6.1-Scope of Supply of Plant and Services-Lot B

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1. Scope of Supply of Plant and Installation Services

2. Front End Engineering Design
3. Procurement
4. Installation Services
5. Overseas Training / Floor Inspection
6. Miscellaneous
7. Units of Measurement
8. Annexure-I & Annexure-II


1.1 Introduction:

To upgrade and installation of gas measurement system has adopted “Installation and
modification of gas stations at off transmission points of with a view to establishing
integrity of gas grid. There are 11nos. regulating and metering stations, 3 nos. metering
stations and modification works at 4 nos. existing stations and 06 nos. hot tapping are
included under the scope of this project. As per DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PROFORMA (DPP)
all these works are divided into six lots. This Document is prepared for Lot-B which
comprises with the following facilities and other servicesfollowingon EPC/Turn-Key basis:

a. Design, build, procurement & supply, installation, construction, testing and

commissioning of 1(one) 50 MMSCFD capacity RMS including other services described
in this document on Turn-Key/EPC.

b. Modification, installation, construction, testing and commissioning ofexistingMetering

station including other services described in this document on EPC/ Turn-Key basis

c. Modification, installation, construction, testing and commissioning of existing

Metering Station including other services described in this document on EPC/ Turn-
Key basis.

intends to engage Turn-key (EPC) contractor for above mentioned facilities& services. The
EPC contractor shall carry out all related Mechanical, Electrical & Instrumentation and Civil
design, procure & supply of required plants & materials and installation Services in
accordance with (but not limited) conceptual drawing and as per provision of the Tender


Plants and Installation Services to be provided by the Contractor shall be in accordance

with the requirements stated in Section-6: Employer’s Requirements, indicative P&ID and
other drawings and provisions of the Tender Document as minimum.

The followings are the brief description of the scope of supply of Plant(s) and Installation

1.2.1 50 MMSCFD capacity Regulating and Metering Station

The main technical features of the RMS are as follows:

(a) Inlet Separator/Filter Module:

This module includes:

 1(one) No. 100% Capacity vertical type Knock Out Drum (KOD);
 2(two) nos. each of 100% capacity two-stage horizontal type filter separator
where 1 no. are in operation and 1no. is standby;
 By-pass line with KOD and
 By-pass line with two-stage horizontal filter separator.

(b) Heating Module:

This module includes:

 1(one) no. water bath heater of 100% capacity;
 By-pass line.

(c) Regulating Module:

This module includes: (Inlet Condition:1000-500psig, Outlet Condition: 500-300psig)

 1 (one) no. Regulating run of 100% capacity;
 01 (one) no. Regulating run with Pressure Control Valve (PCV) of 100%
capacity; and
 By-pass line.

(d) Liquid Separator:

This module includes:

 1 (one) no. 100% capacity liquid separator;

 By-pass line.

(e) Metering Module:

This module includes:

 2(two) nos. stream (orifice meter run) each of 100% capacity. 2(two) meter
run shall comprise with one flow computer and one Fully Configured Flow
Computer as a stand-by.

The Contractor shall provide panel mounted flow computer. The flow computers
shall have provisions for manual configuration at site. The Contractor shall supply
and provide one laptop, necessary software(s), Passkey/Password etc. for
configuration by the Employer during operation. The contractor shall validate flow
data with 3rd party software.

The Contractor shall install 2(two) DPTs with each orifice meter for use in all the
flow measurement application. Each DPT should indicate 2(two) different ranges
(low and high) based on percentage of full scale of the flow. The switching shall be
automatically triggered based on the percentage of flow as specified by the

3-pin chart recorder with planometer.

Validation of calibration of Flow Computer:

The validation of the calibration of the supplied metering system shall be done at
site using an automatic validation station in presence of the Employer’s

(f) Condensate Collection/Storage Tank

This module includes 1 no. underground 5,000.00 Liters capacity liquid storage tank
with 01 no. condensate delivery pump.

(g) Provision of sampling point with bottle or cylinder to collect natural gas sample for
determining gas composition.

