November 2018
Thanuskodi S
Alagappa University, India, thanuskodi_s@yahoo.com
S, Muthuvennila and S, Thanuskodi, "Impact of Open Access Resources on Library and Information Science Students in India"
(2018). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 1908.
S. Muthuvennila
Research Scholar,
Department of Library and Information Science,
Alagappa University, India
Dr. S.Thanuskodi
Professor and Head
Department of Library and Information Science
Alagappa University, India
A study was conducted to investigate the accessibility and use of open access resources used in
the library and Information Science PG students in Alagappa University DDE. In this paper, an attempt
has been made to study the awareness of open access resources. The methodology adopted for the study
surveyed in which questionnaires, interviews, and observations were used in a collection of the data. A
total of 39 respondents participated in the study. It was concluded that most of the open access resources
were not aware of most of the resources available hence they could not access and use them effectively.
This study shows that majority of the student’s impact of the open access resources in that 16 (41%) of
the frequency are male while 23(59%) are female in the use of open access resources in distance
education students in Alagappa University.Show that 39(100%) respondents are Awareness of open
access resources available from the library. Show that the maximum learning of open access resources
16(41%) respondents information access in the home, followed by library 11(28.2%), that the maximum
Level of satisfaction of open access resources 25(64.10%) respondents information access in
Satisfied,that the17 (43.58%) use for the open access resources in 1 to 3 years.
Keywords: Open access resources, Students, E-Resources, Internet, Library Science, User Study.
Open Access (OA) resources are free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. Open
Access research articles, therefore; unlike those in conventional subscription journals are free at
the point of use to anyone with an internet connection without the need for any institutional login
IDs and passwords. Open access resources are one that meets the conditions of "Open Access"-
composed of free, online copies of peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers as well
as technical reports, theses, and working papers. In most cases, there are no licensing restrictions
on their use by readers. They can, therefore, be used freely for research, teaching and other
purposes. As open access, a paper is available with no payment for access, scholars in
economically disadvantaged areas can also access to the newest research.
The present study is an attempt to analyze the impact of open access resources used on Library
and Information Science PG students in Alagappa University DDE and to find out the problems
and constraints faced by the students in accessing the open access resources with some
purposeful suggestions for its development.
• Open access aims to create links to other collections basically for researchers to publish
their results.
Open access helps to ensure long-term access to scholarly articles. Unlike articles that are
licensed in traditional article databases, libraries and others are able to generate local copies and
repositories of these resources. Libraries, by working together to formulate repositories of open
access literature, know how to ensure continued access to these scholarly publications into the
distant future.
Features of open access
➢ Open access literature is digital form, free of charges and free of copyright.
➢ They equal right to all, irrespective of color, caste, creed, sex, and religions.
➢ They are compatible with the guarantee of worldwide access.
➢ Open access is compatible with copyright, peer review, revenue, print, preservation,
prestige, career advancement, indexing and supportive service associated with
conventional scholarly literature.
➢ Open access campaign focuses on the literature that authors give to the world without
expectation of payment.
Review of Literature
According to Thanuskodi (2013), In today’s work environment there is a drastic change in the
way how information are shared as well as networking and socializing take place in every
society. No doubt that the Internet has become a powerful tool for communication purposes, to
exchange ideas, and even used in participation in local, national and international networking.
The history of the Internet emerges back in 1960s when several computer scientists were hired
by Pentagon to build a system to decentralize communication network. As a result the Arpanet
was born. Over time the network grew rapidly to interconnect numerous universities, research
centers as well as commercial organization. Thereafter, the word and use of the Internet expand
globally. No doubt, with that, Internet usage continues to develop rapidly over the years and now
millions are using the Internet. The paper examines gender differences in Internet usage pattern
among male and female students. Internet usage pattern covers items such as knowledge and
experience on the Internet, purpose of using Internet and frequency of using e-mail. The paper
also examines the influence of gender role on Internet usage pattern.
Ramesh Babu, Gopalakrishnan, and Gopalakrishnan (2013) Paper highlight the use of open
access journals among the research scholars. The study has found that the open access journals
are not new publications, comprises of the number of journals in different subjects. Studies on
user perception on open access journals among the researchers in Chennai have been undertaken
in this paper.to analyze respondent's perception towards the appropriateness of open access
journals. The views on utilization show a healthy trend in adopting the open access journals. The
literature also shows that there exists high impact factor for open access journals. The success
and increase in the use of open access journals primarily depend on affiliating bodies. A user
interfaces to provide web-based services to the clientele. By supporting open access resources
libraries not only can facilitate their current and future patrons but also will have easier and more
comprehensive access to scholarly research, they will also be serving to other libraries around
the world.
