Quest Generator
Quest Generator
Quest Generator
Matthew Tapp
Please also check out
QUEST GIVER . . . . . . . . . . . 9
QUEST OBJECTIVE . . . . . . . . . 13
QUEST LOCATION . . . . . . . . . . 18
QUEST REWARDS . . . . . . . . . . 23
NPCS INVOLVED . . . . . . . . . . 34
QUEST HOOKS . . . . . . . . . . . 38
TIMELINE . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
CONSEQUENCES . . . . . . . . . . 51
How to use
this book
Welcome, esteemed Game Master, to your comprehensive
guide for creating dynamic, engaging, and memorable quests for your
tabletop role-playing game. This book is designed to be a wellspring
of inspiration, helping you craft stories that will captivate your players
and keep them eagerly anticipating each gaming session.
location, but choose the objective and reward that best fits your cur-
rent campaign.
6. Iterate and Evolve: As you use this generator, you may find that
certain types of quests or elements resonate more with your group than
others. Feel free to lean into those preferences, adjusting the options or
even creating your own tables to better serve your unique gaming style.
Quest Giver
1. Wandering Knight 14. Captive Princess
Quest Objective
60. Find the source of a magi- 77. Clear a path through dan-
cal plague. gerous territory.
66. Help a spirit find peace. 83. Prevent a war between na-
67. Free captives from a slave
Quest Location
60. Find the source of a magi- 77. Clear a path through dan-
cal plague. gerous territory.
66. Help a spirit find peace. 83. Prevent a war between na-
67. Free captives from a slave
Quest Rewards
1. The quest giver isn’t telling 9. The quest objective doesn’t
the whole truth. want to be found or changed.
43. The party must make an 57. The quest involves a dan-
ally of a dangerous creature. gerous magical item.
45. The party is framed for a 59. The party must protect an
crime they didn’t commit. NPC from constant danger.
46. The party must avoid a 60. The party must deal with
deadly plague or disease. difficult weather conditions.
47. The party must compete in 61. The party must complete
a tournament or contest. the quest without magic.
50. The party must pass 64. The party must deal with
through a dangerous territory. an unexpected betrayal.
52. The party must make a dif- 66. The party is required to
ficult moral choice. pass a series of trials or tests.
55. The party becomes em- 69. The quest sparks a rebellion
broiled in a family feud. or uprising.
56. The party must survive 70. A powerful item the party
without their equipment. needs is stolen.
72. The objective has already 86. The quest disrupts the bal-
been claimed by someone else. ance of power in the region.
74. The party must deal with 88. The party is given false
an internal conflict. information.
75. The party’s actions could 89. The party must navigate a
have dire consequences for the dangerous labyrinth.
90. The quest stirs up old rival-
76. The party must survive in a ries or feuds.
hostile environment.
91. The party must contend
77. The quest involves a deadly with a natural disaster.
game or competition.
92. A powerful magical barrier
78. The objective is far more blocks the party’s path.
dangerous than initially thought.
93. The party must perform a
79. The party must negotiate a complex magical ritual.
peace treaty.
94. The party is drawn into a
80. The party is accused of a war.
crime they didn’t commit.
95. The party must contend
81. The quest uncovers a con- with a moral or ethical dilemma.
96. The party must operate
82. A party member is kid- undercover or in disguise.
97. The party must resolve a
83. A powerful entity seeks to conflict between two allies.
stop the party.
98. The party is transported to
84. The party must handle a a hostile plane of existence.
delicate diplomatic situation.
100. Roll twice and combine two (for a more complex complication)
NPCs Involved
Quest Hooks
16. The party finds a mysteri- 27. The party finds an un-
ous object that leads them on a conscious person who holds a
quest. mysterious item.
39. A local area is suddenly and 50. The party is asked to inves-
inexplicably overrun by a type tigate a haunting at a local inn.
of creature.
51. An ancient artifact is ac-
40. A powerful item is rumored cidentally activated, causing
to be in the possession of a unexpected effects.
dangerous beast.
52. The party is given a bro-
41. The party wakes up in a ken map and asked to find the
strange location with no memory missing pieces.
of how they got there.
53. A powerful villain the party
42. A local ruler decrees a dan- previously defeated returns seek-
gerous area off-limits, sparking ing revenge.
54. A rare celestial event is
43. The party receives a myste- rumored to reveal the path to a
rious and cryptic warning. hidden treasure.
44. The party finds a treasure 55. The party inherits a mys-
map hidden in a book or paint- terious item from an unknown
ing. benefactor.
46. A local NPC the party is 57. The party is hired to spy
friendly with goes missing under on a suspicious gathering or
suspicious circumstances. event.
47. The party is framed for a 58. A curse falls upon the
crime they didn’t commit. town, causing bizarre transfor-
48. A local festival holds a
competition with a grand prize 59. The party is invited to a
that the party wants. secretive meeting by an anony-
mous note.
68. A local noble asks the 79. The party finds a secret
party to rescue a kidnapped message hidden in a music box.
80. A local fortune teller
69. The party is challenged to predicts doom unless the party
a duel by a mysterious stranger. intervenes.
70. A local library burns down, 81. The party is mistaken for a
and the librarian begs the party group of prophesied heroes.
to help recover a rare book.
1. The quest must be completed 8. The quest must be completed
by the next full moon. before a certain item is delivered.
