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Article in International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy · August 2017

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.083199


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4 authors, including:

Sachin Somwanshi Ramdas Dolas

Pravara Rural Education Education Society's College of Pharmacy For Women Chi… PRES's College of Pharmacy (for Women) Chincholi


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Sachin B. Somwanshi et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 8 (Suppl 3), 2017

Research Article

Sachin B. Somwanshi 1*, Kiran S. Kudale 1, Ramdas T. Dolas 1, Kiran B. Kotade 2
Department of Pharmaceutics, P.R.E.S.’s, College of Pharmacy (For Women), Chincholi, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Department of Pharmacology, P.R.E.S.’s, College of Pharmacy (For Women), Chincholi, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

Received on: 27/04/17 Accepted on: 05/06/17

*Corresponding author
E-mail: [email protected]

DOI: 10.7897/2277-4343.083199


The objective of this work is to formulate and evaluate a cosmetic herbal face pack for glowing skin by using natural ingredients. With the varying
concentrations, four different formulations containing ingredients such as multani mitti, turmeric, aloe vera, sandal wood, orange peel, neem and
nutmug; were prepared named as F1 to F4. All prepared formulations were evaluated by different parameters like organoleptic properties and
physico-chemical parameters and stability along with irritancy test and microbial load. Among all formulation, F2 was found to be good in physical
parameters, free from skin irritation and maintained its consistency even after stability storage conditions and also having microbiological stability.

Keywords: Face Pack, Cosmetics, Natural, Formulation, Evaluation

INTRODUCTION 3. Argillaceous masks: Clay based or earth based (ready to use

or dry powder)
Cosmetics are commercially available products that are used to
improve the appearance of the skin by action of cleansing, Present research article deals with the formulation and
beautifying, promoting attractiveness. From the ancient time, evaluation of cosmetic herbal face pack for glowing skin at
different herbs are used for cleaning, beautifying and to manage home by using natural materials i.e., multanimitti, turmeric, Aloe
them. Face skin is the major part of the body, which indicates vera, sandalwood, orange peel, neem and nutmeg.
the health of an individual1, 2. It consists of materials such as
amino acids, lipids and carbohydrates etc. So that a balanced MATERIALS AND METHODS
nutrition is required for the skin to keep it clear glossy and
healthy.3 In ayurveda, the herbal paste is called as “mukha lepa” All the natural materials used in the present study i.e., multani
used for as a facial therapy. This herbal paste smeared on face to mitti, turmeric, Aloe vera, sandalwood, orange peel, neem and
treat acne, pimple, scars, marks and pigments. 4 nutmeg were purchased from local market (Dgadu Teli
Chandwadkar, Nashik), in a form of dried powder and were
Face pack is the smooth powder which is used for facial authenticated at Botany department of KTHM College, Nashik.
application. These preparations are applied on the face in the
form of liquid or pastes and allowed to dry and set to form film The details of the plant material used for the formulation of face
giving tightening, strengthening and cleansing effect to the pack are mentioned below;
skin.5 They are usually left on the skin for ten to twenty five
minutes to allow all the water to evaporate, the resulting film Multani Mitti (Calcium bentonite)
thus contracts and hardens and can easily be removed. The
warmth and tightening effect produced by application of face Multani mitti helps skin by different ways like diminishing pore
pack produces the stimulating sensation of a rejuvenated face, sizes, removing blackheads and whiteheads fading freckles,
while the colloidal and adsorption clays used in these soothing sunburns, cleansing skin, improving blood circulation,
preparations remove the dirt and grease from the skin of the complexion, reducing acne and blemishes and gives a glowing
face. When the applied face pack is eventually removed skin effect to a skin as they contain healthy nutrients. Multani mitti is
debris and deposited dirt gets removed with it. rich magnesium chloride.8

