IT 461 Lecture 2
IT 461 Lecture 2
IT 461 Lecture 2
IT 461: Human Resource Development
Lecture 2: Influences on Employee Behaviour
Elias Kekesi
Learning Objectives
1. Identify factors that influence employee behavior
2. Describe outcomes resulting from behavior and tell how
they influence future behavior
3. State how a supervisor’s leadership and expectations for
employees can affect their behavior
4. Recognize the impact that coworkers and the
organization itself have on employee behavior
5. Define motivation and describe the main approaches to
understanding motivation at work
6. Discuss how knowledge, skill, ability, and attitudes
influence employee behavior
Goals of HRD
To assist employees and organizations in attaining their goals
Ultimate objective is to improve organizational performance
Major focus of most HRD interventions is an effort to change employee
Model of Employee Behavior
Factors in the External Environment
Control Over
Major Categories of Employee Behavior
Individual performance is multidimensional
Most HRD focuses on “Task Performance”
◦ Behaviors central to doing one’s job
Organizational citizenship behaviors
◦ Critical to organizational effectiveness
◦ Not specific to any one task
Major Categories Affecting Behavior
External forces
◦ Outside the organization
◦ State of economy/employment rate
◦ Inside the work environment
◦ Leadership
◦ Coworkers
◦ Outcomes of performance
Internal Forces
◦ Within employee
◦ Motivation
◦ KSAs
Workforce Investment
Organizations invest a lot of time and money in
their workforce
They must maintain their investment, even when
restructuring or downsizing
Re-training “survivors” to do other work rather
than laying them off
◦ Coaching and mentoring
◦ Individual development
◦ Multi-rater feedback
Employee Perceptions Drive
◦ Expectancy Theory:
◦ Workers will perform behaviors that they
perceive will bring valued outcomes
◦ Better the outcome, better the work
◦ Equity Theory
◦ Outcomes are evaluated by comparing them to
the outcomes received by others
Supervision and Leadership
Immediate supervisor:
◦ Delegates tasks and responsibilities
◦ Sets expectations
◦ Evaluates performance
◦ Provides feedback
◦ Rewards desirable behavior
◦ Provides discipline
Supervisory Influences
Self-fulfilling prophecy
◦ Supervisor's expectations can influence workers behavior
◦ Non-coercive influence to direct and coordinate the activities of a group
toward accomplishing a goal
Rewards Structure
Focuses on:
◦ Types of rewards used
◦ How rewards are distributed
◦ The criteria for rewards distribution
Rewards are more than money or plaques
◦ They can include recognition and acceptance
The Organizational Culture
A set of values, beliefs, norms and patterns of
behavior that are shared by organization members,
and that guide their behavior
Rewarding Performance
Reward Structure
◦ Types of rewards used
◦ How rewards are distributed
◦ The criteria for reward distribution
Job Design
▪The development and alteration of the
components of a job to improve productivity and
the quality of an a employee’s life
▪A job design can affect behavior and attitudes
▪Altering the job may improve performance and
Influence of Coworkers
▪They control some of the outcomes and therefore some of the behavior
▪They may offer or withhold friendship and recognition
▪Norms set the guidelines for behavior in the group
▪Group dynamics influence the way an employee behaves when
interacting with a group
Group Dynamic Characteristics
Groupthink -- concerned with unanimity rather than
making good decisions
Social Loafing -- tendency for individuals to reduce level
of effort as group becomes larger
◦ Trust
◦ Cohesiveness
▪One of the basic elements of human behavior
▪Factors that cause the arousal, direction and
persistence of voluntary actions that are goal
Factors to Consider
Work motivation pertains to voluntary behavior
Motivation focuses on
◦ Energizing—The generation or mobilization of
◦ Direction—Applying effort to one behavior over
◦ Persistence—Continuing (or ceasing) to perform
a behavior
Worker Motivation
Based on the individual because of unique
◦ Needs
◦ Desires
◦ Attitudes
◦ Goals
The Need-Based Approach
Underlying needs, such as Theories include:
the needs for safety or ◦ Mazlow’s Needs
power, drive motivation Hierarchy
◦ Alderfer’s Existence,
Relatedness and Growth
◦ Herzberg’s Two-Factor
Cognitive Process Approach
Motivation is a process Theories include:
controlled by conscious
Expectancy Theory
thoughts, beliefs and
judgments Goal-Setting Theory
Social Learning Theory
Equity Theory
Non-Cognitive Approach
Motivation is explained as Theories include:
an interaction between ◦ Reinforcement Theory
behavior and external
events without appealing
to internal thoughts or
Needs-Based Approach
Needs: deficiency states or imbalances, whether
physiological or psychological, that energize and direct
Needs drive behavior through need activation and
need satisfaction
The Need Activation-Need
Satisfaction Process
Process Example
Fig. 2-2
Need is activated Layoff announced;
Need for security
is activated
The item(s) above must be satisfied before those below can be satisfied
Alderfer’s ERG Theory
Self Efficacy
◦ “people’s judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of
action required to attain designated types of performances”
Major Prediction of Social Learning
A person’s self-efficacy expectations will determine
Social comparison
of outcomes to inputs
Perceived Perceived
inequity equity
Motivation Motivation to
to correct or maintain present
reduce inequity equity relationships
Reinforcement Theory
A non-cognitive theory
Based on “Law of Effect”
◦ Behavior that is followed by a pleasurable consequence
will occur more frequently
◦ Process known as “reinforcement”
◦ Behavior that is followed by an adverse consequence will
occur less frequently
Behavior Modification
Positive reinforcement refers to increasing the
frequency of a behavior by following the behavior with
a pleasurable consequence
Negative reinforcement increases the frequency of a
behavior by removing something aversive after the
behavior is performed
Extinction seeks to decrease the frequency of a
behavior by removing the consequence that is
reinforcing it
Punishment seeks to decrease the frequency of a
behavior by introducing an aversive consequence
immediately after the behavior
▪ Second major influence on work behavior
▪ Attitude: a person’s general feeling of favorableness or
unfavorableness toward some stimulus object
▪ A combination of attitudes with perceived social pressure to
behave in a certain manner influences an individual’s behavior
The Behavioral Intentions
Perceived situational
Fig 2-7 Beliefs about Attitude or internal constraints
behavior/outcome toward the
relationships behavior
Intentions Behavior
Beliefs about
of norms
SOURCE: From Organizational Behavior 5th edition by Hellriegel/Slocum/Woodman. © 1989. Reprinted with permission
of South-Western, a division of Cengage Learning: [email protected]. Fax 800 730-2215.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs)
If employees lack the KSAs to perform a task or behavior, they will likely
Abilities – general capacities related to the performance of a set of
Skills – combine abilities with capabilities that are developed as a result
of training and experience
Knowledge – an understanding of factors or principles related to a
particular subject