA to become part
16. Suggest and describe a technique to obtain of a chromosome any where along its length and
multiple copies of a gene of interest in vitro. replicate normally because replication of DNA
[DELHI 2016] start at specific place in a DNA called as ORI
17. Explain enzyme-replacement therapy to treat (origin of replication). [1]
adenosine deaminase deficiency. Mention two 6. The key tools used in recombinant DNA
disadvantages of this procedure. technology are:
[ALL INDIA 2016] (i) Cloning vectors [½]
18. Explain the role(s) of the following in (ii) restriction endonuclease enzyme [½]
Biotechnology: (iii) competent host [½]
(a) Restriction endonuclease (iv) DNA ligase, cellulose, chitinase enzymes[½]
(b) Gel – electrophoresis 7. The given bioreactor is the simple stirred
(c) Selectable markers in pBR322. tank bioreactor. It is used for the production
[DELHI 2017] of recombinant proteins at a large scale using
19. (a) How has the development of bioreactor microbial plants/animals/human cells. It is
helped in biotechnology? cylindrical or with a curved base to facilitate
(b) Name the most commonly used bioreactor mixings of reactor contents and use available
and describe its working. [DELHI 2018] oxygen. [2]
20. Draw a schematic sketch of pBR322 plasmid and 8. Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer conducted
label the following in it: [ALL INDIA 2012] one of the first recombinant DNA technology
(a) Any two restriction site experiments in the year 1972. Both were first
(b) Ori and rop gene to give the DNA cloning method. Cohen was the
(c) An antibiotic resistant gene firstto extract plasmid from the bacterial cell and
CHAPTER 11 : Biotechnology: Principles and Processes 11.119
(–1 billion times)
Fig.: Polymerase Chain Reaction [1]
17. Adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency is a
genetic disorder. In this disorder the gene
Fig.: Sparged-stirred-tank bioreactor [1] coding for the enzyme ADA gets deleted
11.120 CHAPTER 11 : Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
leading to deficiency of ADA which can be system, a temperature control system. Also,
treated by enzyme replacement therapy. In this pH control system and sampling ports so
treatment, patients are regularly injected with that small volumes of the culture can be
the functional adenosine deaminase enzyme.[2] withdrawn periodically. [1½]
Disadvantages: 20. Eco RI [3]
Therapy does not cure disease completely. It is Bam HI
very expensive therapy as repeated infusion of ampR
enzyme is required. [1] pBR322
18. (a) Restriction endonuclease is an enzyme
which cuts DNA at specific position or ori rop
specific nucleotide or palindromic nucleotide
sequence. [1] Fig.: Schematic sketch of pBR 322 plasmid
(b) G e l - e l e c t r o p h o r e s i s s e p a r a t e s D N A 21. Gel electrophoresis is the technique that helps
fragments based on size under the influence in separating the DNA fragments formed by the
of electric field. [1] use of restriction endonuclease. In this process,
(c) Selectable markers in pBR322 helps DNA samples are loaded into wells at one end
in identifying and eliminating non- of a gel, and an electric current is applied to
transformants from transformants. [1] pull them through the gel. DNA fragments are
19. (a) Appreciable quantities of products are negatively charged, so they move towards the
not obtained by small volume cultures. To positive electrode. As, the DNA fragments are
process culture of large volumes such as of different sizes, the smaller DNA molecule
100 to 1000 litres, the development of such move faster and heavier DNA molecule move
bioreactors, are needed. Thus, bioreactors slower. DNA fragments are seen as a band, in
can be thought of as vessels in which raw gel electrophoresis, because they are mixed with
materials are biologically converted into dye so that they become visible. [3]
specific products using microbial, plant, 22. (i) Cloning vector should have origin of
animal or human cells. A bioreactor provides replication, selectable marker, genes
the optimal conditions for achieving the encoding for antibiotic resistance, recognition
desired products. [1½] site for the restriction enzyme to recognise
(b) Stirring type bioreactors are commonly cloning sites. [1½]
used. A stirred - tank reactors is usually (ii) DNA is a hydrophilic molecule and hence,
cylindrical or with a curved base to facilitate cannot pass through the cell membrane.
the mixing of the reactor contents. The Bacterial cell is made competent by treating
stirrer facilitates even mixing and oxygen with specific concentration of calcium ion
availability throughout the bioreactor. /divalent ions, incubating them on ice,
The bioreactor has an agitator system, an providing heat shock for a short period and
oxygen delivery system and a foam control placing it back on ice once again. [1½]
• The purified DNA precipitates after chilled • The DNA present in the surrounding is taken by
ethanol is added and can be collected as fine recipient cells.
threads in the suspension. • If a recombinant DNA bearing amplicillin
resistant gene is transferred into E.coli cells, the
Cutting of DNA at specific locations host cell become amplicillin-resistant cells.
• At the optimal conditions, incubating purified
• But the untransformed recipient cell will die it
DNA perform restriction enzyme digestions with
the transformed cells are spread on agar plates
the restriction enzyme.
containing ampicillin and only transformants will
• To check the progression of a restriction enzyme grow. The gene which is resistance to amplicillin
digestion, the technique adopted is agarose gel in this case is called a selectable marker.
electrophoresis. As DNA is a negatively charged
molecule, it moves towards the positive electrode. Obtaining the foreign gene product
• The source and the vector DNA are cut with • Recombinant protein is the protein encoding gene
specific restriction enzyme and then the cut out which is expressed in a heterologous host.
‘gene of interest’ from the source DNA and the cut • After the cloning of genes, the production of which
vector are mixed and ligase is added which forms can be done on a large scale, the fresh medium
recombinant DNA. is obtained by separation technique and is added
such that the cell maintain physiologically active
Amplification of Gene of interest phase and then produces a larger biomass leading
using PCR to higher yields.
• Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a chemical • Bioreactors:
reaction in which the multiple copies of the gene Bioreactor is a device used for biological conversion
synthesizes in vitro with two set of primers and of raw materials into specific products like human
the enzyme DNA polymerase. cells, animal cells or microbial plants.
• The segment of DNA is amplified around 1 billion Large volumes of cultures may be processed.
times if the process of replication is repeated The main components of a bioreactor are an
several times. oxygen delivery system, a foam control system
• Source DNA and vector DNA are cut with some and an agitator system.
endonuclease of double stranded DNA when are Desired conditions for the production of the
then ligated by mixing the gene of interest vector product are provided like pH, vitamins, salts and
DNA in presence of the enzyme DNA ligase to form temperature.
recombinant DNA and the amplified fragment can Stirring type of bioreactors are mainly used which
be used to ligate with a vector for further cloning. are usually cylindrical.
Region to be amplified A bioreactor is shown below:
5’ 3’
ds DNA
3’ 5’
Heat (a) Denaturation
5’ 3’
3’ 5’
Primers (b) Annealing
5’ 3’ of primers
3’ 5’
DNA polymerase
(Tag polymerase)
5’ 3’
5’ 5’ (c) Extension
3’ 3’ of primers
3’ 5’
30 cycles
(–1 billion times)
On the basis of above analysis, it can be said that from exam point of view Transgenic
Animals, Mechanism of Bt toxin, Bio-piracy, Insulin Production, Bioreactors and Pest
resistant plants are most important concepts of the chapter.
12.126 CHAPTER 12 : Biotechnology and its applications
globe among which twelve are being marketed in PCR is vastly used to identify HIV or Cancer
India. pathogens.
• Genetically Engineered Insulin Antigen and antibody interactions is the principle
on which ELISA works.
Infection produced by a pathogen can be detected
by the presence of antigen or antibodies which are
| |
| S
S |
| S
S |
Free C peptide
12. Why is proinsulin so called? How is insulin 25. (a) Tobacco plants are damaged severely when
different from it? [ALL INDIA 2013] infested with Meloidegyne incognitia. Name
13. State how Agrobacterium tumifaciens has been and explain the strategy that is adopted to
made a useful cloning vector to transfer DNA to stop this infestation.
plant cells. [DELHI 2014] (b) Name the vector used for introducing the
nematode specific gene in tobacco plant.
