TTL Midterm

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Instructional Materials Types

Module Overview: Teaching with 1. Diorama: Small scenes depicting a

Instructional Materials concept or theme.
2. Nature Table: Table with objects/scenes
Lesson 1: Development and Use of related to seasons, festivals, or ecosystems.
Non-Digital or Conventional Materials 3. Writing Board: Display information with
chalk or special pens.
Instructional Materials 4. Flip Chart: Large pad of paper on a
- Print and non-print items used to impart tripod, used for presentations.
information to students. 5. Zigzag Board: Multi-board series joined
- Examples: drawings, kits, textbooks, by hinges, each serving a different purpose.
posters, magazines, flip charts, 6. Wall Display: Collection of various
newspapers, dioramas, pictures, recording materials on a wall for an interesting display.
videos, etc. 7. Rope and Pole Display Board: Parallel
horizontal poles tied with rope for displaying
Roles of Instructional Materials in posters.
Teaching and Learning
1. Promote meaningful communication and Guidelines for Designing Conventional
effective learning. Instructional Materials
2. Ensure better retention, making learning - Unity, Simplicity, Legibility, Consistency,
more permanent. Clarity, Quality.
3. Overcome limited classroom access,
making the inaccessible accessible. Experience
4. Provide a common experience for later - Emphasizes the importance of being open
learning development. to using instructional materials.
5. Encourage participation, especially - Steps for developing instructional
through material manipulation. materials: Find existing materials, use tools
for creation, implement pre-production
activities, schedule storyboard crafting, and
Development of Instructional Materials provide contextualizing elements.
- Steps:
1. Develop a storyboard and working
outline based on subject goals and Lesson 2: Select and Use ICT Tools for
objectives. Teaching and Learning
2. Identify existing institutional resources
and teacher capabilities. Introduction to ICT Tools
3. Research off-the-shelf materials and - ICT: Information and Communications
adapt concepts without infringement. Technology.
4. Modify existing materials based on - Importance of teachers using ICT tools
lesson objectives. effectively for transformative teaching.
5. Share effective materials with other - Quote: "Technology will never replace
teachers. great teachers, but technology in the hands
6. Consider selling developed materials. of great teachers is transformational" -
George Couros.
- Highlights the significance of reflections in
Using Mobile Phone and QR Code the portfolio creation process.
- Definition and purpose of QR Codes.
- Ways to create and read QR Codes. Lesson 4: Collaborative Tools in the
- Integration of QR Codes in teaching: Digital World
Interactive content, scavenger hunts, - Acknowledges the collaborative nature of
sharing resources, enhancing the classroom 21st-century learners.
library, providing instructions, gathering - Introduces collaborative tools such as
student feedback, helping with homework, Skype, wikis, blogs, and Google Forms, and
research projects, communicating with emphasizes the benefits of student
parents, and providing easy access to interaction.
online content.
Lesson 5: Digital Literacy Skills in the
Using Laptop and Infographics 21st Century
- Infographics as visual representations or - Identifies elements of digital literacy,
images presenting information or data. including Cyber Literacy, Media Literacy,
- Tool: Canva for creating infographics. Arts and Creativity Literacy, Financial
- Examples of using infographics are Literacy, and Multicultural Literacy.
presenting survey data, simplifying complex - Highlights the importance of
concepts, explaining how something self-evaluation of digital literacy skills in the
functions, making comparisons, and modern context.
presenting interesting facts.
Lesson 1: Infographic Creation Basics It appears that the text you provided is an
- Emphasizes the importance of presenting in-depth exploration of digital literacy skills,
information in snippets for better the components of digital literacy, and the
understanding. application of technology in education. To
create a reviewer's summary, I'll distill the
Lesson 2: Creating Infographics with key points into bullet form:
Canva, Vismen, or Venngage
- Outlines the steps for creating infographics Digital Literacy Skills Overview
using online tools (Canva, Vismen,
Venngage). -Definition of Digital Literacy
- Steps include template selection, image - Ability to function effectively and
usage, layout design, font styles, color responsibly in a digital society.
adjustments, and sharing the final product. - Coined by Paul Gilster in 1997,
encompassing visual literacy, technological
Lesson 3: ePortfolio Creation Using literacy, computer literacy, and information
Google Site literacy.
- Stresses the importance of organizing
learning materials through ePortfolios. Importance in Education
- Provides steps for creating an ePortfolio - Crucial competence in teaching and
using Google Site, including entering a learning.
Gmail account, selecting templates, and - Buzzwords in schools, emphasizing
constructing pages. access, processing, understanding, and
creation of media content using information 3. Communication
technologies and the internet. - Expressing ideas clearly through various
Digital Literacies

1. Media Literacy 4. Collaboration

- Critical reading and creative production - Working effectively with others to
of information using multimedia. achieve goals.

