The Chemical Bond Revisited - Ed063p660
The Chemical Bond Revisited - Ed063p660
The Chemical Bond Revisited - Ed063p660
N. Colin Baird
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontarlo, Canada NBA 587
A chemical bond is a concept for which ab initio quantum sion. We shall concentrate our attention upon the hydrogen
mechanics provides a necessary and sufficient theory in that atom, which, since i t contains only one electron, has no
(for small molecules a t least) it predicts properties such as potential energy contributions from electron-electron repul-
bond lengths, dipole moments, vibration frequencies, and sions.
intensities with hieh accuracv and dissociation enereies with
a lower (but usefur) accurac{. I t would be very helpkd if one
. &
the subtle, cknplicated a b initio theory in simpler t&ms, t o the; separation r. In atomic units of charge, distance, and
i.e., in terms of forces, energies, simple wavefunctions, elec- energy, the potential energy P of attraction at any instant
tron densities, etc. This is a difficult undertaking. between an electron and a nucleus of atomic number Z is
Some textbook discussions of the nature of the chemical given by
bond are oversimplified to such an extent that many of the
statements they make in fact are incorrect.' This deficiency
is understandable, given that correct explanations of cova-
lent bond formation are rare even in quantum chemistry
texts! There are two fundamental difficulties associated where r is the electron-nucleus distance.
The potential energy Pa, hetween the electron and nucleus
~~~~~~ ~ ~~~
point in either direction to any appreciable extent. direction; as a result, the component of kinetic energy in this
direction is only about half that in the isolated atom. (A
Molecule Formatlon further increase in the length of the "box" in the direction
In order to formulate a model for the chemical bond in along the internuclear axis makes little difference to the
Hz+, we bring a second nucleus close to the hydrogen atom; kinetic energy as the box is long in that direction anyway.)
in particular we place it 2.0 atomic units from the first Thus, for Hz+,
nucleus (since this corresponds to the internuclear separa-
tion in HZ+).Let us now reconsider the potential energy of
the electron along the horizontal line which lies 1.0 a.u.
above the line joining the nuclei.
The total potential energy for Hz+ includes two terms: the
attraction of the electron to the two nuclei and the mutual
repulsion of the nuclei. The attraction term is approximately
equal to that of -(l/r), of the hydrogen atom plus about
-1lR for the attraction of the electron to the second nucleus.
The repulsion between nuclei is exactly 11R. Thus, for Hz+,
Due to the presence of the second nucleus, the potential felt
by the electron is almost 0.5 units more negative a t points
along this line than in atomic hydrogen; however, this ad-
vantage to the energy is cancelled by an approximately equal
but opposite term which is due to the nucleus-nucleus repul-
Murh more important is the fact that the potential en erg^.
function I S r s s r n r i o l l ~flat, ie.. P is almost constant. n,hen In other words, the potential energy function is essentially
the electron travels aiokg the line segment between the nu- identical to that in the isolated atom!
clei but 1a.u. ahove them-see the upper curve in Fiaure 3. If no change were to occur in the average electron-nucleus
Thus the space accessible to the eleciron has been greatly distance, then for HZ+we would have
increased4 in one direction in space-i.e., toward the second
nucleus, where "accessible space" is defined as the region in
which the potential is essentially identical with that found
for the 1 a.u. radius around the nucleus. Thus in 3-D. ~.~the
space accessible to the electron in Hz+, and in other diatomic
molecules, is not a sphere but a cylinder with rounded ends:
, = -1.20 a.u. =+el2
E, = -0.60 am. -
Since AE must be neeative if amolecule forms. it follows that
AK is positive and A P is twice as large and is negative. Thus
i.e., an improvement to E., over the hydrogen atom of -0.10 the phenomenon of contraction apparently occurs in all mol-
a.u., about 60 kcal mol-I. (The experimental value is 64 kcal ecules (possibly along with other changes which produce an
mol-' for Hz+.) improved potential enerw -.a t the cost of onlv one-half the
As a result of this re-optimization, the average electron- corresponding increase in kinetic energy).
