Brainy kl7 Unit Test 6 B

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UNIT 6 TEST B Imię i nazwisko: __________________________ Klasa: ______

Listening 2 You should wear a helmet to protect / miss /

prevent head injuries while cycling.
1 3.53 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie pięć tekstów.
3 Greg got / made / had hurt while skiing last
W zadaniach 1–5, na podstawie informacji
zawartych w nagraniu, z podanych odpowiedzi weekend.
wybierz właściwą: A, B albo C. 4 Her performance was excellent! She
1 Which of the following is NOT true about managed to do / set / get a new school

lacrosse? record!

A It was played in the Olympic Games 5 It was a perfect shot at the goal, so the

at the beginning of the 20th century. keeper couldn’t score / throw / save it.

B The sticks are identical to those used 6 I am going to watch the Formula 1 race /

in grass hockey. trophy / point tonight.

C The inspiration for ice hockey came from __ / 6

3 Uzupełnij tekst odpowiednimi wyrazami.
2 What are the people doing? Pierwsze litery wyrazów zostały podane.

My younger brother is very keen on sports.

He goes to the gym regularly to 1 k_________ fit
A B C and he also plays tennis three times a week.
At the moment he has to 2 t_________ very
3 What is the girl’s opinion about more unusual
hard because there is going to be a tennis
sports like toe wrestling? 3
t_________ next month, and he’s going to
A They should become Olympic sports. take 4 p_________ in it. Of course, the whole
family is going to watch him play – we are his
B They usually have got very complicated
biggest 5 f_________!
rules. __ / 5
C They shouldn’t be called ‘real’ sports.
4 The boy says he didn’t do well during the Grammar
cycling race because of a/the 4 Zakreśl wyrazy/wyrażenia, które poprawnie
uzupełniają zdania.

1 We don’t have to / mustn’t win this game to

A B C win the league. A draw will be enough.
5 Colin is calling Maggie to 2 It was so dark that we can’t / couldn’t see our
A persuade her to join a judo group. way in the forest.
B invite her to watch a sports event. 3 Andy’s a strong swimmer. He can / should
C tell her about a recent event. swim better than anyone else at our school.
__ / 5 4 I’m afraid you couldn’t / can’t go online at the
moment. There’s something wrong with the
2 Zakreśl wyrazy, które poprawnie uzupełniają 5 Should / Must I talk to our coach about the
problem? What’s your advice?
1 My opponent in the competition was too 6 Remember that you couldn’t / mustn’t touch
good. I had no chance to break / beat / win the ball with your hands. It’s against the rules.
her. __ / 6
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UNIT 6 TEST B Imię i nazwisko: __________________________ Klasa: ______

5 Uzupełnij zdania, tak aby zachować znaczenie 1 A making B doing C practising

zdania wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz 2 A up B out C off
wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
3 A couldn’t B don’t have to C shouldn’t
1 It’s important that Mark sees a doctor. 4 A eat B take C do
Mark really _______________ a doctor. 5 A can’t B couldn’t C mustn’t
2 It wasn’t possible for me to go on the trip __ / 5
because I was ill.
I _______________ on the trip because I was Functions
7 Dla każdej z opisanych sytuacji wybierz
3 You’re not allowed to bring your phone into właściwą reakcję. Zakreśl literę: A, B albo C.
1 Zapytaj kolegę, czy możesz skorzystać z jego
You _______________ your phone into class.
4 It is a good idea to practise your technique
A Should I use your laptop?
B Could you use my laptop?
You _______________ your technique
C Can I use your laptop?
2 Uczeń pyta nauczyciela, czy może otworzyć
5 It isn’t necessary for us to pay for tickets.
okno. Co powie nauczyciel, udzielając
We don’t _______________ for tickets.
__ / 5
A Yes, you could.
B Yes, you can.
Use of English
C Yes, you do.
6 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź: A, B albo C 3 Zapytaj uprzejmie ciocię, czy może cię
i zakreśl ją.
odwieźć do domu.
Hi Sandra, A Could you drive me home?
I’m really glad you’ve decided to be more active B Can I drive you home?
and I’m happy to give you some advice about C Do you drive home?
___ exercise. Well, first of all, it’s important to 4 Kolega pyta cię, czy może pożyczyć na
warm 2 ___ before any type of exercise. You chwilę twój kalkulator. Nie masz nic
said you’re not very fit, so, in my opinion, you przeciwko. Co powiesz?
___ start with a very intensive workout. Take A Yes, I think you should.
care of your diet, too. It’s important to drink a lot B I’m afraid I don’t.
of water and ___ healthy snacks.
C OK, fine.
By the way, it’s a pity you ___ come to the
__ / 4
volleyball match last weekend. My team won
3:2, and it was a really exciting game!
Write back soon,

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UNIT 6 TEST B Imię i nazwisko: __________________________ Klasa: ______

Reading Writing
8 Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania. 9 Niedawno wziąłeś/wzięłaś udział w zawodach,
które wygrałeś/wygrałaś. Napisz wiadomość
Are you one of those active people who like do kolegi z Anglii, który zamierza brać udział
challenges? If so, why not take part in a sports w podobnym wydarzeniu.
event that will give you lots of satisfaction and also W wiadomości:
help raise money for ill children? Events like Tough • poinformuj, w jakich zawodach
Mudder or Grate48 are organised by the Rainbow
uczestniczyłeś/uczestniczyłaś, oraz gdzie
Trust, a charity organisation that supports families
i kiedy się one odbyły;
with seriously ill children. The charity does a lot to
• opisz swoje odczucia po zwycięstwie w
help such families in many everyday activities.
So, how about trying Grate48? In this event, held on
• udziel kilku rad dotyczących przygotowań
7th November, you will have the opportunity to climb
do zawodów.
the top of one of the tallest buildings in the UK,
Podpisz się jako XYZ. Użyj od 50 do 120 słów.
the Leadenhall Building. It has forty-eight floors
(over twelve hundred steps)! Apart from the chance
to do something unusual, you’ll also receive
a medal to remember your achievement. Both in the ______________________________________

UK and worldwide, people have completed various ______________________________________

challenges recently to help raise money for ill ______________________________________
children. Last year Sally, 53, took part in the __ / 10
3 Peaks Challenge, which meant she climbed the Total: __ / 50
three highest peaks in Scotland, England and
Wales in just 24 hours. Explaining her reasons, Extra task
she said: ‘I’ve always loved climbing mountains, 10 Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–5) jednym wyrazem,
so when I learnt what the Rainbow Trust is all tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst zgodny
about, I was determined to help. The special aim of z ilustracją. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
the climb gave me much more satisfaction than I’d
ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych
felt on previous climbs.’

1 Who does the Rainbow Trust help?

It helps ___________________________.
2 How many floors do you have to climb in
Great48? This photo shows a game of 1 ________. All the
You climb _________________________. 2
________ on the pitch are girls, aged about 11 or
3 What will you get if you complete Great48? 12. They are wearing shirts, shorts, 3 ________
You will get ________________________. and boots. The girl with the number 10 is about to
4 How did Sally feel after taking part in the kick the 4 ________. The goalkeeper is going to try
3 Peaks Challenge? to 5 ________ the goal.
The event gave her ____________________.
__ / 5
__ / 4 Total : ___ / 55

Photocopiable Brainy klasa 7 © Macmillan Polska 2020

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