526 Proacive Assignment

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Orientation, Rules, Routines, and Procedures

Xsavior Sanchez
Kin 526

Orientation and Expectations:

I want to teach Kindergarten through fifth grade Adapted Physical Education in the Long
Beach School district. To introduce myself and my PE program to the students and their parents,
I would have a folder for each student that would have a flyer and a sticker chart. The flyer
would consist of my name, email address, phone number as well as what I will be teaching to the
students. The flyer will also consist of resources that the parents will be able to use to help with
their children. The sticker chart will be a chart that students will put their stickers on if they
follow the rules and expectations of the class. On the first day of PE class, I will have orientation
for the students and explain how PE is just as important as any other class. I will inform the
students the importance of physical activity in our daily lives and how physical activity impacts
our health. I will emphasize how PE is a chance for all of us to get active and that we will
improve our fitness and skills through a variety of activities that can be used outside of class. For
this class, students will need to be ready to get active and dressed appropriately in comfortable
clothes and athletic shoes. If the student is unable to participate in any of the activities during
class, that student must have a doctor’s note or a note from home that will excuse the student
from participating.
The next class meeting I will go over classroom procedures, expectations, routines, and
safety. The classroom is a safe space for everyone so we will treat ourselves and classmates with
respect. At the start of each class, I will greet each student and give them high five as they walk
into the class. I will also praise each student and give them a high five at the end of class as well.
Inside the classroom I will have posters in big bright colors for the students to see, these posters
will list out the rules, expectations, and procedures of the class. For my rule’s poster, I will have
5 rules that spell out the word trust, and it will be listed out and numbered.
1. Try your best
2. Respect your classmates
3. U are a winner
4. Stay on task
5. Take a deep breath and let it go
For my expectations I will have another poster with 5 expectations, and it will be listed out and
numbered as well.
1. Be here
2. Be fair
3. Be honest
4. Have fun
5. Always follow TRUST
These rules and expectations will be posted inside the classroom for the students to see and I will
always have a laminated copy of both, for whenever we have class outside. Before we start class
or any activity, I will have the students say out loud the rules and expectations. This is important
because it will teach the students what I expect from them and the rules that must be followed for
my class. When the students follow the rules and the expectations, they will receive positive
consequences. These positive consequences consist of a high five, fist bump, and they will be
Orientation, Rules, Routines, and Procedures

given a sticker when the students follow the classroom expectations and rules. The stickers will
be placed on their sticker chart, and whichever student fills up the sticker chart for that week will
be allowed to pick the next activity or cool down to do. The student will also get to be the line
leader for the day. When students aren’t following the rules and expectations there will be
negative consequences. When a student isn’t following the rules and expectations, they will be
given a warning at first. If a student continues to not follow the rules and expectations, they will
be pulled to the side and reminded of TRUST. If a student isn’t following the rules and
expectations a third time, they will be put in the penalty box for 1 minute and will not be given a
sticker for their sticker chart on that day. Anything after a third time, and I will meet with the
student and their parent or guardian. At the end of the day, the students will fill out the check-out
form before leaving class. The check-out form will ask the students how they were feeling for
that day. They will check a happy face if they had a great day, a frown face if they had a bad day,
and they will check the sleepy face if they were tired. I think that this check-out form is
important because it lets me know as the teacher, how the students are feeling and if there is
anything that I would need to improve on.

Routines and Managerial Tasks

In the classroom, the students are assigned to sit on the big rug in the middle of the
classroom. Students can sit on any of the colors but have to change the color that they sit on each
day. When activity is done outside of the classroom the students will walk single file towards the
designated meeting area and stand on a poly spot that will be lined up at least 5 feet away from
each other. If a student needs to use the restroom, they will simply just raise their hand or use the
peace signal by putting up two fingers. I will then allow students to use the restroom, but I’ll
make sure they go with a partner. Students who have followed the rules and expectations will be
chosen as squad leaders and the squad leaders will change each day. Those squad leaders will
stand in the first poly spot and the rest of the class will have 10 seconds to find a poly spot and
stand on it. The 10 second countdown is important because it helps the students to quickly line
up so that we can get started with warmups. Afterwards, I will then take attendance before we
start the warmup. The warmups will vary overtime, but the first warm up activity will consist of
static stretching. The next warm up activity will usually be geared towards the unit that we will
be learning that week. For example, if we were doing locomotor skills, I would have hula hoops
scattered around the play area. When the music would start, students would complete a
locomotor skill around the hula hoops until the music stops. When the music stops, the students
would then place a foot inside of the nearest hula hoop and then repeat the same process but
doing a different locomotor skill. After the first warmup activity, the students will have a 1-
minute water break, before we begin our first activity. The students will then line back up on
their poly spot and wait for the next directions. The squad leader and one student from each
group will be responsible for gathering the equipment for their group and make sure that their
group is following the rules and expectations. For example, if we were doing a soccer unit the
squad leader and one student in that group will be responsible for grabbing the soccer balls and
cones for their group. The signal for them to grab the equipment will be whenever I blow my
whistle. After I blow my whistle, they will have 20 seconds to grab their equipment and line back
up in their group. I will countdown the same way I would when the students are lining on a poly
spot. After the students grab their equipment, they will place it on the floor or between their legs.
They will not play with the equipment but instead will listen to me as I will be giving them
instructions on what to do next. Another signal I will use is I will start out by saying if you can
Orientation, Rules, Routines, and Procedures

