Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page
This edition applies to IBM® i 7.4 (product number 5770-SS1) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until
otherwise indicated in new editions. This version does not run on all reduced instruction set computer (RISC) models nor
does it run on CISC models.
This edition replaces SC41-5120-13.
This document may contain references to Licensed Internal Code. Licensed Internal Code is Machine Code and is
licensed to you under the terms of the IBM License Agreement for Machine Code.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1996, 2018.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
IBM Corp.
Chapter 3. Fast path for software installation, upgrade, and deletion tasks............. 5
Gathering performance data with Collection Services.................................................................. 32
Analyzing performance data...........................................................................................................33
Performing initial upgrade or replacement tasks..................................................................................... 34
Choosing a software installation method and device..........................................................................34
Preparing for globalization................................................................................................................... 34
Preparing the upgrade device and media............................................................................................ 34
Preparing to upgrade or replace software using an image catalog............................................... 34
Determining storage requirements for image catalog installation.......................................... 34
Freeing up space on the load-source disk unit for an image catalog...................................... 35
Preparing an optical image catalog to install software............................................................ 35
Preparing a tape image catalog to install software.................................................................. 37
Preparing to upgrade or replace software using optical container media.................................... 39
Preparing to upgrade or replace software with virtual optical storage using the Network File
System....................................................................................................................................... 40
Requirements for virtual optical storage within a Network File System network................... 40
Setting up the server to share virtual optical image files with the client system for
installation and upgrade...................................................................................................... 41
Configure a service tools server for DST for the virtual optical device to use......................... 44
Setting up the virtual optical device on the client system for installing IBM i.........................45
Required: Creating a custom list of software to install....................................................................... 47
Preselecting the licensed programs to install................................................................................47
Adding additional licensed programs to the installation list......................................................... 49
Required: Accepting software agreements......................................................................................... 50
Ensuring the system meets disk storage requirements for upgrades................................................ 51
Determining storage space required for a software upgrade........................................................51
Cleaning up disk storage space...................................................................................................... 52
Deleting licensed programs during cleanup.............................................................................52
Cleaning up user profiles...........................................................................................................53
Required: Allocating additional space for Licensed Internal Code.....................................................53
Choosing disk configuration.................................................................................................................54
Estimating upgrade or replacement time............................................................................................ 54
Preparing your console for software installation.................................................................................54
Saving the system...................................................................................................................................... 55
Optional: Running the IBM Pre-Upgrade Verification tool........................................................................56
Chapter 10. Replacing Licensed Internal Code and IBM i of the same version and
release............................................................................................................ 87
Checklist: IBM i software replacement .................................................................................................... 87
Obtaining a record of PTFs applied........................................................................................................... 88
Permanently applying LIC PTFs for a replacement of the same release................................................. 89
Determining storage space required for a replacement of the same release..........................................89
Replacing software of the same release using manual installation......................................................... 89
Installing PTFs for the Licensed Internal Code and the operating system.............................................. 89
Checklist: Completing the replacement of the same IBM i release......................................................... 90
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical
partition.......................................................................................................... 95
Preparing to install the IBM i release........................................................................................................ 95
Verifying the contents of your software order..................................................................................... 95
Identifying and reviewing information resources.......................................................................... 95
Verifying the correct optical distribution media.............................................................................96
Verifying license keys for keyed products......................................................................................96
Performing initial installation tasks..................................................................................................... 96
Ensuring you have the latest information...................................................................................... 96
Determining disk storage space required for a new installation................................................... 96
Estimating installation time............................................................................................................97
Preparing your console for software installation........................................................................... 97
Preparing the installation device and media..................................................................................98
Installing the IBM i release........................................................................................................................98
Installing Licensed Internal Code on a new logical partition..............................................................98
Before you begin to install Licensed Internal Code on a logical partition.....................................98
Installing Licensed Internal Code on the new logical partition.....................................................99
Installing software on a new system or logical partition (without IBM i installed)..........................104
Before you begin to install software on a new system or logical partition................................. 104
Installing IBM i on a new system or logical partition...................................................................104
Installing software on a new system (with IBM i installed).............................................................. 113
Before you begin to install software on a new system................................................................ 113
Performing the initial program load (IPL).................................................................................... 114
Installing additional licensed programs................................................................................................. 117
Before you begin to install additional licensed programs.................................................................117
Using the Work with Licensed Programs menu to install IBM licensed programs...........................118
Using the Restore Licensed Programs command to install IBM or non-IBM licensed programs....122
Installing a secondary language............................................................................................................. 123
Before you begin to install a secondary language.............................................................................123
Installing secondary languages for IBM licensed programs.............................................................123
Installing secondary languages for non-IBM licensed programs..................................................... 126
Checklist: Completing the IBM i installation ..........................................................................................127
Chapter 13. Changing the primary language of your system or logical partition.... 131
Before you begin to change the primary language................................................................................. 131
Changing the primary language...............................................................................................................131
Steps for changing the primary language..........................................................................................132
Installing the licensed programs after changing the primary language................................................ 136
Starting the automatic installation process again.................................................................................. 158
Starting the manual installation process again...................................................................................... 159
Initialize System (INZSYS) recovery....................................................................................................... 160
Disk configuration warning and error messages.....................................................................................161
Starting from a power-off condition........................................................................................................163
Reference codes for IBM i software installation.....................................................................................163
Common reference codes for IBM i software installation................................................................ 163
IBM i installation recovery after using reference codes................................................................... 166
Programming interface information........................................................................................................ 206
Trademarks.............................................................................................................................................. 206
Terms and conditions.............................................................................................................................. 207
Index................................................................................................................ 211
Chapter 1. Installing, upgrading, or deleting IBM i
and related software
This topic collection guides you through the concepts and procedures for installing, upgrading, or deleting
IBM i software on your system.
Use this information to install the IBM i release, part of the IBM i release, or licensed programs related to
IBM i. This information also describes how to change a primary language, install a secondary language, or
delete software that is related to the IBM i operating system.
The Chapter 5, “Checklist: IBM i software upgrade or replacement readiness,” on page 21, the
“Checklist: IBM i software replacement ” on page 87, or the Chapter 11, “Checklist: IBM i software
installation readiness,” on page 93, contain summaries of the major task categories that you need to do
before you begin to upgrade or install your software.
Note: The display examples and procedures in this topic collection show the character-based interface.
Many topics in the IBM Knowledge Center assume that you have the graphical user interface (IBM
Navigator for i) running. Most IBM Navigator for i functions, however, have equivalent control language
commands in the character-based interface that you can use.
If you are moving your data to another system with a different serial number, see Data migrations. If you
are upgrading to a new system without changing the serial number, search for topic Upgrading the system
and data migration in the IBM Systems Hardware Information Center.
Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the “Code license and disclaimer
information” on page 209.
Task Steps
Upgrading a release on 1. Chapter 6, “Preparing to upgrade or replace IBM i software,” on page 25
a system or logical
2. Use one of the following methods to upgrade or replace an IBM i release:
partition (either from
IBM i 7.2 or IBM i 7.3 to • Chapter 7, “Upgrading or replacing software using automatic installation,” on
IBM i 7.4) page 57
• Chapter 8, “Upgrading or replacing software using manual installation,” on page
3. “Installing additional licensed programs” on page 117
4. “Installing a secondary language” on page 123
5. Review Chapter 9, “Checklist: Completing the IBM i upgrade or replacement,” on
page 83
Replacing Licensed Chapter 10, “Replacing Licensed Internal Code and IBM i of the same version and
Internal Code and IBM i release,” on page 87
of the same version and
release to support new
Installing the IBM i 1. “Preparing to install the IBM i release” on page 95
release on a new system
2. Perform the following based on your situation:
or logical partition
• “Installing Licensed Internal Code on a new logical partition” on page 98
• “Installing software on a new system or logical partition (without IBM i
installed)” on page 104
• “Installing software on a new system (with IBM i installed)” on page 113
3. “Using the Work with Licensed Programs menu to install IBM licensed programs”
on page 118
4. “Installing a secondary language” on page 123
5. Review “Checklist: Completing the IBM i installation ” on page 127
Changing the primary 1. Arrange your media in the order shown in “Media labels and their contents” on
language using either page 188
primary or secondary
2. Chapter 13, “Changing the primary language of your system or logical partition,”
language media on the
on page 131
same release.
3. Review “Checklist: Completing the IBM i installation ” on page 127
Changing your primary 1. Chapter 6, “Preparing to upgrade or replace IBM i software,” on page 25
language and upgrading
2. Use one of the following methods to upgrade or replace an IBM i release:
a release using primary
language media • Chapter 7, “Upgrading or replacing software using automatic installation,” on
page 57
• Chapter 8, “Upgrading or replacing software using manual installation,” on page
3. “Installing additional licensed programs” on page 117
4. “Installing a secondary language” on page 123
5. Review Chapter 9, “Checklist: Completing the IBM i upgrade or replacement,” on
page 83
Adding a new disk unit If you are currently using mirrored protection, device parity protection, or auxiliary
to an existing system storage pools, refer to these topics in the topic category Recovering your system in
before upgrading or the IBM i Information Center before you begin these tasks.
replacing a release
1. Chapter 6, “Preparing to upgrade or replace IBM i software,” on page 25
2. Chapter 8, “Upgrading or replacing software using manual installation,” on page
3. “Installing additional licensed programs” on page 117
4. “Installing a secondary language” on page 123
5. Review Chapter 9, “Checklist: Completing the IBM i upgrade or replacement,” on
page 83
Chapter 3. Fast path for software installation, upgrade, and deletion tasks 7
8 IBM i: Installing, upgrading, or deleting IBM i and related software
Chapter 4. Concepts for software installation
You and IBM together manage the use, documentation, and transfer of IBM i licensed programs.
The following information is a conceptual look at IBM i software installation. This information describes
the basics of installing IBM i software: your software order, what to do when you skip a release, software
installation scenarios, the types of devices used to install, globalization considerations, and how some
conversions could affect your installation time.
1. Preinstallation activities:
To plan and prepare your system before you install your software, follow the appropriate planning and
preparation topics to guide you through the activities that you need to do.
• Upgrading to IBM i 7.4: Chapter 5, “Checklist: IBM i software upgrade or replacement readiness,” on
page 21
• Replacing Licensed Internal Code and IBM i of the same version and release to support new
hardware: “Checklist: IBM i software replacement ” on page 87
• Installing IBM i 7.4 on a new system or logical partition: Chapter 11, “Checklist: IBM i software
installation readiness,” on page 93
These activities include verifying your order, checking the amount of available disk space, backing up
your system, allocating additional LIC space, and cleaning your media device. In a software upgrade or
replacement, some of the tasks are required. If you do not perform these required tasks, you will be
forced to restart the installation.
2. The installation process:
The installation process begins when you start performing the instructions in one of the procedural
topics. For example, to upgrade to the new release, you might have chosen automatic installation.
The automatic installation process installs the Licensed Internal Code, the IBM i operating system,
and related licensed programs. In the automatic installation method of upgrading, you have minimal
interaction with the system except to load the optical distribution media and to monitor the system.
Your only installation activity might be changing the primary language or installing additional licensed
programs. Or, perhaps you want to perform these activities after an automatic or manual installation.
3. Postinstallation activities:
The last step of each procedure directs you to use a completion checklist. You might be directed to
additional steps, such as saving your system and performing installation activities on workstations for
IBM i Access Family products. Other activities could include customizing your system, or setting usage
limits for user-based priced products. Before you begin production work on your system, be sure to
adequately protect your system from unauthorized use.
The procedure that you use for software installation depends on what you plan to install.
Install software on a new system
If you just received a new system, the operating system and other licensed programs might or might
not be installed already.
Upgrade or replace existing software
If you are upgrading or replacing your existing IBM i software, use either the automatic installation
method or the manual installation method.
Optical devices
The software distribution media that is shipped to customers is optical media (DVD). This media can
be used in DVD-ROM or DVD-RAM devices. Optical media can also be created from files that you
download through electronic software delivery.
Optical resources from an IBM i logical partition can be used to perform a software upgrade, to install
PTFs (fixes), or to install single licensed programs on another logical partition that is on the same
system. Supported devices for sharing optical resources include CD-ROM devices, DVD devices, RMS
devices, and virtual optical device types 632B-001 and 632B-003.
When an RDX drive is hosted to another partition, it reports as a 63B8-0D2 DVD drive. When a USB
Flash drive is hosted to another partition, it reports as a 63BC-0D2 DVD drive. All other optical devices
hosted to another partition, report as 632C-002 DVD drive. A 632C-002 drive has the capability to
automatically change media if the hosting partition is capable (such as an IMGCLG), or it requires a
manual media change (such as when the media is a physical DVD or the hosting partition is an IBM i
Virtual I/O server).
“Preparing the upgrade device and media” on page 34 contains further information on what you need to
do with your media before you install a release.
The Entitled software support website also contains more information on managing IBM software
license keys.
For a general description of how software license keys are used, see the topic Working with software
agreements and licenses in the IBM i Information Center. For unique licensing applications that are
regarding logical partitions, see Software licensing for IBM licensed programs on logical partitions in the
IBM Systems Hardware Information Center.
Skipping a release
If you plan to skip an IBM i release, such as performing an upgrade from IBM i 7.2 to IBM i 7.4 and
skipping IBM i 7.3, you need to be aware of changes from the skipped version and release that could
affect your programs and system operations.
If you are skipping a release level of IBM i, you should review the Memo to Users for the release that you
are skipping. This will ensure that you are aware of software changes that occurred in the skipped release
that could also affect your programs and system operations.
Mixed-release environment
Licensed programs or their options do not always have the same release as the IBM i operating system.
In addition to licensed programs not always being at the same release, they can be packaged so that
the product's options are not at the same release as its base. This is referred to as a mixed-release
environment. For these reasons, your IBM i 7.4 media might contain licensed programs and options that
are at different releases than IBM i 7.4. Products that do not have any new function for this release are
not repackaged, and therefore could have a release previous to IBM i 7.4. “Licensed program releases and
sizes” on page 167 contains information about the version, release, and modification level of the standard
and keyed set products. You can also look at the product information to determine IBM i releases that are
For information about the POWER® processor-based models that are available, see the IBM website
Browse by processor (
For information about models that are supported, see the IBM website Upgrade Planning
For information about planning for system hardware upgrades, see Planning (
systems/support/i/planning/). In particular, select Migration & Upgrades and then select Upgrade
planning information to find information about the release cycle and IBM i release level mapping.
1. Locate the software distribution media. Verify that the optical media for Licensed Internal Code and
the operating system are for IBM i 7.4.
When you receive software for a new release, you should receive optical media for at least Licensed
Internal Code, the operating system, and licensed programs.
You could also receive optical media for secondary languages and other types of software products,
such as Programming Requests for Price Quotation (PRPQs) and licensed program offerings (LPOs).
Refer to “Media labels and their contents” on page 188 to view the software product names and
product identifiers.
2. Verify that the media you received contains the correct primary and secondary languages.
“Feature codes for language version” on page 194 lists the feature codes of the primary or secondary
Note: If the logical partitions on your system have different primary languages, make sure you have media
for each primary language.
Recording and printing all system values before you install software
IBM recommends that you record or print your system values before the IBM i upgrade.
To do this, use the Work with System Value command. On the IBM i command line, type WRKSYSVAL
OUTPUT(*PRINT). This helps to ensure that the upgrade process will not fail due to a previous
modification of any system value. This will also help you reset the values after you complete the upgrade.
1. Having licensed program libraries or secondary language libraries in these library lists can cause errors
when you install or delete software.
2. The Allow restore of security sensitive objects (QALWOBJRST) system value specifies whether objects
with security-sensitive attributes can be restored. It is important to set the value to *ALL before
performing the following system activities:
• Installing a new release of the operating system.
• Installing new licensed programs.
• Applying program temporary fixes (PTFs).
• Recovering your system.
These activities can fail if the value of QALWOBJRST is not set to *ALL. To ensure system security,
return the QALWOBJRST value to your normal setting after completing the system activity.
3. After you have upgraded the operating system and option 34 (Digital Certificate Manager), you can
return the QVFYOBJRST system value to either 4 or 5.
Note that if you want the same values after the installation process is completed, you need to reset the
system values. This step is included in the final checklist after you upgrade.
You can also use IBM Navigator for i to set your system values. For more information, see system values in
the IBM Knowledge Center to find out how to use and access the system values from IBM Navigator for i.
IBM recommends that you set the Year offset value because your time zone can then be set correctly with
this year offset as soon as the upgrade is complete. The IBM Knowledge Center topic Setting the Year
offset value before upgrading the operating system includes the steps for creating a user-defined time
zone object and creating the QWCYEAROFS data area in the QSYS library.
Ensuring that the IBM-supplied product libraries are in the system ASP
If you have moved IBM-supplied product libraries to user auxiliary storage pools (user ASPs), the libraries
will not be updated when you go through the IBM i installation procedures.
To prevent this problem, ensure that IBM-supplied product libraries are in the system ASP before you
start the installation procedures. The product libraries should remain in the system ASP (*SYSBAS). PTFs
are not applied to product libraries that are not in the system ASP.
If you have duplicate IBM-supplied product libraries, delete the duplicate libraries before you start the
upgrade procedures. The upgrade process fails and the new release does not install until duplicate
IBM-supplied libraries are deleted.
Use the Display Object Description (DSPOBJD) command to list the libraries and the ASP in which they
reside to an output file. Then use SQL to query the results of the output file:
Note: SS1 Option 5 (System/36 Environment) has five libraries that do not begin with a Q. They are
2. If you see the message, No commitment definitions are active, you can skip the rest of this
3. On the Work with Commitment Definitions display, type 19 (Cancel Resync) in the Option column for
each commitment definition. You see the Cancel Resync display.
4. If the value in the column Resync Required is Yes for any remote location listed, then do the following
for that location:
a) Attempt an action, such as restarting communications, and allow the resynchronization to
b) If you cannot allow the resynchronization to complete, specify option 1 (Select) to cancel
resynchronization to that remote location.
You could receive message CPF83E4, which indicates that the logical unit of work is in an
undecided state. You will have to make an educated decision to force either a commit operation
or a rollback operation before you can successfully cancel resynchronization. These options are
available from the Work with Commitment Definitions display.
By canceling resynchronization, you could cause the databases between the two systems to be in
an inconsistent state. You must then take the responsibility for determining the action taken by
all the other locations that participated in this Logical Unit of Work (LUW), and resynchronize the
database changes.
