NICE SA Constitutionreview1 105136
NICE SA Constitutionreview1 105136
NICE SA Constitutionreview1 105136
We, the students of Civil Engineering department in the Federal SECTION 1: NAME
University of Technology, Akure, having firmly and solemnly resolved to
The association shall be known and addressed as Nigerian
establish the Nigerian Institute of Civil Engineers Students’ Affiliate of the
Institute of Civil Engineers Students’ Affiliate, The Federal University of
Federal University of Technology, Akure (NICE-SA FUTA Chapter) with a
Technology, Akure Chapter (NICE-SA FUTA Chapter).
view to promoting the best interest of our members and to create a
forum whereby members can meet and discuss, so that they can
contribute their quota towards the technological development in
cognisance with Civil Engineering. ARTICLE B AIMS AND OBJECTIVES
And recognising the need to bring men up in the best ideas of the 1. To contribute enormously to the growth of Civil Engineering in
University to ensure technology for self-reliance, good citizenship and Nigeria and the world in general.
leadership in Nigeria and the world at large. 2. To create a forum whereby knowledge and ideas can be
The need of Civil Engineering cannot be overemphasized as such, exchanged between members and where problems affecting the
students of Civil Engineering department in the Federal University of department could be discussed.
Technology, Akure, in the pursuance of the enormous task, hereby 3. To promote and protect the ethics of Civil Engineering.
present and adopt the following constitution.
2. At the beginning of every academic session, it shall be mandatory SECTION 7 DUTIES OF PATRONS/PATRONESS
for every member to pay the association annual dues and levies.
The grand patron/patroness shall:
3. Every member shall pay an annual due agreed by the entire
1. shall be an adviser to the association
congress before he/she is allowed to register for his/her courses
at the beginning of every session. 2. shall meet with the association via the executives or the general
assembly at least twice a semester.
4. Every member shall have the privilege to vote and be voted for
association elections. 3. shall assist the association both financially and morally.
SECTION 5 CODE OF CONDUCT 4. shall give maximum support to any programme embarked upon
by the association.
Every member is to conduct himself or herself in an orderly
manner at all general meeting of the association and any erring SECTION 8 LEGAL ADVISERS
member shall be made to face the disciplinary committee to be
set up by the executive committee of the association at the 1. All judges in the Judicial Council of the Federal University of
congress. Technology, Akure Students’ Union and all barristers in the
Federal University of Technology, Akure Students’ Union Bar
Association (FBA) shall be the legal advisers of the association.
2. Any individual who associates his/herself with the advancement 1. The President
of Civil Engineering in general shall be deemed fit to be appointed 2. The Vice-President
as patron/patroness of this association.
3. The General Secretary
3. Patrons/patronesses who are members of staff of the Federal
University of Technology, Akure shall be the staff advisers of the 4. The Assistant General Secretary (A.G.S.)
association. 5. The Financial Secretary
4. The appointment of appointment of staff advisers shall be 6. The Treasurer
terminated after three (3) years of appointment
NICE-SA FUTA Constitution NICE-SA FUTA Constitution
7. The Public Relations Officer (P.R.O.) (v) at the last semester meeting present a report of the
stewardship of the outgoing executives.
8. The Welfare Director
(vi) not vote at any meeting except when there is a tie.
9. The Director of Sports
(vii) be responsible for the co-ordination of the activities of
10. The Director of Socials
other officers of the executives.
11. The Ex-officio members
(viii) approve the representatives of the association at various
1. The executive committee shall set up various committee as (ix) perform all other duties incidental to his/her office.
deemed necessary and shall specify their duties.
(x) be a signatory to the association’s bank account.
2. The members of committee shall be nominated by the general
assembly of the association through free and fair elections.
(i) assist the president in all his/her duties
3. They shall meet from time to time to discuss vital issues.
(ii) carry out other duties as may be assigned to him/her by
4. They shall give their stewardship report to the congress at least
the president.
one month to the end of their tenure of office.
(iii) act for the president in his/her absence
COMMITTEE (iv) be responsible for matters relating to the general welfare
of all members of the association.
(v) be responsible for the planning and execution of the
(i) shall be the chief executive and chief spokesman of the
orientation programme for fresh members.
(vi) be the chairman/chairperson of the academic committee.
(ii) preside over all executive meetings and general assembly
meeting 3. THE GENERAL SECRETARY shall:
(iii) summon through the general secretary assembly (i) be responsible for all secretariat duties.
meetings and general assembly.
(ii) handle all the correspondent of the association.
(iv) be a co-signatory to all financial dealings of the
(iii) summon a general meeting at the request of the
NICE-SA FUTA Constitution NICE-SA FUTA Constitution
(iv) keep all the attendance books of general meetings (vii) issue receipts for the income of the association.