[DELHI 2012]
3 Marks Questions 26. Name the genes responsible for making Bt cotton
14. Recombinant DNA-technology is of great
plants resistant to bollworms attack. How do
importance in the field of medicine. With the help
such plants attain resistance against bollworm
of a flow chart, show how this technology has
attack. Explain. [ALL INDIA 2012]
been used in preparing genetically engineered
27. In a maternity clinic, for some reasons the
human insulin. [DELHI 2015]
authorities are not able to hand over the two
15. Describe any three potential applications of
new-borns to their respective real parents.
genetically modified plants.[ALL INDIA 2015]
Name and describe the technique that you would
16. How did an American Company, Eli Lilly use
suggest to sort out the matter.
the knowledge of r-DNA technology to produce
[ALL INDIA 2013]
human insulin? [ALL INDIA 2015]
28. Name the pest that destroys the cotton bolls.
17. How has RNAi technique helped to prevent
Explain the role of Bacillus thuringiensis in
the infestation of roots in tobacco plants by a
protecting the cotton crop against the pest to
nematode Meloidegyne incognitia?
increase the yield. [ALL INDIA 2013]
[DELHI 2016]
29. How did the process of RNA interference help
18. What is a GMO? List any five possible advantages
to control the nematode from infecting roots of
of a GMO to a farmer. [DELHI 2016]
tobacco plants? Explain. [ALL INDIA 2014]
19. (a) Name the selectable markers in the cloning
vector pBR322? Mention the role they play
(b) Why is the coding sequence of an enzyme Solutions
β-galactosidase a preferred selectable 1. The enzyme-replacement therapy for adenosine
marker in comparison to the ones named deaminase (ADA) deficiency is not a completely
above? [ALL INDIA 2016] curative method because lymphocytes have a
(b) The coding sequence of an enzyme definite life cycle and it needs periodic transfusion
β-galactosidase, a preferred selectable of genetically engineered lymphocytes into the
marker because of simpler and easy process. patient. [1]
In the presence of chromogenic substrate, 2. Cry genes are present in bacterium Bacillus
the recombinants are colourless and non- thuriengiensis. Cry genescode for a toxin which
recombinants are blue in colour. is poisonous to some insects. [1]
20. (a) Why must a cell be made ‘competent’ in 3. The proinsulin is cleaved and the C-peptide
biotechnology experiments? How does chain removed to form mature insulin leaving
calcium ion help in doing so? only A-chain and B-chain joined by disulphide
(b) State the role of ‘biolistic gun’ in biotechnology bond. [1]
experiments. [ALL INDIA 2016] 4. Transposon are the jumping DNA sequences
21. Write the steps you would suggest to be that can move from one location to another in
undertaken to obtain a foreign-gene-product. the genome. Hence, when they jump, at a point
[DELHI 2017] where they can bind with transcribing DNA to
22. Why do lepidopterans die when they feed on Bt RNA and prevent it from translation. [1]
cotton plant? Explain how it happens. 5. Removal of C peptide makes the active form
[DELHI 2017] of insulin from non- active form which is pro-
23. Explain the various steps involved in the insulin. [1]
production of artificial insulin. 6. Hereditary disease can be corrected now- a-days
[ALL INDIA 2017] with gene therapy. In this method, disease
24. How has the use of Agrobacterium as vectors causing gene is replaced with new normal gene
helped in controlling Meloidegyne incogintia which does not cause the disease. It involve
infestation intobacco plants? Explain in correct gene corrections in embryo stage, if discovered
sequence. [DELHI 2018] through amniocentesis and juvenile stage. [1]
CHAPTER 12 : Biotechnology and its applications 12.129
First successful attempt was made on a 4-year 13. Agrobacterium tumifaciensis a gram negative
old girl. She was suffering from Adenosine bacteria and known as natural genetic engineer
deaminase deficiency. This enzyme is important of plants. The name is given to it because it
for immune system. The enzyme can by integrates its plasmid DNA known as T DNA
infused inside by injection or by bone marrow into plant genome without any vector. This
transplantation for correction of the disease.[1] property is used by biotechnologist to transfer
7. Agrobacterium tumifaciensis a gram negative desired gene in the plants with the help of its
bacteria and known as natural genetic engineer T-DNA. [2]
of plants. The name is given to it because it 14. P r e p a r a t i o n o f H u m a n I n s u l i n U s i n g
integrates its plasmid DNA known as T DNA Recombinant DNA Technology:
into plant genome without any vector. It can be Identification and separation of DNA
used to incorporate genes for plant defense, or segment which codes for insulin
against stress. Therefore it is a natural genetic
engineer of plants. [2] Introducing insulin sequence in the
8. ‘Rosie’ is a transgenic cow developed by scientist plasmid of E. coli bacterium.
in the year 1997. Its milk is better than other
cows because it is enriched with alpha -
lactalbumin. This milk is nutritionally more Engineered plasmid from E.coli is
balanced for human babies than natural cow’s inserted into a new bacterium.
milk. [2]
9. (a) ADA deficiency in humans is caused due to
the missing ADA gene in diseased person, New bacterium divides and
produces insulin.
wherein Adenosine deaminase enzyme is not
produced. Its deficiency in humans affect the
immune system. [1]
Insulin exracted
(b) The vector used for transferring ADA
from bacterium.
is a retrovirus. Recipient cells are
lymphocytes. [1] Fig.: Human Insulin preparation using
10. (a) DNA ligase act as a “glue” to join the two recombinant DNA technology [½x4+1=3]
15. (a) Genetically modified plants are more
DNA strands by forming phosphodiester
tolerant to abiotic stresses such as cold,
bond. [1]
drought, salt and heat. [1]
(b) When Meloidegyne incognitia consumes cell
(b) Genetically modified pants plants increase
with RNAi gene, then it will die because
the efficiency of mineral usage and prevent
introduced RNAi will form sense and anti-
early exhaustion of soil fertility. [1]
sense RNA (dsRNA) that are complementary
(c) GM plants do not dependent much on
to each other will be complementary to
chemical pesticides. [½]
mRNA. Hence, the situation lead to the
(d) They have enhanced the nutritional value
process of gene silencing by RNAi. [1] of food such as vitamin A-enriched rice. [½]
11. Adenosine deaminase enzyme plays an 16. The structure of insulin consist of two short
important role in the immune system of human. polypeptide chains- chain A and chain B that
ADA deficiency in humans is caused due to are linked together by disulphide bridges.
the lack of gene responsible for the production In mammals including humans, insulin is
of ADA enzyme. This condition, is cured by synthesised as a pro-hormone. It needs to be
gene replacement therapy, where the gene of processed before it becomes a fully mature and
Adenosine deaminase enzyme is introduced functional hormone. It contains an extra stretch
in then human lymphocytes with the help of called C-peptide. C-peptide is removed during
retrovirus. [2] maturation into insulin. The rDNA technique
12. Proinsulin is like a pro-enzyme having extra is used for assembling insulin into the mature
stretch of C-peptide which makes it inactive. So form. [1]
it needs to be processed to become fully mature In 1983, Eli Lily, an American company,
and functional hormone like insulin, insulin is prepared two DNA sequences corresponding to
mature hormone which contains only A and B A and B chains and it introduced into E. coli to
peptide. [2] produce A and B chains separately. These chains
12.130 CHAPTER 12 : Biotechnology and its applications
were extracted and combined to form disulphide In the presence of chromogenic substrate,
bonds to form human insulin. [1] the recombinants are colourless and non-
recombinants are blue in colour. [1½]
Proinsulin 20. (a) In most biotechnology experiments the cells
S–S are made competent so that it can take up
S S the DNA from the external medium. The
bacterial cells are treated with divalent
A peptide cations such as calcium to increase the
S–S efficiency of DNA entering the cell through
S S Insulin pores in the cell wall. [1½]
(b) Biolistic gun or gene gun is used to introduce
B peptide alien DNA into host cells especially in
plants. In this method, the host cells are
Free C peptide bombarded with high-velocity microparticles
Fig.: Maturation of pro-insulin into insulin [1] of gold or tungsten coated DNA molecules.
17. RNA Interference (RNAi) is process which [1½]
silences a gene. It blocks the expression of 21. The steps to obtain a foreign-gene product are
genes in the parasite when it enters the host’s stated below:
body. RNAi is a method adopted to prevent (a) Identification of DNA having desirable
infestation of roots of tobacco plants by a genes. [½]
nematode Meloidegyne incognitia. In RNAi, a (b) Identified DNA is inserted into suitable host
complementary RNA binds to mRNA to form to form recombinant DNA (rDNA). [½]
a dsRNA that cannot translate. Therefore, its (c) In the host the introduced DNA is cloned.
expression is blocked (Silenced). In this process, (d) Transfer of the DNA (gene transfer) to its
nematode-specific genes (DNA) are introduced in progeny. [½]
the host plant. This introduced DNA forms both (e) Selection of the recombinants from non-
sense and anti-sense RNA. These two strands, recombinants. [½]
being complementary to each other, bend and (f) Gene of interest is expressed by culturing
form ds RNA, leading to RNA interference. recombinant cells. [½]
mRNA of nematode is thus silenced and the (g) Production of desired gene product on large
parasite cannot survive in the transgenic host. scale by cell culture in bioreactors. [½]
Thus, tobacco plants can be protected from 22. Bt cotton are genetically modified plants have
nematode attack. [3] a Bacillus thuringiensis gene called cry gene.
18. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are This gene, encodes for Bt toxin protein crystals
those plants, bacteria, fungi or animals whose having insecticidal properties. The toxin is
genes have been altered by manipulation. [1] effective for lepidopteran such as cotton boll
Advantages: worm. Bt toxin exists as inactive protoxins.
(a) They have high tolerance factors cold, When an insect ingests the inactive toxin, it
drought, salt, heat, etc. gets converted into an active form of toxin due
(b) Less dependent on chemical pesticides. to the alkaline pH of the gut (stomach) which
(c) Minimum post-harvest losses. solubilise the crystals. The activated toxin binds
(d) Increased efficiency of mineral usage by to the surface of mid gut epithelial cells and
plants. make pores that cause cell swelling and celllysis
(e) increased nutritional value. [2] (breakdown) and eventually cause death of the
19. (a) Ampicillin resistance gene (ampR) and insect. [3]
tetR/ tetracycline resistance gene (tetR) 23. Insulin consist of two short polypeptide
are the selectable markers in the cloning chains- chain A and chain B that are linked
vector pBR322. They help in identifying together by disulphide bridges. In mammals
and eliminating non-transformed cells and including humans, insulin is synthesised as a
distinguish recombinant cells from non- pro-hormone. It needs to be processed before it
recombinant cells. [1½] becomes a fully mature and functional hormone.
