DLL - English 5 - Q4 - W1
DLL - English 5 - Q4 - W1
DLL - English 5 - Q4 - W1
listens critically to different text types; expresses ideas logically in oral and written forms;
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson . A.Setting the stage: Display the chart on the board.Ask A.Setting the stage: a.Show the picture to the pupils. 1.Setting the stage:
1.Show the following faces: pupils: What comes into your mind 1.Show the word “text type” on the b.Ask: What do you think the boy Ask the pupils the following
when you see the word “light”? What board. is doing? questions:
comes into your mind when you see Ask: Do you know what is a text type? Why the boy looks dizzy? What is inferring?
the word “dark”? Examine the Let the pupils give their opinions What is target?
a.Do you know who’s in the definition of the words “light and about text type. When we say “audience”, to
picture? dark” in the meaning lists at the Say :The phrase ‘text type’ is a way of whom do we refer it?
b.What can you say about picture? learning materials. Ask: What other classifying and defining different types
c.What emotions each words can you give for lights and of language interaction, both spoken
pictures dark? and written. It refers to the
expressed? purpose of a text and the way it is
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Today, we’re going to learn the At the end of the lesson, you will be Tell the pupils that at the end of At the end of the lesson, pupils are
new lesson Present a short story on the board. different meanings of content specific able to distinguish text-type according the lesson, they will learn to use able to infer the target audience
(The Donkey) words (denotation and connotation to features (structural and language); compound sentences to show Original File Submitted and
Ask: Who are the characters in the read aloud grade level appropriate cause and effect and be tactful in Formatted by DepEd Club
story? text with an accuracy communicating others. Member - visit depedclub.com
How each animal expressed their rate of 95 – 100% and take down
for more
feeling? relevant notes.
D. Discussing new concepts and Teacher reads the short story. 2.Explaining the students what to
practicing new skills #1 Pupils will listen. 1.Ask the pupils to point out what the 1..Show the powerpoint presentation 1.Present the chart on the board. do
The Donkey two words’ definitions have in about the topic. 2.Ask pupils to study what is Let the pupils study the picture.
A donkey found the skin of a dead common. Students will likely point ..\TEXT TYPS.ppt written in the chart. Discuss with them how to infer
lion. He put it on and frightened all out that they are both adjectives. 2..Discuss and explain to the Compound sentences are made up target audience.
the animals but did not make a Continue the comparison and pupils the text type according to of two simple sentences Ask the following questions:
sound. One dog was suspicious; the contrast of the two words until they features(structural and connected by a coordinating -What is audience?
donkey tried to roar to frighten the come up with which word has the language).Refer pupils to the conjunction. These conjunctions -Who should be the audience?
dog but brayed instead. When the positive and negative meanings, then learners’ manual are also known as FANBOYS: -What are the key aspects would
dog heard the donkey braying, he introduce the denotation and F - For have been chosen to appeal on the
laughed and laughed. connotation A - And target market?
N - Nor
B - But
O - Or
Y - Yet
S– So
dead cool
After his grandmother passed
When Emily has a lot of work to do or teams with no more than five
and feels stressed, she becomes members in each group. Then hand
very tense and cannot relax. each group a blank “Connotation and
Denotation Chart”
Our friend Lily makes us feel left
out when she has a party but 2.Explain to the groups that you are
given 4 points.
H. Making generalizations and Ask the pupils about what they have What have learned from today’s Connectors such as because, for Ask the pupils about what they
abstractions about the lesson What have you learned from learned from today’s lesson. lesson? this reason, that is why, so, have learned from the topic.
today’s lesson? (Game )Pupils will pass a ball while therefore, for, and since can be
singing a song. When the song stops, used to show cause-and-effect
the one who holds the ball will give relationships.
what he/she learned from the day’s A cause-and-effect relationship
topic. describes something that happens
Different text types and explains why it happens.
Text types as to structures
Text types as to language Compound sentences are made up
of two simple sentences
connected by a coordinating
conjunction. These conjunctions
are also known as FANBOYS:
I. Evaluating learning H. Evaluation Directions: Complete the following 8.Evaluation
Restate the sentences heard on G.Evaluation: Directions: Give the meaning of the sentences. You may use a word or Pupils will be asked to do the
one’s own words. Draw following text type. Write your a group of words as signals for following activity:
Identify the meaning of words if it is a answer on the box opposite of the cause-and-effect relationships. 1.Think of a commercial or TV Ads
appropriate facial expressions after words you like. Answer the date below:
connotation, write C, and if it is a TEXT TYPE 1. The clouds were turning
the sentences.
denotation, write D. Write your dark, _______________ we started Name of commercial/TV Ads :
packing our picnic baskets. _________________________
answer on the blank. 2. Road blocks were set up Target Audience:
Grandpa was very proud of me
by the military, ______________ __________________________
when I got a promotion at work. He Blue they could catch the terrorists. Age:
____ a. Mommy, please buy me a 3. Tourists flock to Boracay __________________________
took me out to dinner to celebrate. blue bike. ____________they are amazed of Gender:
______b. Linda got low score in her its white sand ___________________________
I'm a little doubtful about whether tst. She is blue. 4. The diligent son worked Interest:
2.Snake in the morning and studied at ___________________________
to get married or not.. _____ a. Lito saw a big snake in their night ___________ his father died
backyard. three years ago.
_____ b. Mario is a snake. He spank 5. The economy of the
We are delighted that you will be
the little boy. country is improving
coming to visit us. It will be so nice _______________ dedicated
3.Cool government officials worked hard.
to have you here. ______a. The weather is verycool. 6. The wind blew and the
______b. I like your jacket. It is very papers were scattered on the
After waiting in line for an hour at cool. floor.
7. He opened the box and a
the bank, the woman grew 4.Cheap letter fell into his hands.
______a. Linda goes with different 8. The rain stop and the
impatient and left. man that’s why she is being called rainbow appeared in the sky.
cheap. 9. Maria steps on a banana
They were shocked to learn that ______b. The dress in the store is feeling and she fell on the ground.
cheap. 10. Juan accidentally broke
their beloved neighbor, Miss Ann, the flower base, his mother got
MEANING angry.
had stolen their car.
______a. Rats lived in a dark places.
______b. Rats! I left my pocket book
in the car.
J. Additional activities for application or Pupils will restate the sentences Write I example of each text type Directions: Do the following Watch a television commercial at
remediation heard on one’ own words. Then, Ask the pupils to answer the activities: home or find an ad in a newspaper
show to the class the appropriate activities under “Do and Learn or magazine
facial expressions expressed in the Activity 1: Read the compound Then , write one paragraph
sentence. sentence silently. describing the ad, making an
Even in hard times when I don't . Activity 2: Write five (5) compound inference about who the target
have a lot of money, I stay hopeful sentences. Underline once the audience is, and explaining why
and believe that next month will be cause and twice the effect . they think this.
better. Encircle the conjunction used in
When I see that puzzled look on the sentence.
your face, I know that you didn't
understand my question.
Wow! I'm really impressed that
Ashley can speak 7 languages,
whereas I only speak one!
Ugh! I don't have anything to do.
I'm so bored!!
After Kylie had her heart broken by
her ex-boyfriend, she felt so down
and blue. She is very sad.
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