Generic Room Stocker
Generic Room Stocker
Generic Room Stocker
Generic Room Stocker:
A collection of tables, generators and tools for creating weird and wonderful
rooms for tabletop adventure games. Art and writing by Michael Raston.
With thanks to James D. Tolmie for text in HTML code extraction services.
Table of Contents:
• Place Generator, Page 3.
• Basic Room Stocking, Page 4.
• Room Atmosphere, Page 5 - 6.
• Prominent Room Ornamentations, Page 7 - 8.
• Neutral Inhabitant Generator, Page 9.
• Dangerous Inhabitant Generator, Page 10.
• Inhabitants Reaction to Interlopers, Page 11.
• Device Generator, Page 12 - 13.
• Trap Generator, Page 14 - 15.
• Treasure Generator, Page 16.
• Smaller Items for Room Stocking, Page 17.
• Larger Items for Room Stocking, Page 18.
Place Generator.
Roll a d66 (roll two d6’s and use each result as a digit) three times:
11. Burning 11. Cage 11. Island.
12. Hallowed 12. Vine 12. Hill.
13. Mossy 13. Bone 13. Beach.
14. Synthetic 14. Boulder 14. Desert.
15. Crystalline 15. Shrine 15. Lake.
16. Sterile 16. Mushroom 16. Village.
21. Claggy 21. Brick 21. Temple.
22. Ethereal 22. Pit 22. Cavern.
23. Encrusted 23. Pool 23. Ruin.
24. Infested 24. Machine 24. Crater.
25. Labyrinthine 25. Sewer 25. Mountain.
26. Industrial 26. Ore 26. Bridge.
31. Smoky 31. Monument 31. Tower.
32. Bloodsoaked 32. Sand 32. Manse.
33. Cursed 33. Cave 33. Laboratory.
34. Acidic 34. Glass 34. Plain.
35. Milky 35. Eye 35. Jungle.
36. Flooded 36. Obsidian 36. Forest.
41. Molten 41. Marble 41. Factory.
42. Frozen 42. Gem 42. Prison.
43. Verdant 43. Refuse 43. Library.
44. Dripping 44. Fog 44. Menagerie.
45. Steaming 45. Rain 45. Fortress.
46. Shadowy 46. Cliff 46. River.
51. Glowing 51. Garden 51. Town.
52. Mouldering 52. Vat 52. Sea.
53. Turbulent 53. Graveyard 53. Crypt.
54. Sinking 54. Canal 54. Hive.
55. Floating 55. Slime 55. Swamp.
56. Titanic 56. Shell 56. Palace.
61. Insectile 61. Blade 61. Dock.
62. Dusty 62. Needle 62. Reef.
63. Desecrated 63. Nest 63. Volcano.
64. Abandoned 64. Ring 64. Valley.
65. Idyllic 65. Dome 65. Road.
66. Shimmering 66. Vapor 66. Market.
Basic Room Stocking.
Roll a d6, then a d8:
1. 5.
1. Empty, place of rest. 1. Trap, natural hazard inherent in environment.
2. Empty, place of recreation. 2. Trap, set by nearby foes, evidence of their work.
3. Empty, place of physical work. 3. Trap, obvious and menacing.
4. Empty, place of physical storage. 4. Trap, hidden and deadly.
5. Empty, place of sleep. 5. Inhabitant, trapped in natural hazard of environ-
6. Empty, place of ornamentation. ment.
7. Empty, place of ritual and worship. 6. Inhabitant, using traps to their advantage against
8. Empty, place of waste disposal. interlopers.
7. Inhabitant, vaguely aware of trap, but not knowl-
2. edgeable of specifics.
1. Empty, place of eating. 8. Inhabitant, unaware of trap they may be about to
2. Empty, place of lavatory. trigger.
3. Empty, place of mental work and research.
4. Empty, place of mental storage. 6.
5. Empty, place of bathing. 1. Device specific and inherent to environment, ex-
6. Empty, place of mechanics and machinery. pected but intriguing.
7. Empty, place of growing. 2. Device external and unusual to environment, out
8. Empty, place of secrets. of place sourced from elsewhere.
3. Device used in regular work of environment,
3. mundane but effective.
