3.3 Daily Diagnosis
3.3 Daily Diagnosis
3.3 Daily Diagnosis
IC/CC: A 54-year-old obese woman presents with increasing pain in both knees
and hips of one month’s duration.
HPI: The patient states that her pain worsens following extended periods of
walking and climbing stairs, is relieved by rest and cessation of weight bearing,
and is associated with minimal morning stiffness.
PE: VS: normal. PE: Hips and knees show mild bilateral limitation in range of
motion, joint margin tenderness, fine crepitus, and joint enlargement due to
osteophyte formation. Both hands show moderate swelling and erythema in the
DIP joints.
1. Would you think that an obese woman would be more prone to knee and hip
pain? Why or why not?
o Yes, obesity can contribute to knee and hip pain. The excess weight puts added
stress on the joints, leading to wear and tear. This can result in conditions like
osteoarthritis, which causes joint pain and stiffness. Losing weight can help reduce
the strain on the knees and hips.
2. List three (3) objective findings that the physician finds during his
examination. Remember objective findings refers to “signs” obtained
through observation, physical examination, laboratory or diagnostic testing.
4. The physician indicates that the patient shows “mild bilateral limitation in
range of motion.” What do you think this means?
o The term "mild bilateral limitation in range of motion" refers to the patient's
inability to move their joints to their maximum extent.
6. Where on the body would you find Distal Interphalangeal Joint (DIP Joint)?
o The Distal Interphalangeal Joint (DIP Joint) is found in the fingers and toes.
It is the closest joint near the tips of the fingers and toes.
7. The x-ray reveals asymmetric joint space narrowing? What does this
9. Does this patient have inflammation? Why or why not? (Hint: Refer to the
physical examination and patient’s labs)
o Yes, the patient may be inflamed. The physical examination and test results
may indicate symptoms of inflammation such as redness, edema, high levels
of inflammatory markers, or other indicators.
10.What is your diagnosis based on the information that has been provided to
you? Be sure to explain how you came up with this diagnosis.