New Zealand Property Investor - January 2024
New Zealand Property Investor - January 2024
New Zealand Property Investor - January 2024
16 38
Our lead story this month explores what experts
think property investors might face in 2024. MAGAZINE PUBLISHER
Opes Media Limited
redicting the year ahead is an imprecise art. But there’s something 2/236 High Street,
Joanna Mathers
E [email protected]
changes they are looking to make will take some time to be realised.
Sue Harrison, president of NZPIF, says that while property investors may see Sally Fullam
the new government as a sign for smoother sailing ahead, interest rates will E [email protected]
make it choppy.
ANZ’s chief economist Sharon Zollner says house prices are far below their ACCOUNT MANAGER /
peak and the bank’s position is that it will take years for them to return to the ADVERTISING SALES
heady heights of November 2021. Unemployment may rise, which could have an Stephanie Bryant
impact of the bank’s willingness to lend to people who are new to the market. M +64211658018
These are just a few of the predictions voiced in the story. Sally Lindsay has E [email protected]
also chatted to Jen Baird from REINZ; David Faulkner from Property Brokers;
independent economist Tony Alexander; and Kelvin Davidson from CoreLogic.
Sally Lindsay
They all have interesting perspectives on the year ahead.
Mary-Ann Tobin, of Design Addiction, also looks into her crystal ball, SUB-EDITOR
predicting what the design trends will be for the year ahead. Although interior Mike Deacon
design doesn’t often feature strongly when we are renovating rentals, it’s very
important for those who have short-term rentals. If you fall into that category,
Tobin’s story should be of interest.
Our profile this month, Sarah Wilson, has always been convinced of the
power of property. She bought her first home, aged 23, with her husband. And
her long-term buy-and-hold rentals have served her well. She’s currently in the
process of developing one of her Auckland rental properties and adding five
new townhouses to the section – great for the housing pool in our largest city.
And if you are afraid of mediation, you should read Sarina Gibbon’s excellent
story on the topic. She believes it offers landlords a great service and a way
of getting your side of the story across if there are issues with a tenancy. As
general manager of Auckland Property Investors’ Association she has great
insights around this. We trust you find her story useful. SUBSCRIPTIONS
Jill Lewis
We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and new year. We look forward to T 0800 888 643
E [email protected]
informing and inspiring you in 2024.
To subscribe go to
All the best.
From the team
Shane Campbell, Anthony Corin,
Kelvin Davidson, David Faulkner,
Sarina Gibbon, Matthew Gilligan,
Eric Hammond, Sue Harrison, Caleb
Pearson, Kris Pedersen, Mary-anne
Tobin, Rachel Vogan, Stevie Waring,
Greg Watson, Ryan Weir, Mark
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Christchurch-based Gold
Band Finance mainly focuses
on non-CCCFA loans.
investors, and that is not denigrating
“There’s a lot of skill that goes into
Sally Lindsay takes a look at the way rents are set
and the challenges around shifting regulations.
09 887 7420
Matthew Gilligan is encouraged by the new regime’s
approach to property, but he notes the devil is always
in the detail.
n November 24, 2023, November talking about different timing, they would reduce the bright-line period
Matthew Gilligan is a
property investor, developer
and tax adviser. He is
managing director of
chartered accounting firm
Gilligan Rowe & Associates, Upset over development plans can be addressed,
where he heads the
specialist property and but it pays to follow the correct procedure.
asset planning divisions.
We have a neighbour who prior to the case being heard, you will
Q shares a cross-lease with us need to give the court an undertaking as
Kris Pedersen of Kris
and three others in Auckland. to damages. This is a promise that if the
Pedersen Mortgages is a The neighbour is putting an 8x4 metre court ultimately decides against you, you
commentator on property
and finance. His team sources
unit on the back of their property, will reimburse your neighbour for loss
top finance strategies. which will overlook ours and severely suffered because of the injunction.
Phone 09 486 4719, www. impact our privacy. It is openly In making any interim order to stop
opposed by us and the others on the work, the court will look at a range of
cross-lease. Is there anything we can factors including how strong your case
do to stop the building going ahead? as to breach is and how best to preserve
MARK WITHERS All the materials are on site and the the status quo. As a court application
Mark and his team specialise
in advising on property-
builder is apparently due to start. will involve legal costs, if time allows we
related transactions, The answer to the question will recommend writing to your neighbour
valuation and restructure
services, and tax planning. A depend on the wording of your first, telling them that construction
Withers Tsang cross-lease, which vary. Most would be in breach of the cross-lease
phone 09 376 8860, cross-lease agreements prohibit lessees and that all other lessees object.
from undertaking alterations or additions You could warn them that if they
without the other lessees’ consent. This continue, they risk a court ordering
RYAN WEIR is usually with the proviso that consent removal of the unit at their own cost, in
Ryan is managing cannot be unreasonably withheld. In addition to an order to contribute towards
director and franchisor of
Propertyscouts NZ. He’s deciding whether refusal is your court costs. It would also be worth
deputy chairman of the unreasonable, judges will normally weigh noting in the letter that construction could
RPMA and is passionate
about the property the detrimental effect on the other result in a defect in your neighbour’s title
management industry, lessees against your neighbour’s benefit. and issues when their property is sold,
particularly, raising
industry standards.
Detriment can include matters such depending on the nature of the unit.
as loss of amenity, peace or privacy – Shane Campbell
from being overlooked, which you say
SHANE CAMPBELL applies here. For example, in one case My mum and I bought our first
A partner in Wynn Williams’
Dispute Resolution Team, installation of French doors and deck home in March last year. The
Shane specialises in complex was said to create “a strong sense of interest rate was fixed for two
commercial disputes. He acts
on property disputes, product visual intrusion” making it reasonable to years at 5.99 per cent. My mum died in
liability, defective buildings refuse consent. Your options may vary September and her will has my siblings
and professional negligence
- including claims for and depending on where the proposed unit written into the house. What is the
against lawyers, architects, is placed on the property ie, on common likelihood of the mortgage being
accountants, engineers, valuers
and property managers. property or on the neighbour’s exclusive rewritten under all of our names and the
use area. interest rate being changed?
ERIC HAMMOND We recommend checking the flat plan If you want to change the
Eric is the founder and
managing director of The and cross-lease agreement carefully. If A ownership then you will almost
Stay Hub and Hammond & Co you decide construction would be in certainly lose the interest rate.
Property Management.
His team specialise in both
breach of the cross-lease agreement, Do note that if you do decide to go
short-term and long-term then this may be grounds to seek an down the path of adding your siblings on
rentals with a portfolio
injunction from a court ordering your that there can be other negative
spanning both central and
greater Auckland. neighbour to stop work and/or undo any implications to be aware of. If they
work carried out. If you want to prevent haven’t purchased a property previously
construction work being carried out this may impact their ability to access
KiwiSaver later for a home for My tenant has expressed for host damage protection costs and
themselves. Also note that lenders will Q interest in adding a portable a further US$1 million for host liability
look at the full debt as being applied to pool for the summer, but I’m insurance.
each person individually if anyone feeling a bit concerned about potential Regardless of a booking platform’s
applies for a mortgage in the future. issues. Are there any specific rules and terms and conditions, hosts are also
What I mean by this is let’s say there regulations I should be aware of, and entitled to draft their own rental
were four of you so you each own 25 per would it be advisable to proceed with agreement. This can include rules
cent of the house and believe you are caution in this situation? surrounding deposits and refunds, the
responsible for 25 per cent of the Considering the tenant’s maximum number of guests staying
mortgage. The banks will load 100 per A addition of a portable pool is a on the property, liability for accidents,
cent of the mortgage onto any applicant decision that involves careful and things such as bringing a pet onto
who applies for other mortgages consideration of legal and safety the property. If you decide to include a
elsewhere, which can restrict what they aspects. Section 42B (Minor Changes) of short-term rental agreement with your
may want to do individually. the RTA is pivotal here. Firstly, evaluate listing, you need to ensure guests are
– Kris Pedersen whether the pool presents a risk of aware of its existence and the terms
material damage to the premises. For prior to booking, not on checking in.
We have a property that will instance, placing it on grass may risk While OTAs usually have identity
Q need work when the tenant damage to the lawn. Additionally, assess verification rules in place for guests, to
leaves, in the next couple of potential health and safety risks, best protect your asset we recommend
years. We are saving for this work but especially if there are young children in joining a professional property
as the savings are profit, we are subject or around the property. As the management company that can
to tax. Is there any way of buying PCBU (person conducting a business or implement more thorough processes
vouchers or getting store credits for undertaking), conducting a thorough risk for screening guests, including
items we will need for the renovation assessment aligns with your obligations background checks and social media
at a later day, so it is not counted under the Health and Safety Act. vetting. Joining a team of professionals
as profit? Moreover, portable or above-ground can also offer your guests 24/7 support
I would have several concerns pools with specific characteristics may and ensure rules surrounding parties and
A over this. Firstly, if you wait until require regulatory consent, such as a noise are upheld or dealt with as soon as
a tenant departs before building consent for a compliant fence. an issue arises.
undertaking maintenance that ultimately If the pool’s height is less than 1.2 metres – Eric Hammond
leads to you selling the property rather above ground or it’s in proximity to
than re-letting it, the works lose their permanent structures like decks, fencing I have a rental property and
nexus with the income earning activity may be mandatory. Q I need to know if I have to
which is the renting. This then means the – Ryan Weir pay tax or not. I have not made
works are considered capital works any profit from rent yet. And what
designed to achieve the capital gain on I have been renting out my about if I don’t pay tax and don’t
sale and are non-tax deductible, even if Q property investment in the claim expenses?
they would have been deductible if re-let. long-term rental market since When you say you have not
My second concern would be that it was purchased six years ago. This A made a profit from the rent
buying vouchers without actually taking year I would like to explore short-term yet, the “$64 million question”
the goods or beginning the work leaves renting. What will this switch mean in here is: How have you calculated your
you as an unsecured creditor of the terms of the Residential Tenancies Act profit? Unfortunately, tax is not so simple
merchant. In the event the business and protecting my property? as just looking at what the cash flow
collapsed you would almost certainly When you list your property in position is. Some expenses that
have lost your money. Lastly, the point at A the short-term rental market, you might expect to be deductible, are
which a deduction for the maintenance things such as the Residential not deductible. Interest is the prime
cost (assuming the property is re-let) is Tenancies Act and Healthy Homes example of this if the property was
triggered is when the work the voucher regulations are not applicable. This bought on or after March 27, 2021,
will pay for is undertaken and the means any standard rental agreements and it is not a new build or rented as
voucher redeemed, not the point in time seen in long-term renting do not apply social housing.
where the voucher itself is acquired. to your property or the guests who stay In summary, whether you make a
My suggestion overall would be to there. With that said, online travel agents profit or not from a tax point of view,
budget for the works needed and pay (OTA) such as Airbnb will have legally you need to file a tax return. Therefore,
for them when the work is undertaken, binding terms and conditions that cover I suggest you engage an accountant to
ideally prior to the property becoming aspects such as payments, cancellations help you with this, and they will be able
unlet and certainly before the property is and damages. On Airbnb, all hosts are to determine if there is a profit or loss for
marketed for sale. offered AirCover free. This insurance tax purposes.