5. Refresh the display periodically. When resynchronization for a commitment definition completes or
cancels successfully, the value in the Resync in Progress column will be No.
The resynchronization or a cancelation of resynchronization might not take place immediately. They
are dependent on the state of the other systems that are participating in the logical unit of work.
For more information on commitment control and resynchronization, see the topic When to force commits
and rollbacks and when to cancel resynchronization in the IBM i Information Center.
• Use the Collection Services function that is available in IBM Navigator for i. Specific information about
Collection Services is in the IBM i Information Center at Systems management > Performance >
Applications for performance management > Collection Services.
• Use either the Start Collector (QYPSSTRC) API or the Start Performance Collection (STRPFRCOL)
– Performance Management APIs in the IBM i Information Center. These APIs start, end, and cycle
collections, and change and retrieve system parameters for the data collected.
– Performance collection commands: STRPFRCOL, End Performance Collection (ENDPFRCOL),
Configure Performance Collection (CFGPFRCOL), and Check Performance Collection (CHKPRFCOL).
These commands start, end, and cycle collections for the data collected.
Ensure that Collection Services has been configured to collect the data you require, and that it runs long
enough to accurately represent your operating environment.
The following example uses the Collector APIs.
1. Run Collection Services for at least one or two days, and make sure that peak and off-peak workloads
are represented. Type this command:
. Collection Services can delete collection objects from the system at any time after the retention
period has expired. The default retention period is 24 hours. If you do not want Collection Services
to delete your collection objects for you, change your retention period to permanent (set a retention
period of *PERM) as shown in the example that follows.
Note: The following command example shows the shipped default values with the exception of the
retention period value. A retention period of *PERM requires a value of 0. Furthermore, you must make
this change before or during the data collection. The change does not affect any collection objects that
are already cycled.
To change the retention period by using the Change Collection Services Attributes API, type the
following command:
Note: By using the following code example, you agree to the terms of the “Code license and disclaimer
information” on page 209.
3. If you want to explicitly stop the collector after the data that you want is obtained, type this command:
3. Use the Check ASP Balance (CHKASPBAL) command to view the previous end allocations and see
these messages:
• Unit 1 is selected for end allocation.
• ASP balancing is not active for ASP 1.
4. Enter the STRASPBAL command to move data from the load-source disk unit:
5. Enter the WRKDSKSTS command to monitor when the disk unit has enough free space. If you do not
have enough free space, use the CHKASPBAL command (step “3” on page 35) to determine whether
the move data function is still active.
After the upgrade is complete, enter the Start ASP Balance (STRASPBAL) command to resume the
allocation of storage for the load-source disk unit. (This task is also included in Chapter 9, “Checklist:
Completing the IBM i upgrade or replacement,” on page 83.)
Before you begin these steps, ensure that you review the Updates and PTFs section found in the IBM i and
Related Software developerWorks® website (
1. Create a virtual optical device.
To create a device description, enter the following:
If you have downloaded your images into an image catalog directory, there is a fast way to add all of
the images at one time into your image catalog. There are two methods to do this.
• Use the CRTIMGCLG command.
• Use the QVOIFIMG API when the image catalog already exists
• If you have multiple images to add, see the CRTIMGCLG command and the QVOIFIMG API to add all
the images at the same time.
• To add an image catalog entry to an image catalog from an existing integrated-file-system optical
image file from a directory other than the image catalog directory, enter the following:
Note: To generate a name for the TOFILE parameter, specify *GEN. To generate a text description from
the media, specify *GEN.
5. Load the image catalog
This step associates the virtual optical device to the image catalog. Only one image catalog at a time
can be associated with a specific virtual optical device. To load the image catalog, type the following
LODIMGCLG IMGCLG(catalog-name)
DEV(virtual-device-name) OPTION(*LOAD)
Attention: If you are here because you are performing the steps in “Preselecting the licensed
programs to install” on page 47, do not perform this step at this time. You are directed to
perform this step later.
If you are preparing for an upgrade, you need to verify that the required media for an upgrade exist
and are sorted in the correct sequence. You also need to verify that your software agreements have
been accepted, and that you have enough reserved storage for the Licensed Internal Code. Refer to
“Required: Allocating additional space for Licensed Internal Code” on page 53 for details.
Enter the following command:
To verify that images are added, an additional method would be to enter the following:
Then press F7 to prompt for the VFYIMGCLG command. Enter *UPGRADE for the type and *YES for the
sort field.
The system puts the images in the correct order. (If you are not successful, refer to “Image catalog
recovery” on page 146.) By default, the volume with the lowest index is mounted. Then all the
other volumes are loaded. To see the order of the images, use the Work with Image Catalog Entries
(WRKIMGCLGE) command:
After completing these steps, your image catalog is ready for use.
If you have stored your tape images in an image catalog directory, there is a fast way to add all of the
images at one time into your image catalog. There are two methods to do this.
• Use the CRTIMGCLG command
• Use the QVOIFIMG API when the image catalog already exists
• If you have multiple images to add, see the CRTIMGCLG command and the QVOIFIMG API to add all
the images at the same time.
• To add an image catalog entry to an image catalog from an existing integrated-file-system tape
image file from a directory other than the image catalog directory, enter the following:
TOFILE(file-name or *FROMFILE) TEXT(text-description)
LODIMGCLG IMGCLG(catalog-name)
DEV(virtual-device-name) OPTION(*LOAD)
To verify that images are added, an additional method would be to enter the following:
Then press F7 to prompt for the VFYIMGCLG command. Enter *UPGRADE for the type and *YES for the
sort field.
The system puts the images in the correct order. (If you are not successful, refer to “Image catalog
recovery” on page 146.) By default, the volume with the lowest index is mounted. Then all the
other volumes are loaded. To see the order of the images, use the Work with Image Catalog Entries
(WRKIMGCLGE) command:
After completing these steps, your image catalog is ready for use.
2. Vary optical device RMS01 off/on to cause a child virtual device to be created and associated with the
physical optical device.
3. Use DSPHDWRSC to find the resource name of the child virtual device.
For more information on preparing to use optical containers, review Preparing to use optical containers
from (
Adding virtual volumes to optical containers for install
1. Plug the optical container media (USB 3.0 flash drive) into a USB port on a PC that is running Windows
7, Windows 10, or MAC OS 10.11 or newer, and has Java version 8 or newer installed.
Requirements for virtual optical storage within a Network File System network
To share virtual optical images with the Network File System (NFS) network, you need to ensure that the
client and server meet specific requirements.
Review the Updates and PTFs from the IBM i and Related Software developerWorks website
Note: The image catalog used must have an image catalog path name that is limited to 127 characters.
Path name characters are limited to A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and / (slash). Each image file name is limited to 127
If you choose to create your own volume list, it must have the following characteristics
– Must be called VOLUME_LIST
– Each line is either an image file name or a comment
– ASCII format
– All entries are ended by the end of a line
Setting up the server to share virtual optical image files with the client system for
installation and upgrade
The following directions show how to set up the server to share virtual optical image files with the client
system for installation and upgrade of IBM i.
You must have previously created an image catalog containing the images that you want to share. The
images must contain Licensed Internal Code and base IBM i (which includes libraries QSYS, QGPL, and
QUSRSYS). The image catalog used must have an image catalog path name of 127 characters or less.
Path name characters are limited to A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and / (slash). Each image file name is limited to 127
These steps show how you create an image catalog and an image catalog entry, add an image catalog
entry, and load the image catalog in preparation of performing an IBM i software upgrade. The steps use
a virtual optical device in the example. The server setup requires an image catalog setup that will then be
shared with the client partition.
Before you begin these steps, ensure that you review the Updates and PTFs section found in the IBM i and
Related Software developerWorks website (
1. Create a virtual optical device.
To create a device description, enter the following:
• Use the QVOIFIMG API when the image catalog already exists
• If you have multiple images to add, see the CRTIMGCLG command and the QVOIFIMG API to add
all the images at the same time.
• To add an image catalog entry to an image catalog from an existing integrated-file-system optical
image file from a directory other than the image catalog directory, enter the following:
TOFILE(file-name or *FROMFILE) TEXT(text-description)
Note: To generate a name for the TOFILE parameter, specify *GEN. To generate a text description
from the media, specify *GEN.
5. Load the image catalog
This step associates the virtual optical device to the image catalog. Only one image catalog at a time
can be associated with a specific virtual optical device. To load the image catalog, type the following
LODIMGCLG IMGCLG(catalog-name)
DEV(virtual-device-name) OPTION(*LOAD)
Attention: If you are here because you are performing the steps in “Preselecting the licensed
programs to install” on page 47, do not perform this step at this time. You are directed to
perform this step later.
To verify that images are added, an additional method would be to enter the following:
Then press PF7 to prompt for the VFYIMGCLG command. Enter *UPGRADE for the type and *YES for
the sort field.
The system puts the images in the correct order. (If you are not successful, refer to “Image catalog
recovery” on page 146.) By default, the volume with the lowest index is mounted. Then all the
other volumes are loaded. To see the order of the images, use the Work with Image Catalog Entries
(WRKIMGCLGE) command:
After completing these steps, your image catalog is ready for use. The next steps show how to set
up the server to share virtual optical image files with the client system for installation and upgrade of
IBM i.
7. After the image catalog has been created and loaded, you need to verify the image catalog to create
a volume list file (VOLUME_LIST) that will be used by the virtual optical device on the client system.
The following command is an example of how to create the volume list file:
Note: The VFYIMGCLG command creates the volume list file and adds a new subdirectory called
BOOTP in the image catalog directory. The subdirectory contains files required to perform the IBM i
The volume list file can also be created by using an ASCII editor. There are specific guidelines that
must be met when creating a volume. Refer to Requirements for virtual optical storage within a
Network File System network for more information.
8. Ensure that the NFS file servers are running.
Enter either one of the following Start Network File System Server (STRNFSSVR) commands:
• Run all these commands on your servers:
• Or start all the servers with this command:
9. Export the image catalog directory.
This example restricts access by all NFS clients because it is read-only. Ensure that the exported
directory is in the public directory and that it is a subdirectory of the NFSROOT path.
• CHGNFSEXP OPTIONS('-i -o ro') DIR('directory-name')
10. Specify the level of authority for the user id (UID), group id (GID), or *PUBLIC that owns or manages
the image catalog directory and the image files. The minimum authority that is required is the
• Execute (*X) data authority for the exported directory and any subdirectories
• Read (*R) data authority for files in the exported directory and any subdirectories.
11. Add the /CATALOG_DIR/BOOTP directory as the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) alternate source
directory by using CHGTFTPA command:
TFTP is able to find the BOOTP images as long as they are somewhere within the subdirectory
structure of the specified ALTSRCDIR directory. This makes it possible to serve up multiple install
images at the same time without ending and restarting the TFTP server. For example, you could
specify '/installimages' for ALTSRCDIR, and the following image catalog directories will be served up
at the same time.
Configure a service tools server for DST for the virtual optical device to use
The type of system and configuration determines what type of setup is required to configure the Service
Tools Server.
If Operations Console with LAN Connectivity is configured, then there is no additional setup required. If
Operations Console with LAN Connectivity is not configured, then a LAN adapter or IOP must be tagged,
depending on the model of your system.
One way to help determine whether your client system has a service tools server for DST configured:
1. Log on to SST.
2. Select option 8, Work with service tools user IDs and Devices.
3. Press F5.
If a service tools server is configured, the following display is seen.
IPV6 address . . . . . . . :
IPV6 interface ID . . . . . : 0000000000000000
DHCP unique ID . . . . . . : 0000000000000000000000000000
Display of IP addresses
System: IBM
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
Note: If you do not see a valid IP address, then the service tools server is not configured. If you do see a
valid IP address, this does not always indicate that the server is configured correctly.
Note: If you use the same port (for example, gigabit adapter) for the Service Tools Server that is used for
TCP/IP, ensure that you end TCP/IP (ENDTCP) and vary off the TCP/IP line description before configuring
the Service Tools Server (STS). Only gigabit adapters can be shared. To simplify the tagging process, PF13
allows selecting the resource and eliminates the need for having to temporarily configure Operations
Console on the partition. The following steps allow you to select and configure the Service Tools Server
1. Start System Service Tools (STRSST).
2. Work with service tools user IDs and Devices (Option 8).
3. Select STS LAN adapter (F13) to see available adapters. If there are no available adapters that are
listed and you plan to tag a gigabit adapter, press F21 to show all adapters.
4. Press Enter.
5. Enter the TCP/IP information. Have your network administrator provide you with a valid TCP/IP
address when you enter this information.
6. Press F7 (Store).
7. Press F14 (Activate).
Setting up the virtual optical device on the client system for installing IBM i
After you set up the Network File System server to share images, proceed with these steps to set up a
virtual optical device on the client.
To set up the virtual optical device type 632B-003 on the client, follow these steps.
• The RMTINTNETA is the remote IP address of the Network File system (NFS) server where this
virtual optical device looks for virtual image files.
• The NETIMGDIR parameter specifies the network path on the Network File System (NFS) server
containing the virtual image files that were prepared for use with this device. The path is limited to
127 characters. The character set is limited to A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and / (slash).
3. Vary on the virtual optical device. The virtual_device_name specified on the VRYCFG command is the
same as the name specified for DEVD on the CRTDEVOPT command.
For example:
To confirm that the device is working, use the following commands on the client system to allow you to
work with image files.
• The Work with Optical Volumes (WRKOPTVOL) command shows a list of optical volumes that are known
to the system. The WRKOPTVOL command shows the volume that is mounted in the device.
• The Work with Image Catalog Entries (WRKIMGCLGE) command is used to work with the entries
for the specified virtual optical device. The WRKIMGCLGE command shows the mounted and loaded
volumes. You must specify IMGCLG(*DEV) and the NFS backed optical device for the DEV parameter.
For example:
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
• The TFTP command can be used to verify that the setup steps for TFTP processing were done correctly
on the server. From a PC, AIX, or any client that supports TFTP commands, type the following.
If you have more than one image, enter the following command:
To add licensed programs from additional optical media to the installation list, follow these steps.
Note: If you are using image catalogs, ignore the steps that refer to loading volumes.
1. Load the installation media that contains the additional licensed programs. Wait for the In Use
indicator to go out.
2. Starting from the Work with Licensed Programs (LICPGM) menu, select option 5 (Prepare for install),
and press Enter. The Prepare for Install display appears.
3. Select the option to Work with licensed programs for the target release, and press Enter. The Work with
Licensed Programs for Target Release display appears.
4. Select option 2 (Merge with additional distribution media) for the Generate list from prompt so that
optical media contents can be added to the list. The target release value of the existing list appears.
5. Specify a name for the optical device and press Enter.
6. When the Display Messages display appears, load the next media volume.
Type G and press Enter.
After you load each volume, type G and press Enter. If there are no more volumes to load or if you want
to end the loading process, type X and press Enter. A list of licensed programs appears.
7. Type 1 next to the additional licensed programs or optional parts that you want to select, and press
Enter. The Confirm Licensed Programs for Target Release display appears. Press Enter to confirm the
8. You see the Prepare for Install display. Select the option to Display Licensed Programs for the Target
Release, and press Enter.
9. Specify *PRINT for output on the Display Licensed Programs for Target Release display, and press
Enter. This creates a spooled file that you can print and use as a reference while performing the
Attention: You must see at least products *MCHCOD and 5770SS1 *BASE on this list. If a
message appears that no licensed programs need their software agreements to be accepted,
do not continue. Ensure that you have completed all the previous steps in “Required: Creating
a custom list of software to install” on page 47. If you completed these steps and no licensed
programs appear on the list, do not continue. Contact IBM support.
If you have non-IBM licensed programs on optical media that were not inserted when you used the
option to work with licensed programs for target release (step “7” on page 48 under “Preselecting
the licensed programs to install” on page 47), press F22 (Restore software agreements) to add these
licensed programs to the Work with Software Agreements display.
5. Select to display the software agreements for licensed programs that you want to accept and press
Enter. Press F14 (Accept) to accept the terms of the software agreement. Press F15 (Accept all) to
display a list of all licensed programs that share the same set of terms as the software agreement
you are currently reading. Press Enter to accept the software agreements for all of the listed licensed
The valid values for 's' (the Start space allocation parameter) are 0 or 1.
• For the value 0, an indicator is set for the Licensed Internal Code to allocate all of the additional space
that is required for the specified release during the next IPL (not an installation IPL). This value also
If you receive message CPF3DF7, you are directed to upgrade your load-source disk unit with device
parity protection. Options for upgrading the load-source disk unit, including the load-source disk unit
with device parity protection, are available under the topic Disk management checklist in the IBM
i Information Center. Otherwise, contact your authorized service provider for assistance. As the Load-
source requirements did not change in IBM i 7.4, this message should not be seen.
For more information on the QLPALCSP API, refer to the Allocate Licensed Internal Code space
(QLPALCSP) API topic in the IBM i Information Center.
During an installation or upgrade, the console type specified by this value is used.
The console mode display also includes the option to allow your 5250 console to be taken over by
another console. When this option is turned on, the system does not stop with a console failure but
continues to run uninterrupted. For more information, see the topic Console takeover and recovery in
the IBM Systems Hardware Information Center.
If you use Operations Console, follow these instructions before you install IBM i on your system.
• Review the Console Advanced Topics topic in the IBM i Information Center.
• See the GettingStarted document in the Documentation directory of the CD. Section 9.9 Establishing a
Console Connection to IBM i provides instructions on connecting a LAN console.
• When you receive the IBM i release upgrade, the shipped service tools user IDs (except 11111111) are
expired. For all upgrades and installations, you need to establish a connection between the system and
Operations Console PC by using 11111111 (eight 1's) for both the service tools user ID and the default
password. This ensures a successful authentication of the subsequent connection of the client to the
system. This is especially important for automatic installations.
Failure to comply with these actions can prevent the console from working correctly during the upgrade or
1. Download and install the Pre-Upgrade Verification tool for IBM i . An IBM userid and password is
needed to access the tool.
2. Run the Pre-Upgrade Verification tool to verify that your system is ready to begin the upgrade process.
After you ensure that your images are in loaded status, continue with step “5” on page 59.
3. If you are changing the primary language and you are using IBM supplied optical media, then type the
following to set the install language.
For more information, see the Set Install National Language Version (NLV) (QINSTLNG) API.
The value 29xx represents the language value. See “Feature codes for language version” on page
194 for information about language values. If the install language is not set, then the current system
language is used.
