Bridges (Elements)

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Concrete shall have a 28 MPa (4000 psi) designed strength. Only Type I (Ordinary
Portland Cement) are permitted to be used.

The Contractor shall prepare the design mix based on the absolute volume method
as outlined in the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Standard 211.1, “Recommended
Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal and Heavyweight Concrete”. It is the intent
of this Specification to require at least 486 kg of cement per cubic meter of concrete to
meet the minimum strength requirements of 28 MPa (4000 psi) designed strength. The
Engineer shall determine from laboratory tests of the materials to be used, the cement
content and the proportions of aggregate and water that will produce workable concrete.

Slump shall be determined using AASHTO T 119.


It shall consist of natural sand, stone screenings or other inert materials with
similar characteristics, or combinations thereof, having hard, strong and durable
particles. Fine aggregate from different sources of supply shall not be mixed or stored
in the same pile nor used alternately in the same class of concrete without the approval
of the Engineer.

It shall not contain more than three (3) mass percent of material passing the
0.075mm (No. 200 sieve) by washing nor more than one (1) mass percent each of clay
lumps or shale. The use of beach sand will not be allowed without the approval of the

If the fine aggregate is subjected to five (5) cycles of the sodium sulfate
soundness test, the weighted loss shall not exceed 10 mass percent.

The fine aggregate shall be free from injurious amounts of organic impurities. If
subjected to the colormatic test for organic impurities and a color darker than the
standard is produced, it shall be rejected. However, when tested for the effect of organic
impurities on strength of mortar by AASHTO T 71, the fine aggregate may be used if the
relative strength at 7 and 28 days is not less than 95 percent.

The fine aggregate shall be well-graded from coarse to fine and shall conform to
Table 311.1
Grading Requirements for Fine Aggregate

Sieve Designation Mass Percent Passing

9.5 mm (3/8 in.) 100
4.75 mm (No. 4) 95 - 100
2.36 mm (No. 8) -
1.18 mm (No. 16) 45 - 80
0.600 mm (No. 30) -
0.300 mm (No. 50) 5 – 30
0.150 mm (No. 100) 0 - 10

It shall consist of crushed stone, gravel, blast furnace slag, or other approved
inert materials of similar characteristics, or combinations thereof, having hard, strong,
durable pieces and free from any adherent coatings.

It shall contain no more than one (1) mass percent of material passing the
0.075mm (No. 200) sieve, not more than 0.25 mass percent of clay lumps, nor more
than 3.5 mass percent of soft fragments.

If the coarse aggregate is subjected to five (5) cycles of the sodium sulfate
soundness test, the weighted loss shall not exceed 12 mass percent.

It shall have a mass percent of wear not exceeding 40 when tested by AASHTO
T 96.

If the slag is used, its density shall not be less than 1120 kg/m³ (70lb/ft³). The
gradation of the coarse aggregate shall conform to Table 311.2.

Only one grading specification shall be used from any one source.

Grading Requirement for Coarse Aggregate

Sieve Designation Mass Percent Passing

Standard, Alternate Class Class Class Class Class
mm US A B C P Seal
63 2-1/2” 100
50 2” 100 95 – 100
37.5 1-1/2” 95 – 100 - 100
25 1” - 35 – 70 100 95 – 100
19.0 ¾” 35 – 70 - 100 95 – 100 -
12.5 ½” - 10 – 30 90 – 100 - 25 – 60
9.5 3/8” 10 – 30 - 40 – 70 20 – 55 -
4.75 No.4 0-5 0-5 0 – 15* 0 – 10* 0 – 10*

* The measured cement content shall be within plus (+) or minus (-) 2 mass percent of
the design cement content.


The mixing water shall be clear and apparently clean. If it contains quantities or
substances that discolor it or make it smell or taste unusual or objectionable, or cause
suspicion, it shall not be used unless service records of concrete made with it (or other
information) indicated that it is not injurious to the quality, shall be subject to the
acceptance criteria as shown in Table.

