Beneficial Insects - Beetles

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Published by Utah State University Extension and Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory ENT-114-07 November 2007

Beneficial insects: beetles

Erin W. Hodgson Ron Patterson
Extension Entomology Specialist Carbon County Extension

What You Should Know

• Many beetles are beneficial insects, either predatory

on other insects or eating plants considered weeds.

• For certain widespread insect and weed problems,

beetles are intentionally released to biological control.

• Sometimes beneficial beetles are mistaken for pests,

and so distinguishing species is important for reducing
treatment costs.

Fig. 2. Rove beetles can be beneficial insects.2

here are many beneficial beetles in Utah besides
Beetle Life Cycle
lady beetles or ladybugs. Beetles can significantly
reduce common insect and weed problems and
Beetles belong in the largest insect order Coleoptera
in some cases eliminate the need for chemical control.
and go through complete metamorphosis (Fig. 3).
Examples of beneficial beetles include: ground beetles,
Mated females lay football-shaped eggs, usually starting
rove beetles, tiger beetles and tortoise beetles. Many
off nearly colorless, but eventually turning dark yellow or
of these beetles are native to Utah, while others have
brown. Eggs hatch into mobile larvae; often larvae are
been purposely introduced to help control damage
the predatory life stage and will eat soft bodied insects
from exotic insect and weed pests (Figs. 1, 2). As with
like aphids. Larvae go through several molts before
most beneficial insects, there can be negative side
transforming into a resting pupae. Adults emerge from
effects or consequences associated with too many
pupal cases with functional wings and reproductive
insects in a given area. But in general, beneficial beetles
organs. Adults can be carnivores or herbivores. The total
suppress persistent insect problems.
development time to adulthood is dependant on the
temperature and beetle species. Beetles typically have
one generation per year, but some species can have
three or more per year.

egg3 larva3

pupa4 adult3

Fig. 1. Musk thistle is readily eaten by beneficial

insects like thistle-head weevil larvae.1 Fig. 3. Beetle life stages.
UPPDL, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322-5305 T: 435.797.2435 F: 435.797.8197

Ground Beetles

The ground beetles are a large group of predatory insects in the family Carabidae. Adults and larvae are considered
beneficial and will eat almost any type of insect, including: caterpillars, root maggots, snails and other soil dwelling
insects. There are more than 3,000 different kinds of ground beetles in North America and they range from 6-30 mm in
length. Many will have a solid, shiny black body with hardened and ridged forewings (Figs. 4-6). Some ground beetles
have a black body and iridescent red, purple or green markings on the forewings. Most ground beetles have a relatively
long body, flattened head, threadlike antennae, and long legs. Sometimes adults can have enlarged mandibles for
grasping prey. As the name suggests, adults prefer to run on the ground and rarely fly. In general, adults are actively
hunting on the ground at night and hide under rocks or debris during the day.

Fig. 4. Ground beetle adult.5 Fig. 5. Ground beetle adult.5 Fig. 6. Ground beetle adult.6

Rove Beetles Blister Beetles

Rove beetles are another large group of predatory Blister beetles are in the family Meloidae, and more than
insects. Rove beetles are in the family Staphylinidae and 300 species are found in the U.S. A common species in
more than 3,000 different species are found in North Utah is the spotted blister beetle, Epicauta maculata.
America. Rove beetle adults and larvae are predators Often blister beetle adults will have obvious “shoulders”
of other insects, but will also eat decaying vegetative that are wider than the head. Adults are relatively soft
matter. The adults are very easily distinguished from bodied and long legged compared to other beetles
other beetles because they have shortened forewings (Figs. 8, 9). Blister beetle adults range from 12-19 mm
that expose the end of the abdomen (Fig. 7). Although in length; forewing coloration varies greatly between
rove beetles can fly, the adults are more often seen species. Larvae are considered the beneficial stage,
running on the ground. Adults are shiny brown or black, often eating grasshopper eggs. Unfortunately, larvae
have enlarged mandibles for grasping prey, and range and adults secrete cantharidin, a poisonous chemical
in size from 2-20 mm in length. Rove beetles can be that can blister skin or cause painful swelling. Blister
found under rocks or wood, or around mushrooms or beetles are of economic concern when they feed in
other decaying vegetation. Some rove beetles display a alfalfa hay. Consumption of blister beetle larvae by
defensive behavior, similar to scorpions when disturbed, cattle or horses can cause serious illness or death. Hay
of raising the abdomen in a defensive posture. and forage fields that have significant blister beetle
populations should be cut pre-bloom and/or avoid
conditioning prior to baling.

