Unit Test 6B
Unit Test 6B
Unit Test 6B
1 14 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć tekstów. Na podstawie usłyszanych informacji w zadaniach 1–5
z podanych odpowiedzi (A–C) wybierz właściwą.
1 What does the woman order?
2 Where are the children?
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3 What did the boy have for breakfast this morning?
2 15 Usłyszysz fragment programu radiowego na temat zdrowego jedzenia przed snem. Na podstawie
informacji zawartych w nagraniu uzupełnij luki 1–3 w poniższej notatce. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku
Before bedtime:
• you should eat some honey because it’ll help you (1) ___________________________.
• eat some (2) ___________________________ if you want to have some meat. Avoid red meat.
• don’t eat spicy food because you may have stomach problems.
• avoid eating (3) ___________________________ because it makes your brain more active. ____ / 3
UNIT 6 Test B 1
3 Do każdej z opisanych sytuacji (1–4) dobierz właściwą reakcję (A–C).
1 Kolega proponuje Ci wyjście do kina w piątek. Nie wiesz jeszcze, czy Ci to odpowiada. Co powiesz?
A I don’t think I can make it.
B What a great idea!
C I’ll let you know later.
2 Kolega pyta Cię, co zamierzasz robić w najbliższy weekend. Co odpowiesz?
A I’m sorry, but I can’t go shopping this weekend.
B I’m planning to go shopping this weekend.
C Do you want to go shopping this weekend?
3 Chcesz zaprosić koleżankę na koncert w sobotę. Co powiesz?
A Would you like to go to a concert on Saturday?
B I’m thinking of going to a concert on Saturday.
4 Uzupełnij dialog. Wpisz w każdą lukę (1–4) brakujący fragment wypowiedzi tak, aby otrzymać logiczny
i spójny tekst.
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X: Look, there’s a new film on in our cinema. (1) ________________________ about going to see it tomorrow?
Y: Tomorrow isn’t good. I’ve got (2) ________________________ plans. I’m going to a rock concert. In fact, I’ve got
a free ticket. Do you (3) ________________________ to go with me?
X: That (4) ________________________ great! Thanks. ____ / 4
5 Przeczytaj wywiad. Do każdej odpowiedzi (1–4) dopasuj właściwe pytanie (A–E). Wpisz odpowiednią
literę obok numeru każdej odpowiedzi.
Uwaga! Dwa pytania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej odpowiedzi.
In our magazine we have interviewed a food critic who works for a national newspaper. Here is what he told us about
his job.
1 ___
Well, when I started working as a food critic, I had little idea of the many responsibilities that come with
the job. It’s not just going to restaurant to try the food there. You need to have good knowledge of the food
industry, have great writing and interpersonal skills, because you also often need to interview restaurant
managers and staff.
2 ___
About 10 years ago I was working as a journalist for the local news column. After my holiday in Asia, I wrote
a blog about my travels, and especially the food there. My boss liked it a lot and suggested I should be their
food critic.
3 ___
I knew the basic things about what a food critic does, so that was a start. But, of course I needed to learn much
more, so for a few months I worked with a retired food critic. She really taught me a lot about the different
aspects of the job.
4 ___
Probably the biggest one is that you have to keep a low profile. That means you can’t have photos of yourself
on social media so that restaurant managers can’t recognise you when you visit their restaurant. And you need
to keep an eye on your weight!
A What are the disadvantages of the job?
B Did you have to do any training for the job?
C What restaurants do you like visiting most?
D What do you usually have to do as a food critic?
E How did you start working as a food critic?
F What is the best thing about being a food critic? ____ / 4
UNIT 6 Test B 2
6 Przeczytaj tekst. Udziel krótkich odpowiedzi (maksymalnie trzy słowa) na pytania 1–4 zgodnie
z informacjami zawartymi w tekście.
Hi Paula,
I’m writing to tell you that I’ve started my job in the bakery. I know I told you I was going to start two weeks
ago, but I fell ill, so I had my first day at work last Monday. The bakery is very popular with the local residents.
It sells bread, rolls and sweet buns, but the biggest hit that most people come there for are the delicious
pastries, which we sell hot at lunch time.
Since I started, I’ve done quite a few different things. I first helped to sell at the counter, packing the food. This
job also involved cleaning the several tables where customers can drink tea or coffee and eat the food they’ve
bought. This one was really my least favourite. At the moment I’m helping the kitchen staff and, although it’s
the hardest, I’m loving it! I can watch them at work and I hope to learn a lot here. One of the bakers showed
me how to make bagels. I baked some later at home and they were quite good. Next on my list are muffins and
brownies and I promise to make some for you when you come to see me in August.
3m7 1
How are you spending your holiday?
Write back,
Who likes buying food in the bakery where Natalie is working? ________________________________________________
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2 When can you buy hot pastries in the bakery? ________________________________________________
3 Who is Natalie working with at the moment? ________________________________________________
4 When is Paula going to visit Natalie? ________________________________________________
____ / 4
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Spośród wyrazów podanych w ramce wybierz te, które poprawnie uzupełniają luki 1–3.
Wpisz odpowiednią literę (A–F) w każdą lukę.
Uwaga! Trzy wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.
8 Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać zdania logiczne
i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów
Uwaga! W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
1 (Czy zamierzasz) ____________________________________ to have friends over for a meal this weekend?
2 Unfortunately, (nie ma) ____________________________________ any milk left. You need to buy some.
3 (Chociaż umiem) ____________________________________ cook quite well, I don’t enjoy doing it much.
4 We went to the market (żeby kupić) ____________________________________ some fruit and vegetables.
5 We aren’t sure about our plans for next weekend yet. Maybe, (zostaniemy) ____________________________________
at home.
____ / 5
Total ____ / 32
UNIT 6 Test B 3