(b) The coding sequence of an enzyme It contains an extra stretch called C-peptide.
β-galactosidase, a preferred selectable C-peptide is removed during maturation into
marker because of simpler and easy process. functional insulin. The two DNA sequences
CHAPTER 12 : Biotechnology and its applications 12.131
corresponding to A and B chains are introduced thuringiensis produce proteins that kill certain
into E. coli to produce A and B chains separately. insects such as, coleopterans and dipterans.
These chains are extracted and combined B. thuringiensis forms protein crystals which
by creating disulphide bonds to form human contain a toxic insecticidal protein. [3]
insulin. [3] 27. DNA Fingerprinting or DNA test is the technique
24. A nematode Meloidegyne incognitia infects that I would suggest to sort out the matter. It
the roots of tobacco plants and causes a great consist of isolation of DNA, digestion of DNA
reduction in yield. An effective strategy was by restriction endonucleases, separation of
adopted to prevent this infestation which was DNA fragments by electrophoresis, transferring
based on the process of RNA interference (RNAi). (blotting) of separated DNA fragments to
Using Agrobacterium vectors, nematode-specific synthetic membranes, such as nitrocellulose or
genes were introduced into the host plants. The nylon, hybridisation using labelled VNTR probe,
introduction of DNA was such that it produced and detection of hybridised DNA fragments by
both sense and anti-sense RNA in the host cells. autoradiography. Half of the bands obtained on
These two RNA’s being complementary to each autoradiogram of child will resemble father and
other formed a double stranded (dsRNA) that other half to mother. [3]
initiated RNAi and it silenced specific mRNA of 28. The gene encodingcry protein is called ‘’cry gene’’.
the nematode. As a result the parasite could not
This Cry protein isolated and transferred into
survive in a transgenic host expressing specific
several crops. For example, the proteins encoded
interfering RNA. The transgenic plant therefore
by the genes cryIAc and cryIIAb control the
gets itself protected from the parasite. [3]
cotton bollworms, that of cryIAb controls corn
25. (a) When Meloidegyne incognitia consumes cell
borer. Some strains of Bacillus thuringiensis
with RNAi gene, then it will die because
produce proteins that kill certain insects such
introduced RNAi will form sense and anti-
as, coleopterans and dipterans. [1½]
sense RNA that are complementary to
B. thuringiensis forms protein crystals which
each other and form double stranded RNA.
Hence, the situation lead to silencing of contains a toxic insecticidal protein. The Bt toxin
mRNA due to RNAi. [1½] protein exist as inactive protoxins but once an
(b) Agrobacterium tumefaciens: Agrobacterium insect ingest the inactive toxin, it is converted
tumifaciensis a gram negative bacteria into an active form of toxin due to the alkaline
and known as natural genetic engineer of pH of the gut which solubilises the crystals. The
plants. The name is given to it because it activated toxin binds to the midgut epithelial
integrates its plasmid DNA known as T cells, causes cell lysis and lead to the death of
DNA into plant genome without any vector. the insect. [1½]
This property is used by biotechnologist to 29. RNAi is a gene silencing process. RNA
transfer desired gene in the plants with the interference help to control the nematode
help of its T-DNA. [1½] from infecting roots of tobacco plants. When
26. The gene encoding cry protein is called ‘’cry Meloidegyne incognitia consumes cell with RNAi
gene’’. This Cry protein isolated and transferred gene, then it will die because introduced RNAi
into several crops. For example, the proteins will form sense and anti-sense RNA that are
encoded by the genes cryIAc and cryIIAb complementary to each other and form double
control the cotton bollworms, that of cryIAb stranded RNA. Hence, the situation lead to the
controls corn borer. Some strains of Bacillus silencing of mRNA due to RNAi. [3]
Study of disease: These modifications also help GEAC (Genetic Engineering Approval Committee)
to understand their contribution for diseases. It is an organization set up by the Indian
helps us to investigate about the new treatments Government to determine the validity and safety
for various diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, of introducing genetic modification organisms for
rheumatoid arthritis and cystic fibrosis. public services.
Biological products: Some products are used to Some companies are using products and
treat certain diseases but are expensive therefore technologies that have already been identified
some transgenic animals are used to create and used by some farmers and indigenous people.
those products. Some diseases which are treated
Rice is an example which is an important food
by such products are phenylketonuria (PKU),
grain and its varieties are produced in India.
emphysema, etc.
There are some varieties which were already
Vaccine safety: Some of the vaccines are tested
derived by Indian farmers and the companies are
for safety on transgenic mice before being used by
using their patent rights.
humans. If it is found reliable, mice are replaced
by monkeys. Biopiracy is used for the companies and
organizations when they do not authorize from
Chemical safety testing: Transgenic animals are
the concerned countries and people along with
used to test toxicity of drugs. These animals are
more sensitive to toxic substances. These animals compensatory payment.
are exposed to toxic substances and the effects are Traditional knowledge of some developing
studied. and under developed countries is exploited for
• Ethical Issues: There are some ethical standards developing modern applications.
to be followed so that the morality of human Some laws are developed by some developed
activities is evaluated. These are necessary and developing countries to avoid unauthorized
because genetic modifications of organisms can exploitation of traditional knowledge and bio-
have unpredictable results. resources.
EXAMINATION QUESTIONS and people concerned and without giving
monetary benefits. [1]
TOPIC 2 2. (a) Trangenic animals are used for the
production of biological products like milk,
1 Mark Questions which is much cheaper than other methods.
1. What is Biopiracy? [ALL INDIA 2016]
For example, Rosie’ is a transgenic cow
[DELHI 2017]
developed by scientist in the year 1997. Its
milk is better than other cows’ because it
2 Marks Questions
is enriched with alpha – lactalbumin, for
2. How have transgenic animals proved to be
human babies. [1]
beneficial in:
(b) Transgenic animals are modified in such
(a) Production of biological products
a way that they become sensitive to toxic
(b) Chemical safety testing
substance more easily, so the scientist can
[ALL INDIA 2014]
use them for toxicity testing. [1]
3 Marks Questions 3. (a) Transgenic animals so called because their
DNA is manipulated by scientist to produce
3. (a) Why are transgenic animals so called?
biological products and other uses. [1]
(b) Explain the role of transgenic animals in
(b) (i) vaccine safety: Transgenic mice are
(i) vaccine safety
used to check the safety of polio virus.
(ii) Biological products with the help of an
(ii) Biological products: Rosie’ is a
example of each. [DELHI 2013]
transgenic cow developed by scientist
in the year 1997. Its milk is better
Solutions than other cows’ milk for human babies
1. Biopiracy is the practice of using bio-resources by because it is enriched with alpha -
multinational companies and other organisations lactalbumin. [1+1]
without proper permission from the countries
CHAPTER 12 : Biotechnology and its applications 12.133
12.134 CHAPTER 12 : Biotechnology and its applications
Organisms and
Chapter Analysis with respect to Last 3 Years’ Board Exams
On the basis of above analysis, it can be said that from exam point of view the concepts
Human Population, Abiotic factors and Growth Curve are most important concepts of the
13.136 CHAPTER 13 : Organisms and Populations
• Conform
A constant internal environment cannot be
maintained by plants and animals.
With change in water osmotic concentration, body
temperature of aquatic animals also changes.
The animals and plants whose body temperature TOPIC 1
changes with ambient temperature are called
1 Mark Questions
1. Give an example of an organism that enters
Thermoregulation is expensive energetically for
‘diapause’ and why. [DELHI 2014]
many organisms that includes small birds like
2. State Gause’s Competitive Exclusion
shrews and humming birds, because of which
Principle. [ALL INDIA 2014]
such organisms are conformers.
3. Name the type of association that the genus
• Migrate
Glomus exhibits with higher plants.
Some organisms move to favorable or more [ALL INDIA 2014]
hospitable areas temporarily and return back
once the stressful period is over in their own area 2 Marks Questions
this is called migration. 4. Explain brood parasitism with the help of an
Many Siberian birds migrate from Siberia to example. [DELHI 2012]
Rajasthan in winters. 5. Why do clown fish and sea anemone pair up?
• Suspend What is this relationship called?
To help bacteria, fungi and lower plants to [ALL INDIA 2012]
survive in unfavorable conditions various kinds of 6. Some organisms suspend their metabolic
thick walled spores are formed that generate on activities to survive in unfavourable conditions.
availability of suitable environment. Explain with the help of any four examples.
Some organisms escape time to avoid stress like [ALL INDIA 2012]
bears goes into hibernation in winters and fishes 7. Explain the significant role of the genus
and snails go into aestivation to avoid summer. Nucleopolyhedro virus in an ecological sensitive
Under unfavorable conditions many zooplankton area. [ALL INDIA 2014]
species in lakes enter diapause, a stage of 8. Describe the mutual relationship between fig
suspended development. tree and wasp and comment on the phenomenon
that operates in their relationship.
Adaptation [ALL INDIA 2014]
• It is any attribute of the organism (morphological, 9. Many fresh water animals cannot survive in
physiological, and behavioral) that enables the marine environment. Explain. [DELHI 2015]
organism to survive and reproduce in its habitat.