– Mark Withers agreement includes up to US$3 million – Matthew Gilligan
oreLogic’s House Price into a surge in the number of deals. market averages have started to turn
HOUSE PRICES: UP CoreLogic’s House Price
Index shows average property values were up
1.1 per cent over the three months to the end of
November, and the annual change sits at -4.5 per
cent, the softest annual decline since November
2022, when it was -2.9 per cent.
OCR: STEADY The Reserve Bank’s official cash
rate has been held at 5.5 per cent since July last
year after the RBNZ indicated it was at the end
of its tightening cycle. However, in its November
Monetary Policy Statement it said it could lift the
OCR again if inflation fails to drop.
the one-year mortgage interest rate should be
down to about 6.3-6.6 per cent mid-this year,
before dropping to 6 per cent in December.
of new homes consented in October was down 21
per cent compared with October last year. Across
the board, 39,900 new dwellings of all types
were consented for the year to October and in the
month, there were consents issued for 3,060 new
homes, comprising 1,380 townhouses, flats and
units; 1,255 stand-alone houses; 201 apartments
and 184 retirement village units.
mortgage commitments were $5.8 billion, up 11.2
per cent from $5.2 billion in September and up 3.5
per cent on an annual basis. New mortgages to first
home buyers rose 12.3 per cent to $1,369 billion
in October, up from $1,253 billion in September,
while lending to investors rose slightly, up to 17.7
Auckland value growth for per cent, or $1,021 billion, from $894 million in
November was consistent across September. The share of mortgages to first home
sub-markets – with North Shore buyers has exceeded the share to investors each
up by 1.8 per cent. month since April 2022, but the share of lending
to investors has been rising and increased from
15.4 per cent in January. The average value of
new mortgages across all borrower types rose to
AUCKLAND REBOUNDS in November, up 13 per cent on the $367,100, up from $347,000 in September.
Wealthy Auckland buyers who can previous month and a third higher than
RENTS: UP Rents across the entire market,
afford $2 million-plus houses have in the same month last year. It’s the including existing tenancies, rose 4.1 per cent
returned to the market in force. highest number of properties sold in a nationwide in the year to October, according to
The city’s biggest real estate agency, month for 21 months. Stats NZ’s latest price index. That figure was up
Barfoot & Thompson, sold 91 properties Property prices have started to 1.5 per cent annually. It contrasted with Trade
Me’s latest rental figures, which show the national
in November priced at more than bed in, with the median price hitting median rent was up 7.5 per cent over the year, just
$2 million – the highest in a month for $1,018 million – the highest in eight ahead of the 7.2 per cent rate of inflation. While
20 months. Of this number, 24 sold for months – while the average price the national median rent was $575 in September,
more than $3 million, also the highest at $1,185 million was the highest in a jump of $40 on the same time last year, it had
remained in the $570-$580 bracket since January
number for 20 months. 19 months.
last year.
Barfoot & Thompson’s managing Significantly, the average sales price
director, Peter Thompson, says the for the month was up 2.8 per cent IMMIGRATION: UP Stats NZ data show
migration surged to a new record of 128,919 in the
housing market has accelerated with on that for November last year. The 12 months to the end of October. About 245,648
sales numbers increasing significantly median monthly price in November arrived in New Zealand on a long-term basis while
and prices recovering most of the lost is within 4.4 per cent of its 2022 116,730 departed long-term, giving a net gain of
ground recorded in the 12 months to the equivalent, the closest the 2023 128,919. This is the biggest net gain ever recorded
in any 12 month period.
end of November. monthly median price has come to
The agency sold 956 properties matching that for 12 months earlier.
“This demonstrates prices being paid CoreLogic’s latest Pain and Gain
are no temporary, short-term recovery,
‘Auckland’s Report shows in the third quarter of last
but show a sound, rising market,” rents are among year 92.6 per cent of houses were sold
Thompson says. for more than their original prices, but
the priciest in the figure is down on 92.9 per cent in
PRICE PREDICTIONS the world’ the second quarter of last year and well
ANZ is not expecting meaningful house down on the 99.3 per cent in the fourth
price rises this year. quarter of 2021.
Nationally, house prices are still a Property Investors’ Federation vice- Although it still represents more
long way below their peak and the bank president Peter Lewis says he would be than nine in every 10 properties selling
is forecasting it will take years to attain surprised if rents had risen that much. for more than the owner originally paid,
those levels again. He says it may be possible for newly- the figure is also barely changed from
Chief economist Sharon Zollner says signed rental agreements, but would be last year’s second quarter result of
it’s not just house prices that are on astonished if it related to existing rentals. 92.9 per cent.
the weaker side – indicators for sales “While many landlords have put up Put another way, says CoreLogic’s
and new listings show there is further rents to existing tenants because costs Davidson, most property resellers in the
softness to come. have gone up in terms of insurance, rates third quarter of 2023 still got a price
New listings are (just) above 2022 and interest payments, I don’t think they higher than what they originally paid,
levels. Zollner says all else equal, this would have risen that much.” reflecting the fact that most people have
extra supply will make it more difficult For example, Lewis says he tries held their property for several years.
for house prices to rise meaningfully to keep his rents at market level. On a “None of this should be too
over the next few months. This lift in $500-a-week rental he would be putting surprising,” he says. “Driven by higher
listings is on top of an already large the rent up $40-$45 a week to keep up mortgage rates, the wider downturn in
stock of inventories, which needs to with rising costs. “That’s about an 8-9 property values began in late 2021 and
decline before meaningful rises in house per cent weekly increase over 12 months. ran for about 18 months, meaning that
prices are likely, she says. “Providing rental accommodation a pass-through to less gain (or more
“The risk is that house prices rise less is the only industry in New Zealand “pain”) for property resellers was always
than we expect this year, given recent restricted to how often it can change or inevitable – especially if they’d only had
modest further lifts in mortgage rates increase prices. Petrol stations, banks, a relatively short hold period of one to
and the somewhat faster-than-expected supermarkets can put up prices as and two years, meaning they bought at or
labour market loosening. Dropping job when they wish, but for some obscure near the peak of the market, and are now
security is likely to make would-be first reason landlords are the only people selling in different conditions.”
home buyers more nervous about taking who are restricted to one rent increase For context, national average values
the plunge, but there’s also a feed-back every 12 months.” are about 13 per cent below the peak and
loop here. Knight Frank’s Prime Global Rental are back down to mid-2021 levels. That’s
“Sharply rising unemployment can Index show rents are rising at a rate roughly two years ago, and breaking
negatively influence credit availability three-and-a-half times their long-term down the loss-making resales of the third
too, making the outlook all the more pre-pandemic trend. quarter, about 53 per cent of those had a
uncertain for credit providers.” Strong global growth has pushed hold period of less than two years.
Zollner says the faster than prime rents 17.9 per cent above their On the other hand, the wider property
anticipated restoration of mortgage pre-pandemic high in the third quarter of market has now generally found a floor,
interest deductibility and other landlord- 2019 and 25.5 per cent higher than the although some areas are still falling.
friendly policy changes agreed to by the pandemic low of the first quarter of 2021. Davidson says given there can be
new coalition government are risks in Auckland’s rent rises can be put down lags to some extent between market
the other direction, although difficult to record numbers of new migrants values and the trends for the pain/gain
to quantify. flooding into the country and a lack of indicators, it wouldn’t be a complete
rental housing. Lewis says he has seen a surprise if the resale performance
RENTS AND SUPPLY big increase in the number of migrants of property over the next quarter
Auckland’s rents are among the priciest looking for rentals. or two weakened a little further –
in the world. Earlier last year he rented one of especially if the labour market softens
The city has the dubious distinction his properties to a South African family more materially.
of being the third most expensive city on a two-year work visa and he’s However, he says it also seems fair to
globally in which to rent. It’s only behind expecting a house he has coming up suggest the “pain” proportion is closer
Sydney and Tokyo. for rent to attract a slew of applications now to its peak than the trough, and a
The latest report by global real estate from migrants. slow recovery in property values over
agency Knight Frank shows Auckland the next few years will eventually see the
rents spiralled up by 13.1 per cent FROM PAIN TO GAIN loss-making proportion slowly decline
over the 12 months to the end of the Median resale profits on houses are just again over the medium term – especially
September. That’s a 5.9 per cent increase short of $285,000, down from the peak in most cases where the hold period has
from the second to third quarter. of $440,000 in late 2021, but still strong. been lengthy. Q
The tone adopted by the Reserve Bank suggests they
may not be done with rate increases quite yet, warns
Kris Pedersen.
he recent OCR review on dining out, the tourism, hospitality TWO-YEAR TERMS
TSB Bank 9.44 8.19 8.19 7.99 7.89 7.65 7.59 7.59 -
SPENDING DROP TSB Special 8.64 7.39 7.39 7.19 7.09 6.85 6.79 6.79 8.74
A recent Westpac survey showed
44 per cent of respondents expect Westpac 8.64 7.99 7.99 7.79 7.59 7.35 7.29 7.09 -
to spend less over this Christmas Westpac Offset 8.64 - - - - - - - -
season compared with last year. With
Westpac Special - 7.39 7.39 7.19 6.99 6.75 6.69 6.49 -
47 per cent expecting to spend less on
Median 8.64 7.39 7.45 7.15 7.4 6.87 6.85 6.92 8.25
holiday accommodation, 45 per cent
looking to spend less on travel and The interest rates specified in this table were accurate on 17 December 2023. Interest rates are subject to change without notice. Different
fees and charges apply to each loan depending on the motgage lender. Seek expert advice to determine the mortgage lender that is right for
43 per cent a decrease on gifts and you and your circumstances. A Disclosure Statement is available on request and free of charge. Data provided by
= SUCCESS nvestor Dolf de Roos once said,
Wilson grew up with a family of investors
– her parents understood the power of
property. “I think it probably encouraged
me to see buying property as a good
step,” she says.