Acceptable Criteria for Questionable Water Supplies

Compressive strength, min %
Control at 7 days 90
Time of Setting deviation from control from 1:00 to 1:30 later
Time of Setting (Gilmore Test)
Initial No marked change
Final Set No marked change
Appearance Clear
Color Colorless
Odor Odorless
Total Solids 500 parts/million max.
PH value 4.5 to 8.5


Curing materials shall conform to the following requirements as specified;

a. Burlap cloth AASHTO M 182

b. Liquid membrane forming compounds AASHTO M 148

c. Sheeting (film) materials AASHTO M 171

Cotton mats and water-proof paper can be used.


Air-entraining admixture shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 154.

Chemical admixtures, if specified or permitted, shall conform to the requirements

of AASHTO M 194.

Fly Ash, if specified or permitted as a mineral admixture and as 20% partial

replacement of Portland Cement in concrete mix shall conform to the requirements of
ASTM C 618.

Admixture should be added only to the concrete mix to produce some desired
modifications to the properties of concrete where necessary, but not as partial
replacement of cement.


Reinforcing steel bars shall be Grade 60 for diameter 12 (12Ø) and above and Grade
40 for diameter 8 (8Ø) and below.

Reinforcing steel shall conform to the requirements of the following Specifications:

Deformed Billet-Steel Bars for AASHTO M 31 (ASTM A 615)

Concrete Reinforcement

Deformed Steel Wire for AASHTO M 225 (ASTM A 496)

Concrete Reinforcement

Welded Deformed Steel Wire Fabric AASHTO M 221 (ASTM A 497)

of Concrete Reinforcement

Low Alloy Steel Deformed Bars for ASTM A 706

Concrete Reinforcement
Deformed and Plain Carbon Steel Bar ASTM A 615
for Concrete Reinforcement

Bar reinforcement for concrete structures, except No. 2 bars shall be deformed in
accordance with AASHTO M 42, M 31 and M 53 for Nos. 3 through 11.

Dowel and tie bars shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 31 or AASHTO M
42 except that rail steel shall not be used for tie bars that are to be bent and restraightened
during construction. Tie bars shall be deformed bars. Dowel bars shall be plain round bars.
They shall be free from burring or other deformation restricting slippage in the concrete.

2.1 Classification

Deformed Steel Bars shall be classified as:

A. Ductility Class 1 for regular grade.

B. Ductility Class 2 for weldable grade.

2.2 Chemical Requirements

Table 2.1 – Chemical Composition

Maximum values of mass fractions, in percentage

Ductility Class Grade C Mn Pᵃ Sᵃ Si C.E.ᵇ

Class 1 280R - - 0.05* 0.05* - -
420R - - 0.05* 0.05* - -
Class 2 280W 0.30 1.20 0.05 0.05 - 0.55
420W 0.30 1.50 0.05 0.05 0.50 0.55
ᵃ 0.06% maximum S and 0.060% maximum P are allowed provided that the carbon content is not more
than 0.25% and that the mechanical requirements are met.
ᵇ Carbon equivalent test applies to ladle analysis only.

2.3 Mechanical and Physical Requirements

Table 2.2 – Mechanical Requirements

Specimenᵃ in 200
Ductility Yield Strength, Tensile Strength,
Grade diameter, mm,
Class MPa, Minimum MPa, Minimum
in mm Minimum,
in %
d = 10, 12,
16, 20
280R 280 420 d = 25 12
d = 28, 32,
Class 1
d = 10, 12,
16, 20
420R 420 620 d = 25 9
d = 28, 32,
d = 10, 12,
Class 2 280Wᵇ 280 420 16, 20
d = 25 14
d = 28, 32,
d = 10, 12,
16, 20
420Wᵇ 420ᶜ 550 d = 25 12
d = 28, 32,

ᵃ refers to the nominal diameter of the specimen

ᵇ the actual tensile strength shall not be less than 1.25 times the actual yield strength
ᶜ maximum allowable yield strength of Grade 420W is 540 MPa.