(h) Tie-in/Hook-up RMS inlet and outlet with main pipeline:

 Tie in/hook-up with necessary materials (Pipes, reducer/expander, Flanges,

Elbow, Gasket, Stutt-bolt, primer, etc.) as per requirement;

 Inlet Tie-in: 2nos.;

1no. of Ø14”# 600 by using Cold Cutting Method (Weld Connection)with
connected pipe length not less than 300 meter;
1 no. of Ø30” Class 600 (connection F/F)) with connected pipe length not less
than 150 meter;
 Outlet Tie-in: 1 no.(Ø8” Class 600 with F/F connection)) with connected pipe
length not less than 300 meter.
 Line pipe: API 5LX52 ERW, 3 LPE Coated
 Inlet and outlet pipe shall be tested hydrostatically during construction.

(i) Fire alarm system, protection system and Fire Hydrant System
 As per Tender document.
(j) Security system with IP camera
 Shall cover minimum entrance and plant area as per Tender Document.

CCTV Bullet Camera and other accessories (PoE Switch, Cat6 10 Nos.
Cable, Circuit Braker etc.) covering gate and full plant area with
Testing & Commissioning.
16 Channel NVR 1 No.
HDD (2TB) 1 No.
32” LED Monitor 1 No.

(k) UPS for the RMS compound with necessary capacity

 2 (two) nos. each of 5 KVA Industrial UPS with voltage stabilizer & Surge
Protection at input side with 8 hours battery backup.

(l) Area Lighting System with explosion proof lights

 Shall cover minimum entrance and plant area as per Tender Document.

(m) Civil works:

The description of civil works in the RMS compound are furnished below:

Sl. Description Quantity Measurement

1. Control Building 1 No. 30'x30'
(Each Floor)
Control building shall be 2-stoied considering 3
storied foundations.

2. Underground Water reserve tank for the control Lot As per Tender
building and fire hydrant system, overhead Document
water tank including water supply facilities for
control building, septic tank and sewer system.

3. Generator Building with Switchgear Room 1 No. 15’x15’

(1 Storied)
4. Electrical Substation Room 1 No. 20’x15’
(1 Storied)
5. Pump House 1 No. 10’x10’

6. Security Post with toilet and water supply & 1 No. 12’x10’
sewer system (1 Storied)

7. Walkways inside RMS Lot As per Tender

8. Foundations for plant and piping of the station Lot As per Tender
9. Chain link fencing inside the RMS with Lot As per requirement of
necessary gates the plant area

10. Shed on Metering Skid 1 No Shed shall be

provided over the
field mounted
instrument stand.
Design drawing shall
be provided by the
contractor with the
Sl. Description Quantity Measurement

11. Gate, Name plate, Caution Notice, etc. Lot As per Tender

12. Stone pitching around the skid foundation Lot Shall cover the total
inside fencing fencing area.

The first layer shall be

150mm coarse sand
followed by double
layer geotextile sheet
with 100 mm murrum
filling. Then again
geotextile sheet and
150 mm thick white
pebbles (well
compacted). Pebbles
size shall not be more
than 50 mm.
13. Temporary site office for Employer LS As per Section-6 of
the Tender Document

14. Supply of standard quality Wooden Furniture Lot As per Tender

from reputed suppliers as listed below: Document

Control Room: Table-2 Nos, Executive Chair

(High Back) – 2 Nos, Front
Chair- 4 Nos, 4 drawer File
Cabinet – 2 Nos, PPE Rack.
Shift Engineers room: Executive Table- 3 Nos,
Executive Chair (High Back) –
3 Nos, Front Chair- 6 Nos, 4
drawer File Cabinet – 3 Nos,
Almirah- 1 Nos.
Guards Room: Table- 1 No, Chair– 2 Nos

PPEs to be provided (in addition to the

requirements under Supplementary
Helmet-10 Nos
Goggle-10 Nos
Ear Plug- 50 Nos
Hand Gloves- 20 pairs
Protective aprons -10 Nos.
15. RCC Piling in Plant area and other’s locations Lot As per Tender
with connecting Tie-beam as per soil Document
investigation report.