1. Inhabitant, sleeping or resting. 4. Device with obscure, secret use that belies a shad-
2. Inhabitant, conducting relaxation or recreation. ow use of environment.
3. Inhabitant, physically toiling. 5. Inhabitant, using device to conduct relatively
4. Inhabitant, hidden and watching. mundane activity.
5. Inhabitant, eating or drinking. 6. Inhabitant, puzzling over the way in which a de-
6. Inhabitant, indisposed through sickness or misad- vice is used.
venture. 7. Inhabitant, using device effectively to halt inter-
7. Inhabitant, conducting ritual or worship. lopers.
8. Inhabitant, mentally toiling. 8. Inhabitant, using device for a dark, devious and
deviant purpose.
1. Inhabitant, ignoring treasure.
2. Inhabitant, indulging in treasure.
3. Inhabitant, transporting or protecting treasure.
4. Inhabitant, searching for known of treasure.
5. Treasure, subsumed in location.
6. Treasure, out of place and unusual.
7. Treasure, focus of work or worship.
8. Treasure, hidden.
Room Atmosphere.
Roll a d100:
1. Mutatative Overgrowth and frenzied, manic healing.
2. Holy, religious, and sacred.
3. Welcoming, calming and accommodating.
4. Secure, locked, and quarantined.
5. Outer space, interstellar planets, and stars.
6. Wax, flame, and candles.
7. Wisdom, knowledge, and greybeards.
8. Flowing, blowing, and leaking voluminous gas.
9. Cracked and unworking reality, a fundamental malfunction.
10. Transcendental meditation, utter calm and dangerously soothing.
11. Frozen, preserved, pickled, documented, and caught.
12. Wings - leathered and feathered.
13. Air apparati, tube and tanks.
14. Ethereal and vaporous - twisting, flowing and floating.
15. Crystalline coating - mould like pestilence.
16. Billowing spirits, ghostlike fabrics, and hauntings.
17. Schemes, hidden costs and charges, tolls and payments.
18. Overfluid movement, frenzied speed and savage quickness.
19. A myriad of amulets, charms, fetishes and trinkets.
20. Beast of burdenesque, four legs, load bearing and carrying.
21. Shrunken, small and shriveled - rotted and wrecked.
22. Clambering hordes of vermin and insects, controlled or wild.
23. Bare, barren, stripped of splendour and excess.
24. Ooze ridden and globular, slime covered and excreting.
25. Hidden power, force and horror, barely trapped away.
26. Fake, disguised and misleading, nothing is as it appears.
27. All is eyes and sentinels, never ending watching.
28. Regrown and rebuilt - clearly signs of limbs and quarters once missing.
29. Gourmet, gourmand and gassy - flabbular feasting.
30. Clear, translucent, delicate and dazzling.
31. Obesily opulent, gilded, and bejewelled
32. Hordes, crowds, and hives.
33. Brains, books, minds, and libraries.
34. Encroachment of the psychic realms and dreamlands.
35. Mindless, drooling, thoughtless and lobotomized.
36. Internal organs on display, fleshy, bloody, and sanguine.
37. Self-consumptive and destructive.
38. Reflection, mirrored image, and repetition.
39. Entombment, gilded prisons, and grand cages.
40. Metal and minerals.
41. The sun and or the moon.
42. Aquatic creatures, scales, fins, and gills.
43. Oppressive heat, dryness, and flame.
44. Frozen, cold, frigid, and icy.
45. Spring new life, or autumn decay.
46. Liquid waste, sewage, and stinking effluent.
47. Sizzling acid or burning magma.
48. Measurement, judgement, jealousy, and control.
49. Thick plating and armour, layers of protective outer coating.
50. Bars, locks, spikes, poles, and pikes.
51. Shamanic effigies, virile animism and encroachment from the spirit world.
