dlp8 Math1q3
dlp8 Math1q3
dlp8 Math1q3
DLP No.: 8 Learning Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 1 Quarter: 3 Duration: 50 mins
Learning Visualizes, represents, and divides the elements of sets into four groups of Code:
Competency/ies: equal quantities to show fourths. M1NS-IIId-74.2
Key Concepts/ The fourths of a set is by separating them into four groups of equal number of objects.
Understandings to be Fourths is a part of a whole or region divided into four equal parts.
1. Objectives
Knowledge Identify one- fourth of a set of given objects.
Skills Divide equally a set of objects into four groups to show fourths of a set
Attitudes Draw the set, give one- fourth of it.
Values Show generousity to others.
2. Content / Topic Visualizing, Representing, and Dividing the elements of Sets into Four Groups of Equal
Quantities to Show Fourths
3. Learning Resources Worktext page 15-17
/ Materials / real objects, counters, cutouts of objects and pictures
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no. of minutes each step will consume)
5 minutes 1. Divide the following pictures into four equal parts.
2. Do you bring snacks to school?Did you share it with your classmate who doesn’t have
¼ of 8 is? 2
b.Donna has a pack of biscuit. It contains 12 thin biscuit. If she will separate the biscuits
into 4 equal groups, how many biscuits does each group have?
¼ of 12 is? 3
2. Provide more example for further explanation and deepen pupil’s understanding.
Say: To identify ¼ of a set of objects, divide the objects into four groups having the same
number of objects. The objects in each group represent ¼ of the set.
¼ of 8 is _______
¼ of 8 is _______ ¼ of 16 is _____
5. Assessment (indicate whatever it is thru Observation and/or Talking/Conferencing to Learners and/or Analysis of Learners’
Products and/or Tests) ________minutes
Written Test Divide the set of objects into four groups. Then, write the number of objects in each group.
10 minutes
¼ of 16 is ____
¼ of 12 is____
6. Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson and/or Preparation
for new lesson) ______minutes
Enhancement Directions: Do what is asked.
3 minutes
1.Draw 4 guavas and encircle1/4 of them.
¼ of 4 = __________
¼ of 12 =__________
¼ of 8 =__________
7. Wrap-up /
Concluding Activity Remember:
2 minutes One- fourth or ¼ is a part of a region or a whole divided into four equal parts.
Prepared by:
Name: Kathleen M. Tudtud School: Malapoc Integrated School
Position/Designation: Teacher I Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09432192030 FB Account: Kathleen Tudtud