Growing up in Hamilton, she left the
city after graduating from secondary
school, moving north to study at the
University of Auckland. It was here she
met Aaron; a young man who shared her
vision for the future. They would go on
to marry and embark on their property
journey together.
Networking has been a large part of
Wilson’s success. Alongside her APIA
membership, she was also a member
of Business Network International
(BNI): “I met accountants, people from
investment companies, mortgage
brokers, lawyers, real estate agents
and builders.”
This gave her a competitive edge;
her contacts helped her to get ahead
in property and in 2011 the couple were
ready to buy again.
A new government has taken the reins, the property
market is in a holding pattern and mortgage interest
rates are set to remain high for longer, so what does
that mean for investors this year?
Sally Lindsay has spoken to six experts for their
views on the next 12 months.
Nationally, house prices are still a long
way below their peak and ANZ is
forecasting it will take years to get back
to those levels.
It’s not just house prices that are on
the weaker side – indicators for sales
and new listings show there is further
softness to come.
New listings are just above 2022
levels. This lift is on top of an already
large stock of inventories, which
needs to decline before meaningful
rises in house prices are likely. The risk
sluggish into 2025 by constraining couple of years. So even though these cautious outlook. The emerging upturn
prospective first home buyers’ and rule changes might add to the mood, in sales volumes and house prices
investors’ borrowing power. when an investor actually sits down and will continue.
That said, financial markets make up looks at the sums, they are still going to However, sales volumes are starting
their own minds about what they think is have low yields and high mortgage rates. from a low level, so even 10 per cent
going to happen, and to the extent they Even with smaller tax bills, the high growth would still leave them low. And
anticipate sharp or imminent cuts, that interest rates mean there will still be house prices might tick up 5 per
could put downward pressure on fixed significant top-ups for many mortgaged cent, maybe a bit more, but it’s nothing
mortgage rates for a time – whether the investors. The two key things (interest like the sort of speed of upturns of the
RBNZ actually delivers or not. rates and low yields) aren’t changing. past. There is positivity, but still a lot
Most mortgage holders have refixing We might see some investors come of restraints.
coming up in the next year. If market back in terms of purchasing, but it won’t Over the past three-and-a-half years
expectations for cuts strengthen from be a flood. When the rubber really hits the what we’ve really seen is the key role
here, wholesale rates and therefore retail road in terms of doing the sums it’s still of credit – the cost of credit and
mortgage rates may be lower when that going to look a little bit tricky for most. the availability.
date comes. There’s a bigger picture too. After the pandemic mortgage rates
But if the inflation news turns worse Affordability is a big issue for the housing collapsed and house prices surged. Then
again and market expectations evolve market, especially when higher for longer the correction kicked in – mortgage
to price later cuts or even a chance mortgage rates are factored in. rates soared higher and house prices fell.
of more hikes, wholesale rates could The popular one and two-year It shows the key role credit plays over
increase. Mortgage rates depend not fixed terms are probably going to stay shorter horizons, especially for investors
only on wholesale rates but also global pretty high. Although Westpac pushed trying to get mortgages now. It’s
funding costs. through some falls on longer-term three expensive and, at the same time, rental
Whatever happens, many of these to five-year fixed rates, hardly anyone yields on property are quite mean.
homeowners will be rolling onto a much fixes for that long. In those really key It’s partly to do with the Reserve
higher rate. shorter-term rates, it’s still a story higher Bank. Mortgage rates and the OCR
for longer, so that’s going to keep some play a role, but other things matter,
KELVIN DAVIDSON pressure on. such as loan-to-value ratios, the Credit
CORELOGIC CHIEF PROPERTY Debt-to-income ratios are still likely in Contracts and Consumers Finance
ECONOMIST the second half of next year in terms of Act (CCCFA), psychology and banks’
Some investors, as we start off the year, capping the size of loans in relation mortgage serviceability rates. Until
will be feeling a bit happier on the back to people’s incomes. That will be a mortgage rates start to fall and people
of signalled government changes to tax restraint on the market, but it might expect them to fall, the housing market
deductibility. It will mean a bit more of a not necessarily kick in straight away will stay restricted.
positive vibe. because interest rates are doing the job The best guidance at this point is
While tax deductibility is coming at the moment. that mortgage rates won’t really fall
back, 100 per cent doesn’t kick in for a What it all amounts to is a pretty significantly for a year or so at least.
REINZ CHIEF EXECUTIVE with – a cash rate that will stay high for That said, we are in the warmer
What we are seeing and hearing is a a long period – and that impacts the months, which are busier in real estate,
level of confidence from members. property market. irrespective of market conditions. We
Agents across the country are seeing Inflation and the cost of living are have seen sales prices levelling out and
more activity – buyers and sellers feeling still big questions for people. And while the general sense in the market is that
more positive about what the market house prices might have come down, the low point in this cycle is behind us.
is looking like post-election, although it the actual affordability equation has Agents are handling more listings,
hasn’t shown up in the numbers yet. changed again, and not in favour of so more people are making the active
Fundamentally the property market house buyers which, of course, is decision to sell. More people are at open
is driven by interest rates, and the OCR the point. homes, there are more multi-offers on
staying at 5.5 per cent just adds a level It always comes down to finance and properties, and more homes are being
of certainty. that is expensive. Buyers are having to sold at auction.
The RBNZ has been clear about its carefully weigh up how much they have, There is a sentiment element to this.
expectations, and this certainly helps. how much they can afford to pay, can People are feeling more confident and
People know what they’re dealing they do it now, and does it make sense? actually thinking maybe now is the time
to have a look around and see what’s
happening. Some of that is moving into
sales, but we know there is a certain level
of activity that happens in the market
anyway – from downsizing, retirement,
and moving for a new job.
Those people are in the market,
irrespective of conditions. Life happens
and a property transaction happens
because of that. People are not waiting
around for the market to be perfect.
An interesting point is vendors are
not selling before buying. A couple of
years ago things were moving so quickly
buyers would need to sell and have
that money available to buy
unconditionally at auction, and even
if it was not being auctioned the
property would sell quickly.
Now buyers can make a conditional
offer that includes selling their house as
we are in an environment where they
have a little bit more power and more
ability to call the shots.
The market feels more balanced than
it has been for some time.
Immigration will have a significant
impact on the housing market this year.
I’ve been talking about this for quite
some time in the context of initially the
upward pressure on rents, which the
Reserve Bank mentioned several times in
in its last Monetary Policy Statement.
Over time immigration acts as an
incentive for young people to move
out of tenancies and into owning their
own property. We are not talking
about migrants buying properties, but
it becomes more expensive for other
people to rent, and the lack of rental
property is an increasing problem, so
Rents have been rising
more first home buyers are looking to
8-10 per cent per year.
make a purchase.
But the key thing is going to be when
people start more deeply debating extra 20 per cent is pretty meaningless. challenging, but it’s also rewarding and
the migration surge, particularly when I expect house prices to rise 10 has a creative purpose.
they realise what it means for housing per cent next year. There is definitely Automation will help property
pressures. I don’t think we’re there yet, more confidence coming in terms of managers. There are a lot of repetitive
but in Australia they are in the middle of expectations, but what I also find is a lot tasks in property management that can
a big debate about housing pressures of people have decided, OK, we’ve had be automated, and it will enable them to
from record net migration inflows. an election, the world is not so good, manage more comfortably.
When that debate comes to NZ at Christmas is coming, let’s go sit on the For example, Property Brokers is
some point in 2024, it will act as quite sidelines and come back in late January looking at rent arrears being automated
a motivator for investors to re-enter or February. Rather than feeling that using software. A property manager is
the market. they immediately need to move, buyers still responsible, but the software does
However, they will not come back are looking to go on holiday for a couple the task rather than the manager.
into the market in great numbers next of months. Already, 360-degree inspections
year – not until interest rates start falling. for entry have been introduced. This
Looking at my latest survey of real estate DAVID FAULKNER saves on average about 90 minutes of
agents there is no evidence of a frenzy PROPERTY BROKERS PROPERTY a manager’s time and creates greater
and no evidence of investors going back MANAGEMENT GENERAL MANAGER transparency for a landlord.
wholesale into the market. With property management With automation managers can start
They are re-entering, but there’s regulations pending, more rentals will handling more properties. The bigger
definitely no fear of missing out (FOMO). be professionally managed by fewer companies have an advantage when it
Much of the reluctance is simply because companies. comes to the use of artificial intelligence
interest rates are too high in combination Costs and the pressure of regulations because they have more data, and with
with rising costs for insurance, council on smaller companies will mean the that data they can make better decisions
rates and maintenance. industry is dominated by bigger and predictions.