52. Vegetative construction, swirling vines, leaves and flowers.
53. Overgrown, gigantic and cyclopic.
54. Meat, butchers, carcasses, bones, carrion beasts and birds.
55. Toothy, hairy, and boney feral.
56. Many limbed, headed, eyed and tentacled.
57. Visions of unreality, psychedelia and the not quite real.
58. Scents, over alluring or oppressive.
59. Petals, pollens, bursting ripe fruit.
60. Chance, luck, unbelievable odds balancing delicately on the precipice.
61. Fire, flames and burning.
62. Lanterns, bonfires, fireplaces, and braziers.
63. Destruction, ruin, rubble, rocks, and wreck.
64. Mountainous rubbish, rolling refuse and towering waste.
65. Wheels, cogs, gears and ever turning mechanisms.
66. Sailing and ships, maps, and exploration.
67. Automatons, robots, man replicas, simulacrum, and sentient copies.
68. Alien, beyond exotic and otherworldly.
69. Mechanical, gears, chains and motors.
70. Molluscs, cephalopods, and gastropods.
71. Beastial visage - teeth, claws, fur, scales, tails, hooves and the like.
72. Oversized, enormous, overgrown - repulsive in mass.
73. Masks and mockery, fakery, and disguises.
74. Fins, scales, tentacles, and jellyfish.
75. Monstrous and horrible, misshapen, and obscene.
76. Silk, robes, flowing cloth, luxurious, soft and enveloping.
77. Pillars, stilts, stalks, and ladders.
78. Wood - worked, raw, polished, painted, and bare.
79. Chains and binding, ropes, knots and bondage.
80. Inebriation, sensualness, orgies and panic.
81. Tunnels, holes, and craters.
82. Bugs, beetles, carapace, and compound eyes.
83. Encasement in crystal and mineral calcification.
84. Dirt, mud, soil, humus, sand.
85. Ornate and polished stone, smooth, shiny marble.
86. Interdimensional rifts, gates, and portals - things creeping though.
87. Time - slow and fast.
88. Dust, crumbling, ash, and ruin.
89. Samples, fetishes, preserved parts of dead wholes.
90. Beneath, upside down, covered and hidden.
91. Contorted - twisting forms of tortured pain.
92. Things in places they should not be - the world topsy turvy.
93. Relics, gravestones, holy skeletons, and bodies.
94. Mazes, labyrinths, and puzzles.
95. Shadows, darkness, malformity.
96. Rotted, liquefying and putrid to the point of slop.
97. Sickness, disease, and plague.
98. Deformed, demented and wrong.
99. Bones, tusks, and skulls.
100.Veins and vines.
Prominent Room Ornamentations.
Roll a d8 then a d10 once on this page, then twice on the next page. Combine the results:
1. 5.
1. Vases. 1. Chests.
2. Stone hands. 2. Hand mirrors.
3. Stone hoops. 3. Glass bottles.
4. Gloves. 4. Fake limbs.
5. Bracelets. 5. Cages.
6. Ornate lanterns. 6. Flasks.
7. Candles in jars. 7. Wood carvings.
8. Necklaces. 8. Preserved tiny beasts.
9. Fabric bunting. 9. Large insects.
10. Masks. 10. Shrines.
2. 6.
1. Decorative stones. 1. Hats.
2. Bundles of feathers. 2. Eye glasses.
3. Scarfs. 3. Glass boxes.
4. Decorative skulls. 4. Bowls.
5. Cloaks. 5. Pipes.
6. Trained beasts. 6. Small contraptions.
7. Decorative barrels. 7. Decorative scrolls.
8. Chunks of crystal. 8. Decorative maps.
9. Rings. 9. Candelabras.
10. Helmets. 10. Tables.
3. 7.
1. Headdresses. 1. Chairs.
2. Amulets. 2. Ornate doors.
3. Tall mirrors. 3. Pots.
4. Decorative mushrooms. 4. Tiny trees.
5. Noble costumes. 5. Banners.
6. Decorative weapons. 6. Glowing canisters of liquid.
7. Tiny cages. 7. Glowing canisters of gas.
8. Capes. 8. Large hooks.
9. Eye patches. 9. Stained glass windows.
10. Collars. 10. Decorative bones.
4. 8.
