Pulmonology Evaluations

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AUDIENcE1couRsE: _.t'-Lc
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DATE OF ACTIVITY: \0/ l1/2,.01-3 TIME: EVALUATOR: flra.u. UAYptntcr
TEACHING MODALITY: '¢:ecture Oman Group Presentation Qsmall Group Facilitation

Competency Outstanding Performance Meets Expectations Needs Some Needs Significant Unsatisfactory Not
5 4 Improvement Improvement Performance Observed
I 3 2 1
All objectives are clear and use
Most objectives are clear Most ogves not Majority ofQctives not
No objectives defined ©
measurable defined terms (e.g., list, and measurable . Little measurable and clear. measurable or ill-defined. Little
identify, contrast, compare). overlap in objective action Objectives overlap in action difference in objective action
Objectives encompass a variety of verbs . Number of verbs. Number of objectives verbs. Number of objectives
action verbs. Appropriate number of objectives reasonable for somewhat inappropriate given inappropriate given length of
obiectives for length of presentation. length of presentation . length of presentation . presentation.

Level appropriate~orporates clinical

Presentation mostly level Some contQs not level Majority of c Q t is not level
Content Is not level
or other applications . Accurate and appropriate. Many appropriate. Applications not specific. Applications not appropriate. Applications
reliable information consistently applications highlighted. consistently demonstrated or demonstrated or highlighted . unclear. Inaccurate
presented . Questions answered Most information is highlighted Questions not Questions not answered information communicated.
consistently and appropriately accurate and reliable. answered completely or completely or accurately Questions not addressed or
Questions answered well. accurately. answered with incorrect

Organized , log@flow. Concise

.. 0 .
MaJonty of presentation
Difficult to follow all thoughts . Majority of coQt is difficult to DisorganizeQontent does
discussion . All statements flows logically. Most major Some ideas not well follow. Facts presented with not flow in any logical manner.
interconnected . Major points points highlighted. interconnected. Major points little connections to topic or Major points are not evident in
highlighted completely. sparsely highlighted. objectives. Major points not any way.
Delivery ® • 0 0 0 0
Audible, good eQation, rate, and Consistently audible, rate Some words lost to mumbling . Difficult to hear and pace. Unable to hear or keep pace
tone. Proper pronunciation and use of and tone are appropriate. Rate and tone sometimes Words mispronounced. Pace with presentation. Distracting
terms. Poised, polished. Presentation Few distractions. Handout slow/fast. Somewhat difficult to follow. Presentation mannerisms. Presentation
appears extemporaneous. Starts and used as reference only. rehearsed. sounds rehearsed. Starts read from handout. Starts
end on time. and/or ends more than 3-5 and/or ends more than 5-10
minutes late. minutes late.
Koehler & Sprunger I ofZ
Lasr Updated July, 2010
Teaching Skills

Able to con s ently and clearly

Effectively communicates
Generally able to
Frequently unable to effectively
Consistently avoids teaching.
communicate teaching points and instill almost all material being communicate teaching point. teach. Creates more ambiguity Unable to communicate points
critical thinking in learners. Actively taught. Usually elicits Requires some assistance in the learner than without causing confusion.
works to improve skills by engaging in critical thinking. Works to from preceptor. Rarely understanding. Does not seek Never focuses on critical
various teaching activities. improve teaching skills. engages in teaching activities. out teaching opportunities. thinking skills. Does not seek
0 ortunities to im rove skills.

May serve a a role model for

Generally seen as an Occasional behaviors not
Behavior is often inappropriate Behavior is disruptive or
students. No deficiencies in appropriate role-model for consistent with expectations. and unprofessional. antagonistic. Unexcused
attendance, punctuality, or students. All behaviors are absences . Blatant disregard
de endabilit riate. for rofessional attributes.
Handout (Please
attach handout)
Handout is used to augment Handout somewhat Handout sometimes detracts
Handout is difficult to follow and
Handout completely detracts
presentation. Handout is clear and augments presentation . from presentation. Some distracts listener. Many errors from presentation. Handout is
without typographical or spelling errors. Handout is mostly clear typos or spelling errors exist. detected. laden with errors or is unable
and without error. to be read .