4. If you are using physical media to upgrade, arrange the installation media that you plan to install
in the following order (you might not have all of these). Verify that your media contains the correct
primary language.
a. Licensed Internal Code for IBM i.
b. IBM i operating system, IBM-supplied libraries QGPL and QUSRSYS, and all IBM i no-charge
c. No-charge licensed programs and keyed products.
d. Single licensed programs.
Keep the following installation media available for later use:
a. Secondary Language Media
b. Cumulative PTF Package (if ordered, Cydddvrm_01 )
For descriptions of the optical media, refer to “Media labels and their contents” on page 188.
5. On your console, ensure that you have a connection to the system. If you are working on a logical
partition, ensure that power is on for the console of that logical partition.
6. If you are using physical media, load the first volume of installation media that contains Licensed
Internal Code into the installation device that is defined for the system.
Throughout these procedures, load the next volume when prompted by the system. Wait for the In
Use indicator to go out. Also ensure that you remove other media from devices that are not involved
in these procedures.
a) If you are using a tape device instead of an optical device, verify that the tape unit is varied on and
allocated to your system.
b) If you are using a device that is enabled as an alternate installation device, load the Licensed
Internal Code media in your primary device and your installation media in your alternate
installation device. Your installation fails if both media do not contain the same release level
of Licensed Internal Code. For more information, see Using an alternate installation device.
7. Use the control panel to set the mode to Normal.
• If you are using a virtual optical storage device that accesses the Network File System to do the
upgrade, ensure that you have loaded and applied the appropriate PTFs, then type the following
• If you are performing any other upgrade, ensure that you have loaded and applied the appropriate
PTFs, then type the following command.
Note: If you have nonconfigured disk units present, performing this step configures disk units
automatically by default.
Press Enter. Powering down could take approximately 15 minutes or more for this step. The data
display area of the control panel continues to display reference codes.
9. If you did not do the required preparation tasks for accepting software agreements or allocating
additional space for Licensed Internal Code, error messages are received. You must follow the
instructions on the display and then begin the installation again.
10. If the system attention light appears and one of the reference codes listed in “Reference codes for
IBM i software installation” on page 163 appears in the data display on the control panel, complete
the instructions for that reference code. If you have logical partitions, the reference codes appear in
the HMC or Integrated Virtualization Manager.
11. If the Alternate Installation Device Failed display appears, there is an alternate installation device on
the system that is enabled. Either it was not disabled before starting the installation, or the device is
otherwise not ready. Do one of the following:
• To continue the installation with optical media, press Enter.
• To use the alternate installation device, make a note of the message at the bottom of the display.
Press F12 (Cancel). Reference code B608 1105 appears on the control panel. Use the “Common
reference codes for IBM i software installation” on page 163 to determine how to continue.
12. If you are using optical media or tape for the upgrade, the Licensed Internal Code - Status display
appears on your console. After 100% complete is reached, the console can appear blank for
approximately 5 minutes and the IPL in Progress display might appear. You do not need to respond to
these displays.
Percent | XX % |
complete +-------------------------------------------------------+
Please wait.
If you are using an image catalog (virtual media device) for the upgrade, you will see status messages
that indicate the progress of the Licensed Internal Code installation:
a. C6xx41DC is a status reference code that indicates the progress of the Licensed Internal Code
decompression. The xx indicates the percent that is decompressed. No action is required.
b. C6xx41CC is a status reference code that indicates the progress of the Licensed Internal Code
installation. The xx indicates the percent of the Licensed Internal Code that is installed. No action
is required.
13. If you are using optical media or tape for the upgrade and an error occurs, you might see a display
that requires a response. Perform the action necessary as prompted by the display.
If you are using an image catalog for the upgrade and an error occurs, see “Image catalog recovery”
on page 146 for the recovery actions.
After a period of time (when the installation process starts to install the operating system), some
displays appear on the console. One of the displays is called Licensed Internal Code IPL in Progress.
Some of the IPL steps could take a long time (up to two hours or longer), depending on how much
data recovery is required for your system. The last message shown on the IPL in Progress display
should be Start the Operating System.
14. Load the next volume in sequence when the system prompts you for another volume.
Note: If the system does not prompt you or if you receive a Media command failed message,
remove the Licensed Machine Code volume and insert the first volume of the operating system.
Select option 1 (Attempt to install the operating system again) to continue with the installation.
You might be prompted for the next volume several times during the installation process.
If you receive a message that refers to device QINDEV, first make the device ready. Then press Enter
to continue.
15. Status displays appear during the installation process. The installation status display shown here
indicates how much of the installation is complete and how many stages remain. You do not need to
respond to this status screen. The display is blank for a time between stage 4 and stage 5 and also
during stage 6.
Stage 6 | 58% |
Installation Objects
Stage Completed Restored
2 Restoring programs to library QSYS . . . . . : X 13637
7 Completing installation . . . . . . . . . . . :
16. Status displays might appear. These displays show the status of the licensed programs and language
objects as they install on the system. You do not need to respond to these status displays.
The following display is an example of the display that appears during the installation process.
Program Option Description Type
5770SS1 2 Online Information 2924
This display shows which licensed programs and optional parts of licensed programs are being
processed. After the *PGM objects and *LNG objects are processed, the display shows the total
number of licensed programs processed.
17. The following message might appear when the system is ready for the next media volume that
contains licensed programs. When you are installing from optical media, wait for the In Use indicator
to go out before you respond to the message.
Display Messages
System: XXXX
Queue . . . . . : QSYSOPR Program . . . . : *DSPMSG
Library . . . : QSYS Library . . . :
Severity . . . . : 95 Delivery . . . : *BREAK
Load the next media volume that contains licensed programs and continue the installation.
Occasionally, you will be prompted to load the next volume after a short time has passed. This event
typically happens when the licensed programs on the media are at the same level as the licensed
programs already installed on your machine.
Sign On
System. . . . . . : XXXX
Subsystem . . . . : XXXX
Display . . . . . : XXXXXXXX
User. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QSECOFR
Password . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Program/procedure . . . . . . . . . ________
Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________
Current library . . . . . . . . . . ________
Press Enter.
5. Look at the messages that appear on the Display History Log Contents display.
• If you had an installed licensed program that was not renewed by IBM, it might not be replaced.
Refer to “Mixed-release environment” on page 15 for more information.
Ensure that your catalog is in ready status and that all image catalog entries are in loaded or mounted
status. To sort and verify your image catalog for installation, press F7 to prompt for the VFYIMGCLG
command. Enter *UPGRADE for the type and *YES for the sort field.
Another method to sort and verify your image catalog is to enter the following command to put the
images in the correct order. By default, the volume with the lowest index is mounted. Then all the
other volumes are loaded.
After you ensure that your images are in loaded status, continue with step “4” on page 67.
• If you are using a virtual optical storage device that accesses the Network File System to do the
upgrade, ensure that you have loaded and applied the appropriate PTFs, then type the following
Powering down could take approximately 15 minutes or more for this step. The data display area of
the control panel continues to display reference codes.
9. If the system attention light appears and a reference code listed in the topic “Reference codes for
IBM i software installation” on page 163 appears in the data display on the control panel, complete
the instructions for that reference code.
If you are upgrading a logical partition, the system attention light will not appear. You must monitor
the logical partition reference codes from the HMC or Integrated Virtualization Manager. When the
State changes to Failed, that is the equivalent of having the attention light on for the logical
10. If you are using an image catalog (virtual media device) to upgrade, go to step “17” on page 70.
11. The Select a Language Group display shows the service tools language that is currently installed on
the system.
Note: The installation media for Licensed Internal Code is language-independent. It is important that
you complete this step carefully.
To keep the same service tools language, verify that the displayed language feature matches the
service tools language that you want.
Note: The language you select and the language of the operating system typically should match. If
they do not match, your service tools language will be different than your primary language.
To change the service tools language to match the primary language, type the language feature of your
primary language. Press Enter.
Refer to “Feature codes for language version” on page 194 for a list of the language feature codes.
12. After you enter the language feature, the Confirm Language Group display appears.
Press Enter.
Either select the option to install Licensed Internal Code or the option to define an alternate
installation device:
• If you are not using an alternate installation device, type 1 (Install Licensed Internal Code). (The
alternate installation device function supports installation from optical or tape media that you have
created. The topic Using an alternate installation device describes when you can use an alternate
installation device.) If you are not using an alternate installation device, continue with step “16” on
page 70.
• If you have an alternate installation device attached to the system, type 3 to verify its address
and determine whether it is enabled or disabled. Continue with the Verifying Alternate Installation
Device Subtask in step “14” on page 69. If you have an alternate installation device configured
and do not want to use it, type 3 to clear the alternate installation device configuration information.
Press Enter.
14. Verifying and selecting alternate installation device subtask: The Select Alternate Installation
Device Bus display appears.
F2=Deselect Device F3=Exit F12=Cancel
a. Verify that the selected device is on the correct system bus. Type 1 in the Options field next to
the selected bus, and press Enter to view information about the device that is attached to the
bus. This might take several minutes. If you see the message No alternate installation
device configured, wait one minute and refresh the display.
b. When the Select Media Type display appears, select 1 for tape or 2 for optical media. Press Enter.
c. The Select Alternate Installation Device display appears. Use this display to verify the resource
name, type, model, and serial number for the device. The following display shows an example of a
tape device.
d. Type 1 and press Enter to select the device to use or press F2 to deselect the currently selected
e. The message Alternate installation device selected appears. Press F3 to return to
the Install Licensed Internal Code display.
f. Type 1 and press Enter to install the Licensed Internal Code.
This completes the subtask for verifying and selecting alternate installation device.
15. If there is an alternate installation device defined and enabled, the Confirm Alternate Installation
Device display appears. Perform one of these tasks.
• To install from the alternate installation device, press Enter.
• If you do not want to install from the alternate installation device and want to continue using the
primary media, press F12 to Cancel. You see the Licensed Internal Code display. Perform step “13”
on page 69 and select option 3 (Define alternate installation device). Perform step “14” on page 69
and deselect the alternate installation device.
16. The Install Licensed Internal Code (LIC) display appears on your console.
Attention: Be sure to select option 1. Some options on this display remove all data from your system.
Type 1 (Restore Licensed Internal Code) and press Enter.
If you did not previously accept the software agreement for the Licensed Internal Code or did not
allocate additional space for the Licensed Internal Code, error messages are shown. Follow the
instructions in the error messages. More information is in the topic“Required: Accepting software
agreements” on page 50 and “Required: Allocating additional space for Licensed Internal Code” on
page 53.
17. The Install Licensed Internal Code - Status display appears on your console. You do not need to
respond to this display. It remains on your console for up to 30 minutes.
Percent | XX % |
complete +-------------------------------------------------------+
Please wait.
If you are using an image catalog (virtual media device) for the upgrade, you will see status messages
that indicate the progress of the Licensed Internal Code installation:
a. C6xx41DC is a status reference code that indicates the progress of the Licensed Internal Code
decompression. The xx indicates the percent that is decompressed. No action is required.
b. C6xx41CC is a status reference code that indicates the progress of the Licensed Internal Code
installation. The xx indicates the percent of the Licensed Internal Code that is installed. No action
is required.
18. If you are using optical media or tape for the upgrade and an error occurs, you might see a display
that requires a response. Perform the action necessary as prompted by the display. If you are using
an image catalog for the upgrade and an error occurs, see “Image catalog recovery” on page 146 for
the recovery actions.
19. The Disk Configuration Attention Report display might appear. If it does, display the detailed report
for each problem shown on the display. Press the Help key from the Disk Configuration Attention
Report display for more information about your choices. You can also refer to the topic “Disk
configuration warning and error messages” on page 161.
Press F10 to accept all the problems and continue the IPL.
The system will attempt to correct them.
OPT Warning
_ xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxx xxxxxxxx
_ xxxxx_xx_xxxxx xxxxxx_ xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx________
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
If the problem Disk unit not formatted for optimal performance appears on this
display, do the following:
• Type 5, and press Enter to display the detailed report.
• Write down the information displayed. After the upgrade is completed, you will need this
information to format these disk units to gain optimal performance.
• Press F12 to cancel and return to the Disk Unit Attention Report.
• Press F10 to accept the problems and continue the IPL.
1. Perform an IPL
2. Install the operating system
3. Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST)
4. Perform automatic installation of the operating system
5. Save Licensed Internal Code
Load the first volume of installation media that contains the operating system. Throughout these
procedures, load the next volume when prompted by the system. When you are installing from optical
media, wait until the In Use indicator goes out before you continue.
Ensure that the installation media that contains the Licensed Internal Code is in the installation
device that is defined for the system.
1. Tape
2. Optical
3. Virtual device - preselected image catalog
4. Current alternate selected device None
5. Network device
Type the number that corresponds to your device type and press Enter.
3. If you Select option 5, the Network Device – Configuration display appears.
Confirm the Image server IP address and path name. Press F10 to continue.
4. The Confirm Install of the Operating System display is shown on your console.
Press Enter.
5. The Select a Language Group display appears, which shows the primary language currently installed
on the system. The installation media must contain the primary language. To find the appropriate
feature code for your language, refer to “Feature codes for language version” on page 194.
If you need to change the feature, type the numbers of the feature code for the language you want.
Press Enter.
6. Either the Confirm Language Feature Selection display or the Confirm Service Tools Language display
is shown on your console. Press Enter.
7. If the Add All Disk Units to the System menu does not appear, go to step “9” on page 76.
8. Adding disk units subtask:
It is much faster to start device parity protection on the disk units at DST before the disk units are
added to the auxiliary storage pool configuration.
To start device parity on the eligible disk units, do the following tasks from the Add All Disk Units
to the System display:
i) Select option 2 to perform disk configuration at DST.
ii) Sign on at the Dedicated Service Tools Sign-on prompt and return to the Use Dedicated
Service Tools (DST) menu.
iii) Select the option Work with disk units.
iv) Select the option Work with disk configuration.
v) Select the option Work with device parity protection.
vi) Select the appropriate option for starting device parity protection.
vii) A list of parity sets that are capable of running device parity protection are shown. Type 1 on
each option line for each parity set.
viii) You might see a Confirm Continuation display that indicates that the system must perform a
directory recovery. Press Enter to continue.
ix) The Confirm Starting Device Parity Protection display is shown. This shows the list of disk
units that will have device parity protection. Press Enter to continue.
x) An in-progress display that indicates the status of the function is shown.
xi) Return to the IPL or Install the System display.
b. If the Add All Disk Units to the System menu appears, it could look like the following example.
If you do not want device parity protection, mirrored protection, or user ASPs, select option 3
(Add all disk units to the system auxiliary storage pool). By adding disk units before you install the
operating system, you improve your overall system performance because the operating system is
distributed across all of your disk units.
Note: If either the Disk Configuration Error Report display or the Disk Configuration Warning
Report display appears, go to “Disk configuration warning and error messages” on page 161 to
determine the appropriate action.
c. You could see the following display if your disk configuration has changed. Type 5 next to the
problem and press Enter to display the detailed report.
Problem Report
Note: Some action for the problems listed below may need to
be taken. Please select a problem to display more detailed
information about the problem and to see what possible
action may be taken to correct the problem.
OPT Problem
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
d. If the following display appears, a disk unit that you selected to add to your disk configuration
could already have data on it. If you choose to continue, any data that is on the disk units listed
will be removed.
Be certain that you want to configure the disk before you continue. Follow the instructions on the
Press Enter to return to the Problem Report display. Press F10 to continue the Add Disk Unit
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
e. The following display shows the percentage of disk units added. This display does not require a
___ % Complete
f. When the process completes, continue the manual installation process with the next step.
This completes the subtask for adding disk units.
9. Status displays are displayed on the console. You do not need to respond to these status displays.
Some of the IPL steps might take a long time. The time varies depending on how much data recovery
is required for your system.
10. You might see the following display.
If you see this display, load the first volume of installation media that contains the operating system.
Throughout the remainder of these procedures, load the next volume when prompted by the system.
When you are installing from optical media, wait until the In Use indicator goes out before you
11. The Install the Operating System display appears when the IPL for the Licensed Internal Code
completes. The XX's in the following display indicate default date and time values.
option . . . . . . 1 1=Take defaults (No other
options are displayed)
2=Change install options
Year . . . . . . XX 00-99
Month . . . . . XX 01-12
Day . . . . . . XX 01-31
Hour . . . . . . XX 00-23
Minute . . . . . XX 00-59
Second . . . . . XX 00-59
Stage 6 | 58% |
Installation Objects
Stage Completed Restored
2 Restoring programs to library QSYS . . . . . : X 13637
7 Completing installation . . . . . . . . . . . :
Sign On
System. . . . . . : XXXX
Subsystem . . . . : XXXX
Display . . . . . : XXXXXXXX
User. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QSECOFR
Password . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Program/procedure . . . . . . . . . ________
Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________
Current library . . . . . . . . . . ________
IPL Options
System date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XX / XX / XX MM / DD / YY
System time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XX : XX : XX HH : MM : SS
System time zone . . . . . . . . . . . . Q0000UTC F4 for list
Clear job queues. . . . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Clear output queues . . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Clear incomplete job logs . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Start print writers . . . . . . . . . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No
Start system to restricted state . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Stage 6 | 58% |
Installation Objects
Stage Completed Restored
2 Restoring programs to library QSYS . . . . . : X 13637
7 Completing installation . . . . . . . . . . . :
1. Begin this task at the IBM i Main Menu (or the menu you chose as an initial menu).
a. Type CHGMSGQ QSYSOPR *BREAK SEV(60) and press Enter.
b. A message display could appear. Press Enter.
c. Type ENDSBS *ALL *IMMED and press Enter.
d. When the following message appears, press Enter to continue:
e. The message System ended to restricted condition appears. Press Enter to continue.
f. Type CHGMSGQ QSYSOPR SEV(95) and press Enter.
g. A message display could appear. Press Enter.
2. The IBM i Main Menu (or the menu you chose as an initial menu) appears on your console.
Type GO LICPGM and press Enter.
3. The Work with Licensed Programs display appears.
Manual Install
1. Install all
Manual Install
System: XXXX
Type choices, press Enter.
The following display is an example of the display that appears during the installation process.
Program Option Description Type
5770SS1 2 Online Information 2924
This display shows which licensed programs and optional parts of licensed programs are being
processed. After the *PGM objects and *LNG objects are processed, the display shows the total
number of licensed programs processed.
6. If a message similar to the following appears, load the next media volume that contains licensed
program products, and continue the installation. When you are installing from optical media, wait for
the In Use indicator to go out before you respond to the message.
