Articles of Incorporation NSC
Articles of Incorporation NSC
Articles of Incorporation NSC
The undersigned incorporators, Filipino citizens, all of legal age and are residents
of the Philippines, have this day come and voluntarily agreed to form a non-stock
corporation under the existing laws of the Republic of the Philippines;
FIRST: That the name of said corporation shall be Mercado Realty Development
SECOND: That the purpose/s for which such corporation are incorporated:
1. To engage in the real estate business and promote the growth and development of
Mercado Heights, a land project of the abovenamed incorporation, thereby assisting
Filipinos in acquiring lands and building their own houses;
3. To cooperate with the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, together with
all instrumentalities in the execution of government policies which will redound to
the benefit of the general public;
For the purpose of attaining or furthering any or all of the objectives and purposes herein
stated to do any other act and to exercise any other power which a natural person could do
and exercise and which now or hereafter may be authorized by law.
THIRD: That the principal office of the corporation is located in Columbia Heights,
Santa Rosa City, Laguna;
FOURTH: That the term for which said corporation is to exist is FIFTY (50) years
from and after the date of issuance of the certificate of incorporation;
FIFTH: That the names, nationalities and residences of the incorporators are as
SIXTH: That the number of trustees of the corporation shall be SIX (6) and the
names, nationalities and residences of the first trustees of the corporation are as follows:
NINTH: That DANIELLA THERESE GASTON has been elected by the members
as Treasurer of the corporation to act as such until his successor is duly elected and
qualified in accordance with the by-laws, and that as such Treasurer, he has been authorized
to receive for and in the name and for the benefit of the corporation, all contributions or
donations paid or given by the members.
TENTH: That the incorporators undertake to change the name of the corporation as
herein provided, or as amended thereafter, immediately upon receipt of notice or directive
from the Securities and Exchange Commission that another corporation, partnership or
person has acquired a prior right to the use of that name or that the name has been declared
as misleading, deceptive, confusingly similar to a registered name or contrary to public
morals, good custom or public policy.
ELEVENTH: That the association shall comply with the requirements for non-
stock corporations in the course of its operations.
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public, for and in the City of Santa Rosa, Province
of Laguna, Philippines, this 6th day of July 2023, personally appeared the following
Name Identification
known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Articles
of Incorporation constituting of five (5) pages, including this page where the
acknowledgement is written, and they acknowledged to me that the same is their free act
and voluntary deed.
b) Special meetings of the board of trustees may be held at any time upon the call
of the president or as provided in the by-laws
b) Written notice of regular meetings shall be sent to all members of record at least
two (2) weeks prior to the meeting, unless a different period is required by the
d) Written notice of special meetings shall be sent to all members at least one week
prior to the meeting, unless a different period is required by the by-laws.
a) The fiscal year of the corporation shall commence on the first day of January
and end on the last day of December of same year.
a) The corporate seal shall be in such form and design as may be determined
by the Board of Trustees.
ADOPTED this 6th day of July 2023 at the City of Santa Rosa, Philippines by the
affirmative vote of the undersigned members of the association in special meeting duly
held for the purpose.
Name Identification