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Master Instruction 04.

2015 MI EML0710 G-(en)

244LD LevelStar Intelligent Buoyancy Transmitter for

Vers. 6.2.x Level, Interface and Density with Torque
Tube and displacer – HART version –

The intelligent transmitter 244LD LevelStar is designed to perform continuous measurements for liquid level,
interface or density of liquids in the process of all industrial applications. The measurement is based on the proven
Archimedes buoyancy principle and thus extremely robust and durable. Measuring values can be transferred analog
and digital. Digital communication facilitates complete operation and configuration via PC or control system. Despite
extreme temperatures, high process pressure and corrosive liquids, the 244LD measures with consistent reliability
and high precision. It is approved for installations in contact with explosive atmospheres. The 244LD combines the
abundant experience of FOXBORO ECKARDT with most advanced digital technology.

• HART Communication, 4 to 20 mA • Backdocumentation of measuring point
• Configuration via FDT-DTM • Continuous self-diagnostics, Status and diagnostic
• Multilingual full text graphic LCD messages
• IR communication as a standard • Configurable safety value
• Easy adaptation to the measuring point • Local display in %, mA or physical units
without calibration at the workshop • Process temperature from –196 °C to +500 °C
• Linear or customized characteristic • Materials for use with aggressive media
• 32 point linearisation for volumetric measurement • Micro sintermetal sensor technology

Repair and maintenance must be carried out by qualified personnel!

2 244LD MI EML0710 G-(en)




Nameplates Local keys 10
Menus on the LCD 11
4.1 High medium temperatures 5 9 DIMENSIONING OF DISPLACER 16
4.2 Mounting on top of the vessel 5
4.3 Mounting on the side of the vessel 5 10 MEASURING PRINCIPLE 18
4.4 Mounting the wafer body 6 10.1 Block diagram with HART communication 19
4.5 Displacer 204DE 7 10.2 Explanations to Block diagrams 19


5.1 Signal wire connection 8
12 Error messages on LCD and on DTM screen 24
5.2 Ground 8

Version with
heating jacket
MI EML0710 G-(en) 244LD 3
1 DESIGN 1 3 3

1 3 4

1 3 5

2 2

1 3 1
1 2 8

1 2 1

2 0
1 5 0

20 Amplifier
22 Terminal compartment
121 Sensor
128 Heat sink
131 Wafer body
with torque tube
133 Transmission lever
134 Torque tube
135 Clamping lever
150 Displacer with suspen-
sion chain
LH Version for left-hand

For left-sided mounting all inside parts are

arranged in inversed manner.

The buoyancy force of the displacer 150 is transferred via The voltage at the diagonal bridge section which is propor-
transmission lever 133 and torque tube 134 to operating tional to the effective weight is fed to the electronic amplifier
rod of the sensor, where it acts on free end of sensor as an input signal.
element 121 .
This voltage is converted via the electronic amplifier into the
Four thin film metal strain gauge elements are sputtered
4 to 20 mA or digital two-wire output signal.
onto sensor element, which change their resistance in the
ratio of the tensile or pressure tension. These four thin film The amplifier is supplied by the signal current circuit in two-
metal strain gauge elements are connected as a Wheatstone wire mode.
full bridge supplied from amplifier.
4 244LD MI EML0710 G-(en)

The transmitter is identified with several labels. Boiler label 3
Boiler label with nominal pressure, material, permissible
3 pressure and temperature load, serial no., etc
B A U J A H R / Y E A R
IN H A L T / V O L U M E L t
0 0 3 6
S E R : N r.
W E R K S T O F F / M A T E R IA L

1 P N

P R Ü F D R U C K / T E S T P R E S S U R E b a r
Z U L . U E B E R D R U E C K E IN A B H A E N G IG K E IT D . T E M P E R A T U R
b a r
- 1 0 C B E T R .T E M P . S C H R A U B E N A U S A 2 (A 4 )V E R W E N D E N
U S E S C R E W S M A D E F R O M A 2 (A 4 ) W H E N O P E R A T IN G
T E M P E R A T U R E IS -1 0 C

M a d e in G e r m a n y b y F O X B O R O - E C K A R D T G m b H
D -7 0 3 7 6 S T U T T G A R T

(3 )

Adjustment data label

2 Matching the displacer:
Take care of correct matching of transmitter and displacer
Transmitter nameplate 1 while mounting. Each transmitter is calibrated to the
The transmitter nameplate shows the Model Code of respective displacer according to the ordering data in the
transmitter, the serial No. and certification data. factory. Each transmitter/displacer pair has adjustment data
(Example) labels to prevent dismatching.

Torque tube material label

T O R S IO N S R O H R - T O R Q U E T U B E
1 .4 4 0 4 / 1 .4 4 3 5 / 2 .4 6 1 0 / 2 .4 8 1 6
ECEP: ID No. for special version
Refers to the material of the torque tube and is attached at
the edge of the flange.