Display Messages
System: XXXX
Queue . . . . . : QSYSOPR Program . . . . : *DSPMSG
Library . . . : QSYS Library . . . :
Severity . . . . : 95 Delivery . . . : *BREAK
1. The Work with Licensed Programs display appears. Use the page down or roll up key to see the third
display of the Work with Licensed Programs menu.
Type 50 and press Enter.
2. The Display Install History display appears. The XX's indicate default values.
Press Enter.
3. Look at the messages that appear on the Display History Log Contents display.
• If you had an installed licensed program that was not renewed by IBM, it might not be replaced.
Refer to “Mixed-release environment” on page 15 for more information.
• If any of the messages on the display indicate a failure or a licensed program that is partially
installed, go to Chapter 15, “Troubleshooting software installation problems,” on page 145 to
determine the problem.
Otherwise, press F3 (Exit).
4. Verify the installed status values of your licensed programs and check for compatibility. It is important
to make sure that all of your licensed programs are compatible with the operating system.
Use LICPGM menu option 10 (Display licensed programs) to see the release and installed status values
of the installed licensed programs. If the installed status value of a licensed program is *COMPATIBLE,
it is ready for use. If the installed status value of a licensed program is *BACKLEVEL, the licensed
program is installed, but its version, release, and modification is not compatible with the currently
installed level of the operating system. Check the topic “Licensed program releases and sizes” on page
167 to verify the current version, release, and modification of the licensed program. “Installed status
values” on page 196 lists the possible installed status value descriptions.
You have completed this task.
1. Do you need to install additional licensed programs?
• No. Go to the next step.
• Yes. Go to “Installing additional licensed programs” on page 117 and complete the instructions.
2. Do you need to install a secondary language?
• No. Go to the next step.
• Yes. Go to “Installing a secondary language” on page 123 and complete the instructions.
3. You must complete the installation process before you put your system into operation. Go to Chapter
9, “Checklist: Completing the IBM i upgrade or replacement,” on page 83 and complete the
10. If you used an image catalog to perform your installation and you used the Start ASP Balance
(STRASPBAL) command to end the allocation for storage in the load-source disk unit before you
upgraded, enter the Start ASP Balance (STRASPBAL) command to resume the allocation of storage
for the load-source disk unit.
11. If your service tools language is different than your primary language, you might want to verify that
the service tools language is the one that you want on the system or logical partition.
For details, refer to Changing the service tools language on your system or logical partition in the IBM
i Information Center.
12. Install software license keys for your IBM i and keyed products. Use the Work with License
Information (WRKLICINF) command to display the installed keyed products to add license key data.
For specific instructions, go to Adding license key information in the IBM i Information Center.
After updating the license key information, return here and continue with the next step.
13. After you complete the installation process and before you make a system or partition available to
all users, set the usage limit for the software-license managed products. These products are listed
on the Proof of Entitlement (POE), invoice, or other documents that you have received with your
software order. For products that have a usage limit, you set the usage limit with the Work with
License Information (WRKLICINF) command.
To set your usage limit, do the following:
a. Type WRKLICINF and press Enter.
b. On the Work with License Information display, press F11 (Display Usage Information). The usage
limit number on each product that is listed on the POE, invoice, or other documents must match
the usage limit number on the Work with License Information display for the associated product.
c. If the usage limit is to be updated, move the cursor to the line that contains the product name
whose usage limit is to be updated.
d. Type 2 (Change) and press Enter.
e. When the Change License Information display is shown, update the usage limit prompt with the
usage limit shown on the POE. In addition, update the threshold prompt with either *CALC or
*USGLMT. Do not leave the threshold set to zero.
Note: If message CPA9E1B [Usage limit increase must be authorized. Press help
before replying (C G).] is sent, respond by typing G.
f. If the POE lists more products than the Work with License Information display, set the usage limits
after you install those products.
14. If you deleted any licensed program libraries or secondary language libraries from either of the library
list system values [system library list (QSYSLIBL) or user library list (QUSRLIBL)], change system
values QSYSLIBL or QUSRLIBL to add the libraries back in the library list now.
If you display the PTFs to an output file (*OUTFILE), the query functions can be used later rather than
looking through all the listings to verify that all the current PTFs are applied after the installation of
Licensed Internal Code and IBM i.
To determine what PTFs have been applied to Licensed Internal Code, enter the following on the IBM i
control language (CL) command line:
To determine what PTFs have been applied to the IBM i operating system, enter the following on the CL
command line:
Perform an IPL:
Note: The default action for the Power Down System (PWRDWNSYS) command is to display
a confirmation. This can be changed by specifying *NO for the Confirm (CONFIRM) parameter:
The procedures in this topic might not include all requirements for storage that you have on your
system. If you are preparing to upgrade or replace software using an image catalog, ensure that you
have reviewed the topic, “Determining storage requirements for image catalog installation” on page 34.
Installing PTFs for the Licensed Internal Code and the operating
Install PTFs (cumulative, HIPER, group, or individual PTFs) only for the Licensed Internal Code and the
IBM i operating system.
1. Mount the PTF media.
2. Type GO PTF. On option 7, select 5770999 and 5770SS1.
3. After all the media is processed, perform an IPL.
To determine if all the Licensed Internal Code PTFs and the IBM i PTFs that were applied to the partition
before the installation exist on the partition now, enter the following on an IBM i control language (CL)
command line:
1. Compare the output from the DSPPTF command that you obtained before the upgrade to determine if
any PTFs you previously had on your system are missing.
2. Install PTFs that are missing after you upgrade.
Chapter 10. Replacing Licensed Internal Code and IBM i of the same version and release 89
Checklist: Completing the replacement of the same IBM i release
Use this checklist to complete any of the IBM i 7.4-to-IBM i 7.4 replacement processes.
1. If you still have default passwords for your service tools user IDs, change them now. For information
on service tools user IDs, see Changing service tools user IDs and passwords in the IBM i Information
2. If your system is operating as a service partition and your system is not being managed by a
Hardware Management Console, you might be required to perform a server IPL. A server IPL is an IPL
whereby all logical partitions on the system are shut down at the same time. This allows, for example,
a new level of the server firmware to be activated on the system.
You might be required to perform a server IPL after you apply or remove a PTF on the service partition
if that PTF affects the server firmware.
• To find out if you need to do a server IPL, type DSPFMWSTS on the IBM i control language (CL)
command line and press Enter. If a server IPL is required, the Server IPL required field is set to
• To find out if your system is operating as a service partition, type DSPFMWSTS on the CL command
line and press Enter. If your system is operating as a service partition, the Service partition field is
set to Yes.
Note: When shutting down your service partition, reference codes D6xx430B or D6xx430A could be
displayed for an extended amount of time. The xx should increment periodically and is a normal
part of processing when server firmware code is being updated. Allow the system to complete the
processing. Do not interrupt this process.
3. If you used an image catalog to perform your installation, you might want to remove all installation
images from your system.
To delete the catalog and all the optical images (image files), type the following:
4. If you used an image catalog to perform your installation and you used the Start ASP Balance
(STRASPBAL) command to end the allocation for storage in the load-source disk unit before you
upgraded, enter the Start ASP Balance (STRASPBAL) command to resume the allocation of storage
for the load-source disk unit.
5. If your service tools language is different than your primary language, you might want to verify that
the service tools language is the one that you want on the system or logical partition.
For details, refer to Changing the service tools language on your system or logical partition in the IBM
i Information Center.
6. After you complete the installation process and before you make a system or partition available to
all users, set the usage limit for the software-license managed products. These products are listed
on the Proof of Entitlement (POE), invoice, or other documents that you have received with your
software order. For products that have a usage limit, you set the usage limit with the Work with
License Information (WRKLICINF) command.
To set your usage limit, do the following:
a. Type WRKLICINF and press Enter.
b. On the Work with License Information display, press F11 (Display Usage Information). The usage
limit number on each product that is listed on the POE, invoice, or other documents must match
the usage limit number on the Work with License Information display for the associated product.
c. If the usage limit is to be updated, move the cursor to the line that contains the product name
whose usage limit is to be updated.
d. Type 2 (Change) and press Enter.
Chapter 10. Replacing Licensed Internal Code and IBM i of the same version and release 91
92 IBM i: Installing, upgrading, or deleting IBM i and related software
Chapter 11. Checklist: IBM i software installation
Use this checklist to help consolidate and verify that you complete all the preparation tasks for a new IBM
i software installation.
If you plan to navigate through this checklist online, it might help to right-click this topic in the navigation
tree to open a new window. This information summarizes the major tasks that you need to do before you
begin to install your software.
1. Verify that the optical media for Licensed Internal Code and the operating system are for IBM i 7.3.
2. Verify that the media you received are in the correct primary and secondary languages.
During an installation or upgrade, the console type specified by this value is used.
The console mode display also includes the option to allow your 5250 console to be taken over by
another console. When this option is turned on, the system does not stop with a console failure but
continues to run uninterrupted. For more information, see the topic Console takeover and recovery in
the IBM Systems Hardware Information Center.
If you use Operations Console, follow these instructions before you install IBM i on your system.
• Review the Console Advanced Topics topic in the IBM i Information Center.
• See the GettingStarted document in the Documentation directory of the CD. Section 9.9 Establishing a
Console Connection to IBM i provides instructions on connecting a LAN console.
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 97
• When you receive the IBM i release upgrade, the shipped service tools user IDs (except 11111111) are
expired. For all upgrades and installations, you need to establish a connection between the system and
Operations Console PC by using 11111111 (eight 1's) for both the service tools user ID and the default
password. This ensures a successful authentication of the subsequent connection of the client to the
system. This is especially important for automatic installations.
Failure to comply with these actions can prevent the console from working correctly during the upgrade or
Attention: This procedure causes existing data on the disk units assigned to this logical
partition to be lost. Make sure you really want to perform this procedure.
Reference codes are viewable under the Hardware Management Console (HMC) or the Integrated
Virtualization Manager. When a reference code appears with the characters xx (such as B2xx xxxx), xx
pertains to the partition identifier and xxxx pertains to a variety of other characters.
The term system refers to the logical partition on which you are performing the installation.
When installing on logical partitions, the control panel can be found either on the HMC or the Integrated
Virtualization Manager.
Until you have completed the installation of the Licensed Internal Code, the information shown about
the configuration of logical partitions will be incorrect. Devices attached to the buses of logical partitions
are not listed until the installation is complete. Therefore, if you have logical partitions and look at your
configuration from the HMC or Integrated Virtualization Manager before you complete the installation, you
might see only buses and IOPs, but not the IOA and device details.
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 99
The language feature 2924 (English) is the default for this display. If you are installing a language
other than 2924, type the correct primary language feature code in place of 2924.
Press Enter.
9. After you enter the language feature, the Confirm Language Group display appears.
Press Enter.
10. The Install Licensed Internal Code display appears.
If you use an alternate installation device, you need to ensure that you set up the device and that you
enable the device. You also need to have the optical media or tape media that contains the Licensed
Internal Code and your save media.
Either select the option to install Licensed Internal Code or the option to define an alternate
installation device:
• Type 1 (Install Licensed Internal Code) if you are not using an alternate installation device. (The
alternate installation device function supports installation from tape media that you have created.
Alternate installation device: Overview describes when you can use an alternate installation
device.) If you are not using an alternate installation device, go on to step “14” on page 102.
• If you have an alternate installation device attached to the system, type 3 to verify its address
and determine whether it is enabled or disabled. Continue with the Verifying Alternate Installation
Device Subtask in step “11” on page 100. If you have an alternate installation device configured
and do not want to use it, type 3 to clear the alternate installation device configuration information.
Press Enter. This step could take some time.
11. Verifying and selecting alternate installation device subtask:
The Select Alternate Installation Device Bus display appears.
F2=Deselect Device F3=Exit F12=Cancel
a. Verify that the selected device is on the correct system bus. Type 1 in the Options field next to the
selected bus and press Enter to view information about the device that is attached to the bus. This
might take several minutes. If you see the message No alternate installation device
configured, wait one minute and refresh the display.
b. When the Select Media Type display appears, select 1 for tape or 2 for optical media. Press Enter.
c. The Select Alternate Installation Device display appears. Use this display to verify the resource
name, type, model, and serial number for the device. The following display shows an example of a
tape device.
d. Type 1 and press Enter to select the device to use or press F2 to deselect the currently selected
e. The message Alternate installation device selected appears. Press F3 to return to
the Install Licensed Internal Code display.
f. Type 1 and press Enter to install the Licensed Internal Code.
End of verifying and selecting alternate installation device subtask.
12. If the system cannot find a load-source disk unit but can find candidate disk units to become the
load-source disk unit, the following is an example of the information display that is shown.
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 101
Select Load Source Device
Option Serial Number Type Model Bus Card Adapter Bus Ctl Dev
21-8DFFC 4326 050 128 0 1 0 0 6
02-84921 6718 050 128 0 2 0 0 5
02-73054 6718 050 218 0 1 1 0 0
21-150197 433B 074 42 0 0 2 0 7
To select the correct load-source disk unit, type 1 next to the appropriate device and press Enter. You
cannot continue until a current valid load-source device is identified.
13. If there is an alternate installation device defined and enabled, the Confirm Alternate Installation
Device display appears. Perform one of these tasks.
• To install from the alternate installation device, press Enter.
• If you do not want to install from the alternate installation device and want to continue using the
primary media, press F12 to Cancel. You see the Licensed Internal Code display. Perform step “10”
on page 100 and select option 3 (Define alternate installation device). Perform step “11” on page
100 and deselect the alternate installation device.
14. The Install Licensed Internal Code (LIC) display appears on your console.
Type 2 (Install Licensed Internal Code and Initialize system) and press Enter.
15. Read the attention notice and reply to the Confirmation display.
Attention: This procedure causes existing data on the disk units assigned to this logical partition to
be lost! Make sure you really want to perform this procedure.
The Initialize the Disk - Status display appears while the load source for the logical partition is being
16. The Install Licensed Internal Code - Status display appears on your console. You do not need to
respond to this display. It will remain on your console for approximately 20 minutes. If you are
using Operations Console, your display might disappear. To complete the Licensed Internal Code
installation, the logical partition is automatically restarted at this time (a manual-mode IPL).
Percent | XX % |
complete +-------------------------------------------------------+
Please wait.
Opt Problem
_ xxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxxx xxxxxxxx
_ xxxxx_xx_xxxxx xxxxxx_ xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx________
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
Note: If the attention notice Disk unit not formatted for optimal performance appears
on this display, do the following:
a. Type a 5 and press Enter to display the detailed report.
b. Write down the information displayed. After the upgrade is completed, you will need this
information to format these disk units to gain optimal performance.
c. Press F12 to cancel and return to the Disk Unit Attention Report.
d. Press F10 to accept the warnings and continue the IPL.
The Disk Configuration Attention Report display might also appear if a new disk configuration has
been found. Press F10 to accept this new configuration.
19. If the console mode value is zero, the Accept Console display appears. If this display appears, follow
these steps:
a. Press F10 to accept the current console type. The Accept and Set New Console Type on this IPL
display appears. The old value (zero) and the new value to be set (your current console type) is
b. Press Enter to set the new value and continue with these instructions.
20. After approximately 10 minutes, the IPL or Install the System display appears. The Licensed Internal
Code is now installed. Do not remove the distribution media at this time.
21. If the Accept Console display in step “19” on page 103 did not appear and your system is not HMC
managed, set the console mode for this partition:
a. At the IPL or Install the system display, select option 3 to access Dedicated Service Tools (DST).
b. Sign on as security officer (QSECOFR user profile / QSECOFR password). When prompted, change
the password to what you want to use for this partition.
c. Select option 5 (Work with DST environment).
d. Select option 2 (System devices).
e. Select option 6 (Console mode).
f. Select the valid console that you have for this logical partition.
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 103
Note: If you are using Operations Console (LAN) as your console type, press Enter on the verify
window. You can also press F11 to review your network configuration.
g. Select 1 (Yes) or 2 (No) for the option to allow the console to be taken over by another console in
the event of a 5250 console failure. When this option is turned on, the system does not stop with
a failure but continues to run uninterrupted. For more information, see the topic Console takeover
and recovery in the IBM Systems Hardware Information Center.
Press Enter and then press F3 to return to the DST main menu.
h. Press F3 to exit DST and return to the IPL or Install the System display.
You have completed the installation of Licensed Internal Code on a new logical partition.
You are now ready to install the operating system. The “Installing IBM i on a new system or logical
partition” on page 104 procedure will direct you to optionally add disk units or enable disk protection
before the operating system is installed.
The optical media that you will need for the operating system and other licensed programs are listed in
step “2” on page 105 of “Installing IBM i on a new system or logical partition” on page 104. Continue with
step “10” on page 106.
Refer to the IBM i globalization topic for any special considerations about other languages.
• If you are installing software on a system, these instructions assume that the IBM i 7.4 release of the
Licensed Internal Code is installed and the system is powered off. If you do not know what level of
Licensed Internal Code is on your system, sign on to DST. Select option 7 (Start a Service Tool) and then
select option 4 (Hardware Service Manager). The release at the top of the display should state V7R4M0.
• If you are installing software on a new logical partition, you need to complete the steps in “Installing
Licensed Internal Code on a new logical partition” on page 98 first and then continue with step “10” on
page 106 in this topic.
If you perform these actions on a system with logical partitions, the instructions pertain only to that
1. Perform an IPL
2. Install the operating system
3. Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST)
4. Perform automatic installation of the operating system
5. Save Licensed Internal Code
If you have not already set the console mode and your system is not HMC managed, set the console
mode now.
a. At the IPL or Install the system display, select option 3 to access Dedicated Service Tools (DST).
b. Sign on as security officer (QSECOFR user profile / QSECOFR password). When prompted, change
the password to what you want to use for this partition.
c. Select option 5 (Work with DST environment).
d. Select option 2 (System devices).
e. Select option 6 (Console mode).
f. Select the valid console that you have for this partition.
Note: If you are using Operations Console (LAN) as your console type, press Enter on the verify
window. You can also press F11 to review your network configuration.
g. Select 1 (Yes) or 2 (No) for the option to allow the console to be taken over by another console in
the event of a 5250 console failure. When this option is turned on, the system does not stop with
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 105
a failure but continues to run uninterrupted. For more information, see the topic Console takeover
and recovery in the IBM Systems Hardware Information Center.
