Evaluation of The Patient With Hip Pain
Evaluation of The Patient With Hip Pain
Evaluation of The Patient With Hip Pain
JOHN J. WILSON, MD, MS, and MASARU FURUKAWA, MD, MS, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin
Hip pain is a common and disabling condition that affects patients of all ages. The differential diagnosis of hip pain
is broad, presenting a diagnostic challenge. Patients often express that their hip pain is localized to one of three anatomic regions: the anterior hip and groin, the posterior hip and buttock, or the lateral hip. Anterior hip and groin
pain is commonly associated with intra-articular pathology, such as osteoarthritis and hip labral tears. Posterior hip
pain is associated with piriformis syndrome, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, lumbar radiculopathy, and less commonly
ischiofemoral impingement and vascular claudication. Lateral hip pain occurs with greater trochanteric pain syndrome. Clinical examination tests, although helpful, are not highly sensitive or specific for most diagnoses; however,
a rational approach to the hip examination can be used. Radiography should be performed if acute fracture, dislocations, or stress fractures are suspected. Initial plain radiography of the hip should include an anteroposterior view of
the pelvis and frog-leg lateral view of the symptomatic hip. Magnetic resonance imaging should be performed if the
history and plain radiograph results are not diagnostic. Magnetic resonance imaging is valuable for the detection of
occult traumatic fractures, stress fractures, and osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Magnetic resonance arthrography
is the diagnostic test of choice for labral tears. (Am Fam Physician. 2014;89(1):27-34. Copyright 2014 American
Academy of Family Physicians.)
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and is enabled by the large number of muscle groups that surround the hip. The flexor
muscles include the iliopsoas, rectus femoris,
pectineus, and sartorius muscles. The gluteus maximus and hamstring muscle groups
allow for hip extension. Smaller muscles, such
as gluteus medius and minimus, piriformis,
obturator externus and internus, and quadratus femoris muscles, insert around the greater
trochanter, allowing for abduction, adduction, and internal and external rotation.
In persons who are skeletally immature,
there are several growth centers of the pelvis
and femur where injuries can occur. Potential sites of apophyseal injury in the hip
region include the ischium, anterior superior
iliac spine, anterior inferior iliac spine, iliac
crest, lesser trochanter, and greater trochanter. The apophysis of the superior iliac spine
matures last and is susceptible to injury up
to 25 years of age.2
Evaluation of Hip Pain
Age alone can narrow the differential diagnosis of hip pain. In prepubescent and adolescent patients, congenital malformations
of the femoroacetabular joint, avulsion fractures, and apophyseal or epiphyseal injuries should be considered. In those who are
Hip Pain
Initial plain radiography of the hip should include an anteroposterior view of the pelvis and a frog-leg
lateral view of the symptomatic hip.
Magnetic resonance imaging should be used for detection of occult hip fractures, stress fractures,
and osteonecrosis of the femoral head.
23, 30, 33
Magnetic resonance arthrography is the diagnostic test of choice for labral tears.
6, 19
Ultrasonography is a helpful diagnostic modality for patients with suspected bursitis, joint effusion,
or functional causes of hip pain (e.g., snapping hip), and can be employed for therapeutic imagingguided injections and aspirations around the hip.
8, 9
Clinical recommendation
A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, diseaseoriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT evidence rating system, go to http://www.aafp.
Figure 1. Gait testing. (A) C sign. Patients often localize pain by cupping the anterolateral hip with the thumb and forefinger in the shape of a C. (B) Gait analysis. The patient is observed while walking to evaluate for limp or antalgic
gait characteristics. (C) Modified Trendelenburg test (single leg stance phase). The patient stands with feet shoulder
width apart and lifts one leg. The examiner observes for a drop in the level of the iliac crest on the side of the lifted leg.
skeletally mature, hip pain is often a result of musculotendinous strain, ligamentous sprain, contusion, or
bursitis. In older adults, degenerative osteoarthritis and
fractures should be considered first.
