Dichotomous Key Coniferous Trees

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Dichotomous Key: Coniferous Trees

Leaves 4-sided (rounded) Eastern Redcedar

with pointed ends, 0.3 (Juniperus virginiana)
cm long, usually
Trees with overlapping,
scale-like leaves
Leaves flattened, scales QUBS.ca
Eastern White Cedar
0.5 to 2 cm long with ElbowLakeCentre.ca
(Thuja occidentalis)
spots on surface EcoAdventureCamp.ca

Needles straight, 2-4cm long, Balsam Fir

Needles lie flat, two white bands underneath (Abies balsamea)
have stems
Trees with single
needles attached
directly to twig Needles straight, 1-2cm long, Eastern Hemlock
shiny green on top and paler (Tsuga canadensis)

Needles straight, 2.5cm long, White Spruce

Needles on all sides twig without hairs (Picea glauca)

Needles are short dark bluish- Black Spruce

OTHER SIDE OF PAGE green, 1.5cm long, blunt ends (Picea mariana)
Trees with needles in

Photos: Eastern Redcedar, Robert Vidéki; Eastern White Cedar, Ministry of Natural Resources; Balsam Fir, Daniel Tigner; Eastern Hemlock, Daniel Tigner;
White Spruce, Daniel Tigner; Black Spruce, Daniel Tigner. Drawings: Natural Resources Canada
Dichotomous Key: Coniferous Trees
Trees with overlapping,
scale-like leaves

QUBS.ca | ElbowLakeCentre.ca

Needles in bundles of
more than five, needles Tamarack
Trees with single (Larix laricina)
2-3cm long
needles attached
directly to twig
Needles in bundles of Needles straight, 2-4cm long, Eastern White Pine
five two white bands underneath (Pinus strobus)

Needles 7-12cm long, twisted, Pitch Pine

Needles in bundles of
and blunt tipped (Pinus rigida)

Needles 8-10 cm long, and Red Pine

Trees with needles in break when bent in half (Pinus resinosa)
bundles Needles in bundles of
Needles 2-5 cm long, slightly Jack Pine
curved or twisted (Pinus banksiana)
Photos: Tamarack, Gary Fewless; Eastern White Pine, Manitoba Forestry; Pitch Pine, Arthur Haines; Red Pine, Daniel
Tigner; Jack Pine, Blake C Willson. Drawings: Natural Resources Canada

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