Tag No. label 2

(Example) Thread label
Attached to amplifier. In the version with NPT threads, near the cable gland is a
label describing the type of thread.
LID 09/16
Optional label with devices acc. to NACE-Standard. With
attached Tag No. label, on the rear side of Tag No. label.
MI EML0710 G-(en) 244LD 5
The 244LD LevelStar is directly built onto the vessel or If the vessel contains a turbulent liquid a protection cage /
alternatively on a side-mounted displacer chamber (e.g. tube should be used. It has a venting hole 146 above the
204DC). maximum liquid level. Between the protection cage / tube
142 and the displacer 150 must be a gap of 5 ... 10 mm.
During installation, the permissible static pressure and the
ambient temperature range must be observed. (see chap.
3, Boiler label).
4.3 Mounting on the side of the vessel
4.1 High medium temperatures
It is important to ensure that the max. permissible tempe-   
rature of the electronics housing of 85 °C and that of the
sensor housing of 120 °C is not exceeded
For explosion-proof equipment and devices approved for  ! 
overfill protection according to WHG, the information in the  " 
product specifications PSS EML0710 and in the certificates
or approvals must be observed.

4.2 Mounting on top of the vessel

1 2 0 2 0
1 4 1  " &

1 3 1  " %

1 4 0

1 4 6
1 5 0
1 4 2
147 Displacer chamber 204DC
148 Shut-off device

When used in Zone 0, fittings resistant to flame penetration

must be used.
If the chamber has not already been mounted by the
customer, it must be mounted on the vessel with suitable
bolts and seals (not included in the scope of delivery). Be
sure that the displacer chamber is exactly vertical.
Between the protection cage or tube and the displacer must
be a gap of 5 ... 10 mm.
20 Amplifier 141 Blind flange
120 Sensor housing 142 Protection cage/tube
131 Wafer body 146 Venting hole
140 Connecting flange 150 Displacer 204DE
6 244LD MI EML0710 G-(en)

4.4 Mounting the wafer body

Tighten the nuts on all bolts with the appropriate
wrench. Proceed crosswise to avoid jamming.

Recommended tightening torque

(Prestressed to 70% of minimum yield point at 20 °C)
Mat. M12 M16 M20 M24 M27 M30 M36
133 40 95 185 310 450 630 1080
153 Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm
50 120 250 435 630 860 1500
Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm

Studs and nuts material depends on material of wafer
body and temperature of process medium.

Place the seal 139 1) on the connecting flange 140 .

Insert displacer in displacer chamber or vessel. Note for displacers with diameters less than 30 mm
Hold 244LD LevelStar 131 above connecting flange. Displacers with diameters < 30 mm can also be suspended
Engage eyelet 153 of displacer chain in notch in when the wafer body has already been mounted.
transmission lever 133 and fit wafer body onto connecting
As an aid to installation, a wire can be pulled through the
hole in the eyelet 153 . The displacer is lowered through
Do not drop the appended displacer!
the wafer body with this wire, past the transmission lever
Avoid jerky load!
and into the displacer chamber or vessel. The eyelet must
Set 244LD Level Star to the mounting flange:
then be hooked onto the notch 133 in the transmission
Finally remove the wire.
131  # !  ! !



In order to make mounting easier, mounting bracket 132 is

secured with a stud 142 to connecting flange 140 .
It is advisable to preassemble a stud by screwing a nut 143
onto thread.
Insert this stud through the top of mounting bracket and
connecting flange. Screw sufficient number of nuts onto
thread and reduced shaft from underneath for the wafer
body to be firmly in position.
Place seal 139 1) on wafer body. Place blind flange
141 on wafer body so that holes in blind flange and
connecting flange 140 are aligned.
Insert remaining studs. Screw on nuts and tighten gently.
Unscrew nut 143 and pull stud downwards.

1) When using an electrically non-conducting soft gasketing, the

wafer body must be grounded, see chap. 5.2 .
MI EML0710 G-(en) 244LD 7
4.5 Displacer 204DE
Ensure correct matching of transmitter and displacer while Damping element
mounting. Each transmitter is calibrated to the respective In operating conditions with strong external vibrations - e.g.
displacer according to ordering data in the factory. nearby compressor stations - the damping element
See also chap. 3 ”Adjustment data label”. (Option -D) should be used.

Replacing displacer
Enter the changed data of displacer on the adjustment label
(see chapter 3).

Pressure Rating
The displacer must be designed for the pressure rating of
the vessel - however, at least to the operating pressure -
and ordered accordingly. Here the maximum possible
temperature must be taken into consideration.
Displacers made of PTFE are made from solid material,
and are, therefore, suitable for all pressures.

Divided displacers
Displacers with a length of more than 3 m (1 m with PTFE)
are divided. The displacer elements are screwed together
and secured with the wire clip 151 to avoid bending or
damage during insertion into the vessel. The elements of
It is hooked onto the suspension chain of the displacer in
displacers with Ø < 13 mm are not screwed together; they
place of 7 chain links (105 mm). This spring is specially
are secured with hook and eyelet 152 . Additional securing
matched to the resonance frequency of the displacer and is
is not necessary 1).
made of stainless steel 1.4310 (operating temperature up to
Lengths < 350 mm or > 3000 mm, and density ranges
250 °C) or Hastelloy C (operating temperature up to 350 °C).
<100 kg/m³ or >2000 kg/m³ on request.

Use in Zone 0 or as Overfill Protection according to WHG
When used in Zone 0, displacers must be secured against
oscillating when
- displacer made of metal, explosion group IIC
- displacer made of metal, explosion group IIB/A, length > 3 m
- displacer made of PTFE+25% carbon, IIC/B/A, length > 3 m
The displacer is to be attached in such a way that it is not in
151 the main filling jet stream.
When used as overfill protection according to WHG, the
152 displacer must always be installed with guidance.
Guidance devices over 3 m long must also be secured
against bending.