As far as falling house building goes, companies. We are starting to see this For example, Property Brokers can
changes the coalition government is already. Several smaller companies are predict better how much money a
proposing (repealing the Resource starting to sell up and bigger companies landlord is going to have to spend on a
Management Act and providing some will take them over. particular type of property. That’s where
undefined financial incentive for councils That doesn’t mean boutique property AI will come into play, but it still needs a
to accelerate construction) are not management will disappear; it just human to do the negotiating.
really going to make a great difference means there will be fewer of them. Rents have been on a steep rising
to the market. The bigger companies will have more curve and increasing at 8-10 per cent
These are things that may have an resources in terms of training, with some a year. It’s not sustainable for property
impact over a 10 to 20-year period, but using external training providers. managers and landlords to keep
in the immediate future it’s not going to Across the board, property increasing them at those levels because
offset still falling house production. management knowledge has to improve ultimately what dictates rent is what
And, of course, the opposite is the as managers are dealing not only with people earn and what they can afford.
incentive for investors to buy with the the Residential Tenancies Act, but also Big rent rises have occurred because
return of interest expense deductibility the Human Rights Act, the Privacy Act, they have been steep in Auckland, which
far earlier than expected. And even Consumer Guarantees Act, Building Act, makes up a third of the rental market,
though it’s only 80 per cent deductibility and Health and Safety Work Act. and provincial NZ has been catching
starting from April 1, for many people People are starting to take property up. In my opinion rent increases could
80 per cent is as good as 100 per cent. management seriously as a career. Every probably drop to about 4 per cent a year
Frankly, waiting an extra year for the day is different, it can be stressful and over the next 12 months. Q
Mediation can provide both landlords and tenants with workable
solutions. Sarina Gibbon, general manager of Auckland Property
Investors Association, offers some tips.
mediation is the one that lets you have a
some very complex MAKE YOUR
say in what an agreeable and enduring COUNTERCLAIM.
resolution looks like. The alternative is tenancy laws’ Mediation is one of those rare moments
to leave everything in the hands of a in life when it is appropriate, prudent
tribunal adjudicator. And I don’t need even, to air out your dirty laundry.
to tell you how much of a gamble that If you have legitimate grievances
can be. against the tenant and find yourself
Don’t overplay the self-determination best to understand and navigate some at the receiving end of a tribunal
aspect of mediation in your head. You very complex tenancy laws. Most people application, file your counterclaim before
are not going to have your way just by don’t arrive at a mediation with clean the scheduled mediation so that all the
showing up. That said, there are some gloves. outstanding issues can be addressed in
techniques that will help you participate For genuine and inadvertent mistakes, a single forum. There’s no point starting
effectively in a tenancy mediation and such as not providing a rent summary on the back foot if you don’t have to. By
influence the outcome. Here are some on request, I suggest you fix them up laying everything out at mediation, you
simple ones that come to mind. as best as you can, as soon as you can. and your tenant can flesh out the best
It’s less about doing the right thing (you way to resolve the dispute and move on.
DON’T CRY OVER should) and more about being strategic If your (counter)claim involves rent
SPOILED MILK, with your approach. Starting a mediation arrears, be sure to front up to the day
BUT DO THROW IT OUT. with as clean a slate as possible saves with an updated rent summary so
Try as media sensationalists might, you precious time on knucklehead everyone knows precisely how much the
renting is far less Dickensian than they stuff. Why bother when the ending is tenant owes.
would have you believe. There are hardly merely a foregone conclusion? You are
any absolute victims or villains. For the better off spending most of the time on KNOW THE
most part, landlords and tenants are contentious issues where you stand to MEDIATOR’S ROLE
much the same. Everyone is doing their gain significant ground. Cynics will have you believe that tenancy
Mediators are problem solvers and can opportunity to further your interests. labour shortages. It is a shame that a
help expedite fair outcomes for both What good is winning the battle if that mediator has to get involved.”
tenants and landlords. means losing the war? Park the emotions at the door and
Have two very specific outcomes in get your sardonic kick elsewhere. You
mind: the best possible (what you want) are not just there to negotiate with the
and the one you can live with (what you tenant. You are also signalling to the
need). Anything in between is a win. mediator that yours is a worthy corner to
These parameters will keep you be on. And when it comes crunch time,
mediators are ideologues powered by razor-focused on the big picture so you you want the mediator to go the extra
a fervid desire to stick it to landlords. don’t get carried away by the heat of mile to get that deal you want across
That couldn’t be further from the truth. the moment. That steadiness of mind the line.
Most landlords I’ve worked with have will go a long way to help you negotiate
come away from the process with the effectively with the tenant. GET THE ORDER SEALED
view that mediators are problem-solvers The agreement you make in mediation
with a singular focus on expediting fair WATCH YOUR MOUTH will be recorded as a mediated order,
and mutually agreeable outcomes. We Chances are, relations are already which is not legally binding unless it
often think of tenancy mediators in less than amicable. I don’t blame you. is sealed.
the context of mediation, but their role It is hard to stay friends when legal Effectively, an unsealed order is a
is more pivotal and far-reaching than proceedings are involved. Conscious gentleman’s handshake; there isn’t much
that. They are also intermediaries in uncoupling isn’t for everyone, and snark you can do if the tenant reneges on any
subsequent negotiations between you can be oh-so-tempting. Find your inner of the terms. Why run a marathon only
and your tenant if the mediation yields Michelle Obama; go high when the to drop out after 41kms? Always ask the
no agreement. tenant goes low. mediator to arrange for the order to
Treat the moderator as an ally, not Lower your voice, don’t interrupt the be sealed.
an adversary. Defer to their expertise; tenant and wipe that scoff off your face. I often chuckle at the thought that,
when it comes to tenancy, they know a Most importantly, sanitise your language. as investors, we take great joy out
great deal about the law and where the The tenant isn’t lying; you just remember of negotiating for properties, but as
tribunal leans. Be a respectful participant things differently (bonus points if you landlords, we shy away from tenancy
and do everything you can to help them can provide documents that support mediation when the two are much the
help you. your narrative). “She is not crazy. Oh, same. When you see mediation for what
no. She just became highly distressed it truly is: an opportunity to get your
WANT VS NEED after the floods. You did your best to do rental business back on track, you will
Treat mediation not as a forum to what was right by her, but you couldn’t come to appreciate how essential a skill
reaffirm your positions but rather as an do anything about insurance delays and it is to have in your landlord toolkit. Q
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Improving the layout of
this kitchen opened up
the space. It’s now more
user-friendly with a
peaceful colour palette.
tenants will furnish a space, having a
vision for spaces means you are getting
the best outcome.
Take our renovation across as an
example. We removed the wall between
the kitchen and the living area. As we
planned the layout of the dining, kitchen
and lounge we thought about where
people would gravitate to, the walkways
through to the kitchen and deck, making
sure each space could still serve its
purpose within a shared setting.
The dining space design focused on
maximising the space in a functional
layout. The bench seat and shelving gave
the room a feature (and storage) but
pushed the dining table to be closer to
the wall, creating more room.
In another project we intentionally
didn’t remove the wall between the
kitchen and the lounge. In this smaller
two-bedroom unit (where the kitchen
also includes the laundry) the wall was
important. It created wall space in the
kitchen for storage and the stove, as well
as a wall for the TV within the lounge.
A refreshed look on the surfaces of your
home can really transform a property.
This could be a large-scale project, cost
effective or cosmetic, or a range of many
shades between.
There are several simple, cost-
effective projects you can do to update
the design of your house and make it
more appealing. We have been big users
of painting and wallpaper as they are
affordable projects that you can DIY and
have a big impact.
Other easy and cosmetic ideas
include changing light fittings, spray
painting your kitchen handles or door
handles, adding open shelves in your
ABOVE Select the right colour scheme to really improve your space.
laundry or finding a new mirror for your
BELOW A quick update can be as simple as replacing handles and a repaint.
Mary-anne Tobin, of Design
Addiction, gives her insight
into 2024 interiors, a year of
refresh and reset.
e are going to see
W continued emphasis
in our home spaces to
create an invitation to
escape from our daily hustle and provide
a sanctuary to recover and reset. I think
we can all agree we deserve some much-
needed rest. With rising interest costs
and Covid fatigue overhanging, 2023 has
been a challenging year for many Kiwis.
Purchases of larger furniture
items may be reduced, and educated
consumers will focus more on styling
their homes or renovating existing
properties. Airbnb listings will increase
as an appealing method to source
additional revenue. Reduced travel
budgets will evoke a desire to renew our
existing home interiors in resourceful
and inviting ways.
Post your job at
black faux leather fashion line Khy, and
Renowned international interior designer
Kelly Wearstler is also seen in black more
taken on the design and conceptual
planning, from walls to ceilings, to
floors and property styling. We won’t
2 The mid-brown sheepskin
collection and Margot chair from
Hawthorne Collections.
frequently, you could see these fashion
statements enter home interiors.
By incorporating black into an
be taking risks next year; it will be more
educated methodical design planning. 3 Frank and Earnest Ceramics also
make the most delightful and
affordable unique handmade glazed
interior, it helps to anchor and ground FAVOURITE FIVE mugs right here in Hamilton.
a space. Using subtle features and
accessories such as leather detailing
surrounding a mirror, black light fittings
When times get tough financially, we
support our local artists and small
businesses. A more serene and tailored
4 Artists such as Author Ceramics
express creativity with curved
and organic ranges, made with clay and
or sconces, or something simple like a identity for home will be important sand from our NZ shores – the Rosa and
black picture frame, decorative cushion in 2024. We will see more handmade Marlow pieces are a beautiful addition to
or black marble book ends. pottery with organic shapes and textures any home.
Working from home offices and
hybrid working options will continue
to develop. We will continue to
and continue to educate ourselves on
environmental awareness with a focus on
sourcing sustainable products.
5 The Canvas by Mokum fabric
range from James Dunlop is
stunning. Q
create a harmonious home and
work environment. Design is three
dimensional; more emphasis will be
1 Ned Collections has released a
hand-crafted gorgeous bluff bowl
due to be released March 2024.
Head to to
see our services
Post your job at
hen Chris and Andrea’s
Unlocking the value of your land could be easier children left home, they
than you think as one couple recently discovered. discovered subdividing
their section and building
a second home was an ideal way to
unlock the value of their land and get
what they wanted in a new home.
“When the kids left home, we decided
we should do something with our
extra land. We got a real estate agent,
weighed up our options, and decided it
was by far best to build a second home
on the site rather than sell the section,”
they said.
“It had to be a nice house, that would
complement our old home to keep
the value of both of them. GJ’s helped
us with all our boundaries, plans and
daylight angles, and dealt with all of the
contractors and services.