(n) Electro-Mechanical Works:

 Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 1 no. capacity 60 KVA (minimum)Gas

 Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 1 no. 100 KVA 3-phase Step Down
Transformer with associated equipment including electric power connection from
11KV (Nominal) national grid of available power supply and Installation of Power
Factor Improvement (PFI) plant;
 Supply & Installation of 2 nos. 1.5-tonDual Inverter Type Air Conditioner (Brand:
General/Hitachi or equivalent) and 36” LED TV (Reputed Brand) for Control
 Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Solar Power System with the capacity of
10% of total power requirements;
 Supply, Installationand commissioning of the 3.5 HP capacity deep well
Submersible pump-motor Set with associated equipment as per Tender
 Supply, Installation and Commissioning of the 4.0HP capacity Centrifugal water
pump-motor Set with associated equipment as per Tender document.

(o) Lightning arrestor for plant area and control building.

(p) CP system for underground pipe and equipment.

1.2.2 Modification, installation, construction, testing and commissioning ofexisting

150 MMSCFD Metering station including other services described in this
document on EPC/ Turn-Key basis.

The main scope of supply of plant and services/works for modification are listed below (but
not Limited):

(a) Metering Module:

 Replacement of existing 8 nos. Transmitters as per Tender Document.

 Instruments Cabling, installation of sensing lines, instrument stands, Flow
computers (1no.), safety instruments barrier, etc as per requirements.
 Supply and replacement of all orifice plate with required size.
 Installation of 2nos. 3-pin Chart Recorder (circular).
 Dismantling and Re-assembling of Meter Run with necessary Flange, Gasket,
Stud Bolt etc.

(b) Security system with IP camera

 Shall cover minimum entrance and plant area as per Tender Document.

(c) UPS for the Metering Station with necessary capacity

 1 (one) no.of 5 KVA Industrial UPS with voltage stabilizer & Surge Protection at
input side with 8 hours battery backup.

(d) Area Lighting System with explosion proof lights

 Shall cover minimum entrance and plant area as per Tender Document.

(e) Existing Control Room Renovation:

 Supply of 1 no. 1.5ton Inverter Type Air Conditioner (Brand: General or
 Any others as per Tender Document.

(f) Painting works of plant.

(g) Stone pitching around the skid foundation

 Shall cover the plant area.
 The first layer shall be 150mm coarse sand.
 The second layer shall be 75 mm gravels (well compact) and gravel size shall
not more than 20mm.

(h) Name plate, Caution Noticeas per Tender Document.

(i) Supply of standard quality Wooden Furniture for existing Control Room and
Engineers’ Room in control building from reputed suppliers as per Tender Document.

(j) Supply, Installation and commissioning of 3.5 HP capacity Submersible pump-motor

Set with deep well associated equipment including water supply facilities in control

Note: For details see the Annexure-I

1.2.3 Modification of exiting Metering Station

The main scope of supply of plant and services/works for modification are listed below (but
not Limited):

(a) Metering Module:

 Replacement of existing 8 nos. Transmitters as per Tender Document.
 Instruments Cabling, installation of sensing lines, instrument stands, Flow
computers (2nos.), safety instruments barrier, etc. as per requirements.
 Installation of orifice meter run (tube) of 12” OD with velocity profiler, orifice
chamber, Transmitter, Condensed Catcher, Pressure Gauge etc.
 Supply and replacement of all orifice plate with required size.

(b) Tie-in/Hook-up MS inlet and outlet with main pipeline:

 Tie in/hook-up with necessary materials (Pipes, Flanges, Elbow, Gasket, Stutt-
bolt, primer, etc.) as per requirement;
 Inlet& outlet Tie-in: 2 nos.;
2no. of φ 12” #600 by using Cold Cutting Method (Weld Connection).

(c) Security system with IP camera

 Shall cover minimum entrance and plant area as per Tender Document.

(d) UPS for the Metering Station with necessary capacity

 1 (one) no. of 5 KVA Industrial UPS with voltage stabilizer & Surge Protection
at input side with 8 hours battery backup.

(e) Necessary security lights for Metering Station

 Shall cover minimum entrance and plant area as per Tender Document.

(f) Control Building Renovation:

 Repair and maintenance of existing 2 storied Control building (Civil, Electrical &
Mechanical as per requirement).
 Supply of 2 nos. 1.5-ton Inverter Type Air Conditioner (Brand: General or
 Any others as per Tender Document.

(g) Painting works of plant.

(h) Name plate, Caution Notice as per Tender Document.

(i) Supply of standard quality Wooden Furniture for Control Room and Engineers’ Room
in control building from reputed suppliers as per Tender Document.