AV's are us d which augment AV's somewhat augment

' ,J

AV's sometimes detracts from AV's are difficult to follow and

AV's completely detract from
presentation. AV's are clear and presentation. AV's are presentation. Some typos or distracts listener. Many errors presentation. AV's are laden
without typographical or spelling errors . mostly clear and without spelling errors exist detected with errors or unable to be
error. read .

it up 1/\Jl,l/

Koehler & Sprunger 2 of2

Last Updated July, 2010
PRESENTER: _k___.__
1{,,\_--"-_ _T-
f U\ _ -o_i _
_ ~_G_-or.
_ c,_c....,.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
PRESENTATIONTOPIC/TITLE: _ _ _~_u_/._lV\_o--'-A_,'<l_l,'-o-r-
d + - - Y + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- -- - - - - -
AUDIENCE/COURSE: G ('I'\ 'E- "'""" Phc,./.N'-AC.


TEACHING MODALITY: G)iecture Omall Group Presentation ~ a l l Group Facilitation

Competency Outstanding Performance Meets Expectations Needs Some Needs Significant Unsatisfactory Not
5 4 Improvement Improvement Performance Observed
i 3 2 1

All objectives~ r and use

Most objectives are clear Most ogves not Majority ofQctives not
No objectives defined
measurable defined terms (e.g., list, and measurable. Little measurable and clear. measurable or ill-defined. Little
identify, contrast, compare). overlap in objective action Objectives overlap in action difference in objective action
Objectives encompass a variety of verbs. Number of verbs. Number of objectives verbs. Number of objectives
action verbs. Appropriate number of objectives reasonable for somewhat inappropriate given inappropriate given length of
objectives for length of presentation. length of prese~tation . length of presentation. presentation.

Level appropriateQorporates clinical Presentati~stly level Some conQs not level Majority of c Q t is not level
Content Is not level
or other applications. Accurate and appropriate. Many appropriate. Applications not specific. Applications not appropriate. Applications
reliable information consistently applications highlighted. consistently demonstrated or demonstrated or highlighted. unclear. Inaccurate
presented . Questions answered Most information is highlighted Questions not Questions not answered information communicated.
consistently and appropriately accurate and reliable. answered completely or completely or accurately Questions not addressed or
Questions answered well. accurately. answered with incorrect
J information.

Organized, lo~flow. Concise MaJonty

. . of presentation. Difficult to foQ,11 thoughts. Majority of coQt is difficult to DisorganizeQontent does
discussion. All statements flows logically. Most major Some ideas not well follow. Facts presented with not flow in any logical manner.
interconnected. Major points points highlighted. interconnected. Major points little connections to topic or Major points are not evident in
highlighted completely. sparsely highlighted. objectives. Major points not anyway.
/ highlighted.