1. Candles. 1. Jugs.
2. Plants. 2. Thrones.
3. Brooches. 3. Shoes.
4. Belts. 4. Boots.
5. Diadems. 5. Hoods.
6. Crowns. 6. Arches.
7. Pendants. 7. Columns.
8. Signet rings. 8. Paintings.
9. Statuettes. 9. Earrings.
10. Tiny boxes. 10. Precious stones.
1. 5.
1. Amazingly attractive. 1. Always camouflaged.
2. Sharply symmetrical. 2. Oozing slime.
3. Sturdily strong. 3. Scaley.
4. Impressively capable. 4. Caustic to the touch.
5. Bright glowing. 5. Covered in thorns.
6. Flecked with radiance. 6. Metal plated.
7. Swirling with plasma. 7. Sizzling with acid.
8. Blinding to look at. 8. Made of beetle husks.
9. Floating. 9. Oversized.
10. Leaking gas. 10. Made of plant matter.
2. 6.
1. Overly bulbous. 1. Covered in flowers.
2. Far too Flat. 2. Warped.
3. Easy to hide. 3. Very poorly constructed.
4. Strangely ghostly. 4. Smoking.
5. Vaguely incorporeal. 5. Flaming.
6. Coated in mist. 6. Burnt.
7. Shimmering brightly. 7. Rotting.
8. Decorated with spikes. 8. Crumbling.
9. Dangerously sharp. 9. Foul.
10. Incomplete. 10. Tattered.
3. 7.
1. Confusing to look at. 1. Covered in geometric symbols.
2. A jumble of parts and pieces. 2. Blood soaked.
3. Skeletal. 3. Covered in bugs.
4. Filled with holes. 4. Squirming with worms.
5. Dripping with liquid. 5. Infused with minerals.
6. Translucent. 6. Rock hard.
7. Flickering in and out of vision. 7. Infused with eyes.
8. Semi intangible. 8. Falling apart with age.
9. Diffused over a larger area than is normal. 9. Incredibly old.
10. In pairings of twins. 10. Bladed.
4. 8.
1. Decorated with limbs. 1. Covered in needles.
2. Decorated with heads. 2. Decorated with leering faces.
3. Shaped like hands. 3. Very soft and padded.
4. Gilded with gems. 4. Crackling with fey energy.
5. Plated in shining metal. 5. Seeping shadows.
6. Shimmering with lustre. 6. Inherently vile.
7. Plainly bare. 7. Bubbling with rot.
8. Made of skin or flesh. 8. Covered in pustules.
9. Made of preserved organs. 9. Made of scavenged material.
10. Ever warping in appearance. 10. Leaking a foul gas.
Neutral Inhabitant Generator.
Roll a d66 (roll two d6’s and use each result as a digit) three times:
11. Musclebound 11. Hill 11. Paladin.
12. Enchanted 12. Desert 12. Wizard.
13. Enormous 13. City 13. Knight.
14. Zealous 14. Sea 14. Priest.
15. Aristocratic 15. Dream 15. Alchemist.
16. Sneaky 16. Beetle 16. Occultist.
21. Enlightened 21. Bone 21. Thief.
22. Ghostly 22. Sun 22. Druid.
23. Swift 23. Moon 23. Merchant.
24. Hardy 24. Crystal 24. Troubadour.
25. Rich 25. Curse 25. Gladiator.
26. Mutated 26. Street 26. Noble.
31. Destructive 31. Worm 31. Wanderer.
32. Prophetic 32. Bird 32. Dragoon.
33. Terrifying 33. Vermin 33. Physician.
34. Ancient 34. Fish 34. Sailor.
35. Profane 35. Lizard 35. Assassin.
36. Sacred 36. Beast 36. Ascetic.
41. Persuasive 41. Mountain 41. Tamer.
42. Perceptive 42. River 42. Smith.
43. Resourceful 43. Water 43. Ruffian.
44. Enduring 44. Fire 44. Inquisitor.
45. Erudite 45. Ice 45. Corsair.
46. Versatile 46. Poison 46. Mancer.
51. Deceptive 51. Pestilence 51. Hunter.
52. Cunning 52. Flesh 52. Rider.
53. Adamant 53. Star 53. Archer.
54. Haunted 54. Death 54. Mason.
55. Baleful 55. Fungi 55. Banisher.
56. Dapper 56. Invocation 56. Operative.
61. Noxious 61. Vine 61. Scion.
62. Tenacious 62. Sky 62. Lancer.
63. Comely 63. Cavern 63. Mystic.
64. Doomed 64. Mind 64. Blade.
65. Lucky 65. Gold 65. Pathfinder.
66. Armoured 66. Shadow 66. Mountebank.
Dangerous Inhabitant Generator.