(v) take the proper recording of minutes of general (viii) seek documented approval from the president before
assemblies. releasing the association’s money.
(i) assist the general secretary in his/her duties. (i) be a signatory to the association’s bank account.
(ii) be responsible for the proper maintenance of the (ii) maintain an imprest account of not more five thousand
secretariat. naira (N5,000)
(iii) be responsible for the production and issuance of Identity (iii) make payment of receipts of the association to the bank.
card to the members of the executive committee.
(iv) bank all the monies coming to the association with 48
(iv) take minutes of general assemblies or meetings in the hours of receipt.
absence of the general secretary.
(v) keep up-to-date records to show the financial
(v) take the minutes of meetings of the executive transactions of the association.
(i) publicize all the activities of the association with the
(i) keep a record of all subscriptions and dues paid by the approval of the executive committee of the
association. association.
(ii) submit the association statement of account to the (ii) maintain communication links with similar associations
general assembly. within and outside the university.
(iii) hand over money collected by him to the treasurer within (iii) preside at meetings of the publicity committee.
48 hours of such collection.
(iv) be responsible for the public enlightenment campaign of
(iv) present the budget of the executive committee to the the association.
Budgeting and Financial Committee constituted at the
last general assembly of the immediate past executives.
(v) be a signatory to the association’s bank account.
SECTION 16 AUXILIARY PROVISION ON ELECTIONS (xi) The commission shall publish such other laws which will
ease the task of electioneering.
(i) Election shall be held for all executive post stated in
ARTICLE E SECTION 10 of this constitution at least two
weeks before the end of first semester of each academic
(ii) The independent electoral commission shall publish the (i) There shall be bye-election for any vacant office within
availability of forms and closing date for submission at two (2) weeks of vacancy.
least four (4) weeks before election.
(iii) Without prejudice to Article C section 3 of this SECTION 18 DISCIPLINARY CONDUCTS AND CONSEQUENCES OF
constitution, all financial members of this association OFFICERS
shall be eligible to vote, and without prejudice to Article F (i) Any officer of this association who wants to resign shall
section 14 sub-section (iii) of this constitution, be voted give at least 14days official notice to that effect, after
for. which if accepted by the general assembly, shall become
(iv) The balloting shall be for the executive positions through valid.
secret ballot. (ii) Any officer of this association who is found guilty of gross
(v) Each member must present his/her school I.D card or misconduct and abuse of office shall be removed by the
receipt of NICE-SA annual dues before being allowed to general assembly if 2/3 of the member present support
vote or be voted for. the move.
(vi) Contestants must have been a member for a least a (iii) Any officer resigning or removed from office shall submit
session before qualifying to contest for any executive all the association’s properties in his/her custody within
post excluding the post of Assistant General Secretary 10 working days of resignation or removal to the
(A.G.S.) association through the president or his vice.
(vii) 400 level students are not eligible to contest for any post. (iv) If a vote of no confidence is passed on the entire
(viii) 100 level students shall only be eligible to contest for the executive by the general assembly of the association,
post of Assistant General Secretary (A.G.S.) there be an election of a 3-member caretaker committee
(ix) If there is a deadlock, the commission shall organise a immediately, whose duty shall be to look after the affairs
run-off election between the two leading candidates on a of the association for not more than 10 working days
closed ballot bases. after which an election of substantial executive
(x) If there is a single candidate/contestant for a post, the committee shall take place.
commission shall only declare the candidate winner if (v) Any officer of the association who is found guilty of gross
he/she scores two-third (2/3) majority of the cast votes. misconduct shall not be awarded a certificate of merit.
NICE-SA FUTA Constitution NICE-SA FUTA Constitution
(vi) Any officer of the association who is under allegation (v) Have its report in the agenda to be discussed at the first
shall be deemed to be on suspension pending the general meeting of the following regime and immediately
determination of the congress. their report is accepted, the committee shall stand
SECTION 20 PUBLICITY COMMITTEE shall: (i) A general meeting of at least 2/3 members of the
association shall be a general assembly.
(i) comprise five members in which will be headed by the
(ii) A chief whip shall be nominated at the commencement of
Publicity Relations Officer (P.R.O.) of the association.
the general meeting.
(ii) carry out functions pertaining to the publicity of the
(iii) The general assembly shall be presided by the President
activities and concerns of the association.
(or his vice) and minutes shall be taken by the General
SECTION 21 AUDIT COMMITTEE shall: Secretary or the Assistant General Secretary.
