dlp8 Math1q3

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DLP No.: 8 Learning Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 1 Quarter: 3 Duration: 50 mins
Learning Visualizes, represents, and divides the elements of sets into four groups of Code:
Competency/ies: equal quantities to show fourths. M1NS-IIId-74.2

Key Concepts/ The fourths of a set is by separating them into four groups of equal number of objects.
Understandings to be Fourths is a part of a whole or region divided into four equal parts.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify one- fourth of a set of given objects.
Skills Divide equally a set of objects into four groups to show fourths of a set
Attitudes Draw the set, give one- fourth of it.
Values Show generousity to others.
2. Content / Topic Visualizing, Representing, and Dividing the elements of Sets into Four Groups of Equal
Quantities to Show Fourths
3. Learning Resources Worktext page 15-17
/ Materials / real objects, counters, cutouts of objects and pictures
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will consume)
5 minutes 1. Divide the following pictures into four equal parts.

2. Do you bring snacks to school?Did you share it with your classmate who doesn’t have

Presentation 1. Posing a problem.

20 minutes a.Marlyn has a box of Chips ahoy. If the box contains 8 pieces of chips and she is going
to share it with her 3 friends (name some of the pupils),how many pieces of chips will
each of them get together with Marlyn? (Use the picture and place it inside the circle
to show the sharing.)

Marlyn Friend 1 Friend 2 Friend 3

¼ of 8 is? 2

b.Donna has a pack of biscuit. It contains 12 thin biscuit. If she will separate the biscuits
into 4 equal groups, how many biscuits does each group have?

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

¼ of 12 is? 3
2. Provide more example for further explanation and deepen pupil’s understanding.
Say: To identify ¼ of a set of objects, divide the objects into four groups having the same
number of objects. The objects in each group represent ¼ of the set.

3. How can we show fourths of a set?

Say: We can show the fourths of a set by separating them into four groups of equal
number of objects.

Practice Perform the activity

10 minutes Divide the set into four groups.

¼ of 8 is _______

¼ of 8 is _______ ¼ of 16 is _____

5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of Learners’
Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Written Test Divide the set of objects into four groups. Then, write the number of objects in each group.
10 minutes
¼ of 16 is ____

¼ of 12 is____

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or Preparation
for new lesson) ______minutes
Enhancement Directions: Do what is asked.
3 minutes
1.Draw 4 guavas and encircle1/4 of them.

¼ of 4 = __________

2.Draw 12 balls and color ¼ of them red.

¼ of 12 =__________

3.Draw 8 stars and color ¼ of them yellow.

¼ of 8 =__________

7. Wrap-up /
Concluding Activity Remember:
2 minutes  One- fourth or ¼ is a part of a region or a whole divided into four equal parts.

Prepared by:
Name: Kathleen M. Tudtud School: Malapoc Integrated School
Position/Designation: Teacher I Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09432192030 FB Account: Kathleen Tudtud

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