Anjanappa. M., Rajani, S and Amsaveni, K (2013) reports findings from a survey conducted to
measure the use and perception of the open access journals initiatives. Access to information is
the foundation of scholarly communication has traditionally been provided through academic
journals, research collections, and other print publications. The open access is the worldwide
efforts to provide free online access to scientific and scholarly research literature, especially
peer-reviewed journal articles and then preprints. Open access campaign focuses on the literature
that authors give to the world without expectation of payment. The available e- an article is
likely to have more accesses citations and impact. The open source movement has grown to
become a significant force in today's computing environment. This will definitely bring
economy, efficiency, equality in information available for use.
According to Thanuskodi (2011), In the IT era, academic libraries and information centers have
radically changed the information environment in higher education institution with the
introduction of electronic resources. This paper examines the use of the Internet by the members
of Social Science Faculty of Annamalai University. The results indicate that the use of Internet
services by the faculty members is associated with an increase in the number of research papers
and with improvement in the quality of research and teaching.
Varadaiah.G.C., Veerabasavaiah.M and Padmamma.S (2013) have found that open access
resource literature is digital form, free of charges and free of copyright. It offers excellent
opportunities for publishing the information. Many tools and protocols have been developed to
publish the information and established the hyperlink with the related information. In other
words where research literature like peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers, technical
reports, working papers, thesis, and dissertation are available free online with no legal restriction
on their user, and they are called as open access literature. These resources are very valuable
particularly for the academic institution of colleges and universities. Since printed media is cost
effective and not available in time. The individual institution can really on the web-based
resources unto some extent to getting into data information.
JayaramaNaik, KG, and Jeyshankar, R, (2013) paper highlights the use of assessing and evaluate
the usage of e-resources and services by the faculty members and research scholars of Alagappa
University. The study confirms that faculty members and research scholars are aware of the e-
resources and various types of e-resources, e-database, and e-journals. The electronic
information resources have acquired a major portion of library collections. The value and use of
information resources, particularly e-resources, have increased with the time. To identify the
frequency of use of the electronic information sources and services for their research activities.
Faculty member's attitudes seem to be very positive towards e-resources for their study and
research and the role of libraries a gateway to provide assistance in accessing these resources.
Objectives of the Study
1. To take the overview of open access resources in DDE Library and information science
PG students in Alagappa University
2. To analyze the use of open access resources of PG Students.
3. To analyze the impacts of open access resources on DDE Students.
4. To Study the awareness of open access resources among the DDE students.
5. To examine the mode of awareness of open access resources.
6. To offer suggestions for the effective utilization of open access resources.
The survey research design was used for the study. LIS PG students in Alagappa
University DDE. A questionnaire has been prepared in such a way that the respondents could
easily understand the items. A total number of 54 questionnaires distributed among the
respondents the investigator could collect questionnaires from only 39 out of 54 respondents
among whom the questionnaires were distributed. This constitutes 72, 22(39/54) of the total
Limitations of the study
1. This study covers only Distance Education students in Alagappa University (Karaikudi).
2. The Distance Education Students in Library and Information Science for the only
3. The study covers only 39 Students out of 54 questionnaires distributed.
Data Analysis
A Structured questionnaire was distributed among 54 students who are undergoing the
PG students of distance education in Alagappa University. The snowball method of sampling has
been adopted in collecting data. Of which 39 were received.
Table-1 shows that 16 (41%) of the frequency are male while 23(59%) are female in the use of
open access resources in distance education students in Alagappa University.
Table-2: Show that 22 (56.4%) students are in the age range of 26-30 years old, followed
by 9 members (23.1%) in the age range of below 31-35 years old, 7(17.9%) members in the age
range of 20-25 years old, and 1(2.6%) members in the age range of above 35 years old.
Table-3: Show that 39(100%) respondents are Awareness of open access resources
available from the library only 0 (0%) was not aware of it. It's a positive sign towards the uses of
the online information for the awareness of open access resources in distance education students
in Alagappa University.
Table-4: Show that the maximum learning of open access resources 16(41%) respondents
information access in the home, followed by library 11(28.2%), if any other center 9(23%),
Browsing centers 3(7%)of respondents learn from open access resources. The gender – wise
analysis shows that2(12.5%)of male respondents and 14(60.8%)of female respondents lean about
home,4(12%)of the male respondents and 14(60.8%)of female respondents learn about home,
library through 4(25%) of the male respondents and 7(30.4%) of the female respondents, 8(50%)
of male respondents and 1(4.3%) of female respondents learn from if any other centers, 2(12.5%)
of male respondents and 1( 4.3%) of female respondents learn from Browsing centers.