Potential equalization
When used in Zone 0, only displacers of metal or PTFE +25 %
carbon may be used.
A potential equalization line must be mounted as an elec-
Diameter Diameter trical bypass of the displacer suspension(s) if the residual
> 13 mm < 13 mm displacer weight is < 10 N, or if more than 6 contact points
or PTFE are present.
To avoid the danger of electrostatic ignition, a connection to
the transmitter with good conductivity must be ensured.
The volume resistance between the lower end of the dis-
placer and ground may not exceed 1 M.

1) When used in Zone 0, the eyelets must also be welded. 2) Please see corresponding certificates for further details
8 244LD MI EML0710 G-(en)

5.1 Signal wire connection
#  ! '

" # 
" % 
" $

" &

" ! &

Guide cable through cable gland 38 from the bottom; 22 Connecting compartment cover
observe especially the shielding. 24 Cover lock
Check before mounting cable glands if threads are matching, 38 Cable gland
otherwise housing can be damaged. Cable gland 38 and (permitted cable diameter 6 to 12 mm)
cover screw 39 are interchangeable. 39 Cover screw
45 Connection terminal "+" wire cross
Connect input signal to terminals 45 (+) and 46 (–).
46 Connection terminal "–" section
The screw terminals are suitable for wire cross sections of 2
47 Ground terminal max. 2.5 mm
0.3 to 2.5 mm2.
Test sockets (Ø 2 mm) integrated in terminal block
For selection of the cable see also the recommendation for 48 External ground terminal
cable types acc. to IEC 1158-2. 50 Overvoltage protection (if present)

Transmitters supplied without cable gland, the cable gland

used has to conform to possible Ex requirements. This is Actions:
the user’s responsibility. – Tighten cover lock 24 (if provided) and unscrew cover 22.
– Guide cable through cable gland and connect to
Note: terminals 45, 46 and 47.
For explosion-proof devices follow reference for cable gland – If necessary connect external ground terminal 48.
and cover screw in document – Screw cover 22 and install cover lock 24 (if provided).
"Safety Instructions 140 Series"

5.2 Ground
If connection to ground is necessary (e.g. potential equali-
zation, protection of electromagnetic influence), ground
terminal 47 or external ground terminal 48 must be con-
When using an electrically non-conducting gasketing, the
wafer body must be grounded by wire E with the connec-
tion flange.

MI EML0710 G-(en) 244LD 9
In any case, installation and safety regulations have to be Zero, lower range value, upper range value and damping of
checked prior to commissioning. See document EX EML the transmitter are set by manufacturer as specified in the
0010 A: “Safety Operating Instructions” order:
• Dimensions of displacer: Lenght, density, weight
After correct installation and connection to power supply
unit, the transmitter is ready for operation: • Setting Lower Range Value by weight F0 :
U > 12 V dc (HART) without Zero elevation = 0;
If necessary the configuration of lower range value, upper with Zero elevation = Value of elevation
range value and damping has to be checked. • Upper Range Value corresponding to buoyancy force of
displacer (see Chap.9)
With HART an ampmeter can be attached into the output
• Output Range and unit
current loop for check.
Therefore, calibration at start-up is not necessary.
Operating data and displacer data are stored in the trans-
mitter according to the order.
Configuration becomes necessary if this data deviates from
the stored values.

7 DECOMMISSIONING In case the order does not include this data, the transmitter
is supplied as follows:
Prior to decommissioning take precautions to avoid distur-
bances: displacer weight = 1.500 kg
buoyancy force = 5.884 N (0.600 kg)
– Observe Ex. protection. indication = 0 ...100 %
– Switch off power supply. damping = 8 sec (90 % time)
– Caution with hazardous process media!
With toxic or harmful process media, observe relevant
safety regulations. Setting via HART Protocol
• Setting with PC and FDT-DTM
Before dismantling the transmitter, the procedure below
• Setting with Handterminal
should be followed:
– Depressurize vessel or displacer chamber.
– Drain off measuring medium in displacer chamber. Setting via operating push buttons
Setting can be done by means of the push buttons at the
– Protect the environment; do not allow measuring sub-
transmitter, see next page.
stance to escape. Catch and dispose them properly.
The procedure for dismantling the transmitter is the reverse
of that described for mounting. "Warm-up" prior calibration and zero point corrections
During final assembly at the manufacturer, ZeroBasic is
adjusted. For this, the displacer data are entered from
which the 244LD automatically calculates the zero point in
“Auto Range” mode.
It is recommended that the customer perform the
ZeroCorrect function at commissioning. In this case, the
transmitter is brought up to operation temperature (“hot
Adjustment”) and subsequently the zero point. So the
measurement error for the process temperatures (either
very high or very low) is kept small. Inaccuracies during
installation are taken into account. The function can be
performed by the DTM or locally on the LCD and push
buttons (see page 12, Menu 4 PV offset).
If required, it may be necessary to activate or deactivate
a zero point correction. For this, the SpecialZero function is
provided. It is used to compensate a zero shift as a result of
the influence of high or low medium temperature (e.g.,
during the start of the process).
This function is only accessible via the DTM.
For details about the DTM, please follow the instructions
on the screen.
10 244LD MI EML0710 G-(en)

Starting operation
Changing values
After starting (after power-on) the Foxboro Eckardt logo is Linear adjustment
briefly displayed, Is used for example in PV-offset, damping and LCD
then Device Info ...
The current value is displayed. With button MORE the