Table 2.3 – Nominal Dimensions and Unit Mass

Nominal cross-
Nominal diameter, Nominal perimeter, Unit mass,
sectional area,
in mm in mm ᶜ in kg/m
in mm²
10 31.4 78.54 0.617
12 37.7 113.10 0.888
16 50.3 201.06 1.578
20 62.8 314.16 2.466
25 78.5 490.88 3.853
26 88.0 615.75 4.834
32 100.5 804.25 6.313
36 113.1 1,017.88 7.990

ᶜ Unit mass, in kg/m = 0.00785 g/mm³ x nominal cross-sectional area in mm²

Table 2.4 – Bend Test Requirement

Diameter, Pin diameterᵃ for 180° Bend Tests

in mm Grade 280R Grade 420R Grade 280W Grade 420W
10, 12, 16 4d 5d 4d 4d
20, 25 5d 5d 4d 4d
28, 32, 36 5d 7d 5d 6d
ᵃ refers to the nominal diameter of the specimen.


Steel shall be furnished according to the following Specifications. otherwise specified,

structural carbon rivet steel shall be furnished.


a. Carbon Steel

Unless otherwise specified, structural carbon steel for riveted, bolted or

welded construction shall conform to Structural Steel, AASHTO M 183.

b. Eyebars

Steel for eyebars shall be of a weldable grade. This grade includes

structural steel conforming to: Structural Steel, AASHTO M 183; Highway Strength
Low Alloy Structural Steel with 344.5 MPa (50,000 psi) Minimum Yield Point to
100 mm (4 inches) thick, AASHTO M 222 (ASTM A 588 with Supplementary
Requirement SI of AASHTO M 222 mandatory).


It shall conform to: High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Steels of

Structural Quality, AASHTO M 223, High-Strength Low Alloy Structural Steel with 344.5
MPa (50,000 psi) Minimum Yield Point to 100 mm (4 inches) thick, AASHTO M 222.


It shall conform to:

a. High-Strength Low Columbium-Vanadium Steels of Structural Quality,

Grade 50, AASHTO M 223 (ASTM A 572 with supplementary
requirements S2 of AASHTO M 223 mandatory).

b. High-Strength Low Alloy Structural Steel with 344.5 MPa (50,000 psi)
Minimum Yield Point to 100 mm (4 inches) thick, AASHTO M 222 (ASTM
A 588 in Supplementary Requirement S1 of AASHTO M 222 mandatory).



It shall conform to:

a. High-Strength Low Alloy Columbium–Vanadium Steel of Structural

Quality, and AASHTO M 223.

b. High-Strength Low Alloy Structural Steel with 344.5 MPa (50,000 psi)
Minimum Yield Point to 100mm (4 inches) thick, AASHTO M 222.



It shall conform to:

a. High-Yield Strength, Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Plate, suitable for
welding, ASTM A 514.

b. High-Strength Alloy Steel Plates, Quenched and Tempered for pressure

vessels, ASTM A 517.

c. Quenched and tempered alloy steel structural shapes and seamless

mechanical tubing meeting all the mechanical and chemical requirements of
A 514/A 517 steel, except that the specified maximum tensile strength may
be 964.6 MPa (140,000 psi) for structural shapes and 999.05 MPa (145,000
psi) for seamless mechanical tubing shall be considered as A 514/A 517


It shall conform to Steel Structural Rivets AASHTO M 228, Grade I (ASTM A 502,
Grade I).

It shall conform to Steel Structural Rivets AASHTO M 228, Grade 2 (ASTM A

502, Grade 2).


Bolts, nuts circular washers shall conform to High-Strength Bolts for Structural
Steel Joints, including Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardened Washer, AASHTO M 164
(ASTM A 325).