Audible, good e~ation, rate, and

Consistently audible, rate
0 .
Some words lost to mumbling .
Difficult to hear and pace.
Unable to hear or keep pace
tone. Proper pronunciation and use of and tone are appropriate. Rate and tone sometimes Words mispronounced. Pace with presentation. Distracting
terms. Poised, polished. Presentation Few distractions. Handout slow/fast. Somewhat difficult to follow. Presentation mannerisms . Presentation
appears extemporaneous. Starts and used as reference only. rehearsed. sounds rehearsed. Starts read from handout. Starts
end on time. and/or ends more than 3-5 and/or ends more than 5-10
minutes late. minutes late.
Koehler & Sprunger I of2
Last Updated July, 2010
Teaching Skills
Able to consis ently and clearly
Effectively communicates
Generally able to
Frequently unable to effectively
Consistently avoids teaching.
communicate teaching points and instill almost all material being communicate teaching point. teach. Creates more ambiguity Unable to communicate points
critical thinking in learners. Actively taught. Usually elicits Requires some assistance in the learner than without causing confusion.
works to improve skills by engaging in critical thinking . Works to from preceptor. Rarely understanding. Does not seek Never focuses on critical
various teaching activities. improve teaching skills. engages in teaching activities . out teaching opportunities. thinking skills. Does not seek
0 ortunities to im rove skills.
May serve as a role model for
Generally seen as an Occasional behaviors not
Behavior is often inappropriate Behavior is disruptive or
students. No deficiencies in appropriate role-model for consistent with expectations. and unprofessional. antagonistic. Unexcused
attendance, punctuality, or students. All behaviors are absences. Blatant disregard
de endabilit for rofessional attributes.
Handout (Please
attach handout)
Handout is used to augment Handout somewhat Handout sometimes detracts
Handout is difficult to follow and
Handout completely detracts
presentation. Handout is clear and augments presentation . from presentation. Some distracts listener. Many errors from presentation. Handout is
without typographical or spelling errors. Handout is mostly clear typos or spelling errors exist. detected. laden with errors or is unable
and without error. to be read.

AV's are used which augment AV's somewhat augment AV's sometimes detracts from AV's are difficult to follow and
A V's completely detract from
presentation. AV's are clear and presentation. AV's are presentation. Some typos or distracts listener. Many errors presentation . AV's are laden
without typographical or spelling errors. mostly clear and without spelling errors exist detected with errors or unable to be
error. read .

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estions for im rovement.

Koehler & Sprunger 2 of2

Last Updated July, 20 10
PRESENTER: \t\\0,.Y"(l\ j ] '('(() \yAY 0.(1
PRESENTATION TOPIC/TITLE: f\S:tbro 0.. /co 'PQ PttS00:\1i~OY)
AUDIENcE1couRsE: '(Yl<i'\,co.\ /p'ot,Y:MC\cA->, K~lcitv:w::s llnol b,cv1h 1
DATE OF ACTIVITY: \ l) / n12 () l ~ TIME: 9 - ll : 11 EVALUATOR:

TEACHING MODALITY: c/:)tecture Omall Group Presentation Q Small Group Facilitation

Competency Outstanding Performance Meets Expectations Needs Some Needs Significant Unsatisfactory Not
5 4 Improvement Improvement Performance Observed
I 3 2 1
All objectives are clear and use
Most objectives are clear Most ogves not Majority ofQctives not
No objectives defined
measurable defined terms (e.g., list, and measurable . Little measurable and clear. measurable or ill-defined. Little t"',1gY\Y \-0¼
identify, contrast, compare). overlap in objective action Objectives overlap in action difference in objective action
Objectives encompass a variety of verbs. Number of verbs. Number of objectives verbs. Number of objectives (V\' \¼d
action verbs . Appropriate number of objectives reasonable for somewhat inappropriate given inappropriate given length of ~t-
objectives for lenQth of presentation. lenQth of presentation. lenQth of presentation. presentation. ~0V'n1

Level appropriateQorporates clinical Presentati~ostly level Some con~fs not level Majority of c Q t is not level
Content 1s not level
0 ,

or other applications . Accurate and appropriate. Many appropriate. Applications not specific. Applications not appropriate. Applications
reliable information consistently applications highlighted . consistently demonstrated or demonstrated or highlighted . unclear. Inaccurate
presented . Questions answered Most information is highlighted Questions not Questions not answered information communicated.
consistently and appropriately accurate and reliable. answered completely or completely or accurately Questions not addressed or
Questions answered well. accurately. answered with incorrect

