Dev Psy Notes
Dev Psy Notes
Dev Psy Notes
PERIODS OF THE LIFE SPAN Continuity-discontinuity issue – focuses on the degree
Division of the life span into periods is a social construction. to which development involves either gradual,
A concept of or practice that is an invention of a cumulative change (continuity) or distinct stages
particular culture or society (discontinuity).
Social clock
Continuity – gradual, continues
Discontinuity – distinct stages
Jean Jacques Rosseau is a Genevan philosopher who
EVALUATING DEVELOPMENTAL ISSUES believes that children are born ‘noble savages’
Although most developmentalists do not take extreme meaning we are born with innate goodness
positions on these important issues, there’s spirited
debate regarding how strongly development is He believes that all humans are born with innate
influenced by each of these factors. kindness not until civilization makes him bad.
Nature and nurture, stability and change, continuity Mechanistic Model – identify and explain factors
and discontinuity characterize development that made people behave people behave as they
throughout the human life span. do. Answers the question ‘why ‘
Continuos Development is Quantitative Change
THEORY - A set of logical ideas or concepts that can be use
- the observed development is the same thing over time
to explain, predict and describe behaviors under certain
Discontinuous Development is Qualitative Change
- the observed development changes over time
HYPOTHESIS - Assumptions on a research
A view of human development that holds that changes Assimilation – putting new information fit in with your
in behavior is the result from the adaptation in the existing understanding of the world.
In this perspective, everything a person became is the Accommodation – changing older ideas and concepts
result of human and environment interaction. into new and completely different concepts and ideas
because of experiencing new information.
1. Classical Conditioning (Proposed by Ivan Pavlov) 2. Sociocultural Theory (Lev Vygotsky)
A behavioral procedure in which an unconditioned stimulus According to him, people learn through social
is paired with a neutral stimulus to get conditioned interaction.
response. Learning is largely influenced by the people around
us and we hang out with.
2. Operant Conditioning (Proposed by BF Skinner)
Involves punishment and reward Ex. In order for you to become good at playing
A behavioral procedure in which if they did an basketball you must practice day and night together
accepted behavior they will be rewarded and if they with the best players in basketball. Or tumira kayo sa
exhibited unaccepted behavior they will be punished. iisang bahay
Giving them a piece of candy when they clean their room CONTEXTUAL PERSPECTIVE
Not letting them play video games if they misbehave Development can only be understood in its social
Behavior Modification context.
See individuals not as a separate entity interacting
3. Social Learning Theory / Social Cognitive Theory with the environment but as an inseparable part of
(Proposed by Albert Bandura) it.
States that people learn behaviors through observation,
imitation and modeling. Malalaman mo lang at maiintindihan mo kung bakit
ganun sya, ang pagkatao nya pag alam mo na kung san
sya nakatira at kung anong klaseng pamilya meron sya.
Focuses on the thought processes and the behavior
that reflects those process EVOLUTIONARY/SOCIOBIOLOGICAL
In this perspective, it encompasses reasoning, thinking, PERSPECTIVE
creativity, information-processing and attention.
Proposed by EO Wilson
1. Cognitive Stage Theory (Jean Piaget)
Focuses on evolutionary and biological bases of
Theory of Cognitive Development
Proposed that children’s cognitive development
Influenced by Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
advances in a series of 4 stages
Quantitative Research – deals with objectively
measurable, numerical data that is amenable to
statistical analysis.
Case Study
Ethnographic Study Influence in Multiple Births
Correlational Study The trend toward delayed childbearing
Experiments Increase use of fertility drugs
Cross-Sectional Increase use of reproductive techniques like IVF
Effects of Multiple Births
ETHICS OF A RESEARCH Pregnancy complications
Informed Consent Premature delivery
Deception Low birth weight of infants
Protection from any potential harm Disability or even death of an infant
Privacy and confidentiality
Right to decline or withdraw
Types of Hemophilia
Hemophilia A – internal bleeding (bruises)
Hemophilia B – bleeding from minor cuts (wisdom
tooth removal)
Hemophilia C – bleeding from major cuts or surgeries
(giving birth)
typically occur because of errors in cell division
resulting in extra or missing chromosome on 23rd pair;
Bases – the letters of the genetic code
DS; women starts with 35 years old
Chromosomes – coils of DNA