High-strength bolts for structural steel joints including suitable nuts and plain
hardened washers shall conform to either AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325) or AASHTO
M 253. When M 164 type 3 bolts are specified, they along with suitable nuts and washers
shall have an atmospheric corrosion resistance approximately two times that of carbon
steel with copper.

Bolts and nuts manufactured to AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A 325) are identified by
proper marking as specified on the top of the bolt heads and on one face of the nuts for
three different types.

Bolts manufactured to AASHTO M 253 shall be identified by marking on the top

of the head with the symbol A 490 and the nuts shall be marked on one face with the
legend “2H” or “DH”.

Bolt and nut dimensions shall conform to the dimensions shown in Table 712.1
and to the requirements for Heavy Hexagon Structural Bolts and for Heavy Semi-
Finished Hexagon Nuts given in ANSI Standard B 18.2.1 and B 18.2.2, respectively.

Circular washers shall be flat and smooth and their nominal dimensions shall
conform to the dimensions given in Table 712.2 except that for lock pin and collar
fasteners, flat washers need not be used, unless slotted or oversized holes are specified.

Bevelled washers for American Standard Beams and Channels or other sloping
faces shall be required and shall be square or rectangular, shall taper in thickness, and
shall conform to the dimensions given in Table 712.2.

When necessary, washer may be clipped on one side to a point not closer than
0.875 (7/8) of the bolt diameter from the center of the washer.

Other fasteners or fasteners assemblies which meet the Materials,

Manufacturing, and Chemical Composition requirements of AASHTO M 164 (ASTM A
325) or AASHTO M 253 and which meet the Mechanical Property requirements of the
same specification in full-size tests and which have body diameter and bearing areas
under the head and nut, or other equivalent, not less than those provided by a bolt and
nut of the same nominal dimensions prescribed in the previous paragraph, may be used.
Such alternate fasteners may differ in other dimensions from those of the specified bolts
and nuts. Their installation procedure may differ from those specified in AASHTO Bridge
Specification. Article 2.10.20 (D) and their inspection may differ from that specified in
Article 2.10.20 (E). When a different installation procedure or inspection is used, it shall
be detailed in a supplemental specification applying to the alternate fastener and that
specification must be approved by the Engineer.

Subject to the approval of the Engineer, high strength steel lock-pin and collar
fasteners may be used as an alternate for high strength bolts or rivets as shown on the
Plans. The shank and head of the high strength steel lock-pin and collar fasteners shall
meet the requirements of the preceding paragraph. Each fastener shall provide a solid
shank body of sufficient diameter to provide tensile and shear strength equivalent to or
greater than the bolt or rivet specified, shall have a cold forged head on one end, of type
and dimensions as approved by the Engineer, a shank length suitable for material
thickness fastened, locking grooved, break neck groove and pull grooves (all annular
grooves) on the opposite end. Each fastener shall provide a steel locking collar of proper
size for shank diameter used which by means of suitable installation tools, is cold
swaged into the locking grooves forming a head for the grooved end of the fastener after
the pull groove section has been removed. The steel locking collar shall be a standard
product of an established manufacturer of lock-pin and collar fasteners, as approved by
the Engineer.


Steel base metal to be welded shall be open-hearth or electric furnace steel

conforming to AASHTO M 183.

All arc-welding electrodes shall conform to the requirements of American

Welding Society Specifications. Electrodes shall be of classification numbers E7016,
E7018 or E7028 as required for the positions, type of current and polarity, and other
conditions of intended use, and to conform to any special requirements indicated on the

Filler material to be used in the repair or strengthening of old structures or for

joining new parts to existing steel members, shall be adopted to the material to be
welded and may depart from the foregoing requirements only if agreed by the Engineer.



The elastomer for the manufacture of the bearing is furnished in two types as

1.Type CR-Chloroprene Rubber

2.Type NR-Natural Rubber

The elastomer compound used in the construction of a bearing shall contain only
either natural rubber or a chloroprene rubber as the raw polymer. No reclaimed rubber
shall be used.