(j) Supply, Installation and commissioning of the 3.5 HP capacity deep well Submersible
pump-motor Set with associated equipmentas per Tender document.

(k) Supply & Installation of overhead water tank (2000litre) including water supply
facilities for control building and existing guard post.
Note: For details see the Annexure-II

1.2.4 The Contractor shall provide among others mentioned at Section-6

(Employer’s Requirement) but not limited to the following for efficient
completion of the Facilities: Basic and detailed design, Engineering, Documentation of the Plants and
Facilities; Submit welding procedure for station fabrication, tie-in, fittings and repair
works and submit the welding procedure test record to the Employer’s
Representative at the contractor’s own arrangement and expense. Mandatory Spare Parts as per Schedule; Consumables (lube oil, seal oil, greases, any cleaning agent etc.); Shipment, Transportation, Handling, Hauling, Storage of all Materials,
Machineries and Equipment; All necessary access roads, Jetties or off-loading points etc. required for the
transport of plant etc. to site; Additional land (if required) for storage of materials, Contractor’s equipment
and temporary facilities; All necessary data including hydrological and sub-surface conditions, climatic
conditions, environmental impact, boring test data etc. All Construction work i.e., dismantle, fabrication, welding including

Destructive & Non-destructive Testing of welds; coating, painting, holiday
testing, trenching, backfilling, support, markers, etc. All consumable such as welding electrodes, paints, POL, skids, water for
testing, Nitrogen charging, etc. Safety, HAZOP and Risk Assessment Study; All other works necessary for the completion of the Contract all in
accordance with the specification, drawing and requirements of the Contract. Field guarantee test and start up etc.; Clean-up and re-instatement of the Site access and all working areas,
storage site and other sites; Remedying of defects during the Defects Liability Period; Inventories and handing over of spare parts and left-over materials to the
Employer; Production of as-built record, drawing, pipe books, weld book, reports,
quality assurance, all catalogues, software, training manual and Operation &
Maintenance manual etc. and hand over to the Employer. Arrange necessary floor inspection for Employer’s representative as per
section 6.1. All necessary tie-ins/hook-ups work. Environment management plan and submission of mitigation report. The contractor shall submit the following before, during and after
construction, as applicable:
 Project Quality Plan;
 HSE policy;
 Health and Environmental report in each month;
 Daily Progress Report;
 Daily Welding Report;
 Material receipt and consumption status in every 15 days;
 Next Day Planning;
 Progress plan and achievement works;
 Report of crews, equipment deployed weekly.
 Monthly Progress Report;
 Water Sample Test Report;
 Procedure Test Report;
 Hydrostatic Testing and Commissioning Report;
 Calibration Test;
 Color Photograph of various activities. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all means methods, techniques,
sequences and procedures and for the co-ordination of all operators of works
under this contract. The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements for the hiring of the
(local or not) and care for their payment. He will take care of all the
relating to accommodation, transportation and subsistence for the staff and
his workforce. Arrange store yard for equipment, machineries and materials for this works. The Contractor shall fully reinstate local roads and infrastructure and
agricultural lands to at least their original condition if the Contractor would
require temporary use of local roads and agricultural lands. The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment
(both on and off the Site) and to limit damage and nuisance to people and
property resulting from pollution, noise, and other results of his operations. The Contractor shall ensure that emissions, surface discharges, and effluent
from the Contractor’s activities shall not exceed the values stated in the
Specification or prescribed by applicable Laws. The contractor shall arrange import and export permit of the government of
the Employer’s country for re-exportable equipment and machineries and
others for implementation of the works at his own cost. In this case,
Employer will extend its assistance to the contractor, if required for
obtaining permission from any government organization. The Contractor shall comply with all laws in force in the country where the
works are to be implemented. The laws will include all local, state, national,
or other laws that affect the performance of the Contract and bind upon the
Contractor. The Contractor shall carryout commissioning for each station uninterruptedly
for 72 hours. The Contractor shall ensure repair & maintenance service of Gas Generator
through local firm(s). Data provided in this document like soil report, alignment sheet is for
guidance only and hence indicative.