Press Enter and then press F3 to return to the DST main menu.
h. Press F3 to exit DST and return to the IPL or Install the System display.
1. Perform an IPL
2. Install the operating system
3. Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST)
4. Perform automatic installation of the operating system
5. Save Licensed Internal Code
9. If you are using physical media, load the first volume of installation media that contains the operating
system. Throughout these procedures, load the next volume when prompted by the system. When
you are installing from optical media, wait until the In Use indicator goes out before you continue.
Also ensure that you have removed other media from devices that are not involved in the upgrade.
10. On the IPL or Install the System display, type 2 and press Enter. The Install Device Type Selection
display appears.
1. Tape
2. Optical
3. Virtual device - preselected image catalog
4. Current alternate selected device None
5. Network device
Type the number that corresponds to the correct device type and press Enter.
11. The Confirm Install of the Operating System display is shown on your console. Press Enter.
12. The Select a Language Group display, which shows the primary language currently on the system,
appears. This language must be available on the installation media. Refer to “Feature codes for
language version” on page 194 for a list of language feature codes.
Verify that the displayed value is correct, or type the numbers of the feature code for the language
you want. Press Enter.
13. After you enter the language feature, the Confirm Language Feature Selection display appears on
your console. Press Enter.
14. If the Add All Disk Units to the System menu is not shown, go to the IPL Step in Progress display in
step “16” on page 109.
Note: If you are installing on a single disk unit, ensure that you have enough storage. The minimum
requirements for each system or logical partition are listed in “Determining disk storage space
required for a new installation” on page 96.
15. Adding disk units subtask:
It is much faster to start device parity protection on the disk units at DST before the disk units are
added to the auxiliary storage pool configuration.
To start device parity on the eligible disk units, do the following tasks from the Add All Disk Units
to the System display:
i) Select option 2 to perform disk configuration at DST.
ii) Sign on at the Dedicated Service Tools Sign-on prompt and return to the Use Dedicated
Service Tools (DST) menu.
iii) Select the option, Work with disk units.
iv) Select the option, Work with disk configuration.
v) Section the option, Work with device parity protection.
vi) Select the option, Start device parity protection.
vii) A list of parity sets that are capable of running device parity protection are shown. Type 1 on
each option line for each parity set.
viii) You might see a Confirm Continuation display that indicates that the system must perform a
directory recovery. Press Enter to continue.
ix) The Confirm Starting Device Parity Protection display is shown. This shows the list of disk
units that will have device parity protection. Press Enter to continue. An in-progress display
that indicates the status of the function is shown.
x) Return to the IPL or Install the System display.
b. If you see the following display, continue with this step.
If you do not want device parity protection, mirrored protection, or user ASPs, select option 3
(Add all disk units to the system auxiliary storage pool). By adding disk units before you install the
operating system, you improve your overall system performance because the operating system is
distributed across all of your disk units.
Attention: (For logical partitions only) Before you add disk units to this partition, ensure
you have the correct I/O resources assigned. You might not want to configure all disk units
now. Refer to the validated output from the System Planning Tool supplied by IBM for the
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 107
configuration selection. To access the tool, go to the System Planning Tool website
Type 3 and press Enter.
Note: If either the Disk Configuration Error Report display or the Disk Configuration Warning
Report display appears, go to “Disk configuration warning and error messages” on page 161 to
determine the appropriate action.
c. You could see the following display if your disk configuration has changed. Type 5 next to the
problem and press Enter to display the detailed report.
Problem Report
Note: Some action for the problems listed below may need to
be taken. Please select a problem to display more detailed
information about the problem and to see what possible
action may be taken to correct the problem.
OPT Problem
_ __________________________________________________________
_ __________________________________________________________
d. If the following display appears, a disk unit that you selected to add to your disk configuration
could already have data on it. If you choose to continue, any data that is on the disk units listed
will be removed.
Be certain that you want to configure the disk before you continue. Follow the instructions on the
Press Enter to return to the Problem Report display. Press F10 to continue the Add Disk Unit
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
e. The following display shows the percentage of disk units added. This display does not require a
___ % Complete
f. When the process is completed, continue the software installation process with the next step.
This completes the subtask for adding disk units.
16. Status displays appear on the console. You do not need to respond to any of these displays. The
following is an example of a status display:
Type . . . . . . . . . : Attended
Start date and time . . : xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx
Previous system end . . : Normal
Current step/total. . . : 1 16
Reference code detail . : C6004050
IPL step . . . . . . : Storage Management Recovery
The following list shows some of the IPL steps that are shown on the IPL Step in Progress display.
Authority Recovery
Journal Recovery
Database Recovery
Journal Synchronization
Start the Operating System
17. The Install the Operating System display appears.
option . . . . . . 1 1=Take defaults (No other
options are displayed)
2=Change install options
Year . . . . . . XX 00-99
Month . . . . . XX 01-12
Day . . . . . . XX 01-31
Hour . . . . . . XX 00-23
Minute . . . . . XX 00-59
Second . . . . . XX 00-59
Install option: 1
Date (Use the current year, month, and day.)
Time (Use the current time, 24-hour clock.)
18. Status messages appear during the installation process. You do not need to respond to any of these
status displays. The following is an example of a status display. The display is blank for a time
between stage 4 and stage 5.
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 109
Message ID . . : CPI2070 IBM i Installation Status
Stage 2 | 33% |
Installation Objects
Stage Completed Restored
1 Creating needed profiles and libraries . . . . : X
Display Messages
System: XXXX
Queue . . . . . : QSYSOPR Program . . . . : *DSPMSG
Library . . . : QSYS Library . . . :
Severity . . . . : 10 Delivery . . . : *BREAK
Press Enter.
20. The Sign On display is shown.
Sign On
System. . . . : XXX
Subsystem . . : XXXXX
Display . . . : XXXXXXXX
User. . . . . . . . . . . . . . QSECOFR
Program/procedure . . . . . . . ________
Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________
Current library . . . . . . . . ________
System date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XX / XX / XX MM / DD / YY
System time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XX : XX : XX HH : MM : SS
System time zone . . . . . . . . . . . . Q0000UTC F4 for list
Clear job queues. . . . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Clear output queues . . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Clear incomplete job logs . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Start print writers . . . . . . . . . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No
Start system to restricted state . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
• Ignore the last power-down operation message on the IPL Options display.
• If you need to change system values, you can do so now. One example of a system value that you
might change is the value for the security level (QSECURITY) system value.
Another example is the scan control (QSCANFSCTL) system value. If you have not already done so,
consider specifying *NOPOSTRST for the QSCANFSCTL system value to minimize future scanning of
some objects that are restored during the installation of licensed programs in the following steps.
For more information on scanning and the system value settings, see the topic Scanning support in
the IBM i Information Center.
Type Y for the Define or change the system at IPL prompt. Follow the instructions on the displays.
Type the following and press Enter.
System date (Use the current date.)
System time (Use the current time, 24-hour clock.)
System time zone (Verify that it is correct or press F4 to select a time zone.)
Start system to restricted state Y
Set major system options Y
22. The Set Major System Options display appears.
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 111
Specify *NORMAL to use a naming convention unique to the IBM i operating system. The value
*S36 uses a naming convention similar to System/36. Refer to the book, Local Device Configuration,
SC41-5121-00 , for information about device configuration naming and *DEVADR.
• Default special environment
The default value *NONE indicates no special environment. *S36 sets up the System/36
environment. Refer to the book, System/36 Environment Programming, SC41-4730 , for more
information about working in the System/36 environment.
Press Enter.
23. Several Display Messages displays could be shown. Press Enter for each message display to continue.
The following display is an example of a message that could be shown:
Display Messages
System: XXXX
Queue . . . . . : QSYSOPR Program . . . . : *DSPMSG
Library . . . : QSYS Library . . . :
Severity . . . . : 60 Delivery . . . : *BREAK
24. The Edit Rebuild of Access Paths display could be shown. If it is, press Enter to continue.
25. You see the Status display again.
Stage 6 | 58% |
Installation Objects
Stage Completed Restored
2 Restoring programs to library QSYS . . . . . : X 13637
7 Completing installation . . . . . . . . . . . :
26. The Sign On display appears on the console after the installation has completed.
Sign On
System. . . . . . : XXXX
Subsystem . . . . : XXXX
Display . . . . . : XXXXXXXX
User. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QSECOFR
Password . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Program/procedure . . . . . . . . . ________
Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________
Current library . . . . . . . . . . ________
Display Messages
System: XXXX
Queue . . . . . : QSYSOPR Program . . . . : *DSPMSG
Library . . . : QSYS Library . . . :
Severity . . . . : 10 Delivery . . . : *BREAK
29. The Work with Software Agreements display appears. Select to display the software agreements for
*MCHCOD (which includes Licensed Internal Code) and the IBM i operating system (5770SS1). Read
and accept these agreements. If the software agreements are declined, you are given the choice to
either power down the system or return and accept the agreements. Press Enter.
30. When the IBM i Main Menu appears on your console, you have completed the task of installing the
operating system.
You have completed this task.
To install additional licensed programs, continue with the tasks in “Using the Work with Licensed
Programs menu to install IBM licensed programs” on page 118.
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 113
For logical partitions only
If you perform these actions on a system with logical partitions, the instructions pertain only to that
1. Perform an IPL
2. Install the operating system
3. Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST)
4. Perform automatic installation of the operating system
5. Save Licensed Internal Code
Type . . . . . . . . . : Attended
Start date and time . . : xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx
Previous system end . . : Normal
Current step/total. . . : 1 16
Reference code detail . : C6004050
IPL step . . . . . . : Storage Management Recovery
The following list shows some of the IPL steps that are shown on the IPL Step in Progress display.
Authority Recovery
Journal Recovery
Database Recovery
Journal Synchronization
Start the Operating System
Some of the IPL steps could take a long time.
9. Several messages might appear on the console. The following is an example of a message that might
IPL Options
System date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XX / XX / XX MM / DD / YY
System time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XX : XX : XX HH : MM : SS
System time zone . . . . . . . . . . . . Q0000UTC F4 for list
Clear job queues. . . . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Clear output queues . . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Clear incomplete job logs . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Start print writers . . . . . . . . . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No
Start system to restricted state . . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No
• Ignore the last power-down operation message on the IPL Options display.
• If you need to change system values, you can do so now. One example of a system value that you
might change is the value for the security level (QSECURITY) system value.
Another example is the scan control (QSCANFSCTL) system value. If you have not already done so,
consider specifying *NOPOSTRST for the QSCANFSCTL system value to minimize future scanning of
some objects that are restored during the installation of licensed programs in the following steps.
For more information on scanning and the system value settings, see the topic Scanning support in
the IBM i Information Center.
Type Y for the Define or change the system at IPL prompt. Follow the instructions on the displays.
Type the following and press Enter.
System date (Use the current date.)
System time (Use the current time, 24-hour clock.)
System time zone (Verify that it is correct or press F4 to select a time zone.)
Start system to restricted state Y
Set major system options Y
14. Additional display messages could be shown.
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 115
Press Enter after each message to continue.
15. The Set Major System Options display appears.
Display Messages
System. . . . . : XXXX
Queue . . . . . : QSYSOPR Program . . . . : *DSPMSG
Library . . . : QSYS Library . . . :
Severity . . . . : 10 Delivery . . . : *BREAK
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 117
Using the Work with Licensed Programs menu to install IBM licensed
If you have logical partitions, you must perform this procedure on each IBM i logical partition to which you
want to install the IBM licensed programs.
1. If you are not already signed on to the system as the security officer (QSECOFR user profile), do so
Note: The IBM i Main Menu (or the menu you chose as your initial menu) appears on the console.
2. If you are installing from an image catalog (virtual media device), the setup instructions are in the
topic “Preparing to upgrade or replace software using an image catalog” on page 34.
If you are installing from optical media, insert the volume of the licensed program that you want to
install into the installation device. If this is a new installation, insert the first volume containing the
operating system. For more information about the optical media you received with your order, see
“Media labels and their contents” on page 188. Wait until the In Use indicator goes out before you
3. If you are installing from virtual optical storage using the Network File System, the setup instructions
are in the topic “Preparing to upgrade or replace software with virtual optical storage using the
Network File System” on page 40.
4. Do the following to put the system in a restricted state and filter the messages that appear.
a. Type CHGMSGQ QSYSOPR *BREAK SEV(60) and press Enter.
b. A message display could appear. Press Enter.
c. Type ENDSBS *ALL *IMMED and press Enter.
d. When the following message appears, press Enter to continue:
e. The message System ended to restricted condition appears. Press Enter to continue.
f. Type CHGMSGQ QSYSOPR SEV(95) and press Enter.
g. A message display could appear. Press Enter.
5. Type GO LICPGM and press Enter.
6. The Work with Licensed Programs display appears.
Manual Install
1. Install all
5. Prepare for install
Licensed Programs
10. Display installed licensed programs
11. Install licensed programs
12. Delete licensed programs
13. Save licensed programs
If you were referred here from step “4” on page 79, complete this step and then return to step “5” on
page 80. If you are following the tasks in this topic and want to accept software agreements for your
licensed programs individually, continue with step “7” on page 119.
If you have many licensed programs to install, accepting them together is faster than accepting them
individually through manual installation. If you want to preaccept your licensed program agreements
all at one time, select option 5 (Prepare for install).
Licensed Product
Option Program Option Description
_ _______ _______
_ 5770SS1 Library QGPL
_ 5770SS1 Library QUSRSYS
_ 5770SS1 1 Extended Base Support
_ 5770SS1 2 Online Information
_ 5770SS1 3 Extended Base Directory Support
_ 5770SS1 5 System/36 Environment
_ 5770SS1 6 System/38 Environment
_ 5770SS1 7 Example Tools Library
_ 5770SS1 8 AFP Compatibility Fonts
_ 5770SS1 9 *PRV CL Compiler Support
_ 5770SS1 12 Host Servers
_ 5770SS1 13 System Openness Includes
F3=Exit F11=Display status/release F12=Cancel F19=Display trademarks
• The following items are preselected if you are installing licensed programs as part of a new system
– 5770-SS1 Library QGPL
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 119
– 5770-SS1 Library QUSRSYS
– 5770-SS1 option 1, Extended Base Support
– 5770-SS1 option 3, Extended Base Directory Support
– 5770-SS1 option 30, QSHELL
– 5770-SS1 option 33, Portable App Solutions Environment
– 5770-DG1, IBM HTTP Server for i
– 5770-JV1, IBM Developer Kit for Java™
– 5770-JV1 option 17, Java SE 8 64 bit
If you are adding additional (new) licensed programs or optional parts, these items would be
preselected only if they are in an error state.
• A licensed program you want to install might not be listed on the Install Licensed Programs display.
If a licensed program is not listed, it can be added to the list by entering information into the blank
fields at the top of the list. After you press Enter, this product then appears on the list with the other
– Type 1 in the Option column.
– Type the product identifier in the Licensed Program column.
– Type the product option value in the Product Option column.
– Press Enter.
When you are typing the product option, the system accepts only the following three values: *BASE,
option number, or *ALL.
– A value of *BASE installs only the base product of the associated product identifier.
– The product option number installs only the particular option of the associated product identifier.
To be able to install options, you must install the base product (*BASE).
– A value of *ALL installs the base product and all options of the associated product identifier that
are found on the media.
Keep in mind that licensed programs that you add will appear on the list with only the product
identifier and will not give a descriptive name of the product. Also, you should check the
documentation that came with the product to see whether there are any special instructions.
If you get a message that the product already appears in the list, scroll down to the product. Make
sure that there is a 1 in the Option column. Make sure that it is selected for installation.
Press Enter.
9. The Confirm Install of Licensed Programs display appears on the console.
Press Enter to confirm your choices.
10. The Install Options display appears.
Install Options
System: XXXX
Type choices, press Enter.
The following display is an example of the display that appears during the installation process.
Program Option Description Type
5770SS1 12 Host Servers 2924
Note: This display shows which licensed programs and optional parts of licensed programs are being
installed. After the *PGM objects and *LNG objects for each licensed program or optional part have
been installed, the licensed program identifier disappears from the display and the number in the
licensed programs processed field changes to show how many are processed.
12. You might see the Display Messages display. If you have another media volume that contains licensed
programs to load, you can load it at this time. If you are installing from optical media, wait for the In
Use indicator to go out before responding to the message.
Display Messages
System: XXXX
Queue . . . . . : QSYSOPR Program . . . . : *DSPMSG
Library . . . : QSYS Library . . . :
Severity . . . . : 95 Delivery . . . : *BREAK
Type G and press Enter. After you load each volume, type G and press Enter. If there are no more
volumes to load that contain licensed programs, or if you want to end the loading process, type X and
press Enter.
13. If a licensed program requires acceptance of a software agreement, the Software Agreements display
appears. Do either of the following:
• Press F14 to accept the agreement and allow the licensed program to continue installing.
• Press F16 to decline the agreement and end the installation of that licensed program.
14. The Work with Licensed Programs display appears on your console when the installation process
is completed. One of the following messages appears on the bottom of the Work with Licensed
Programs display.
Work with licensed programs function not complete. Go to the topic Chapter 15,
“Troubleshooting software installation problems,” on page 145 to determine the problem.
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 121
Work with licensed programs function has completed. Continue with the next step.
15. Verify the installed status values of your licensed programs and check for compatibility. It is
important to make sure all of your licensed programs are compatible with the operating system.
Use LICPGM menu option 10 (Display licensed programs) to see the release and installed status
values of the installed licensed programs. If the installed status value of a licensed program is
*COMPATIBLE, it is ready for use. If the installed status value of a licensed program is *BACKLEVEL,
the licensed program is installed, but its version, release, and modification is not compatible with the
currently installed level of the operating system. Check the topic, “Licensed program releases and
sizes” on page 167, to verify the current version, release, and modification of the licensed program.
“Installed status values” on page 196 lists the possible installed status value descriptions.
You have completed this task.
1. Do you have more licensed programs or optional parts to install, but they did not appear in the list
displayed in step “8” on page 119 (or could not be added to the list)?
• No. Go to the next step (step “2” on page 122).
• Yes. Go to “Using the Restore Licensed Programs command to install IBM or non-IBM licensed
programs” on page 122 to install these licensed programs or optional parts.
2. Do you need to install a secondary language?
• No. Go to the next step (step “3” on page 122).
• Yes. Go to “Installing a secondary language” on page 123 and complete the instructions.
3. You must complete the installation process before you put your system into operation. Go to
“Checklist: Completing the IBM i installation ” on page 127 and complete the instructions.
where xxxxxxx is the product identifier for the licensed program you are installing.