hear me clap once. The students will respond by clapping once, and then I will repeat and say if
you can hear me clap twice. They will respond by clapping twice and will know that I shouldn’t
need to ask a third time to clap again.
Now sometimes when forming groups, I will have students find a foot partner or an
elbow partner. They will accomplish this by going around and touching feet with another student
in the class or touching elbows with another student in the class. Whoever they find will be part
of their group or their partner for the day. Another way to form groups is I will ask whose
birthday is in this December or January or March. Students whose birthdays are in those months
will be paired together. I will never let students pick groups or partners because I want everyone
in the class to work together and to be comfortable with each other.
During the last 5 minutes of class I will have the students line up on poly spots and have
seat. We will have our cool down as well as a brief discussion about the lesson and activities that
we completed that day. I will also have a check for understanding by asking the students about
cues on the activities that we did. When returning back to the classroom, I will have the students
line up single file while walking back. But when I do, I will have the students who are wearing
blue line up first, or students who are wearing black line up first. I will also end with a check-out
where students will fill out the check-out form about how their feeling after the lesson. When the
students leave, I will greet them just like the beginning of class and give them a high five as well.

Reflection and Summary:

I think that behavior management is a crucial part in having success as a teacher and if
not controlled can be costly for you in the field. If the behavior of a class is great, then the lesson
and teaching will go smoothly. If behavior is bad, then trying to teach can be very difficult for a
teacher. But as important as behavior management is, I do think that a positive learning
environment will help create positive behavior management. “It has been suggested that at least
80% of inappropriate behavior will not occur if the physical activity professional is positive and
proactive”. That being said, if a student sees an inspired, energized teacher and is in a class
where the rules are displayed for the whole class to see, I believe that this will help decrease bad
behavior. If a bad behavior is seen, I believe that it needs to be taken care of at that moment to
help prevent the bad behavior from occurring again. Having positive and negative consequences
for these behaviors is essential for behavior management. Students who are rewarded for
following the rules and expectations will receive stickers and high fives, as well as the possibility
of being a squad leader. These kinds of positive consequences will motivate a student to be on
their best behavior, so that they could be a squad leader or even pick the activity for the day. I
want the students to have a great time, and to learn as much as possible. What I teach them can
be used in their daily lives and can help them with their fitness levels.

I believe that Physical education is essential for everyone and not having a positive
environment to teach in will lead to bad behavior management. This could impact the student
negatively later in life as well. If a student were to have a bad experience with physical
education, they may not want to have any physical activity later in life. Being physically active is
essential for living a healthy life, so it’s very important for us as teachers to show up and have
great energy when teaching the students. If the teacher is positive, then the students in the class
will be positive too.

Orientation, Rules, Routines, and Procedures

A. Flyer
B. Classroom Rules
C. Classroom Expectations
D. Classroom consequences
E. Check out form
F. Sticker chart

Appendix A: Flyer

Dear Parents or Guardians,

My name is Xsavior Sanchez, and I am your child’s Physical Education Teacher. To learn more
about the Physical Education Program or myself feel free to contact me anytime with comments,
questions, or concerns at (408-639-1482) or email me at [email protected]. I am
looking forward to fun and exciting 2024 school year.


Xsavior Sanchez

Appendix B: Classroom Rules

This Photo
licensed under
by Unknown
Author is


T: Try your best

R: Respect your classmates
U: U are a winner
S: Stay on task
T: Take a deep breath and let it go

Appendix C: Classroom Expectations

Orientation, Rules, Routines, and Procedures

hereby Unknown Author is licensed under
2. Be fair
3. Be honest
4. Have fun
5. Always follow TRUST

Appendix D: Class consequences

1. First time is a warning

2. Second time, student is pulled to the side and reminded of TRUST and expectations
3. Third time, student will take a one-minute break from activity
4. Anything after 3 will result in a meeting with student and guardian

Appendix E: Check out form

Orientation, Rules, Routines, and Procedures

The check-out form will be filled out by the student at the end of class, to show how the student
is feeling after the lesson or activity.

Appendix F: Sticker Chart

Orientation, Rules, Routines, and Procedures

The sticker chart will be filled out if students are following the rules and expectations, they will
receive a sticker from the teacher. The first student that finishes their chart with stickers, will be
able to choose the lesson, or activity, or cool down for that day.

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