244LD Device Type value is increased. If the largest value is reached, starts
again from beginning with the smallest value. The button
LevelTransmitter Measuring task has auto repeat.
V 0.45.1158 H Version Ê
Stop with button DONE. After that, even queried whether
the change should be saved.
... and then the operational view:
Numerical adjustment

7.099 Measured value Is used for example in measuring range values:

The current value is displayed and the first digit (or sign) is
m3 [_|____]A * Status line Ê
selected. Each time the button CHANGE is pressed the
number is counted up, until the desired number is reached.
Status line: Ë
With button NEXT the next number is marked and can

* padlock = protected
be changed, etc.
After that, even queried whether the change should be
A Autorange mode
M Manual mode
[_|___] Measured value in bar chart
m3 physical unit, or % Manually or Autorange?
When ordering, the customer has stated range and the
The operational view is the display in normal operation. density of the measuring medium (or the densities of the
media). From these informations the real displacer was
On delivery the mode is set to Autorange:
Setting via local keys and LCD The displacer data (diameter, length, weight) and the
density of the media were stored before delivery via FDT /
The operating parameters and settings can be viewed on DTM in the 244LD LevelStar. From this data, PV-offset and
site and in some cases changed. Upper Range Value URV are calculated automatically,
For local operation a full graphic LCD is available and 2 which allows an immediate operation without any additional
buttons on the outside of housing. calibration in the field.
Inside the unit there are no other controls. However, if the manual method is preferred, so the values
can be entered manually.
In Manual mode the classic method is possible to take
¶ over the respective values of the buoyancy forces with the
A operating conditions for 0 % (with level: empty vessel) and
100 % (with level: full vessel).

Ê = Left button
Ë = Right button
After shifting the key protection cap A , insert screw driver
or pin (Ø < 3 mm) into hole B and press down to the
second pressure point.
Starting from operational view,
- the button switches to details of the operating values
- the button switches to the menu selection,
see illustration on the next page.
If no button is pressed within 5 minutes, the display returns
automatically to the operational view.
MI EML0710 G-(en) 244LD 11
O p e r a tio n a l v ie w

B u tto n 1 :
S e ttin g m e n u s 7 . 0 9 9
m 3 A
B u tto n 2 :
O p e r a tin g v ie w s

M A I N M E N U 2 4 4 L D
1 B a c k 7 7 . 0 9 %
2 M e n u L a n g u a g e 1 2 3 . 5 N 2 5 ° C
1 D O W N Y E S 2 1 M E N U N E X T 2

N M E N U 2 4 4 L D
e n u L a n g u a g e 1 6 . 3 3 4 m A
3 S e t M o d e 2 . 1 B a c k O U T P U T C U R R E N T
1 D O W N Y E S 2 2 . 2 E n g l i s h 1 M E N U N E X T 2
2 . 3 D e u t s c h
2 . 4 F r a n ç a i s
3 S
N M E N U 2 4 4 L D
e t M o d e
1 2 3 . 5 N
4 P V - Z e r o 1 M E N U N E X T 2
1 D O W N Y E S 2 A u t o / M a n . R a n g e

M A I N M E N U 2 4 4 L D
3 4 . 4 2 ° C
E L E C T R O N I C - T E M P .
4 P V - Z e r o 4 . 1 B a c k
1 M E N U N E X T 2
5 A d d . f u n c t i o n s 4 . 2 s e t P V
1 D O W N Y E S 2 4 . 3 a p p l y P V
5 .
5 .
3 .
3 . 2
1 B a
D e
c k
n s i t y L o w
4 5 . 6 7 °
M A I N M E N U 2 4 4 L D 5 . 1 B a c k S E N S O R T E M P E R A T .
5 A d d . f u n c t i o n s 5 . 3 . 3 D e n s i t y U p p
5 . 2 D a m p i n g 1 M E N U N E X T 2
6 D e v i c e - i n f o 5 . 3 . 4 s h o w r a n g e
5 . 3 A u t o R a n g e
1 D O W N Y E S 2 5 . 4 M a n . R a n g e
5 .
5 . 6
5 R e
F a
s e t D e v
c t . S e t t
i c e
i n g
5 .
5 .
4 .
4 . 2
B a
c k
( 0 % )
2 4 4 L D
I n t e r f a c e T r a n s m
M A I N M E N U 2 4 4 L D 5 . 4 . 3 U R V ( 1 0 0 % )
V 0 . 4 5 . 1 1 5 1 H
6 D e v i c e - i n f o 5 . 4 . 4 s e t L R V
7 L C D c o n f i g T a g N u m b e r : 5 . 4 . 5 s e t U R V
1 D O W N Y E S 2 T a g N a m e :
D e v i c e t y p e :
M A I N M E N U 2 4 4 L D R e v i s i o n N r . :
7 L C D c o n f i g D i s p l a c e r :
1 B a c k S y s t e m - L i f e t i m e :
1 D O W N Y E S 2
7 . 1 B a c k
7 . 2 L C D H e l l i g k .
7 . 3 L C D K o n t r a s t
7 . 4 L C D O r i e n t g .
12 244LD MI EML0710 G-(en)

Menu 1: Back Back to Operational view.

1 Back --> When selecting YES Ë it goes back to the operating view.
2 Menu Language
ÊDOWN YESË Note: All sub-menus start with a “back” feature that lets you come back to
the previous menu. For better clarity omitted in this description.