Press Enter. You might see an online software agreement. If you accept the software agreement, you
can continue to install and use the program.
5. To install a new optional part, type the command:
where xxxxxxx is the product identifier for the licensed program you are installing and n is the option
Press Enter. You might see an online software agreement. If you accept the software agreement, you
can continue to install and use the option.
6. Repeat steps “4” on page 122 and “5” on page 123 until you have installed all of the new licensed
programs and optional parts that could not be installed in “Using the Work with Licensed Programs
menu to install IBM licensed programs” on page 118.
You have completed this task.
1. Do you need to install other licensed programs such as WebSphere®?
• No. Go to the next step.
• Yes. Go to the IBM i Information Center e-business and Web serving category.
2. Do you need to install a secondary language?
• No. Go to the next step.
• Yes. Go to “Installing a secondary language” on page 123 and complete the instructions.
3. You must complete the installation process before you put your system into operation. Go to
“Checklist: Completing the IBM i installation ” on page 127 and complete the instructions.
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 123
Secondary Languages
20. Display installed secondary languages
21. Install secondary languages
22. Delete secondary languages
Option Language Description Library Release
_ 2902 Estonian QSYS2902
_ 2903 Lithuanian QSYS2903
_ 2904 Latvian QSYS2904
_ 2905 Vietnamese QSYS2905
_ 2906 Lao QSYS2906
_ 2909 Belgian English QSYS2909
1 2911 Slovenian QSYS2911
_ 2912 Croatian QSYS2912
Use the Page Down key until you see the language that you want to install. Type 1 in the option
column next to the language you want to install. You can install only one language at a time. Press
9. After the language feature is entered, the Confirm Install of Secondary Languages display is shown.
Option Language Description Library Release
1 2911 Slovenian QSYS2911
Press Enter.
10. The Install Option for Secondary Languages appears.
Note: OPT01 is used for the installation device in this example. If you are using a different naming
convention, type the name you have assigned to the installation device.
One or both of the following displays show the status of the language objects as they are installed on
the system.
The following display is an example of the display that appears during the installation process.
Program Option Description Type
5770WDS *BASE Rational Development Studio 2911
11. If you see the following message, load the next volume of the secondary language media and
continue the installation.
Note: Be certain that the label on the next volume is for the same secondary language.
Display Messages
System: XXXX
Queue . . . . . : QSYSOPR Program . . . . : *DSPMSG
Library . . . : QSYS Library . . . :
Severity . . . . : 95 Delivery . . . : *BREAK
Type G and press Enter. After you load each volume, type G and press Enter. If there are no more
volumes to load that contain licensed programs, or if you want to end the loading process, type X and
press Enter.
12. The Work with Licensed Programs display appears on your console when the installation process
is completed. One of the following messages appears on the bottom of the Work with Licensed
Programs display.
Work with licensed programs function not complete. Go to the topic Chapter 15,
“Troubleshooting software installation problems,” on page 145 to determine the problem.
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 125
Work with licensed programs function has completed. Continue with the next step.
Note: Some licensed program options do not have language objects or are not supported for secondary
languages. For example, options 6, 7, and 9 of the operating system are not supported. Option 8 of the
operating system does not have any language objects. You can use LICPGM menu option 20 to see the
products that have secondary languages installed.
You have completed this task.
1. Do you have more secondary languages to install?
• No. Go to the next step.
• Yes. Go back to step “2” on page 123 at the beginning of this topic.
2. Do you need to install secondary languages for licensed programs that are not shown in the list using
option 11 of the Work with Licensed Programs menu?
• No. Go to the next step.
• Yes. Go to “Installing secondary languages for non-IBM licensed programs” on page 126 to install
secondary languages for these licensed programs.
3. You must complete the installation process before you put your system into operation. Go to
“Checklist: Completing the IBM i installation ” on page 127 and complete the instructions.
where xxxxxxx is the product identifier for the licensed program and 29xx is the national language
version feature code.
4. To install secondary language for an optional part of a licensed program, type this command and press
where xxxxxxx is the product identifier for the licensed program, n is the option number, and 29xx is
the national language version feature code.
5. Repeat steps “3” on page 126 and “4” on page 126 until you have installed all of the secondary
languages for the licensed programs and optional parts that were independently installed.
You have completed this task.
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 127
(CPC37A9). If you do not see message CPC37A9 on the display, go to “Initialize System (INZSYS)
recovery” on page 160 to determine the problem.
7. If you used an image catalog to perform your installation, you might want to remove all installation
images from your system.
To delete the catalog and all the optical images (image files), type the following:
8. If you used an image catalog to perform your installation and you used the Start ASP Balance
(STRASPBAL) command to end the allocation for storage in the load-source disk unit before you
upgraded, enter the Start ASP Balance (STRASPBAL) command to resume the allocation of storage
for the load-source disk unit.
9. Install software license keys for your operating system and keyed products.
Use the Work with License Information (WRKLICINF) command to display the installed keyed
products to add license key data. For specific instructions, go to Add license key information in the
IBM i Information Center.
After updating the license key information, return here and continue with the next step.
10. After you complete the installation process and before you make the system available to all users, set
the usage limit for the software-license managed products.
These products are listed on the Proof of Entitlement (POE), invoice, or other documents that you
have received with your software order. For products that have a usage limit, you set the usage limit
with the Work with License Information (WRKLICINF) command.
To set your usage limit, do the following:
a. Type WRKLICINF and press Enter.
b. On the Work with License Information display, press F11 (Display Usage Information). The usage
limit number on each product that is listed on the POE, invoice, or other documents must match
the usage limit number on the Work with License Information display for the associated product.
c. Move the cursor to the line that contains the product name whose usage limit is to be updated.
d. Type 2 (Change) and press Enter.
e. When the Change License Information display is shown, update the usage limit prompt with the
usage limit shown on the POE. In addition, update the threshold prompt with either *CALC or
*USGLMT. Do not leave the threshold set to zero.
Note: If message CPA9E1B [Usage limit increase must be authorized. Press help
before replying (C G).] is sent, respond by typing G.
f. If the POE lists more products than the Work with License Information display, set the usage limits
after you install those products.
11. If you have not already verified the compatibility of your licensed programs with the operating
system, do this now.
Use LICPGM menu option 10, Display installed licensed programs. If *COMPATIBLE is not listed
next to a licensed program, then go to “Installed status values” on page 196 and determine how to
12. If you changed any other system value such as for example security level (QSECURITY) during your
installation, change it back now.
13. If you changed the scan control (QSCANFSCTL) system value to minimize future scanning of some
objects that are restored before you installed your licensed programs, remove the *NOPOSTRST
specification from this system value.
14. Some of the tasks in this topic require that you change the QSYSOPR severity code filter to 95.
Chapter 12. Installing IBM i and related software on a new system or logical partition 129
130 IBM i: Installing, upgrading, or deleting IBM i and related software
Chapter 13. Changing the primary language of your
system or logical partition
Use this procedure to install a primary language from either a secondary language media set or a primary
language media set.
Follow the directions closely because you use different options based on the type of media.
• If you have logical partitions, you must perform these instructions for each partition to which you
change the primary language.
• These procedures support the use of optical image catalogs with primary language media. Use of optical
image catalogs with secondary language media is NOT supported by these procedures.
Ensure that your catalog is in ready status and that all image catalog entries are in loaded or mounted
status. Use the panel option to arrange the catalog entries in the order described. When the catalog
entries are in the correct order, use F7 to prompt for the VFYIMGCLG command. Enter *LNG for the TYPE
field and *YES for the SORT field to prepare the catalog for installing a primary language. An alternative
method for preparing the catalog would be to run the following command after the catalog entries are in
the correct order:
Attention: If the primary language and the service tools language do not match, you might need to go to
dedicated service tools (DST) and reinstall the correct service tools language. You can install the service
tools language now or wait until the primary language is installed in step 12. Use the WRKIMGCLGE
command to ensure media Licensed Internal Code for IBM i (media labeled as I_BASE_01) is mounted
in the virtual optical device. For instructions, see Changing the service tools language on your system or
logical partition.
1. Perform an IPL
2. Install the operating system
3. Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST)
4. Perform automatic installation of the operating system
5. Save Licensed Internal Code
1. Tape
2. Optical
3. Virtual device - preselected image catalog
4. Current alternate selected device None
5. Network device
Type the numbers of the feature code for the language you want and press Enter.
7. After the language feature code is entered, either the Confirm Language Feature Selection display or
the Confirm Service Tools Language display appears on your console.
Changing the service tools language and the primary language.
Chapter 13. Changing the primary language of your system or logical partition 133
Confirm Language Feature Selection display when changing the primary language.
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
Press Enter.
8. Some status displays appear on the console. You do not need to respond to any of these status
displays. The following is an example of a status display:
Type . . . . . . . . . : Attended
Start date and time . . : xx/xx/xx xx:xx:xx
Previous system end . . : Normal
Current step/total. . . : 1 16
Reference code detail . : C6004050
IPL step . . . . . . : Storage Management Recovery
The following list shows some of the IPL steps that are shown on the IPL Step in Progress display.
Authority Recovery
Journal Recovery
Database Recovery
Journal Synchronization
Start the Operating System
Some of the IPL steps could take a long time.
9. You see the following display.
Load the first volume of the IBM supplied installation media that contains the operating system.
10. The Install the Operating System display appears when the IPL is complete.
option . . . . . 2 1=Take defaults (No other
options are displayed)
2=Change install options
Year . . . . . . __ 00-99
Month . . . . . __ 01-12
Day . . . . . . __ 01-31
Hour . . . . . . __ 00-23
Minute . . . . . __ 00-59
Second . . . . . __ 00-59
Distribute IBM i on
available disk units . . . 2 1=Yes, 2=No
Chapter 13. Changing the primary language of your system or logical partition 135
Language ID . . . . . . : 2922
Sign On
System. . . . : XXX
Subsystem . . : XXXXX
Display . . . : XXXXXXXX
User. . . . . . . . . . . . . . QSECOFR
Password. . . . . . . . . . . .
Program/procedure . . . . . . . ________
Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________
Current library . . . . . . . . ________
Type QSECOFR for the User prompt, and type your password, if required. Press Enter.
2. Several display messages appear. To continue, press Enter on each display. The following is an
example of a message that might appear:
IPL Options
System date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XX / XX / XX MM / DD / YY
System time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XX : XX : XX HH : MM : SS
System time zone . . . . . . . . . . . . Q0000UTC F4 for list
Clear job queues. . . . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Clear output queues . . . . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Clear incomplete job logs . . . . . . . . N Y=Yes, N=No
Start print writers . . . . . . . . . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No
Start system to restricted state . . . . Y Y=Yes, N=No
Note: Ignore the last power-down operation message on the IPL Options display.
Type the following and press Enter.
• System date (Use the current date.)
• System time (Use the current time, 24-hour clock.)
• System time zone (Verify that it is correct or press F4 to select a time zone.)
• Start system to restricted state Y
• Set major system options N
4. Additional display messages could be shown.
Press Enter after each message to continue.
5. The IBM i Main Menu (or the menu you chose as your initial menu) appears on your console.
Type CHGMSGQ QSYSOPR *BREAK SEV(95) and press Enter.
6. A message display could appear. Press Enter.
7. The IBM i Main Menu (or the menu you chose as your initial menu) appears again.
Type GO LICPGM and press Enter.
8. The Work with Licensed Programs display appears.
Chapter 13. Changing the primary language of your system or logical partition 137
LICPGM Work with Licensed Programs
System: XXXX
Select one of the following:
Manual Install
1. Install all
5. Prepare for install
Licensed Programs
10. Display installed licensed programs
11. Install licensed programs
12. Delete licensed programs
13. Save licensed programs
If you are using primary language media, type 11, press Enter, and go to step “9” on page 138.
If you are using secondary language media, type 1, press Enter and go to step “12” on page 138.
9. The Install Licensed Programs display appears. Type 1 in the option column next to the IBM products
and options that have *NOPRIMARY as the installed status value and which exist on the media you
will use for the installation. Press Enter.
10. The Confirm Install of Licensed Programs display appears. Press Enter to confirm your choices or
press F12 to return to the Install Licensed Programs display and change your choices.
11. The Install Options display appears.
Install Options
System: XXXX
Type choices, press Enter.
The following display is an example of the display that appears during the installation process.
System: XXXX
Licensed programs processed . . . . . . . . . . : X
Program Option Description Type
5770SS1 IBM i - Library QUSRSYS 2922
14. If you see the following message, load the next volume of the language media and continue the
installation Be certain that the next volume is for the same language.
Display Messages
System: XXXX
Queue . . . . . : QSYSOPR Program . . . . : *DSPMSG
Library . . . : QSYS Library . . . :
Severity . . . . : 95 Delivery . . . : *BREAK
Chapter 13. Changing the primary language of your system or logical partition 139
Type G and press Enter. After you load each volume, type G and press Enter. If there are no more
volumes to load that contain licensed programs, or if you want to end the loading process, type X and
press Enter.
15. The Work with Licensed Programs display appears on your console when the language objects for
all of the licensed programs are installed. One of the following messages appears on the Work with
Licensed Programs display:
Work with licensed programs function has completed. Press F3 (Exit) to return to the
IBM i Main Menu.
Work with licensed programs function not complete. Go to Chapter 15,
“Troubleshooting software installation problems,” on page 145 to determine the problem.
You have completed this task.
To complete your installation, go to “Checklist: Completing the IBM i installation ” on page 127 and follow
the instructions there.
Table 3. Deleting unwanted licensed programs and optional parts after the installation is complete
Licensed program or optionally
installable product part Product option Deletion information
5770-SS1 IBM i You cannot delete the entire operating
system. You can delete optional parts, but
you cannot delete IBM i option 1 or option 3.
Extended Base Support 1 You cannot delete the entire operating
system. You can delete optional parts, but
you cannot delete IBM i option 1 or option 3.
Online Information (Online help 2 If you delete this optional part, you must first
information) remove QHLPSYS from the system library
list. Refer to “Considerations for deleting
licensed programs” on page 142 for more
Chapter 14. Deleting software related to the IBM i operating system 143
144 IBM i: Installing, upgrading, or deleting IBM i and related software
Chapter 15. Troubleshooting software installation
This information describes common problem scenarios, recovery methods, and ways to get help if you
encounter a problem during IBM i software installation.
Error messages and reference codes (also known as system reference codes or SRCs) let you know that
an error occurred during the installation process. Use the error messages or reference codes to determine
which part of the process failed.
If the installation process fails and you cannot continue the current installation, refer to Recovering your
system in the IBM i Information Center and your system's backup copy to restore the previous release.
In the farthest left column of the following table, locate the installation section you were using when the
failure occurred. In the second column, locate which task you were performing in that section. Locate the
first task that failed during your installation and then use the information in the last column to determine
your recovery starting point.
The following table lists the error messages that could occur if you are using an image catalog to install.
CPF9897 Cause (Reason code 01): The load-source disk unit must have at least 2000 MB of
CPDBC1E free storage space to be able to install from an image catalog (virtual media device).
1. To determine if you have enough free space available, see “Freeing up space on
the load-source disk unit for an image catalog” on page 35.
2. Perform the procedure for freeing up space on the load-source disk unit and
try your request again. The topic, “Cleaning up disk storage space” on page 52,
contains the procedure.
Cause (Reason code 02): Installation of the release requires additional allocation of
space for License Internal Code.
Recovery: Follow the directions in the error message. More information is in the
topic, “Required: Allocating additional space for Licensed Internal Code” on page
Cause (Reason code 03): The Licensed Internal Code media is not supported for
installation over the current version, release, and modification that is installed or for
your system model.
Recovery: Try your request again with a supported release.
CPF3DE5 Cause: The Licensed Internal Code and IBM i software agreements have not been
Recovery: Perform the steps “Required: Accepting software agreements” on page
CPD4F1C Cause: One or more PTFs on the system are delayed PTFs and require an IPL action.
An installation from virtual media cannot be done when delayed PTFs exist.
Recovery: Perform an unattended IPL, then retry your request
Table 6. Word 16 reference code. The console type value is represented by the last 4 characters in the
form xxxx xxxx.
Word 16
value: Indicates the type of console
0 Not defined by user (old default value)
3 Operations Console (LAN)
4 Hardware Management Console (HMC)
All others Retry the installation. If the installation fails again with the same reason
code, retry the installation with another set of media. If the same failure
occurs, contact your authorized service provider.
2. If you received a message that indicates the load source disk unit needs additional space for Licensed
Internal Code, follow the directions in the error message. Ensure that you have adequate disk storage
before you allocate the additional space for the Licensed Internal Code. The tasks for this are
described in the topic “Ensuring the system meets disk storage requirements for upgrades” on page
51.The tasks for allocating additional space are in the topic, “Required: Allocating additional space for
Licensed Internal Code” on page 53.
3. If you received a message that indicates the Licensed Internal Code and operating system software
agreements have not been accepted, perform the steps “Required: Accepting software agreements”
on page 50.
4. Find the reference code that is shown on the control panel display and take the appropriate recovery
action. If the reference code indicates that you have a media error, thoroughly clean the installation
device. If you are using optical media, clean the media. If you are using tape, clean the tape head
and tape path thoroughly. Then continue with the next step. If you receive another error message
that indicates a media error on the same media, get another set of media to complete the installation
For a complete list of Licensed Internal Code reference codes, go to Analyzing and handling problems
in the IBM i Information Center and follow the instructions.
5. You are trying to do one of the following:
• Install from optical media when an alternate installation device is enabled.
• Use an alternate installation device which is not enabled.
Go to Setting up an alternate installation device or Disabling an alternate installation device and
perform the appropriate procedure.
If you cannot find the address information or the configuration has changed and the address is wrong,
you must determine the address by physical inspection. This inspection can be difficult and could vary
depending on your system model and the specific configuration of your IO buses. For this reason,
IBM recommends that you call your next support level for help in determining the addresses for the
alternate installation device. A service agreement might be required for this type of assistance.
6. Start the installation process again.
If you were using the automatic installation process, go to “Starting the automatic installation process
again” on page 158 to start the installation process again. You must load the first volume in the
installation device to start the automatic recovery installation process.
If you were using the manual installation process, go to “Starting the manual installation process
again” on page 159 to start the installation process again.
The following table lists error messages that could occur during the installation of Licensed Internal Code
when using image catalogs.