Organized, logQflow. Concise

Majority of presentation
.. 0
Difficult to follow all thoughts. Majority of coQt is difficult to DisorganizeQontent does
discussion. All statements flows logically. Most major Some ideas not well follow. Facts presented with not flow in any logical manner.
interconnected . Major points points highlighted. interconnected . Major points little connections to topic or Major points are not evident in
highlighted completely. sparsely highlighted . objectives. Major points not any way.
. 0 .
Audible, good enuncratron, rate, and
Consistently audible, rate
Some words lost to mumbling.
Difficult to hear and pace.
Unable to hear or keep pace
tone. Proper pronunciation and use of and tone are appropriate . Rate and tone sometimes Words mispronounced. Pace with presentation. Distracting
terms. Poised, polished. Presentation Few distractions. Handout slow/fast. Somewhat difficult to follow. Presentation mannerisms. Presentation
appears extemporaneous. Starts and used as reference only. rehearsed. sounds rehearsed . Starts read from handout. Starts
end on time. and/or ends more than 3-5 and/or ends more than 5-10
minutes late. minutes late.
Koehler & Sprunger I of2
Lase Updated July, 2010
Teaching Skills
Able to consiQly and clearly Effectively communicates
Generally able to
Frequently unable to effectively
Consistently avoids teaching .
communicate teaching points and instill almost all material being communicate teaching point. teach . Creates more ambiguity Unable to communicate points
critical thinking in learners. Actively taught. Usually elicits Requires some assistance in the learner than without causing confusion.
works to improve skills by engaging in critical thinking . Works to from preceptor. Rarely understanding. Does not seek Never focuses on critical
various teaching activities. improve teaching skills. engages in teaching activities. out teaching opportunities. thinking skills. Does not seek
o ortunities to im rove skills.
May serve as a role model for
Generally seen as an Occasional behaviors not
Behavior is often inappropriate Behavior is disruptive or .
students. No deficiencies in appropriate role-model for consistent with expectations . and unprofessional. antagonistic. Unexcused
attendance, punctuality, or students . All behaviors are absences. Blatant disregard
de endabilit for rofessional attributes.
Handout (Please
attach handout)
Handout is used to augment Handout somewhat Handout sometimes detracts
Handout is difficult to follow and
Handout completely detracts
presentation. Handout is clear and augments presentation . from presentation . Some distracts listener. Many errors from presentation. Handout is
without typographical or spelling errors. Handout is mostly clear typos or spelling errors exist. detected. laden with errors or is unable
and without error. to be read.
AV's are used which augment AV's somewhat augment AV's sometimes detracts from AV's are difficult to follow and
A V's completely detract from
presentation. AV's are clear and presentation. AV's are presentation. Some typos or distracts listener. Many errors presentation . AV's are laden
without typographical or spelling errors. mostly clear and without spelling errors exist detected with errors or unable to be
error. read .


Strength ,:

Grw t b ~ '· ~~ COM~\- Wtk~~~~ \ ~ ~u~ et+- ~I ~ ~~ _

Ncnr. ar fu iS hYhG

Koehler & Sprunger 2of2

Last Updated July, 20 IO


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~ e - - - _ _ ;~ ~ ~ ..:::...::..~=-=-:...:...._-.......,,::,____,.__,.=1 If --- - - - - -- ----------
AUDIENCE/COURSE: 'fl\J-4 ~ \ ~ \ •
DATE OF ACTIVITY: lt:i/ll/'7/ ~ TIME: - ~ - - - - EVALUATOR:

TEACHING MODALITY: ~ ~cture Omall Group Presentation Q Small Group Facilitation

Competency · Outstanding Performance Meets Expectations Needs Some · Needs Significant Unsatisfactory Not
5 4 Improvement Improvement Performance Observed
3 2 1
. 0
All objecliV€s are clear and use
Most objectives are clear Most oQves not Majority ofQctives not
No objectives defined
measurable defined terms,(e.g., list, and measurable. Little measurable and clear. measurable or ill-defined. Little
identify, contrast, compare). overlap in objective action Objeciives overlap in action difference in objective action
Objectives encompass a variety of verbs . Number of verbs. Number of objectives verbs. Number of objectives
action verbs . Appropriate number of objectives reasonable for somewhat inappropriate given inappropriate given length of
ob·ectives for len th of resentation. len th of resentation. len th of resentation . resentation.