(i) consist of a chairman and three members. SECTION 24 DUTIES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY shall:
(ii) have its members nominated and elected by the congress
(i) be the legislative body of the association.
at least 21 working days to the expiration of the tenure
(ii) elect the executive committee of the association through
of office.
free and fair election.
(iii) Have its members belonging to no other committee in
(iii) elect the caretaker committee if need be in line with
the association.
Article F Section 18 Sub-section (iv).
(iv) Have sole responsibility of auditing the account of the
(iv) elect people to represent the department (or association)
at various levels e.g. NUESA, FUTASU, FUTASRC, etc.
NICE-SA FUTA Constitution NICE-SA FUTA Constitution
SECTION 25 MEETING (v) The committee shall appoint its chairman and secretary.
(vi) It shall submit its report which shall approved by the
(i) there shall be a general meeting at least twice in a
(ii) Members of various committees and their respective SCETION 28 COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY
reports must be presented at a general meeting.
All members of the Executive Council and Committee
(iii) There shall be a three-day notice to members of the
shall be regarded by the principle of collective
association prior to a general meeting and 24-hour notice
in case of an emergency general meeting.
(i) every active officer of the association shall be awarded a
(i) Only the president (or his vice) and the general secretary
certificate of merit at their service to the association.
shall sit at the high table during a general assembly.
(ii) The secretary shall also write letter(s) of commendation
(ii) No member shall have the right to speak in the general
to active and deserving patriots of the association.
assembly without the president’s consent.
(iii) Every member while addressing the assembly should be SECTION 30 CODE OF CONDUCT
on his/her feet with the exception of those on the high
table. (i) A member of the congress shall stand when speaking and
shall address the president and congress.
ARTICLE I (ii) If two or more members arise at the same time, the
president shall decide who will speak first.
(iii) If the president has occasion to rise to assert his
(i) This constitution shall be subject to reserves of authority, any other member of the congress shall
amendments after every five years upon a resolution immediately resume to his seat.
passed by not less than two-third (2/3) of members of the (iv) Debates must be limited to the immediate pending issue
congress present and voting, provided a quorum is or question.
formed. (v) The president may call to order any of the congressmen
(ii) A Constitution Review Committee(CRC) shall be for disregarding the authorities of the president or for
constituted as at when due by the congress. abusing the rules of debate. If after such caution, such a
(iii) The committee shall comprise seven members member persists in misconducting himself, the president
nominated and elected by the general assembly. may:
(iv) The two honourables representing the department at (a) ask him/her to take leave of the house for a specific
FUTASRC shall be automatic members of the committee. period of time.
NICE-SA FUTA Constitution NICE-SA FUTA Constitution
(b) Disqualify the member from voting on specific issues. (vi) Motion to reserve the decision of the president or
chairman other than on point of order.
(vii) Motion to limit or extend time of debate.
SECTION 31 ORIGINAL MOTION (viii) Motion to alter the agenda of business.
(ix) Motion to postpone consideration of a motion to a
(i) All motions duly signed shall be submitted in writing to definite time.
the General Secretary of the Association not later than (x) Motion to refer matter to committee.
three days before a meeting. (xi) Motion to suspend standing order or clause of the
(ii) All motions shall appear on the order paper of the constitution.
meeting on the day they are to be discussed.
(iii) A motion that has been moved and seconded shall not SECTION 34 POINT OF ORDER
lapse unless the mover is absent from the meeting at the
A point of order, when raised must be heard at all times except
time the motion is being tabled for debate.
during the act of voting and shall deal with the conduct of the
(iv) Any motion raised, in which a part of this constitution is
to be altered if passed must be supported by the
majority, provided a quorum is formed. It shall concern matters as:
SECTION 37 OATH OF OFFICE Special appreciation goes to the following members of the association
who made up the constitution review committee:
(i) Oath of office shall be administered to the
association’s newly elected executives by the 1. Hon. Oguntelure Temitope P.K.A. Turpentine (School Rep SEET
presiding Judge at the Judicial Council of the Federal 18/19 parliamentary session)
University of Technology, Akure Students’ Union. 2. Hon. Barr. Showunmi Oluwadamilare (CVE II Rep 19/20
(ii) Copies of the oaths of office administered to newly parliamentary session)
elected executives shall be kept with the electoral 3. Comrade Olowokere Felix (P.K.A. Megathos)
commission that conducted the election. 4. Hon. Awolola Charles Adewale (CVE I Rep 19/20 parliamentary
5. Hon. Adekunle David (CVE I Rep 18/19 parliamentary session)
6. Hon. Adeolu Adebanjo P.K.A. Prince (CVE I Rep 17/18
parliamentary session)
7. Comrade Ibrahim Oluwadunsin (P.K.A. Zlatan)