10. What is mutualism? Mention any two examples
For example people living in higher altitudes
where the organisms involved are commercially
have higher Red Blood Cell count because the
exploited in agriculture. [ALL INDIA 2015]
oxygen level in higher altitudes is low because
11. Many fresh water animals cannot survive in
of which body produces more Red Blood Cells to
marine environment. Explain. [DELHI 2015]
allow increased level of transportation of gases.
• Allen’s rule: According to Allen’s rule, the limbs,
ears and other appendages of the animals living in 3 Marks Questions
cold climates tend to be shorter than the animals 12. Water is very essential for life. Write any
of the same species living in warm climates to three features both for plants and animals
prevent loss of heat. which enable them to survive in water scarce
• Some dessert plants perform their photosynthetic environment. [ALL INDIA 2011]
function by stems are the leaves are reduced to 13. How do organisms cope with stressful
spines. Some aquatic animals survive in hot environmental conditions which are localized
springs while others may survive in Antarctic or of short duration? [ALL INDIA 2011]
waters where the temperature is very less. 14. Explain the mutualism with the help of
These plants and animals adapt according to the any two examples. How is different from
conditions. commensalism? [DELHI 2013]
13.138 CHAPTER 13 : Organisms and Populations
(b) Few plants’ leaves are converted into spines oxpeckers get food and the beasts get pests
and animals have dry scaly skin to save the eliminated. In mutualism, both the organisms
water. [1] in relationship are benefitted from each other
(c) Plants have sunken conditions whereas where in commensalism, only one partner is
animals undergo aestivation to save the benefitted and other is neither benefitted nor
water during summers. [1] harmed. [3]
13. Plants undergo dormancy during unfavourable 15. (i) Ascaris worms living in the intestine of
conditions and germinate when favourable human show parasitism [1]
conditions appear. The seeds and some
(ii) Wasp pollinating fig inflorescence shows
vegetative structures are used to germinate
mutualism [1]
when favourable conditions appear. Similarly,
(iii) Clown fish living among the tentacles of sea
animals undergo hibernation and migrate to
some other places when stressful environmental anemones shows commensalism [1]
conditions occur. The zooplankton enter the (iv) Mycorrhizae living on the roots of higher
diapause when adverse conditions come. [3] plants shows mutualism [1]
14. Fig tree and wasp show the phenomenon of (v) Orchid growing on a branch of a mango tree
mutualism. For example, Fig tree and wasp. shows commensalism
Another example is between oxpeckers and (vi) Disappearance of smaller barnacles when
zebra. Oxpeckers land on zebras and eat ticks Balanus dominated in the coast of Scotland
and other parasites that live on their skin. The shows competition [1]
[Topic 2] Population
• Population Natality- Number of births during a given period
When a group dwells in a well defined geographic Mortality- Number of deaths in a given period
area, share or compete for similar resources and Immigration- Number of individuals of the same
interbreed, this represents a population. species that have come into the habitat from some
A population has different attributes that an other place.
individual organism does not possess like birth Emigration- Number of individuals of the same
rates, death rates and sex ratio. species that left the habitat and shifted to a new place.
The growth status of the population can be
• Growth models
reflected by the shapes of the pyramids.
Post-reproductive dN
= rN
Reproductive dt
Population density (N)
Pre-reproductive K
Expanding Stable Declining dN K-N
= rN
Fig.: Representation of age b dt K
pyramids for human population
• Population density: Also known as population
size, is the measurement of population per unit
area or unit volume. Time (t)
• Population Growth: The size of a population
Fig.: Population growth curve
is not always constant, it varies with factors like
food availability, adverse weather, predation Exponential growth: When the resources are
pressure these factors provide insight into unlimited population has exponential growth.
whether the population is declining or flourishing, If in a population of size N the birth rates are
these variations in size of population is called represented as b and death rates as d then the
population growth. The population fluctuations increase or decrease in Nin a unit time period t
take place due to four basic processes. will be
13.140 CHAPTER 13 : Organisms and Populations
4. (a) Name the two growth models that represents (b) By using percent cover or biomass in huge
population growth and draw the respective populations. For example, dense laboratory
growth curves they represent. culture of bacteria in a Petri dish can be
(b) State the basis for the difference in the shape measured only by biomass. [1]
of these curves. (c) By using relative density. For example, the
(c) Which one of the curves represent the number of fish caught per trap is used to
human population growth at present? Do measure its total population density in a
you think such a curve is sustainable? Give lake. [1]
reason in support of your answer. 3. (a) A population at any given time is composed
[ALL INDIA 2016] of individuals of different ages. Graphical
5. (a) What is an age-pyramid? representation of age distribution in a
(b) Name three representative kinds of age- population is called an age pyramid. The
pyramids for human population and list the age pyramids in human population show
characteristics for each one of them. age distribution of males and females in
[DELHI 2017] a combined diagram. The shape of the
6. (a) Following are the responses of different pyramids reflects the growth status of the
animals to various a biotic factors. Describe population - whether it is growing or stable
each one with the help of an example. or declining. [3]
(i) Regulate (ii) Conform Post-reproductive
(iii) Migrate (iv) Suspend Reproductive
(b) If 8 individuals in a population of 80 Pre-reproductive
butterflies die in a week, calculate the death
rate of population of butterflies during that Expanding Stable Declining
period. [DELHI 2018] Fig.: Age Pyramids of human population
(b) An age pyramid for human population at
Solutions given point of time helps the policymakers
in planning for various social issues such as
1. (a) Measuring the size of a population in a
health services, education, infrastructure,
habitat helps us to have knowledge of the
finance management. [2]
relative abundance of that particular species
4. (a) There are two types of growth models
and the effect of the species on the available
which represents population growth are
resources of habitat. [1]
exponential growth and logistic growth.
(b) Percentage cover is more meaningful
Exponential growth curve:
measure of population size than mere
numbers because the relative abundance
Population density (N)
On the basis of above analysis, it can be said that from exam point of view both the concepts
Structure and Function of Ecosystem, Nutrient Cycling and Ecological Pyramids are most
important concepts of the chapter.
14.146 CHAPTER 14 : Ecosystem
(iii) Cultural services: It contributes towards the Besides these benefits the evolution in the gene
development and advancement of people, pool of species through number of generation has
e.g. recreational facilities, etc. [1]
produced substances that offer us significant
(iv) Supporting services: Allow the earth to
sustain basic life forms, e.g., photosynthesis, health & other benefits. Thus, by maintaining
water cycle, etc. [1] ecosystem, our future remains secured.
TC 10 J
PC 1000 J TOPIC 2
PP 10,000 J
1 Mark Questions
1,000,000 J of Sunlight 1. Write what do phytophagous insects feed on.
Fig.: Pyramid of Energy [ALL INDIA 2012]
14.150 CHAPTER 14 : Ecosystem
b 1. Phytophagous insect feed on plants, and plant
products like leave and sap [1]
2. This is an inverted ecological pyramid. Example
Time (t) of pyramid of number is forest ecosystem and
(i) Write the status of food and space in the example of pyramid of biomass in lakes. [2]
curves (a) and (b) 3. This is because When energy flows from one
trophic level to the next trophic level, some
(ii) In the absence of predators, which one of
the two curves would appropriately depict energy is always lost as heat. (10% law) [2]
the prey population? 4. [2]
(iii) Time has been shown on X axis and there Post-reproductive
is a parallel dotted line above it. Give the
significance of this dotted line. [DELHI 2014]
9. (i) What is primary productivity? Why it is vary Reproductive
in different types of ecosystem?
(ii) State the relation between gross and net Stable
primary productivity. [DELHI 2014] 5. Predators are able to maintain the population
10. “In a food-chain, a trophic level represents a of the prey. Hence, in this way intra species
functional level, not a species.” Explain. regulation occur. Other role is they are the
[DELHI 2016] indicators of ecological disturbances. [2]
CHAPTER 14 : Ecosystem 14.151
organisms as we move from producers to top food chain that is known as their trophic
carnivores. The producers are the smallest level. There is food or energy relationship
organisms while the carnivores are larger in between organisms at different trophic
size. levels. The graphical representation of
Secondary the relationship between organisms at
Large Fishes
Carnivores different trophic levels is called ecological
Small Fishes Primary pyramid. [1]
The base of each pyramid represents the
producers or the first trophic level while
Zooplankton Herbivores
the apex represents tertiary or top level
consumer. There are three ecological
pyramids namely (i) pyramid of number;
plankton Producers (ii) pyramid of biomass and (iii) pyramid
of energy. [1]
Inverted (i) Pyramid of number: it is the number
Fig.: Inverted pyramid [1] of individuals that occupy a particular
13. The various benefits that humans can obtain trophic level in a given area at a
from the ecosystem are collectively called given time. Example, in grassland
ecosystem services. Ecosystem services are the ecosystem pyramid of number is
products of ecosystem processes. upright because number of organisms
Forests are the major source of ecosystem decrease at successive trophic levels.
services. It indirectly provides economic values
(ii) Pyramid of Biomass: Biomass or
in the following ways: [1]
organic matter of living beings present
1. Environmental Values:
per unit area in different trophic
(i) Trees purify air by fixing CO2 into organic
levels. It can be upright or inverted.
molecules through photosynthesis. All
the organisms at other trophic levels, (iii) Pyramid of energy: it is a representation
i.e. consumers depend upon food of transfer of energy between
produced by the plants or trees. organisms of different trophic levels.
