Ma Illusion

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Illusion Arcana Invisibility

Requirement: Illusion Arcana (Expert) Cost: 8 PP

Your magic is rarely what it appears to be.
Time: Major action Target Number: 14
In general, illusion spells resisted by Perception affect Test: Perception (Seeing) vs. Force
machines and artificial sensors as well as living beings,
whereas illusions resisted by Willpower (such as hallucina- You or a subject you touch becomes invisible for the
tion) have no effect on sensors like camera or microphones, remainder of the encounter. While invisible, the subject can
only on a living mind. still be detected using other senses. The invisible creature
can be targeted only by attackers with some idea where the
Novice: You gain two Novice-degree
creature is and, even then, gains a +5 bonus to Defense. An
Illusion Arcana spells.
invisible creature that makes an attack of any kind becomes
Expert: You gain one Expert-degree visible until the start of the creature’s next turn, whereupon
Illusion Arcana spell. You also they become invisible again.
gain the power focus Intelligence
(Illusion Arcana). Hallucination
Master: You gain one Master-
Requirement: Illusion Arcana (Master) Cost: 10 PP
degree Illusion Arcana spell. You
Time: Major action Target Number: 17
can also choose one power stunt
Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Force
you can perform with your Illusion
Arcana spells for –1 SP. You seize control of the senses of a creature you can see
within 20 yards of you. If the target fails the Willpower
Displacement (Self-Discipline) test against your Force, you control every-
thing they sense for as long as you concentrate, taking a
Requirement: Illusion Arcana (Novice) Cost: 3 PP
minor action each round to do so. You can make the subject
Time: Minor action Target Number: 11
perceive anything, and the illusions can range from minor
Test: Perception (Seeing) vs. Force
(like changing the color of any nearby flowers) to changing
You create the illusion that you—or another subject you the entire environment, since the hallucination exists entirely
touch when you cast this spell—are about a yard away from in the subject’s mind. If a target of hallucination is given any
your actual position for the remainder of the encounter. reason to believe what they are experiencing is an illusion,
You gain +2 Defense against melee attacks and +5 Defense they can make another Willpower test against your Force on
against ranged attacks while under displacement; attacks their turn, with success ending the spell.
targeting an area are unaffected so long as you are actu-
ally in the area. Any attacker who misses the subject at least
once while displacement is in effect can make a Perception
Machine Arcana
(Seeing) test against your Force as a free action on the start You wield arcane power over machines and mechanisms.
of their turn. Success means they see through the illusion
and perceive the subject’s true position, although the spell Novice: You gain two Novice-degree Machine Arcana spells.
remains in effect for others. Expert: You gain one Expert-degree
Machine Arcana spell. You also
Figment gain the power focus Intelligence
(Machine Arcana).
Requirement: Illusion Arcana (Novice) Cost: 2 PP
Time: Minor action Target Number: 10 Master: You gain one Master-
Test: Perception (Seeing) vs. Force degree Machine Arcana spell.
You can also choose one power
You conjure a single simple visual illusion no larger than 2 stunt you can perform with your
square yards in size, such as a person. This figment can look Machine Arcana spells for –1 SP.
like anything you’ve seen or can describe (in the GM’s judg-
ment). It has no substance and makes no sound. Anyone with Repair
a reason to believe the figment might not be real can roll a
Perception (Seeing) test against your Force to see through Requirement: Machine Arcana (Novice) Cost: 2 PP
it. You can impart motion to the illusion by taking a minor Time: Major action Target Number: 9
action each round to manipulate it, and the figment spell lasts Test: None
for a minute; spend the cost again to extend its duration for
You can repair damaged and broken items by touch. If the
another minute.
power test is successful, the item is restored as good as new, as if
At the Expert degree, you can conjure an illusion up to 4 it were never damaged. Repair works on only non-living objects
square yards in size and cause it to move without taking an and only on items about 10 pounds in mass. At the GM’s discre-
action to do so. At the master degree, you can conjure an illu- tion, multiple castings of repair can restore larger items, such as
sion up to 8 square yards in size, and also cause it to make any a broken wall or a damaged vehicle. As a rough guideline, the
sounds associated with that thing or creature. spell restores the equivalent of 2d6 Health per casting.

Chapter 6 - Extraordinary Powers 97

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