Fig. 7. Rove beetle adult.7 Figs. 8 and 9. Blister beetle adults.6,6

UPPDL, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322-5305 T: 435.797.2435 F: 435.797.8197

Tiger Beetles Tortoise Beetles

Another group of predatory insects are the tiger beetles Tortoise beetles are a distinctive group of leaf beetles
in the family Cicindelidae. There are at least 200 species in the family Chrysomelidae. There are 35 species
of tiger beetles in North America and they are closely of tortoise beetles in North America. Adults can be
related to the ground beetles. Adults and larvae are confused with lady beetles because of the turtlelike
predatory and will consume almost any type of insect. shape of the forewings (Figs. 12, 13). Adults range from
Tiger beetle adults are often brightly colored metallic 4-13 mm in length and often the head is completely
blue, green, or orange, and range from 10-20 mm in concealed from above. Adults are metallic and very
length (Figs. 10, 11). Adults have long legs and are quick colorful, ranging from gold to green to yellow. The
runners. Tiger beetles are considered ambush feeders larval and adult stages eat common weeds, such as
and will seize prey with powerful sickle-like mandibles. bindweed, thistle, horse nettle, and burdock. Sometimes
The S-shaped larvae construct vertical burrows in dry soil tortoise beetles are considered pests because they
and wait for prey to fall inside. Tiger beetles have one also eat sweet potato, tomato, eggplant and a variety
generation per year and commonly hunt during the day of hardwood trees. Two tortoise beetles are used for
in gardens, stream edges, forests and deserts. biological control of weeds: golden tortoise beetle,
Metriona bicolor, on bindweed; and thistle tortoise
beetle, Cassida rubiginosa, on musk thistle.

Fig. 10. Six-spotted tiger beetle adult

attacking a caterpillar.8
Fig. 12. Tortoise beetle larva and adult.6

Fig. 11. Crimson salt flat tiger beetle adult.6

Fig. 13. Golden tortoise beetle adult.9

UPPDL, 5305 Old Main Hill, Logan UT 84322-5305 T: 435.797.2435 F: 435.797.8197

Other Beneficial Beetles

Two-spotted melyrid, Collops bipunctatus, is a soft- Saltcedar leaf beetle, Diorhabda elongata, is a leaf
winged flower beetle in the family Melyridae (Fig. 14). beetle in the family Chrysomelidae (Fig. 15). This beetle
The adult body is widest at the rear and the forewings is native to China, but was introduced into Utah to
are relatively soft compared to other beetles. The legs control saltcedar, or tamarisk. Adults are 5-7 mm long
are slender and the antennae are sawtoothed. This with alternating black and greenish stripes on the
beetle has a voracious appetite for aphids. Adults have forewings.
an orange Both the
body with a adults and
dark green larvae are
head and beneficial,
metallic eating
green saltcedar
forewings. vegetation.
The orange
have two
dark spots.
Fig. 15. Saltcedar leaf beetle.11

Fig. 14. Two-spotted melyrid adult.6

Thistle-head weevil, Rhinocyllus conicus,

is a weevil in the family Curculionidae
(Figs. 16, 17). This beetle is native to Europe,
Africa and Asia, but was introduced into
North America for biological control of
musk (nodding) thistle. Adults are 10-15 mm
long and are yellowish brown in color with
a pronounced snout. Mated females lay
eggs on the bracts of musk thistle flower
buds. Larvae are the beneficial life stage,
eating the developing thistle seeds.

Fig. 16. Thistle-head weevil adult.6 Fig. 17. Thistle-head weevil larva.10

1 Image courtesy of Ron Patterson, Carbon County Extension, Utah State University. 7 Image courtesy of Hans Arentsen (

2 Image courtesy of Jiri Hulcr, Michigan State University ( 8 Image courtesy of David Cappaert, Michigan State University (

3 Images courtesy of Erin W. Hodgson, Utah State University Extension 9 Image courtesy of Clemson University, USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series
( (

4 Image courtesy of Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 10 Image courtesy of Loke T. Kok, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
( (

5 Image courtesy of Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural 11 Image courtesy of Bob Richard, USDA-APHIS-PPQ (
Resources - Forestry Archive (

6 Images courtesy of Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University Extension


Precautionary Statement: All pesticides have benefits and risks, however following the label will maximize the benefits and reduce risks. Pay attention to the
directions for use and follow precautionary statements. Pesticide labels are considered legal documents containing instructions and limitations. Inconsistent
use of the product or disregarding the label is a violation of both federal and state laws. The pesticide applicator is legally responsible for proper use.
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also cannot discriminate in the classroom, residence halls, or in on/off campus, USU-sponsored events and activities. This publication is issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension
work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Noelle Cockett, Vice President for Extension and Agriculture, Utah State University.
page 4

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