“It was a complex job made simple
with GJ’s. In the end it’s going to be a
really good investment. We’ve got two
really nice homes.”
Many older homes in New Zealand were
built on large sites, and the houses were
often positioned at one end or corner of the
section to create a big outdoor space with
a huge lawn and gardens. But with today’s
busy lifestyles there comes a time when
mowing lawns and trimming hedges gets in
the way of doing the things you enjoy most.
Subdividing your existing section and
building a new home gives you a range of
options. You could:
• Sell the section, pay off your mortgage
• Live in one house, sell the other
• Live in one house, rent the other
• Sell them both
• Rent them both and go travelling.
GJ Gardner Homes is proud to be New Zealand’s Most Trusted Home Builder having built
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One of the most common investment properties remains a new two-bedroom
townhouse, but investors still need to do the numbers to ensure a good return,
writes Andrew Nicol.
wo-bedroomed townhouses
There are two main numbers you need
to know when you invest in a property:
• cash flow (the amount of money
you need to top up the property
per week)
• return on investment (for every
$1 invested in a property, how much
do I get back?)
As Kiwis find themselves living in closer proximity to
their neighbours, the need for effective soundproofing in
residential construction becomes key, writes Anthony Corin.
hings are rapidly changing the concrete cures, but with ICF these
Anthony Corin and his team specialise in property development and construction using ICFs and operating through a relational
contract, open-book system. Shorcom Ltd, 0800 SHORCOM,
any investors will have a a trust can constitute a nuptial settlement concessions from the specific land taxing
provisions in the Income Tax Act.
The general rule is that the transferee is
deemed to have acquired the land at the
for only three years. The best protection is entering a formal transferor’s cost and at the transferor’s
This issue is often forefront in parents’ relationship agreement where part 6 date of acquisition, which generally
minds when they seek to assist children of the agreement under the Property means the transfer of property subject
into property. Relationship Act provides for couples to a relationship agreement does not
The potential for money provided “contracting out” of the act. trigger a taxing event.
to a child being halved because of a Part 6 deals with the right to decide Care is needed with respect to future
relationship split down the line has how property is to be divided in the plans. For example, let’s assume a wife
many worried about the best way to event of separation. receives property that is tainted by her
provide this assistance and what the tax These agreements can specify what ex-husband’s land dealing activity. No tax
consequences of navigating relationship happens to assets during the lives of the will be triggered when these assets are
property rules might be. parties, on the death of one partner, and transferred to her under the separation
Many people are under the common in the event of separation. agreement but, if she subsequently sells
misconception that the three-year period These agreements are void unless them within 10 years of his acquisition
that must elapse before a partner has certain requirements are met, so they date, she is liable for all the tax payable
a claim begins from the point the couple are best left to lawyers to draft so they based on her ex-husband’s cost price.
start living together in a traditional are formal and binding. One of the main Lawyers need to be mindful of these
de facto arrangement, i.e. under the requirements to be binding is that both potential tax liabilities when advising on
same roof. parties must have taken independent legal the fairness of separation agreements.
The matter is not that clear-cut, advice before signing. For families making funds available
though. The three-year period begins I have seen many situations where that to children for house deposits, it must
from when the relationship became “akin legal advice to one party is “don’t sign”. be made clear whether the money is
to a marriage”. This does not necessarily This then forces a negotiation over the provided as a gift or a loan. A loan can
begin when you move in together under terms, and concessions may be needed be recalled in the event of a child’s
the same roof. by the wealthier party before agreement relationship ending, but a gift may well
Lawyers suggest the better can be reached. have become joint relationship property.
determinate of the start point is when With respect to taxation, Subpart It may also be appropriate to
your friends and family begin to consider FB of the Income Tax Act provides the encourage a child to formalise a
you to be in a relationship with someone general rule with regards to the division contracting out agreement before gifts or
who has become your “partner” of relationship property. This section trust distributions are made. The optimism
regardless of whether you are living provides general rollover relief to property of youth often means these hard
together. But even then, this leaves room transferred pursuant to a relationship conversations won’t happen unless some
for interpretation and ambiguity. agreement. pressure is exerted to encourage them.
In recent years, the protections that a There are also sections FB3A and FB4 As always, seek professional advice,
trust affords you from relationship claims that deal specifically with land. both legal and accounting, when
has begun to be eroded by the courts. These sections provide rollover relief considering land transactions that can
Adding a new partner as a beneficiary to from bright-line and certain rollover relief have relationship property impacts. Q
Mark and his team specialise in advising on property-related transactions, valuation and restructure services, and tax planning.
PKF Withers Tsang & Co Phone 09 376 8860,
Within a short time online travel agents have dominated
nearly half the global travel market, with short-term rentals
serving as a core revenue driver, writes Eric Hammond.
ccording to Grand View Expedia falls under the Expedia staycations, the sudden surge of people
The Stay Hub offers a full range of Airbnb and short-term rental property management services, covering everything from
extensive global marketing to hands-on revenue management, guest vetting, cleaning after each stay, and plenty more. We have a
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Greg Watson is an experienced property manager who excels in providing informed advice and continuously improving the property
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Phone 06 353 7274,
ochie didn’t have enough friends formed a company called Room They’ll go from there, but it will get to
Buying property is complicated enough,
a point where the friends will want to
settle down, start families, and eventually
buy their own homes.
And that’s OK. “We’re not going to be
investing with each other till we’re 70,”
Here’s how five friends in their early but it becomes even more complex Lochie points out.
20s worked together to buy their first when you’ve got multiple parties buying He’s found a lot of pros by going
investment property. and, specifically, when those people down this investment journey with his
aren’t in a relationship. This is because mates. As a group you can afford a nicer,
WHAT GOT THEM banks pool the income of partners or better property than you otherwise
STARTED? spouses. But, as a rule, if friends buy a would because of pooled resources. The
The idea of investing as a group had property together the banks assess their downside is that the application process
been in the works for years since three of incomes individually. is tough and can be more restrictive
the five friends shared just one room in a For instance, let’s say you and a when buying progressive properties.
Dunedin flat in 2010. friend are going 50/50 on an $800,000 But even more important, the last thing
Each member of the group wanted property. The bank assesses whether you want to do is ruin a friendship if
a way to get onto the property ladder you both can afford the mortgage everything turns sour.
as early as possible, but obviously it individually. But if you were a couple, This is why Room 4 got a
wasn’t possible to go it alone. The initial they’d add the money together and call shareholders’ agreement drawn up in
game plan was to renovate an existing it household incomes. 2022. Lochie says it’s bulletproof and
property in Oamaru, but as two more This is why it can be harder for covers everything from redundancies to
friends joined the group, the type of friends. Lochie said the experience exit strategies.
investment strategy changed. was quite intense. There was a lot of
They all realised they weren’t paperwork to go through, and there was ADVICE FOR OTHERS
builders and, coupled with the fact they a lot of back and forth with the banks. Lochie says this way of investing
were scattered around the country, it Many of the banks didn’t want to gets overlooked because it can be
meant they needed a low-maintenance touch an application with five people quite complicated ... in every way. But
investment. involved. In the end, ASB did assess the assuming everything goes well, it can
application on their collective incomes ... be quite lucrative. He says he would
WHICH INVESTMENT? and they gave them the “yes” too. How absolutely recommend investing
The group settled on a four-bedroom, income is assessed is at the discretion with a friend, but probably wouldn’t
2.5 bathroom, standalone house in West of the bank. They’ll chop and change recommend doing it in a group of five.
Auckland. The sale price was $925,000. depending on their lending appetite at
For a first investment, such a large the time. NEXT STEPS
property was very impressive. “We Lochie’s experience might resonate with
thought we might as well kind of go all THE FUTURE some potential investors. Maybe you
out,” was Lochie’s view of the purchase. The five have their sights set on a can’t afford to invest right now, so you
Everyone was able to front $50,000, Christchurch property, but beyond that want to go in with friends.
and all would contribute equally to top- there’s no real timeline. If you want to discuss your options,
ups and expenses. Growth was the big Lochie says the initial plan was to get the next step is to book a Portfolio
drawcard for Auckland. on the ladder as early as possible and Planning Session with us here at
To buy the property together the five get as many properties as they could. Opes Partners. Q
Disclaimer: Just remember this is a column in a magazine, going out to thousands of people. It’s not personal financial advice. But, it
is an example of what can be achieved with personalised financial advice. If you are wanting to book a consultation, email us through
the website at
A property
inspection app
for landlords.
There are great housing neighbourhoods
throughout the entire city – suburbs,
outskirts, or coastal areas. Otumoetai,
Papamoa and Mt Maunganui are all
coastal, so generally carry a slightly
higher price tag. Yet not everywhere is
pricey. Tauranga Central and Gates Pa
offer great, affordable options to get you
Development has mostly kept up with agriculture, healthcare, education, retail into the area.
the influx of people, and there are plenty and hospitality. Price drops are falling back across
of housing options. Like every city in NZ, Tauranga has Tauranga; Judea had the biggest drop
Job opportunities are one of the an excellent quality of life, with a mix for the year to November 2023. The
things that makes Tauranga a practical of warmer weather, clean air, and a suburb fell 5.2 per cent from $752,500
place to live. It’s part of the golden close-knit suburban lifestyle. For young in November 2022 to $731,650 in
triangle along with Auckland and professionals wanting to be in November last year, followed by Bellevue
Hamilton, and it’s predicted these three a central location, cycling and walking dropping 5 per cent from $817,500 to
areas combined will be home to 53 per are common ways of commuting to $776,950, and Welcome Bay declining
cent of NZ’s population by 2031. work, while families gravitate to outer 4.6 per cent, from $865,450 to
The unemployment rate in Tauranga suburbs like Papamoa Beach, which are $826,000. Parkvale and Pyes Pa both fell
is about 4.7 per cent, a tell-tale sign that still only a 15 to 20-minute drive from 4.5 per cent, Hairini 4.1 per cent, Gates
there’s plenty of work to be found. It’s the city. Pa 3.9 per cent, Bethlehem 3.7 per cent,
one of the country’s biggest port cities It’s a popular tourist destination for Papamoa 2.5 per cent from $944,850 to
and there is opportunity in everything Kiwis who want immaculate beaches, $921,400, and Ohauiti 2.3 per cent from
from business, commercial fishing, hiking trails, waterfalls, and water sports. $1,018,000 to $994,650.