Roll a d66 (roll two d6’s and use each result as a digit) four times:
11. Malformed 11. Spitting 11. Blood 11. Cultist
12. Sleek 12. Whispering 12. Puss 12. Chemist
13. Overgrown 13. Squirming 13. Carapace 13. Giant
14. Reinforced 14. Slithering 14. Sludge 14. Scoundrel
15. Gaseous 15. Dripping 15. Shard 15. Corpse
16. Spindly 16. Smouldering 16. Claw 16. Crab
21. Bloody 21. Oozing 21. Psychic 21. Snake
22. Appendaged 22. Climbing 22. Stench 22. Dog
23. Crafty 23. Crumbling 23. Maw 23. Bear
24. Phantasmagoric 24. Flying 24. Sewage 24. Tiger
25. Fleshy 25. Sneaking 25. Stone 25. Mantis
26. Intellectual 26. Replicating 26. Weed 26. Wasp
31. Plated 31. Suffering 31. Vein 31. Slug
32. Warty 32. Taunting 32. Beast 32. Ape
33. Thorny 33. Torturing 33. Gear 33. Hog
34. Grotesque 34. Hiding 34. Rust 34. Snail
35. Acidic 35. Screaming 35. Eye 35. Warlock
36. Encased 36. Corrupting 36. Ash 36. Worm
41. Insubstantial 41. Enslaving 41. Rainbow 41. Bat
42. Euphoric 42. Devouring 42. Metal 42. Eagle
43. Hollow 43. Rotting 43. Brain 43. Cloud
44. Brutal 44. Harvesting 44. Horn 44. Spider
45. Glacial 45. Restraining 45. Husk 45. Looter
46. Infected 46. Exploding 46. Tooth 46. Mist
51. Minuscule 51. Intoxicating 51. Bone 51. Person
52. Parasitic 52. Thieving 52. Curse 52. Sentinel
53. Territorial 53. Knowing 53. Vision 53. Trap
54. Seductive 54. Watching 54. Spark 54. Marauder
55. Venerable 55. Flowering 55. Piston 55. Elephant
56. Wily 56. Misleading 56. Tendril 56. Octopus
61. Aloof 61. Stupefying 61. Rod 61. Roach
62. Impenetrable 62. Dissecting 62. Sword 62. Blackguard
63. Chaotic 63. Melting 63. Circuit 63. Berserker
64. Serene 64. Draining 64. Wire 64. Wildling
65. Deceitful 65. Blinding 65. Disease 65. Rat
66. Crude 66. Building 66. Flame 66. Shark
Inhabitant Reaction to Interlopers:
Roll on each d6 table and combine the results:
Mood: Action:
1. Calmly and serenely 1. Eager to assist.
2. Cooly and aloofly 2. Willing to assist.
3. Rudely and impatiently 3. Open to discussion.
4. Friendly and gregariously 4. Looking for an argument.
5. Mockingly and derisively 5. Wanting to attack.
6. Violently and furiously 6. Preparing to attack.
Device Generator.
Roll a d100 on the first table, then a d8 and a d10 on the second table and combine the results:
Trap Generator.