Patients with hip pain should be asked about antecedent trauma or inciting activity, factors that increase
or decrease the pain, mechanism of injury, and time of
28 American Family Physician
January 1, 2014
Hip Pain
Table 1. Physical Examination Tests for the Evaluation of Hip Pain
Other names
Positive findings
Differential diagnosis
Modified Trendelenburg
test (Figure 1C)
Single leg
stance phase
lateral, or
Patrick test
Passive supine
Freiberg test
Stinchfield test
FABER = flexion, abduction, external rotation; FADIR = flexion, adduction, internal rotation; ROM = range of motion; SCFE = slipped capital femoral
Radiography. Radiography of the hip should be performed if there is any suspicion of acute fracture, dislocation, or stress fracture. Initial plain radiography of the
hip should include an anteroposterior view of the pelvis
and a frog-leg lateral view of the symptomatic hip.4
January 1, 2014
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Arthrography. Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the hip
can detect many soft tissue abnormalities, and is the
preferred imaging modality if plain radiography does
not identify specific pathology in a patient with persistent pain.5 Conventional MRI has a sensitivity of 30%
and an accuracy of 36% for diagnosing hip labral tears,
whereas magnetic resonance arthrography provides
added sensitivity of 90% and accuracy of 91% for the
detection of labral tears.6,7
Ultrasonography. Ultrasonography is a useful technique for evaluating individual tendons, confirming suspected bursitis, and identifying joint effusions
and functional causes of hip pain.8 Ultrasonography is
especially useful for safely and accurately performing
Hip Pain
Figure 2. Hip range-of-motion testing (photos demonstrate normal range of motion). (A) Abduction. (B) Adduction.
(C) Extension. (D) Internal and external rotation.
January 1, 2014
Hip Pain
Figure 3. FABER test (flexion, abduction, external rotation; Patrick test). The examiner moves
the leg into 45 degrees of flexion, then (A) externally rotates and (B) abducts the leg so that
the ankle rests proximal to the knee of the contralateral leg.
Figure 4. FADIR test (flexion, adduction, internal rotation; impingement test). The examiner
passively moves the leg into (A) full flexion, then into (B) adduction and internal rotation.
January 1, 2014
Hip Pain
Figure 5. Log roll test (passive supine rotation; Freiberg test). Patients
leg is extended and relaxed on examination table as the examiner
internally and externally rotates the leg (log roll).
Patients with femoroacetabular impinge- The patient lifts the straight leg to 45 degrees while the examiner
ment are often young and physically active. applies downward force on the thigh.
They describe insidious onset of pain that is
worse with sitting, rising from a seat, getting in or out of pain usually has an insidious onset, but occasionally
a car, or leaning forward.13 The pain is located primarily begins acutely after a traumatic event. About one-half
in the groin with occasional radiation to the lateral hip of patients with this injury also have mechanical sympand anterior thigh.14 The FABER test (flexion, abduction, toms, such as catching or painful clicking with activity.17
external rotation; Figure 3) has a sensitivity of 96% to The FADIR and FABER tests are effective for detect99%. The FADIR test (flexion, adduction, internal rota- ing intra-articular pathology (the sensitivity is 96% to
tion; Figure 4), log roll test (Figure 5), and straight leg 75% for the FADIR test and is 88% for the FABER test),
raise against resistance test (Figure 6) are also effective, although neither test has high specificity.14,15,18 Magnetic
with sensitivities of 88%, 56%, and 30%, respectively.14,15 resonance arthrography is considered the diagnostic test
In addition to the anteroposterior and lateral radiograph of choice for labral tears.6,19 However, if a labral tear is not
views, a Dunn view should be obtained to help detect suspected, other less invasive imaging modalities, such
subtle lesions.16
as plain radiography and conventional MRI, should be
used first to rule out other causes of hip and groin pain.
