Aashto M 6-13

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Standard Specification for

Fine Aggregate for Hydraulic

Cement Concrete

AASHTO Designation: M 6-13


1.1. This specification covers the quality and grading of fine aggregate for hydraulic cement concrete
used in pavements or bases, highway bridges, and incidental structures.

1.2 . This specification is for use by a contractor, concrete supplier, or other purchaser as part of the
purchase document describing the material to be furnished.
Note 1- This specification is regarded as adequate to ensure satisfactory materials for most
concrete. It is recognized that, for certain work or in certain regions, it may be either more or less
restrictive than needed. For example, where aesthetics are important, more restrictive limits may
be considered regarding impurities that would stain the concrete surface. The specifier should
ascertain that aggregates specified are or can be made available in the area of the work, with
regard to grading, physical, or chemical properties, or combination thereof.
Note 2- Defmitions of terms used in this specification may be found in ASTM C 125.

1.3 . This specification is also for use in project specifications to define the quality of aggregate, the
nominal maximum size of the aggregate, and other specific grading requirements. Those
responsible for selecting the proportions for the concrete mixture shall have the responsibility of
determining the proportions of fine and coarse aggregate and the addition of blending aggregate
sizes if required or approved. Specifications for coarse aggregate are prov ided in M 80.

1.4 . The values stated in S1 units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses
are for information only.

1.5. The text of this standard references notes and footnotes that provide explanatory material.
These notes (excluding those in tables and fi gures) shall not be considered as requirements of
this standard.


2 .1. AASHTO Standards:

• M 80, Coarse Aggregate for Hydraulic Cement Concrete

• PP 65, Determining the Reactivity of Concrete Aggregates and Selecting Appropriate
Measures for Preventing Deleterious Expansion in New Concrete Construction

• T 2, Sampling of Aggregates

• T 11, Materials Finer Than 75-J..lm (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing

• T 2 1, Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregates for Concrete

• T 27, Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates

• T 7 1, Effect of Organic Impurities in F ine Aggregate on Strength of Mortar

• T 103, Soundness of Aggregates by Freezing and Thawing

TS-1c M 6-1 AASHTO

• T I 04, Soundness of Aggregate by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate
• T 112, Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Aggregate
• T 113, Lightweight Pieces in Aggregate
• T 161, Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and Thawing

2.2. ASTM Standards:

• C 125, Standard Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Aggregates
• STP 169D, Significance ofTests and Properties of Concrete and Concrete-Making Materials


3.1. The purchaser shall include the following infonnation in the purchase order or contract
when applicable:

3.1.1. Reference to this specification, M 6, and year of issue;

3.1.2. Whether the deleterious substances limits for Class A or Class B apply, and limits on other
deleterious substances (Section 7. 1 and Note 6);

3.1.3. If the sulfate soundness requirement is waived (Section 8.5);

3.1.4. In the case of the sulfate soundness test (Section 8.1 ), which salt is to be used; if none is stated,
either sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate may be used;

3.1.5. If additional requirements are necessary for addressing reactive aggregates (Section 7 .3); and

3.1.6. Any exceptions or additions to this specification.


4 .1. Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand or manufactured sand or combinations thereof, having
hard, strong, durable particles.

4.2. Fine aggregate from different sources of supply shall not be mixed or stored in the same pile.


5.1. Fine aggregate, when tested by means of laboratory sieves, shall conform to the requirements of
Table I , except as provided in Sections 5.2 and 5.3:
Table 1- Grading Requirements
Sieve Percent Passing
9.5 mm (3/ 8 in.) 100
4.75 mm (No.4) 95 to 100
2.36 mm (No. 8) 80 to 100
1.1 8 mm (No. 16) 50 to 85
600 J.Lm (No. 30) 25 to 60
300 J.Lm (No. 50) 10 to 30
150 J.Lm (No. 100) 2 to 10

TS-1c M 6-2 AASHTO

5.2. The minimum percent shown above for material passing the 300-!lm (No. 50) and 150-!lm
(No. 100) sieves may be reduced to 5 and 0, respectively, if the aggregate is to be used in air-
entrained concrete containing more than 237 kilograms of cement per cubic meter (400 lb/yd 3 )
or in non-air-entrained concrete containing more than 297 kilograms of cement per cubic meter
(500 lb/yd3) or if an approved mineral admixture is used to supply the deficiency in percent
passing these sieves. Air-entrained concrete is here considered to be concrete containing air-
entraining cement or an air-entraining agent and having an air content equal to or greater than
3.5 percent.

5.3. The fine aggregate shall have no more than 45 percent passing any sieve and retained on the next
consecutive sieve of those shown in Section 5.1, and its fineness modulus shall be no less than 2.3
nor more than 3.1.