nucleus distance in Hzf becomes substantially smaller than Finally, it is interesting to explore the changes to the
i t was in atomic hydrogen (0.83 versus 1.00 atomic units). energy components as a function of variations in internucle-
This contraction in size of the "atoms" in Hz+ allows a 20% ar separation R. The potential energy function never departs
improvement (i.e., -0.20 a.u.) to the potential energy since much from the form
the electron comes much closer on average to a nucleus. The
"penalty" in terms of the increase in kinetic energy amounts
to only 0.183 a.u. In contrast, a decrease in radius to this
value in the original H atom would have resulted in an
energy increase of 0.22 a x . I t is the relief of some of the
kinetic energy "pressure" to expand the radius which allows In actual fact. the electron-to-electron nucleus attraction is
the atom to contract, and the potential energy to improve, in not quite HS largeas 11R;the revidual positive 6 % repulsive)
HZ+.Similar conclusions appiy also to Hz and to other cova- contribution from thesecond and third terms taken together
lent bonds, although the analysis is more complicated in becomes more serious as R becomes small, i.e., when the
these multielectron~molecules. internuclear sevaratiou is reduced much below the 2.0 a.u.
In terms of the redistribution of electron density (proha-
value discussedahove.
hilitv) which accomvanies formation of the chemical hond.
thereis therefore a iharacteristic contraction of peak radius P = -(l/r),, + small number1R
toward the nuclei as well as the well-known increase in den-
sity in the midhond region. Well before this effect becomes serious as R decreases. how-
Parenthetically i t should be added that the confusion ap-
parent in some texts concerning explanations of the chemi-
cal bond are understandable, given
- the analysis ahove. For
limit R -
ever, the kinetic energy begins to rise rather quickly. 1n the
0. the region of constant ootential contours be-
tween the nuclei must disappear and the kinetic energy
example, if no allowance for atomic contraction is made, it function returns to the form
appears as if the kinetic energy decreases and that the po-
tential energy becomes less favorable upon hond formation,
and the bond is attributable to the decrease in kinetic ener- which is identical to that for the separated atoms! The real
gy. As we have seen, however, the bonding energy can be characteristic of a bond in a molecule is the existence of a
improved by about 20%by contraction. However, the accom- region between the nuclei of constant potential contours
panyingenergetic changes are so large that the net change in that allows the potential energy to improue substantially
kinetic energy is actually positive rather than negative, and by atomic contraction a t the expense of only a small in-
the potential energy is actually lowered. The latter conclu- crease in kinetic energy.
sions are completely general for molecule formation accord- Apparently the equilibrium distance Re (i.e., the hond
ing to the uirial theorem of quantum mechanics. According length) in a molecule is that separation of nuclei which is
to this principle, the potential energy of any molecule a t its small enough such that the potential in the internuclear
equilibrium geometry5 is equal to minus twice its kinetic region is relatively constant, but not so small that this con-
energy, stant-potential region is negligihly small.
The nature of the (very common) two-electron chemical
d = -ur,, hond differs in no substantial way from the one-electron
The theorem applies also to the isolated atoms before bond- linkage discussed above. For example, in Hz the (llr) coutri-
ing butions to the energyterms are doubled. The potential func-
tion also contains an electron-electron repulsion term; this
positive (destabilizing) contribution to the energy also varies
approximately as lIR, but is slightly smaller in magnitude
Thus the change in potential energy due to molecular forma- than the extra electron-nucleus attraction which in turn is
tion is minus twice the change in kinetic energy, smaller than the ever-present nuclear-nuclear repulsion.
Overall, we obtain
"he theorem applies only to optimized wavefunctions (at the
theoretical optimum geometries) and to the real systems; thus, the
results calculated for (llr), = 1 do not obey the theorem.