Hip labral tears cause dull or sharp groin pain, and onehalf of patients with a labral tear have pain that radiates to the lateral hip, anterior thigh, and buttock. The
32 American Family Physician
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Hip Pain
Occult or stress fracture of the hip should be considered if trauma or repetitive weight-bearing exercise is
involved, even if plain radiograph results are negative.21
Clinically, these injuries cause anterior hip or groin pain
that is worse with activity.21 Pain may be present with
extremes of motion, active straight leg raise, the log roll
test, or hopping.22 MRI is useful for the detection of
occult traumatic fractures and stress fractures not seen
on plain radiographs.23
Legg-Calv-Perthes disease is an idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral head in children two to 12 years of
age, with a male-to-female ratio of 4:1.4 In adults, risk
factors for osteonecrosis include systemic lupus erythematosus, sickle cell disease, human immunodeficiency
virus infection, smoking, alcoholism, and corticosteroid
use.30,31 Pain is the presenting symptom and is usually
insidious. Range of motion is initially preserved but can
become limited and painful as the disease progresses.32
MRI is valuable in the diagnosis and prognostication of
osteonecrosis of the femoral head.30,33
Differential Diagnosis of Posterior Hip
and Buttock Pain
Piriformis syndrome causes buttock pain that is aggravated by sitting or walking, with or without ipsilateral
radiation down the posterior thigh from sciatic nerve
compression.34,35 Pain with the log roll test is the most
Lateral hip pain affects 10% to 25% of the general population.43 Greater trochanteric pain syndrome refers to
pain over the greater trochanter. Several disorders of the
lateral hip can lead to this type of pain, including iliotibial band thickening, bursitis, and tears of the gluteus
medius and minimus muscle attachment.43-45 Patients
may have mild morning stiffness and may be unable to
sleep on the affected side. Gluteus minimus and medius
injuries present with pain in the posterior lateral aspect
of the hip as a result of partial or full-thickness tearing at
the gluteal insertion. Most patients have an atraumatic,
insidious onset of symptoms from repetitive use.43,45,46
Data Sources: We searched articles on hip pathology in American Family Physician, along with their references. We also searched the Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality Evidence Reports, Clinical Evidence,
Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement, the U.S. Preventive Services
Task Force guidelines, the National Guideline Clearinghouse, and UpToDate. We performed a PubMed search using the keywords greater trochanteric pain syndrome, hip pain physical examination, imaging femoral
hip stress fractures, imaging hip labral tear, imaging osteomyelitis,
ischiofemoral impingement syndrome, meralgia paresthetica review, MRI
arthrogram hip labrum, septic arthritis systematic review, and ultrasound
hip pain. Search dates: March and April 2011, and August 15, 2013.
The authors thank Kristen Prewitt, DO, (model examiner in the figures)
and Grace Trabulsi (model patient) for their assistance.
January 1, 2014
The Authors
JOHN J. WILSON, MD, MS, is an assistant professor in the Department of
Family Medicine at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and
Public Health in Madison. He is also a team physician for the University of
Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletics.
Hip Pain
MASARU FURUKAWA, MD, MS, is a postgraduate trainee in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
and Public Health.
Address correspondence to John J. Wilson, MD, MS, University of
WisconsinMadison, 1685 Highland Ave., Madison, WI 53705 (e-mail:
[email protected]). Reprints are not available from the authors.
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January 1, 2014
Downloaded from the American Family Physician website at www.aafp.org/afp. Copyright 2013 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncommercial use of one individual user of the website. All other rights reserved. Contact [email protected] for copyright questions and/or permission requests.
Paresthesia, hypesthesia
Pain characteristics
Iliopsoas bursitis
(internal snapping
of the hip
History/risk factors
Examination findings
FABER = flexion, abduction, external rotation; FADIR = flexion, adduction, internal rotation; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; ROM = range of motion.
Femoral neck
Athletic pubalgia
(sports hernia)
Additional testing
2013 American Academy
89, Number
1 For
1, 2014
the American
Family Physician website at www.aafp.org/afp.
of Family
the private,
commercial use of one individual user of the website. All other rights reserved. Contact [email protected] for copyright questions and/or permission requests.
Pain characteristics
Slipped capital
femoral epiphysis
Septic arthritis
Transient synovitis
Greater trochanteric
Greater trochanteric
pain syndrome
Tenderness to direct
Middle-aged women
History/risk factors
Examination findings
FABER = flexion, abduction, external rotation; FADIR = flexion, adduction, internal rotation; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; ROM = range of motion.
Posterolateral pain
External snapping
Lateral pain
of the hip
Additional testing
Ischial apophysis
Piriformis syndrome
Sacroiliac joint
History/risk factors
None established
Examination findings
FABER = flexion, abduction, external rotation; FADIR = flexion, adduction, internal rotation; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; ROM = range of motion.
Pain characteristics
Hamstring muscle
strain or avulsion
Posterior pain
Additional testing
Hip Pain
Hip Pain
and buttock
and groin
eFigure A. Localization of hip pain. (A) Posterior view. (B) Anterior view.
eFigure B. Ober test (passive adduction). The patient is positioned on his or her side, with the unaffected hip on the
examination table. The examiner stands behind the patient with one hand on the patients hip, and the other hand
supporting the lower leg. (A) To evaluate the tensor fasciae latae: The hip and knee are held at 0 degrees of extension
and allowed to passively adduct with gravity. (B) The gluteus medius: The hip is held at 0 degrees of extension and
45 to 90 degrees of knee flexion. (C) The gluteus maximus: The shoulders are rotated back toward the table, with the
hip in flexion and knee in extension.
2013 American Academy
89, Number
1 For
1, 2014
the American
Family Physician website at www.aafp.org/afp.
of Family
the private,
commercial use of one individual user of the website. All other rights reserved. Contact [email protected] for copyright questions and/or permission requests.