Menu: Menu language

2 Menu Language --> With YES Ë it goes to language selection:
3 Set Mode

2 Menu Language
2.1 Back There are 3 menu languages, standard English, German and French.
2.2 English From the factory, active language is always English.
2.3 Deutsch Ê
With DOWN the desired language is selected and becomes active with
2.4 Français Ë
confirming with YES . All texts are now displayed in the chosen
language. Then it goes automatically back to the main menu.

Menu 3: Set mode

3 Set Mode --> With YES Ë it goes to Autorange- or Manual- selection.
4 PV-Zero
See also notes on page10

3 Set Mode Ê
With MODE you switch from Autorange- to Manual Mode. If this is to
Auto Mode expect a change in the output value, a message appears.
Manual Mode Ë
After confirming with OK back to the main menu.
ÊMODUS OKË Switching from Manual- to Autorange Mode: Requires reset to factory settings, if
manual set data allows no calculations. See menu 5.6.

Menu 4: Setting PV-Offset

4 PV-Zero --> With YES Ë it goes to setting PV-Offset:
5 Add. functions

4 PV-Zero --> With YES Ë PV-Offset can be set, regardless of the mode Autorange
4.2 set PV or Manual.
4.3 apply PV
Setting on Linear adjustment in 0.1% increments, see p.10
The expected impact of the change can be seen on the primary variables
57.0 % in the second line.
PV=0.100 N The resulting automatically calculated PV-offset is displayed on the third
Auto=50.0 %
ÊREADY MOREË line to observe the change and possibly return to the former value.
MI EML0710 G-(en) 244LD 13
4 PV-Zero
4.3 apply PV
--> With YES the current process value (Level: Displacer not in the
medium) is taken over as the physical zero point.
4.1 Back
ÊDOWN YESË This menu item is only for manual mode and therefore the auto range mode is
locked (indicated by a padlock symbol).

< 5.000N >

apply as 0%?
LRV= 0.000 N
--> By confirmation with YES Ë the current value will be saved as
Lower Range Value.

Menu 5: Additional functions

5 Add. functions
6 Device-info --> With YES Ë it goes to the following sub menus:

5 Add. functions
5.2 Damping
5.3 Auto Range
--> With YES Ë it goes to setting the damping.

5.2 Damping At first the current value is displayed.

08 sec.
[____|_________] The value can now be adjusted with the Ë button in steps of 1 sec.
ÊREADY MOREË Linear adjustment, see page 10.
Then back to the menu.

5 Add. functions
5.3 Auto Range
5.4 Man. Range --> With YES Ë it goes to the Range setting in the Autorange mode.
ÊDOWN YESË In Autorange mode, the densities can be changed and then immediately taken into
account in the automatic calculation.

5.3 Auto Range

5.3.2 DensityLow
5.3.3 DensityUpp
--> With YES Ë to enter the density of the lower medium.

5.3.2 DensityLow The value is entered using Numerical adjustment, see page 10.
+1000.00 kg/m³ Finally, the value must be confirmed and is saved.

If density of lower medium is lighter than the density of upper medium, an error
message appears and the value is not stored.

5.3 Auto Range

5.3.3 DensityUpp --> With YES Ë to enter the density of the upper medium.
5.3.4 show range (Proceed as with lower density.)
ÊDOWN YESË Note: For Level measurement the value is 0.000.
14 244LD MI EML0710 G-(en)

5.3 Auto Range

5.3.4 show range
5.3.1 Back --> With YES Ë the current Measuring range is displayed:

Range=100.00 N Measuring range

LRV= 0.00 N Lower Range Value
URV= 100.00 N Upper Range Value
--> With BACK back to previous menu.

5 Add. functions --> With YES Ë it goes to the Range setting in Manual mode.
5.4 Man. Range After setting the operating conditions for 0 % (at level: vessel empty) or 100 % (at
5.5 Reset Device level: vessel full) each take over the value of the buoancy force. Or by values input
ÊDOWN YESË at 0 % and 100 %.
Note: Feature is only available in Manual mode, Autorange mode is locked (padlock
icon in the LCD).

5.4 Man. Range

5.4.2 LRV ( 0%) LRV - take over the Lower Range Value (0 %)
5.4.3 URV (100%)
ÊDOWN YESË --> With YES Ë the following display appears:

< 5.000N
apply as 0%?
> --> By confirmation with YES Ë the current value will be saved as Lower
LRV= 0.000 N Range Value.

5.4 Man. Range URV - take over the Upper Range Value (100 %)
5.4.3 URV (100%) (Proceed as with Lower Range Value.)
5.4.4 set LRV

5.4 Man. Range LRV - enter the Lower Range Value (0 %)

5.4.4 set LRV
5.4.5 set URV
ÊDOWN YESË --> With YES Ë the following display appears:
5.4.4 set LRV The value is entered using Numerical adjustment, see page 10.
+010.000 % In the third line, the minimum value is displayed.
min= 000.000 %
Finally, the value must be confirmed and is then stored as Lower Range

5.4 Man. Range

5.4.5 set URV URV - enter the Upper Range Value (100 %)
5.4.1 Back
(Proceed as with Lower Range Value.)
MI EML0710 G-(en) 244LD 15
5 Add. functions
5.5 Reset Device Ë
--> With YES it goes to function selection.
5.6 Fact.Setting After a further confirmation the reset of electronics is running.
ÊDOWN YESË Same effect as Power-on.

5 Add. functions
5.6 Fact.Setting Ë
--> With YES it goes to function selection.
5.1 Back WARNING: According to a further confirmation, all custom settings are
ÊDOWN YESË reset to the factory-defined state and will be lost.