B60041FC Cause: This reference code occurs when the Licensed Internal Code
installation fails when performing an installation using image catalogs.
Words 12 and 13 of the reference code contain reason codes that indicate
why the failure occurred. If you plan to contact your authorized service
provider, write down the 8 numbers from word 13.
Recovery: Use physical media to perform the installation.
B900 3100 through B900 The reference codes in this range are displayed by the start operating
37FF system process. Go to Analyzing and handling problems in the IBM i
Information Center. Take the appropriate recovery action.
The following table contains some of the error messages that could occur during the installation of the
operating system.
CPZ2003 CPZ2004 Cause: The installation process received a tape or optical media error code.
CPZ2005 CPZ2010
CPZ2011 Note: If you are performing a network installation of the operating system,
there is a network problem or slow network performance.
Recovery for Error Code Ex10 0019 or Ex10 001A:
1. Check the media
• If you are using a physical device, ensure the device is properly
connected and the device contains the proper media. Clean the media
if necessary.
• If you are using a network device, ensure the device has been properly
setup and configured.
2. Try the installation process again.
• If you were using the automatic installation process, go to “Starting the
automatic installation process again” on page 158.
• If you were using the manual installation process, go to step 3 in
“Licensed Internal Code recovery” on page 150 to start the installation
process again.
If you receive another error message indicating a media error on the same
installation media, contact your software provider to get another set of
installation media to complete the installation process.
Recovery for all other error codes: Contact your authorized service
CPZ2022 Cause: The restore options read from the installation profile are not valid.
Note: If you create distribution media and specify *NONE for the installation
profile name, the media will contain an empty installation profile. These
media cannot be used to perform an automatic installation.
Recovery: Record the recovery information for the error message. Try to
install the operating system again using the manual installation process. You
can also try to use the automatic installation process with a different set of
media. If the problem occurs again during an automatic installation process,
contact your next level of service.
CPZ20xx Cause: These termination messages are displayed by the installation of the
operating system process. Print the display if possible; otherwise, copy all of
the information.
Recovery: Read the instructions for the messages that are displayed on the
console. Perform the recovery action described in the message to correct
the problem and then try the installation process again.
Note: A short time after you press Enter, a B900 xxxx reference code is
displayed. Analyzing and handling problems in the IBM i Information Center
contains additional information.
Message Description
CPA3DD2 Cause: The system could not identify the last volume loaded in the
CPA3DD3 device.
Recovery: Open the device door, verify that correct volume is loaded, and
close the device door.
CPA3DE1 Cause: The volume that is loaded does not contain licensed programs
that are supported through the Work with Licensed Programs (LICPGM)
Recovery: Load the optical media that contains licensed programs.
CPD4F39 Cause: The volumes located in a network optical device are not in
the correct sort order for the program temporary fix (PTF) package
Recovery: Follow these steps:
1. Find the catalog that owns the images loaded in the device.
2. Use the Verify Image Catalog (VFYIMGCLG) command to sort the
volume list for the type Program Temporary Fix.
3. Use the Vary Configuration (VFYCFG) command to vary off and vary on
the device.
CPF3DC1 Cause: Directory objects for product 5770SS1 option *BASE release
V7R1M0 failed to install. The system will not install library QGPL and
will not allow licensed programs to be installed until the directory objects
have been installed.
Recovery: See previous messages in the job log to determine the cause
of the failure. Correct the errors
CPF3DC2 Cause: Required user library cannot be installed. The system will not
install library QGPL and will not allow licensed programs to be installed
because the operating system directory installation was not successful.
Recovery:Examine the history log for errors that occurred while operating
system directories were being installed. Correct the errors.
CPD32B0 reason code 7 Cause: 5770SS1 option 1, Extended Base Support, failed to install.
CPF327E reason code 3 Recovery: Use the Reclaim Storage (RCLSTG) command and try to install
option 1 again.
CPD3713 Cause: The licensed program is currently installed on your system and
was not found on the distribution media.
Recovery: Get another set of distribution media that contains the
licensed program. Either install the licensed program again from
“Installing additional licensed programs” on page 117 or delete the
licensed program from your systemif you no longer want it.
CPD3D82 Cause: These messages could be shown if you did not end all of the
CPF3D8F subsystems before you started the installation process.
Recovery: End all subsystems and start installing the licensed programs
CPF371C Cause: Look at the messages previously listed in the job log to determine
CPF3731 the failure.
Recovery: Take the recommended recovery action.
If you received one of these messages, the installation process ended
before you completed installing the licensed programs.
CPF371D Cause: These messages could be shown if the wrong volume is loaded.
CPF371E The online information of the message can help determine the cause.
Recovery: Load the correct volume and start the process again.
CPF3D96 Cause: Errors occurred during the restoring process for a licensed
Recovery: Take the recommended recovery action explained in the online
help information.
If you received these messages, the installation continued with the other
licensed programs if the problem was not too severe. However, problems
with the tape or system storage level would have caused the installation
to end.
CPF3D82 Cause: There is not enough auxiliary storage to install the licensed
CPF3D83 programs that you selected.
Recovery: Go to “Licensed program releases and sizes” on page 167
to determine the space requirements for each licensed program that
you want to install. Obtain additional auxiliary storage and start the
installation process again.
CPF3DD3 Cause: The device description could not be found or could not be used.
Recovery: Create a device description for the installation device (optical
or tape). Use the CRTOPTDEV command to create a device description
for the optical device that supports the optical media class. Use the
CRTDEVTAP command to create a device description for the tape device.
Then start the process again.
CPI3D82 Cause: A licensed program that is included on the distribution media was
CPI3D84 not currently installed on the system.
CPI3D85 Recovery: Use the online information of the message for recovery help.
Use the topic “Installing additional licensed programs” on page 117 to
install the licensed program.
Media error messages Cause: A media error occurred during the installation process.
Recovery: If you are using optical media, clean the disc, and then follow
the recovery actions that are indicated for this message. If you are
using tape, clean the tape head and tape path thoroughly. If you receive
another error message that indicates a media error on the same tape, get
another set of tapes to complete the installation.
Method Instructions
Method 1: Licensed When to use: This method should be used if the Licensed Internal Code
Internal Code needs to be installed again. If you are sure the Licensed Internal Code
has been successfully installed, you do not need to use this method.
No message indicates that the Licensed Internal Code has been installed
successfully; however, messages do indicate that the operating system
has been installed successfully. If the operating system has been installed
successfully, so has the Licensed Internal Code.
How to use: To start an installation process again, use the instructions in
Chapter 7, “Upgrading or replacing software using automatic installation,”
on page 57.
Method 3: Licensed When to use: Use the Work with Licensed Programs display to install only
Programs the licensed programs that failed to install. Make sure the Licensed Internal
Code and the operating system are successfully installed.
How to use: Determine which products failed to install. Use option 11
(Install licensed programs) on the Work with Licensed Programs display.
To install the licensed programs from a list, refer to “Installing additional
licensed programs” on page 117.
Method Instructions
Method 1: Licensed When to use: This method should be used if the Licensed Internal Code
Internal Code needs to be installed again. If you are sure the Licensed Internal Code
has been successfully installed, you do not need to use this method. No
message indicates that the Licensed Internal Code has been installed
successfully; however, messages do indicate that the operating system
has been installed successfully. If the operating system has been installed
successfully, so has the Licensed Internal Code.
How to use: To start an installation process again, use the instructions in
Chapter 8, “Upgrading or replacing software using manual installation,” on
page 65.
Method 3: Licensed When to use: This method should be used if several licensed programs are
Programs not installed.
How to use: To start an installation process again using method 3, use
option 1 (Install all) on the Work with Licensed Programs display. Refer to
“Manual installation Option 1. Install all” on page 198.
Method 4: Licensed When to use: This method should be used if one or more licensed
Programs programs are not installed and you want to install only those licensed
programs or optional parts that failed.
How to use: To start the installation of only those licensed programs or
optional parts that failed, use the instructions in “Installing additional
licensed programs” on page 117. Complete all of the instructions in that
Method 5: PTFs When to use: This method can be used if only one or two licensed
programs had PTFs that failed to install. Consider installing PTFs for only
those licensed programs that failed.
How to use: To install PTFs for selected licensed programs, use the GO PTF
menu and select option 7 (Install a program temporary fix from a list).
Method 6: PTFs When to use: This method should be used if several licensed programs
had PTFs that failed to install. Consider installing the entire cumulative PTF
package again.
How to use: To install the cumulative PTF package, use the instructions in
the System PTF Shipping Information Letter.
Restore in progress View the online information and take the appropriate recovery action.
Device parity You have a failed unit in a parity set. You can ignore this message and
protected units in continue the upgrade procedure. However, you should contact hardware support
exposed mode immediately after the upgrade procedure.
Incorrect Licensed Contact hardware support before you proceed. The load-source disk unit and its
Internal Code mirrored pair might be configured incorrectly.
Change load source Contact hardware support before you proceed. Your load-source disk unit might
location be configured incorrectly.
Bad load source Contact hardware support before you proceed. Your load-source disk unit might
configuration be configured incorrectly.
Overflowed ASPs Wait to correct the problem until after the upgrade process is completed. For
further instructions, refer to Resetting an overflowed user auxiliary storage pool
(ASP) during an initial program load (IPL)in the IBM i Information Center.
Lower level of Ignore during the installation procedure. However, you should analyze your
protection mirrored configuration after the installation procedure.
A600 1103 This reference code appears when Licensed Internal Code is damaged. Use
the control panel or virtual control panel (Work with Partition Status display)
to set the IPL type to D and to set the mode to Manual. Then use the
instructions for Chapter 8, “Upgrading or replacing software using manual
installation,” on page 65.
This reference code appears when the system cannot locate the device used
B1xx 4504
for the alternate IPL. Check that the installation media is loaded in correct
B1xx 1933
device and, if necessary, make the device ready.
Then perform the appropriate procedure under “IBM i installation recovery
after using reference codes” on page 166.
B1xx 4505 These reference codes appear if the installation media is dirty or if the wrong
media was loaded. Verify that the correct media is loaded. If the problem still
remains, clean the optical disk. If you are using tape, clean the tape head and
tape path.
Then perform the appropriate procedure under “IBM i installation recovery
after using reference codes” on page 166.
B1xx 4507 These reference codes appear if the tape device for the alternate IPL was not
found or was not ready. Make sure the tape device is powered on and the
correct tape is loaded and ready. To make tape devices ready, you might need
to open and close the tape device door.
Then perform the appropriate procedure under “IBM i installation recovery
after using reference codes” on page 166.
B2pp 1310 (pp is the No alternate IPL device IOP was selected. The IPL will attempt to continue,
partition ID) but there might not be enough information to find the correct alternate IPL
load source. Configure an alternate IPL device IOP for the logical partition.
Then, retry the partition IPL. If it continues to fail, contact your service
See Logical partitioning in the IBM Systems Hardware Information Center.
B2pp 1320 (pp is the No default load source IOP was selected for a type A or type B IPL. The
partition ID) IPL will attempt to continue, but there might not be enough information
to find the correct load source. Configure a load source IOP for the logical
partition. Then retry the partition IPL. If it continues to fail, contact your
service provider.
See Logical partitioning in the IBM Systems Hardware Information Center.
B2pp 3110 (pp is the The power-on operation for the logical partition failed. Scan the reference
partition ID) code history list of the logical partition for previous B2ppxxxx failure
reference codes. Resolve each problem found, and then retry the partition
IPL. If it continues to fail, contact your service provider.
B2pp 4158 (pp is the A failure occurred during a search for the load source. Scan the reference
partition ID) code history list of the logical partition for previous B2ppxxxx failure
reference codes. Resolve each problem found, and then retry the partition
IPL. If it continues to fail, contact your service provider.
B2xx xxxx All other reference codes: If you performed a D-mode IPL, clean the device
and media, and then retry the same type of power-on operation.
B608 1105 This reference code occurs when you exit from the automatic installation
because an alternate installation device that is attached to the system has
one of the following problems:
• The device is enabled, but it is not ready because the tape is not loaded.
• The device is not enabled as an alternate installation device.
• The device itself has a problem.
To use the alternate installation device, do the following:
1. Power off the system.
2. If necessary, fix the device.
3. Power on the system.
4. Verify that the alternate installation device is enabled as an alternate
installation device.
5. Load the tape media in the alternate installation device and start the
installation procedure again.
B900 3121 This reference code occurs when an IPL is attempted after an installation
failure. You need to reinstall some or all of the operating system. Start with
the media volume containing the base operating system.
Then perform the appropriate procedure under “IBM i installation recovery
after using reference codes” on page 166.
2644 3136 This reference code appears if the tape device is assigned to another system
or partition. Go to the other system or partition and vary off this tape device.
Make sure the correct tape is loaded.
Then perform the appropriate procedure under “IBM i installation recovery
after using reference codes” on page 166.
Any other reference code Go to Chapter 15, “Troubleshooting software installation problems,” on page
145, and follow the instructions there.
• Base your estimate on the installation time of a previous release. If the system configuration and load
remain similar, you can use the installation time of a previous release on this system as the start of your
estimate. If you rely on only the installation time of the previous release, your estimate might not be
• Base your estimate on the installation time for a similar system. If your enterprise has multiple systems,
you can record the actual time to install the new release on one system. You can use this to estimate
the time that is needed to install the new release on a system with a similar configuration and load. Of
course, you cannot use this method until you complete the installation on the first system.
• Estimate time using a formula. You can use the information in the following sections to estimate how
long it will take to install this release on your system. Keep in mind that the number at which you arrive
will vary from your actual installation time because of the variables that affect installation time.
• Combine one or more of the methods that are listed.
Multiprocess installation
The operating system determines if your system configuration has enough system capacity to use
multiprocess installation to install licensed programs. If your system has the required resources, the
licensed programs are installed concurrently by doing the following tasks:
• Loading the licensed program installation files from the media to temporary save files.
• Using multiple batch jobs to concurrently install licensed programs from the save files. The save files
are deleted during the installation process when they are no longer needed.
During installation, a status panel indicates the licensed programs that are currently being installed from
save files. The display lists the licensed programs and the type of item being installed for each, as follows:
Program objects
Language objects
If your system does not have the required resources for a multiprocess installation, the licensed programs
are installed sequentially from the installation media (single-process). In single-process installation, the
status panel indicates the licensed program that is currently being installed from the media.
Optical media
This topic includes tips for using optical devices and optical media to install an IBM i release, install PTFs
(fixes), or install single licensed programs.
The optical device used with the optical media class is considered the alternate IPL device.
Keep optical media in its protective case when not in use. When handling optical media, do not touch
the surface. If the media has dust or fingerprints on it, it can be cleaned with a lint free cloth (the tape
cleaning cloth can be used). Gently wipe the media from the center to the outside of the disc.
When you install from optical media, it is important to know what each media volume contains so that you
do not exit the installation process prematurely. The process of creating a master installation list will help
you become familiar with what software is contained on each media volume.
The system must be powered on before you can load optical media in the media drawer. “Starting from a
power-off condition” on page 163 describes how to start the system when power is off.
Note: The default value for the Power Down System (PWRDWNSYS) command is to display a
confirmation. This can be changed by specifying *NO for the Confirm (CONFIRM) parameter:
Alternative: An alternative to this step is to select function 21 (Dedicated service tools). If you use
this alternative, the next step is step 4. You will not need to perform step 12.
Logical partition users:
• If you are using Hardware Management Console (HMC), see the Managing the Hardware
Management Console (HMC) topic.
3. When the IPL or Install the System display appears, select option 3 (Use dedicated service tools
(DST)) and press the Enter key.
4. The Dedicated Service Tools (DST) Sign On display appears.
From this display, type a 5 (Display details) next to the resource you want to view details and press
the Enter key.
7. The Display Device Details display appears.
Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . : UTMP3.C01.01B7A4G-DB3-D41
Logical address:
System bus . . . . . . . . : 16
System board . . . . . . . : 0
System card . . . . . . . . : 32
I/O bus number . . . . . . : 0
Controller . . . . . . . . : 14
Device address . . . . . . : 0
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
You need to have a record of the addresses assigned to the alternate installation device selected for
installing a system. Record the following information:
• Type/Model: _________
• System bus: _________
• System card: _________
• Serial number: _________
• You might want to repeat this process to record the addresses for all alternate installation devices
that appear in step 6. You should store this information in a safe place, such as the location where
your recovery information and recovery media are stored.
• If more than one alternate installation device is defined, only one can be enabled.
• You should ensure that only one device contains valid installation media. This prevents you from
loading the wrong version of the Licensed Internal Code.
Press the Enter key.
8. The Select Alternate Installation Device display appears.
Type 1 (Select) next to the resource you want and press the Enter key.
9. You should see the following message at the bottom of the display:
Alternate installation device selected
10. Press F3 (Exit) to return to the Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST) display.
11. Press F3 (Exit) again.
The Exit Dedicated Service Tools (DST) display appears.
1. Exit DST
2. Resume dedicated service tools
Type 1 (Exit Dedicated Service Tools (DST)) and press the Enter key.
12. The next display you see is the IPL or Install the System display.
Type 1 (Perform an IPL) and press the Enter key to complete the procedure.
Type 3, and press Enter. This option provides the ability to define an alternative installation device as
the install source for the Licensed Internal Code.
a. Verify that the selected device is on the correct system bus. Type 1 in the Options field next to the
selected bus, and press Enter.
b. Select the media type on the Select Media Type display and press Enter.
1. Tape
2. Optical
Note: The system must be in a restricted state to install the QGPL and QUSRSYS libraries, and to install
Option 12 (Host Servers).
5770-SS1, IBM i Option 1 Extended Base Support
This option installs automatically when you install the new release of the operating system. You cannot
delete this option.
5770-SS1, IBM i Option 3 Extended Base Directory Support
This option installs automatically when you install the new release of the operating system. This option
contains integrated file system directories. You cannot delete this option.
To find other information about what's new or changed this release, see the Memo to Users in the
information center. For more information about products or features that might not be supported in
future releases of the operating system or on future models, on Product Previews, and on Statements of
Directions, see IBM i Support Planning (
I_BASE_01 (LCD8-2553-0x)
Requires a
Product Option Description license key
5770-999 9999 Licensed Machine Code No
(LCD8-2429-0x ARCAD RPG Converter for IBM i) Entitled Software Support (ESS Only)
Requires a
Product Option Description license key
5733-AC1 base ARCAD RPG Converter for IBM i No
(LCD8-2430-0x ARCAD Observer for IBM i) Entitled Software Support (ESS Only)
Requires a
Product Option Description license key
5733-AO1 base ARCAD Observer for IBM i No
1. Refer to the Entitled Software Support (ESS) web site (
OpenServlet.wss) to access, download, and manage your software programs. Please visit this web
site, and under the IBM i Evaluation, Try & Buy and NLV download tab, you can find your trial use
software for this product.