Roll on each table and combine the results:
The Traps Here (Roll a d4, then a d10): And They Target the Victim’s (Roll a d12):
1. Are mass produced and abundant 1. Mind
2. Are blatantly obvious 2. Feet
3. Are hidden by shimmering fog 3. Legs
4. Glow and twinkle in darkness 4. Groin
5. Float above their victims 5. Belly
6. Are hidden in containers 6. Chest
7. Are hidden by decoys 7. Arms
8. Hiss softly 8. Neck
9. Float unseen in the air 9. Head
10. Roam about in search of victims 10. Ears
11. Eyes
12. Internal organs
1. Are hidden in cracks
2. Are highly visible contraptions
3. Are hidden in something dead
4. Are hidden in vegetation
5. Are baited with opulent pieces of material wealth
6. Are hidden in piles of bones
7. Are hidden between twin statues
8. Are hidden in pools of liquid
9. Judges victims before harming the unworthy
10. Are hidden in areas conspicuously clean and tidy
1. Require slaves to operate
2. Are organic and self replicating
3. Are hidden in roaming beasts
4. Are unhidden and malfunctioning
5. Are hidden in flames
6. Are hidden in piles of rubble
7. Are hidden in ornamentation
8. Require an operator for them to trigger
9. Are hidden in leering and ghastly decorations
10. Waft through the air in sweet smelling gas
1. Are hidden beneath the floor or ground
2. Are hidden within rock or stone
3. Are hidden in dark holes
4. Are hidden in written words
5. Are hidden within shrines, holy or profane
6. Are hidden in shadows
7. Are hidden in broken things
8. Are triggered by the uttering of certain words or
9. Are triggered by noise
10. Require payment to not trigger
With (Roll a d4, then a d10):
1. A false sense of security.
2. Curses that ensure certain rules are followed.
3. Blinding lights.
4. Stupefying gas.
5. Withering, sucking and consuming vacuums.
6. Ghostly tendrils.
7. Massive gusts of wind.
8. Fast swinging sharp, or blunt, implements.
9. Chemicals that wither and waste away.
10. Spells that cause physical or mental fading.
1. Grasping vegetative tentacles.
2. Deadly gems or coinage.
3. Unignorable bad ideas.
4. Diseased blood or organs.
5. Reflections of themselves.
6. Foul liquids.
7. Deadly hammers.
8. Burning acid.
9. Capturing cages.
10. Poisonous flowers.
1. Hordes of vermin.
2. Infesting spores.
3. Madness.
4. Gouts of flame.
5. Overwhelming heat.
6. Drowning piles of rubble.
7. Grasping claws.
8. Chained monsters.
9. A belated doom or curse.
10. Enveloping poison.
1. Heavy stone.
2. Curses of aging.
3. Chemicals of blinding and stunning.
4. Pain filled spikes.
5. Severing blades.
6. Mashing maces.
7. Choking darkness.
8. Rotting diseases.
9. An undeniable urge to inflict violence.
10. Tiny flying monsters.
Treasure Generator.
Roll a d66 (roll two d6’s and use each result as a digit) three times:
11. Alluring 11. Healing 11. Jewellery
12. Radiant 12. Protecting 12. Scroll
13. Mesmeric 13. Guiding 13. Lantern
14. Bubbling 14. Seeing 14. Incantation
15. Enthralling 15. Knowing 15. Map
16. Opalescent 16. Flying 16. Seed
21. Bloated 21. Disguising 21. Knowledge
22. Gossamer 22. Auguring 22. Book
23. Plasmic 23. Repairing 23. Beast
24. Smoking 24. Warping 24. Automaton
25. Deadly 25. Beguiling 25. Robe
26. Floating 26. Hastening 26. Boots
31. Sharp 31. Slowing 31. Armour
32. Decomposing 32. Confounding 32. Melee weapon
33. Tattered 33. Replenishing 33. Ranged weapon
34. Skeletal 34. Sedating 34. Chest
35. Metallic 35. Analysing 35. Potion
36. Vegetative 36. Reflecting 36. Insect
41. Translucent 41. Cursing 41. Pool
42. Gilded 42. Binding 42. Jelly
43. Sentient 43. Intoxicating 43. Fruit
44. Scaley 44. Piercing 44. Apparatus
45. Spiney 45. Excruciating 45. Mask
46. Gleaming 46. Blinding 46. Stone
51. Quicksilver 51. Energising 51. Plant
52. Repulsive 52. Beautifying 52. Helmet
53. Umbral 53. Draining 53. Idol
54. Roiling 54. Mesmerising 54. Contraption
55. Oily 55. Hiding 55. Liquid
56. Ghostly 56. Cutting 56. Tool
61. Living 61. Understanding 61. Gas
62. Vile 62. Hearing 62. Spirit
63. Rotting 63. Growing 63. Meat
64. Budding 64. Shrinking 64. Paraphernalia
65. Tiny 65. Weakening 65. Spice
66. Voracious 66. Strengthening 66. Canister
Smaller Items for Room Stocking.