Menu 6: Device informations

MAIN MENU 244LD --> YES Ë displays the data stored in the transmitter, such as
6 Device-info Tag Number
7 LCD config Tag Name
ÊDOWN YESË Device type
Revision Nr
Displacer data

Menu 7: LCD configuration

7 LCD config
--> With YES Ë it goes to settings for the LCD:
1 Back

7 LCD config
7.2 LCD Orient
--> With YES Ë it goes to selection of LCD orientation:
7.3 LCD contrast

7.2 LCD Orient --> With ÊROTATE is the text "on the feet".
--> With confirming with OK Ë it goes back to the menu.
7.2 LCD Orient

7 LCD config Ë
--> With YES the LCD contrast is adjusted.
7.3 LCD contrast Linear adjustment, see page 10.
7.1 Back
16 244LD MI EML0710 G-(en)

CALCULATING WEIGHT FORCES (also see VDI/VDE-Guideline 3519, sheet 1)

Displacer length = measuring range

Weight forces 0% 100 %

Measurement type Lower range value Upper range value 2

= 0 % output signal = 100 % output signal 1

Liquid level F = F
1) 0 G
( r = negligible )

L = hb
L = hb
= F
-V · g · r1
( r = not negligible)
· g · r2
F = F -V r
0 G
Density r
( r2 = min. density, 1

r = max. density )

Displacer length > measuring range

(without elevation)
Weight forces 0% 100 %
Measurement type Lower range value Upper range value
= 0 % output ssignal = 100 % output signal r
Liquid level hb 1
( r = negligible )
1) F
= F
100 = F
-V · g · r 1
2 L


Interface hb L -hb
· g ·r r
( r = not negligible)
= F
100 = F
-V · g ( r 1
+ r )
L 2 L

Displacer length > measuring range

(with elevation)

Weight forces 0% 100 %

Measurement type Lower range value Upper range value
= 0 % output signal = 100 % output signal 2
Liquid level h0 h0 +hb 1
( r = negligible)
1) F0 = F -V
G · g· r 1
F = F -V · g· r 1

L 100 G L


Interface h0 L -h0 h0 +hb L - h b- h 0
F = F -V ·g(r + r ) F = F -V · g( r + r ) r


( r = not negligible) 0 G

1 2 100 G 1 2 1
2 L L L L

FG [ N ] Weight force of displacer in atmosphere 1 [ kg/m³ ] Liquid density

F0 [ N ] Weight force action on suspension point of 2 [ kg/m³ ] Density of gas or lighter liquid
displacer at lower range value g [ m/s² ] Local acceleration due to gravity
F100 [ N ] Weight force action on suspension point ( e.g. 9.807 m/s²)
of displacer at upper range value L [m] Displacer length
FA [ N ] Buoyancy force of displacer (FA = F0 - F100) h0 [ m ] Lower range value
V [ m³ ] Displacer volume (specified on data label in hb [ m ] Measuring span

Attention: 1 kg generates a force of 9.807 N

1) 2 is negligible if 2 = gas at atmospheric pressure

or with ratio 2 : 1 less than 0.5 %.
MI EML0710 G-(en) 244LD 17
Graph for determining displacer diameter

D ia m e te r o f d is p la c e r in m m D e n s ity m e d iu m in k g /m ³ ( H - H )
1 2

2 2 2 1 .3 2 0 1 8 1 7 .2 1 6 .4 1 5 1 3 .5 1 6 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 3 0 0
1 2 0 0

1 1 0 0
2 4

2 5 1 0 0 0

9 0 0
2 6 .9
8 0 0

3 0 7 0 0

6 0 0

D 3 3 .7 D m id d le
m a x . D m in . 5 0 0

3 8
4 0 0
4 2 .4
4 4 .5
3 0 0
4 8 .3
5 4 2 0 0
6 0 .3
7 0
8 0 1 0 0
8 8 .9
1 0 1 .6

1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 .2 0 0 .3 5 0 .5 0 0 0 .7 5 0 1 .0 0 0 1 .2 0 0 1 .5 0 0 1 .8 0 0 2 .0 0 0 2 .5 0 0 3 .0 0 0

B u o y a n c y fo r c e F A in N M e a s u r in g s p a n in m

Measuring span The following equation can be used to exactly dimension

The transmitter is designed for a buoyancy force measuring the displacer:
span of minimum 2 up to maximum 20 N.
4 F A
Weight force D = 1 0 0 0 [ m m ]
The maximum weight of the displacer FG max. is 40 N for g ( 
) L
level measurements. For density or interface measurements,
the displacer must be dimensioned so that after deducting D = Outside diameter of displacer in mm
FA of the lighter process media, the remaining force F0
does not exceed 40 N. FA = Buoyancy force of displacer in N

Determining displacer diameters g = Acceleration due to gravity (9.807 m/s²)

For optimum use of the transmitter, the displacer should be 1 = Density of heavier liquid in kg/m³
dimensioned so that the greatest possible buoyancy force is
generated over the measuring range. On the other hand, 2 = Density of gas or lighter liquid in kg/m³
the maximum possible diameter of the displacer must be
L = Measuring span in mm
taken into consideration.
In the above graph the displacer diameter can easily be
estimated dependent on the measuring span and the Example:
buoyancy force. Measuring span: 1.500 m
1 = 1000 kg/m³
2 = negligible
18 244LD MI EML0710 G-(en)

10 Measuring principle
(see VDI/VDE Guideline 3519, sheet 1) shape into a liquid.
Any body immersed into a liquid is subject to Archimedian Changes in buoyancy forces are proportional to liquid level
buoyancy force which depends on the liquid density. This is changes and are converted to a measuring signal.
exploited to determine liquid level, density and interface The displacer is fully immersed for density and interface
level by suspending a displacer with constant cylindric level detection.