Level appropriateQorporates clinical Presentation mostly level Some contQs not level Majority of c Q t is not level
Content Is not level
or other applications. Accurate and appropriate. Many appropriate. Applications not specific. Applications not appropriate. Applications
reliable information consistently applications highlighted. consistently demonstrated or demonstrated or highlighted. unclear. Inaccurate
presented . Questions answered Most information is highlighted Questions not Questions not answered information communicated.
consistently and appropriately accurate and reliable. answered completely or completely or accurately Questions not addressed or
Qu stions answered well. accurately. ? answered with incorrect
a,,.\- information.
. 0 .
Organized, logical flow. Concise Majority sentation
Difficult to follow all thoughts. Majority of coQt is difficult to DisorganizeQontent does
discussion . All statements flows logically. Most major Some ideas not well follow. Facts presented with not flow in any logical manner.
interconnected. Major points points highlighted. interconnected. Major points little connections to topic or Major points are not ~vident in
highlighted completely. sparsely highlighted. objectives. Major points not any way.
hi hli hied.
I le, good enunciation, ra te, an d
A ud.b
Consistently audible, rate
. 0
Some words lost to mumbling.
Difficult to hear and pace.
Unable to hear or keep pace
tone. Proper pronunciation and use of and tone are appropriate. Rate and tone sometimes Words mispronounced. -Pace with presentation. Distracting
terms. Poised, polished. Presentation Few distractions. Handout slow/fast. Somewhat difficult to follow. Presentation mannerisms. Presentation
appears extemporaneous. Starts and used as reference only. rehearsed. sounds rehearsed. Starts read from handout. Starts
end on time. ,.- .....
.... , IQV\ ·-
and/or ends more than 3-5
minutes late.
and/or ends more than 5-10
minutes late.
Koehler & Sprunger I of2
Last Updated July, 2010
Teaching Skills
Able to consiQy and clearly
Effectively communicates
Generally able to
Frequently unable to effectively
Consistently avoids teaching.
communicate teaching points and instill almost all mate·rial being communjcate teaching point. teach. Creates more ambiguity Unable to communicate points
critical thinking in learners. Actively taught. Usually elicits R~guir~:a :i'2Wli: as~isla□'-1:l • in the learner than without causing confusion.
works to improve skills by engaging in
various teaching activities.
critical thinking . Works
improve teaching skills.
t°) from preceptor. Rarely
en~ ges in teaching activities.
understanding. Does not seek
out teaching opportunities.
Never focuses on critical
thinking skills. Does not seek
rt. ~ \,._ w 0 ortunities to im rove skills.
May serve as a role model for
Generally seen as an Occasional behaviors not
Behavior is often inappropriate Behavior is disruptive or
students. No deficiencies in appropriate role-model for consistent with expectations. and unprofessional. antagonistic. Unexcused
attendance, punctuality, or students . All behaviors are absences . Blatant disregard
de endabilit a ro riate. for rofessional attributes.
Handout (Please
attach handout)
Handout is used to augment Handout somewhat Handout sometimes detracts
Handout is difficult to follow and
Handout completely detracts
presentation. Handout is clear and augments presentation . from presentation. Some distracts listener. Many errors from presentation. Handout is
without typographical or spelling errors. Handout is mostly clear typos or spelling errors exist. detected. laden with errors or is unable
and without error. to be read.

AV's are us d which augment AV's somewhat augment

' ..
AV's sometimes detracts from AV's are difficult to follow and
AV's completely detract from
presentation. AV's are clear and presentation. AV's are presentation. Some typos or distracts listener. Many errors presentation. AV's are laden
without typographical or spelling errors. mostly clear and without spelling errors exist detected with errors or unable to be
error. read .



Koehler & Sprunger 2of2

Last Updated July, 2010

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