Immersion Classrooms

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King Immersion Program At-a-Glance

Two kindergarten classrooms at the King School will be the Chinese Immersion
Program. Two kindergarten classrooms at the King School will be the Ni Hao Program.

King School King Immersion Programs King Ni Hao FLES

1 Chinese Classroom 1 English Classroom 2 Typical Classrooms

Number of 20 JK/K 20 JK/K 20 students in each
students kindergarten class
Teachers Ms. Corpas, Ms. Toomey Ms. Basile,
and Ms. Sullivan
Chinese Teacher, Chinese Paraprofessional Ms. MacKintosh,
Subjects CLA* ELA* ELA
taught Math Math Math
Science Science Science
Social Studies Social Studies Social Studies
Social Curriculum Social Curriculum Social Curriculum
Interdisciplinary Studies Arts Arts
Technology Music Music
Library P.E. P.E.
Explorations** Technology Technology
*Chinese Language Arts
Library Library
** Subjected to extended-
day grant availability. Explorations** Explorations**
* English Language Arts Chinese
Time spent in 50% of daily instruction time for grades K-2, 30mins daily for grades
Chinese class 90mins content-based Chinese instruction K-5, instructional time
daily from grades 3-8 may increases in future
years for grades 3 and
45mins three times a
week for grades 6-8
Time spent in 7:55am-3:55pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays
school 7:55am-1:55pm Wednesdays
Recess Twice daily
Lunch 30-45mins daily
After School Available to registered students.
Programs Please contact Ms. Catherine Park at the King/Amigos Community
School Tours Ms. Vivian Tam, Immersion Program Ms. Clarie Koen
and Contacts Coordinator (English, Mandarin, Japanese, [email protected],
Cantonese) [email protected], 617-599-7258 617-349-6454
Websites http://nihaoflap-
School Principal: Mr. Gerald Yung, [email protected], 617-349-6562x150
Principal Assistant Principal: Ms. Cheryl Haynes, [email protected], 617-349-
Main Office Located in the main lobby near the main entrance.
Ms. Cheryl Mason, school clerk, 617-349-6562 x111 (English)
Ms. Julie Fu, school clerk, 617-349-6562 x155 (English and Mandarin)
Enrollment All incoming students must register through If you would like to
the Family Resource Center at 15 Upton Street. enroll in the King Ni
If you would like to enroll in the “King Hao FLES Program,
Chinese Immersion Program,” please put King put “MLK, Jr.
Immersion Program as your first choice on the School” as your first
registration form as there are two separately choice on the
slots for the King School. registration form.

Additional Information

Ms. Tori Corpas, our immersion JK/K English classroom teacher, will be transferring
from her current role as a first grade teacher at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. School. She
grew up in Yonkers, New York. She received her Bachelor of Arts in English with a
minor in Communications and her M.A.T. from Tufts University. Currently, she is on the
Instructional Leadership Team Committee at the King School and is enrolled in the
Aspiring Teacher Leader Program for Mathematics. Ms. Corpas is an energetic and
creative educator with a firm belief in helping children to reach their full potential. She
has enjoyed the last five years at the King School and is enthusiastic about extending
world-class learning opportunities to all children in the City of Cambridge.

We are currently in the process of hiring the potential lead teacher in the Chinese
classroom. Stay tuned for more information.

All students in the King and Amigos schools shared the same teachers in the following
academic subjects: arts, music, physical education, and library.

All students, if needed, receive additional academic and developmental supports.

The Immersion Coordinator and curriculum consultants are collaborating with King
School’s onsite Math and Literacy coaches to develop a streamline curriculum to ensure
literacy and content mastery in both the Chinese and English classrooms.

For more information about Dual Language Immersion and Second Language Learning,
please visit:

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