5. Using the open access resources:
Table-5: Show that the17 (43.58%) use for the open access resources in 1 to 3 years,
11(28.20%) of respondents used in 0 to 1 year use in open access, 8(20.51%) of respondents in 3
to 5 years, followed by 3(7.69%) of respondents used above 5 years. The gender-wise analysis
show that 7(43.75%) of male respondents and 10(43.4%) of female respondents on 1 to 3 years,
2(12.5%) of male respondents in o to 1 years and 9(39%) of female respondents, 3 to 5 years of
open access resources used in 4(25%) male respondents and 4(17.3%) used in female
respondents,3(18.75%) of male respondents and 0(0%) of female respondents in above 5 years.
Table-6: Show that the frequency-wise respondents used in open access resources in
maximum of respondents daily used in 12(30.76%), followed by Twice in a week 12(30.76%),
10(25.64%) of respondents used in As and when I required, 5(12.82%) of respondents in used
open access resources in once in a week. The gender – wise analysis of respondents used in
4(25%) male respondents using the resources 8(34.7%) of female respondents, Twice in a week
used in the 6(37.5%) male respondents and 6(26%) of female respondents, As and when I
required in 5(31.25%) male respondents and 5(21.7%) of female respondents, once in a week
used in open access resources used in 1(6.25%) male respondents and 4(17.3%) female
respondents used in open access resources.
7. Types of E-Resources:
S.No Types of E-Resources Male Female Total
1 E-books / E- Journals 3(18.75%) 5(21.07%) 8(20.51%)
2 E-Newspapers 5(31.25%) 11(47.08%) 16(41.02%)
3 E- Reference Sources 5(31.25%) 4(17.03%) 9(23.07%)
4 Online Database 3(18.75%) 3(13.00%) 6(15.38%)
Total 16 23 39
Table-7: Show that the maximum learning of open access resources 16(41.2%)
respondents information access in E-Newspapers, followed by E-Reference sources 9(23.07%),
E-books/E-Journals access of 8(20.51%), Online Database 6(15.38%)of respondents learn from
open access resources. The gender – wise analysis shows that 5(31.25%)of male respondents
and11(47.8%) of female respondents learn about E-Newspapers, 5(31.25%)of the male
respondents and 4(17.3%) of female respondents learn about E-Reference sources, E-books/E-
journals through 3(18.75%) of the male respondents and 5(21.7%) of the female respondents,
3(18.75%)of male respondents and 3(13%)1of female respondents learn from online database,
Table-8: Show that the Purpose of learning open access resources 18(46.15%)
respondents information access in To update knowledge, followed by To gain current
information 11(28.20%), For study 10(25.64%) of respondents learn from open access resources.
The gender – wise analysis shows that 6(37.5%) of male respondents and 12(52.1%) of female
respondents learn about To update knowledge, 7(43.75%) of male respondents and 4(17.3%) of
female respondents used in to gain current information, for study purpose of using open access
resources used in 3(18.75%) male respondents and 7(30.4%) of female respondents to use in
study purpose.
9. Advantages of using open access E-Resources:
S.No Advantages of using open access Male Female Total
1 Timesaving 6(37.05%) 6(37.05%) 10(25.64%)
2 More informative 4(25.00%) 13(56.05%) 17(43.58%)
Open access provides larger potential 4(25.00%) 4(17.03%) 8(20.51%)
3 evidence
4 Ease of access 2(12.05%) 2(8.06%) 4(10.25%)
Total 16 23 39
Table-9: Show that the Advantage of open access resources maximum learning of
17(43.58%) respondents information access in More information, followed by time
saving10(25.64%), For Open access provides larger potential evidence 8(20.51%) and Ease of
access in 4(10.25%) of respondents learn from open access resources. The gender – wise analysis
shows that 4(25%)of male respondents and 13(56.5%) of female respondents lean about more
information, 6(37.5%)of male respondents and 6(37.5%) of female respondents used in Time
saving , 4(25%) of male respondents and 4(17.3%) of female respondents used in open access
provides larger potential evidence, 2(12.5%) of male respondents and 2(8.6%) of female
respondents used in open access resources in Ease to access.
Table-10: Show that the maximum Level of satisfaction of open access resources 25(64.10%)
respondents information access in Satisfied, followed by Fully Satisfied11(28.20%), Partially
Satisfied 3(7.69%). The gender – wise analysis show that 11(68.75%) of male respondents and
of female respondents satisfied in 14(60.8%), fully satisfied in 4(25%) of the male respondents
and 7(30.4%) of female respondents, and Partially Satisfied 7(30.4%) of male respondents and
2(8.6%) of female respondents.