2. You might receive other media that contains a single licensed program or option and also has the
volume ID of F_MULTI_NLV. The media label lists the licensed program or option contained on the
Blank displays
During an IBM i installation, you will see blank displays at times.
If the blank displays are predictable, instructions give an approximate amount of time when there appears
to be no installation activity. Other blank displays are less predictable because of unique situations on
your system. If the processor light is blinking or reference codes are changing, the installation process
is active. If the processor light goes out, the attention light turns on, and a reference code appears on
the control panel, go to Chapter 15, “Troubleshooting software installation problems,” on page 145 and
follow the instructions.
System password
The system password identifies all model changes to help maintain the quality and integrity of the system.
The system password also ensures the protection of IBM's intellectual property, including IBM Licensed
Internal Code and licensed programs.
Support exists to detect processor model changes on all systems through the use of a 16-character
system password. New systems from the factory come with the correct system password already
installed. A new system password is required for each model change or for conditions that indicate
probable change of ownership. If you do not have the system password at the first IPL, contact your
marketing representative to place a system password RPQ (Request for Price Quotation) order. IBM
manufacturing receives the RPQ order and sends the system password to you for installation. If the
correct system password is not entered, you can select a system-password bypass period to allow you
to obtain the correct system password from your marketing representative. If the correct password is not
available and the bypass period expires, the system will not complete the next IPL unless the correct
password is installed. While in bypass mode, the system uses operator messages to indicate the time that
remains until the bypass period expires.
The product is installed. Its version, release, and modification is compatible with the installed level of
the operating system. You can use this program with the installed level of the operating system.
The product is installed, but might or might not be compatible with the installed level of the operating
Note: Licensed programs that are part of the single set will be listed on the display panel as
*INSTALLED. You will need to verify that the release level of the licensed program is compatible with
the release level of the operating system. For IBM products, either check the current release levels
for licensed programs in the topic, “Licensed program releases and sizes” on page 167, or check with
your software supplier before you use the licensed program.
Either the product has not installed successfully or the product is only partially installed. For example,
a language or a language object for the product is not installed. Use the Check Product Option
(CHKPRDOPT) command to determine the cause of the failure. To determine the cause of a missing
object, enter GO LICPGM and select options 10 and 50.
Note: The product lists now show many products, such as Programming Request for Price Quotations
(PRPQ), licensed program offerings (LPO), and non-IBM products. This *ERROR status might have
existed before the upgrade to the current operating system release, but was not detected. Use the
CHKPRDOPT command to find out why the product shows an *ERROR, and contact your software
provider if you need help correcting the problem.
The product is installed. Its version, release, and modification is not compatible with the currently
installed level of the operating system. To correct this problem, install a current release of this
product. And if you have secondary languages, install a new release of these languages as well, using
LICPGM menu option 21.
Note: If you use a licensed program that is listed as *BACKLEVEL, you run the risk of having an
information mix up between release levels, or some portions of the licensed program might not work
properly. An installed status value of *COMPATIBLE is desired.
The product is installed. Its version, release, and modification is not compatible with the currently
installed level of the base product that is associated with the option. To correct this problem, install a
current release of this option.
The product is installed, but its associated base product is not compatible with this option. To correct
this problem, install a current release of the base product.
Blank (on LICPGM menu, option 11)
If no value is shown, a blank in the installed status column means that the product is not installed.
The product is installed, but the language for the product is not the same as the primary language of
the operating system. To correct this problem, install the primary language for the product by using
the Restore Licensed Program (RSTLICPGM) command or from the LICPGM menu.
Opt Description
_ Work with licensed programs for target release
_ Work with licensed programs to delete
_ List licensed programs not found on media
_ Display licensed programs for target release
_ Work with software agreements
_ Work with user profiles
_ Verify system objects
_ Estimate storage requirements for system ASP
_ Allocate additional space for LIC
_ Keep disk configuration
F3=Exit F9=Command line F10=Display job log F12=Cancel
For the instructions to use Option 5, Prepare for install, see “Required: Creating a custom list of software
to install” on page 47.
With the Work with licensed programs for target release option, you can work with a list of the licensed
programs for the target release. Use this option to verify the contents of the installation media and to
create a customized list of licensed programs to install for the target release. The system can use the list
you create to allow the installation processes that replace a release of software to also install the selected
additional licensed programs. For more information, refer to “Verifying the contents of your software
order” on page 25.
Note: This list does not include all products. Among those are programming request for price quotations
(PRPQ), licensed program offerings (LPO), and licensed programs on the single set. If you want to install
these products for the first time, use the GO LICPGM menu, options 1 or 11.
With the Work with licensed programs to delete option, you can work with a list of installed licensed
programs that should not remain on the system because either they are no longer supported or you
chose not to replace them. This list also includes products for which no replacement was found on the
distribution media. The display indicates the reason why a licensed program is included in this list, as well
as provides options to save and delete any of the products listed. For more information, refer to “Cleaning
up disk storage space” on page 52.
With the List licensed programs not found on media option, you can display a list of licensed programs
that could replace existing products but that were not found on the optical distribution media. For more
information on licensed program availability, refer to Chapter 16, “IBM i software reference,” on page 167.
With the Display licensed programs for target release option, you can display the list of licensed
programs that will be installed when you install the target release. For each licensed program in the list,
Manual Install
1. Install all
The Manual Install display allows you to make choices for the prompts in the following list. Use the Help
key for more information about each prompt.
1. Install option
This option determines what types of licensed programs and optional parts are installed from the
distribution media. You can choose to install only new releases of products that already exist on your
system, install all products, install only new products, or install new releases of products that exist on
your system plus additionally selected products.
a. The Install option does not apply to the QGPL and QUSRSYS libraries. QGPL and QUSRSYS libraries
are always installed if they are found on the media. For all Install option choices, only new objects
are installed in the QGPL and QUSRSYS libraries.
b. To complete the installation successfully, the installation media must contain all renewed products
that are currently installed on your system. The installation media might contain products whose
version, release, and modification is earlier than that of the new operating system release. (The
products did not renew at the same time as the operating system.)
2. Installation device
The examples in this topic use OPT01 for the name of the installation device. For more information
about the installation device naming convention, see “Types of software installation devices” on page
3. Replace if current
By specifying *NO, the licensed programs that are currently installed and that are at the same release
level on the installation media will not be replaced during an upgrade. You can change the Replace
if Current parameter to *YES if you want to replace licensed programs that are already installed,
including products installed at the same release level as on the installation media. By choosing *YES,
you might have to reapply PTFs to some licensed programs that were replaced from the media.
4. Nonaccepted agreement
During the installation of licensed programs, if the software agreement has not been previously
accepted, the nonaccepted agreement option determines if you will be prompted to accept or decline
the software agreement, or if the installation will continue without installing the licensed program. A
value of 1 indicates that you do not want to install the licensed program. A value of 2 indicates that you
want to display the licensed program and accept the software agreement.
5. Automatic IPL
This option determines whether the system will automatically IPL when the installation process has
completed successfully.
If you are using the Hardware Management Console, refer to Managing your server using the Hardware
Management Console in the IBM Systems Hardware Information Center.
Type a 4 in the Option column next to the licensed program or optional part of a licensed program that you
want to delete from your system.
Fill in the information on the Save Options display by using the following information.
Use the Help key for more information for each of the prompts on the display.
1. Device
The examples in this topic use TAP01 for the name of the tape device. For more information about the
tape device naming convention, see “Types of software installation devices” on page 10.
2. Sequence number
Use *Default, or enter your choice for the sequence number to be used for the save process.
3. End of media option
Tape: Determines the automatic positioning operation that is done on the tape volume when the save
operation is completed. In the case of a multiple-volume save operation, this parameter applies to
the last volume only. All other volumes rewind and unload if the tape reaches its end. You can specify
these values:
• *REWIND: The tape automatically rewinds after the operation ends, but it does not unload the tape.
• *LEAVE: The tape does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current
position on the tape drive.
• *UNLOAD: The tape automatically rewinds and unloads after the operation ends.
Optical: Specifies the operation that is automatically performed on the optical volume after the save
operation ends. Optical devices only support the special value *UNLOAD. They ignore *REWIND and
*LEAVE. Some optical devices will eject the volume after the operation ends.
1. Licensed programs and optional parts that are shipped independently of an operating system release
or modification are not displayed. Use the Save Licensed Program (SAVLICPGM) command to save
independently shipped IBM licensed programs and optional parts.
2. This option should not be used for backup and recovery. It is only for redistribution. More information
about redistribution is available in the Distributing software topic in the IBM i Information Center.
For information about saving your system, refer to the Backing up your system topic in the IBM i
Information Center.
Type 1 by the language you want to install, and press Enter. Only one secondary language can be installed
at a time. The Confirm Install of Secondary Language display shows the following:
• The language you selected to install
• The library where it will be installed
• The release level of the language
On the Install Option for Secondary Languages display, select your installation device and specify yes or
no for the Replace if current parameter.
The examples in this topic use OPT01 for the name of the installation device. “Types of software
installation devices” on page 10 contains more information about the installation device naming
convention. By specifying *NO to the Replace if current parameter, the secondary languages that are
currently installed and at the same release as on the installation media are not be replaced during an
upgrade. You can change the Replace if current parameter to *YES if you want to replace secondary
languages that are already installed, including secondary languages installed at the same release as on
the installation media.
On the Delete Secondary Languages display, type 4 to select the secondary language that you want to
delete. Press Enter. Press Enter again at the confirmation display.
More information about secondary language libraries in user profiles is available in the IBM i Globalization
topic in the IBM i Information Center.
Completion status
When you install licensed programs, a secondary language, or PTFs, make sure that the IBM i installation
process has successfully completed to avoid problems when you begin using the system.
Option 50. Display log for messages
Selecting option 50 shows the Display Install History display. Press Enter to view the installation start and
completion messages on the Display History Log Contents display. This option displays specific messages
that are shown in the history log.
Each part of the installation process (such as licensed programs, PTFs, Initialize System (INZSYS)) should
have a completion message. If you do not see the message on the display, wait a few minutes and select
option 50 again. If you still do not see a completion message, use the recovery procedures in Chapter 15,
“Troubleshooting software installation problems,” on page 145 to install any licensed programs or PTFs
that were not successfully installed.
For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property
Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to:
The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such
provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION
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This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically
made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication.
IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this
publication at any time without notice.
Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in
any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of
the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk.
IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without
incurring any obligation to you.
Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the
exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this
one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact:
IBM Corporation
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206 Notices
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Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks of Oracle, Inc. in the United States, other
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Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies.
Notices 207
208 IBM i: Installing, upgrading, or deleting IBM i and related software
Code license and disclaimer information
IBM grants you a nonexclusive copyright license to use all programming code examples from which you
can generate similar function tailored to your own specific needs.
A condition
affecting installation time 173
additional licensed programs, installing 117 Configure a service tools server for DST for the virtual optical
alternate installation device device 44
automatic installation 58, 66 contents of software order
how to verify and select, during a manual installation concepts 12
185 verifying 25, 95
IPL-type D from devices without IOP 182 CPA9E1B message 84, 91, 128
automatic installation cross-reference file
before you begin 57 checking before upgrade 30
recovery 150 cumulative PTF packages
steps to replace a release 58 ordering 96
blank display, response to 195 data protection mechanism
installation time 180
Delete Library (DLTLIB) command
C when not to use 142
changing primary language 131 deleting
checklist licensed program
completing installation 127 determining unused parts 141
estimating installation time 174 licensed program from list 201
checklist, readiness licensed programs and optional parts
new software installation 93 notes about 142
software upgrade or replacement 21 using option 12 142
software upgrade or replacement of same release 87 using the DLTLICPGM command 142
client system, Setting up the virtual optical device on the 45 secondary languages
command, CL using option 22 203
Delete Library (DLTLIB) software related to IBM i 141
when not to use 142 disk configuration
Display Software Resources (DSPSFWRSC) 200 choosing before upgrade 54
restore licensed program (RSTLICPGM) command warning and error messages 161
to install secondary languages 126 display
common method blank 195
estimating installation time 173 Display Software Resources (DSPSFWRSC) command 200
completion status displaying
display log for messages using option 50 203 installed licensed programs using option 10 200
compressed objects and storage space installed secondary languages using option 20 202
concepts 17 DLTLIB (Delete Library) command
concepts for software installation when not to use 142
compressed objects and storage space 17 document
contents of software order 12 software installation 95
globalization software upgrade or replacement 25
changing primary language 18 DSPSFWRSC (Display Software Resources) command 200
installing secondary language 18
overview 17 E
IBM-supplied object 16
media distribution set 13 environment, mixed release
mixed-release environment 15 overview 15
overview 9 estimating installation time
product documentation 14 common methods 173
releases supported,IBM i upgrades 15 how process affects 174
skipping release 14 estimating installation time :
software installation device 10 checklist 174
software installation process 9
software licensing documents 12
Index 211
F installation method (continued)
choosing 34
fast path installation note
installation, upgrade, or deletion tasks 5 IBM i 187
fixes (PTFs) installation problems
obtaining record for upgrading same release 88 troubleshooting 145
required for upgrades 27 installation process
estimating installation time 174
installation tasks
G initial 96
globalization installation time
changing primary language 18 common methods of estimating 173
installing secondary language 18 conditions that affect 173
preparing 34 data protection mechanism 180
software installation concepts 17 estimating 174
GO LICPGM (Go Licensed Program) menu how process affects 174
completion status options installation, new
using option 50 203 software
licensed programs options overview 95
using option 10 200 installing
using option 11 200 licensed programs and optional parts
using option 12 201 using option 11 200
using option 13 202 secondary languages
related commands using Work with Licensed Programs menu 123
using option 70 204 secondary languages using option 21 203
using option 71 204 installing additional licensed programs 117
secondary languages options installing licensed program
using option 20 202 times for 175
using option 21 203 installing secondary language 123
using option 22 203 installing software
new logical partition or system 104
new system without operating system 104
I installing the IBM i release 98
installing, software
IBM i upgrade
new system with operating system
supported releases 15
before you begin 113
IBM-supplied object
concepts 16
description 187
image catalog
INZSYS (Initialize System)
preparing optical 36
recovery 160
recovery 146
scenario for upgrade 34
space required for installation 35 K
virtual media device 181
image catalog (virtual media device) keys, software license
automatic installation 57, 65 verifying 26, 96
image catalog (virtual optical device)
licensed program installation 117 L
image catalog recovery 146
information resource license agreement
software installation 95 accepting 50
software upgrade or replacement 25 license keys
Initialize System (INZSYS) verifying 26, 96
recovery 160 Licensed Internal Code
install option recovery 150
displaying, installing, deleting, and saving from list 200 licensed program
installation adding additional to installation list 49
completion checklist 127 deleting
licensed program from list 201
from list 200 notes about 142
installation device procedures for 143
alternate 182 using option 12 142, 143
choosing 34 using the DLTLICPGM command 142
installation method determining unused parts to delete 141
Index 213
recovery (continued) software (continued)
Initialize System (INZSYS) 160 deleting 141
INZSYS (Initialize System) 160 installing on new logical partition or system 104
Licensed Internal Code 150 software agreement
licensed program 154 accepting 50
operating system 152 software installation
Operations Console 147 concepts 9
PTF 154 new system with operating system 113
secondary language 154 new system without operating system 104
starting the manual installation process again 160 reference codes 163
where to begin 145 software installation device
reference code concepts 10
recovery after using 166 software installation problems
software installation 163 troubleshooting 145
release software installation process
installation notes 187 overview 9
release, installing IBM i 98 software installation time
release, skipping ways to minimize 32
concepts 14 software installation, new
releases supported, IBM i upgrades 15 checklist 93
replacing a release overview 95
using automatic installation 57 software license keys
using manual installation verifying 26, 96
replacing IBM i operating system 72 software licensing documents
replacing licensed programs 78 concepts 12
verifying installation 81 software upgrade or replacement
replacing release checklist 21
same release 89 checklist for same release 87
using manual installation 65 preparation steps 25
Requirements for virtual optical storage within a Network space required for image catalog 35
File System network 40 starting from power-off condition 163
resource, information status value
software installation 95 installed 196
software upgrade or replacement 25 storage space
restarting from power-off condition 163 cleaning up 52
restore licensed program (RSTLICPGM) command 126 determining for installation 96
restoring determining for upgrade 51
licensed programs and optional parts determining for upgrade to same release 89
using option 11 200 upgrades 51
using the RSTLICPGM command 200 system object
RSTLICPGM (restore licensed program) command 126 verifying integrity before upgrade 30
system password
description 195
S system preparation steps
saving upgrade or replacement 26
licensed programs and optional parts system value
using option 13 202 changing before upgrade 28
using the SAVLICPGM command 202 recording and printing before upgrade 28
saving the system tasks before upgrade 28
before upgrade 55
secondary language T
installation concepts 18
installing 123 tape device
recovery 154 non-IBM 181
using options on GO LICPGM menu 202 tape devices
security level 111, 115 virtual 11
service tools server for DST for the virtual optical device, tape image catalog
Configure a 44 image catalog
Setting up the virtual optical device on the client system 45 preparing tape 37
size preparing for upgrade 37
licensed programs 167 tape or tape library
skipping release description 181
concepts 14 time
software installing licensed programs 175
supported release 15
upgrade or replacement
preparation steps 25
system preparation steps 26
upgrade tasks
initial 34
user profile
checking before upgrade 30
cleaning up 53
verifying before upgrade 30
installation using option 50 203
virtual media
scenario for upgrade 34
virtual media device
image catalog 181
virtual optical device on the client system, Setting up the 45
virtual optical device, Configure a service tools server for DST
for the 44
virtual optical devices 11
Virtual optical storage using the Network File System 181
virtual optical storage within a Network File System network,
Requirements for 40
virtual tape devices 11
warning and error messages
disk configuration 161
where to begin
recovery 145
Work with Licensed Programs menu
description 199
introduction of options 198
to install secondary languages 123
Year offset value
non-Gregorian calendar
setting Year offset value 29
setting 29
setting the Year offset value 29
Index 215
216 IBM i: Installing, upgrading, or deleting IBM i and related software