15. The quest must be com- 26. The quest must be com-
pleted before the start of a war pleted before a certain building
or battle. or structure is completed.
16. The quest must be com- 27. The quest must be complet-
pleted by the next new moon. ed before a specific NPC dies of
old age.
17. The quest has a flexible
timeline, but certain opportunities 28. The quest must be com-
are time-sensitive. pleted within a specific number
of days, with each failure adding
18. The quest must be com-
a day.
pleted within a month.
29. The quest must be com-
19. The quest must be complet-
pleted before a certain NPC gets
ed before the next trade caravan
30. The quest must be com-
20. The quest must be complet-
pleted before a certain creature
ed before a loved one’s birthday.
hatches or is born.
21. The quest must be com-
31. The quest must be complet-
pleted before a specific spell
ed before a certain ship sets sail.
wears off.
32. The quest must be complet-
22. The quest must be complet-
ed before a certain law is passed.
ed before an execution or trial.
33. The quest must be com-
23. The quest must be complet-
pleted before a certain artifact
ed by the end of the year.
24. The quest must be com-
34. The quest must be complet-
pleted before a magical portal
ed before a certain constellation
appears in the sky.
25. The quest must be com-
35. The quest must be com-
pleted before the end of a truce
pleted before a certain crop is
or peace agreement.
36. The quest must be com- 47. The quest must be com-
pleted before a natural disaster pleted before a certain religious
occurs. ceremony.
37. The quest must be com- 48. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain song is pleted before a certain magical
performed. storm passes.
38. The quest must be com- 49. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain tower’s pleted before a certain feast or
shadow reaches a certain point. banquet.
39. The quest must be com- 50. The quest must be complet-
pleted before a certain potion’s ed before a certain army reaches
effects wear off. the town.
40. The quest must be com- 51. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain race or pleted before a certain heirloom
competition. is sold.
41. The quest must be com- 52. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain creature pleted before a certain rite of
reaches maturity. passage.
42. The quest must be complet- 53. The quest must be complet-
ed before a certain book is read. ed before a certain eclipse.
43. The quest must be complet- 54. The quest must be complet-
ed before a certain spell is cast. ed before a certain curse takes
full effect.
44. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain ritual is 55. The quest must be com-
completed. pleted before a certain enemy
completes their plan.
45. The quest must be complet-
ed before a certain celestial body 56. The quest must be com-
is at its zenith. pleted before a certain dam or
levee breaks.
46. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain monument
57. The quest must be com- 68. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain treasure is pleted before a certain flood.
found by someone else.
69. The quest must be complet-
58. The quest must be complet- ed before a certain underground
ed before a certain tree blooms. tunnel collapses.
59. The quest must be com- 70. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain prisoner pleted before a certain NPC
escapes. leaves town.
60. The quest must be com- 71. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain magical pleted before a certain magical
seal is broken. beast awakens.
61. The quest must be com- 72. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain volcano pleted before a certain magical
erupts. gem shatters.
62. The quest must be complet- 73. The quest must be com-
ed before a certain glacier melts. pleted before a certain animal
63. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain NPC 74. The quest must be com-
gives birth. pleted before a certain painting
is finished.
64. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain spellbook 75. The quest must be com-
is fully deciphered. pleted before a certain magical
barrier fails.
65. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain magical 76. The quest must be com-
item runs out of power. pleted before a certain forest fire
reaches town.
66. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain dream 77. The quest must be com-
comes true. pleted before a certain plague
spreads further.
67. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain potion 78. The quest must be complet-
expires. ed before a certain wine matures.
79. The quest must be com- 89. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain NPC is pleted before a certain library is
crowned. burned.
80. The quest must be com- 90. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain building pleted before a certain pact or
is demolished. deal is made.
81. The quest must be com- 91. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain apprentice pleted before a certain monument
completes their training. is unveiled.
82. The quest must be complet- 92. The quest must be complet-
ed before a certain celestial body ed before a certain scroll decays.
disappears from the sky.
93. The quest must be complet-
83. The quest must be com- ed before a certain egg hatches.
pleted before a certain songbird’s
94. The quest must be complet-
song ends.
ed before a certain bell tolls.
84. The quest must be com-
95. The quest must be complet-
pleted before a certain magical
ed before a certain festival ends.
beast’s transformation.
96. The quest must be com-
85. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain sandstorm
pleted before a certain magical
fountain dries up.
97. The quest must be com-
86. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain ice bridge
pleted before a certain mine
98. The quest must be com-
87. The quest must be complet-
pleted before a certain magical
ed before a certain NPC retires.
item is assembled.
88. The quest must be com-
99. The quest must be com-
pleted before a certain magical
pleted before a certain enemy’s
item recharges.
reinforcements arrive.
1. A cherished NPC dies. 11. A dangerous secret is
2. A dangerous creature is
unleashed. 12. A disease spreads uncon-
3. A curse befalls the town.
13. A hated enemy grows
4. A war breaks out.
5. An innocent person is blamed
14. A natural disaster strikes
and punished.
the area.
6. A powerful artifact falls into
15. A corrupt official gains
the wrong hands.
more power.
7. A key ally turns against the
16. An evil deity is pleased.
17. A magical seal is broken.
8. A valuable resource is lost or
destroyed. 18. A prophecy of doom comes
closer to fulfillment.
9. A rare species becomes
extinct. 19. A faction gains control over
the town.
10. An important location is