English File Intermediate 3rd Edition Grammar Bank 6A
English File Intermediate 3rd Edition Grammar Bank 6A
English File Intermediate 3rd Edition Grammar Bank 6A
the passive: be+ past participle l V./e often use the passive when it's not said, kn0\¥11, or
in1portanr vvho docs an action.
lA lot of fi ln1s are shot on location. ( 3 31 >)) Andy's bike has been stolen. (= Son1ebody has stolen Andy's
Our car is being repaired today. bike. \Ve don't kno\v vvho.)
Andy's bike has been s tolen. 2 If you \Vant to say \vho did the action, use by.
The di rector died vvhcn the filn1 was being 111ade. • 'vVe can often say things in t\VO vvays, in the active or in the
You'll be picked up at the airport by one of our staff. passive. Con1parc:
Th is bill has to be paid ton1orro\v. Bat1nan Begins ivas directed by Christopher Nolan. (= the
2 Bat111an Be&ins was directed b y Christopher Nolan. focus is nlore on the fihn)
Christopher Nolan directed Batn1an Begins in 2005. (= the
focus is Inore on Nolan)
• Vl'e fonn negatives and questions in the sa1ne vvay as in
active sentences.
Somefilrns aren't shot on location.
Is your car beinB repaired today?
• \Ve often use the passive ro talk about processes, for
exarnple scientific processes, and in formal vvr iting, such as
ne\\'Spaper reports.
Then the 1vater is heated to 100 deB rees ...
Many buildinss in the city have been damased by the
A lot of films are shot on loca t ion.
a ~the correct form, active or passive. b Re\~1 r ite the sentences \Vith the passive . Only use by if
The college built/ 1vas built in t he 16th century. necessary.
1 The costun1es for the shov.r are rnaking /are beins 1nade People don't use this roon1 very often . This roorn isn't
by hand. used very often.
2 The landscape inspired / was inspired hin1 to vvrite a 1 They subtitle a lot of foreign filrns .
poeni. A lot of foreign filtns _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 This castle hasn't inhabited/ hasn't been inhabited for 2 Garcia J\{arquez •vrote Love in the Ti1ne oj'Cholera
nearly a century. Love in the Tirr1e of Cholera ___________
4 T he d irector 's last fi lrn set/ is set in the present. 3 Son1eone is repairing n1y laptop.
5 T he fi ln1 1vill shoot / 1vilI be shot in the autumn. My laptop _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 T he actors aren't recordin3 / are11 't bein8 recorded the 4 They haven't released the DVD of the filn1 yet.
d ia logue un ti I next \veek. The DVD of the fi ln1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7 The house 1vasn't usin8 / 1.vasn't bein& used by the C)\vn ers 5 T hey v.ron'r finish the film until the spring.
d uring the \vinter. T hefi ltn. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _
8 T he make-up ar t ist has transforrned / has been 6 You have ro collect the tickets from the box office.
traniforn1ed the actor in to a nlonster.
The tickets - - - -- - - - -- -
9 T hey hadn't 01vned / hadn't been 01vned the cornpa ny for
7 They h ad n't told the actor about the cha nges in t he
very long b efore they \vent bankrupt.
10 T he photo took/ 1vas taken by nly husband on t he
T he actor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
balcony of o ur hotel.
- 8 Jan1es Can1eron directed Ava.tar.
/\vatar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9 They've already recorded the soundtrack.
T he sou ndtrack _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
10 They •vere intervie•ving the director about the filn1.
'fhc director _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
~ p.55