The following applies in general to the buoyancy

force acting on the displacer:

FA = Vx 1 g + ( V - Vx ) 2 g

FA Buoyancy force
V Volume of displacer
Vx Volume of medium displaced by measuring body
with density 1
1 Average density of heavier medium
2 Average density of lighter medium
g Local acceleration due to gravity
FG Displacer body weight force

The force acting on the transmitter is inversely

proportional to liquid level changes.
0 .0 0
L iq u id le v e l

1 0 0 %
H 2 V
m is tic
re te
su ac
ea har
r c

th a c e




0 %
F = FG F G
A (0 % ) A (1 0 0 % )
M e a s u r in g r a n g e
MI EML0710 G-(en) 244LD 19
10.1 Block diagram with HART communication
M a x im u m s p a n :
F in g e r p r in t T o le r a n c e b a n d a u to m a tic c a lib r a tio n
5 0 /6 0 H z D a m p in g tim e
D a ta tim e c o n v e n tio n a l b a s e c a lib r a tio n

S ig n a l, L in e L in e a r iz a tio n
S e n s o r
p r o p o r tio n a l F re q u e n c y F ilte r T e m p e ra tu re S m a r t S m o o th in g A d ju s t
to fo rc e F ilte r c a o m p e n s a tio n

U n it
Z e r o a d ju s t
D is p la c e r d a ta (c o n s t.): % (B u o y a n c y fo rc e = 0 )
M e d iu m - L e n g h t
- D e n s ity - D ia m e te r
- T e m p e ra tu re - W e ig h t fo rc e
U n it
p h y s ic a l Z e r o
(m a n u a l In p u t)
Z e r o p o in t
S ig n a l, e q u iv a le n t to fo r c e
D ig ita l o u tp u t
a u to m a tic % S e le c t
c a lib r a tio n O U T
(M B A , M B E , N P )
O u ts c a le
M B A , M B E

M e a s u r in g r a n g e fa c to r m A
Z e ro o ffs e t U n it
( C o r r e c tio n P a r a m e te r )
m A % 0 . 0 0 0
U n it
( fo r m e a s u r in g r a n g e )

M e a s u r in g C h a r a c te r is tic % R e p la c e m a n t v a lu e D
R a n g e fu n c tio n H o ld la s t v a lu e
m A A A n a lo g o u tp u t

M B A a n d M B E L in e a r F a u lt b e h a v io u r
(m a n u a l In p u t) C u s to m

10.2 Explanations to Block diagrams

Sensor Linearization and Temperature compensation
The force sensor is a Wheatstone bridge of four metal strain of Sensor characteristic
gauge elements and a Ni100 resistor for temperature mea- The sensor signal is linearized and temperature-compen-
surement. sated by the included sensor temperature. Linearization
takes place via the so-called fingerprint data, which are
determined during the production for each sensor. In factory
Line Frequency Suppression Filter the fingerprint data are loaded into the amplifier.
There is the selection to filter the noise signal 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
20 244LD MI EML0710 G-(en)

Smart Smoothing Sensor Adjustment

In factory the Smart Smoothing Band is set to 2 % of sensor Zero and span of force sensor are adjusted in factory.
range. The Integration Time of the average value is set to It is possible to calibrate Zero (situation alignment) with the
10 sec. external keys.

S p a n
s ta tic
M e a s u r e d V a lu e

w ith S m a rt
S m a r t S m o o th in g S m o o th in g
B a n d w id th

2 %

w ith o u t Z e ro
S m a r t S m o o th in g
L o w e r U p p e r
t/s e c R a n g e V a lu e R a n g e V a lu e

d y n a m ic
M e a s u r e d V a lu e

Transfer function / Characteristic

The characteristics are available as linear and customized.
t= 1 0 s e c With "customized" there are 32 x/y- values available.
Standard with Level is “linear”.

S p a n

t/s e c

Z e ro S p a n
MI EML0710 G-(en) 244LD 21
Measured Value Setting Setting of Output value
The user can define measured value and unit. The output value is the measured value between Lower
Range Value and Upper Range Value. Value and unit are
N e w
V a lu e
freely selectable. The replacement value affects the output.
e .g . 2 m

U p p e r
O u tp u t
v a lu e
e . g . 1 0 0 %

L o w e r
1 9 .6 1 3 N O u tp u t
v a lu e
e . g . 0 %
L o w e r R a n g e V a lu e U p p e r R a n g e V a lu e
e .g . 0 .5 m e .g . 1 .5 m

Setting of Range
The measuring range is the range between Lower Range Replacement / Substitute Value (HART only)
Value and Upper Range Value. Lower Range Value is the In case of error output holds last value or gives a configura-
weight of the displacer. Lower Range Value without ble Replacement value.
elevation is 0. With elevation, the value of elevation has to If the error does not exist any longer, then "last value"
be entered. and/ or replacement value is taken back (automatic or

U p p e r Multi-drop (HART only)

R a n g e V a lu e With FDT-DTM or a Hand Held Terminal it is possible to
e .g . 1 .5 m switch
- HART-Amplifier between “analog” and “Multi-drop”
- FoxCom-Amplifier between “analog” and “digital”.
L o w e r With HART-mode “Multi-drop” the output has a digital signal,
R a n g e V a lu e the measured value is modulated to a 4 mA DC signal.
e .g . 0 .5 m
FDT-DTM Software enables to simulate the measured
value and to write output values directly to the output.