(ii) Trees release oxygen as a by-product The pyramid of energy is always
in the process of photosynthesis, upright. [1]
improves the air quality and supports (b) Limitations of ecological pyramids:
life on earth. (i) It does not take into account the same
(iii) Plants protects the soil erosion from species which belongs to two or more
the agents like wind and water. The trophic levels.
soil remains spongy and fertile. There (ii) It does not accommodate a food web.
are no landslides and no floods. [2]
(iii) Saprophytes are not given any place
2. Economic Value: in ecological pyramids, though they
(i) Ecosystem services provide certain play a vital role in the ecosystem [2]
economical important products. These 15. (a) Based on the source of nutrition or food,
include timber, paper, rubber, wax, organisms occupy a specific place in the
medicines, cosmetics, resins, etc.
food chain that is known as their trophic
(ii) Ecosystem also provides other benefits level. There is food or energy relationship
such as aid in pollination. Bees and between organisms at different trophic
other insects of natural ecosystem levels. The first trophic level is occupied by
visit nearby farmlands to pollinate producer and successive trophic levels by
crops. It maintains biodiversity. different consumers. Each trophic level has
3. Aesthetic values: Natural ecosystems add a certain mass of living material at a given
spiritual, cultural and recreational values time in a specific location is called Standing
to the human life. [2] crop. It is measured as the mass of living
14. (a) Based on the source of nutrition or food, organisms (biomass) or the number in a
organisms occupy a specific place in the unit area. [2]
CHAPTER 14 : Ecosystem 14.153
(b) The ‘first trophic level’ is always occupied in form of food which is transferred to
by producers in any ecosystem. They are the consumers when they eat them. The
autotrophs as they synthesise food using detritus food chain consists of decomposers
sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. All which are heterotrophic organisms, mainly
other organisms depend on producers for fungi and bacteria. They meet their energy
and nutrient requirements by degrading
food or energy directly or indirectly. [1]
dead organisms of grazing food chain or
(c) In the grazing food chain, energy is derived any other food chain. Therefore, detritus
from the Sun during photosynthesis by food chain is also connected to the grazing
producers. Energy is stored in the producers food chain for energy. [2]
Photosynthesis minerals
CO2 in atmosphere and Green Plants
dissolved in water
Fig.: Phosphorus Cycle
Decay Death
1. 49% of dry weight of an organism is constituted
by carbon. Reservoirs of carbon include- oceans,
fossil fuels, etc. A large amount of carbon returns
to atmosphere due to respiration, decomposition
of waste material and dead organic matter also
contribute carbon dioxide in atmosphere.
3. Carbon cycle includes:
Respiration & Metabolism (a) 49 percent of Plants’ content is carbon
dioxide and 70% of it is dissolved in water.
(b) This carbon-dioxide is used by plants to
prepare the food by photosynthesis in the
Photosynthesis presence of light.
CO2 in atmosphere and Green Plants (c) This carbon-dioxide is returned back to the
dissolved in water environment by the respiration of animal,
combustion, volcanic eruptions, decay of
Decay Death plants and animals.
(d) Decay of plants and animals is also acted by
Respiration & Metabolism decomposers which leads to the formation of
Animals Carbon dioxide.
Fig.: Basic Carbon Cycle
2. The function of a reservoir in a nutrient cycle is
to fill the gap that occurs due to any imbalance
in rate of influx and efflux of the mineral or gas
in a nutrient cycle.
Carbon cycle includes:
(a) 49 percent of Plants content is carbon dioxide
and 70% of it is dissolved in water.
(b) This carbon-dioxide is used by plants to
prepare the food by photosynthesis in the
presence of light.
CHAPTER 14 : Ecosystem 14.155
14.156 CHAPTER 14 : Ecosystem
Biodiversity and
Its Conservation
Chapter Analysis with respect to Last 3 Years’ Board Exams
The analysis given here gives you an analytical picture of this chapter and will help you to
identify the concepts of the chapter that, arc to he focused more from exam point of view.
From last 3 years question papers, it can be inferred that Types of Biodiversity, Importance
of Biodiversity, Conservation of Biodiversity are most important concepts.
15.158 CHAPTER 15 : Biodiversity and Its Conservation
[Topic 1] Biodiversity
Summary Patterns of Biodiversity
Biologist Edward Wilson popularized the term • Latitudinal gradient: The diversity of plants
and animals isn’t uniform throughout the planet
Biodiversity to explain the combined diversity in
however shows a rather uneven distribution.
every aspect of biological organization. It refers to the
For several clusters of animals or plants, there
summation of diversity that exists in any respective are attention-grabbing patterns in diversity, the
level of biological organization. The most important foremost well- famed being the angular distance
among them are: gradient in diversity.
• Genetic diversity: One species would possibly • Species-Area relationships: The increase in
show high diversity at the genetic level over its explored area will increase with the richness of
spatial arrangement vary. The medicinal plant the species within vicinity.
Rauwolfia vomitoria shows a genetic variation. It
grows in numerous mountain range ranges may Importance of Species Diversity
well be in terms of the efficiency and concentration An excessive amount of variation shouldn’t be
of the active chemical (reserpine) that the plant showed by a stable community in productivity from
produces. There are over fifty thousand genetically year to year; it should be either resistant or resilient
different strains of rice, and 1,000 types of mango
to occasional disturbances (natural or man-made),
in India.
and it should even be immune to invasions by alien
• Species diversity: It is the variation at the
species. Plots with additional species show less
species level. For instance, the Western Ghats
and Eastern Ghats differ in amphibian species year-to-year variation in total biomass. Multiplied
diversity. diversity contributes to higher productivity.
• Ecological diversity: This refers to the diversity Loss of Biodiversity
at ecosystem level. India, as an example, with • Habitat loss and fragmentation: The
its deserts, rain forests, mangroves, coral accelerated rates of species extinctions that the
reefs, wetlands, estuaries, and alpine meadows planet is facing currently are mostly because
incorporates a bigger system diversity than a of human activities. Degradation of the many
Scandinavian country like Serbia. habitats by pollution threatens the survival of the
Number of species on Earth and in many species. When massive habitats are shrunk
into little fragments because of varied human
India activities, mammals and birds requiring massive
• Biodiversity and its conservation is currently territories and bound animals with migratory
the most important environmental problem with habits are badly affected, resulting in population
international concern as increasing number of declines.
folks round the world begin to grasp the vital • Over-exploitation: Many species extinctions
importance of diversity for our survival and well- within the last five hundred years (Steller’s
being on this planet. sea cow, passenger pigeon) were because of
• More than seventy per cent of all the species exploitation by humans. Presently several marine
recorded are animals, whereas plants (including fish populations throughout the world are over
alga, fungi, bryophytes, gymnosperms and harvested, endangering the continued existence
angiosperms) comprise no over twenty two per of some commercially necessary species.
cent of the entire. Among animals, insects are • Alien species invasion: When alien species are
the foremost species rich taxon, creating up over introduced accidentally or deliberately for any
seventy per cent of the entire. That means, out of purpose, a number of them become invasive, and
each ten animals on this planet, seven are insects. cause decline or extinction of native species.
• India constitutes 2.4 per cent of the world’s total • Co- extinctions: Whenever there is an extinction
land area and also shares 8.1 per cent of the of any species, the animal and plant species linked
global species diversity. That makes India as one to it become extinct. For example- mutualism
of the 12 mega diversity countries of the world. in coevolved plant-pollinator, where the latter
Nearly 45,000 species of plants and twice as many becomes extinct with the extinction of the first
of animals have been recorded from India. one or vice-versa.
CHAPTER 15 : Biodiversity and Its Conservation 15.159
Species richness
[DELHI 2013]
2. Name the type of biodiversity represented by al
the following: g
(i) 1000 varieties of mangoes in India. Lo
(ii) Variations in terms of potency and
concentration of reserpine in Rauwolfia
vomitoria growing in different regions of
Himalayas. [ALL INDIA 2013] Area
(a) Name the naturalist who studied the kind of
relationship shown in the graph. Write the
2 Marks Questions observations made by him.
3. Justify with the help of an example where a
deliberate attempt by humans has led to the (b) Write the situations as discovered by the
extinction of a particular species.[DELHI 2011] ecologists when the value of ‘Z’
4. State the use of Biodiversity in modern (Slope of the line) lies between.
agriculture. [ALL INDIA 2011] (i) 0.1 and 0.2
5. T h e a b o v e g r a p h s h o w s S p e c i e s – A r e a (ii) 0.6 and 1.2
relationship. Write the equation of the curve ‘a’ What does ‘Z’ stand for?
and explain. [ALL INDIA 2011] (c) When would the slope of the line ‘b’ become
6. Explain why very small animals are rarely found steeper? [ALL INDIA 2014]
in polar region. [DELHI 2013]
7. Where would you expect more species biodiversity
in tropics or in Polar Regions? Give reasons in 5 Marks Questions
support of your answer. [ALL INDIA 2013] 15. (a) “India has greater ecosystem diversity than
8. Mention the kind of biodiversity of more than Norway.” Do you agree with the statement?
a thousand varieties of mangoes in India Give reasons in support of your answer.
represent. How is it possible? [DELHI 2016] (b) Write the difference between genetic
9. Why sacred groves are highly protected? biodiversity and species biodiversity
[ALL INDIA 2016] that exists at all the levels of biological
10. Suggest two practices giving one example of each organisation [DELHI 2018]
that help protect rare or threatened species.