2. Information Literacy Digital Literacy Skills vs. Digital Literacy

- Locating, interpreting, and evaluating
information from the web. -Digital Literacy Skills
- Core skills for handling digital tools,
3. ICT Literacy ranging from coding to social media use.
- Selecting and using digital devices,
applications, or services for internet-related Digital Literacy
tasks. - Proficiency in using digital skills to find,
evaluate, create, and communicate
4. Communications and Collaboration information.
- Participation in digital networks for
teaching and learning. Flexible Learning Environment

5. Identity Management Learning Shift

- Ensuring safety and security in - From traditional teaching to directing
managing online identity. learners to explore and discover information
on their own.
6.Learning Skills
- Utilizing technology for efficient learning Learning Spaces
in a tech-enriched environment. - Anywhere can be a learning space;
technology enables learning beyond
7. Digital Scholarship classroom walls.
- Linking and participating in professional
and research practices. Online Distance Learning

Four Cs of 21st Century Skills Platforms

- Moodle, Google Classroom, Edmodo,
1. Critical Thinking Schoology, MOOCs.
- Problem-solving, differentiating facts
from opinions. Synchronous and Asynchronous
2. Creativity - Real-time and time-independent learning
- Thinking beyond conventions, proposing modes.
alternatives, and taking calculated risks.
Blended Learning
Models Benefits of Social Networking Sites
- Face-to-Face Driver, Rotation, Flex,
Online Lab, Self-Blend, Online Driver. Global Connectivity
- Turns the world into a global village.
Blended Learning Experiences: Planning - Easy access to staying in touch with family
and Management and friends.

Planning and Preparation Information Sharing

- Similar to managing a brick-and-mortar - Provides instant access to news and views
school. worldwide.
- Requires a system-wide approach. - Allows easy transmission of information
- Guidelines for student technology use in a and updates.
blended format.
- Development of a resource guide. Educational Support
- Supports learning and educational
Design and Infrastructure activities.
- Extensive preparation is needed. - Facilitates collaboration among learners
- Designing a blended format. even after school.
- Preparing back-end and front-end
infrastructures. Dangers of Social Networking Sites
- Preparing technology and content in varied
multimedia formats. Risks
- Making friends with strangers, potential
Pedagogical Capacitation- Teachers and predators, or cyberbullies.
assistants need to be pedagogically - Trolls and inflammatory posts.
capacitated. - Risk of internet addiction.
- Training for online tutors.
Safeguarding Measures
Online Communities of Learning/Social
Networking Confidentiality and Privacy
- Secure passwords and keep them private.
Networking - Log out from public computers.
-Productive relationships are essential. - Regularly check privacy settings.
- Networking involves cultivating
relationships for social, educational, or Digital Footprint
professional purposes. - Be aware of the permanence of online
Social Networking Platforms - Consider the effect of posts on others.
- Popular platforms include Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Communication Etiquette
Instagram, Tumblr, MySpace, Flickr, - Use appropriate language and maintain a
Pinterest, and Bebo. respectful tone.
- Brief descriptions of each platform.
- Exercise caution in accepting friend - Adapt to evolving tools and technologies.
Transformation as a Teacher
Reporting and Handling Issues - A positive mindset leads to increased
- Report harassment or abuse. relevance and effectiveness.
- Deal with cyberbullying by ignoring, - Teachers become facilitators of creativity,
blocking, reporting, or involving a trusted critical thinking, collaboration, and
adult. communication.

Lesson 2: Online Resources, Conclusion: Balancing Benefits and

Educational Sites, and Portals Dangers of Social Networking

Identifying Resources Balancing Benefits

- Overview of online resources, educational - Positive impact on global connectivity.
sites, and portals. - Information sharing and educational
- Image of iPad apps, Android apps, and support.
web tools.
Awareness of Risks
Educational Technology and Mobile - Understanding the risks of online
Learning interactions.
- Description of a resource blog for - Safeguarding measures for confidentiality
teachers. and privacy.
- Categories and suggested tools, apps, and
charts. Empowering Teachers
- Encouragement to share materials freely - Providing teachers with the tools to safely
with proper citation. navigate and utilize digital resources.
- Encouraging responsible and effective use
Mindset for Teachers Using Digital Tools of technology in education.

Adapting to Change
- Acknowledge the inevitability of technology
- Embrace the mindset of continuous
learning and adaptation.

Positive Attitude
- Approach technology integration with
positivity and openness.
- Nurture curiosity and sustain the passion
for improvement.

Continuous Learning
- Cultivate the habit of exploring and
learning digital tools.

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