SAVVY INVESTORS ‘There are great suitable to rent its properties and
If a property has issues, such as a leaking middle-income earning families are
roof, and a first-time buyer is not going neighbourhoods holding down more than one job to keep
to get financed, then investors will
swoop in. “The more seasoned investors
throughout the a roof over their heads,” she says.
Thrown into the mix are people
know they can fix the problems and entire city’ relocating for jobs or commuting to
if they can get it at a bargain price, work in Auckland, all looking for a rental.
then it’s worthwhile, whereas a first- “With a rapidly growing population the
home buyer will be mortgaged up to region is hundreds, if not thousands of
the hilt and the bank will not lend $500,000 are typically two-bedroom rentals short.”
because they cannot afford to repair homes or older style apartments. Very This is shown up in the number of
the house. Those kinds of investors are seldom would a buyer get a three- viewings for each rental. Recently a two-
always there.” bedroom house under $500,000, he bedroom house Turner had on her books
He says savvy and educated property says. At the height of the market an had 54 applicants and more than that
investors will always look at cash flow average three-bedroom home would number showed up at viewings. “This is
and returns first, which generally means sell for $700,000-plus, but that has now normal as people desperately search for
they are after a bargain. dropped to between $500,000 and somewhere to live.”
“They are always going to try to get a early $600,000. Making light work of the application
property for the lowest price possible. First-home buyers are looking in the process and the appropriate checks
“When it is a mum and dad or not $750,000-$800,000 range, whereas a keeps the business going smoothly.
very educated investor they get caught few years ago when interest rates were “This is not a five-minute job when
up with the hype and believe that sub-three per cent, they would look at a there are 50-odd applications to deal
property prices are going to rise by 10 $1 million house. An $800,000 mortgage with and everyone is given a fair chance,”
per cent every year and interest rates will was serviceable then, but now that Turner says.
stay low. would be fairly challenging for most New rentals are continually flowing
“They are buying emotionally people, Billinghurst says. into the business from property owners
compared to those buying on financials He says Tauranga’s housing market it taking time out and travelling NZ in
and who won’t buy if the figures don’t just as bad as the rest of the country in campervans or caravans, going overseas,
stack up. The savvier investors will that there are not enough rentals. It’s a and younger people trying mining in
gravitate to the ‘dunger’ around the major problem, but the new government Australia to make more money.
corner because it’s a better investment should be a lot friendlier to landlords Investors are still buying properties as
and will rent for more.” when tax deductibility is restored, and rentals if they have the required 40 per
When taking offers on properties, the bright-line test shortened. cent deposit or a good chunk of capital
Billinghurst says they are more often in their own home or other properties
subject to sale. Not many vendors are RENTAL VIEWINGS they own. However, Turner says a few
buying before they have sold, so stock Propertyscouts Tauranga business owner landlords she deals with (five in the
is fairly static. Several sellers are moving and property management specialist, past year) have sold up mainly because
into retirement homes and others are Adrienne Turner, says there is a huge of high interest rates and difficulty in
moving out of the region, while there are shortage of rental properties in the Bay servicing mortgage repayments. “This
always movers within the city. of Plenty. would mean a huge hike in rents to cover
Cheaper properties are in the “Even though Kainga Ora is building the difference and that would not be fair
$500,000-$600,000 range. Under dozens of houses, not everybody is on tenants.
In the two-bedroom bracket (24 per too, apart from Tauranga Central/ Tauranga Central/Greerton, down to a
cent of all Tauranga houses recently Greerton, at 49 per cent. relatively low figure of less than 3 per
for rent), Tauranga Central/Greerton cent in Mt Maunganui.
has been the largest market, with 63 RENT AND YIELD That said, even with large parts of
properties. It’s also had the highest By matching average value to rent Tauranga seeing rental yields on three-
concentration rate (38 per cent), with we can look at gross yield for three- bedroom houses below 4 per cent,
Pyes Pa/Hairini/Welcome Bay at the bedroom houses in each area. at least the growth in rents on those
other end of the spectrum. However, Median weekly rents for three- properties might be looking appealing
the latter is a key area for four-bedroom bedroom houses across Tauranga to some investors. Growth of 5-7 per
houses on the rental market. are in a fairly tight range of $660 cent over the past year has been fairly
For the key three-bedroom bracket (Tauranga Central/Greerton) up to common, with Papamoa Beach pushing
– 59 per cent of houses recently for rent $700 in Papamoa Beach. However, 8 per cent, and Tauranga Central/
in Tauranga – Papamoa Beach has had there’s a wider spread for the values of Greerton getting into double digits. Q
Many owners find there is the satisfaction in meeting housing
needs and the convenience of having competent managers take
care of their rental.
Recently, an added incentive is having tax deductibility
allowed on rentals providing this type of housing. One of the
barriers has been insurance as not all companies will cover
social housing. Sometimes, education is needed around the care
managers take to cover the risk of damage. It’s only really an
issue if the property has to change providers.
The public/private partnership and spirit of collaboration is visible
in a very positive way through the connections. The removal of
tax deductibility, rising expenses and other risks associated with
owning rental housing has changed many owners’ future plans.
It’s a good time to review your investing; considering social
housing is a viable option for some rental investments.
We plan to run a national webinar on this topic, and other
topics of wide interest next year. Be sure to stay connected to
your local Property Investors’ Association to find out more. Q or email [email protected] to join now.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, February 8, 7pm at Lifepoint
Church, 61 Hopper Street, Mt Cook.
TOPIC: Email [email protected] for more information.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, February
22, 7.30pm at the Lone Star.
TOPIC: Contact Tim Horsbrugh on
NELSON 021992628 for more information.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, February 20, 6pm
Investor Dinner,
r 7.30pm presentation at the
Honest Lawyer, 1 Point Road, Monaco.
TOPIC: Top tips for managing residential
rental property, a Q&A session with
professional property managers MARLBOROUGH
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, February 21,
7.30pm at Ray White Blenheim.
TOPIC: Speaker Braden Stanton, director
CANTERBURY Ray White Blenheim. A valuer’s and an
NEXT MEETING: Saturday, February 10, 10.30- investor’s story.
12.30pm, Rogues of Rotherham function room,
42 Rotherham Street, Riccarton, Christchurch.
TOPIC: CPIA Women in Property. Interested
in your financial future? Come along and hear
from Sheryl Sutherland, financial adviser,
the topic of behavioural finance. NEXT MEETING: Please contact
TOPIC: Please contact Kerry Beveridge at
the association, Jeanette Halcrow
[email protected] or 021482840 for
at [email protected] or call
information on next meeting.
034348268 for information on
SOUTHLAND next meeting.
February 2024.
[email protected]
for more information on UPDATES, NETWORKING AND
TOPIC: Come along to our annual OPIA Bus Trip.
Email [email protected] for more information.
Research shows tenants
who are engaged with
growing food at home
or in communal areas
take more pride,
writes community
gardening ambassador
Rachel Vogan.
t’s been found that people who
encouraging more property owners to educate families and individuals about Hub, flower borders with edible benefits, CCGA
make spaces available for tenants and how easy it is to limit food waste by Connecting Communities’ members, harvest-time.
residents to grow food, make compost recycling it into rich fertiliser or compost.
and recycle waste. Worm farms, compost bins and bokashi such as silver beet, tomatoes, zucchini
Communal growing spaces have systems are all easy ways in which the and beans.
grown in popularity and post-Covid community can limit food waste and “It is possible to note in the tenancy
are now very much on trend. With recycle it at the same time. agreement an obligation to keep that
densification comes less space to grow Peggy Kelly, patron of the CCGA, is area tidy.”
food at home, and less ground is being keen to work with property investors
made available to tenants to put in to enable more families to grow food. SOCIAL CONTACT
gardens or grow food. These areas bring “People tell us that they don’t have a Growing a garden or participating in
residents together in a harmonious way garden because they are ‘only renting’ a community garden is likely to mean
to nurture each other and grow food. or that they want to plant a patch but the tenant will stay longer and take
Nationally, there is a growth in are reticent about seeking permission better care of the property. Tenants who
community gardens being built and from their landlord or landlady in case come as immigrants will bring different
this is seeing empty sections, pieces of it will draw attention to themselves and attitudes to cultivation. It may well be
parks and road berms being turned into consequentially, their rent might go up,” their custom to grow food or indeed it
abundant food growing spaces. she says. may become an economic necessity.
“We feel that these fears are Gardening has many benefits, and this
FOOD WASTE probably mostly unfounded and yet they includes increasing social contact and
One aim of CCGA is to help support are real to some tenants. It seems to us collaboration.
implementation of compost systems that it would be fairly easy to designate For more information on the CCGA,
or food recycling initiatives to help a small patch of garden for growing food visit Q
became too insistent and loud, Paula
would walk her down the road and put
her in a taxi.
This visualisation was very effective
during the years Paula was managing
a range of 14 different ministerial
Steve recommended looking at where
people are doing well, and learning how
to do that. He had three further points
for the audience: In life you should get
yourself sorted first; then work to leave
a legacy for your family; and finally
decide how you can contribute to the
community. Always look for cash flow
positive properties as the first three or
four you have will enable you to reach
your goals.
Paula stressed that you need to own
the life you lead. Not only doing what
makes you happy, but keeping it real.
Mistakes give you resilience and the
strength to push boundaries. When
Paula Bennett and Steve Goodey speaking at the NZPIF annual conference in Queenstown.
she first considered going into politics,
she went ahead saying to herself “why
not me in Parliament?” She felt she
had nothing to lose, particularly as she
t might be considered unusual to then stopped caring what other people
Then consider what the rent and value increase
would be if you renovated a 3 bedroom property
into a 4 bedroom property.
Example: Manurewa North going from 3 to 4 beds,
looks like an increase of about $200,000 and rent
of about $80 a week.