Roll a d100:
1. Medical supplies, herbic and dustular. 57. Servile homunculi.
2. Healing and poisoning potions. 58. Psychedelics (edible, smokable, drinkable).
3. Protective charms, necklace and ring based. 59. Bottles of illusions.
4. Lock boxes, with keys. 60. Mental and physical accelerants (in dust and herb
5. Religious paraphernalia (Robes, censers, relics, etc). form).
6. Candles and lanterns. 61. Flint, steel, and other fire-starting equipment.
7. Blank books. 62. Firewood.
8. Sedative tinctures. 63. Flasks of oils.
9. Bedrolls and transportable cots. 64. Small bombs and fireworks.
10. Gas canisters, healing and harmful. 65. Spades, picks, and other earth working tools.
11. Cleaning equipment (Brooms, mops, buckets). 66. Hammers, chisels, and other stone working tools.
12. Wind powered contraptions. 67. Psychic tethers and anchors.
13. Jars, all sizes. 68. Wheelbarrows and wheeled boxes.
14. Masks, for work and pleasure. 69. Incense and other mystic burnables.
15. Instruments. 70. Petrified and preserved beast parts.
16. Spirit servants. 71. Ink, paper, and other writing equipment.
17. Lightweight menial golems (Leather, wood, etc). 72. Water beasts in small glass bowls.
18. Harnesses for man and beast. 73. Insects in boxes.
19. Symbiotic crystals, 74. Disguises and costumes.
20. Navigation tools. 75. Stage props.
21. Tiny tools for working with contraptions (and locks). 76. Wine and beer.
22. Cats, dogs, and other small beast pets. 77. Robes and other silken attire.
23. Pipes, pumps and barrels. 78. Books, roll on this table for again subject.
24. Contraptions of glass, light and flame. 79. Wooden idols.
25. Spices, exotic and plain. 80. Chains and rope.
26. Farming tools, rudimentary. 81. Traps for beasts, small and large.
27. Medicinal foodstuffs, mostly with obscene properties. 82. Alchemical reagents.
28. Costume supplies. 83. Geodes and other appealing un-worked stones.
29. Tableware, metal and stone. 84. Potted plants.
30. Toys and Novelties, for both children and adults. 85. Secrets, written in caged, locked books.
31. Semi-precious stones. 86. Miniature shrines, monoliths and other religious
32. Jewellery. worked stone.
33. Sleep paraphernalia (dusts, beddings, pillows, etc). 87. Magic scrolls imbued with cantrips, roll on this table
34. Chests, ornate and mundane. for ideas of what they do.
35. Tools for slaving (whips, collars, etc). 88. Contraptions for tracking time.
36. Hand mirrors. 89. Disposable summoning portals that dredge small
37. Blood or flesh, in sacks and jars. beasts from the lower depths.
38. Sacrifice equipment (knives, restraints, idols, etc). 90. Antiques and curios.
39. Coffins, gravestones, and other funeral supplies. 91. Tools for the upkeep of weapons (sharpening stones,
40. Decorative metal ornaments. oil, etc).
41. Prayer and curse books. 92. Broken things, mostly junk.
42. Scavenging equipment (Long poles, hooks, etc). 93. Profane or sacrilegious items.
43. Fake limbs for men and beasts. 94. Plain and honest clothes.
44. Weighing devices. 95. Contracts for minor vile deeds (completed by indebt-
45. Butchering supplies (Cleavers, salt, aprons, etc). ed scoundrels).
46. Cleaning acids, in metal barrels. 96. Tools for breaking and entering (crowbar, lockpicks,
47. Steam powered contraptions. grappling hooks).
48. Keys and locks. 97. Tools and chemicals for corpse preservation and dis-
49. Cages. posal.
50. Devices of sight (Lenses, telescopes, etc). 98. Diseases in vials.
51. Seeds, mundane and exotic. 99. Bones, often of ritual importance.
52. Tattooing supplies. 100.Headwear (hats, eyeglasses, etc).
53. Mutation canisters, mostly minor and cosmetic.
54. Shamanic reagents.
55. Aphrodisiacs and sexual prowess enhancers.
56. Perfume, to allure, disguise and distract.
Larger Items for Room Stocking.