[ALL INDIA 2017]
3 Marks Questions 1. (a) Genetic Diversity [½]
11. ‘Many plant and animal species are on the verge
(b) Ecological diversity [½]
of their extinction because of loss of forest land
2. (i) Genetic Diversity [½]
by indiscriminate use by the humans. As a
biology student what method would you suggest (ii) Genetic Diversity [½]
along with its advantages that can protect such 3. Humans are “selfish” means that they exploit
threatened species from getting extinct? other organisms for food and shelter. Many
[DELHI 2015] species extinctions in the last 500 years like
12. Name and describe any three causes of Steller’s sea cow, passenger pigeon were due to
biodiversity losses. [DELHI 2017] over-exploitation by humans. [2]
15.160 CHAPTER 15 : Biodiversity and Its Conservation
4. The use of Biodiversity in modern agriculture habitat. Biosphere reserves, national parks,
are: wildlife sanctuaries, sacred groves, etc, involves
(i) Biodiversity helps in reducing the use of this type of conservation. Ex situ conservation
harmful chemicals in agriculture. [1] involves placing of threatened animals and
(ii) Biodiversity helps in improving the varieties plants in special care units for their protection.
of plants, specially disease resistant Zoological parks, botanical gardens and wildlife
plants. [1] safari parks serve this purpose. [2]
5. 11. Methods to protect the species which are on the
a verge of extinction.
b (a) Ex situ conservation: The threatened
Species richness
13. Yes, when Alien species are introduced, they are 15. (a) India has greater ecosystem diversity than
highly invasive and are a threat to indigenous Norway because India lies in the tropical
species. For example,
and sub-tropical zones, whereas Norway lies
(i) Extinction of 200 species approximately
by the introduction of Cichlid fish in Lake near the Arctic region. India receives greater
Victoria. [1] amounts of sunlight hence, more Indian
(ii) Environmental damage of the native species
climate is more predictable and stable.
by the introduction of carrot, Lantana, water
hyacinth. [1] Photosynthesis as compared to Norway.
(iii) Catfish extinction due to introduction of Besides India has greater geographical,
African catfish Clarias gariepinus. [1] topological and climatic diversity compared
14. (a) Alexander von Humboldt studied the kind
of relationship shown in the graph. He to Norway, leading to greater biodiversity.
observed that species richness increases with [3]
explored area but upto certain extent. [1] (b) Genetic biodiversity: Refers to number
(b) (i) 0.1 and 0.2 Z value is representing area
of genes and their alleles present in the
is small to normal
(ii) 0.6 and 1.2 Z value is representing area organisms. It is the trait of the individual
is very large. species.
Z is representing slope of the graph which
Species biodiversity: Number of types of
is regression coefficient. [1]
(c) When area is very large, then the slope of species occurring in an area. It is the trait of the
the line ‘b’ become steeper. [1] community. [2]
On the basis of above analysis, it can be said that from exam point of view Electrostatics
Precipitators, Aquatic Food chain, CNG, CFC, Algal Bloom, Waste water treatment and
pollution are most important concepts of the chapter.
16.166 CHAPTER 16 : Environmental Issues
The Bharat Stage II Streams draining into the lake introduce nutrients
Water pollution like N2, P2 due to which the aquatic organisms
• Human activities have polluted the lakes, ponds, grow.
stream, rivers, and oceans which is known as The phenomenon where the pollutants (effluents
water pollution. from the industries) and homes accelerate the
• Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, ageing process is called cultural or accelerated
1974 has been passed by the Government of India eutrophication.
to safeguard the water resources. • Bio-magnification:
• Domestic Sewage and Industrial Effluents: It means the increase in concentration of the
Prevention of disposal of all kinds of waste in toxicant at successive trophic levels.
the water. Domestic sewage is the most common
Water (DDT:0.03ppm )
→ Zooplankton (0.04ppm )
source of pollution of water bodies which reduces
dissolved oxygen but increases biochemical oxygen → Small fish (0.5 ppm )
→ Large fish (2ppm )
demand of receiving water. It is rich in nutrients, → Birds (5 ppm )
especially, nitrogen and phosphorus, which cause
This causes decline in bird population.
eutrophication and nuisance algal blooms. The
effect of sewage discharge on characteristics of a Solid Wastes
river are shown below. • Anything that goes in the trash is called solid
Fish kill and Reappearance waste.
disappearance of clean water
of clean water organisms • The wastes from homes, stores, offices, hospitals
(like plastics, metals, glass etc.) are collected and
disposed by the municipality are called Municipal
C solid wastes.
O Dissolved oxygen • In a sanitary landfill, the wastes are dumped in a
C trench after compaction.
E • Bio-degradable, recyclable and non-biodegradable
T are the three types of solid waste.
A • Radioactive wastes: Nuclear wastes emit
T radiation which causes mutation at a very high
O rate and creates various disorders such as cancer.
N • Plastic waste: These are non-biodegradable
Direction of flow wastes. Kabadi-wallas and rag-pickers help to
separate material for recycling.
discharge • E-wastes: The electronic good that cannot be
repaired are called electronic waste (e-waste).
Fig.: Effect of sewage discharge on
characteristics of a river Recycling is the only solution to get rid of these
Industrial waste waters are often rich in toxic wastes.
chemicals, especially heavy metals and organic • Agrochemicals: The use of inorganic fertilizers
compounds. Industrial waste waters harm living and pesticides has increased manifold for
organisms. enhancing crop production.
Using dry composting toilets, human excreta can be Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc., are being
handled and this is called a sustainable system. This increasingly used. These incidentally, are also toxic
composite method allows human excreta to be recycled to non-target organisms which form the important
into a resource, which works as natural fertilizer. components of the soil ecosystem.
• Algal Bloom: • Organic Farming: In this, the waste products
Increase in amount of nutrients in water bodies from one process are cycled in as nutrients for
result in excessive growth of algae, due to which other processes.
quality of water degrades. Some of them are
harmful to animals and humans. Crop waste is used in creating compost, which can be
• Eutrophication: used as a natural fertilizer or can be used to generate
It refers to the natural aging of a lake by nutrient natural gas for satisfying the energy needs of the
enrichment of the water. farm.
16.168 CHAPTER 16 : Environmental Issues
1 Mark Questions
1. Write the unit used for measuring ozone 3 Marks Questions
thickness. [DELHI 2011] 14. Name the two different categories of microbes
2. How do algal blooms affect the life in water naturally occurring in sewage water. Explain
bodies? [ALL INDIA 2011] their role in cleaning sewage water into usable
3. Why is the use of unleaded petrol recommended water. [ALL INDIA 2011]
for motor vehicles equipped with catalytic 15. By the end of 2002 the public transport of Delhi
converters? [ALL INDIA 2013] switched over to a new fuel. Name the fuel. Why
4. State the cause of accelerated Eutrophication. is this fuel considered better? Explain.
[ALL INDIA 2011]
[DELHI 2014]
16. How does algal bloom destroy the quality of a
5. Write the name of the organism that is referred
fresh water body? Explain. [DELHI 2013]
to as the ‘Terror of Bengal’. [DELHI 2014]
17. “Determination of Biological Oxygen Demand
6. List two advantages of the use of unleaded petrol
(BOD) can help in suggesting the quality of a
in automobiles as fuel. [ALL INDIA 2015]
water body.” Explain. [DELHI 2015]
7. Excessive nutrients in a fresh water body cause
18. With the help of a flow chart, show the
fish mortality. Give two reasons.[DELHI 2016]
phenomenon of bio magnification of DDT in an
8. Mention two advantages for preferring CNG
aquatic food chain. [ALL INDIA 2015]
over diesel as an automobile fuel.
19. (a) Name any two places where it is essential
[ALL INDIA 2016]
to install electrostatic precipitators. Why it
9. An electrostatic precipitator in a thermal
is required to do so?
power plant is not able to generate high voltage
(b) Mention one limitation of the electrostatic
of several thousands. Write the ecological
precipitator. [DELHI 2016]
implication because of it. [ALL INDIA 2017]
4 Marks Questions
2 Marks Questions 20. Since October 02, 2014 “Swachh Bharat
10. How did a citizen group called Friends of Arcata Abhiyan” has been launched in our country
Marsh, Arcata, California, USA, help to improve (a) Write your views on this initiative giving
water quality of the marshland using integrated justification.
waste water Treatment? Explain in four steps. (b) As a biologist name two problems that
[DELHI 2018] you may face while implementing the
11. Study the graph given below. Explain how programme in your locality.
oxygen concentration is affected in the river (c) Suggest two remedial methods to overcome
when sewage is discharged into it. these problems. [DELHI 2015]
[DELHI 2011] 21. Public all over India is very much concerned
O about the deteriorating air quality in large parts
N Dissolved oxygen
C of North India. Alarmed by this situation the
N Resident’s Welfare Association of your locality
T organized an awareness programme entitled
A “Bury not burn”. They invited you, to participate.
I (a) How would you justify your arguments that
N promote burying and discourage burning?