Face packs are basically additives delivering some additional Turmeric (Curuma longa)
benefits. Different types of herbal face packs are used for
different types of skin. Herbal face packs are helps to reduce Turmeric is mainly used to rejuvenate the skin. It delays the
wrinkles, pimples, acne and dark circles. Also increase the signs of aging like wrinkles and also possesses other properties
fairness and smoothness of skin. It also helps someone to boost like antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. It is best
their confidence. Ayurveda is the most useful and successful source of blood purifier. It is effective in treatment of acne due
means for achieving this purpose6. to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties that fight pimples
and breakouts to provide a youthful glow to your skin. It also
These packs are available in various types and forms and reduces the oil secretion by the sebaceous glands. 9,10
broadly classified into the following categories: 7
1. Plastic masks: Wax based, latex based, or vinyl based
2. Hydrocolloid masks: Gel masks (ready to use)

Sachin B. Somwanshi et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 8 (Suppl 3), 2017

Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) Procedure of Face Pack Application

Aloe vera is a great moisturizer intended for a skin. Aloe vera Take prepared face pack powder in a bowl as per the
rejuvenates skin, hydrates this and keeps skin layer looking requirement and add rose water to mix. Mix well and apply over
fresh all the time. Aloe vera has anti-microbial property the facial skin. Cover the acne and blemishes spots too. Kept as
rendering it ideal to deal with acne and pimples. Aloe vera it is for complete drying for 20 to 25 min and then wash with
powder contains several nutrients like glycerin, sodium palmate, cold water.
sodium carbonate, sodium palm kemelate, sorbitol, etc. 11
Methods of Evaluation
Sandal wood (Santalum alba)
Following evaluation parameters were performed to ensure
Sandalwood has an anti-tanning and anti-aging property. It also superiority of prepared face pack;
helps skin in many ways like toning effect, emollient,
antibacterial properties, cooling astringent property, soothing Organoleptic Evaluation
and healing property12.
The organoleptic parameters include its nature, color, odor, feel
Orange peel (Citrus reticulate) and consistency which were evaluated manually for its physical
Orange is a citrus fruit which contains different nutritional
source such as vitamin C, calcium, potassium and magnesium. It Physical Evaluation
prevents the skin from free radical damage, skin hydration and
oxidative stress. Also it has instant glow property, prevent acne, The particle size was tested by microscopy method. The flow
blemishes, wrinkles and aging. 13 property of the dried powder of combined form was evaluated
by performing Angle of Repose by funnel method, bulk density
Neem (Azadirachta indica) and tapped density by Tapping Method. 18

Neem is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and highly beneficial for Physicochemical Evaluation

oily and acne prone skin 14. An anti-acne effect is due to anti-
microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities of Ash content was performed using incinerator, pH was found by
different chemical constituents15. using pH meter and loss on drying was also performed.7

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) Irritancy test

Nutmeg is widely used for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, Mark an area (1sq.cm) on the left hand dorsal surface. Definite
antiseptic and anti-bacterial property14. It helps in reducing quantities of prepared face packs were applied to the specified
wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging. It also helps in area and time was noted. Irritancy, erythema, edema, was
reducing acne scars and to make them less noticeable. checked if any for regular intervals up to 24 hrs and reported. 19

Methods of Preparation Stability studies

Four different formulations were prepared with varying Stability testing of prepared formulation was conducted for
concentrations of all ingredients named as F1 to F4. formulation F2 by storing at different temperature conditions for
Concentration of each ingredient was mentioned in Table 1. The the period of one month. The packed glass vials of formulation
accurate quantity ingredients were weighed and ground into fine stored at different temperature conditions viz.., Room
powder by using sieve #120. Then the all ingredients were temperature, 35ºC and 40ºC and were evaluated for physical
mixed geometrically by serial dilution method for uniform parameters like Color, Odor, pH, Consistency and feel.20
mixing. Then the prepared face pack was packed into a self-
sealable polyethylene bag, labeled and used for further studies. 16 Determination of Microbial Load

The prepared formulation was evaluated for Total Viable Count,

presence of gram negative pathogens such as E. coli, Salmonella
and Pseudomonas by BAC-Test Laboratory in Nashik. 16

Table 1: Formulation of Face Pack

Sr. No. Name of Ingredients Scientific Name Quantity of sample for 100g
F1 F2 F3 F4
1 MultaniMitti Calcium Bentonite 25 30 35 15
2 Turmeric Curuma longa 20 5 10 20
3 Aloe Vera Aloe barbadensis 10 15 10 20
4 Sandal wood Santalum alba 25 25 20 25
5 Orange peel Citrus reticulate 10 12 6 5
6 Neem Azadirachta indica 3 8 15 10
7 Nutmeg Myristica fragrans 7 5 4 5