M e a s u r e d v a lu e Filter
The output signal is damped. Damping time ist setable from
0 to 32 sec.
22 244LD MI EML0710 G-(en)

11.1 General
Supply via power supply unit with communication
Depending on the transmitter application varying demands (Fig. 3)
are made on the supply. The different operating modes are h a z a rd o u s fie ld c o n tro l ro o m
explained in the following chapters. The wire diagrams are a re a c o m m u n i- c o m m u n i- c o m m u n i- c o m m u n i-
shown in the following figures. c a tio n c a tio n c a tio n c a tio n

M T / M U S
The power supply units for different applications (direct / via
power supply unit of transmitters, HART / without commu- L
4 ... 2 0 m A U S 4 ... 2 0 m A R B
nication, intrinsically / not intrinsically) are listed in the
following table. D C S o r
T r a n s m itte r
p o w e r s u p p ly C o n tr o lle r
All listed supply devices are available for intrinsically-safe
and/or non-intrinsically-safe application.

Direct supply with communication (Fig. 4)

Application and asssociated supply

C o m m u n i- C o m m u n i-
Supply c a tio n U S = 1 7 .7 5 ... 4 2 V c a tio n
without communication direct, MT228 L
1 2 ... 4 2 V R B
HART direct, MT228
T r a n s m itte r C o n tr o lle r
o r D C S

11.2 Overview of application types 11.2.1 Supply via power supply unit
This supply is recommend for normal use. Interferences are
Supply via power supply unit (Fig. 1) prevented due galvanic separation of measurement loop,
load and power supply in the power supply unit (see fig. 1)
fie ld c o n tro l ro o m
h a z a rd o u s a re a M T /M U S

L 4 ...2 0 m A
11.2.2 Direct supply
in tr in s ic a lly - s a fe U s 4 ... 2 0 m A R B
This most simple version can be recommended only for
single galvanically separated supply or measurement loops
T r a n s m itte r P C S o r
p o w e r s u p p ly c o n tr o lle r (see fig. 2)
u n it
The max. load impedance is calculated per:
RBmax = (Umax - 12 V) / Imax
Direct supply (Fig. 2)
Umax: max. permitted voltage (acc. to product specificati-
U S = 1 5 ... 4 2 V
ons), depends on type of transmitter and explosion
R B Imax: 12 mA for transmitter in FOXCOM digital mode,
23 mA for all other transmitters (HART and FOX-
T r a n s m itte r P C S o r COM)
c o n tr o lle r
MI EML0710 G-(en) 244LD 23
Standard values
Permissible load depending on supply voltage.
Example of a non intrinsically safe 140 series HART Communication HART
transmitter (Fig. 6) Min. load 250 
U = 4 2 V
Max. capacity of line < 200 nF
m a x

9 Max. length of line ~ 3300 m

1 4 0 0

The respective wiring diagram is shown in Figure 3.

1 1 5 0

Figure 4 shows the respective wiring diagram without

8 0 0
power supply unit for galvanically separated loops. The
operating tool - handterminal, PC with FDT-DTM software
and modem - can be connected to the labeled positions.
Depending on the application the regulations for explosion
4 5 0
protection have to be observed also for the operating tools!

1 0 0
1 2 2 0 2 8 3 6 4 2 V U S 11.2.4 Intrinsically-safe application
For intrinsically-safe application generally the use of a re-
11.2.3 Communication spective power supply unit is recommended. Wiring should
be done as per respective national and international
In contrast to convential operating mode in the two-wire standards and regulations - as described in “Supply via
loop a minimal load for all communication modes has to power supply unit”. If communication is required also, the
be available. If this load is selected too low, the communi- guidelines of chapter “Communication” have to be obser-
cation is short-circuited. ved. In addition, the application of the operating tools and
(FOXBORO ECKARDT power supply units capable for their permitted limit values are to be observed.
communication MT228 already have respective loads).

Additionally, the line lenghts have to be limited to the max.

permitted values for the respective communication
24 244LD MI EML0710 G-(en)

12 Error messages on LCD display and on DTM screen

MI EML0710 G-(en) 244LD 25
26 244LD MI EML0710 G-(en)

Product Specifications for Intelligent Transmitters

Product Specification: Device:

PSS EMP0610 141GP Intelligent Gauge Pressure Transmitter
PSS EMP0620 142AP Intelligent Absolute Pressure Transmitter
PSS EMP0630 143DP Intelligent d/p Transmitter
PSS EML2610 144FP Intelligent d/p Transmitter for Liquid Level, Interface and Density
- Flange mounted
PSS EML0710 244LD Intelligent Buoyancy Transmitter for Liquid Level, Interface and Density
with Displacer and Torque Tube
PSS EML1710 244LVP Intelligent Buoyancy Transmitter for Liquid Level, Interface and Density
with Displacer
PSS EML0901 204xx Accessories for Buoyancy Transmitters
PSS EMO0100 Accessories for Devices with HART-Protocol

Subject to alterations - reprinting, copying and translation prohibited. Products and publications are normally
quoted here without reference to existing patents, registered utility models or trademarks. The lack of any such
reference does not justify the assumption that a product or symbol is free.


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