(Give two reasons)
Direction of flow
(b) With the help of flow charts, one for each
Sewage practice depict the chain of events that
discharge follow. [DELHI 2017]
CHAPTER 16 : Environmental Issues 16.169
22. Looking at the deteriorating air quality because (b) It helps in preventing health issues like
of air pollution in many cities of the country, the anaemia, loss of appetite, damage to
citizens are very much worried and concerned erythrocytes and damage nervous system.
about their health. The doctors have declared [½]
health emergency in the cities where the air 7. The presence of large amounts of nutrients in
quality is very severely poor. the water bodies results into excessive algal
(a) Mention any two major causes of air growth called algal boom. Excess algal growth
pollution. deteriorate of the quality of water by producing
(b) Write the two harmful effects of air pollution toxins, reduces dissolved oxygen and it leads to
to plants and humans. fish mortality. [1]
(c) As a captain of your school Eco-club, 8. The two advantages of CNG over diesel are:
suggest any two programmes you would (a) CNG burns more efficiently leaving very
plan to organise in the school so as to bring little residue. [½]
awareness among the students on how to (b) I t i s c o s t e f f e c t i v e a n d c a n n o t b e
check air pollution in and round the school. adulterated. [½]
[DELHI 2018] 9. Non-generation of a high voltage in a thermal
power plant by the electrostatic precipitator is
5 Marks Questions
23. (a) What is E1 Nino effect? Explain how its unable to remove particulate matter present in
accounts for biodiversity loss. the exhaust of thermal power plants. This causes
(b) Explain any three measures that you air pollution as dust particles are released into
as an individual would take, to reduce the air. [1]
environmental pollution. [DELHI 2011] 10. Wastewater including sewage can be treated
in an integrated manner, by using a mix of
artificial and natural processes. (a) In the first
Solutions step, a conventional sedimentation, filtering and
1. “Dobson” is the unit used for measuring ozone chlorine treatments are given which removes
thickness. One Dobson unit is equivalent to 0.01 physical impurities. (b) In the second step,
mm thickness. [1] an innovative approach was taken and the
2. Algal bloom means “excessive growth of algae”. biologists developed a series of six connected
This overgrowth of algae depletes water bodies
marshes over 60 hectares of marshland.(c) In
of oxygen. It affect fishes and other life in water
the third step, appropriate plants, algae, fungi
bodies and they die. [1]
and bacteria were grown that area to neutralise,
3. Lead corrode the catalytic rods of Palladium,
absorb and assimilate the pollutants. (d) Finally
Rhodium, Platinum which decrease the efficiency
the water flows through the marshes, it gets
of catalytic converter, of motor vehicles. Hence,
purified naturally. [2]
the use of unleaded petrol recommended
11. The figure shows that there is decrease in the
for motor vehicles equipped with catalytic
oxygen concentration of water when sewage
converters [1]
4. Eutrophication means Nutrient enrichment in water is discharged into the fresh water. But, as
water body that result in the excessive growth the flow of water increases, amount of oxygen
of microbial life. Causes of the accelerated increases slowly. [2]
Eutrophication are: disposal of nutrient rich 12. Ahmed Khan in collaboration with Engineering
sewage in water body and Algal bloom in the college and the Bangalore city corporation
water bodies. [1] proved that the blend of Bitumen and plastic
5. Eicchornia crassipes/Water Hyacinth which waste, when used to lay roads enhanced the
is an exotic shrub is referred to as the ‘Terror bitumen’s water repellent properties and helped
of Bengal’ because it strongly competes with to increase road life by a factor of three. So
native species of Bengal and destroys the native using khan’s technique many roads were laid
species [1] in Bangalore. [2]
6. Two advantages of using unleaded petrol as fuel 13. Electronic goods and damaged computers are
in automobiles: two sources of e-wastes. Two different ways for
(a) Use of unleaded petrol does not release lead their disposal are: [1]
compounds from exhaust fumes into the (i) BURYING IN THE LAND [½]
atmosphere from vehicles. [½] (ii) INCINERATION [½]
16.170 CHAPTER 16 : Environmental Issues
14. Fungi and bacteria are the two different dissolved in water. It gets into the zooplankton
categories of microbes naturally occurring in and concentration of DDT goes on increasing at
sewage water. Role of these microbes in cleaning each trophic level in a food chain—from small
sewage water into usable water are: fish to large fish and birds. [2]
(i) The primary effluent is delivered into a large
aeration tanks which is agitated constantly.
(ii) This agitation facilitates the growth of fungi
and bacteria.
(iii) This growth of fungi and bacteria
decreases the biological oxygen
(iv) This effluent is delivered into settling
tanks where bacteria flocks are allowed to
sediment and known as activated sludge.
(v) Small part of activated sludge is disposed at
anaerobic sludge reactors that result in the
formation of methane, hydrogen sulphide
and carbon-dioxide.
(vi) This effluent is discharged into natural Fig.: Bio-magnification in a food [1]
water bodies. 19. (a) Two places where it is essential to install
Thus Fungi and bacteria helps in the electrostatic precipitators are
digestion of organic material present in the (i) In the thermal power plants
Sewage. [½x6=3] (ii) In the industries that release other
15. Compressed natural gas (CNG) is the new fuel particulate matter. Electrostatic
that has been added to the Delhi in the year precipitators are installed to remove
2002. It is considered better than any other fuel particulate matter. [2]
because it produces very less amount of unburnt (b) Electrostatic precipitators does not remove
particles and thus it is a clean fuel. CNG burnt very small particulate matter which
very efficiently leading to the production of few measures less than 2.5 micrometres.
unburnt particles. At the same time, it is cheap Electrostatic precipitators cannot work
too. [3] without electricity. These are some of the
16. Algal bloom means “excessive growth of algae”. limitations of electrostatic precipitators.
This bloom consumes the dissolved oxygen. This [1]
bloom also give a distinct color to the water 20. “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” is an initiative started
bodies. This bloom severely decreases the water on 2nd October, 2014. It is very good cleanliness
quality and causes death of fish, and other drive. Unmanaged waste is the biggest evil
aquatic organisms. [3] that hinders the development and progress of a
17. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is the amount country. An unclean surrounding will lead to a
of the oxygen required to consume all the organic lot of problems, such as decreased quality of air
matter present in one Liter of water oxidising and water. Unclean surrounding causing health
bacteria. The BOD test measures the rate issues along with polluted air and water. [1]
of uptake of oxygen by micro-organisms in a (b) Two problems faced while implementing the
sample of water. Therefore, indirectly, BOD is programme in my locality are as follows:
a measure of the organic matter present in the (i) Poor drainage system and improper
water. If the BOD in a water body is more, it sanitation.
means the water body is more polluted. So, by (ii) H a n d l i n g o f n o n - b i o d e g r a d a b l e
measuring BOD of water body, its water quality wastes. [1]
can be determined. [3] (c) Remedies to overcome the problems:
18. Successive increase in concentration of toxic (i) To overcome sanitation problems, we
chemicals at each trophic level in a food chain should make people aware regarding
is called biomagnification. We can understand the benefits of proper sanitation and
with this example, when the crop field is encourage the local people to make
sprayed with dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane proper toilets. Covering of open drains
(DDT), it is carried into water bodies and gets by crowd funding. [1]
CHAPTER 16 : Environmental Issues 16.171
(ii) There should be separate bins for non- suspended particulate matter produced
biodegradable wastes so that they can by the construction activity. [1]
be disposed and recycled accordingly. (b) Harmful effects of air pollution.
[1] (i) In plants: It reduces vegetative growth
21. (a) Arguments in favour of burying and against which results into reduced crop yield.
burning: It also results into premature death of
(i) Burying the waste does not have plants.
any harmful effect. Buried waste are (ii) It affects respiratory system of humans
decomposed by bacteria and fungi into and of animals, affects vision. [1]
simple inorganic nutrients. [1] (c) Two suggested programmes:
(ii) Waste on burning, releases smoke (i) Organise a workshop for students,
and pollutants such as CO2, NO2, SO2, teachers and parents to create
etc., in the in the atmosphere. These awareness regarding the harmful
pollutants disturbs air quality of the effects of air pollution. Arrange
atmosphere causing health issues. [1] discussion on health issues related to
(b) The solid wastes are classified into two air pollution. [1]
categories: (ii) Organise a pollution-free week in the
Biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. school where teachers and students
Biodegradable waste are those which can be will promote use of bicycle to reduce
degraded by the microbes, e.g., plants parts, pollution. [1]
kitchen waste etc. Non-biodegradable waste are 23. (a) E1 Nino effect is a odd climate changes
those which cannot degraded by the microbes that is observed in the Pacific Ocean that
and can remain as it is for very long periods, affect the weather severely. The cycle starts
e.g. plastics, aluminium cans pesticides. [1] when warm water in Pacific Ocean move
Flow charts depicting effects of burying and towards coast of South America. This effect
burning are: result in the melting of ice in Antarctica
(i) B u r y i n g o f b i o d e g r a d a b l e w a s t e s and global warming. Hence, the change in
(Agricultural waste, kitchen waste, plant environmental conditions leads to the effect
parts) → in pit or in landfill → decomposition the organism life living in those areas. [3]
by bacteria and fungi → compost → Crop (b) Three measures that I as an individual
field → Plants → Recycled. would take, to reduce environmental
(ii) Burning of waste → air pollution → global pollution are:
warming → respiratory diseases [1] (i) Planting more trees.