The scope shall be read in conjunction with detailed technical specifications (Volume-2
of 2), datasheets, project instruction etc. In case the Contractor and its
manufacturer/vendor consider requirement of additional instrumentation, controls,
safety devices and any other accessories/ auxiliaries essential for safe and satisfactory
operation of the equipment, they shall recommend the same along with reasons in a
separate section along with his proposal and include the same in his scope of supply.


a. General

Front end engineering design of the Station(s)should be done after visiting the site
locations. The Station(s)shall be in accordance with the indicative P&ID provided with the
Tendering Documents and shall be included but not limited to:
- reviewing and verifying preliminary engineering;
- performing additional engineering required to complete the design;
- preparing construction drawings;
- preparing material quantity list;
- preparing specifications, material, equipment construction etc. and other technical
- completing “as built” drawing.

Within four (4) weeks after award of Contract, the Contractor shall forward the detailed
scope of work of the Station(s) to the Employer including
- number of skids;
- skid dimensions;
- skid weights;
- estimated manpower and qualification;
- time schedule for erection and commissioning.

b. Feed

For the front-end engineering design the following issues, drawings, specifications etc.
need to be prepared as a minimum. The Contractor shall obtain approval from Employer
for items to be executed during front end engineering design phase:

- design basis;
- control and operating philosophy;
- shutdown philosophy;
- piping & instrument diagrams (P&ID);
- line list, process conditions;
- soil investigation specifications.
- Health and environmental safety.

c. Detail Design

For the detail design the following issues, drawings and specifications shall be prepared
as a minimum.

(i) General

-Design calculation, Data Sheets for all bought out items, equipment etc.
-Material Take off and BOQ.
-Data sheets for all plants
-electrical goods list;
-control valve data sheets;
-relief valve data sheets;
-instrument list;
-material safety data sheets;
-instrument data sheets;
-hazardous area schedule;
-operations and maintenance manuals.
-input list for SCADA. (local gauges, safety relief valves, Transmitter & Switches,
Flow metering Skid, Flow computer, Pressure reducing stations, Emergency
Isolation Valves, RTU, Control panel, Fire & gas detection system, cp alarm, Fire &
Gas alarm, Remote Control valve, Actuator, UPS, TEG, etc)
-Quality Assurance plan.

Final documentation shall be assembled in book form and issued containing the
- document schedule;
- drawings materials take-off;
- calculations;
- specifications

(ii) Civil/Structural Engineering

The following drawings, specifications etc. shall be prepared as a minimum:

 overall plot plans;

 site location plans;
 equipment/plant plot plans;
 foundation design calculations;
 building specification and data sheets;
 buildings drawings including 3D perspective view;
 foundation details;
 miscellaneous structural drawings;
 pipe support details;
 standard details;
 site security drawings (fencing etc.);
 site grading and drainage plans;
 site roadways and paving drawings;
 Site retaining & boundary wall;
 Pit drawing;
 Vehicle Parking details.

(iii) Mechanical/piping Engineering

The following drawings, specifications etc. shall be prepared as a minimum:

 line size calculations;

 piping and instrument diagrams (final)
 material take-off;
 data sheets;
 specifications, drawings and design calculations of vessels;
 plans, sections and details;
 CAD & isometric drawings indicating all details like dimensions, location,
connection etc. (where needed);
 acoustic calculations;
 standard details;
 stress analysis calculations;

(iv) Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering

The following drawings, specifications etc. shall be prepared as a minimum:

 data sheets and specifications (final);

 loop diagrams;
 standards, installation and hook-up drawings;
 instrument index;
 panel design and layout of control room;
 electrical single line drawings;
 electrical plot plan and lighting plan drawings;
 hazardous area classification drawings;
 switch gear/distribution panel drawings;
 grounding and lighting protection system;
 cable and conduit schedules;
 electrical equipment specifications;
 pre-commissioning checks of all instruments and electrical equipment;
 wiring diagrams;
 cathodic protection;
 earthing & grounding system;
 safety and function evaluation charts for API RP14C.
 Flow computer details drawing
 IPS connection & drawing.
 Smoke, fire and methane gas detectors with alarm system as per section 2.3.15.


