Metals Reviewer
Metals Reviewer
Metals Reviewer
Metals that react with steam form metal Metals like (Cu, Au, Ag and etc. ) are good
oxide and hydrogen gas, for example zinc: conductors of heat and electricity. However (Pb
o Zn + H2O → ZnO + H2 and Hg) are poor conductors of heat.
Metals usually have high melting and boiling
Reactivity with acids point.
Metals loses electron and changes to positive ion
Most metals react with dilute acids such as called electropositive elements.
Metals have different chemical properties because of Iron and the remaining metals below iron in the activity
electron in the outer most orbit of metals series reacts with oxygen when heated in air.At high
temperature, metals like (Au, Ag and etc. ) do not react
Metals give electrons to oxygen atom and react with oxygen.
to form oxides
Basic Amphoteric Acidic
Metal + Di oxygen gas = Metal oxide able to react
both as a base
Metals like (Na and K) burns if kept in air
and as an acid.
At normal temperature, a thin layer of oxide is observed Na2O – Sodium ZnO – Zinc CO2 – Calcium Dioxide
Oxide Oxide SO2 – Sodium Dioxide
on metals like (Mg , Al and Zn). Magnesium when
CaO – Calcium Al2O3 –ialuminum oxide P4O10 – Phosphorus
heated in air burns with dazzling light and forms Oxide pentoxide
Fe2O3 – Iron Oxide
The chemistry of the metals is studied by
analysing their reactions with water, dilute Neutral : CO, NO
acid and oxygen.
Based on these reactions a reactivity series
Oxides of metal like zinc oxide and aluminum oxide
of metals can be produced. posses both acidic and basic properties. Such metals are
The series can be used to place a group of called Amphoteric Oxides
metals in order of reactivity based on the
observations of their reactions with water, Na2O(s) + H2O = 2NaOH (aq) Sodium hydroxide
acid and oxygen. K2O(s) + H2O = 2KOH (aq) Potassium hydroxide
Metals like (Pb, Cu, Au, and Ag) do not react with cold contains less than 2 percent. An alloy is a substance
water and steam. composed of two or more elements. Therefore, all
steels are an alloy of iron and carbon, but the term
Metal+ Dilute acids = Salt of respective metal+
dihyd rogen gass “alloy steel” normally refers to a steel that also
contains one or more other elements. For example,
if the main alloying element is tungsten, the steel is
All metals do not react with dilute acids. If metal a “tungsten steel” or “tungsten alloy.” If there is no
reacts with dilute acid then the corresponding salt alloying material, it is a “carbon steel.”
and dihydrogen gas are produced.
Metals react with dilute hydrochloric acid to
produce hydrogen and the respective metallic Pure Iron
chlorides. Magnesium reacts readily compared to Low Carbon Steel (mild steel)
Zinc and Copper. Medium Carbon Steel
High Carbon Steel
The name Ferrous comes from the Latin word Iron Carbon Percentage
1. Mild Steel :- Carbon content of 0.1 to 0.3%
Ferrous metals are those that contain iron as the and Iron content of 99.7 – 99.9%. Used for
base metal, or in other words those metals which engineering purposes and in general, none
are attracted by magnets. The properties of ferrous specialised metal products.
metals may be changed by adding various alloying 2. Carbon steel :- Carbon content of 0.6 to
elements. The chemical and mechanical properties 1.4% and Iron content of 98.6 to 99.4 %.
need to be combined to produce a metal to serve a Used to make cutting tools such as drill bits.
specific purpose. The basic ferrous metal form is 3. Stainless Steel :- Made up of Iron, nickel
pig iron. Pig iron is produced in a blast furnace that and chromium. Resists staining and
is charged with an iron ore, coke, and limestone. corrosion and is therefore used for the likes
Ferrous metals had a tremendous impact on of cutlery and surgical instrumentation. See
lifestyle, it was one of the most important changes our Infographic celebrating 100 years of
for mankind today Ferrous metals are the backbone stainless steel usage in buildings or the
of the world with built. different types of stainless steel.
Ferrous metal’s ore is readily available, constituting 4. Cast Iron :- carbon 2 – 6% and Iron at 94 to
about 5% of the earth's crust, and is easy to convert 98%. Very strong but brittle. Used to
to a useful form. manufacture items such as engine blocks
and manhole covers.
The four principal iron ores are hematite, limonite, 5. Wrought Iron :- Composed of almost 100%
magnetite and faconite. iron. Used to make items such as ornamental
gates and fencing. Has fallen out of use
Ferrous metals include cast iron, steel, and the somewhat.
various steel alloys, The only difference between
iron and steel is the carbon content. Cast iron
contains more than 2-percent carbon, while steel
processes. grey.
Alumi Alum Ductile, Aircraft and Resistant
nium inium Malleable, vehicle parts. to
alloys- +4% Work corrosion.