Whangarei - Kamo/Tikipunga/
House 4 1498 33 645 - 725 655 5.1 31.8 768100 -10.0 27.3 4.4 16.8 3.5
Whangarei - Whangarei Central/
Flat 2 816 0 - 0 0.0 0.0 489800 -5.4 36.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Whangarei - Whangarei Central/
House 2 497 30 471 - 520 490 8.9 36.1 550250 -12.9 35.1 4.6 25.0 0.7
Whangarei - Whangarei Central/
House 3 1744 27 550 - 620 590 1.7 40.5 612200 -9.2 33.6 5.0 12.0 5.1
Whangarei - Ngunguru/Onerahi/
House 3 4509 69 576 - 650 605 7.1 34.4 827550 -13.1 30.0 3.8 23.2 3.4
Whangarei Heads/Waipu
Whangarei - Ngunguru/Onerahi/
House 4 2122 45 650 - 700 660 -2.9 34.7 1081650 -7.6 35.0 3.2 5.0 -0.3
Whangarei Heads/Waipu
Whangarei - Morningside/
House 3 1930 33 565 - 610 580 3.6 38.1 544900 -12.3 27.9 5.5 18.1 8.0
Kaipara - Entire District House 3 3480 39 499 - 628 560 0.9 47.4 834200 6.5 59.4 3.5 -5.3 -7.6
Rodney - Wellsford/Warkworth/
House 2 1256 30 499 - 550 525 10.5 28.0 960500 0.8 36.9 2.8 9.6 -6.5
Rodney - Wellsford/Warkworth/
House 3 4821 60 595 - 680 640 4.9 28.8 1117300 -8.7 26.4 3.0 14.9 1.9
Rodney - Wellsford/Warkworth/
House 4 2780 36 650 - 739 695 -0.7 23.0 1570250 -4.1 39.7 2.3 3.6 -11.9
Rodney - Orewa/Whangaparaoa Flat 2 870 12 521 - 550 548 0.0 32.0 841350 -7.7 21.0 3.4 0.0 9.2
Rodney - Orewa/Whangaparaoa House 2 1370 69 530 - 630 575 6.5 25.0 937500 -9.4 20.4 3.2 17.6 3.9
Rodney - Orewa/Whangaparaoa House 3 6322 96 640 - 740 695 6.9 21.9 1115750 -4.1 24.1 3.2 11.5 -1.7
Rodney - Orewa/Whangaparaoa House 4 5395 114 799 - 900 850 7.6 13.3 1374200 -10.8 27.3 3.2 20.6 -11.0
Rodney - Rewiti/Kumeu/Riverhead House 4 1725 33 798 - 850 825 3.1 13.0 1391350 -8.2 21.9 3.1 12.3 -7.3
Rodney - Gulf Harbour House 3 938 18 670 - 748 695 3.3 21.9 1036500 -6.3 18.0 3.5 10.2 3.4
Rodney - Gulf Harbour House 4 1152 15 730 - 795 780 7.9 26.8 1159200 -9.5 17.0 3.5 19.2 8.4
North Shore - Torbay House 3 1718 33 660 - 750 700 4.5 20.7 1163250 -5.6 19.0 3.1 10.7 1.4
North Shore - Torbay House 4 1395 36 820 - 901 873 10.5 16.4 1325600 -8.3 3.9 3.4 20.5 12.1
North Shore - East Coast Bays Flat 2 619 6 576 - 645 628 5.5 20.8 1039500 -11.3 16.6 3.1 19.0 3.6
North Shore - East Coast Bays House 3 1237 33 763 - 944 850 16.4 25.0 1677800 -15.3 2.6 2.6 37.4 21.8
North Shore - East Coast Bays House 4 1623 24 823 - 1138 988 12.9 15.6 2204800 -7.7 10.4 2.3 22.4 4.6
North Shore - Albany House 3 451 30 681 - 756 710 9.2 14.5 1211000 2.2 24.1 3.0 6.9 -7.7
North Shore - Albany House 4 903 27 823 - 980 895 12.6 19.3 1527300 -1.0 27.1 3.0 13.7 -6.1
North Shore - Wairau Park/Glenfield
House 3 1440 45 635 - 700 660 3.1 15.8 1047750 -5.6 24.0 3.3 9.2 -6.6
North Shore - Browns Bay House 3 795 18 700 - 828 750 14.0 15.4 1253700 -0.3 21.0 3.1 14.4 -4.6
North Shore - Rothesay/Murrays/
House 3 1131 33 690 - 825 730 6.1 9.0 1469650 -15.3 8.1 2.6 25.2 0.8
Mairangi Bays
North Shore - Rothesay/Murrays/
House 4 1827 33 838 - 965 900 9.8 16.1 1689250 -7.0 5.4 2.8 18.0 10.2
Mairangi Bays
North Shore - Takapuna Flat 2 793 0 - 0 0.0 0.0 1044700 -13.8 26.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
North Shore - Takapuna House 2 186 27 580 - 740 630 10.5 15.6 1528550 -11.3 17.5 2.1 24.7 -1.6
North Shore - Takapuna House 3 1182 36 790 - 958 863 21.5 19.9 1666000 -18.5 11.1 2.7 49.1 7.9
North Shore - Devonport Flat 2 522 9 485 - 615 540 -4.4 9.8 1050200 -5.5 18.2 2.7 1.1 -7.1
North Shore - Devonport House 3 1550 18 774 - 905 835 11.3 21.9 1851350 -15.5 14.0 2.3 31.8 6.9
North Shore - North Harbour/Pinehill House 3 906 27 698 - 808 780 11.4 20.0 1316900 -5.1 27.1 3.1 17.4 -5.6
North Shore - North Harbour/Pinehill House 4 1330 21 820 - 920 890 4.7 17.1 1527950 -4.2 21.3 3.0 9.3 -3.5
North Shore - Greenhithe/Unsworth
House 3 1161 15 720 - 850 790 17.9 27.0 1184050 -5.8 20.3 3.5 25.2 5.6
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New Plymouth - New Plymouth
Flat 2 479 15 415 - 460 430 0.0 53.6 470750 -3.1 56.4 4.7 0.0 -1.8
New Plymouth - New Plymouth
House 2 473 15 450 - 550 500 11.1 51.5 558000 -4.8 54.6 4.7 16.7 -2.0
New Plymouth - New Plymouth
House 3 2480 51 585 - 680 625 13.6 64.5 607550 -4.5 46.7 5.3 19.0 12.1
New Plymouth - Outer New Plymouth Flat 2 1319 6 405 - 448 420 -2.3 44.8 468400 -8.4 41.2 4.7 6.6 2.6
New Plymouth - Outer New Plymouth House 2 1159 51 460 - 550 500 11.1 47.1 612650 -5.9 39.3 4.2 18.1 5.6
New Plymouth - Outer New Plymouth House 3 7706 120 600 - 680 640 16.4 60.0 698350 -12.1 35.5 4.8 32.3 18.0
New Plymouth - Outer New Plymouth House 4 4152 36 700 - 790 750 13.6 50.0 945250 -1.3 54.7 4.1 15.1 -3.0
New Plymouth - Waitara/Inglewood House 3 2273 15 540 - 575 550 14.6 57.1 509100 -1.3 55.2 5.6 16.1 1.3
New Plymouth - Rural New Plymouth House 3 680 15 458 - 658 510 2.0 45.7 644700 -4.8 60.6 4.1 7.1 -9.3
Stratford - Entire District House 3 1447 18 489 - 550 525 14.1 87.5 469750 -6.9 77.6 5.8 22.5 5.6
South Taranaki - Hawera House 3 2379 36 500 - 550 530 10.4 65.6 441950 -5.4 70.5 6.2 16.7 -2.8
South Taranaki - Rural South Taranaki House 3 2162 30 395 - 500 453 20.8 81.2 367600 -3.0 104.2 6.4 24.6 -11.3
Ruapehu - Entire District House 3 2667 27 400 - 458 420 10.5 75.0 367400 -10.8 66.7 5.9 23.9 5.0
Ruapehu - Entire District House 4 599 6 431 - 468 438 9.5 0.0 461150 -13.3 73.4 4.9 26.2 0.0
Whanganui - Entire District Flat 2 855 18 365 - 421 405 3.8 62.0 360200 -9.8 87.5 5.8 15.2 -13.6
Whanganui - Entire District House 2 2258 63 400 - 470 430 6.7 59.3 427150 -5.4 97.0 5.2 12.8 -19.2
Whanganui - Entire District House 3 8703 126 485 - 550 520 6.1 67.7 486600 -3.0 79.0 5.6 9.4 -6.3
Whanganui - Entire District House 4 2701 21 550 - 640 595 11.2 72.5 656150 0.1 71.1 4.7 11.1 0.8
Rangitikei - Entire District House 3 2484 39 400 - 530 470 4.4 80.8 431100 -7.6 107.4 5.7 13.0 -12.8
Call us on 07 349 3429 or email [email protected]
and Lagoon
Tararua - Entire District House 3 2719 33 400 - 455 430 7.5 79.2 403350 -7.8 86.3 5.5 16.6 -3.9
Horowhenua - Entire District Flat 2 857 18 403 - 436 420 2.4 50.0 391800 -12.5 49.6 5.6 17.0 0.3
Horowhenua - Entire District House 2 2033 39 415 - 481 450 7.1 55.2 479950 -8.8 74.0 4.9 17.5 -10.8
Horowhenua - Entire District House 3 6477 84 475 - 580 530 6.0 64.6 551450 -9.9 57.3 5.0 17.7 4.6
Horowhenua - Entire District House 4 1971 18 585 - 650 625 2.5 43.0 727950 -9.4 48.4 4.5 13.1 -3.6
Kapiti Coast - Waikanae/Otaki House 2 1499 21 450 - 530 505 1.0 36.5 678950 -9.9 35.7 3.9 12.0 0.6
Kapiti Coast - Waikanae/Otaki
W House 3 4418 42 585 - 675 615 4.6 46.4 778700 -14.3 31.1 4.1 22.1 11.7
Kapiti Coast - Paraparaumu/Raumati House 2 1404 36 500 - 600 550 0.0 41.0 746850 -0.2 49.3 3.8 0.2 -5.5
Kapiti Coast - Paraparaumu/Raumati House 3 5163 84 620 - 703 650 1.6 44.4 786450 -8.7 29.4 4.3 11.2 11.6