Steel laminates used for reinforcement shall be made from rolled mild steel
conforming to ASTM A 36, A 570 or equivalent, unless otherwise specified by the
Engineer. The laminates shall have a minimum nominal thickness of 20 gage.


A. The elastomer compound shall meet the minimum requirement of Table 1.

B. Dimensions and Permissible Variations
All elastomeric layers, for example, plain bearing pads, laminates, and covers,
shall be of uniform thickness unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase
All internal steel laminates shall be of uniform thickness. When specified in the
contract or purchase order, the thickness of the outer steel laminates may differ if not
adjacent to an external load plate.

The minimum thickness of internal steel laminates shall be 1.5 mm or 0.060 in

(16 gage) when the greater of the length or width of a rectangular bearing or diameter
of a circular bearing is less than 450 mm or 18 in. In all other cases, the minimum
thickness shall be 2 mm or 0.075 inch (14 gage).

Bearing dimensions and elastomer layer thicknesses shall satisfy the tolerances
in Table 2, in which D is the length, width or diameter as appropriate, and T is the total
elastomer thickness.

Variation from a plane parallel to a design surface shall not exceed an average
slope of 0.005 for the upper surface and 0.006 for a side surface.

Table 1 – Quality Control Properties of Elastomer

Properties Natural Rubber (NR) Chloroprene Rubber

Grade (Durometer) 60 70 60 70
Physical Properties:
A. Before Aging
Tensile Strength, MPa 15.5 (min.) 15.5 15.5 (min.) 15.5 (min.)
(D412) (min.)
Elongation, % (D412) 400 (min.) 300 350 (min.) 300 (min.)
Durometer Hardness,
60±5 70±5 60±5 70±5
Shore Pts. (D2240)
Tear Resistance, N/mm 31.5 (min.) 31.5 31.5 (min.) 31.5 (min.)
(D624) (min.)
Compression Set, % (D395) 25 (max.) 25 (max.) 35 (max.) 35 (max.)
Method B, Temperature, °C 70 70 100 100
B. After Aging
Temperature of the Test, oC 70 70 100 100
Aging Time, Hours 168 168 70 70
Tensile Strength, % (D573) -25 (max.) -25 -15 (max.) -15 (max.)
Elongation, % -25 (max.) -25 -40 (max.) -40 (max.)
Durometer Hardness, +10
+10 (max.) +15 (max.) +15 (max.)
Shore Pts. (max.)
Other Properties:
Ozone Resistance (D1149)
Partial Pressure, MPa 25 25 100 100
Duration, Hours 48 48 100 100
Tested at 20% strain
37.7°C±1°C - - No cracks No cracks
Mounting procedure D518
Procedure A Brittleness
D2137, low temp. Brittleness Pass Pass Pass Pass
at -40°C
Shear Modulus
Nominal Hardness Shear
Modulus at 23°C, MPa 0.85-1.1 1.13-1.84 0.85-1.1 1.13-1.84

Plain pads and laminated bearings shall be manufactured to the design

dimensions and these specifications with the tolerances listed in Table 2, unless other
tolerances are shown on the design drawings.

Table 2 – Tolerances

Design Dimensions/Parts Tolerance (mm)

Overall vertical dimensions
Design thickness 32 mm (1 ¼ in) or less -0, +3
Design thickness over 32 mm (1 ¼) -0, +6
Overall horizontal dimensions
914 mm (36 in) and less -0, +6
Over 914 mm (36 in) -0, +12
Thickness of individual layers of ±20 percent of design value but no
elastomer (laminated bearing only) at more than ±3 mm (1/8 in)
any point within the bearing
Variation from a plane parallel to the
theoretical surface: (as determined by
measurements at the edge of the bearings)
Top Slope relative to the bottom of no
more than 0.005 radian
Sides 6
Position of exposed connection members 3
Edge cover of embedded laminated connection -0, +3
Size of holes, slots or inserts ±3
Position of holes, slots, or inserts ±3

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