22. (a) Two major causes of air pollution are: (ii) Use of energy efficient electrical
(i) Burning of fossil fuels such as appliances.
petroleum products and coal. (iii) Saving the water bodies by not dumping
(ii) Generation of dust which remain as the waste into it. [2]
• Global warming is caused by the increasing level It can be controlled by reforestation which is
of the greenhouse effect. Earth’s temperature has restoring the forest that once existed in the past.
been increased by 0.6°C during the last three It can speed up by planting more and more trees.
decades. Some of its effects are melting of polar • Participation by people for conserving the
ice caps, Himalayan snowcaps etc. forests
• Over many years, there will be a rise in sea level Chipko Movement:
that will submerge many coastal areas.
- It was started in 1974 by the local women in
• It can be controlled by reducing deforestation and
Garhwal, Himalayas.
planting more trees and reducing usage of fossil
fuels. - In order to protect the trees from the axe of the
contractors, the women used to hug the trees.
Ozone depletion in the stratosphere Bishnoi Movement:
• “Good” Ozone acts as shield absorbing UV-rays - The king of Jodhpur in Rajasthan instructed his
from the sun, which cause mutation and is found minister to arrange wood for constructing a new
in stratosphere.
palace in 1731. The minister and workers went to
• The “bad” ozone is formed in the troposphere. a forest near a village where the Bishnois lived, to
• The balance in production and degradation of cut down trees.
ozone in the stratosphere is disturbed due to
- A Bishnoi woman Amrita Devi showed immense
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which move upward
bravery by hugging a tree and daring king’s men
and reach the stratosphere. UV rays act on them
releasing CI atoms. In the presence of CI (catalyst), to cut her first before cutting the tree.
ozone degrades molecular oxygen causing ozone - Her three daughters and hundreds of other
depletion which has formed ozone hole over the Bishnois followed her, and lost their lives saving
Antarctic region. trees.
• The thickness of the ozone in a column of air - The Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection
from the ground to the top of the atmosphere is Award has been introduced by the Government of
measured in terms of Dobson units (DU). India for individuals or communities from rural
• UV-B damages DNA and causes damage to skin areas that show dedication in protecting the
cells, aging of skin and various types of skin wildlife.
cancers. Cornea of the eye absorbs UV-B radiation,
and a high dose of UV-B causes inflammation of
cornea, called snow-blindness cataract, etc.
• The Montreal Protocol was signed in 1987 to control
the emission of ozone-depleting substances.
Degradation by improper resource utilization
and maintenance TOPIC 2
• Soil erosion and desertification: 2 Marks Questions
Over-cultivation, deforestation, grazing and poor 1. Explain the relationship between CFC’s and
irrigation practices done by human are responsible Ozone in the stratosphere. [ALL INDIA 2016]
for soil erosion. When large barren patches extend
2. List four benefits to human life by eliminating
and meet over time, a desert is created
the use of CFCs. [ALL INDIA 2017]
• Waterlogging and Soil Salinity:
Without proper drainage of water, the irrigation
process leads to waterlogging which damages the 3 Marks Questions
agriculture. Water logging also draws salt to the 3. H o w h a v e h u m a n a c t i v i t i e s c a u s e d
surface of the soil.
desertification? Explain. [DELHI 2013]
Conversion of forest area to a non-forested area
leads to deforestation and one of its hazardous 5 Marks Questions
effects is that concentration of CO2 is enhanced 4. (a) What depletes ozone in the stratosphere?
because the tree is lost with deforestation who can How does this affect human life?
hold a lot of carbon. (b) Explain bio magnification or DDT in an
Deforestation cause soil erosion and disturbance aquatic food chain. How does it affect the
in hydrologic cycle. bird population? [DELHI 2012]
CHAPTER 16 : Environmental Issues 16.173
Class XII
Time : 3 hrs Maximum Marks : 70
General Instructions
(i) The question paper has 27 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 5 are Very Short Answer type Questions. Each question
carries one mark.
(iv) Questions from serial number 6 to 12 are 2 marks questions. Answers of these questions
should not exceed 30 words each.
(v) Questions from serial number 13 to 24 are 3 marks questions. Answers of these questions
should not exceed 60 words each.
(vi) Questions from serial number 25 to 27 are 5 marks questions. Answers of these questions
should not exceed 100 words each.
(vii) There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in some questions.
You have to attempt only one of the alternatives in all such-questions.
2 Sample Paper 1
Section A (1 × 5 = 5)
4. After a successful in-vitro fertilisation, the fertilised egg begins to divide. What is this
technique named? At which stage are the cells, when they are transferred to the female
Section B (2 × 7 = 14)
6. Write the difference between two types of autogamous flowers with examples.
8. Mention a product of human welfare obtained with the help of each one of the following
(d) Streptococcus
11. Discuss the role the enzyme DNA ligase plays during DNA replication.
12. Name the causative organism of the disease malaria. List one symptom of the disease, one
vector, and the species which causes malignant malaria.
Section C (3 × 12 = 36)
14. Give an example of a sex linked recessive trait in humans and the affected offsprings.
Explain its pattern of inheritance with the help of a cross.
15. Which experiments disapprove the theory of spontaneous generation? Explain with
16. Suggest and describe a technique to obtain multiple copies of a gene of interest in vitro
17. Name the causative organism for Typhoid, disease symptoms and the diagnostic test.
18. What are the ecosystem services provided free of cost and what shall be the estimated
20. How has RNAi technique helped to prevent the infestation of roots in tobacco plants by a
nematode Meloidegyne incognitia.
Prior to a sports event blood and urine samples of sportspersons are collected for drug
(c) Write the generic names of two plants from which these drugs are obtained?
(a) Nucleopolyhedrovirus
23. What is passive immunity? How does mother's milk provide passive immunity? State
another example of passive immunity.
(b) Interferons
(c) Placenta
How are the following formed and involved in DNA packaging in a nucleus of a cell?
(ii) Nucleosome
(iii) Chromatin
Section D (5 × 3 = 15)
25. Draw a schematic sketch of pBR 322 plasmid and label the following in it:
(a) There are three kinds of age-pyramids for human populations. Represent them
Class XII
Time : 3 hrs Maximum Marks : 70
General Instructions
(i) The question paper has 27 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 5 are Very Short Answer type Questions. Each question
carries one mark.
(iv) Questions from serial number 6 to 12 are 2 marks questions. Answers of these questions
should not exceed 30 words each.
(v) Questions from serial number 13 to 24 are 3 marks questions. Answers of these questions
should not exceed 60 words each.
(vi) Questions from serial number 25 to 27 are 5 marks questions. Answers of these questions
should not exceed 100 words each.
(vii) There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in some questions.
You have to attempt only one of the alternatives in all such-questions.
2 Sample Paper 2
Section A (1 × 5 = 5)
3. Name the term used for molecular scissors giving one example.
Section B (2 × 7 = 14)
6. Name the enzyme needed for isolation of bacterial DNA. Why is it not necessary to use it
in the isolation of plant DNA?
7. Progeny formed from sexual reproduction have better chances of survival. Why?
8. If a person is born with a hereditary disease how can it be cured? Give an example.
9. Mention a product of human welfare obtained with the help of each one of the following
a. Trichoderma
b. Methanobacterium
c. Aspergillus niger
d. Oscillatoria
10. Many fresh water animals cannot survive in marine environment. Explain?
11. Double fertilization is reported in plants of both caster and ground nut. How are the mature
seeds of groundnut and castor? Explain the post fertilization events responsible for it?
12. Rupture of Graafian follicle and thereby the release of ovum (ovulation) is controlled by
hormones. Mention two hormonal changes which bring about ovulation.
If a new habitat is just being colonised, how does immigration contribute to population
growth than birth rates. Justify giving the mathematical formula.
Section C (3 × 12 = 36)
13. Seeds are the basis of agriculture. Justify in the light of water dependency and dormancy.
Sample Paper 2 3
14. A teacher wants students to find out the genotype of pea plant with tall trait in the school
garden. Name and explain the cross that will make it possible.
16. How are Numbat and ant-eater connected? Use concepts of evolution and two examples
pairs to justify your answer.
18. Explain with an example of symbiotic fungi on how their mutual association helps fungal
and plant partners.
19. (a) Point out the key difference between primary and secondary sewage treatment?
(b) Microbes can be used to decrease the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Explain
with examples how it can be accomplished.
20. (a) A DNA segment has 200 nucleotides. Out of this 30 of them are guanine. How many
pyrimidine bases does the segment possess?
21. Insulin is a hormone which is needed by diabetics for treatment. With the advent of
biotechnology, the recombinant insulin can be made. Write down the steps to make
recombinant insulin.
22. (a) Name the simplest and most common bioreactor in use.
23. Explain with evidences how the evolution of man and cheetah was from a common
24. Giving an example of polygenic inheritance, how blood grouping can be used to study it?
Why does human skin colour pattern show much variation as compared to monkeys'?
4 Sample Paper 2
Section D (5 × 3 = 15)
25. Out of the following figures shown below, which one of the following represents
a. Ovulation
26. You went to a hill station in summers and started wheezing. You had runny nose and
sneezing. But when you changed the place, you became normal.
d. Point out what is the chemical released in your body which cause it?
a. Antibiotic resistance
b. Replicative apparatus
c. Cloning site
How does presence of two antibacterial genes help in identifying transformants from non-
transformants and recombinants from non-recombinants?