Table-11: Show that the maximum learning of open access resources 14(35.89%)
respondents information access in Internet facilities, followed by Overload of information on the
internet 11(28.20%), if any Lack of internet access speed 7(17.94%), Difficult in finding relevant
5(12.82%) of respondents problems of open access resources, Lack of computer skills 2(5.12%)
respondents use of open access problems. The gender – wise analysis show that6(37.5%)of male
respondents and 8(34.7%)of female respondents,4(25%)of the male respondents and 7(30.4%)of
female respondents in overload of information on the internet, lack of internet access speed
1(6.25%) of the male respondents and 6(26%) of the female respondents, 3(18.75%) of male
respondents and 2(8.6%) of female respondents in difficult of finding relevant information,
2(12.5%) of male respondents and 0( 0%) of female respondents in lack of computer skills.
Majority of the respondents are aware of the open access resources. Most of the respondents
were in the gender group in female 23(59%) than the other. Most respondents had in post
graduate in Alagappa University students. And 39 out of 54 students usage of online electronic
information resources. Majority of students aware the open access resources.Open access
resources that the maximum learning of open access resources 16(41%) respondents information
access in the home, followed by library 11(28.2%), if any other center 9(23%), Browsing centers
3(7%)of respondents learn from open access resources.Using the open access resources in the17
(43.58%) use for the open access resources in 1 to 3 years, 11(28.20%) of respondents used in 0
to 1 year use in open access, 8(20.51%) of respondents in 3 to 5 years, followed by 3(7.69%) of
respondents used above 5 years. The frequency wise respondents used in open access resources
in maximum of respondents daily used in 12(30.76%), followed by Twice in a week
12(30.76%), 10(25.64%) of respondents used in As and when I required, 5(12.82%) of
respondents in used open access resources in once in a week. The maximum learning of open
access resources 16(41.2%) respondents information access in E-Newspapers, followed by E-
Reference sources 9(23.07%), E-books/E-Journals access of 8(20.51%), Online Database
6(15.38%)of respondents learn from open access resources.
The Purpose of learning open access resources 18(46.15%) respondents information access in To
update knowledge, followed by To gain current information 11(28.20%), For study 10(25.64%)
of respondents learn from open access resources.Advantage of open access resources maximum
learning of 17(43.58%) respondents information access in More information, followed by time
saving10(25.64%), For Open access, provides larger potential evidence 8(20.51%) and Ease of
access in 4(10.25%) of respondents learn from open access resources. The maximum Level of
satisfaction of open access resources 25(64.10%) respondents information access in Satisfied,
followed by Fully Satisfied11(28.20%), Partially Satisfied 3(7.69%).The maximum learning of
open access resources 14(35.89%) respondents information access in Internet facilities, followed
by Overload of information on the internet 11(28.20%), if any Lack of internet access speed
7(17.94%), Difficult in finding relevant 5(12.82%) of respondents problems of open access
resources, Lack of computer skills 2(5.12%) respondents use of open access problems.
The study provides a panoramic view of the impact of open access resources among LIS PG
students in Alagappa University DDE. There exists a substantial awareness of open access
resources. The DDE students are also willing to resources used in open access resources. The
views on utilization show a healthy trend on adopting the open access resources. Open access
resources using purpose of open access resources in gain the current information, update
knowledge full fill the DDE students impact of study purpose. Majority of the respondents are
aware of the open access resources. Most of the respondents were in the gender group in
female23 (59%) than the other. Most respondents had in post graduate in Alagappa University
students. And 39 out of 54 students usage of open access resources.
Anjanappa, M., Rajani, S and Amsaveni, K, Open access journals initiatives in India: an
overview, open access - scholarly communication reincarnated: a futuristic approach 19-20
August 2013, and pp.149-154.
JayaramNaik, KG and Jay Shankar, R, Usage of Electronic Resources and Services by the
Faculty and Researchers in Alagappa University – A study, open access - scholarly
communication reincarnated: a futuristic approach 19-20 August 2013, and pp.449-457.
Ramesh Babu, B., Gopalakrishnan, S and Gopalakrishnan, S, User perception on open access
journals among the research scholars in Chennai city: an empirical study, open access - scholarly
communication reincarnated: a futuristic approach 19-20 August 2013, and pp.500-512.
Thanuskodi and Sugathi, M, Availability and usage of ICTs and E- resources by the paramedical
professionals in India: challenges and ways forward,open access - scholarly communication
reincarnated: a futuristic approach 19-20 August 2013, and pp.418-426.
Thanuskodi, S. and Ravi, S., "Use of Internet by the Social Science Faculty of Annamalai
University, Annamalainagar, India" (2011). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Paper
633. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/633
Thanuskodi, S., "Use of ICT among Faculty Members of Self Financing Engineering Colleges in
the Changing Higher Education Environment" (2011). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-
journal). Paper 631. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/631