Kapiti Coast - Paraparaumu/Raumati House 4 2640 18 700 - 860 795 7.4 44.5 952700 -11.6 33.4 4.3 21.5 8.3
Porirua - Paremata/Mana/Pukerua
House 3 1396 15 690 - 750 700 2.9 39.4 915550 3.7 39.3 4.0 -0.7 0.1
Porirua - Papakowhai/Whitby/
House 3 2310 42 699 - 780 730 4.3 35.2 865000 -3.6 32.3 4.4 8.1 2.2
Porirua - Papakowhai/Whitby/
House 4 2757 24 800 - 895 850 6.3 28.8 1114000 2.3 36.6 4.0 3.8 -5.7
Porirua - Titahi Bay/Onepoto/Elsdon
y House 3 1989 24 658 - 763 750 15.4 68.5 706000 -6.2 39.3 5.5 23.0 21.0
Porirua - Porirua East/Waitangirua
W House 3 2413 30 521 - 600 568 -3.7 33.0 593400 -5.3 41.6 5.0 1.7 -6.1
Upper Hutt - Trentham North/
Flat 2 631 18 470 - 520 499 5.1 42.6 477100 -10.5 52.8 5.4 17.3 -6.7
Upper Hutt - Heretaunga/
House 3 1623 18 675 - 758 725 11.5 51.0 829300 -10.5 36.2 4.5 24.7 10.9
Upper Hutt - Trentham West/
Flat 2 677 15 470 - 550 500 0.0 40.8 479400 -10.5 42.2 5.4 11.7 -0.9
Eldersley/Clouston Park
Upper Hutt - Trentham West/
House 3 2567 18 644 - 735 680 7.9 38.8 729200 -5.2 34.8 4.8 13.9 2.9
Eldersley/Clouston Park
Upper Hutt - Totara Park/Maoribank/
House 3 2166 30 635 - 700 680 7.9 43.2 691250 -5.5 46.0 5.1 14.2 -2.0
Te Marua
Lower Hutt - Stokes Valley House 3 1916 12 600 - 710 665 0.0 46.2 629700 -7.2 42.7 5.5 7.8 2.4
Lower Hutt - W
Western Hills/Haywards House 3 2398 18 669 - 750 700 7.7 45.8 818950 -10.2 29.9 4.4 20.0 12.2
Lower Hutt - Wainuiomata
W House 3 3982 33 595 - 680 640 3.2 48.8 622550 -4.1 47.6 5.3 7.7 0.8
Lower Hutt - Taita/Naenae
T House 3 2244 24 624 - 660 650 4.0 47.7 657450 -4.8 41.7 5.1 9.2 4.2
Lower Hutt - Epuni/Avalon
/ House 2 490 33 570 - 630 620 7.3 55.0 729550 -6.1 29.0 4.4 14.2 20.1
Wellington - Johnsonville/Newlands Flat 2 1084 12 503 - 548 525 0.0 28.0 653300 -4.1 35.0 4.2 4.3 -5.1
Wellington - Johnsonville/Newlands House 2 472 51 550 - 640 560 1.8 21.2 787500 -5.8 35.3 3.7 8.1 -10.4
Wellington - Johnsonville/Newlands House 3 4855 93 665 - 755 700 6.9 27.3 867100 -4.0 26.8 4.2 11.3 0.4
Wellington - Johnsonville/Newlands House 4 2934 21 730 - 800 770 -3.5 11.3 1092300 0.5 32.2 3.7 -4.0 -15.8
Wellington - Tawa/Grenada North House 3 1882 30 648 - 720 675 3.8 35.0 788600 -6.1 28.2 4.5 10.6 5.3
Wellington - Tawa/Grenada North House 4 1514 15 720 - 900 800 9.6 34.5 942950 -6.9 34.8 4.4 17.7 -0.3
Wellington - Ngaio/Kaiwharawhara/
Flat 2 380 12 513 - 594 563 14.9 40.0 593200 -13.2 20.7 4.9 32.4 16.0
Wellington - Ngaio/Kaiwharawhara/
House 3 1582 27 695 - 915 750 4.9 26.7 1010100 -9.4 21.8 3.9 15.8 4.0
Wellington - Wadestown/Thorndon Apt 1 388 27 380 - 550 510 5.6 2.0 365050 -4.6 19.6 7.3 10.7 -14.7
Wellington - Wadestown/Thorndon Apt 2 313 21 600 - 770 700 0.0 2.9 620350 0.7 12.4 5.9 -0.7 -8.4
Wellington - Wadestown/Thorndon House 3 588 12 800 - 999 880 -16.2 32.9 1206400 -5.7 16.6 3.8 -11.1 14.0
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Tasman - Richmond/Wakefield/
House 3 3779 66 550 - 650 600 4.7 32.2 814900 -0.4 34.7 3.8 5.1 -1.9
Tasman - Richmond/Wakefield/
House 4 2133 18 673 - 730 690 6.2 23.2 978350 -8.4 29.8 3.7 15.9 -5.0
Tasman - Motueka/Rural Tasman House 2 1097 24 380 - 460 440 10.0 33.3 638400 -10.3 33.6 3.6 22.6 -0.2
Tasman - Motueka/Rural Tasman House 3 3887 30 500 - 570 550 3.8 42.9 709650 -10.8 30.8 4.0 16.3 9.2
Nelson - Stoke/Nayland/Tahunanui Flat 2 713 12 410 - 488 458 13.1 32.8 453100 -10.7 29.7 5.3 26.6 2.4
Nelson - Stoke/Nayland/Tahunanui House 2 1032 30 473 - 550 513 10.3 38.6 592250 -6.3 21.7 4.5 17.8 14.0
Nelson - Stoke/Nayland/Tahunanui House 3 3960 48 550 - 625 580 5.5 28.9 745700 1.3 30.0 4.0 4.1 -0.8
Nelson - Port Hills/Tahuna Hills House 3 1318 21 520 - 620 550 0.0 30.3 767350 -9.9 21.1 3.7 11.0 7.7
Nelson - Nelson Central/Nelson North Flat 2 607 12 375 - 453 438 10.1 32.7 499750 -4.1 31.8 4.6 14.8 0.7
Nelson - Nelson Central/Nelson North House 2 1095 36 465 - 550 500 8.7 31.6 629500 -5.5 30.3 4.1 15.0 1.0
Nelson - Nelson Central/Nelson North House 3 3428 54 526 - 620 570 0.0 29.5 754700 -5.6 30.9 3.9 6.0 -1.0
Nelson - Nelson Central/Nelson North House 4 1400 15 610 - 733 685 14.2 33.0 1029750 -3.0 27.7 3.5 17.7 4.1
Marlborough - Sounds/Rural
House 3 2645 21 458 - 643 550 13.4 57.1 781350 4.6 61.5 3.7 8.4 -2.7
Marlborough - Blenheim Central Flat 2 858 12 418 - 458 440 2.3 51.7 434150 -8.2 47.7 5.3 11.5 2.7
Marlborough - Blenheim Central House 2 656 24 450 - 490 475 5.6 48.4 522050 -4.9 42.9 4.7 11.0 3.9
Marlborough - Blenheim Central House 3 3183 48 535 - 595 570 11.1 46.2 597650 -2.8 47.7 5.0 14.3 -1.1
Marlborough - Blenheim Outer/
House 3 2726 33 550 - 600 570 9.6 50.0 692200 -1.3 43.4 4.3 11.1 4.6
Kaikoura/Hurunui - Both Districts House 3 2704 27 390 - 550 450 12.5 25.0 631600 4.3 50.5 3.7 7.9 -16.9
Buller - Entire District House 3 2107 15 420 - 450 420 5.0 78.7 328600 -0.9 73.0 6.6 6.0 3.3
Grey - Entire District House 3 2594 18 358 - 445 400 12.7 42.9 345150 -0.6 60.5 6.0 13.3 -11.0
Westland - Entire District House 3 1398 15 400 - 475 450 12.5 36.4 393050 -2.5 48.1 6.0 15.3 -7.9
Waimakariri - Rangiora/Kaiapoi Flat 2 794 0 - 0 0.0 0.0 460500 -1.5 45.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Waimakariri - Rangiora/Kaiapoi House 3 4320 42 500 - 573 550 13.4 44.7 631650 -3.3 49.1 4.5 17.3 -2.9
Waimakariri - Rural Waimakariri House 3 3778 51 535 - 600 560 2.8 31.8 722000 -3.0 51.3 4.0 5.9 -12.9
Christchurch - Redcliffs/Sumner House 3 2218 12 563 - 763 625 6.8 38.9 1062250 0.0 54.4 3.1 6.8 -10.1
Christchurch - Woolston/Opawa Flat 2 915 9 405 - 425 410 0.0 31.4 417700 -2.1 52.3 5.1 0.0 -13.7
Christchurch - Woolston/Opawa House 2 778 48 470 - 524 500 11.6 47.1 540550 2.9 68.1 4.8 8.4 -12.5
Christchurch - Woolston/Opawa House 3 2980 36 490 - 580 540 12.5 38.5 592350 -2.3 58.4 4.7 15.1 -12.6
Christchurch - Woolston/Opawa House 4 897 6 628 - 650 650 23.8 49.4 750750 -7.4 35.6 4.5 33.7 10.2
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WHO IS CORELOGIC? CoreLogic is a leading property information, analytics and services provider in the United States,
Australia and New Zealand. Bringing together leading property intelligence and geospatial companies, PropertyIQ and Terralink
International, CoreLogic NZ helps clients identify and manage growth opportunities, improve performance and mitigate risk.
CoreLogic NZ provides clients with innovative, technology-based services as well as access to rich data and analytics.
David Faulkner is the General Manager of Property Management for Property Brokers and is recognised as
one of the leading experts in the New Zealand Property Management industry. He has been involved in the
industry developing robust policies and procedures, training, and consultation services for many years.
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