(a) The Contractor shall be responsible for supply of all plant, materials, equipment, start-up
and commissioning tools & spares, mandatory tools, calibration equipment & spares
parts and sub-contract services for packing, shipping and transportation of the same to
the job site. These responsibilities of the Contractor shall include, but not be limited to
the following procurement activities:

 prepare a Supply Plan and issue to Employer for approval;

 prepare the “master list” of imported materials and equipment and issue to
government authority on behalf of Employer for approval;
 prepare and issue inquiry packages to Vendor for permanently installed materials and
equipment, including parts and tools required for start-up and commissioning.
Employer will also require one copy for information;
 issue purchase orders for permanently installed materials and equipment including
tacts and tools required for start-up and commissioning;
 expedite delivery of materials and equipment and control delivery schedule; establish
and maintain quality control, inspection procedures and schedules and ensure
conformance of all purchased items to the established project specifications including
quality inspection and test witnessing;
 obtain all required documentation, drawings, manuals etc from Vendor(s) as required
for job books and quality control;
 tools and spares for start-up and commissioning of the Facilities;
 obtain mandatory tools calibration equipment and spare parts for the station(s); as
required in the Tender Document for supply to the Employer under the Contract;
 obtain recommended spare parts lists, with pricing, for 2 (two) years operation with
price remaining valid up to the end of Contract Period;
 obtain quotes for vendor representative to direct, assist and certify proper onsite
equipment installation;
 Select packers and shipping agents, and contract for their services to transport
materials and equipment to the job sites, including preparation of necessary shipping
documents, formalities and customs clearance for the imported and re exportable
materials and equipment.

(b) The Employer or his representative will nominate a Third-Party Pre-shipment Inspection
Agency to witness the testing and examination of main equipment and materials at the
premises of the Contractor or his Vendors. The contractor shall have to provide
permission to the Inspection Agency to be nominated by the Employer to inspect the
plant/materials/equipment. No materials shall be provided without PSI.

4. Installation Services

(a) The works shall be performed in accordance with the contract including the approved
procedures, construction drawings and specifications.

(b) The Contractor shall complete the facilities in accordance with the construction schedule
submitted in the proposal and approved by the Employer.

(c) A written status report prepared by the Contractor detailing the work completed and the
portion of the work forecast to be completed, shall be presented to the Employer at
regularly scheduled progress meetings.

(d) The Contractor shall provide safety and security arrangements for the protection of its
personnel and property during the contract period. All medical and sanitary facilities
required for the health and welfare of the Contractor’s personnel shall be provided by the
Contractor. In addition, the Contractor shall be responsible for the proper disposal of all
liquid and solid wastes generated as a result of the construction operation.

(e) The Contractor shall provide any additional sites required for Contractor’s temporary field

(f) The Contractor’s work shall include, but not limited to, the following construction and
-construct and maintain temporary access roads, jetty, etc. if required, to facilitate
passage of construction equipment and material transport;
-transport, store materials and equipment;
-construction and foundation of all civil works;
-excavate pipeline ditches (if required), including performing blasting as required;
-backfill the ditch;
-prepare welding procedures and qualification;
-prepare welding and piping book including isometric drawings;
-apply corrosion coating to welded joints;
-install liquid catchers, metering systems and associated piping, including supports and
foundations, building, and site fencing;
-install electrical cabling & all electrical fittings water supply system, gas piping and
sewage & septic system for all the buildings;
-make tie-ins;
- Sandblasting of fabricated Piping section;
-appropriate painting (for coastal condition) of aboveground Plants, piping, equipment
and facilities etc.;
-lifting the gas stations equipment on foundation, alignment and bolt down;
-grouting of skids or supports with non-shrinking grout;
-assembly of all interconnection piping;
-testing and repair of condensate tank external coating;
-lowering tanks to anti- buoyance concrete slab;
-assembly of manhole units;
-connection of tanks to cathodic protection;
-back-filling of tank units;
-prepare station site;
-install generator set and associated piping, supports, foundation and building;
-install instruments and prefabricated instrument piping;
-tightness test of completed facilities;
-acceptance test will be witnessed by Employer;
-final calibration and functional testing of instrumentation;
-preparation of purging with gas;
-provide all necessary equipment e.g. personal protective equipment’s (PPE), gas
detectors, fire prevention and safety equipment, cross over/cat walk ladders etc.,
operational & maintenance platforms for all Plants including valves, tools and
consumables in separate sets for the facilities as applicable for the maintenance and
operation of the stations;
-After Installation of Plant & Facilities Greasing shall have to be done for each and every
Larger Sizes Valves including Actuator Operated Valves (Where the Greasing Points are
available) Prior to Commissioning followed by Functional & Guarantee Test;
-commissioning for continuous 96 hours and guarantee testing of the facilities;
-provide air conditioning and dehumidifier for the control room including Smoke, fire and
methane gas detectors with alarm system;
- installation of cable tray and junction boxes.
-laying and termination of field cables;
-cabling between cabinets;
-install batteries;
-arrange supply of electric power from public supply including cabling and supply and
installation of necessary equipment;
-cabling between communication (telemetry and instrumentation panels);
-install earthing and grounding systems.
- CP system of underground parts.