Sachin B. Somwanshi et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 8 (Suppl 3), 2017

Table 2: Organoleptic Properties

Sr. No. Parameters Observation

F1 F2 F3 F4
1 Appearance Powder Powder Powder Powder
(Free Flowing) (Free Flowing) (Free Flowing) (Free Flowing)
2 Color Slight Yellow Slight yellow Greenish yellow Slight Yellow
3 Odor Slight Slight Slight Slight
4 Texture Fine Fine Fine Fine
5 Smoothness Smooth Smooth Smooth Smooth

Table 3: Physical Parameter and Physicochemical Evaluation

Sr. No. Parameters Observation

F1 F2 F3 F4
1 Particle size (μm) 26.4±5.44 22.5±2.85 24.8±4.36 25.2±5.21
2 Ash content 93 ± 0.732 87 ± 0.859 92 ± 0.556 95 ± 0.462
3 pH 7.66 ± 0.13 6.65 ± 0.1 6.79± 0.16 6.88± 0.1
4 Loss on Drying 3.33 3 4 3.67

Table 4: Irritancy Test

Sr. No. Evaluation Formulations Observation

F1 F2 F3 F4
1 Irritant + NIL + + - No Irritation
2 Erythema NIL NIL NIL NIL - No Irritation
3 Edema NIL NIL NIL NIL - No Irritation

Table 5: Parameters of Stability studies of Formulation F2

Sr. No. Parameters Observations (Formulations F2)

Room Temperature 35±0.5ºC 40±0.5ºC
1 Color No change No change No change
2 Odour No change No change Slightly Change
3 pH 6.65±0.17 6.65±0.11 6.72±0.21
4 Texture Fine Fine Fine
5 Smoothness Smooth Smooth Smooth

Table 6: Microbial Load of Formulation F2

Sr. No. Test Observation

1 Total viable count (CFU/g) 867
2 Gram negative pathogens, CFU/g Absent
(E. coli, Salmonella, Pseudomonas)


Particle Size









Figure 1: Particle Size of Formulations F1 to F4

Sachin B. Somwanshi et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 8 (Suppl 3), 2017



0 F1




Figure 2: pH of Formulations F1 to F4







Formulation F2

Figure 3: pH of Formulation F2 during Stability studies

RESULT AND DISCUSSION prepared by lowering the concentration of turmeric i.e.

Physical parameters formulations F2 showed no redness, edema, Inflammation and
irritation during irritancy studies. This formulation is safe to use
The different formulation of face pack was prepared and for skin.
evaluated for physical parameters showed in the Table 2. The
flow property parameter showed free flowing properties. The Stability studies
colors of formulations were different due to variation in
composition of contents. Formulation F1, F2 and F4 were The stability studies showed a slight change in pH of
slightly yellow in color and formulation F3 showed as greenish formulation which was stored at 40ºC and no changes were
yellow. The odor of prepared formulations was good acceptable observed at room temperature and at 35ºC (Figure 3). The odour
which is desirable as cosmetic formulations. The particle size of of formulation was slightly changed after one month of stability
formulations was in the range of 22.5±2.85μm to 26.4±5.44 μm studies at 40ºC and there was no change in color and odour at
(Figure 1). The pH of all formulations lied near to neutral range other mentioned conditions of stability which were showed in
i.e. in the range of 6 to 7 pH. (Figure 2). The ash content and Table 5.
moisture content was within limit (Table 3).
Determination of Microbial Load
Irritancy test
The microbial load showed the Total Viable Count (867
The results of irritancy test were shown in Table 4. The CFU/g), and the test for presence of gram negative pathogens
formulations F1, F3 and F4 showed mild irritation because of such as E. coli, Salmonella and pseudomonas absent per gram
presence of turmeric powder21. The formulations which was showed in Table 6.

Sachin B. Somwanshi et al / Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 8 (Suppl 3), 2017

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