Dural Copp Hardens. Zinc Pure A layer of Makes brass.
umini er+1 metal oxide Coating for steel
um) %Ma protects it galvanized
ngan from corrugated iron
ese corrosion, roofing, tanks,
Coppe Pure Red, Electrical wire, bluish- buckets, rust-proof
r metal tough, cables and white, paints
ductile, conductors, water easily
High and central heating worked.
electrical pipes and Tin Pure White and Tinplate, making
conductor, cylinders. Printed metal soft, bronze.
corrosion circuit boards, corrosion
resistant, roofs. resistant.
Can work Gildin 85% Corrosion Beaten metalwork,
hard or g copp resistant, jewellery.
cold. metal er+1 golden
Needs 5% colour,
frequent zinc. enamels
annealing. well.
Brass 65% Very Castings,
copp corrosive, ornaments,
er yellow in valves,forgings. ELECTRICAL CODUCTIVITY
+35 colour,
%zin tarnishes Electrical conductivity in metals is a result
c. very of the movement of electrically charged
easily. particles. The atoms of metal elements are
Harder characterized by the presence of valence
than electrons, which are electrons in the outer
shell of an atom that are free to move about.
electrical It is these "free electrons" that allow metals
conductor. to conduct an electric current.
Lead Pure The Protection against
metal heaviest X-Ray machines. Because valence electrons are free to move, they
common Paints, roof can travel through the lattice that forms the physical
metal. coverings, structure of a metal. Under an electric field, free
Soft, flashings. electrons move through the metal much like billiard
malleable, balls knocking against each other, passing an
bright and electric charge as they move.
but electrical conductivity and electro chem
oxidizes to
a dull
Material Resistivity Conductivity
Atomic weight 21. Used to strengthen aluminum
p(Ω•m) at σ(S/m) at
20°C 20°C alloys.
Silver 1.59x10-8 6.30x107
Copper 1.68x10-8 5.98x107 Yttrium:
Annealed Copper 1.72x10-8 5.80x107 Atomic weight 39. Used in superconductors and
Gold 2.44x10-8 4.52x107 exotic light sources.
Aluminum 2.82x10-8 3.5x107
Calcium 3.36x10-8 2.82x107 Lanthanum:
Beryllium 4.00x10-8 2.500x107 Atomic weight 57. Used in specialty glasses and
Rhodium 4.49x10-8 2.23x107 optics, electrodes and for hydrogen storage.
Magnesium 4.66x10-8 2.15x107
Molybdenum 5.225x10-8 1.914x107 Cerium:
Iridium 5.289x10-8 1.891x107 Atomic weight 58. Makes an excellent oxidizer,
Tungsten 5.49x10-8 1.82x107 used in oil cracking during petroleum refining and
Zinc 5.945x10-8 1.682x107 is used for yellow color in ceramics and glass.
Cobalt 6.25x10-8 1.60x107
Cadmium 6.84x10-8 1.467 Praseodymium:
Nickel 6.84x10-8 1.46x107 Atomic weight 59. Used in magnets, lasers and as
green color in ceramics and glass.
Ruthenium 7.595x10-8 1.31x107
Lithium 8.54x10-8 1.17x107 Neodymium:
Iron 9.58x10-8 1.04x107
Atomic weight 60. Used in magnets, lasers and as
Platinum 1.06x10-7 9.44x106
Palladium 1.08x10-7 9.28x106 purple color in ceramics and glass.
Tin 1.15x10-7 8.7x106
Selenium 1.197x10-7 8.35x106
Tantalum 1.24x10-7 8.06x106 Atomic weight 61. Used in nuclear batteries.
Niobium 1.31x10-7 7.66x106
Steel (Cast) 1.61x10-7 6.21x106
Chromium 1.96x10-7 5.10x106 Atomic weight 62. Used in magnets, lasers and for
Lead 2.05x10-7 4.87x106 neutron capture.
Vanadium 2.61x10-7 3.83x106
Uranium 2.87x10-7 3.48x106
Antimony* 3.92x10-7 2.55x106 Atomic weight 63. Makes colored phosphors,
Zirconium 4.105x10-7 2.44x106 lasers, and mercury-vapor lamps.
Titanium 5.56x10-7 1.798x106
Mercury 9.58x10-7 1.044x106 Gadolinium:
Germanium* 4.6x10-1 2.17 Atomic weight 64. Used in magnets, specialty
Silicon* 6.40x102 1.56x10-3 optics, and computer memory.
RARE METALS Atomic weight 65. Used as green in ceramics and
paints, and in lasers and fluorescent lamps.
In order of increasing atomic mass, the rare
earth metals and some of their common applications Dysprosium:
are given below. Atomic weight 66. Used in magnets and lasers.
Atomic weight 67. Used in lasers.
Atomic weight 68. Used in steel alloyed with
vanadium, as well as in lasers.
Atomic weight 69. Used in portable x-ray
Atomic weight 70. Used in infrared lasers. Also,
works as a great chemical reducer.
Atomic weight 71. Used in specialty glass and
radiology equipment.