Roll a d100:
1. Transportation crates. 53. Totem poles.
2. Shrines. 54. Machines for cardinal pleasure.
3. Man cages. 55. Large chunks of ambergris and other reagents from
4. Bookshelves. leviathans.
5. Hermetically sealed barrels. 56. Panes of glass or stain glass windows.
6. Wind/water mills. 57. Barrels of oil.
7. Glass boxes. 58. Teams of workers specialized to particular tasks.
8. Timber. 59. Body immersing devices for the exploration of psychic
9. Beds, mattresses and bedframes. realms.
10. Armoured litter. 60. Chunks of explosive ore.
11. Pools. 61. Braziers.
12. Gas piping. 62. Metal shelving.
13. Large, camouflaged covers (for huts, wagons, horses 63. Skeletons of enormous beasts.
etc). 64. Man sized masonry and ore drills, requiring whole
14. Organs and other room filling instruments. teams to operate.
15. Crystal decorations the size of small trees. 65. Transportation boxes of anti-magic, mystical or physic
16. Gas emitting machines. powers.
17. Elephantine golems of burden. 66. Sets of encyclopedias.
18. Tiles of ghost-and-other-spirits proof marble. 67. Explosives used in mining and demolition.
19. Mills and other devices powered by enslaved men. 68. Wagons.
20. Wall covering maps. 69. Large glass vases and jugs.
21. Wheeled sledges and other massive tools. 70. Stuffed and preserved beasts of various sizes.
22. Caged tigers, crocodiles and other medium to large 71. Wooden statues.
sized beasts. 72. Clothes racks, horses, hangers and the like.
23. Bathtubs. 73. Bolts of cloth and silk.
24. Sacks of bland spices. 74. Kegs of beer or barrels of wine.
25. Large candelabras. 75. Chairs or thrones.
26. Tables. 76. Crocodiles, giant frogs and other large reptiles/
27. Horse and man pulled ploughs. amphibians.
28. External decorations, bunting, flags, standards, and the 77. Hordes of insects in aired chests.
like. 78. Chain nets.
29. Vats. 79. Wooden stages.
30. Huts and other small shelters, easily transportable or 80. Wardrobes.
quickly buildable. 81. Weapon racks, empty or full.
31. Sarcophagi, inlaid with precious stones, often gilded. 82. Enslaved summoned elementals, bound to chunks of
32. Linen. precious stone.
33. Full length mirrors. 83. Crates of highly reactive alchemical dust.
34. Cadavers. 84. Trees, growing in huge potted wagons.
35. Vat grown giant slaves. 85. Friezes from ancient temples.
36. Ornate and bejewelled doors. 86. Moon or Sun dials.
37. Sacrifice pits, or the equipment to build them. 87. Stone statues.
38. Crypts and Mausoleums. 88. Elaborately framed, wall covering, paintings.
39. Vaults. 89. Man sized scrolls of magic, mysticism or history.
40. Holy words inscribed on stone plates. 90. Shrines.
41. Metal baskets. 91. Bricks
42. Large chains and hooks. 92. Crates and carts of detritus, refuse and possible dirt
43. Coal or other magical, non-wood, fuels. covered treasure.
44. Carts. 93. Trebuchets and ballista.
45. Weights and general lead supplies. 94. Columns
46. Room filling slabs of ice. 95. Canvas tents and other semi-permanent shelters.
47. Industrial sized iron pots. 96. Poisoned or diseased chunks of meat in barrels.
48. Fencing supplies. 97. Massive man-sized bones for decoration and alchemy.
49. Saplings and trees. 98. Barrels of highly toxic preserving agent.
50. Light house lenses. 99. Machines for torture and punishment.
51. Wall and Building paint. 100.Stone and metal building supplies.
52. Mutagen tubs.