5. Overseas Training/Floor Inspection

The Contractor shall arrange at his own cost four (04) weeks (excluding travelling period)
training/floor inspection for six (06) representatives of the Employer on Design, Operation &
Maintenance of the Metering Station, in-place suitable for in-house practice training, floor
inspection, design check, witness of tests etc. of major equipment viz. KOD/ Filter
Separator/ metering/ regulating manufacturer’s plants during the training, with emphasis on
type of plant, to be installed under the scope of the Contract. Training will cover both
theoretical and practical aspects of Design, Plant Operation & Maintenance of the stated
plants. The Contractor shall submit detail training program to the Employer for its approval
at least 8(eight) weeks prior to start of the training.

The contractor shall pay for and/or provide the following:

-Economy class airfares (including return ticket) from Dhaka to airport of entry.
-Transport from airport of entry to accommodation and return.
-Suitable accommodation and food for the period of stay.
-A daily minimum allowance to each official of US Dollar 150.00 (one hundred and fifty) and
US Dollar 50.00 (fifty) during transit.
-Transportation for visits to equipment manufacturer’s plants.
-Training manuals, books etc.
-Arrangement of floor inspection, design check, witness of testing etc.


In addition to the provision by the Contractor provided above and at Section-6

(Supplementary Information) of Volume-2 of 2 the Contractor shall also be responsible for
the following:

(a) Supply of recommended spares for two (2) years operation (an unpriced list of such
spares to be submitted with the technical proposal) as and when required by the
Employer within the contract period at the quoted Price.

(b) provide all necessary tools, spare parts and consumables for start-up and commissioning
of the Stations;

(c) Supply all mandatory tools, calibration equipment and 2 years spare parts of relevant
manufacturers for all the equipment included in the Stations as per price schedule under
the Contract;

(d) provide six (6) copies of the materials and parts list along with catalogues and other
publications containing description, materials specifications and drawings part reference
number and other identification adequate for reordering purposes, pertaining to spare
parts manufactured or distributed by the Contractors or its suppliers;
(e) provide six (6) bound copies of complete Engineering Dossier of all equipment of the
Metering Station to be received by the Employer at least 30 (thirty) days before initial
commissioning of the Stations comprising but not limited to the following:

* descriptive literature;
* completed data sheets;
* performance curves;
* plot plans;
* instructions;
* maintenance and troubleshooting instructions;
* mill test certificates;
* manufacturer's data sheets;
* fabrication data sheets;
* vendor's drawings catalogues;
* radiography records;
* inspection reports and certifications;
* stress relief charts;
* Hydrostatic test records;
* name plate rubbing;
* spare parts list;
* lubrication schedule;
* line lists;
* Operation and Maintenance Manual of Equipment’s/Plant’s.
(f) Provide Auxiliary Facilities for the Employer's Representative(s)/Personnel as per Section
6 (Supplementary Information).

7. Units of measurement

The following units shall be used in this project:

Length Meters (m), millimeters (mm)

Mass Kilograms (kg)
Temperature Degrees Celsius (°c)& Degrees (°F)
Pressure Bar(g) and PSIG
Differential Pressure Bar, psig, mm WC
Flow rate - liquid (Large flows) m3/hr
Flow rate - liquid (Small flows) Liters/ min.
Flow rate - Gas & Air mmscfd [@ 15 deg. C & 101.3 kPa (abs)]
Level Milli meters (mm) for storage tanks
Viscosity mPas, Cp
HC gas concentration %LEL
Toxic gas concentration Ppm
Velocity m/s, fps
Density kg/m3/ lb/ft3
Area m2
Volume m3
Time Sec
Gas Volume MMSCF

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