5.4 . Fine aggregate failing to meet the sieve analysis and fineness modulus requirements of
Sections 5.1, 5.2, or 5.3, may be accepted provided that concrete made with similar fine aggregate
from the same source has an acceptable performance record in similar concrete construction; or, in
the absence of a demonstrable service record, provided that it is demonstrated that concrete of the
class specified, made with the fine aggregate under consideration, will have relevant properties at
least equal to those of concrete made with the same ingredients with the exception that a reference
fine aggregate be used that is selected from a source having an acceptable performance record in
similar concrete construction.
Note 3-Fine aggregate that conforms to the grading requirements of a specification, prepared
by another organization such as a state transportation agency, wh ich is in general use in the area,
should be considered as having a satisfactory service record with regard to those concrete
properties affected by grading.
Note 4-Relevant properties are those properties of the concrete, which are important to
the particular application being considered. STP 169D provides a discussion of important
concrete properties.


6.1. For continuing shipments of fine aggregate from a given source, the fineness modulus shall not
vary more than 0.20 from the base fineness modulus. The base fineness modulus shall be that
value that is typical of the source. If necessary, the base fineness modulus may be changed when
approved by the purchaser.
Note 5-The base fineness modulus should be determined from previous tests, or if no previous
tests exist, from the average of the fineness modulus values for the first 10 samples (or all
preceding samples if less than 10) on the order. The proportioning of a concrete mixture may be
dependent on the base fineness modulus of the fine aggregate to be used. Therefore, when it
appears that the base fineness modulus is considerably different from the value used in selecting
proportions for the concrete mixture, a suitable adjustment in the mixture may be necessary.


7.1. The amount of deleterious substances shall not exceed the following limits: (See Table 2.)

TS-1c M 6-3 AASHTO

Table 2- Deleterious Substances Limits
Class A,
Max Mass, Class B,
percent Max Mass, percent
Clay lumps and friable particles 3.0 3.0
Coal and lignite 0.25 1.0
Material finer than 75-J.!m (No. 200) sieve:
a. In concrete subject to surface abrasion
not more than 2.0 4.0
b. All other classes of concrete, not more
than 3.0 5.0
Other deleterious substances (such as shale,
alkali, mica, coated grains, and soft and
flaky particles) Note6 Note6

Note 6-The purchaser or specifier, due to knowledge of the requirements of the work and the
constituents of locally available aggregate, should insert appropriate requirements when needed.

7.2. Organic Impurities:

7.2.1 . Fine aggregate shall be free of injurious amounts of organic impurities. Except as herein provided,
aggregates subjected to the test for organic impurities and producing a color darker than the
standard shall be rejected.

7.2.2. A fine aggregate fa iling in the test may be used, provided that the discoloration is due principally
to the presence of small quantities of coal, lignite, or similar discrete particles.

7.2.3. A fine aggregate failing in the test may be used, provided that, when tested for the effect of
organic impurities on strength of mortar, the relative strength at 7 days calculated in accordance
with T 7 1 is not less than 95 percent.

7.3. Fine aggregate used in concrete that will be subject to wetting, extended exposure to humid
atmosphere, or contact with moist ground shall not contain any components that are known to be
reactive with soluble alkalies from the concrete paste in an amount sufficient to cause deleterious
expansion of mortar or concrete, without the accompanying use of some form of remediation in
the concrete that is known to prevent deleterious expansion due to alkali-si lica reactivity (ASR).
Refer to the procedures described in PP 65 for identifying potentially deleteriously reactive
aggregates and selecting appropriate preventive measures to min imize the risk of expansion w hen
such aggregates are used in concrete.

8. 1. Except as provided in Sections 8.2 through 8.5, fine aggregate subjected to five cycles of the
soundness test shall have a weighted average loss not greater than I 0 percent when sodium sulfate
is used or 15 percent when magnesium sulfate is used.

8 .2. Fine aggregate fai ling to meet the requirements of Section 8.1 may be accepted, provided that
concrete of comparable properties, made from similar aggregate from the same source, has given
satisfactory service when exposed to weathering similar to that to be encountered.

8 .3. Fine aggregate not having a demonstrable service record and failing to meet the requirements of
Section 8. 1 may be accepted, provided it gives satisfactory results in concrete subjected to freezing
and thawing tests. (See T 16 1.)

TS-1c M 6-4 AASHTO


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22 p. 20 p. 58 p. 32 p. 22 p. 64 p.

BS EN ISO 17635- BS ISO 17987-1- BS ISO 37001-2016 BS EN 61755-3-31- BS IEC 62153-4-16- BS EN 62391-1- BS EN 609-1-2017
2016 2016 2015 2016 2016


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